> Is there any willing to contribute? We should try to compile a list of
> what has to be done to get the first community release on Qt 4.6 going.
> On the top of my head:
>    1. Get the development packages up and running on the main Linux
>       distros in addition to a tar.gz archive.
>    2. Get a Windows 7 release packaged.
>    3. Hopefully get someone on with a Mac to contribute with a release here.
>    4. Get the javadoc working again (I've managed to compile it, but
>       it's lot of stuff missing which is found in the Qt doc).
>    5. Get the examples working and bundle them in the various packages.
>    6. Get in control of the Qt Jambi generator.


I would like to join in the fun.

I can help contribute to a Mac release. My particular interest is in 
making the Generator work better, so it can be run independently. Though 
it sounds like Francis may have already started working on that, which 
is great.

I'm on vacation at the moment, so things are a little crazy but as a 
start, I'll try to take a look at what is involved in getting a Mac 
release going.

-Adam Batkin

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