At 9/7/2008 13:39, you wrote:
>Are you talking "Tone Squelch" (tx / rx) or just txing the pl tone.  I
>change the tx pl tone with my macros and the internal memories all the

Yes you can effectively change tone if you pre-load the radio's memories 
with the channel/CTCSS combos.  CTCSS tone freq. cannot be changed remotely 
when the G707 is in VFO mode.

>   Now if all the repeaters you are txing the tone so you can run
>tone squelch...there is a mod you can do on the TM-G707 so that the
>computer port on the radio brings out the CT.  However, you won't be
>able to run carrier squelch if you do that mod.

Ken gave me the mod. a while back; came in handy at Dayton this year as I 
was able to use the G707 in CTCSS mode as a link radio for my 
portapeater.  However, putting the radio back into carrier squelch worked 
as well.  Perhaps there are different mods available for that radio.  The 
only caveat to the mod. is that you can't turn the volume all the way down, 
otherwise the COS output from the radio goes invalid all the time.

Bob NO6B

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