On Son, 10. Dez 2000, 16:42:15 Uhr GMT Rob Findlay wrote:

   >Retrospect, Ecrix VXA Drive 33/66, Adaptec 2906 PCI SCSI card on
Blue G3

We've been using this combination for approx. 3 months but in a 9500
with an XLR8, G3/400 board.
We initially had a few problems, but they were quickly solved with the
help of Dantz and the members of this list. Essentially the problems
were solved by using a high quality SCSI cable with no adapters, and by
having the drive as the only device on the bus. A further problem that
appeared at the same time was that the drive sometimes lost the
connection to a client, could not resolve the situation and would then
time-out. This coincided with our updating to Retrospect 4.3 and was
eventually solved by switching off "use software compression" even
though the drive should have been overriding it anyway. 
Since then the setup has run very reliably.
Incidentally our drive is the LVD version, which made finding the
correct cable rather difficult.

Best regards,

David Weeks

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