On Thursday 06 January 2005 09:21, Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> How do you get around the problem that it is very difficult to get a
> url handler installed?  Does this library work only when it is
> installed into the system class path?

That is corrrect.
The "issue" is in the java.net.URL handling, where the internal class (I think 
it was called URLClassPath) first tries to load the Handler with the callers 
Classloader (which is the Bootstrap CL since java.net.URL is the caller), and 
since that will fail for all custom ones, it then tries 

Unfortunately, so far Sun claims that the security issues are so unclear, that 
they do not intend to fix this.

I fully agree that this is less than an ideal situation, but messing with the 
default URLStreamHandlerFactory was not any better.

Internally we are working on a two layered approach, where the Handler is 
loaded by the System CL, but the entire workload is delegated down to 
reloadable parts. That is not ready yet.

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