I griped all through Voyager and Enterprise, but I still watch them both and
on occasion gripe.  I griped at first about Battlestar 2  and came to love
it and now I'm ambivalent...sigh - you know if they will have me in reruns
and Caprica.  I have not seen this Trek.  Next Friday--- can't wait.
However, when I heard about all the changes, I decided to see it as
different but similar.  I'm sure I will gripe, but I doubt I will do so to
the point of rejection.. simply longing..  I think we have to accept that
the old trek universe is part of the past far as the new movies are concern
and be happy for lots and lots of trek syndication.  We Farscape fans should
be so lucky

-----Original Message----- I 
From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of sincere1906
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 2:16 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*

LOL You're right Tracey. Griping can be fun! When I become an old man, I
plan on being a master griper. I'm practicing now! :)

One point of contention however, I don't know if this is about being a
"traditionalist" or whether one can "adapt"--at least not for me. I liked
the old Star Trek I watched in syndication as a kid. I was all open eyes for
Next Gen, and followed it thru my teenage to early adult years. I signed up
for Deep Space Nine and Voyager. I endured Enterprise. I saw every movie.
Read some books. I adapted repeatedly. Did I gripe? Oh yeah. Usually I
griped at what I thought were wack storylines or bad episodes. With
Enterprise I just griped at what I considered bland storytelling, though
they began to make up for that with aspects of the Xindi war. 

So change in the Trek Universe--I think I can adapt to that fine. I can even
adapt I think to alternate timelines/realities (Mirror, Mirror/Yesterday's
Enterprise/Parallels), which I usually find exciting. My "issues" with this
good movie (because I'm saying off the bat, it's a good movie) are about the
deeper principles that lie behind what Trek is, what tied all those previous
incarnations (good and/or bad) together. From the product placements to
Kirk's almost "going through the motions" in citing Federation compassion
towards the enemy at the end, this just didn't "feel" like Trek, which I
have accepted previously in all its adaptations. It looked like Trek, it had
the characters, it had familiar names--but it felt like...something else.

Sin/Black Galactus

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Tracey de Morsella" <tdli...@...> wrote:
> One more thing,  Do any of you remember when people torn down TNG during
> premier.  How about Picard.  He is now among some more beloved than Kirk,
> yet many were prepared to start a rebellion when the series premiered.  I
> think some of the traditionalists will eventually adapt and learn to
> separate enjoy and gripe.  Griping can be fun   
> From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On
> Behalf Of Justin Mohareb
> Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 8:46 AM
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
> Yeah, but a lot of people have decided that, sight unseen, they're not
> to like this film. 
> I, personally, don't have the time or energy to debate or cajole or even,
> this point, care. 
> Let them stew in prejudice and nostalgia. 
> That leaves more seats for the rest of us. 
> Justin 
> On 10-May-09, at 10:15 AM, Adrianne Brennan <adrianne.bren...@...>
> wrote:
> And yet, me and many others who ARE Trek fans--heck, been a Trekkie all of
> my life--*loved* the movie!
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> On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 7:55 AM, Martin Baxter <truthseeker...@...>
> wrote:
> That, sir, is a DAMN good point. But then, I return to Abrams' own words.
> "If you're a Star Trek fan, you won't like this movie."
> ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
>  Subject : [scifinoir2] Re: New Trek- My take *SPOILERS*
>  Date : Sun, 10 May 2009 08:36:17 -0000
>  From : "sincere1906" <sincere1...@...>
>  To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> Okay. Getting real Trek geek here...
> Where are the Temporal Authorities? In a Deep Space 9 episode, we got to
> guys from the future who monitor time. I figure they must be able to
> unaltered outside the timeline. Shouldn't some alarm (or however they're
> notified) have gone off somewhere as soon as that giant Romulan ship
> up and started rippling through the time line?
> Jes thinkin aloud...
> Sin
> -- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "sincere1906"  wrote:
> >
> > Okay it's 4am, I saw the new Trek movie about 8 hours ago and am just
> getting in after a night of debauchery. So I might be writing this on a
> Stripe buzz, but here goes...
> >
> > S P O I L E R S ! ! !
> >
> > I liked the movie. As a movie, it was good. The plot was decent. There
> well-paced excitement, humor, etc. The cast was relatable. I thought
> everyone did a great job playing their roles--even down to Chekhov. So as
> movie, good. I give it 3 stars out of four.
> >
> > The larger question, what I suppose matters the most on a group like
> is was it good Trek?
> >
> > On this, I'm truly torn.
> >
> > First off, I knew they said get ready to forget everything you know
> Trek, but damn...I didn't know they were this serious! Thanks to that
> Romulan ship coming through a black hole and killing Kirk's father, the
> timeline that we know from that point on has been severed. The Butterfly
> effect has created a host of new phenomenon--right down to a love affar
> between Uhuru and Spock--which never seemed to exist before. This was a
> and daring move. The writers of this new Trek world have an entire
> reality on their hands. They can do anything. And with Vulcans reduced to
> virtual minor colony the entire course of the Federation could be altered,
> not to mention the balance of power in the Alpha Quadrant. They should
> this "Ultimate Star Trek!" There's a sense of loss here knowing that the
> Trek reality that I've long called home no longer exists (or exists in
> other timeline). For all we know future figures like Picard might never
> been born. For the !
>  first time I can recall, we have a Trek spin off that cannot fit into the
> larger Trek universe. That will take some getting used to.
> >
> > Second, where a part of me is concerned, is I'm trying to figure out
> this new story fits into Roddenberry's vision. Even with all its faults,
> original Trek world was one that took radical positions--a Russian main
> character, a black main character, etc. I don't see this Trek taking any
> such bold moves. I don't see a vision here, even as we stand in the midst
> a time almost as socially and politically challenging as the 1960s.
> illustrated this more than seeing product placement ads for Nokia,
> and Jack Daniels. Pardon me for using a cross-sci-fi swear word, but "what
> the frack!?!" Earth endures eugenics wars, a nuclear holocaust, a
> post-atomic court of horrors, new regional powers (the Northern Alliance,
> etc), and somehow Nokia emerges unscathed!?!? The Trek world I knew seemed
> to always posit that humanity had come to the verge of destroying itself,
> and upon First Contact, from the ashes of the old world they built a new
> one--eliminat ing povert!
>  y, war, hunger, disease and systems that move far beyond capitalism and
> socialism. In this new Trek reality, I wouldn't be surprised if Kirk had a
> credit card! Trek has often been faulted at being overly utopian in the
> past, which I agreed could obscure reality. But this Trek has characters
> much like us, I don't understand how they can possibly be enlightened.
> Normally Trek folks look back on our era the way we would at someone
> out of the 12th century. Can't see them however debating the philosophical
> merits of the prime directive.
> >
> > My great fear is that this spawns a whole Trek series that won't have
> universal appeal because they adhere to any dynamic set of principles, but
> Trek universe where things get blow'd up real good and the movie crowd can
> clap on cue. Too early to make that judgment before the next film, so
> just have to wait and see...
> >
> > MHO
> >
> > Sin/Black Galactus
> >
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQdwk8Yntds
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