The problem with the r:navigation is you need to pass the pages you want 
added manually OR loop though them all via other tags like the children tags 
but then you need some way to order them.  IE the idea here is to setup the 
menu to be automatically created from the listing of pages without having 
the add new pages into the menu manually.

Drag order is perfect idea however as Wes states there are some issues with 
it not working reliably.  I've found you can generally move pages down in 
order fine but not up.  IE if you want the new page, always initially listed 
last, to be the first page you need to drag each of the pages listed before 
it down below it and not simply drag the new page to the top.

IMHO there should be something built into Radiant by default that allows the 
end user to move/copy/reorder pages.  Now that we have 
attachments, JavaScript, css etc it's the last basic function lacking.

Don't get me wrong I love Radiant and have used it for many years now, 
forget which was the first version I used but adding, despite the bugs, 
drag_order has always been an automatic must have extension to fill a gap in 
the basic functionality of Radiant.


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