Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Diving into bio mode after first completion is probably doable. though I thought there was a level lock for some point I don't remember.  The solution: The Omega Shooter. Early game enemies have little to no defense against bullet damage, and you fire an infinite swarm of rapid fire bullets at least something like 3000 base, shooting up to 4500 and then 12000? after the two scope upgrades. I jumped into vio mode randomly just to see what it was about and that was clearing levels easily enough.  though gettable on one's first playthrough, grinding 1000 minishooters is a pain in the ass. But if you decide to hop up to bio early, it'll let you kill and farm all the high exp rewards for a good while and level up to the difficulty.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : avensis via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

You develope the greatest games ever and I really appreciate that from you and I'm sure that I'm not the only one, so thank you.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

@Nyanchan I sent you a pm about bk3 version 2.0. This post is also found in the bk2 question topic. I hope you see this post. Thanks for reading.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

@Nyanchan I sent you a pm about bk3 version 2.0. This post is also found in the k2 question topic. I hope you see this post. Thanks for reading.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

As for the 2-rocks trick, if an object is directly under the rock's center point, they might be hit twice by the impact. This is related to how the game handles explosives or wide attacks; it generates impact from the center of the landed point, to the both directions. So, if something is where the two impact internal projectiles spawn, the damage may be doubled. You can see it happened if the combat log is like this:300 damage by rock's impact on Carla300 damage by rock's impact on CarlaIn 11-1, the game drops a rock on you in random intervals. 11-2 is same, but before dropping a rock, the game does a fifty-fifty, and selects the location near Carla sometimes. Two rocks never fall in that event.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

As for the 2-rocks trick, if an object is directly under the rock's center point, they might be hit twice by the impact. This is related to how the game handles explosives or wide attacks; it generates impact from the center of the landed point, to the both directions. So, if something is where the two impact internal projectiles spawn, the damage may be doubled. You can see it happened if the combat log is like this:300 damage by rock's impact on Carla300 damage by rock's impact on Carla


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

As for the 2-rocks trick, if an object is directly under the rock's center point, they might be hit twice by the impact. This is related to how the game handles explosives or wide attacks; it generates impact from the center of the landed point, to the both directions. So, if something is where the two impact internal projectiles spawn, the damage may be doubled.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : derekedit via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

She's also really good about outrunning the medical kits too sometimes so you pretty much have to be right up on her or she's probably gonna die.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Definitely haven't had this happen. I never get that far away from her if I an help it, unless it's on stages 15 or 16.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

The incident that sparked my original rant on the subject happened like this:There is one bee on the stage. Carla is at something like 58% health, way across the map from me. I don't have a great weapon for shooting things out of the air so it's laser-saber or bust. The bee passes me by. I check on Carla. 45%. Uh-oh, she must've gotten plunked by a bomb. Speed drink. Start running toward her. Bee passes by overhead. Check on her mid-run. 21%. I'm about 60 tiles away. I somehow run right into a falling rock and nearly die. Stop for a split second to quaff a healing item. 20 spaces from Carla. Check her health, can't remember how it goes. Bee flies by overhead. Three steps. Incoming rock. Fire healing toward Carla. Death-scream from Carla as the rock (or rocks) connect.That is the story of how Carla died, on her own, from rocks, when starting at over half health, with only a bee on screen before I finished. If this sort of thing has never happened to you, trust me when I say that you have no concept of how infuriating it is.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Honestly, I've realized the more I've played the game, the more efficient it is to keep like... 20-30 spaces between you and Carla on stage 11. She really getting hit that hard from behind? No problem most of the time, enemies themselves don't actually do that much to her. Oh no, she got hit by a boulder! Take a few steps back and fire a medkit. Is she below 50 percent health? Fire a medkit. Is there a single enemy between you and her she insists on shooting at? Use melee to kill it, or single measured shots with your ranged weapon of choice. Etc etc.If you really need to leave her by herself for something, heal her to 100, go do what you gotta do, then come back. She can generally survive for at least a couple minutes.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Medical kits are great if you can get/stay close. See the bit about not shooting Carla though.The fact that you had to say "I've had enough Carla for one day" kinda sorta proves my point.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Hi. I just have one question. What exactly is the game Centre?


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

You're handed devices to heal Carla with that you can use on her from range ((you could also say remotely) and there are more to pick up lmao.She can also withstand more than a couple hits from the falling rocks, as I replayed this stage a bunch of times just to be sure and deliberately didn't heal her one time through.Perhaps I was lucky like 6 times in a row? Or maybe you're onto something with the double damage bug but I can't make myself play it again. I've had enough Carla for one day.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

As stated, it might be a bug, but I've definitely seen it, and it's not just a one-in-a-million thing. I think sometimes hits don't calculate properly in this game. As evidence, the following.- the aforementioned rocks- the energy tank loosing the insect but not dying- a situation in I think level 15-1 where I got hit for over 1100 damage by a "splatty thing" from a slime for no reason at all, when slimes had been doing 1 damage before- occasional situations where fireballs will explode and do two or more hits (single fireballs, unless fireballs can multiply)


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I may need to spin up BK free again, then. Like I said, one rock is expected, but two?


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Perhaps two rocks falling at once is a bug, but I have repeatedly seen the combat log show two impacts of 300 damage from falling random rocks.In addition, you cannot remote-heal Carla in stages 11 and 12. I have little to no issue with stages 15 and 16, precisely because said remote healing is possible, which means we can stay away from each other.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Have never had two rocks fall on me either, and you can just remote heal Carla if she walks into anything. I pretty much just run through that level with the needle launcher and it's easy af.The rocks damaging Carla provide the challenge here, please don't change.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

@Jayde, see, you keep saying that 2 rocks fall at once... I never, ever have seen this. The only time I saw multiple pairs of rocks fall was either when I did something incorrectly (in which case it is deserved), when I was on a bomber platform (in which case it is expected), or when I flipped a switch to drop a bomb (in which case, it is, again, expected). I have never seen 2 pairs of rocks come out of the blue, though.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

@Jayde, see, you keep saying that 2 rocks fall at once... I never, ever have seen this. The only time I saw multiple pairs of rocks fall was either when I did something incorrectly (in which case it was deserved), when I was on a bomber platform (in which case it is expected), or when I flipped a switch to drop a bomb (in which case, it is, again, expected). I have never seen 2 pairs of rocks come out of the blue, though.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

If you had read more carefully, you would have noticed that I wasn't really having issues with the bomb platforms. Yes, they're annoying, but as you pointed out, they're manageable.I am talking about 11-2, where random rocks fall at random times in random places, sometimes two at a time, and Carla will often stand there and get smoked. there is nothing you can do to stop this from happening, and the only way to keep her safe is to stay near her. And that's a really excellent way to get Carla killed if 1. she gets in front of you or 2. you turn around in order to, say, shoot an enemy that's wailing on Carla from behind (your bullets hurt her even though hers don't hurt you). If she was immune to your bullets, the problem would be neatly nipped, since then the strat is simple: stay close to Carla and be ready to heal her if she gets squished by a rock or ganged up on by mobs.I personally use one of the swords in 4-2. You should be able to one-shot insects and two-shot security carts if your attack is really as high as you say it is. Things die fast. You get coins. Coins are good. As for how many balls you should have? Me, I usually go overkill on this. I'd say 600-700 anyway.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I don't see what's so bad about the Carla thing, you take a speed drink, get in front of her, grapple up to the top of the rock platforms, collect the goodies up there and drop down again. Keep mowing down the baddies in front of you. Lather, rinse and repeat for each platform.She'll even take care of the stuff behind you while she trundles along.  Just keep her health up and  you'll win the level no prob.Not only that, you'll have won the level without getting the game changed! Go you!


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Hi. Thank you so much for the advice. Just another question. On stage 4.2, which weapon should I use? I have the wide hammer, but that thing is extremely unwieldy. I also have the iron blade. Also, how many packs of balls do you think I will need?


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Okay. Best advice: buy the pachinko, and buy some balls for it. It's common to hit 5-2 and be unable for a little while to do damage to stuff. Enemies in 5-2 seem to have higher defense than you're used to, but the pachinko ignores defense to some degree. You're probably going to spend 5-2 and 5-4 using a lot of pachinko balls. Don't just spray indiscriminately. Try to hit what you shoot more often, don't just hold the space bar or you'll run yourself out of ammo.If you shoot down horses, especially, you'll find you get a lot of levels. You should be able to grind quite nicely this way.If you don't have enough money, go back and grind for coins. 4-2 is especially good for both this and for levels.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

My attack is extremely high already.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Maybe try doing some grinding and up your attack? Ya know, instead of making osts on here about how your save is rooined? That'sk ind of the point of games like these...


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I’m stuck at stage 4.4. This is in the save That I uploaded in my previous post. Post 68 or so. I think I messed up my level. I can’t seem to do damage to any of the enemies in stage five. I don’t have enough coins to buy any of the new weapons. Could someone please have a look and see where I am going wrong?


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

You say that, and then you don't give any details. What makes you think you've screwed yourself over? Where do you appear to be stuck? If you want help, giving this little info is a very bad way to seek it.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I think I just screwed myself over. I can’t seem to figure out where my problem is.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Another thing I find quite amusing. It is actually very possible to destroy the tank in stage 17 with another weapon besides the rocket launcher. I've done it myself but it just results in you getting stuck in the area. Would be kind of cool if you could unlock some kind of alternate ending by doing that.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Oh BTW, just found a bug.I haven't managed to replicate it yet, but definitely unintended behaviour.In stage 21-4, if you shoot a rocket at the energy tank and then try and mash enter and your arrow keys too fast, the large insect spawns before the energy tank explodes. This means that after you take out all the living organisms, the tank is still sitting there with 99% HP, and while it does take damage from stuff, its health doesn't actually seem to go down, resulting in what appears to be an unwinnable scenario.I know, of course, that it's very possible to beat this level, as I've done it before and others have as well. This is definitely an edge case, but it forced me to quit and try again, and even from an internal logic sense, does not appear to be rational.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

If Carla was also immune to your attacks, I would see that as perfectly reasonable, and she would no longer need to potentially be immune to falling rocks as well. Staying close to her would be much more viable as a strat, and if you happen to spin around to take care of a threat and shot at her by mistake, you wouldn't kill her. I could absolutely get down with that, and it would completely change the way I play stages 11 and probably 12 as well. I'd stay close to her and heal her as needed, or try to.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

@JaydeYeah, logically thinking, Carla should be immune to player's attacks to make the following consistent.Your and Carla's attacks: our sideOther attacks: hit everythingI agree with you on that. I should've added to the previous post. Sorry.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Sorry about the double post, but here's my save. … 7T4T35NkbF


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Hi folks.So, I'm on stage 4.4 and I'm at that mud boss.I think I broke my playthrough again.If I upload my save file, could someone please give it a skwiz to see what I'm doing wrong?


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Yeah I remember staying close to her often.I do love this game very much. This and shadow line are the two audiogames that took up most of my time. I was very happy to pay for the translation after I saw how much effort went into the game.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Yes, bosses do become a joke at higher difficulties. Stages 17 and 21 are also ridiculously simple when you figure out the patterns, and the difficulty modes do not change them up in any shape or fashion.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

You can have yourself beside Karla, face in the opposite direction and take care of enemies that way. That's what I tend to do rather than running to a point where I'm far away from her. Also, rocks can be deflected using armour, which, if memory serves, will prevent damage to both of you if you are closer to it than Karla is.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Oh, I've beaten these levels before - note that on my current playthrough I'm now on 21-3, and I've beaten the game before - I'm just saying that I personally don't find this fun. Past a certain point, this isn't strategy, it's just infuriating. That's not difficult, either; it's just random impediments that are random.Reputedly, Liam didn't like these levels too much either, thus the "god damn it Carla" drinking game. That's the impression I got, mind you; if Liam were to say that despite his frustrations he liked how Carla dies repeatedly and sometimes with very little warning, then that's fine.Just being able to finish a level doesn't mean it's balanced properly, or is appropriately difficult or easy or whatnot. I mean, it's a neat idea, I think it's nice to have to protect her, keep her safe, all that jazz (you'll note, too, that I don't have nearly the same sort of problems with stages 15 and 16, and even stage 12 is mostly better now). I just do not like random rocks falling and squishing Carla, especially as they sometimes seem to fall in pairs. This can prove fatal far too quickly for you to be able to comfortably deal with.Consistently difficult? How about stage 17 or, more accurately, stage 21? How about the bosses at the end of the game? How about Devil Guardian, especially on higher difficulties? What about the minidemon in stage 5? Perhaps these things all become a joke at much higher difficulty but somehow I doubt that.Oh, and if Carla's bullets could hit you, that's pretty much game over. Especially on your first playthrough, it would be difficult to stay close to her, as she'd be spraying enemies with bullets and probably catching you in the crossfire way too often. And in later stages, her propensity for dropping rockets and trying to help you out would nuke you, as rockets move quite quickly and would be extremely difficult to react to. In stages 11 and 12, especially, this would make it extremely difficult to heal Carla, much less protect her, so yeah. Let's just say that if she was immune to rocks but also shot you with bullets if you were in the wrong spot, I would never h ave picked this game up if I knew about it, much less played it, beaten it and, apart from a few gripes, enjoyed it.That's something else I want to come to here. I like this game. Most of the things in it are good, if sometimes a little too drawn-out or repetitive. It is probably the best pure side-scroller we've got, and if it's got a few flaws, I still break it out and play it from time to time because in a big-picture sense, I think it's totally worthwhile. My being annoyed with stage 11 and Carla not being immune to rocks is one thing I really don't like, but it's not a game-breaker. This topic is for observations and a rant, and I guess this was sort of mine. lolBut yeah. Speaking from the perspective of someone who can beat the game, has done it before and with some effort can do it again.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Oh, I've beaten these levels before - note that on my current playthrough I'm now on 21-3, and I've beaten the game before - I'm just saying that I personally don't find this fun. Past a certain point, this isn't strategy, it's just infuriating. That's not difficult, either; it's just random impediments that are random.Reputedly, Liam didn't like these levels too much either, thus the "god damn it Carla" drinking game. That's the impression I got, mind you; if Liam were to say that despite his frustrations he liked how Carla dies repeatedly and sometimes with very little warning, then that's fine.Just being able to finish a level doesn't mean it's balanced properly, or is appropriately difficult or easy or whatnot. I mean, it's a neat idea, I think it's nice to have to protect her, keep her safe, all that jazz (you'll note, too, that I don't have nearly the same sort of problems with stages 15 and 16, and even stage 12 is mostly better now). I just do not like random rocks falling and squishing Carla, especially as they sometimes seem to fall in pairs. This can prove fatal far too quickly for you to be able to comfortably deal with.Consistently difficult? How about stage 17 or, more accurately, stage 21? How about the bosses at the end of the game? How about Devil Guardian, especially on higher difficulties? What about the minidemon in stage 5? Perhaps these things all become a joke at much higher difficulty but somehow I doubt that.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

@Jayde, I am with Nyanchan on this one. Those levels are arguably the only consistent difficult part of the game. I understand how it may be frustrating, but I dono, Liam passed it, and so can you.I would actually be in favor of the feature which tells enemies to aim at Carla. Call me crazy, but I think that is fun.Perhaps take Jayde's suggestion and add the following?1. Carla's rockets and bullets will hit you.2. Enemies aim at both you and Carla.I think that would be a fair trade, immunity to rocks to a much less pleasant experience, heh. You could explain it by having Carla take cover or something, essentially rendering her helpless for a little bit and letting the enemies crunch, punch, shoot, and zap her.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

@Jayde, I am with Nyanchan on this one. Those levels are arguably the only consistent difficult part of the game. I understand how it may be frustrating, but I dono, Liam passed it, and so can you.I would actually be in favor of the feature which tells enemies to aim at Carla. Call me crazy, but I think that is fun.Perhaps take Jayde's suggestion and add the following?1. Carla's rockets and bullets will hit you.2. Enemies aim at both you and Carla.I think that would be a fair trade, immunity to rocks to a much less pleasant experience, heh. You could explain it by having Carla take cover or something, essentially rendering her helpless for a little bit and letting the enemies crunch and zap her.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

As I've pointed out, it can be quite difficult to do that when you can either stay close to her and probably get her killed when stuff blows up on her, shoot her by mistake, or stay away and then be unable to run back to her in time.The number of times I've been 100 tiles away or so from here, to avoid damaging her, seen her health at 80% or higher, then had her die in the next forty seconds is, in a word, frustrating.So if you don't wanna do it, that's fine and all. You made the game, it's your decision. But to say it doesn't make sense? Well, it doesn't make sense that her bullets won't hit you, while yours will hit her. It doesn't make sense that she actually even makes a quote later on saying that rocks won't hit her. They do. They absolutely do. So internal logic is not realistic here. My argument is, enemies themselves can do plenty of damage to her, so having to protect her from those is totally reasonable. But random, unpredictable rock-falls that Carla doesn't seem to avoid very well, and which can kill her very quickly? Especially since sometimes rocks sound as if they're falling one at a time, but in fact are falling two and three at a time (I've been killed from 600HP by one fall and being hit twice)? Like I say, leave it if you want, but please don't characterize it as it "not making sense".


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Jayde wrote:Any chance she can be immune to falling rocks?No. That doesn't make sense. You should always be ready for healing her, at least until the perticipation option is unlocked.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

@jayde Yup... probably. lol I've added some little bits and pieces over time, but haven't really kept an update log unfortunately. I've put the link to my working document though in my signature for the absolute newest version of it. If you have any more specific feedback though, please do send it my way, would love to hear it. But we should probably not derail the topic, lol.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mechaSkyGuardian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I somehow found a specific bug where the super companion card lets you Spohn enemies for some reason


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Any chance she can be immune to falling rocks?BlindNinja, I have a version that is about a year and a half old, so it's possible my version is out of date.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I thought BlindNinja wrote down recommended stats, so his guide would be handy for those who preferred skipping puzzles or stat calculations.About Carla's logic, yes. I admit that the immunity thing is inconsistent. But I just didn't want you to take care of all the stuff, and at that time, all enemies aimed at the player. Now, although it is currently switched off, the game engine can tell enemies to aim at Carla, cats, items, blah blah blah. So, I gladly accept making Carla immune to your attacks, instead of switching that feature on! Mu ha ha ha ha ha ha!


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I thought BlindNinja wrote down recommended stats, so his guide would be handy for those who preferred skipping puzzles or stat calculations.About Carla's logic, yes. I admit that the immunity thing is inconsistent. But I just didn't want you to take care of all the stuff, and at that time, all enemies aimed at the player. Now, although it is currently switched off, the game engine can tell enemies to aim at Carla, cats, items, blah blah blah. So, I gladly accept making your attacks immune to Carla, instead of switching that feature on! Mu ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I thought BlindNinja wrote down recommended stats, so his guide would be handy for those who preferred skipping puzzles or stat calculations.About Carla's logic, yes. I admit that the immunity thing is inconsistent. But I just didn't want you to take care of all the stuff, and at that time, all enemies aimed at the player. Now, although it is currently switched off, the game engine can tell enemies to aim at Carla, cats, items, blah blah blah, so if I switch it on, your attacks will be immune to Calra. Mu ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I thought BlindNinja wrote down recommended stats, so his guide would be handy for those who prefer skipping puzzles or stat calculations.About Carla's logic, yes. I admit that the immunity thing is inconsistent. But I just didn't want you to take care of all the stuff, and at that time, all enemies aimed at the player. Now, although it is currently switched off, the game engine can instruct enemies to aim at Carla, so if I switch it on, your attacks will be immune to Calra. Mu ha ha ha ha ha ha!


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

@jayde I actually updated the dropbox copy a while back with a bunch of item and tactical item stuff, I have all the effects down at least. If you have thoughts on what more I could add though, feel free to drop me a line with your thoughts. Or if you'd like to actually do some writing I could add it in and credit you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Shot brue, thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

There is no way to speed-level, no. Bosses give a big boost in experience the first time you kill them, and if you play the game more than, like, 30% of the way through, you cannot possibly miss the hook.There is a BK3 guide that BlindNinja wrote. It's a little basic and not 100% fleshed out (some weapon info is missing, I wish there was more info about craftables and healing items and tactical stuff), but it's dead helpful in some places, and details a ton of the game's secrets.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ficho via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

hi. I have fased a level 5000 enemie after normal.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Excuse me, but I’m going to use some slang here. I have a few questions. Are there any nice secrets that I can discover in the first few levels? I remember when I was in the tutorial, and my character was parking on one of the stages. I was just chilling there like nobody‘s business and the game Tunes me That there is some shundeeses that look like weapons. So, I ask, what you tuning? Apparently you have to use a grappling hook to get access to those weapons. Is there any way to quickly level up my character? Thanks in advance.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

It wasn't after first completion. I believe I went through 1 or 2 modes first until level 250 and switched to bio because hey, it was open. It couldn't be so bad, right?It was like BK3 hardcore. I gained a lot of levels, died... yeh...I could, potentially, try and do it again, though I feel like I will just break my computer at the last couple of stages. I had way more patience for the game a year ago, LOL.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Oh god. I couldn't even imagine facing a level 3000 enemy after first completion. No. Thank. You.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Bio is level 3000. Playing that mode right after the first completion is impossible.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

@Jayde. I don't know how much you've played through BK3, but take this from somebody who has played bio mode as soon as it was available (level 250 I think) and moved on to the highest difficulty afterward.It gets worse.The first time you fight with Carla by your side is really a breeze. I typically use speed drinks if I see that she is under 55% and on the other side of the map. I come close to killing her (20% or so) but I get there in time. It just requires a lot of attention.Now, you want to talk about what's mean? When I started bio I got killed by anything in 1 hit. Slimes? Yup. Insect lasers, totally. Lamp zapity zap zaps, you bet. I would hate for Carla levels to go away simply because they are the only thing that gives me fits on the highest difficulty mode.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Oh, most of the challenge I like. The bosses, for instance. They're hard, but they're not unfair. I just don't like the random "rocks fall, Carla dies" mechanic.I'm happy to note that improving her AI regarding fireballs did appear to help. I only had to repeat 12-1 and 12-2 three or four times each, which isn't terrible.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Yup exactly, and to be really honest here, I greet that decision. what most games are missing is an actual difficulty curve, these days it doesn't seam like including difficulty levels is something developers would do.So yeah, i really like what they did there.And regarding anoying AI, say hi to MK2 for me.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

It's almost like someone said "Oh, so you want audio games to be more like mainstream games, do you?" 


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Hi.Lol yeah I agree, the Karla levels are quite anoying indeed, but that's how games are, you ocasionally need somethin you can't do on your first try.And come on, unresponsive or just plain dumb AI partners are the norm in games since, well, ages I would say, resi 4 anyone?Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

No no. We're talking about different things.I've never yet had Carla die to a bomb platform. You're right. Those are fairly easy to cope with.I'm talking about the random falling rocks. She rarely if ever seems to avoid them, so I've had her get crushed over a dozen times.I actually managed to beat 11-2 on my thirteenth attempt or so, but now 11-3, the bomb platform level, is giving me fits. It's easy enough keeping Carla out from underneath when I'm going over them - I usually just go ahead of her, actually - but there's still the whole random rocks thing. And the fact that for some reason my sonar sometimes doesn't seem to show up in all the noise, so I've started bomb rains without realizing it. And it's sneaky, because while there are items on a couple of the platforms, they're not on all of them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

But the rocks only fall when you're on / under platforms? Use the sonar to detect them, wait for Carla to run through, then grapple to the top and follow her, while the rocks splash harmlessly below?There are occasionally lone rocks that fall completely at random, but they are much rarer and easier to cope with. Paying attention to the platforms and avoiding them if Carla is near them should take care of the worst of it. Or am I forgetting something? 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

But the rocks only fall when you're on / under platforms? Use the sonar to detect them, wait for Carla to run through, then grapple to the top and follow her, while the rocks splash harmlessly below?There are occasionally lone rocks that fall completely at random, but they are much rarer and easier to cope with. Paying attention to the platforms and avoiding them if Carla is near them should take care of the worst of it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

But the rocks only fall when you're on / under platforms? Use the sonar to detect them, wait for Carla to run through, then grapple to the top and follow her, while the rocks splash harmlessly below?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

The only reason this even came up for me is because I already beat the game in the past, over a year ago, and I haven't played it much, so I decided to do a fresh playthrough. I still have my old file, but at this point I'd dearly love for someone to just get me through 11-2 and maybe even 11-3. I also remember 12-1 and 12-2 being mean, what with all the fire stones and fireballs, but it's possible that Carla's improved AI will come to the fore here. Anyway...yeah. The rest of the game is fun; this is not, at least not for me. Your mileage may vary, of course; if you happen to like this sort of thing, that's cool. I just don't, because there's far too much random involved.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I completely agree with post 33.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant. The rocks just fall at random, and if you're in the splash range, you take 300 damage, so there is absolutely no way to telegraph where they'll show, when they'll show, or whether or not Carla will deal with them. Also, if she's nowhere near you, you won't know if there are rocks smashing her or not.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

But you can control when the biggest storms of rocks come, right?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

That moment in 11-2 when the only enemy left on the field is a bee, you missed it on its last pass, the map is like 500 tiles wide, Carla is 150 steps away from you, and while you're running back to team up with her, she gets hit by three falling rocks in a row and goes from 55% HP to dead.This is why I hate the Carla levels. Utterly, no-doubt-about-it hate them. Stages 15 and 16 are not as bad, because at least you can remote-drop healing to Carla, so it's just a matter of keeping an eye on her. But seriously. You either have to get clear of her so you can clear enemies away from you - in which case you can't heal her, and she gets pummelled by rocks - or you have to stay close, she -still gets pummelled by rocks, and if you turn and spray at the wrong moment, she dies.This isn't fun. It's just infuriating. Is there any possibility whatsoever that just as you are immune to Carla's bullets, she can be immune to falling rocks? Because even with her supposedly improved AI, she seems to just stand still and get pounded. And it only takes something like 6-7 hits to kill her. Maybe even less.I like the game except for this part of it. Well, that, and there are too many flying levels that get repetitive, but that I can deal with. Seriously, if I could cheat and skip these levels, I literally would. No questions asked.There's a reason Liam coined the "god damn it Carla" drinking game. If I were playing it, I'd be falling-down drunk by now.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I'm gonna be extremely honest for a second.When I first started playing BK3 in around March / April of 2017 I was in a very dark place. I do honestly think were it not for this game and it's little universe helping me deal with my real life problems and getting me into the wider audiogaming seen I might not be here today. Life had pretty much driven me to the brink by the time a good friend of mine introduced me to the series, and it's really thanks to you and your games I was able to find reasons to keep on living and moving forward. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I still hope one day you can find the time to complete BK3 2.0, but until then it's a lot more important you focus on your future, your job, etc.Good luck.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Comparing any of the BK titles, to Psycho Strike, or even Manamon is impossible. Manamon comees close, but its still behind. I always told my friend nyanchans was to me the best developer. And personally, all of us, even myself take you for granted. Why? Because you took the time and effort, the labour, the everything to make these bad ass games, that helped many of us through our hard times, and you took nothing back in return. Thank you for all that, and I hope you enjoy you're new job.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I completely understand your intention. I was talking about what I've been feeling for the entire torrend or newly created topics at that paragraph, so I wasn't targeting at your specific post. I was never offended by you or anyone who posted in this thread. Your points are still valid.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I completely understand your intention. I was talking what I've been feeling for the entire torrend or newly created topics at that paragraph, so I wasn't targeting at your specific post. I was never offended by you or anyone who posted in this thread. Your points are still valid.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Hi. I want to thank you. Your games are absolutely phenomenal. I was not saying that you should make everything free, I was merely suggesting ways that would allow everyone to play the original game as freeware, while allowing you to release a program that can enable people to make  new content and generate more revenue. I understand where you’re coming from, and I’m sorry if I offended you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

If you find something isn't working, please drop me a line. That is not because I'm a shady greedy cat. That's because none of the development members are aware of it. I haven't stopped its support and maintenance.Oh, but the untranslated 16-4 is what has been giving me some headache for a few years. That would never happen to me. Please, happen and let me debug you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mechaSkyGuardian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I appreciate everything you have done for the audiogames community. tbh if it wasn’t for games like bk2/3 I would have had a harder time with life and my former depression. You are doing good things. The translation dictionary imho isn’t that expensive and is honestly worth it for what you get


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

If you have something isn't working, please drop me a line. That is not because I'm a shady greedy cat. That's because none of the development members are aware of it. I haven't stopped its support and maintenance.Oh, but the untranslated 16-4 is what I've been scratching my head for a few years. That would never happen to me. Please, happen and let me debug you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Hi.I would like to address my stance for this as clear and detailed as possible here.My post will be so long. If you are willing to read my story and discuss, go ahead and continue. If you only need my thoughts, read one line below and hit h.I had my own plans for expanding the game to 2.0, include translation there and make the upgrade pay for everyone, while still maintaining v1 x with minimum support. But due to my life stage, it has become physically impossible. I am currently not trying to get a lot of money from selling games. I'm kinda undecided myself, but making the translation dictionary free is not a no-no choice, considering all of the circumstances. However, adding new features is not possible, no matter how you or I wished, unless something miraculous would happen.--When I first released bk3, I was 16. I had a really great time enjoying it with everyone and expanding it, while also having a lot of fun at school. That was truely a fantastic moment.The success of bk3 made me think about translation, but I wasn't confident that I'd been able to complete the task for my own. This was based on 2 facts: I could never translate the storyline with my English vocabulary (or, even if it were now, I wouldn't be able to do so), and I knew that I had to manually process 9000 lines in order to fully translate the game. Additionally, I had to insert translation macros in whole lots of places in the code and test so that I could ensure as much as possible that every single game text is properly processed by the translation system.Because of these, I first gave up doing it. However, some people like Assault Freak, Threeblacknoises and Patrick(I haven't seen him for a while and I totally forgot his username...) helped me with all those things and the project had been made possible.The translation project took over 2 years. Since I started it when I was in the first grade of high school, I was getting closer to entrance exams for Universities. The preparation was very hard since (I don't want to say like this TBH,but) the university I was applying and managed to enter was one of the most prestigious universities in Japan.After passing the exam, I quickly went back to the project and began preparing for the release. I decided to make it a kind of hybrid license (share + donationware). There were several reasons for this decision:1) I already had plans for v2 x, but didn't have money to make it possible since I had to pay a lot due to my movement and university stuff.2) The team members and I spent a lot of time and effort for the project. I payd for them right after the first launch, but I honestly think that I should have payd more since it got much sales than we first expected.3) Since I first released the game as a freeware, it was impossible to switch its license to shareware with a reason that isn't related to Japanese players at all or perhaps do not know completely. Also, completing v2 x and release it with translation was not a choice because the translation itself was already waited for a long time.As you can read from the lines above, I was planning for v2 x after entering the university. To be honest, I was thinking that I would spend most of my free time making games( You know, university students most likely have more time than high school students). However, that didn't happen. That was the beginning of the plan change or colaption. It can also be said that I decided to break the plan. That was a fact, but I respectfully don't want everyone to blame it.I got computer science degree. I gained special knowledge regarding web accessibility and its implementation / evaluation. I had interns. I got jobs. I became a member of research group. I'll start working full-time in 2 months. Everything enabled me to view various things in a much broader perspective, but I was slowly losing what I wanted to create, as well as division of my available times. Speaking of audio game development, it has been (and even now) the largest struggle for me.I tried prototyping several audio games and some of them were excivited at Tokyo Game Show 2018 / 2019 and other places in Japan, but none of them were epic for experienced audio gamer, and most of other prototypes are still lying on my hard drive.With all the things considered, bk3 translation dictionary might have already received enough compensation and support. I'm not trying to charge for making people uncomfortable.However, I admit that I consider "make everything free" trend as one of the major problems in the audio game market. BSC games sold Troopanum 2.0, Pipe 2.0 and Hunter for 34.95 USD. I didn't here much complaints about that. And they ran their business. Compared to that moment, prices are obviously dropping. I'm sorry to say this, but quality of the sold games are following in my opinion.As a developer, I've bee

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

@19 bd3 going payed would in fact not, as you say, not go down well with me personally. I'm still pretty amazed how all these games are free, and was glad I could support him when I bought the dictionary, even if it wasn't much. Frankly, I don't understand how this game and series is free, while you have to pay 35 bucks for the gate, considering bd is so much more feature ritch than that thing was.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I did start my new playthrough. I'm not going to go into exhaustive detail here, but here's what I did.1. As soon as you kill your first insect, it's an automatic level. I put all of that into attack.2. Then I killed insects and slimes for a little while till I got another level; all defense.3. I got the plate launcher and the other goodies, finished the first level. When I hit 1-2, I ignored the rope, because I realized that you can shoot down lamps if you jump and fire plates at the right time. I'll come back later.4. More grinding. Made sure to have 5 tech for the plate launcher. So far, the only things I'm raising are attack and defense, except for the aforementioned 5 tech.5. First boss is mean. Kite it. Stay away, hammer it with plates. It dies pretty fast, but two shots with rocks and you die.The game's difficulty curve at the start is fairly high. It gets ridiculously easy later on with more playthroughs, but some of the early bosses are just plain vicious if you don't know what you're doing.Seriously though. Get used to grinding. Not every level, obviously, and not all the time, but get used to doing it, particularly if you hit a level where you're taking too much damage. there is no level cap, so if you find you've messed up your stats a little, you can slowly but surely correct them.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SpiderMan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Hi,I haven't read through this so, pardon me if I've missed this, but here's a tip.For your first ten, maybe 20 levels, I'd put two points into every category. That's what I did, and it started me out quite well. Remember. You don't have to kill every enemy, and just because your weapon looks like it's good doesn't mean it always will be. Hint: Tactical items work wonders against some bosses...Best of luck. The game is worth finishing, though, and this probably won't help the case to choose whether or not to play the thing, it does not get easier from here.Excelsior!


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

You literally dump the file in the appropriate directory, and voila. Text is like 95% English. You'll occasionally get weird bits, or stuff whose translation is a tiny bit shaky, but it's perfectly understandable and not garbled at all. Means you'll actually sort of be able to follow the story.Jaidon, the stats are really, really simple.Attack raises your attack. Means you hit harder.Defense raises your defense; means that when you get hit, you take less damage.HP raises your HP, meaning that you have a bigger pool to draw from when you're hit.Stamina is used up when swinging heavier weapons and whatnot; boosting this means you have a bigger pool.Tech is needed to use certain weapons, and boosting it also allows you to have vertical range on things you throw from your inventory like iron balls or lime balls or whatnot.It's difficult to find an exact, foolproof strategy for everything, but generally the game is easy enough to grind once you've got a couple of levels under your belt. In fact, I'm considering starting a fresh playthrough just for the hell of it.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Hi,I have to say one thing regarding these games. I can't believe any of them were offered free of charge at all. I can't even begin to imagine how long it had to have taken for him to put together the first game in the series, let alone the other two installments. Am I grateful that it was all available for free? You better believe it, especially given the financial situation as of late. However, if he had wished to charge something for these titles, I'd have gladly supported it due to the overall quality of the games. I don't know what else he'll be coming out with, but I hope there will be more games from this developer soon. I haven't done so yet, but I might just see if I can pick up a copy of that dictionary just to see how it works.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Personally, I think you uys are blowing this out the water for no reason. The guy just voiced his gripes about the game, and he even goes so far as to suggest methods the dev could make more money than he did with the old translation. And if he says he doesn't understand the stats system its perfectly understandable. In AHC, when you press space on a stat, they'll tell you what the stat effects. How hard can it be to code in a description for something?


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

There is only one problem I see with that. This game has been free for almost 7 years. Making it paid will not go down well with anybody. I can understand if you keep the translation at least. Nice thinking though.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I think he should charge for it all. Some people may disagree with me, but I think the game is worth paying for, and everyone would be in the same boat having to pay money. That way, nobody can say it's unfair to have to pay for something that native Japanese speakers get for free, because nobody would get it for free. Plus, he could start a Kickstarter to fund adding all those awesome features, and it would definitely be worth his time. It's a win win situation for everyone.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

16, you took the words right out of my mouth. That is why I suggested the stage creator. He could use an online verification system. he could also sell it on various online platforms if he really wanted. It wouldn’t require him to do anything except develop this program. The DLC could be created by the community.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

The one big problem I have with the translation system as it is is that the dictionary is distributed in a format that makes it easy to share around, making it effectively worthless. I've bought the dictionary myself and will most likely do so again in the near future because I lost my copy and feel the dev more than deserves the money, but the very insecure system could result in yukio earning a lot less money than what he could earn otherwise. Let's be honest, a lot of people in this community are assholes and will gladly accept a copy of the translation dictionary from a friend without giving a rat's ass weather or not what they're doing is legal or even right.I honestly would love to see a BK3 2.0 though. It was promised such a long time ago and sadly it's looking as though that may not happen. I wouldn't blaim yukio for this mind you, he has a life and a lot of things going on that will actually benefit him IRL, but it still seems so disappointing and a real wasted opertunity. BK3 was the first audiogame I really played for large amounts of time, and was in fact the reason I registered to this forum to begin with.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

That is stage 6, yes. You have to use the camera in order to look out for jumps and drops. That has nothing to do with your level and everything to do with moving slowly. It's also possible to get swarmed at the bottom.I got stuck on stage 5.4 for donkey's years until I realized it was possible to wreck the demon by baiting it and then pelting it with items, or standing in a position nearby and being able to whack it while it can't hit me. Stage 5.2 and even 5.4 itself, to some extent, allow for some nice grinding opportunities, which make things a little easier. The demon's still going to pack a punch though.Quoting from your first post:"To be quite honest, I think its rather unfair that we english speakers have to pay for something to comfortably play the game that native speakers get for free.I understand that it required a lot of work to translate, but it does get rather annoying."So...yeah, you did literally say that you think it's rather unfair that English speakers have to pay for something to play the game comfortably that native speakers get for free. If you want to backtrack that, that's fine, but please don't act as if you didn't say it. I played most of the first half of the game before I got the dictionary, and did just fine, thank you. There is also an English walkthrough for the game that helps even more. If you don't want or are not able to spend five bucks to make your life easier, no one's got a gun to your head. I just think characterizing this as unfair comes off as really entitled. Is it a touch annoying? Sure it is. But again, this doesn't mean that he should stop charging for the dictionary; hell, if he really wanted to make money and wanted to jump on board with the DLC thing, he could monetize both. Why the heck not?


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Hi. Thanks for the feedback. Let me just set something straight. I was not saying that it wasn’t fair that we had to pay five bucks for the translation dictionary, I just said it was unfair that those who didn’t want to use Google translate had to pay for a game that was essentially free. That is why I suggested stage creator. That way, everyone who wanted to play could play for free and everyone Who wanted to create stages had to pay. In retrospect, I realise how silly it must have sounded. I’m not trying to sound entitled or anything. I just thought that all players should be able to download the game and play comfortably for free, while those who want to make and download custom content all had to pay, regardless of language or translation. Also, how did you know I got stuck at stage five? No, I think I got stuck at the end of stage six. Spoilers! That stage where you had to go down the mine to get a crystal. That stupid platforming section is what killed me. LOL.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

What would stop him from doing both? Why does he have to give away the dictionary manager for free and then only charge money for a level creator or whatnot? Nah, five bucks is perfectly fair for this. Hell, just look at how long the game is; he could very well be charging money for the game itself, and he's not. I think that was my biggest issue with your post. You're talking about it "not being fair", and that's ridiculous. The game is perfectly playable without spending five bucks on the dictionary, though admittedly it's a little choppier if you do this.Now, as to difficulty and whatnot? There are a couple of points where if you don't have enough attack, you won't be able to damage bosses. It's true, and it's a little annoying. But to me, it's not a big deal.What I tend to do is spend about equal points on attack and defense for my first few levels, and then when I get to the level with those harmless little security carts, I kick the hell out of them for awhile to overlevel. No, it's not super fun, it's repetitive in fact, but it works.Also, turning spawning enemies off will actually make the game far harder. Trust me. In some levels, those spawning enemies are just an impediment and you can feel free to just outrun them or ignore them. In some other levels, they will be what helps you gain a few levels, which you'll probably need.You sound like someone who's maybe gotten to stage 5 or so, and gets their butt kicked by the minidemon, and decides to quit. I feel that. That boss is a jerk. But while I feel you have a right to your opinion, I think more play and more attempts at solving your own problem are necessary before you essentially indict the game for flaws that have more to do with you than with the game.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I see what you’re saying. I think my suggestion would be much better value for money in my personal opinion.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Translation is available for what, five dollars? That’s hours if not more of work.  For that same price, I might be able to buy a decent meal that would last about five minutes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Thanks number nine.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

defender, I completely disagree with you. Could he have worded it diferently? Sure, yeah, I'll give you that. However, he didn't say that the guy doesn't deserve ocmpinsation for his time. His suggestion was actually pretty damn good. I think maybe before you spoke to him like that, you should have looked over the post a few more times.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

So, I've looked at the post again.I apologyse. I didn't really realise how it sounded.Maybe I should have phrased it differently.I was quite frustrated when I wrote this.Again, I apologyse.Sorry for the rushed post, its kinda late and I'm falling asleep as I write.


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