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*China ended its one-child policy and became a 'demographic time bomb'

Chris Weller 9h 12,341

According to a new survey released by the recruitment website Zhaopin, 67%
of working women with one child don't want a second, up from 50% in
2014, The New York Times reports. In addition, the survey found 40% of
childless women don't want any kids at all, up from 21% in 2016.

Economists tend to look upon situations like China's with concern. When
countries don't have enough kids but also see rising elderly populations,
as China does, the economy tends to suffer. People feel the squeeze of
social-security costs and limit spending. Less spending means fewer
resources to raise kids.

In the most extreme cases, these vicious cycles are known as "demographic
time bombs," and they take awhile to form.

"These things happen gradually over the decades," Brendan Burchell, a
University of Cambridge sociologist, tells Business Insider. "It's not like
you wake up one day and suddenly the world's full of old people dependent
on workers having to work harder and harder."

That especially makes sense in a country like China, where the one-child
policy lasted more than 35 years, from 1979 to 2015. The economy boomed
during that time, mainly as a result of slowed population growth, but now
there is an abundance of senior citizens and too few workers to support

Their hunches are often correct. Of the women surveyed, 32.5% saw their
salaries decline after having kids. That's up from 24.2% of women surveyed
in 2016. In addition, 36.1% said they'd been demoted after having kids in
2017, while 26.6% said the same in 2016.

China's government is aware of the demographic time bomb, although it has
limited its mission of raising the fertility rate to marketing and
advertising. Some local organizations have been using the slogan "Doing it
starts with me."Meanwhile, countries like Singapore and Turkey offer cash
incentives to families to have more kids.

Generally, experts are skeptical these gimmicks can work in the long run.
In Japan, which is widely considered another demographic time bomb, many
say the only solution is to make work-life balance easier for women and be
more accommodating of families.

If China wants to defuse its own demographic time bomb, it may need to
forge a similar path.

On May 19, 2017 16:00, "muhammad syahreza" <>

> Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
> Di balakang Pemerintah kini pun banyak urang-urang pintar yang punyo
> Nasionalisme tinggi. Pembangunan banyak di daerah perbatasan dan Indonesia
> Timur. TNI pun alah mampakuaik kuku nyo dengan pemekaran dan MEF.
> Labiah elok khawatir samo yang iko Pak https://www.theglobal-review.
> com/content_detail.php?lang=id&id=18341&type=6
> Salam
> Reza
> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Fashridjal M. Noor <
>> wrote:
>> Tambah ciek lai :
>> economist-explains-11
>> 👆excerpts
>> _The Economist explains_
>> *What is China’s belt and road initiative?*
>> _The many motivations behind Xi Jinping’s key foreign policy_
>> May 15th 2017
>> by J.P. | BEIJING
>> *OVER the weekend Xi Jinping welcomed 28 heads of state and government to
>> Beijing for a coming-out party, which continues today, to celebrate the
>> “belt and road” initiative, his most ambitious foreign policy.* Launched in
>> 2013 as *“one belt, one road”,* it involves China underwriting billions of
>> dollars of infrastructure investment in countries along the old Silk Road
>> linking it with Europe.
>> *The ambition is immense. China is spending roughly $150bn a year in the
>> 68 countries that have signed up to the scheme.* The summit meeting (called
>> a forum) has attracted the largest number of foreign dignitaries to Beijing
>> since the Olympic Games in 2008. Yet few European leaders are showing up.
>> For the most part they have ignored the implications of China’s initiative.
>> *What are those implications and is the West right to be sanguine?*
>> The project is the clearest expression so far of *Mr Xi’s determination
>> to break with Deng Xiaoping’s dictum to “hide our capabilities and bide our
>> time; never try to take the lead”*.
>> *The Belt and Road Forum (with its unfortunate acronym, BARF) is the
>> second set-piece event this year at which Mr Xi will lay out China’s claim
>> to global leadership.*
>> *(The first was a speech against protectionism made at the World Economic
>> Forum in Davos in January)*.
>> In 2014, Wang Yi, the foreign minister, said the initiative was Mr Xi’s
>> most important foreign policy. *Its ultimate aim is to make Eurasia
>> (dominated by China) an economic and trading area to rival the
>> transatlantic one (dominated by America).*
>> On May 19, 2017 15:05, "Fashridjal M. Noor" <>
>> wrote:
>>> Wa'alaikumus Salam wR wB
>>> Tarimo kasih ateh kiriman link itu.
>>> Kalau dituruikkan mambaconyo kebawah akan basuo jo link berikut :
>>> id=16936&type=4
>>> On May 19, 2017 14:57, "muhammad syahreza" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
>>>> Daripado issue Komunis yang diangkek kelompok-kelompok yang pariuak
>>>> bareh nyo tagaduah, ambo labiah mampicayoi hal iko yang akan tajadi di
>>>> Indonesia ka muko nyo.
>>>> id=18634&type=4
>>>> Salam
>>>> Reza
>>>> --
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