Thanks very much for your reply!  I have some comments / questions 
interspersed below:

On Wednesday, April 04, 2018 10:23:06 AM Yves Guillemot wrote:
> Le  4 avril 2018 à 08H42 (-0400)
> a écrit :
> > At the moment, I can't find the worst example, but this file will be
> > enough to give you the idea.  If you view the "line" named "Words" in
> > the notation editor, you should see the problem, and if you increase
> > the "Spacing" in the notation editor to 220%, you will see that the
> > situation improves, but is not completely gone.
> > 
> > You can also look at the line named "Melody" where I started to also
> > add the lyrics in the hope that I could do better--I realized I could
> > not and quit.
> There are several styles of text in RG. You used text for dynamics
> instead of lyrics.

How do you know I used dynamics instead of lyrics?

These questions might all be resolved by some explanation--I'm asking lots of 
questions in hopes of helping you understand / spot where my lack of 
understanding / knowledge lies.

Until you sent this reply, I thought the font I was using was Feta size 8.  I 
now understand that is apparently the font for the notes and such, and I found 
on the preferences menu (which I had not looked at prior to today) that I am 
using "Bitstream Vera Serif 9" as both the Text and San-serif font.

I did experiment with changing the text font to 6, which I was surprised to 
find is readable on my screen, and helps with the lack of space for lyrics, but 
does not completely solve it.

I don't remember if it was on this song or not, but I have used the Lyric 
Editor (and, then, typically, used the fine spacing feature to try to move the 
lyrics around to try to get them closer to the right notes).

(Aside: When I got this file as a MIDI file, the Words line (with the words 
against rests) was already there, as was the Melody line.  I started to add 
the lyrics to the Melody line, but do not recall whether I simply inserted 
text or used the Lyric Editor.)

In songs where I used the Lyric Editor, I still had the problem with 
insufficient space for the lyrics.  

I don't see a place to specifically choose the "lyrics text style".  Hmm, maybe 
in this file I did insert the lyrics with the Text tool instead of the Lyric 
Editor, and maybe that's what you refer to as lyrics text style (i.e., the 
style inserted by the Lyric Editor)?  (As I said, even with the Lyric Editor 
there is insufficient space for the lyrics.)

Maybe there are some features in Rosegarden 17 that are not present in 
Rosegarden 12 (the version that I am using because my OS supports / supplies 
this version)?

Sorry for being obtuse--thanks for any additional help you can offer.

> Unlike other text styles, the places of lyrics and notes are
> computed in relation to each other when they are displayed in the
> notation editor. This should fix your problem.
> First you should add the lyrics to the segment on the "Melody" track
> because without notes (as on the "Words" track which has only rests) RG
> can't display lyrics at the right place.
> Next you have to use the lyrics text style.
> The better way to insert lyrics is to use the lyric editor from the
> notation editor with "View -> Open Lyric Editor".
> Some documentation is here:
> You may see lyrics in some RG examples as Hallelujah_Chorus or
> aylindaamiga.
> Yves

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