On 10/30/12 4:23 PM, Keith Fetterman wrote:
> Thanks Scott,
> We are currently running 4.0.23 Pro.  I am getting ready to deploy
> 4.0.32 Pro into production.  Do you think the reporting in 4.0.32 Pro is
> better and would help troubleshoot the problem?

It should be about the same. The 4.0.23 heap dump will show the same 
information. There are a few reporting changes in 4.0.32, but nothing major.

-- Scott

> Keith
> On 10/30/2012 02:04 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>> On 10/30/12 10:14 AM, Keith Fetterman wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> I could use a little help troubleshooting some messages in my
>>> jvm-default.log.  I am seeing a lot of the following messages in our
>>> Resin logs.  We are currently running Resin 4.0.23 Pro.
>>>> INFO com.caucho.env.health.HealthService 
>>>> MemoryTenuredHealthCheck[WARNING:0.48% free (10.127M free, 2097.152M max, 
>>>> 2087.025M used)]
>>> I did a bit of research this morning about adjusting tenured memory
>>> limits, but I didn't find anything specific to adjusting the value. Does
>>> anyone know what property I need to adjust?  I currently have the
>>> following Java settings in my resin.xml file:
>> As Knut said, that size should be plenty.
>> I'd look to see if you have some kind of memory leak. Take a look at
>> either the heap section of Resin's PDF or /resin-admin. Specifically
>> look for the ZombieClassLoaderMarker.
>>>> <jvm-arg>-J-server</jvm-arg>
>>>>                <jvm-arg>-J-d64</jvm-arg>
>>>>                <jvm-arg>-Xms3000M</jvm-arg>
>>>>                <jvm-arg>-Xmx3000M</jvm-arg>
>>>>                <jvm-arg>-XX:MaxPermSize=250M</jvm-arg>
>>> I could increase the -Xmx property, but I am wondering if there is a
>>> better property to tweak.
>>> I am also seeing the following warning messages:
>>>> WARNING com.caucho.health.analysis.AnomalyAnalyzer AnomalyAnalyzer 
>>>> JVM|Thread|JVM Blocked Count WARNING
>>>> WARNING com.caucho.health.analysis.AnomalyAnalyzer AnomalyAnalyzer 
>>>> JVM|Thread|JVM Runnable Count WARNING
>>> Does anyone have some advice on how to resolve these warnings?  I read
>>> the Resin documentation, but I didn't find something specific.
>> Again, take a look at the PDF report (or thread graphs at that time.)
>> If it's a little spike (2-3 threads), it's not a big problem, but if
>> there are lots of threads in that spike you might have some kind of
>> locking issue.
>> -- Scott
>>> Thanks for your help
>>> Keith
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