> If you like you can still send the articles to me and I can have a
look at
> them. However the next two to three weeks are fully booked getting
my new
> Just Words! program, AUTO-GRAPH ready. This is because of the need
to meet
> advertising and copy deadlines so that I can finally put Dilwyn out
of his
> misery. Poor fellow probably has nightmares of my "quiet smile".
> Dilwyn, but I am always careful of you media hacks, ever since
> Phillips, yes she of the Daily Mail, twice quoted me when she was a
> reporter on New Society. My fault, I shouldn't have made cynical
comments to
> put her off the scent!)

Actually, I may well be a dead man by tomorrow night so your worries
may not come to anything.

Our IT chaps at work have decided to reflash a software upgrade
overnight tonight. Last time they did this, it knocked out 60% of the
hospital bedside TVs by the following morning and another 20%
developed problems immediately afterwards like remote controllers not
responding which are still being sorted several days later not being
recognised and our life was HELL for days. I have never seen ill
patients become so angry. And our oh so clever IT people (based in
England) have decided to do this a few hours before the bloody world
cup match in the morning so I expect we'll be butchered at work
tomorrow when reflashed Windows CE doesn't work like the last time.
All right for bloody IT guys in an office hundreds of miles away to
decide to do this.

Sorry all the 'IT' people on this list, I've become very very
disillusioned with our IT people and software and technology which is
so atrociously unreliable in hospital environments of all places that
at the moment my only urge is to find an IT person and ceremoniously
set fire to him/her after mercilessly torturing him/her (give them a
QL and watch their frustration when they can't get it to crash every
30 seconds like what they're used to) and then rounding up every PC I
can find and make a massive bonfire out of them all.

Bad day? Bad week? Bad month? YOU BET THANKS TO ****** WINDOWS! If QL
Today is late next time, yes it was my fault because I had no patience
left with computers after the total fiasco at work, so sorry Geoff, in
the great scheme of problems I have at the moment, I am not exactly
worrying about what you have up your sleeve!

Sorry to bring peezee rubbish onto this list guys, I had to get this
off my chest before I explode. I have now worked in three places with
totally unfit Windows based software which ought to carry a prominent
health warning like tobacco products. Using a QL by comparison is so
relaxing it takes my mind off problems (when I get time to use a QL at
the moment).

Dilwyn Jones

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