On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 2:33:07 AM UTC-7 tobias...@gmail.com 

> Yes, having "issues" and "pull requests" separated is a huge change to the 
> way things are handled on trac. Naturally there are advantages and 
> disadvantages for both approaches. In the github world, issues are treated 
> more as a list of open tasks and are usually more user-focused. For 
> example, a user proposing a new feature or reporting a bug. This is 
> reflected in that the discussion in an issue is largely on a meta-level. 
> For example, discussing whether the proposed feature is actually needed or 
> fit into the roadmap of the project; or for bugs outline how it can be 
> reproduced. Discussions in pull requests on the other hand revolve more 
> around the proposed implementation, code style and other such feedback.

I have added a bit that acknowledges the fact that there are separate 
comment threads for Issue & linked PR 
to https://github.com/sagemath/sage/wiki/migration-from-trac-to-Git**b
If it makes sense, we can add additional guidance along your explanation 
above. But I don't think this needs much clarification.

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