
On Thursday 18 September 2014 17:52:22 Aaron Batty wrote:
> Yup, it's broken.
> I installed R 3.1.1 for OSX 10.9+, then installed the above. An error comes
> up immediately:
> The KDE installation could not be found (kde4-config). [...]

Ok, to work around that particular error (until we figure out, how to fix it 
correctly), add the folder where the KDE binaries are to your PATH. Not sure, 
where that is going to be in the bundle image.

Meik, you're much more familiar with the bundle installation than I am. Is the 
relative path between rkward and kde4-config (and the other KDE binaries) 
always the same? In that case, we can simply compile it in. Otherwise, is 
there a way to set the path or working directory for apps?


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