I think that a lot of people when asked what there wishes are in regard to being kept alive would say the same thing "no, I don't want to live like that."  I know that it is encouraged to put your wishes in writing, but it is not an easy thing to do. Most people who are fully able-bodied have no idea what life would be like if they became disabled, and that fear is what drives people to say, "nope,I wont live like that" I think if more people without disabilities joined groups like this, it would change there minds. They would see first hand that life goes on, and you can still do a lot of the same things (maybe a bit differently) and you can still enjoy and experience life . This list is a great example that proves a disability is not a death sentence.  I have a disability, and feel very lucky that I am able to still do a lot of the things I enjoy, and I have thought about, what would I do if I was to become more disabled and I think from talking to my husband, and being a member of this group the decision was easy to make.  I would wish to live, and having people around that love me and wish for me to live is the key. Each person on this list has a great network of those who care for them and it is clear to see each time I check my emails. People do not always agree on this list but you are still here for each other. This group has taken the fear of being disabled from me, and has taught me to just take things as they come.  Wow, sorry about rambling on, and looking back on this I only hope my point was made, that while it is suggested we do our living wills, it is understandable why people do not. Its fear that prevents it. At least that is my opinion. 

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