I found the hand bicycle to really increase my everything after a few
minutes on it.  It makes me feel great!




From: Greg [mailto:g...@eskimo.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 12:09 PM
To: QUAD-LIST@eskimo.com
Subject: [QUAD-L] Exercise



How many of you exercise regularly? I use to, but it never seemed to help
much. I stopped for years, but after years of quaddom and taking meds, pain
pills, etc. I fined myself getting tired a lot, low energy, low stamina,
etc. So I started to try exercising again. To soon to tell if it's helping

            My old leg bags use to have these great rubber straps to hold
them on my leg. Not the cloth/elastic kind they now have. I saved lots of
the old ones for just this reason. I tie them together and make loops on the
end. I use them as exercise bands. I can use them many ways, various
lengths, double them up, etc. Most often I loop it over a bar on my ceiling
and loop it to my hands. It works pretty well. Who knows, maybe I can loose
some of my man boobs. I wish there was a way to loose my quad tummy.


Best of health,


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