Scott asked about getting way under the hood, counting my food as well as 
my blood.  

No, I have not gone to that detail.  The food counting stuff sounds like 
something that would strike me as burdensome.  Ironically, when I wanted a 
cheap small gram-scale for weighing bike parts, I compared ones targeted at 
foods vs ones targeted at coffee snobs.  I never use a gram scale for food 
or coffee, but I have a gram-scale at arm's reach for bike parts.  :)  
Regarding portioning and self-rewarding, I do know what you mean.  I'm 
trying to be more mindful of the difference between "hunger" and "appetite" 
and "temptation".  Like right now, I'm at my desk, and I can feel that my 
gut is 'not-full'.  That feeling of an empty gut might have told me to eat 
lunch, but that feeling is not 'hunger'.  I'm not feeling low-energy, or 
undernourished, or anything like that.  The feeling is what I would call 
"appetite", like I feel like I could eat, but don't need to.  So, I'll 
probably go 2 or 3 more hours before I take my lunch break.  I never 
self-reward with ice cream or desserts anymore.  My HUGE stress-adder is 
driving.  If I have to drive for work related activities I tend to 
self-reward with pastry.  The other self-reward I use sometimes is whisky.  
Another reward-replacement is that I never eat chips, but I do eat pork 
rinds (and nuts).

I get blood work done during my annual physical, but I never remember what 
those numbers are.  I do remember that my mom was relieved that my numbers 
resemble hers, rather than resembling my late father's numbers.  


On Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 10:38:52 AM UTC-8, Scott McLain wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> Did you use a certain app on your phone to count carb grams?  I am a 
> numbers guy as well.  However, it may be better to focus on leading 
> indicators as opposed to just lagging.  I also bought a cheep blood sugar 
> monitor and was taking my blood sugar every morning (after waiting 30 
> minutes).  Another leading indicator.
> My experience with EBDJ has been a big deal.  The biggest change was to my 
> cholesterol.  It is still generally high, but my HDL's have gone way up and 
> triglycerides and fasting blood sugar have gone WAY down.  I don't have the 
> numbers quickly available to me or I would share them.
> I lost 15 lbs when I first when on the diet, but then gained it all back.  
> My job has  been relentlessly stressful over the past year and a half and I 
> believe that is a contributing factor.  I have a bad habit of rewarding 
> myself with food when life gets tough like I am some kind of dog.  March 
> came in like a lion, but soon I will be commuting to work by bike most days 
> which helps burn off some Cortisol.
> Thank you for sharing.
> Scott
> On Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 2:13:23 PM UTC-7, Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> Over the last few years, I've been a reasonably low-carb person.  I 
>> generally steer clear of pizza, rice, bread, but my discipline has been far 
>> from perfect.  Things were working out fine, in that I wasn't gaining the 1 
>> pound a year that people tell me I'm supposed to be gaining throughout my 
>> 40s.  I've been holding at 180, which was acceptable but not ideal.  This 
>> winter I decided: I've spent long enough treading water as a 180 pounder.  
>> I'm a 155 pounder with 25 pounds of unnecessary cargo.  I decided I was 
>> going to drop 20 pounds, and this past week I've made it there, dropping 
>> below 160 for maybe the first time this century.  There have been a few 
>> changes that might have contributed to success. I'm drinking a lot less 
>> beer, and a lot less booze in general. My exercise routine has included 
>> much more short and intense efforts as a coach of the high school mountain 
>> bike team.  I've also done more to think about the way that I tend to think 
>> about food. Just like with drinking alcohol, I find that I have the urge to 
>> eat when I'm bored, or have downtime. I've tried to keep myself occupied 
>> more, and I've endeavored to break that mental connection so I don't start 
>> snacking every time there's a calm moment.  
>> A few weeks back I did a 200k with SFRandonneurs, and I really noticed a 
>> difference in my appetite.  For the first time, I kind of had to force 
>> myself to eat.  I had packed four Lara Bars for a 9 hour ride, and I went 
>> ahead and ate one at 50k, at 100k and at 150k, just because it seemed like 
>> a good idea to put some food in.  I wonder if I've reached some level of 
>> fat-burning, and have largely broken the sugar-dependence where I don't get 
>> super ravenous.  
>> So, Winter is almost over and we haven't fought about EBDJ all winter 
>> long, I don't think.  It's a datapoint of one but I'm doing fine with very 
>> little bread, rice, etc.  I enjoy a cut up apple with almond butter for 
>> desert.  I plop a huge scoop of coconut oil in my morning coffee.  I'm 
>> eating lots of roasted veggies and raw veggies.  I'll throw a fried egg on 
>> any meal.  I eat lots of nuts and seeds.  I make bacon on Saturday 
>> mornings, typically.  My 34 inch waist pants no longer fit.  I just bought 
>> a couple pairs of 32s and one pair of 30s.  The 30s are snug, and I call 
>> them "the motivator" to get me the rest of the way to 155, where I'll 
>> probably stop and hold.  Set a goal and make it happen.
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA

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