On Sun, 2018-04-08 at 13:46 +1200, Robert Jeffares wrote:
>     Hi Jesse
>     On the CentOS 6  Rivendell system set a password for rd in Users
>       & Groups in the CentOS Menu System>Administration>Users
>       7 Groups.
>     There is a default but better to use your own. Just overwrite the
>       ***** and click OK. 
>     In Filezilla use SFTP [ftp over ssh] which defaults to port 22.
>       OK on the same network [ use port fowarding to connect from the
>       WAN]
>     ssh runs on Rivendell Appliance out of the box.
>     "Normal" login allows you to configure user name and password
>     In the 'Advanced' tab set your local and Rivendell directory. We
>       have a directory on rd called dropbox so the path is
>       '/home/rd/dropbox'
>     There are some ready made directories on RD you can use as well.
>     You can also map that dropbox or any of the rd directories as a
>       mounted folder on your windows machine so you just save the
> audio
>       files into the folder on your desktop [or wherever] The
> Rivendell
>       appliance shares a bunch of directories with Samba by default.
> Use
>       RDCATCH or the 'dropbox' feature to monitor for files you place
> in
>       the mounted shared folder which saves having to Filezilla every
>       time you record the weather. The installed folders are already
> set
>       up. It's easy enough to add to the Samba shares. man Samba will
>       provide all you need to know.
>     Be aware that Samba shares have some file naming restrictions
>       that should not bother you, and you may have to tweak
> permissions.
>     I have such shared folder systems in a number of installations
>       and they work fine.
>     Filezilla is my #1 choice for remote access. 
>     regards
>     Robert

You could also use a ftp server, some servers allow you to map a user
to a directory other than the servers root directory.
This user could be mapped to the dropbox directory.
He did say using the local IPv4 address, so its on the internal

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