On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 7:48 PM Michael Orlitzky <mich...@orlitzky.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2021-09-23 at 18:12 -0700, Matthias Koeppe wrote:
> And, veering off-topic:
> Our binaries aren't really binaries in the traditional sense. We ship a
> 3GB image of an entire operating system. This could be done much easier
> by... shipping an image of an entire operating system: QEMU,
> VirtualBox, Docker, etc. You could tar up an entire Gentoo system with
> sage installed and it would probably take up less space than our
> existing binaries. Similarly, I'm sure we could tar up a Conda image
> where sage was installed and tell people to download that. Provide a
> launcher script and it would work out-of-the-box.

(Staying off topic.)

I installed Isuru Fernando's Conda image of SageMath on my Macbook Pro
M1 "Apple Silicon" yesterday,
and it worked quickly with no trouble that I could see.   Here's how
big the install is (decompressed):

wstein@Williams-MBP ~ % du -sch sagemath-forge
5.5G sagemath-forge
5.5G total

Compilers are included as part of this, so Cython does just work out
of the box as far as I can tell:

sage: cython('def f(n): return n+1')sage: f(10)
sage: !which clang
sage: !which gfortran

In any case, the momentum behind conda-forge is really impressive at
this point... though this particular
page on their website


listing all packages is really horrible, since it slowly loads a
massive list in random order, etc.   It's funny
that it feels so broken as a result of them being so successful and
getting contributions!  (It looks like there
might be around 14K packages listed there?)

Isuru was explaining to me earlier today that the bug that have caused
some trouble with
the sage-9.3 and sage-9.4 binaries are due to OpenBLAS build options.
The conda-forge maintainers also
hit these same problems with their openblas package (which sage in
conda just depends on), and
fixed that one single package a while ago.   (DISCLAIMER: I'm
repeating this second hand so may
have some details wrong. )  In any case, conda seems to be doing a
surprisingly good job at solving
a really, really hard problem.

 -- William

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William (http://wstein.org)

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