----- Original Message -----
From: Wolfgang Uhlig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ql-users] EasyPtr

> On 16.06.2002 21:02:43, James Hunkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >As to the above suggestion for translation, I would very much appreciate
> >an English version of it.  Even though I am getting pretty comfortable
> >with the pointer environment and Easy Ptr, I still have a few quirks
> >that might be explained in the articles.  And I know I have gone through
> >a lot of trial and error that such articles may help others avoid.
> >
> >Jim
> I suggested a translation to Geoff Wicks because I know that he speaks
> But I am aware of the fact that this would be a lot of work, because the
articles are
> about 20 A4-pages.
> I myself neither have the time to translate it at the moment, nor is my
English good enough,
> I'm afraid, to do it well enough.

Actually I don't "speak" German, although I have some knowledge of it.
Trying to speak it scares me stiff, which is a pity given how active Germans
are in the QL community. My German is also not really up to translation
standards, although I translated Marcel's article because I wanted to read
it myself. Is there anyone else who could look at the articles and possibly
others in the old German QL Today?

If you like you can still send the articles to me and I can have a look at
them. However the next two to three weeks are fully booked getting my new
Just Words! program, AUTO-GRAPH ready. This is because of the need to meet
advertising and copy deadlines so that I can finally put Dilwyn out of his
misery. Poor fellow probably has nightmares of my "quiet smile". (Sorry
Dilwyn, but I am always careful of you media hacks, ever since Melanie
Phillips, yes she of the Daily Mail, twice quoted me when she was a young
reporter on New Society. My fault, I shouldn't have made cynical comments to
put her off the scent!)

This discussion has given me an idea. Would anyone be interested in a
workshop on using EasyPTR? The sort of thing I am thinking about is saying
running a two hour workshop during a QL show, where those of  us who have
experience of EasyPTR could help others with their programs in the hope that
we could encourage more people to try working with the program. We would
need to structure it somehow. Anyone any ideas or opinions?

Geoff Wicks
Geoff Wicks

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