Does QLIB compile directly from a file?

QLiberator cannot compile directly from a non-tokenized SuperBASIC program contained in a file (AFAIK).The source program needs to come either from a file in tokenized form (can
be produced by QSAVE) or from the master SuperBASIC job in memory.

QLiberator creates the initial work file from a loaded, tokenised program, be that a QSAVEd file, or a a workfile generated by a LIBERATE command, e.g. LIBERATE flp1_myprog would create a workfile called flp1_myprog_wrk which could be compiled in a similar way to QSAVEd files.

LIBERATE flp1_myprog, (i.e. with a comma after the filename) automates the compilation by first creating the workfile from the program in memory then starting the compiler phase to produce the object file.

Apart from automating these processes (and I don't know how difficult that would be) via batch files with commands and suitable pauses to (a) LOAD (b) generate workfile or QSAVEd file, (c) starting compilation phase I don't think it'd be possible to compile direct from an untokenised BASIC program.

Might be worth looking at how programs like the Structured SuperBASIC and BASIC Linker work to see if anything can be learned from those, perhaps.

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