On Thursday, May 15, 2014 6:37:54 PM UTC+5:30, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
> Johannes Bauer :
> > I don't know why anyone would force a display issue onto everyone.
> Well, if I have to work with your code, you are forcing your style on
> me.
> > It imples the arrogant stance that every human being has the exact way
> > of reading and writing code. Everyone can configure her editor to what
> > she wants (including line breaks and such).
> That's a good point: why aren't we just exchanging AST's and configuring
> the editor to display them in our preferred format?
> Well, we're not there yet.

Yes, regarding programmers using plain-text instead of hypertext
at http://blog.languager.org/2012/10/html-is-why-mess-in-programming-syntax.html

I wrote:

And yet programmers continue to be decades behind all other users of computers. 
 We continue to use flat text for our programs when all others have moved on.

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