We currently have about 2.000 customers and are planning on between 5.000 and 20.000 at this stage.  We would love to create our own system, but the man-hours are just not available.  We have been talking about building our own system for over a year, and we are still no closer to having one started today.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 19, 1999 6:18 AM
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Recommendations for ISP Billing System

Hi Liegh,
How many customers do U plan to have in the following years? Depending on that the billing solution may vary alot. I've made a review of the main products availabale to replace our own legacy system (we have currently about 105.000 users). I've discussed the matter with CTO and VPs of other ISP I visited in the States and EU. I've seen all systems targeted at 100.000 customers and more (Portal iNFRANET, IBM ISMS, Solect IAF, ....) and my final decision is to... develop V2 of our own system as it's the only solution that gives us the flexibility and time to market we need.
If you plan to stay under 30 or 50.000 I guess Emerald or Platypus will do just fine. Because bigger systems are incredibly expensive and you'll need several man/days of consultancy from an integrator to install, configure and integrate it.
Just my opinion on the topic. ;)
PS: as John McFarlane (CEO of, makers of Intermail, most used mail package for marge ISPs) told me during a lunch when I asked him his opinion about the billing products: "Well, basicaly, they all suck". :-)))
-----Original Message-----
From: Leigh Sandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: jeudi 18 février 1999 23:04
Subject: (RADIATOR) Recommendations for ISP Billing System

We are in the process of evaluating a billing system for our office.  We currently have about 2000 dial-up customers and are transitioning from Livingston Radius to Radiator.  Our current billing system is QuickBooks Pro and it is really a pain.  Any comments on Rodopi?  Platypus?  Emerald?  Do any of them build the server with all the software preinstalled and configured?  We need something that won't take much of our time to configure.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 1999 11:30 AM
Subject: (RADIATOR) SQL with failover to flat file

Hi all,
I am using v2.13 with a modified AuthPLATYPUS going against MSSQL 6.5.  I would like to set radiator up to try authenticating from AuthPLATYPUS and if the SQL server is down then attempt authenticating from a flat users file, this would allow my remote radius servers to authenticate if there was an sql server failure or a leased-line was down.  Is this possible and would there be a delay on each auth if the sql server were down or would it get marked as down until it came back up?
Sofnet, Inc.

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