Aaron Freeman wrote:
> Ok, so I thought what you were saying is that this:
> <password xmlns:encryption="urn:java:com.encryption">
> <encryption:Password>abcdefg</encryption:password>
> </password>
> is a drop-in replacement for this:
> <password resin:type="com.encryption.Password">abcdefg</password>
Yes, it should be a direct replacement. (The internal implementation is 
a bit tricky, though.)
> but apparently I think you are trying to tell me that we need to change 
> our Java source code somehow, based on getting this when trying to start 
> Resin:
> /opt/server/conf/resin.xml:47: unable to create attribute 
> SetterAttribute[public void 
> com.caucho.vfs.JsseSSLFactory.setPassword(java.lang.String)] for 
> com.caucho.vfs.jssesslfact...@6779e6 and 
> QName[{http://caucho.com/ns/resin}password]
> So is there a link that you can point me to in order to give me a clue 
> in what I need to do to modify our source to handle this new syntax?
Let me check. I tested the replacement against <database>. I'll see why 
it's causing trouble with jsse.

-- Scott
> Thanks,
> Aaron
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