John W. Long wrote:
Hi all,

Looking for some feedback on something.

I'm thinking about changing the URL tags to operate on and return the full URL. I'm also thinking adding a new set of path tags for the case when you just want to work with the path.

This would mean that <r:if_url>, <r:url>, and friends would all work off of the full URL (beginning with "http" and ending with any URL params "?param=value&etc", while <r:if_path>, <r:path>, and friends would operate off of the path for the page ("/parent-page/slug/etc").

We could probably also rig up a migration that would change old <r:if_url> tags to <r:if_path> tags, etc.

Would anyone have any objection to this? It would make the language we are using a little more consistent with the language that Rails uses, and would yield greater flexibility.

Sounds useful to me. I'm not using any thing specific that needs the functionality (maybe because it wasn't there?) but it sure sounds useful.

9/23/2009 | 10:53 AM.

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