On Wed, 11 Jan 2017, Martin Winter wrote:

I think it would be beneficial for everyone to have a open discussion on who should be on the list
or not.

Martin, you and I got on well I thought. I respected and trusted you.

So can you please show myself - and everyone else involved in Quagga (well, the few you havn't been whispering to) - a modicum of respect, and be up front about what has been going on?

You, NetDEF (or whatever other companies you represent), have been agitating behind the scenes - contacting people in private - for a fork *for ~1.5 years* now.

First, because of David. [I gather NetDEF, or at least David anyway (who does he work for again?), has been telling people he was kicked out, and for no reason he knows of. Which is at odds with the version of documented reality that I am familiar with].

I tried to reconcile with "you" (NetDEF? Except, has David *ever* worked?). I tried to send signals on that. That didn't work out.

Then you managed to rally the agitation of others about the backlog of patches. (how did that backlog arise? It wasn't under me.).

You've got your fork. Please enjoy it, but please can you stop messing me around?

BTW what companies are you or Alistair an officer of? What compan{y,ies} have David, Christian, etc. been working for the last couple of years?

I assume you're aware I havn't even started to describe what has gone on.

Paul Jakma | p...@jakma.org | @pjakma | Key ID: 0xD86BF79464A2FF6A
Freedom is nothing else but the chance to do better.
                -- Camus

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