On Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 11:12:11 PM UTC-4, raah...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Monday, October 17, 2016 at 11:43:26 AM UTC-4, Robert Mittendorf wrote:
> > > The data copied to that VM (i.e. the pdf file or whatever you opened) 
> > > must be considered leaked if the VM gets compromised via e.g. drive-by 
> > > exploits.
> > > Agreed, it's limited to that data, but nevertheless an unexpected 
> > > potential impact. And depending on your data it can be critical.
> > Well, that is why it is a distinct DispVM. If I open a legit PDF from my 
> > mail client in a DispVM (say dispvm1) and I open a non-legit URL in a 
> > DispVM, this will not be the same dispVM and thereby not leak the PDFs 
> > data. If the PDF itself is malicious, I most likely will not care about 
> > the leak. Only exception: A legit PDF gets infected and is then mailed 
> > to me. Usually that would allow the attacker to leak the PDF from the 
> > system it was send from in the first place.
> > >  From a usability point of view you'll also get annoyed if you cannot 
> > > print in dispVMs just because your firewall rules allowing 
> > > connectivity to your printer aren't inherited, but those to allowing 
> > > connectivity to the internet suddenly are in place.
> > agreed, basically.
> > >
> > > Btw inheriting netVMs makes a lot of sense if you imagine one Tor 
> > > proxy VM and one directly connected one. So a dispVM from a Tor 
> > > connected VM would spawn a direct internet connection in your case... 
> > > Currently it fortunately does not.
> > agreed.
> > 
> > Well, I was actually suprised that there is more than 1 DispVM. Do the 
> > child-DispVMs use the fedora-23-dvm template as well?
> oh yes thats a good point.  thats another reason I liked to create dispvm 
> menu entries in the applications list,    to also inherit that vm's window 
> border color that they are launched from.  To remind me what level trust it 
> is.

or just to remind me what I opened it for lol.

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