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Am 03.12.2013 17:38, schrieb Heidrun Wiesenmüller:

>>   but the Fakultaet fuer Agrarwissenschaften would be an example of a 
>> faculty.
> It's definitely a faculty, but does it fit the text of the instruction: "the
> granting institution or faculty"?
> I had never thought about this before, but now that I do I think that it's
> always the university which grants the degree, and not the faculty. I just
> checked my own degree certificate and it says (I translate, as not everybody's
> command of German is as good as John's): "The Friedrich Alexander University
> Erlangen-Nuremberg, represented by the Dean of the Philosophical Faculty 1, 
> ...
> , hereby grants the degree of Master of Arts ...". I also looked up some 
> federal
> university laws, which gave me the same impression.

[to the situation in Germany]

Scientific degrees are granted by the university (for medical, judical and
other professions there additionally or alternatively exist state-recognized
exams ("Staatsexamen")).

However the procedure is governed by the Promotionsordnung as part of the
Pruefungsordnung: These regulations are set up by the faculty (Fakultaet or
Fachbereich) and have to be approved by the state ministry specifically
responsible for higher education. And in the many recent cases where
deprivation(?) of the doctoral degree was executed, the faculties were
exercising the formal procedure (notwithstanding parallel investigations with
respect to scientific misconduct performed or directed by the university

Historically doctorates could only be acquired on (full) universities, and
these are qualified by possessing the full bouquet of faculties (theology,
philosophy, medicine, law and mathematics). Therefore I doubt that even
in former times a single faculty ever was degree-/granting/.

The different faculties of a university might have differences in
reputation, but usually the faculty should be derivable from the
subject. I can imagine cases where precise knowledge of the faculty
would give valuable hints for assessing the work, e.g. when a thesis
with an impressive title soaking of physics was actually presented
to the law faculty...

viele Gruesse
Thomas Berger

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