
It seems to me that Dion put out a feeler with "Is anyone interested in
reviving this project?" and a few of us (with unbounded passion) launched in
w/ gobs of information/opinions. Maybe this was just a one time opening off
flood gates, that was like drinking from a fire hose, but maybe it is time
to take a step back, and approach this methodically.

First, Dion, what would you like to see? What are your goals for this
project? What were you hoping for when you put out that feeler?

Second, how do we keep some momentum and progress this, given the many
different facets & ways to skin this cat.

I'd love to see progress made, without launching into implementation or
complete specification or whatever. Is Wiki a way to progress this, or just
simple (focused) discussion topics on this list?


Experience Sybase Technology...

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