> > For our primary domain, no, we're not using a catchall.
> However, some other
> > domains are using a catchall, for which I've found a way to solve the
> > problem.  Would be more than happy to share my mailfilter (for maildrop)
> > script with anyone interested.
> Yes, I'm curious to see your script.
Ok dokey, here goes...for my standard install w/o catchall I am doing (this
allows me to short-circuit the script if the account doesn't exist):
DUMMY=`test -d $VHOME/Maildir`
if ( $RETURNCODE == 1 )
   echo "Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)"

So, I just modified that check as follows:
DUMMY=`test -d $VHOME/Maildir`
if ( $RETURNCODE == 1 )

Obviously you should modify the catchall account as needed.  Now, I could
(and maybe should) modify my non-catchall script so that, if the account
does not exist, just send it to vdelivermail with the to directive, and let
vdelivermail bounce it.  Either way, it gets the job done.  BTW, it took a
lot of research, but I finally learned that by putting the ! in front of the
address is equivalent to forwarding the message, meaning you can use _any_
email account on that line.

> > AUTOMATED.  Is it possible to create an email account in a
> single URL call
> > to qmailadmin?  If so, would sure be nice to see some documentation.  If
> > not, then this is my point, that I can't do AUTOMATED account
> creation with
> > qmailadmin (for customer self-provisioning) and thus have to
> rely on use of
> > the vpopmail commandline calls.
> I see... qmailadmin does not handle automated things like that-that I
> know of.  But wrapping vadduser around a script to create the .qmail
> file with the necessary filter would be fairly simple as well... *shrug*
>   (of course, that would still be outside of qmailadmin)
Yes, I could, but why should I if my current setup works?  The only thing I
end up breaking is the ability to change the catchall settings through
qmailadmin right now, which is ok today.  However, there's also the point
that I have already trained my users to update their SA preferences through
my SquirrelMail plugin, not through qmailadmin, and it would not be helpful
or wise to tell them to go use something different now.

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