On June 8, 2022 8:06:45 AM HST, krsg...@trixtar.org wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 14:31:26 +0200
> Lorenzo Sutton <lorenzofsut...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm wondering if, maybe after the next release, it would make sense to 
> > have some addendums to the current documentation which in some cases 
> > might be a bit dated, e.g. advising to use plugins, with especially DSSI 
> > not being the most maintained in distributions. Even the more 'current' 
> > formats like videos? I think this should be a user community effort and 
> > I always wondered if they'd be useful or not...
> I second that, but I also understand the devs' dilema i.e. to code or to 
> explain?

Well, as a former technical writer, I've noticed the big shortage of 
documentation in the open-source universe...not just for Rosegarden. Michael 
did a great job on the original Rosegarden manual, but that hasn't been updated.

> What I do notice often is that a really valiant effort is made to teach 
> landing on Mars 
> without first showing how to hit escape-velocity back here in Earth orbit 
> before leaving, 
> if you know what I mean :-)))

Yes. The very basic issue of getting sound out of audio-creation tools in 
Linux, for instance.

> Case in point, qjackctl: the assumption seems to be made that users are 
> already
> familiar with hardware connections. "I" have NEVER connected any hardware 
> other
> than my guitar fx_board into the sound-card 1/4" Line-In jack, so when "I" 
> look at
> that fancy connections graph I wear the remaining hear of my head scratching 
> it. 
>TOTALLY lost, guesswork from beginning to end! 

The connections graphs work for me, perhaps I'm more visual?

I use Audacity instead of Ardour because I never got sound out of Ardour. 
Ardour's design seems to be built around the proven, industry-standard giant 
mixer board - great if you're fluent in audio engineering. Not so great for 
simpler uses!

I also couldn't make heads or tails out of connecting things in Ardour. That 
was years ago, presumably Ardour's gotten better at it. Maybe an optional 
"Beginner's First Setup" wizard runs, a series of questions such as "Here's a 
list of your sound outputs - which do you want to use for your default output?"

Maybe Rosegarden could do something similar?

> My 2 cents, LOVE rosegarden btw.

Me, too! Very useful hybrid that makes sense to me because I can approach it 
from a place I understand: music notation.

If I were going to vote for features and future development, I'd vote for 
improving the notation editor and better score handling. But apparently that's 
now passé, and tools like Denemo do it so much better, so why bother?

Do people actually "write" music anymore, or just "sequence" it or keep it as 
projects in their DAWs? Or am I just a dinosaur? I'll be retiring next month, 
so maybe I am a dinosaur. 😉

David W. Jones
exploring the landscape of god

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