Poor 'ol Dil.....

Ok, Can I put a submission into QUANTA for approval?

I suggest we blow the remaining Quanta Funds on a supply of  "Bill Gates
Voodoo Dolls"

Nicely made little rubber dolls in Sir Microsofts image. Then, whenever us
dedicated QL users have a problem with Windoze, we can all reclaim our
sanity by viciously sticking pins/nails/knives in the bloke who made it all

Nice idea?

Actually, hes gone up in my estimations lately - I recently have got a 50
minute interview (a realplayer file, about 70Mb) were he was interviewed for
the ill-fated dot-Tv on Satellite about 2 years ago. In it, he says
"Sinclairs were very good british computers" but added "unfortunately they
didn't use our OS"

Thank God........

Darren Branagh
Director, Wicklow Web Centre Limited
Computer Training, Web Design, Repairs sales & Upgrades.
Web:  http://www.wwc.ie

> Actually, I may well be a dead man by tomorrow night so your worries
> may not come to anything.
> Our IT chaps at work have decided to reflash a software upgrade
> overnight tonight. Last time they did this, it knocked out 60% of the
> hospital bedside TVs by the following morning and another 20%
> developed problems immediately afterwards like remote controllers not
> responding which are still being sorted several days later not being
> recognised and our life was HELL for days


I have now worked in three places with
> totally unfit Windows based software which ought to carry a prominent
> health warning like tobacco products. Using a QL by comparison is so
> relaxing it takes my mind off problems (when I get time to use a QL at
> the moment).
> --
> Dilwyn Jones
> http://www.soft.net.uk/dj/index.html

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