
On Thursday 18 September 2014 13:49:47 meik michalke wrote:
> i suspect this is due to the new startup wrapper? if i remember correctly,
> the startup script set some paths for the executable which might now be
> missing.

Yes. I tried to copy all that logic, but apparently, I have not done it right. 
Here, I suspect the issue were some quotes too many (and that part of the code 
was never hit in my testing, as /opt/rkward/bin is already in the PATH on the 
Mac mini, here). I removed those, now.

> > Meik, you're much more familiar with the bundle installation than I am. Is
> > the  relative path between rkward and kde4-config (and the other KDE
> > binaries) always the same?
> hm, i doubt that. it depends on the standard macports root directory, which
> usually is below /opt, but for the bundle it is below /opt/rkward, so the
> bundle doesn't interfere with a local macports installation. this also
> affects the relative path from the app directory of RKWard. however, the
> path is known during build time, and previous to the new binary wrapper it
> was dynamically added to the startup script. so i suspect it could
> dynamically be added to the wrapper code as well, and then be compiled in.

Well, of course, if we can rely on the _absolute_ path, that's just as good.


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