Hi everyone.

I'm a very new user of ReviewBoard, I've just set it up, and as you
asked for information on how I intend to use it, and suggestion for
improvement... I'd thought I'd post now while my initial thoughts are
still fresh.

So far... I've got it set up and it looks good, there were a few pains
getting going though:

1. in my setup, I only have a single DNS entry for the webserver. I'm
using it in a corporate environment, and I don't want to set up a new
box just for RB, so I thought I'd install it on the existing web
server (which runs a few other development-related sites such as
mantis). Unfortunately the installer assumes that it will be running
as a vhost, and takes over the entire web on port 80. If this could be
changed to a directory instead of a vhost, I think that would be a
good improvement to make. Currently I have it running on a different
port, as I cannot affect the other sites (and I'm not too hot on
mod_python requirements)

2. When installing, the dependancy on PyLucene made me decide not to
bother with search :) Would it be a good idea to try using Clucene
instead as it might be easier to get installed, and possibly faster/
efficient to run?

3. When I installed it, I immediately had a 'taking a nap' error.
Looking at the logs showed a problem with the python egg cache.
Setting the environment variable inside the vhost directive fixed
this, but it was an annoyance that it didn't work out of the box.
Also, the "error message" could be worded better, 'taking a nap'
suggests a delay, not a fatal error!

4. LDAP support. I access active directory from a linux box, no
problem with that except that the corporate AD doesn't allow anonymous
reads. Most other sites I use from my linux server (eg wikipedia,
mantis) allow you to set a ldap proxy user to connect with. That user
then attempts to search for the user specified and logs you in. I
couldn't see any option for this in the web UI, is it supported?

5. As a guide, would it be possible to automatically generate review
requests from a (in my case) subversion commit? Is there any way to
generate a diff and post it to RB in a post-commit hook? For example,
when committing in svn, I have a hook set up to post data to Mantis
using curl if certain requirements are met, this allows me to
automatically close bugs. It would be great if I could do something
similar with RB.

Anyway, I'm going to play some more, thanks for all your hard work.

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