On 29/01/2011 04:55, gdgqler wrote:
On 29 Jan 2011, at 15:31, Norman Dunbar wrote:

Would anyone be willing and able to help us with this? I'll gladly send
a CD copy of the Windows version to anyone willing to help.
Bung me over the CD then please and I'll see what works and what
doesn't. I have access to XP running in an emulator on this laptop plus
OpenSuse 11.2 64 bit, OpenSuse 11.3 32 and 64 bit, OpenSuse 11.4 64 bit,
Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5 64 bit, Linux Mint 10 64 bit, PCLinuxOS 32
bit as well.

I can even, god forbid, install Ubuntu as well - just to make sure I
cover the popular versions. Oh, ok, Fedora too then, if I must!
What's wrong with Ubuntu. I have managed to get NET_PEEK and DISP working under 
UQLX on Ubuntu v 9.04 under VMware on a Mac.

"Managed to get uQLX working on Ubuntu" etc. I don't know what NET_peek or DISP are. I haven't expertise to fiddle; I just want the emulator to start seamlessly. That is why I asked (yes it was me) if uQLX could be "put on a stick" so that I wouldn't have to work through an install.

Bryan H
QL-Users Mailing List

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