Re: [CTRL] Clinton's Sex Victim List

1999-02-28 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, all this explains why Clinton--a Democrat--has been able to be held to a
Republican agenda, including welfare "reform" acts, etc. Obviously, someone has
always had the goods on him and promised to keep it under wraps if he behaved

Probably, most candidates who get high enough in the politican food chain to run for
presidential office are under similar constraints. (Wonder what Elizabeth has been
doing all these years before they came up with Viagra and got Bob functioning again?)

Now what is it that these folks are afraid Clinton might do if they don't keep him
hobbled and can't make him the lamest duck in Wahington?

On 26 Feb 99, , Bill wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
>  from:
>  All the President's victims III:
>  More on Bill Clinton's long and growing
>  history of sexual violence against women
>  By Daniel J. Harris
>  & Teresa Hampton
>  Capitol Hill Blue
>  Juanita Broaddrick's terrifying story of a violent rape by Bill
>  Clinton is only one of more than dozen cases of sexual assualt by
>  the President that go back 30 years.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] interpol heroin (fwd)

1999-02-28 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/28/99 10:43:23 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<<  The nuts have howled for 6 years about Clinton not being fit for the
 Presidency because he claims he didn't inhale. >>

No, not true.  It just makes him an IDIOT, if true.  Just because G. Bush and
others who attack Clinton are evil incarnate (which I agree somewhat with BTW)
it doe not logically follow that Clinton is good by any means.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton - Mafia Ties: More Links

1999-02-28 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/28/99 8:46:51 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Now Clinton is going to do something about this.  I do not care about
 his sex life...I only know he seems to care about the American people. >>

Yeah, "seems to care" is the proper response, because in actual fact he does
not.  His backing of NAFTA, WTO, the EU and his selling to the Chinese
advanced equipment and technology PROVE that he cares nothing for the people
of this country.  Not to mention that he cares nothing for the Constitution
and private property, and individual freedoms.  I don't like any of the other
bums either, but let's not go on supporting a ridiculous sell out, by saying
"he cares".  He supports the ultr-rich and ultra-powerful corporations just as
well if not better than the Presidents who came before him.  So PLEASE,
PLEASE, SPARE me the "Clinton cares" BULLSHIT!  If you want to support the
sell out be my guest but don't foist that quasi-emotional shit on me, thank
you very much.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Memories: True or False?

1999-02-28 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> About Juanita:  Firstly, I wasn't there when whatever happened between her
> and Billio happened.  Secondly, being "skeptical" does not automatically
> mean "disbelieving", of or on either side.  I am mostly skeptical about the
> timing and the motivation, if timing WAS the motivation or the motivation
> WAS timing (think about "DeLay").
> So, I went (like the fellow in the bookstore who's part of the AT&T I-Net
> commerical) searching and searching for information on "repressed
> memories".  And.  Lo and behold, I found a bunch of stuff -- pro & con, for
> youngsters & oldsters, this & that.  Loftus plays big in this area of
> concentration:  Feminista (where the whole article is) discusses her as
> does Al-Kurdi.

   I may have missed something, but I didn't know that the Juanita
Broderick case delay was attributed to "repressed memories". I thought
that she had not said anything previously because of fear of
retribution. Am I mistaken about this? Has she made claims that this was
the case? My impression was that she thought it was safe to come out
with the truth at this time because she thought that Clinton was going
to lose his potential power over her and that that was why she felt safe
in coming out with the story now. I did not see the tv interview. Were
"repressed memories" mentioned in that interview?

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Memories: True or False?

1999-02-28 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

About Juanita:  Firstly, I wasn't there when whatever happened between her
and Billio happened.  Secondly, being "skeptical" does not automatically
mean "disbelieving", of or on either side.  I am mostly skeptical about the
timing and the motivation, if timing WAS the motivation or the motivation
WAS timing (think about "DeLay").

So, I went (like the fellow in the bookstore who's part of the AT&T I-Net
commerical) searching and searching for information on "repressed
memories".  And.  Lo and behold, I found a bunch of stuff -- pro & con, for
youngsters & oldsters, this & that.  Loftus plays big in this area of
concentration:  Feminista (where the whole article is) discusses her as
does Al-Kurdi.

I included the reference to the   for two reasons:

 1)  It had information on "repressed memories".
 2)  As they state, ""Some faith groups explain their own beliefs about
abortion, physician assisted suicide, and capital punishment. We explain
all sides.""  I liked the "all sides" part.

So, the researching of someone else's recollections for the specificity of
information relating to certain events -- in the case of Juanita & Billio &
any others with whom I am NOT personally acquainted nor a witness to events
in and of their lives -- such researching is THEIR business.  Except, of
course, for the odd case that everyone seems to be recollecting at about
the same time.


Messing with Our Minds
With links to CIA mind control experts and accused child abusers, the false
memory movement turns "blaming the victim" into a science


A quiet but brutal war is being waged on the victims of child abuse,
including sexual and even ritual abuse. The battlefields include academia,
the courts, professional groups, and society in general. In some cases, the
aggressors are the same people accused of perpetuating the violence.
They've banded together, forming networks and support groups, most notably
the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF), which discounts recollections
of abuse recovered in later years, making survivors look like complainers
and trauma therapists sound like quacks.

Unfortunately, the Foundation has many psychotherapists on the run. Several
lawsuits have already ended with judgments in favor of alleged
perpetrators, and the resulting chilling effect has dampened the
willingness of some mental health professionals to treat victims,
especially those claiming ritual abuse.

If you browse the Internet these days, you're apt to find regional or local
groups started by survivors of childhood torture and/or abuse. The list
includes the International Council on Cultism and Ritual Trauma, based in
Dallas, Texas; Mothers Against Sexual Abuse in Monrovia, California;
Survivors and Victims Empowered in Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and the San
Francisco-based Survivorship. Meanwhile, researchers such as Alex
Constantine, Walter H. Bowart, and Dick Farley conduct valuable research on
the FMSF. Despite such scrutiny and the seriousness of the problem,
however, advocates for false memory (also known as repressed memory)
syndrome dominate cyberspace and have received far more favorable coverage
in the mainstream media.

Ironically, it turns out that the Foundation itself has extensive
connections to another group that has indulged in extensive experimentation
on human beings - the Central Intelligence Agency. Although better known
for overseas operations that serve the interests of corporate and financial
elites - euphemistically described as protecting "national security" - the
Agency also has a sordid history of domestic mind control experimentation.
Its interest in this field runs parallel with elite concern about how to
control the thinking of US citizens. The fear among policymakers that we
might take control of our own destinies is almost as deep as their terror
that, without US intervention, people in other parts of the world might go
their own way.

It should come as no surprise, then, that long-time CIA and "intelligence
complex" operatives turn up on the FMSF Advisory Board. Perhaps the most
public member has been Dr. Louis Joylon "Jolly" West, a legendary figure in
CIA mind control circles operating out of UCLA. Another is Dr. Martin Orne,
an authority on torture who currently works at the University of
Pennsylvania's Experimental Psychiatry Lab. While studying the effects of
over 16 biochemical warfare agents until the early 1970s, Orne considered
the effectiveness of choking, blistering, and vomiting agents, toxins,
poison gas, and various incapacitating chemicals. During the same period,
he also worked with the Cornell University-based Human Ecology Fund,
sharing his findings with Dr. Even Cameron, who was then based at the
McGill University Allen Institute in Montreal. At Human Ecology,
electroshock, lobotomies, drugs, incapacitants, hypnosis, sleep
deprivation, and radio control of the brain 

[CTRL] *Exclusive* DRUDGE REPORT '99®

1999-02-28 Thread Peter L. Sroufe


[CTRL] "The Jerry Sticker Show" LOL

1999-02-28 Thread Peter L. Sroufe


Re: [CTRL] Mind Control

1999-02-28 Thread philately

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:

> The whole point is that the bankers and lawyers have gotten together
> so well in the last 100 years or so that by just spending a dollar
> bill, a currency furnished by the Federal Reserve Banking System,
> by partaking of that BENEFIT, you are, by law knowledgeable about.
> Law and equity have been affectively blended.

> Most people of Euro stock still don't get it. They do not understand
> the consent they are implying by using money. It shows. And badly.


Frog Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

gary wrote:

> Not using FRNs might well have some economic risks depending upon the
> situation of the particular person.  Someone who works a regular job and
> decides he will no longer use FRNs so he explains what a no-no FRNs are
> to his boss and says he will only accept coins as payment from now on,
> can you see a risk here?

Back in the days when I used to work a "regular job" many years ago, I
always received a "paycheck" from my boss, and it was never a question
as to what I would accept in trade for his check. Even back then though,
I used to exchange my check directly for silver coinage at a coin
dealer, because FRNs were falling in perceived value daily against
silver coin.  But even today, it is very possible to exchange your
paycheck for clad coins (or silver coins) without your boss finding out
and holding it against you for some political reason.  You may have to
make arrangements with his bank (or a coin dealer), so that they can
have bags of coins ready when you are expected to visit.  Many local
businesses (like grocery stores) regularly pick up bags of coins from
local banks, so it's really nothing extraordinary.  It's just that they
like the courtesy of a warning that they will need a larger amount on

> A self-employed person, let's say a plumber, decides no more FRNs so
> he tells all his customers that from now on he isn't going to accept
> payment by FRNs, checks or CC and that if they want sevice, they
> will have to pay in coins.
> See any risk here?

Yes, I see a risk in describing oneself as "self-employed", since it's
an oxymoron of statutory origin and a detrimental label that must be
self-affixed. It leads to all sorts of nasty attempts at regulation on
the part of "government-employed" busy-bodies.  Now, for a plumber
to only accept coins from his customers, I don't see that as a problem.
Aside from having to make a one-time-per-customer request and short
explanation, he could offer a slight "discount" to the customer.  This
might actually increase his market share.  When I used to do mechanical
repairs on automobiles, my willingness to only accept coins never adversely
impacted my ability to secure enough work to do.  In fact, most of my
work came about as a result of referrals.  I think it might be the same
with a plumber.

> Perhaps, for you, the lose of all or part of the income with which you
> support your family would only be an "inconvenience".

I quit receiving "income" when I stopped accepting FRNs and Credit.
Now I just get paid (or ripped off, as the case may be).

> OK, I'll ask again, exactly what do you get to do as a holder of a
> "certain lawful status"  that someone who uses FRNs can't do?  In other
> words what exactly do you gain from this "lawful status" other than the
> self satisfaction of holding it or at least believeing you hold it?
> Your answer to a similar question later in your post seems to indicate
> it was more a matter of you seeing that only those with this status have
> the right to defend their rights.  You have the right to your opinion on
> the matter, fortunately, it is not binding on the rest of us.

Only those who have rights have the right to defend those rights.
Those who waive certain rights may not, without incurring penalties,
attempt to defend the rights that they have waived, otherwise there
wouldn't be such a concept as the waiver of rights, would there?  How
can you justify defending (in the extreme, to the death) a right you
have waived?  Seems to me that that would be criminal.  I think I
already answered this question once, but just in case, here it is again:

What right does a person who uses FRNs waive?  Answer: the right to be
paid. Acceptance of FRNS is a direct waiver of the right to be paid, and
a grant of the privilege of discharge.  Creation of a debt waives the
right to be paid.  Look at your bankruptcy laws. FRNs ("legal tender")
can only be compelled upon a creditor, a creditor who has waived the
right to be paid, and thus the debt is, in the words of the court,
"merely discharged". Allodial title to substance does not change hands
through discharge, only "mere possession" changes hands through
discharge of debt.

> No one can get a jury of his peers.

Therefore no one should consent to being tried by a jury not of his
peers, but many do, do they not?  Ma

Re: [CTRL] y2k & you

1999-02-28 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, Colleen Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Years ago, I recognized the fact that the whole world would operate on a
>keyboard someday; having played the piano and violin, my fingers moved a
>little more in the speedier lite.  And I do not correct my spelling,
>because I simply do not want to take the time.   I do not have a
>spellchecker on this web - but I do have an IQ of 145 - whats yours?

I was told my fourth grade IQ score was 145 by a highschool counselor who
implied that it was much higher at the time she was telling me, but for
some reason was precluded from telling me my current score.  But all the
IQ test shows is how good you are at taking tests...but at least I can

>You seem to judge people by the buck, do you not.

Far from it...YOU were the one who made the point that you were 'lowly'
even with your 'high IQ' and speedy typing...implying that YOU are the one
who judges people by their salary, not their accomplishments and intrinsic

>If I insulted your
>integrity -fine.  If I insulted your mother or someone, that would be
>different.  It always made me laugh, however, to see all these big, bad
>men at their computers, who could not type; yet, some knew, the entire
>world would someday operate on a keyboard of some type or another.

Your point being...?

>No - I do not need anybody to correct my English or my spelling.   I
>would do so myself, but it really doesn't matter.

The fact that you feel it does not matter perhaps explains why you
continue to find yourself working in a 'lowly' position, even with your
supposedly high IQ and quick typing could be in a much higher
position if you valued spelling and grammar...

>I would like to mention the day I saw the light was in a bank; you had
>the servant controlling the masters.The hired help knew how to
>operate the computer, while the bank president could not.

And why SHOULD he (or she)?  It's not the president's job to perform the
nitty-gritty duties, but to see the bigger picture...the WORST execs I've
ever worked for were the ones who refused to MANAGE and instead insisted
on still trying to do the day-to-day nuts-and-bolts operations...

>So why ain't you rich, you camel lipped jerk.   As a woman alone, I have
>done pretty well.

I'm a woman alone, too...never been described as 'camel lipped', whatever
THAT means...

Not that the shape or color of my lips should have ANY bearing on the
subject of this thread...

>I am now retired,

I'm not one's typed 120 wpm since the 60s...

 but we were taught to appreciate
>good music, good art, good drinks, and I have always held in contempt
>those who sat at a computer trying to be a genius, when in fact, they
>were just playing the role of a misplaced genius, who for some reason or
>another, got stuck behind a keyboard and could not type.

Since you obviously do NOT have the slightest clue as to what's involved
in programming, you comments on the matter amply display your stupidity
and ignorance.


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 Log off and leave in an orderly fashion.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Americans Urged To Stock Up Before Y2K Strikes

1999-02-28 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

Sunday February 28 3:06 PM ET

Americans Urged To Stock Up Before Y2K Strikes

By Adam Entous

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans should prepare for the year 2000
computer bug like they would a hurricane, by stocking up on canned
food and bottled water in case vital services are cut off, senators leading a
congressional study of the problem said Sunday.

Global trade could also be disrupted because major U.S. trading partners,
including Japan and oil producers Venezuela and Saudi Arabia,
may not be able to address the computer glitch in time, Utah Republican
Sen. Robert Bennett and Connecticut Democratic Sen. Christopher
Dodd said.

``This problem is real,'' Bennett, chairman of the Senate's special
committee on the so-called Y2K problem, told CBS's ''Face the Nation.''
``This will not be the end of the world as we know it. But we have to stay on
top of it.''

The problem is that many computers as now configured cannot recognize
the year 2000.

To save expensive disk space, early programmers tracked dates with only
the last two numbers of the year. If not fixed, many computers will
read ``00'' as 1900. That could cause many computers to crash or
generate errors come Jan. 1, 2000.

Bennett and Dodd, who is vice chairman of the Senate's Y2K committee,
are expected to release their report on the computer problem

According to a draft copy of the report, the nation's airports started
preparations too late, and shipments of goods and services by sea could
be disrupted because the maritime industry was running behind.

``It's not unwise for people to do a little stockpiling,'' Dodd told NBC's
``Meet the Press.''

He said people should buy bottled water, canned goods and other
essentials as they might to prepare for a ``good storm, a hurricane'' that
would last two to three days.

Dodd said people should also keep copies of their financial records in
case banks run into unforeseen problems. But he said that banking
problems were unlikely.

There was no need for people to buy electricity generators or stockpile
propane because a prolonged nationwide blackout was unlikely,
Bennett said.

The committee's draft report added that due to limited resources and a
lack of awareness, rural and inner-city hospitals across the United
States would be at high risk. It said more than 90 percent of doctors' offices
had yet to address the problem.

The draft report concluded that more serious problems could strike other
countries, including some major U.S. trading partners far behind in
Y2K readiness.

``Planes will not fall out of the sky, but disruption of flights and global trade
between some areas and countries may occur,'' the draft report

The committee singled out major oil producers Venezuela and Saudi
Arabia for failing to prepare for the computer glitch.

Japan and Mexico were also at serious risk, along with France, Germany,
Brazil, Italy and Spain, according to the report.

Bennett and Dodd said the U.S. nuclear arsenal appeared to be safe, but
the computer bug could cause weapons systems in other countries
to malfunction. Dodd said it was critical that Russia, Pakistan, India, China
and other nations work together on the problem.

But both senators said there was no way to tell how serious the disruptions
would be.

``When we get to New Year's Eve, everybody, no matter how informed we
think we are, is going to be holding his breath,'' Bennett said.

Steve Wingate

California Director

HOT! MP3: "DREAMSCAPE", by Byron Johnson


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Message for Bismilla-hi-Rahmani-Rahim

1999-02-28 Thread Michael Estes

 -Caveat Lector-


Would you mind expanding upon this statement you made in your post?

> "Iblis" means deception. Iblis = Lucifer = the Sun God = Ra = Satan
>  wants to mislead each individual. (Compare Quran 7:16-18)"

Thank you .

Michael Estes
Prophet of RA

On Saturday, February 27, 1999 9:17 AM, Kris Millegan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> from:
>">The Conspiracy
> -
> Many embeds, very active site.
> Om
> K
> --[1]--
> Bismilla-hi-Rahmani-Rahim
> Bits and pieces about the Conspiracy
> from a Muslims perspective, but also non-Muslims are welcome to read.
> Last updated 26 February 1999.
> I haven't contributed many news lately since I study about vitamins,
> oils, minerals, enzymes and herbs. A large area to study. Some of it is
> contributed into Healthy Living Diet. I am working on a big spreadsheet
> model that Insh-Allah will contain information about this + effects of
> common poisons in food, water, teeth, tooth paste, toys, plastic and
> environment and where to expect to find these good and bad elements.
> Latest Months News
> Those of you who know about the "Big Bang" might be interested in this
> article published in the Christian Newsletter Prophezine. Odd that they
> will chose 1 of May 1999 as a testday, (only testday?).26 February 1999
> British Army Spraying E.Coli In Germ Warfare Tests26 February 1999
> Interesting about most common poisons26 February 1999More about Germ
> Warfare26 February 1999Interesting about Milk26 February 1999Genetically
> modified potatoes26 February 1999Pesticides in fruits and vegetables26
> February 1999Cancer in Polio vaccine before 196326 February 1999Udated
> Healthy Living Diet with a little bit more info about vitamins,
> minerals, oils and enzymes23 February 1999AIDS where does it come from?
> (One of many theories)16 February 1999List of most contaminated foods
>  with pesticides and what to buy instead16 February 1999Healing modern
> diseases like CFG, Candidiasis, Herpes, Lyme Disease, Salmonella,
> Legionnaires Disease, AIDS9 February 1999A typical modern diet contains
> too much fat. Children whose diets are changed from the typical Western
> high fat diet to a diet low in fat, can perform simple mental tasks 20%
> faster and with greater accuracy once their blood is clear of fat.9
> February 1999Doctor prescribed drugs kill 100,000 each year in the US9
> February 1999The very low efficiency and high cost of chemotherapy9
> February 1999MD:s cure themselves with Gersons alternative therapy9
> February 1999Added more links to Gersons alternative therapy in the
> Cancer fact sheet9 February 1999USA feeds processed slaughterhouse waste
> to cows, chickens and pigs as low cost, high protein feed
> supplementation. This is the very practice that got British cattle
> industry in such bad trouble 15 years ago, feeding cows to cows. CJD
> could be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease7 February 1999
> Phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables may help against cancer,
> environmental hazards and diseases.7 February 1999More and more bacteria
> resistant against antibiotics5 February 1999Genetically Modified food. 5
> February 1999Some serious symptoms of Gulf war Syndrome linked to
> Brucellosis Bacteria giving different serious symptoms in different
> people5 February 1999The different poisons in cigarettes5 February 1999
> Added a link about the neurotoxin Mercury in Amalgam tooth fillings in
> the fact sheet about Amalgam5 February 1999A book: Vaccination: 100
> years of Orthodox Research shows vaccines represent a medical assault on
> the immune system, added to the list of literature.5 February 1999Many
> more facts about vaccination of children in the fact sheet about
> vaccinations5 February 1999Added a link about Danger of Canola Oil in
> Healthy living3-4 February 1999Added a link about how toxic chemotherapy
>  is even to the Nurses and Pharmacists in the fact sheet about cancer3
> February 1999Added a book about a cancer cure in the list of Literature
>  and in the fact sheet about cancer3-5 February 1999Added a link to a
> cure of Diabetes in Healthy Living3 February 1999Add a link about
> Fluoridated tooth paste in the fact sheet about Fluoride3 February 1999
> Added information about two other successful alternative cancer cures in
> the fact sheet about Cancer and in Healthy Living.3 February 1999Added a
> chapter about how dangerous most unfermented Soy Bean products (like
> soya milk, baby soy formula etc.) are in Healthy Living. 3 February 1999
> Added a link to the palm oil based product Carotino + facts about Bee
> Pollen in Healthy living29 January 1999Added a link about chlorine and
> how long time hat 

[CTRL] How the IRS Controls Christian Churches

1999-02-28 Thread Mike Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

How the IRS Controls Christian Churches
by Texe Marrs

Does the IRS hate the Gospel and despise Bible-believing Christians? Has
the IRS become a police-state agency that regularly persecutes churches,
pastors, and ministries that still believe in old-fashioned patriotism?
Listed below are 35 things the IRS contends are prohibited of churches and
ministries. A pastor or ministry leader who violates the guidelines of the
IRS on these 35 prohibitions can have his church or group's tax exemption
revoked and be dealt with harshly by the IRS.

These 35 prohibitions on churches and ministries demonstrate how the IRS
and the federal government now control churches and insure politically and
religiously "correct" behavior. Liberal Christian churches and false
religions such as Hunduism, Witchcraft, and Scientology are not affected by
these rules--only Bible-believing, Christian ministries and churches. Also,
keep in mind: These 35 things are not prohibited by law nor by the
Constitution. The IRS considers itself above the law and the Constitution.

According to the IRS, Christian churches, ministries, and organizations may

1. Expose conspiracies.

2. Criticize the New World Order.

3. Say or publish anything negative about any politician, Republican or

4. Criticize government agencies and bureaus--the IRS, FBI, BATF, CIA, EPA,
DEA, OSHA, DOJ, etc.

5. Criticize an institution of government such as the White House, the
Congress, the Federal Reserve Board, or the Supreme Court.

6. Encourage citizens to call or write their congressman, senator,
governor, mayor, or other public official.

7. Criticize any proposed or pending bill or legislation that would take
away the rights and freedoms of the people.

8. Make disparaging remarks about, or criticize, any other faith group,
cult, or religion.

9. Expose or criticize the New Age Movement.

10. Support or encourage a law-abiding citizen's militia.

11. Support or encourage the Second Amendment, the right of the people to
keep and bear arms.

12. Discourage young women from getting an abortion, or endorse the
pro-life movement.

13. Teach that abortion, especially partial birth abortion, is murder and
is the killing of innocent babies.

14. Identify homosexuality as a sin and an abomination to God.

15. Express an opinion on any subject or issue.

16. Appeal to peoples' emotions by employing an evangelization method (such
as "fire and brimstone" preaching) not considered a "reasoned approach" by
the IRS.

17. Discuss or identify threats to Christianity.

18. Discuss subjects or topics the IRS deems "sensationalist."

19. Criticize well-known public figures or institutions the IRS deems
"worthy", such as the super-rich elite, international bankers, the
Hollywood movie industry, etc.

20. Publish or broadcast information on any topic without giving credence
to the opposing viewpoints of Christ's enemies.

21. Publish and offer books, tapes, or products that expose the elitist
plot against humanity and God.

22. Criticize the Pope or the Vatican, or contrast the New Catholic
Catechism with the tuths found in the Holy Bible. (Note: only liberal
churches are permitted by the IRS to criticize the Catholic Church).

23. Criticize the United Nations or such globalist groups as the Council on
Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, and the Trilateral Commission.

24. Criticize the Masonic Lodge, the Order of Skull & Bones, or other
Secret societies.

25. Highlight or otherwise bring attention to immorality of public
officials or corruption in government.

26. Complain of government wrongdoing or injustice, such as happened at
Waco, Ruby Ridge, and elsewhere.

27. Criticize the Jewish ADL or other Jewish lobby groups.

28. Say anything positive about the "religious right" or the "patriot

29. Support home schooling, home churches, or unregistered churches.

30. Spend money on missionary projects or charitable causes not approved by
the IRS.

31. Promote or encourage alternative healthcare (herbs, vitamins, etc.).

32. Expose false teachings of any kind by anyone.

33. Support or encourage persecuted Christians suffering under
anti-Christian regimes in Red China, Cuba, Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia,
the United States, and elsewhere.

34. Ordain a pastor whose training or qualifications are not approved by
the IRS.

35. Advocate or teach any Bible doctrine that is politically or religiously
incorrect, or is inconsistent with any "public policy" (abortion, feminism,
gay rights, etc.) currently being enforced by the IRS.

Please examine the above list of 35 prohibitions on Christian free speech
and activity by the IRS, and decide for yourself: Are conservative
Christian ministries and churches being selectively persecuted? Is the IRS
willfully violating the civil rights of Christian believers? Are Christian
believers receiving the equal protection of the law? What does the First
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution s

Re: [CTRL] Politics: 02-27-99

1999-02-28 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff wrote:
.. Another thought came beaming into (what's left
> of) my brain:  supposedly the strong vote for Clinton came from the women
> voters, even this last go-round with Dole, even with all the "womanising"
> rumours.  The best analysis of the whole Clinton psyche-out was on Fox's
> Beyond the News, moderated by some PhD:  there's something that women do
> but men don't get about him.  No man close to Clinton has any good stories
> (Dick Morris' are usually about Hillary); but each woman just seems to be
> in a queue, waiting to tell her story.  A<>E<>R >>

   It may be that the old theory that most women like men who use them
is truer then we thought.

> Since Clinton's acquittal, this theme--the need for an authoritarian
> government--has become increasingly prominent in the effusions of the
> Journal and its allies on the extreme right. It emerges alongside the
> assertion that the American people, by refusing to support Clinton's
> removal, have proven themselves immoral and unfit for democratic self-rule.
> This view is, in reality, an inversion of the true situation, in which the
> broad mass of working people, who take democratic rights seriously, are
> stubbornly resisting the efforts of significant sections of the political
> and business establishment to undermine those rights. The depravity which
> Bartley projects onto the people is, in fact, an increasingly predominant
> feature of the social elite for which he speaks. It is bourgeois politics
> that has sunk to a debased level, so degraded, in fact, that the politics
> of right-wing conspiracy and coup are tolerated as legitimate.

   It seems to me that "the broad mass of working people" either believe
what they see on TV or think that a deal was made and the Congress is as
corrupt as Clinton.

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Neighbourhood

1999-02-28 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/28/99 9:08:28 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Well, I like George Bush too.  Once a pilot, always a pilot; at least
 Mrs. Bush kept an eye on him - if only Hillary had done as much for Bill
 we would have save 45 million dollars - those lawyers sure create a
 mess. >>

Well, if you kept an eye on your husband the way Mrs. Bush did, he would have
a twelve year affair just the way George Bush did.  You need to read up on the
Bush family a bit more.

The Palestinians speak English because that is the way they can talk to the
Israeli.  Did you think the Israeli learned Arabic to talk to them?  If you've
listened, you will notice that most of them do not speak school English.  All
of the Israeli I have met speak perfect English.  If you've done much
traveling, you will notice that most of the world speaks some English.
Perhaps it's because most of the world has learned that native English
speakers seldom are capable of learning the languages of others.  Pity.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Satellite seizure, blackmail reported

1999-02-28 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 Satellite seizure, blackmail reported

 By Reuters - Special to CNET
 February 28, 1999, 7:35 a.m. PT

 LONDON -- Hackers have reportedly seized control of one of
 Britain's military communication satellites and issued
 blackmail threats.

 The Sunday Business newspaper, quoting security sources,
 reported today that the intruders altered the course of one
 of Britain's four satellites used by defense planners and
 military forces around the world.

 The sources said the satellite's course was changed just
 over two weeks ago.  The hackers then issued a blackmail
 threat, demanding money to stop interfering with the
 satellite, according to the report.

 "This is a nightmare scenario," one intelligence source
 said.  Military strategists said that, if Britain were to
 come under nuclear attack, an aggressor would first
 interfere with military communications systems.

 "This is not just a case of computer nerds mucking about.
 This is very, very serious, and the blackmail threat has
 made it even more serious," a security source said.

 Police said they would not comment because the investigation
 was at too sensitive a stage.  The Ministry of Defense made
 no comment.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Protests planned in 200 cities, March 6th

1999-02-28 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Samatha 'Smith' wrote:

> And of course, since you are such defenders of virtue, you'll want Clarence
> Thomas out, too.  Oh, what is that ancient phrase, "due process?"  That's Old
> English, isn't it?  Not applicable here, of course.  Nothing like a little
> selective virtue.

   I was wondering if any of the Clinton defenders would ever mention
Clarence Thomas. I watched all the hearings and came to the conclusion
that Anita Hill was a woman who let her mouth get out of control and
made statements to a friend which were not true. I felt sorry for her,
she was obviously being used. There was plenty of indication of this
both in the hearings and subsequent revelations. It seemed obvious to me
that her "friend" reported her conversation to the Judicial Committee
and that she did not have the integrity to back down. And what was her
accusation? Simply that Clarence Thomas had once told her a dirty story?
Made some offensive remark? NO RAPE? DIDN'T EVEN PULL HIS PANTS DOWN?
And then a couple of years later she volunteers to drive him to the
airport after a talk that he had given at her school (which he had
traveled half way across the country for)? Her whole story makes little
sense. And these supporters of an admitted liar and adulterer bring this
story up?

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Clinton is accused of sex assault when at Oxford and Yale

1999-02-28 Thread Peter L. Sroufe
Title: Clinton is accused of sex assault when at Oxford

-Original Message-From: 
Sunday, February 28, 1999 10:05 AMSubject: Clinton is accused of 
sex assault when at Oxford and Yale

Clinton is accused of sex 
assault when at OxfordBy David Wastell in 

height=10 src="" width=13>
News pages 
[includes the Lewinsky story] - Capital Hill 

height=10 src="" width=13>
Clinton accused - 
Washington Post

height=10 src="" width=13>
Briefing room - 
The White House 

I'll apologise to Chelsea Clinton
FRESH allegations of sexual assaults by the 
young Bill Clinton have emerged in the wake of last 
week's televised claim by Juanita Broaddrick that he 
raped her in her hotel bedroom in 1978. 
At least two more women, one of them English, may 
have been his victims on earlier occasions, according to 
an Internet website that claims to have spoken to both 
in the past few days. The new charges, which have not 
been independently confirmed, are signals that the 
controversy over President Clinton's sexual conduct is 
far from over. 
Ms Broaddrick's sometimes tearful account of Mr 
Clinton's alleged assault was watched in 23 million 
American homes and had a profound effect on many who saw 
it. According to an opinion poll, published by Fox News 
yesterday, 54 per cent of Americans believe Ms 
Broaddrick's version of events - which is denied by the 
President's lawyers - and half say her claim represents 
a "pattern of behaviour" by Mr Clinton. Some 
believe that Ms Broaddrick's interview may encourage 
other women to come forward. 
Lucianne Goldberg, the literary agent who encouraged 
Linda Tripp to record her telephone conversations with 
Miss Lewinsky, has been hinting to friends that she has 
someone lined up to go public within a month. 
Capitol Hill Blue, a conservative-leaning website, 
claims that a 19-year-old Englishwoman complained of 
being sexually assaulted by Mr Clinton at a pub near 
Oxford in 1969, when he was a Rhodes Scholar. It claims 
to have confirmation from a former State Department 
official. The alleged victim's family is said to have 
decided against pursuing the case. 
According to Capitol Hill Blue, the woman - who it 
says is now married and lives near London - confirmed 
that there had been an incident when contacted last week 
but refused to go public. It said she had since changed 
her telephone number. 
The same website also claims to have spoken to an 
unnamed woman who was sexually assaulted by Mr Clinton, 
then a Yale law student, in 1972. She was 22 at the 
time. According to the report, the woman confirmed the 
incident but declined to discuss it further. The 
Internet magazine said the incident was also confirmed 
by a retired campus policeman. 
The website, run from suburban Virginia, is regarded 
by Washington insiders as significantly less reliable 
than rivals such as the Drudge Report, which was the 
first to reveal 

[CTRL] ANDREWS, N.C. UPDATE: February 27, 1999

1999-02-28 Thread Mike Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

by Joe 6Pk Burton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

February 27, 1999

Why was there a quiet, going away party for the FBI's Terry Terchie and his
assistant? Why did Terchie lie about a "Special State of Emergency " being
declared in North Carolina? Did Philip Rogers shine at a military chopper
operating in violation of Posse Comitatus? Has the shooter into the
compound been allowed to quietly return to Andrews?  Why?  Why are we just
now hearing about the suspension of Miranda in a recent DOJ case? These are
just a few of the questions I'll try to answer for you, in this report. It
has really bothered me since Agent Terchie told the "big lie" about the
Special State of Emergency being declared in western North Carolina. (Not
that a lying FBI is anything new, reference, Waco, Ruby Ridge, the infamous
lab and too many other cases to list.)

I wondered, why the FBI illegally confiscated Ramon Sparks' helicopter
photos, after he was brutalized, illegally detained and had his vehicle
illegally searched w/o warrant.  All for the simple act of driving his
neighbor, Philip Rogers to the Police station to surrender for allegedly,
shining a toy laser on a chopper. In the police station parking lot, both
men were brutalized. Do we now dispense justice to the accused during an
arrest and prior to a trial in AmeriKa? This event just so happened to
occur minutes after the Feds compound/fire base was fired into. And merely
a day after the feds had denied their choppers were the ones harassing
Citizens, saying their choppers were unable to fly at night.

Rogers recently refused a plea agreement with the feds for his alleged
prank.  He was arrested, but not read the Miranda rights and was assigned
to a probation officer and sent for a drug test upon release from jail, all
with- out even being tried and convicted. His charges should have been
immediately dropped. He was incarcerated with many North Carolinians who
had been in jail for some time, who had never been read their Miranda. Of
course we never heard this from the media. Only recently have they
mentioned one unrelated case where the DOJ feels they didn't have to use
Miranda. Yet it's been happening in Andrews for nearly a year. Sometimes as
I write this and am aware of the facts, it's hard for me to believe this is
still America.

Now let me clear up the dispute as to whether Rogers interfered with a
federal agent or a military operation, operating outside the bounds of
Posse Comitatus under Terchie's command. Documented copies I obtained from
Ramon, show a clear picture of what has been an ongoing illegal
law-enforce- ment/joint military operation foisted on the Citizens of
Andrews and America. (see footnotes)

Never were the medivac choppers to be used in law enforcement activity.
They were for the extraction of injured agents from the rough terrain - -
Not to be used for gung ho agents to repel and train for military/law
enforcement maneuvers - - And also not for use against the citizenry in
carrying out law enforcement activities. Do we still have the rule of law
in this country or not?

It is truly a sad day for America, to see FEMA and the Dept. of Justice
commanding and leading our individual state National Guard and Reserves in
operations used against "We the People." Strange, I thought our nations
framers designed a country where the government was to serve the people and
we were to have sovereign states. Am I that bad at remembering my history
lessons, or has something sinister happened to our nation? Should not we as
Citizens rein in these tyrants and expose their evil deeds? Do we have any
redress left in this country? America, love it or FIX IT, I say!

Now let's examine some of the implications here besides the obvious Posse
Comitatus violations, in the use of the military choppers and crews against
the Citizens. The FBI/HRT trains with Delta Force and others. Can FBI not
afford their own choppers for evacuating injured agents? I can assure you
money is no object in this unlimited budget operation. Instead we see an
emergence, training and practice of combining law enforcement/military into
one operation. We also see here, one State Governor willing to send his
National Guard personnel and equipment into the state of another to serve
the Federal Government. In this case Ga. into NC. They get good training
and indoctri- nation of military, as well as law enforcement personnel,
into working together by combining them into a new buzz word MJTF. This
word now used commonly in military and law enforcement circles (i.e.,
Southeast Bomb Task Force or SBTF).

Apparently, giving Agent Terchie or someone, the ability to order military
assets against "We the People."  And why not, these agents haven't read a
copy of the Constitution since high school. If you mention Posse Comitatus
they look at you with a blank look. They don't recall that one. It's also a
prime opportunity to in

[CTRL] Freemasons & Temple Mount

1999-02-28 Thread Mike Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

Israel Messianic Expectations, Freemasons & Temple Mount Antichrist 2000


Referring to the book of Daniel, Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) of the Royal
Society of England revealed the Rosicrucian plan to "bring Jesus down" in
the year 2000 A.D.

"Daniel 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off,
but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall
destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a
flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

"...The last missing week: 62+7+1=70 starts in 1996 and runs for 7 years.
Half-way through - in 2000 we bring down Jesus causing the sacrifice to

"Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and
in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to
cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate,
even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the

Historian of the Rosicrucian Enlightenment, Frances Yates wrote of Newton's
interest in Hebraic studies:

"Newton's historical attitudes, his intense preoccupation with apocalyptic
prophecy, would have made him intensely aware of the apocalyptic
interpretations of the near extinction of Protestantism in Europe ...The
approach to Newton through Rosicrucian alchemy might help, not only to
unify his physical and alchemical studies, but also to integrate with these
the Hebraic piety behind his historical studies." (p. 205)

Kabbalah, the secret doctrine of the Rosicrucians, also describes the
Messianic Kingdom as a period of forced conversions of the Gentiles to

We know from occult sources and from Scripture that there will be a
counterfeit fulfillment of Bible prophecy so convincing that even the elect
might be deceived, if that were possible. (Matt. 24:24)

Are Christians presently being conditioned for future conversion to Judaism
via the Hebrew Roots and Messianic Movements? ]

Scripture indicates that the strong delusion will arise out of MYSTERY
BABYLON, the harlot religion, which has been narrowly interpreted by many
Protestants as the Roman Catholic Church. While it is true that the Great
Harlot sits upon the seven mountains of Rome (Rev. 17:9), there is abundant
evidence that the Vatican has been infiltrated and is now under the firm
control of the Freemasonic syndicate. This is documented in books such as
David Yallop's expose of the 1978 murder of the current Pope's predecessor,
Pope John Paul I by the P2 Lodge - In God's Name. Some of the more
traditional Catholic publications, such as the March 1998 issue of Real
Catholicism by Carey J. Winter, provide a most interesting history of the
Masonic takeover of the Vatican. "The Catholic Church and Globalism"
contains well - documented facts which are familiar to many Catholics, but
unknown to most Protestants:

"The ultimate aim of the Freemasonic craft, according to Paul Fisher, is
'the overthrow of all spiritual and political ‘tyranny’ so that there will
be a universal social republic.' (Behind the Lodge Door, p. 40). [Solange]
Hertz maintains that this Revolution 'was disseminated in Europe largely by
Sephardic Jews acting through secret societies…' (Utopia, p. 64). Fisher
cites James Billington’s observation that 'so great, indeed, was the
general impact of Freemasonry in the revolutionary era that some
understanding of the Masonic Milieu seems an essential starting point for
any serious inquiry into the occult roots of the revolutionary tradition
(cited in Lodge Door, p. 218)...'

"'The honest man,' writes Fr. Wathen, 'cannot help seeing that the last
three Popes (omitting all mention of Pope John Paul I) have contributed
positively, powerfully and directly toward fulfilling the Masonic program
for the radical transformation of the Church.' (Ascend, p. 424). Oxfort
concludes that the Popes of Vatican II, 'beginning with John XXIII, have
systematically betrayed the great body of Catholic Social Doctrine that was
established...on Rerum Novarum... Paul VI's 'development' which is the new
name for peace' ...means the merging of the 'two opposing blocs of the
superpowers into a vast, collectivist gulag. And the conciliar Church is
the principle instrument to bring this unification of the whole human race
about, because she is the 'sacrament and sign...of all mankind' (Lumen
Gentium 1).'

"...What separates the authentic Catholic Social Doctrine from the evil
illusions of the Popes of the catastrophic Vatican II is this: the former
is centered on Jesus Christ, the Divine Redeemer of the world from all its
social ills. The Popes of Vatican II, on the other hand, center their
heresies on 'modern man' and, as the Revolution demands, relate 'all things
on earth' to 'man as their center and crown. (Gaudium et Spec 12)'

[CTRL] Freemasonry in Egypt

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 454

The mailing list resource page can
be found at the following address

Message: 3
   Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 06:37:55 EST
   From: xx
Subject: Freemasonry in Egypt

Thought I would pass this along

>From a current Cairo press clipping.

Last month in Jordan, a prestigious lineup of Western leaders led
by President Clinton and three former US presidents paid their last
respects to King Hussein. While deductions as to why they had all
turned up was disputed live on national TV from Bangkok to Cape
Town, one inference was however passed by. That the wily king
may have also been a Prince of Jerusalem, one of the highest titles
conferred by Freemasons. Whether or not Hussein visited Masonic
lodges and took part in their rituals is unknown, yet there are
persistent claims in certain circles that he was an honorary Grand
Master. Not peculiar for a monarch who spent most of his reign
juggling alliances, some of them treacherous. As a Freemason, he
would have kept excellent company for, besides the Mozarts,
Goethes and Garibaldis, most of Europe's royals and several former
American presidents including its incumbent vice-president, are
professedly on the Masonic roster.

But wait a minute! King Hussein Ibn Talal, far from being a
Westerner, was a descendant of the Prophet. How could a Moslem
notable of his standing become an alleged member of a secret
society with origins in the heartland of a 17th century Judeo-
Christian Europe?!

Adapting the Big Bang theory to Freemasonry, we discover that
the French Revolution and subsequent Napoleonic Wars accounted
for the dissemination of the Society outside its known borders.
Which is why by the late 19th century, Masonic lodges were
scattered across the Ottoman Empire, from Constantinople where
Young Turks were beguiled by the secretive brotherhood, to
Greater Syria and Egypt where emerging nationalists aped their
European assailant in their inherent opposition to autocratic
authority. In Egypt, Freemasonry imploded into feuding camps:
Anglo-Saxon and French, ostensibly reflecting the dual
imperialistic control --military and cultural-- which had entrenched
itself along the Nile Valley.

A favorite Masonic hall south of the Levant was Kawkab al-Shark--
Star of the East. Somehow, its propinquity to after-life symbolism
conjured up echoes of the cult of Isis and Osiris giving it a distinct
character and flavor. Lodges evidencing Ancient Egyptian names
included Sphinx, New-Memphis, Pyramids and Cheops.

The distinction of first modern Freemason in Egypt goes to
General Kleber, the luckless man left behind by Napoleon to
govern the "Oriental Empire. Since that time and up until April
1964, Freemasonry continued uninterruptedly in Egypt. What had
started as a secret movement, eventually came out in the open as
evidenced by notices in newspapers, the social pages and other
forms of printed media.

Historians may assent however, Freemasonry in Egypt came out
of the closet during the Orabi Revolt of 1882. That Ahmed Orabi
Pasha was himself a member of the Order was never proven, yet
we know that several of his supporters were. Part of a budding
oligarchy, they joined the Society in an attempt to penetrate an
impregnable ruling class guarded jealously by Mohammed Ali's
descendants and their Circassian entourage. Consequently, when
the khedive's men arrested the sartujar (head of traders guild) of
Sharkia charging him with conspiring against the state and
supporting Ahmed Orabi with money and the like, it was a
Freemason barrister from London who took up his defense.
Nevertheless, the British-led kangaroo court in Cairo declared
Orabi and his Freemason supporters guilty as charged --they had
dared ask for the substitution of khedivial absolutism with a more
representative government.

While Orabi was exiled to the crown colony of Ceylon, the sartujar
and other Orabi sympathizers were sentenced to imprisonment and
fines ranging from LE 1,000 to LE 5,000. The situation turned on
the British several decades later with the arrival of Mohammed
Farid and Saad Zagloul. Self-declared Freemasons they respectively
headed the National and Wafd parties which called for popular
uprisings against Egypt's Anglo-Saxon occupiers.

With time, inter and intra-Freemasonry rivalries increased in
proportion to the numbers of halls and lodges that surfaced all
over Egypt.  Scottish, French, Italian and English halls operated
side by side with the National Grand Lodge of Egypt. There was
even talk of a Masonic cemetery in Old Cairo to be shared with
free-thinkers and intellectuals.

Among the most important halls within Masonic circles in Cairo
were the Grecia and Bulwer lodges overlooking Midan Ismail
(today, MidanTahrir). The Egyptian Gazette dated 9 January
1903, states that "the new Masonic Hall [used by both lodges]
comprises a commodious and handsome lodge-room capable o

Re: [CTRL] Politics: 02-27-99

1999-02-28 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Alamaine please.  One does not need a terrific memory to know if one has
been raped or not.


> From: Alamaine Ratliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [CTRL] Politics:  02-27-99
> Date: Saturday, February 27, 1999 1:16 AM
>  -Caveat Lector-
> < empathy.  But I also have a certain skepticism -- only because I'm not
> familiar with the culture that engenders such interpersonal relations.  I
> also have reservations about two-decades-old recollections -- no notes,
> diaries, lettres, photographs (unless I missed something); like Jonesie,
> one tale against another, yet building, adding more mystique.  As far as
> knew for -- well -- many years (until about 1988), Arkansas was a state
> somewhere close to Texas ... Another thought came beaming into (what's
> of) my brain:  supposedly the strong vote for Clinton came from the women
> voters, even this last go-round with Dole, even with all the "womanising"
> rumours.  The best analysis of the whole Clinton psyche-out was on Fox's
> Beyond the News, moderated by some PhD:  there's something that women do
> but men don't get about him.  No man close to Clinton has any good
> (Dick Morris' are usually about Hillary); but each woman just seems to be
> in a queue, waiting to tell her story.  A<>E<>R >>
> >From
> WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : Clinton Impeachment
> Right-wing in US mounts new political provocation
> The Wall Street Journal and Juanita Broaddrick
> By Barry Grey
> 27 February 1999
> The latest round of scandal-mongering against the White House
> that extreme right-wing elements, backed by the media, are determined to
> press ahead with their campaign of political destabilization.
> With the Washington Post and the New York Times providing pre-broadcast
> publicity, NBC news on Wednesday night aired a thirty-minute interview
> during prime time with the latest Clinton accuser, Juanita Broaddrick.
> Arkansas businesswoman has suddenly emerged on the national scene with
> sensational--and utterly uncorroborated--allegations that Bill Clinton
> sexually assaulted her 21 years ago.
> Of particular significance in the Broaddrick episode is the role of the
> Wall Street Journal. The Journal was the first establishment news outlet
> break the story, publishing a lengthy interview with Broaddrick on its
> editorial pages on February 19. Editor Robert Bartley and writer Dorothy
> Rabinowitz made no bones that they were vouching for the truth of
> Broaddrick's allegations, highlighting in enlarged type their view that
> "this was an event that took place."
> Rabinowitz was chosen to write the interview in an effort to lend
> credibility to Broaddrick's story. Notwithstanding her right-wing views,
> Rabinowitz earned a certain stature within journalistic circles for a
> series of articles she published in the Wall Street Journal and Harper's
> magazine some years ago exposing high profile cases in which people were
> convicted and jailed on false charges of child abuse. Ironically, her
> defense of these frameup victims was based on exposing the allegations
> against them as consisting of precisely the type of unsubstantiated
> that she is now supporting in Broaddrick's attack on Clinton.
> Bartley had to publish the interview on the Journal's editorial pages,
> which he controls, because the Journal's news editors refused to carry
> story. They judged it to be lacking the minimal basis in fact and
> corroboration required to bring it before the public. Such was the odor
> slander given off by the Journal's interview with Broaddrick that three
> days after its appearance, Bartley felt obliged to publish an editorial
> protesting the reluctance of other media outlets, including his own
> news pages, to publicize the rape allegation.
> The Journal's role in promoting the Broaddrick story is nothing new. Its
> editorial pages have supplied the main ideological ammunition for the
> political destabilization drive that began within weeks of Clinton's
> office in 1993. The Journal led the character assassination campaign
> against Clinton aide Vincent Foster, which Foster cited in his suicide
> as the thing that drove him over the edge. Then the Journal turned around
> and initiated the "Who Killed Foster?" editorial campaign, implying that
> Clinton had his long-time friend and political associate bumped off.
> The Journal set the tone for the rest of the media, avidly promoting
> piece of salacious gossip and sexual innuendo that it could throw against
> the White House, culminating in the Moncia Lewinsky scandal, all the
> insisting that Clinton's alleged crimes were "not about sex." Such
> notwithstanding, one of its editorial campaigns centered on the demand
> the publication of Clinton's medical files, which Bartley hoped would
> reveal a history of venereal dis

Re: [CTRL] Truly Frightening

1999-02-28 Thread Crimm Sun

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/28/99 12:50:29 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> Which of these candidates is your choice?
>  You don't really need any more information, do you?

Of course you do!  You can't elect a leader based completely on their eating
and drinking or sexual habits.  What does being a vegetarian have to do with
running a country?

What is truly frightening is that people would actually think this email MEANS


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Title 22 Sec. 2521. Foreign language proficiency

1999-02-28 Thread American Patriot Friends Network

 -Caveat Lector-

Without Justice, there is JUST_US! [REMEMBER WAY DAY]
Title 22 Sec. 2521. Foreign language proficiency

No person shall be assigned to duty as a volunteer under this
chapter in any foreign country or area unless at the time of
such assignment he possesses such reasonable proficiency as his
assignment requires in speaking the language of the country or
area to which he is assigned.


 Original Message 
Subject: Treason
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 11:45:57 EST

Jim has opened my eyes with an awful article about the
U.S. Army being reduced and States having men drafted
into a U.N. peace keeping force.

Check this out at

Check out Title 22 Section 2521

We allowed a corrupt government to drag us through a 10,000 day
known as Viet Nam. We totally lost that war and 58,000 servicemen
died. I
was forced into the Army at a great peril to my life. At this
same time
Clinton was in England avoiding the draft. Finally,the American
put a stop to thiswar. Now this same draft dodger want to start
war in Kosovo.
The German people under Hitler had a strong recovering economy.
They had few worries and though that Hitler was just trying to
order in Germany. History has shown us how this maniac suspended
German Parliament and took over power to restore order. The only
problem was he kept the power and ended up destroying Germany.
Check into these problems in Kosovo. If we allow fifty corrupt
Senators and Clinton to escalate the fighting in Kosovo, they
will say
it is to keep the peace, but we will be in another Viet Nam. If
we do
not get organized fast and allow these criminals to change law
get us involved in another Viet Nam, we deserve another Viet Nam.
Strong words but remember, Viet Nam was to stop Communist
from taking over the world.
People that forget history are bound to repeat it. I hope
that we never have to repeat another Viet Nam. Look at the irony.
A Viet Nam draft dodger trying to start another Viet Nam war.
We are running out of time.


Sec. 2521. Foreign language proficiency

No person shall be assigned to duty as a volunteer under this
chapter in any foreign country or area unless at the time of
such assignment he possesses such reasonable proficiency as his
assignment requires in speaking the language of the country or
area to which he is assigned.


May God's love be with you!

Re: Research by James Montgomery 08/05/1996
Knowledge if Freedom BBS 1-910-869-0780 - 24/hrs - 28,000 Baud

"The United States Is Still A British Colony" A Documentary
review of Charters and Treaties.

"Esquire - In English Law. A title of dignity next above
gentleman, and below knight. Also a title of office given to
sheriffs, sergeants, and Barristers at law, justice of the
peace, and other." Blacks Law Dictionary fourth ed. p 641

On December 2, 1817 John Quincy Adams, then Secretary of State,
wrote to Buck (an attorney) regarding the position Buck had
been assigned. The letter reads:

... if it should be the option of the Government that the
acceptance on your part of the commission under which it was
granted did not interfere with your citizenship.
   It is the opinion of the Executive that under the 13th
amendment to the constitution by the acceptance of such an
appointment from any foreign Government, a citizen of the
United States ceases to enjoy that character, and becomes
incapable of hold any office of trust or profit under the
United States or either of them..." J.Q.A.

   By virtue of these titles and honors, and special
privileges, lawyers have assumed political and economic
advantages over the majority of citizens. A majority may
vote, but only a minority (lawyers) may run for political

It is said that of the 545 from the three branches of
U.S. Government, that only 34 are not members of the
American Bar Association, A Union!

One last thought to ponder:

I shall exert every faculty I process in aiding to
prevent the Constitution from be nullified, destroyed,
or impaired; and even though I shall see it fail, I will
still, with a VOICE feeble, perhaps, but earnest as ever
issued from human lips, and with extinguish, call on the
PEOPLE to come to its rescue.
   --- Daniel Webster

   "We must obey GOD rather than men"
  Acts 5:29



 All the courts of this once great land have been changed
starting with the Supremen Court decision of 1938 in
Erie R.R. v. Thompkins...(re: Ben Freeman tapes of 1989)

 The UCC is the law 


1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
by Stephen Birmingham (C) 1987
Berkley Book, New York, NY 1990
A very interesting book for details and such. Very well researched and I would
reccommend many of Mr. Birmingham's books to any searcher of history. For it
is my belief, that by better understanding history, we can see today's course.
  18. Secret Society

  Only recently a New York woman, who can trace her lineage to the gracious
Dutch women who founded Society in New York, gave a dinner for fifty of her
friends. Practically all of them came of families antedating the arrival of
the British fleet that turned Nieuw Amsterdam into New York. No mention was
made of the affair in any paper in New York City, first, because the old
regime did not and still does not believe that publicity is necessary to
social success, and second, because the city at large has forgotten the
families who built it.

 Yet these families endure, submerged, and women whose ancestors have directed
the social life of New York for ten or more generations still continue to
entertain and be entertained without the blare of publicity.

 These words, from Mrs. Joful King Van Rensselaer's book, The Social ladder,
were penned in 1924. But they could just as easily, and accurately, have been
written in 1987, and about private enclaves of New York gentlemen. Few New
Yorkers today are probably aware of the existence, in their very midst, of a
small, elite men's club called The Zodiac. It is typical of America's secret
aristocracy that The Zodiac should have been created, in a very real sense, in
secret, that it should have passed its hundredth anniversary several years ago
without anyone but its members knowing, and that even the Social Register-
which publishes the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and officers of all
the elite clubs in the country-should be unaware of The Zodiac. The Zodiac has
no clubhouse, and no address, and no telephone. It has no bylaws and no
president, and no list of its members has ever been published. And yet it is
easily the most exclusive club in the United States. As its name implies, its
membership is restricted, at any given time, to only twelve male members.

 The Zodiac was founded in the 1870s by the elder J. Pierpont Morgan, and to
understand the principles behind The Zodiac it is first necessary to
understand Mr. Morgan. J. P. Morgan has enjoyed, for some reason, the worst
posthumous reputation of any man in the history of American banking and
finance. History has portrayed Morgan as vain, autocratic, stingy,
curmudgeonly, and money-mad. He was in fact none of these things. What he was,
was an aristocrat to the marrow. When Morgan died in 1913, much was made in
the press of the fact that, out of his $69.5 million fortune, only a small
portion of his estate about $700,000-was left to charities, giving the
impression that the public weal was one of the last things Morgan cared about.
What was overlooked was that, during his lifetime, Morgan had contributed vast
sums to a wide variety of causes. He was a notable collector of rare books,
paintings, and other art objects, and many of these were given to the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, of which he was president. Over the years, he had
made large financial gifts to this museum, as well as to the American Museum
of Natural History, Harvard College (especially to its medical school), the
Lying-in Hospital of New York, and the New York trade schools. He was also the
principal financial backer of the Groton School, in Massachusetts. It has also
been forgotten that, in 1895, when the U.S. Treasury's gold reserves had sunk
dangerously low, Morgan's bank loaned the government $62 million in gold to
shore up the gold reserves to the $100 million level, thereby supporting the
country's currency and averting a financial panic. In his will, furthermore,
Morgan stipulated that his son and principal heir, J. P. Morgan, Jr., should
make regular annual gifts to designated charities.

  At the time of Morgan's death, the "huge" size of his fortune was drawn to
public attention. In fact, his fortune, though respectable, was far smaller
than those of Henry Frick, E. H. Harriman, or Andrew Mellon and even smaller
than those of Thomas Fortune Ryan and Payne Whitney. And Morgan's money was as
nothing compared with that of the DuPonts or John D. Rockefeller. It was
Andrew Carnegie who, commenting with surprise on the quality of Morgan's art
collection, said, "And to think-he wasn't even a rich man!"

 Perhaps Morgan's most famous comment was his laconic reply to a man who asked
him how much a yacht cost. "If a man has to ask," he answered, "he can't
afford it." At the same time, as an aristocrat who believed that sailing
provided the truest test of a man's character, he also once said, "You can do
business with anyone, but you can only sail a boat with a gentleman." Also
memorable was his humorous reply to a friend who had asked him to l

[CTRL] Clinton is accused of sex assault when at Oxford and Yale

1999-02-28 Thread Lloyd Miller
Title: Clinton is accused of sex assault when at Oxford

Clinton is accused of sex 
assault when at OxfordBy David Wastell in 

height=10 src="" width=13>
News pages 
[includes the Lewinsky story] - Capital Hill 

height=10 src="" width=13>
Clinton accused - 
Washington Post

height=10 src="" width=13>
Briefing room - 
The White House 

I'll apologise to Chelsea Clinton
FRESH allegations of sexual assaults by the 
young Bill Clinton have emerged in the wake of last 
week's televised claim by Juanita Broaddrick that he 
raped her in her hotel bedroom in 1978.
At least two more women, one of them English, may 
have been his victims on earlier occasions, according to 
an Internet website that claims to have spoken to both 
in the past few days. The new charges, which have not 
been independently confirmed, are signals that the 
controversy over President Clinton's sexual conduct is 
far from over.
Ms Broaddrick's sometimes tearful account of Mr 
Clinton's alleged assault was watched in 23 million 
American homes and had a profound effect on many who saw 
it. According to an opinion poll, published by Fox News 
yesterday, 54 per cent of Americans believe Ms 
Broaddrick's version of events - which is denied by the 
President's lawyers - and half say her claim represents 
a "pattern of behaviour" by Mr Clinton. Some 
believe that Ms Broaddrick's interview may encourage 
other women to come forward.
Lucianne Goldberg, the literary agent who encouraged 
Linda Tripp to record her telephone conversations with 
Miss Lewinsky, has been hinting to friends that she has 
someone lined up to go public within a month.
Capitol Hill Blue, a conservative-leaning website, 
claims that a 19-year-old Englishwoman complained of 
being sexually assaulted by Mr Clinton at a pub near 
Oxford in 1969, when he was a Rhodes Scholar. It claims 
to have confirmation from a former State Department 
official. The alleged victim's family is said to have 
decided against pursuing the case.
According to Capitol Hill Blue, the woman - who it 
says is now married and lives near London - confirmed 
that there had been an incident when contacted last week 
but refused to go public. It said she had since changed 
her telephone number.
The same website also claims to have spoken to an 
unnamed woman who was sexually assaulted by Mr Clinton, 
then a Yale law student, in 1972. She was 22 at the 
time. According to the report, the woman confirmed the 
incident but declined to discuss it further. The 
Internet magazine said the incident was also confirmed 
by a retired campus policeman.
The website, run from suburban Virginia, is regarded 
by Washington insiders as significantly less reliable 
than rivals such as the Drudge Report, which was the 
first to reveal that the President had had an affair 
with Monica Lewinsky but which itself has not always 
proved correct.
Capitol Hill Blue's slogan, "Because nobody's

[CTRL] Truly Frightening

1999-02-28 Thread gandalf

 -Caveat Lector-

Read this one to the end ...

Let's Imagine - It's time to elect a world leader, and your vote counts.

Here's the scoop on three leading candidates.

Candidate A:
* Associates with ward healers and consults with astrologists.
* He's had two mistresses.
* He chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

Candidate B:
* Was kicked out of office twice.
* Sleeps until noon.
* Used opium in college.
* Drinks a quart of brandy every evening.

Candidate C:
* Is a decorated war hero.
* He's a vegetarian
* Doesn't smoke,
* Drinks an occasional beer
* Hasn't had any illicit affairs.

Which of these candidates is your choice?
You don't really need any more information, do you?
Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt
Candidate B is Winston Churchill
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler
Get your free address at

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Reptile Windsors and Royal Insider

1999-02-28 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-02-28 12:32:04 EST, you write:

<< "Balmoral is a 'very, very nasty place. That's somewhere they want to dig
 underground. They will find reptile fossils, it goes back that far. Don't
 think of people like the Queen Mother and Queen Victoria, as different
 people Think of them as the same person which after a While has had to
 replace their coat. when the flesh dies, that energy. while it's dying,
 will be immediately up someone else's jacksy (backside) It's very vampire,
 worse than vampire.  >>

I don't know about all this reptile stuff, but I do remember reading that
Diana hated Balmoral.  The dysfunction was so thick there it used to make her
physically ill.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Approx traffic figures for alt.conspiracy.* newsgroups

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Approx traffic figures for
alt.conspiracy.* newsgroups
Subject: Approx traffic figures for alt.conspiracy.* newsgroups
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (banana)
Date: Sat, Feb 27, 1999 12:42 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The weekly traffic to alt.conspiracy.* groups is approximately as follows:

alt.conspiracy 4030
alt.conspiracy.jfk  780
alt.conspiracy.princess-diana   510
alt.conspiracy.area51   260  250 90
alt.conspiracy.beyondweird   40
alt.conspiracy.spy   40

These are based on figures for posts arriving at my ISP, Demon Internet,
which takes a full alt.* feed. Figures have been rounded to the nearest
10. Groups which received fewer than 50 posts in the last fortnight have
been omitted.

Figures can also be broken down like this:

alt.conspiracy   4030
all 'dedicated' alt.conspiracy.* newsgroups  2180



In early September 1997, it was getting around 500 posts per day
It currently gets about 500 per week
There have been around 16 000 posts since creation

The Big Four

Apart from the generic alt.conspiracy, which gets almost twice as much
traffic as all the other alt.conspiracy.* newsgroups put together, the Big
are the groups on JFK (still top after all these years), PRINCESS DIANA
(less than two years on from the assassination), AREA 51 and the NEW WORLD

These four groups are currently getting the following proportions of all
traffic to 'dedicated' alt.conspiracy.* groups:

alt.conspiracy.jfk 36%
alt.conspiracy.princess-diana  23%
alt.conspiracy.area51  12%
alt.conspiracy.nwo 11%

The order is maintained in the figures for the total numbers of posts that
they have ever received:

alt.conspiracy.jfk 56000
alt.conspiracy.princess-diana  16000
alt.conspiracy.area51  11000
alt.conspiracy.nwo  6000


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] about Steve Kangas, money, & balance of power.

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
about Steve Kangas, money, &
balance of power.
Subject: about Steve Kangas, money, & balance of power.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Doug Bashford)
Date: Sat, Feb 27, 1999 2:01 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

on Fri, 26 Feb (gdy52150) wrote:
about: Re: Web warrior Steve Kangas' untimely death...
>On Fri, 26 Feb (Doug Bashford) wrote:
>>on Fri, 26 Feb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Cross) wrote:

 >  Of course I'm curious as to the degree of public access
 > to the 39th
 >  floor, whether Scaife has a penthouse residency, whether
 > Steve had an appointment, etc.

 "no right-wing conspiracy" to get rid of Clinton and a lot of that
 centered on Scaife's finances and how it relates to Ken Starr.

 Of course, if Scaife is nuts enough to sanction wiping out Steve Kangas,
>>>So let me get this straight: Steve Kangas writes a web page

>>Kangas'  is
>>over 300 html pages, a virtual anti-propaganda arsenal,
>>complete with documentation, the forerunner of a nearly completed
>>> about Richard Mellon Scaife funneling money into conservative causes.

>>Just an overview of the facts...
>>That's old hat.   TIME did that same article several months ago,
>>the graphics showed Scaife as the hub of a wheel.
>>As I've said, I think the get-Clinton aspect of this is small
>>potatoes.   In the big picture of Kangas's site, even Scaife was
>>not a huge player.   For example, check out Scaife's CIA connections.
>>Kangas seemed to think he was working on the hidden fabric of
>>American capitalism.  Or as somebody else put it:

>>  "For the past year or so, Steve was hot on the trail of
>>  a major conspiracy theory of his, involving CIA relationships
>>  with big business and major conservative foundations. He gave
>>  a general outline of his ideas in The Origins of the Overclass.
>>  Steve apparently worked on his site until mere days before his
>>  death, and had long term plans to turn it into one or more books."

>he was breaking new ground going beyond what other authors have
>uncovered. Try reading " Who Rules America" by G. William Dumhoff.
>That book is somewhat a classic and is now in its third edition. And
>clearly shows how the rich control every aspect of the government. It

There does seem to be a growing consensus in that area.  I
find it difficult to believe, but certainly plausible.  After
all, what's Desert Storm really about?  Oil.  In school we all
learned about the US government system of checks and balances.
But I think of equal importance is the economic systems of
checks and balances, a three-way balance between employer, employee,
and government.   That pretty much sums up most political debates
in the economic arena -- the struggle to shift this balance point.
For example, it could be argued that in 1978, the employees
had too much power.

To me, this seems like a deadly fragile system, because if it
gets too far out of balance, all the power and money flows to one
end of the scale, -- they attract and cause each other.

In theory, the side that is left high and dry would assert
itself and grab the power back.  But what if the shift was
hidden?   Let's just keep our eyes open.

>should also be pointed out here now that the CIA has become involved
>in economic espionage recently. The French threw a CIA agent out of
>France for just that in the last decade. Now guess who benefits from
>that info?

The popular support for the Microsoft monopoly suggests to
me a bothersome trend to see economics as an ice hockey game
or even as war.  People need to trade in their lemon-aid
stand economic theories for something a bit more realistic.

>>>A vindictive, all-
>>>seeing Scaife lures Kangas from Las Vegas to Pittsburgh. Lures
>>>him to his headquarters, nay, to his very BATHROOM and has him
>>>killed in such a way, a la Vince Foster, as to make it seem a suicide.
>>*has* him killed?   Seems too sloppy for much pre-meditation.
>>>  Then he uses his influence with a corrupt Pittsburgh police
>>>department to declare it such, a la Park Police.  Is that what
>>>you're saying?
>>laughin!   Who, moi?  The cops found a dead transient
>>California hippy [spit].   Corrupt?   I dunno.
>>>I have a theory nearly as bizarre. Care to hear it?
>>>Kurt Nicklas
>>What fun!   You betcha!  Don't forget to mention that
>>Kangas was ex-military intelligence and tournament
>>chess player!

--  Douglas   bashford ät psnw döt-cöm--

Subject: Re: about Steve Kangas, money, & balance of power.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (gdy52150)
Date: Sat, Feb 27, 1999 3:45 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Sat, 27 Feb 1999 22:01:15 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Doug
Bashford) wrote:

>on Fri, 26 Feb (gdy52150) wrote:
>about: Re: Web warrior Steve Ka

[CTRL] Steve Kangas' untimely death...

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Steve Kangas' untimely death...

Subject: Steve Kangas' untimely death...
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Doug Bashford)
Date: Sat, Feb 27, 1999 2:01 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

on Thu, 25 Feb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Doug Bashford) wrote:
>> (Robert Frenchu) wrote:
>> >(Studebaker Hawk) found the time to write
>> >>Sad news.  The reporter below told me that Steve Kangas was
>> >>found dead in a bathroom on the 39th floor of an office building

Where Scaife's foundations HQ.

>> >>in Pittsburgh.  He says that the death was an apparent suicide
>> >>with a gun fresh out of a box.  He says police have no idea why
>> >>he was in that city.
>> >
>> >Ooooh! A "fresh" gun , you say? They're the best kind.

>> You don't see anything odd in this case?
>I see plenty that's odd.

Did you happen to notice that that reporter worked
for Scaife's newspaper?   The same paper that had two
full time reporters out to prove Clinton murdered
Vince Foster?  See Kangas's "long FAQ" about that:   under;
  `Myth: There’s no "vast right wing conspiracy"'
(It's well documented.)

>For days the libs in these groups have been pussy-footing around the facts of
>Steve Kangas' death but now things are getting a little clearer.  I hope this
>case gets looked at thoroughly.  Did this guy know anyone in
>Pittsburgh?  How long had he been there? Where and when was the
>gun purchased?

Scaife's reporter wanted to know that.  A Nexis-Lexis search
turns up empty for that paper on this.  However a competing(?)
paper in Pittsburgh gave it 46 words -- four days later.

>Was this an instance of a conspiracy theorist
>who got tired of debating and decided on a
>little 'direct action'??   >Kurt Nicklas

Good question.  Can we ever know?  Overview:
Kangas was a cool headed ex-intelligence officer,
chess teacher, smart as a whip, with a vast strategic
arsenal of facts and logic on his Website (300 html pages).
And it was total fluke that we found out about this.
It's almost non-existent in the press (46 words).
The police had closed the case before we ever found out.

The big question:  If you pulled a political suicide stunt,
how would you do it?

There is another "suicide" in Scaife's history.  Again, see
Kangas's Web site: `Myth: There’s no "vast right wing conspiracy"'
   Talk about irony.

--  Douglas   bashford ät psnw döt-cöm-- Middle-of-the-road extremist.

-   Dear Politicians:
-  Seek to increase individuals' wealth and freedom
-   rather than stimulating the gross economy.  Consider abundance
-   and wholeness instead of so-called; "economic growth".
-   Growthmania consumes what it promises.  Ecology delivers.
ubject: Re: Steve Kangas' untimely death...
Date: Sat, Feb 27, 1999 4:06 PM
Message-id: <7ba2sg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Good question.  Can we ever know?  Overview:
>Kangas was a cool headed ex-intelligence officer,

Steve was an enlisted Russian language specialist, not an intelligence

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Reptile Windsors and Royal Insider

1999-02-28 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

QUOTE [taped] from Christine Fitzgerald - Princess Dianas personal confidant
Who then threatened to sue if the transcript of the tape - a tape made in
front of witnesses - appeared published in David Ikes Book 'The Biggest

"The Queen Mother... now that's a serious piece of wizardry. The Queen
Mother is a lot older than people think To be honest, the Royal Family
hasn't died for a long time, they have just metamorphosised. It's sort of
cloning, but in a different way. They take pieces of flesh and rebuild the
body from one little bit. Because it's Lizard, because it's cold blooded,
it's much easier for them to do Frankenstein shit than it is for us. The
different bodies are just different electrical vibrations and they have got
that secret, they've got the secret of the microcurrents, it's so micro, so
specific, these radio waves that actually create the bodies. These are the
energies I work with when I'm healing. They know the vibration of life and
because they are cold-blooded, they are reptiles, they have no wish to make
the Earth the perfect harmony it could be, or to heal the Earth from the
damage that's been done. The Earth's been attacked for zeons by different
extraterrestrials. It's been like a football for so long. This place was a
bus stop for many dfferent aliens. All these aliens, they could Cope with
everythng, including the noxious gases. They're landing all the time and
Coming up from the bowels of the Earth. They looked like reptiles
orignally, but they look like us when they get out now through the
electrical vibration, that life key I talked about. Tbey can manifest how
they want to. All the real knowledge has been taken out and shredded and
put back in another way. The Queen Mother is "Chief Toad" of this part of
Europe and they have people like her in each continent. Most people, the
hangers on, don't know, you know, about the reptles. They are just in awe
of these people because they are so powerful-

"Balmoral is a 'very, very nasty place. That's somewhere they want to dig
underground. They will find reptile fossils, it goes back that far. Don't
think of people like the Queen Mother and Queen Victoria, as different
people Think of them as the same person which after a While has had to
replace their coat. when the flesh dies, that energy. while it's dying,
will be immediately up someone else's jacksy (backside) It's very vampire,
worse than vampire. They are not going to come to you with hooked teeth and
suck you're blood. Fear is their food, they can actually take fear and
manifest it into a tangible thing. The key is the vibrational current. At
that vibrational current, they can manifest anything from anything. its
like a holographic image. We are all mineral and water vibrating. This is
all an illusion we are living in. Ihat's the secret. You know when the
monarchy's fallen, it's not the end of it- They will manifest in another
form. The reptiles have never been defeated and this is the closest they
have come to it. The reason they are so threatened today is because the
Earth is in such trouble and the mental power of people is returning. This
is their most frightening time, but this is not going to kill them. There
are long centuries before it's over yet. The difference this time is that
it'll be more difficult for them and they are going to have to settle for
less and
the Earth people are going to get more. But even though these reptilian
ones are fuckers, they are sad, pathetic beasts really, white humanity is
galloping towards light.

>From David Ikes Biggest Secret and taped interview with princess Dianas
confidant Christine Fitzgerald

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Russian Satanic Cult

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

Electronic Telegraph
International News
Thursday 20 March 1997   Issue 664

Satan cult leaders hunted after teenagers found hanged
By Alan Philps in Moscow and Dmitry Belyakov in Tyumen

RUSSIAN police are searching for the
ringleaders of a Satanic cult in western
Siberia, after a series of deaths among young

The cult was concentrated near the oil city of
Tyumen, 1,400 miles east of Moscow, where five young
people were found hanged. The deaths were originally
thought to be suicides. But pressure from the
parents and the discovery of cabalistic jottings
suggest the youths were involved in a seven-stage
initiation ceremony that culminated in ritual

The deaths occurred last year, but the authorities
have only now begun to act on evidence that the
youths were suffocated before being hung up by
leather belts to simulate suicide. The first death
was in April, when Denis Abramov, 19, was found
hanged in his room at home. In May it was the turn
of Dima Bronnikov, 17, and in July, Stas Buslov was
found hanged from a tree. Three days later his
friend Sergei Sidorov, 18, died in the same manner
at home, as did Tanya Stankeyeva, 22, in October.

The first death occurred in the village of
Roshchino, the other four in Antipovo, both villages
on the edge of Tyumen. All the victims used to meet
in a basement, which was equipped with a kind of
   Satanic altar and had walls painted with diabolical
   signs and cryptic symbols.

   The police, who have no experience of weird cults
   and want to keep the crime figures down, originally
   showed no interest in the deaths. But police captain
   Sergei Denisov said: "We have now launched an
   investigation into criminal activity by a Satanist
   sect. We are looking for the cult leader."

   Boris Buslov, the father of Stas, has spent months
   going through diaries left by his son. "I was
   looking for a suicide note or a hint of why he had
   hanged himself. When I started to read and decode
   his diaries it became clear that his death was the
   result of a cruel cult ritual - or perhaps it was
   that he knew who killed Dima Bronnikov and they
   could not let him escape."

   One of the notes left behind by Stas shows him
   predicting his own death: a boy is shown hanging
   from a tree. His father believes that four codenames
   - Gabriel, Sashiel, Anael and Mikhael - refer to the
   three dead boys and a fourth member, who has fled
   the town for fear of death.

   The mother of Sergei Sidorov said her son admitted
   to her shortly before his death that he was involved
   in a cult. "Mama, I'm a Satanist. I know it is bad,
   but I cannot escape. They are terribly strong."

   Thanks to contacts in the security services, Mr
   Buslov discovered that 36 young people aged from 12
   to 22 have hanged themselves in Tyumen province
   (population 700,000) in the past year. While there
   is no known connection to any cult, the high number
   of deaths has shaken the whole of western Siberia.

   A spokesman for the provincial prosecutor's office
   said: "We may be dealing with a serial killing,
   though it is not clear if this is murder or
   incitement to suicide."

   The leader of the cult is said to be a man in his
   40s, who, helped by two younger acolytes, exerted
   enormous influence on naive provincial children.
   But, thanks to the tardiness of the police, there
   seems little chance of catching those responsible.

   The Orthodox Church originally refused to give the
   hanged youths a Christian burial, as it regards
   suicide as a mortal sin. But it has now decided that
   they are murder victims and will give them a proper
   burial once the investigations are completed.
   Churchmen blame the authorities for allowing a
   post-communist boom in cults - from foreign imports
   such as the Moonies to home-grown sects such as the
   Holy Virgin Centre and the White Brotherhood

[CTRL] To Boldly Go... Where?

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 9
The Laissez Faire City Times
March 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 9
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola

To Boldly Go... Where?

by Sunni Maravillosa

The original Star Trek series, despite its flaws, got one thing right:
humans love to explore. Since the first caveman wondered what was over
the ridge and traversed it to find out, our species has been discovering
and exploring new lands, and conquering the challenges they present. Be
it withering desert, stormy seas, or bitter cold, humans have endured
the worst that nature has hurled, and have not only survived, but
thrived in such places.

In addition to mastering the physical topography of the planet,
adventurers have explored other realms as well. We’ve peered at life at
microbial levels, witnessed the births and deaths of stars, and unlocked
the fearsome power of the atom. Many of these accomplishments were
undertaken with rudimentary equipment and no formal technique—the
indomitable drive to know spurred men on. Today, with no knowledge of
Galileo, Copernicus, Leeuwenhoek, or Koch, anyone with a modest sum to
spend on equipment can explore the heavens, or the protozoans living in
a nearby pond. Thanks to the technological contributions of unknown h
undreds of men and women, we can inexpensively explore mountains and
plains in agonizing cold or ferocious heat, in the comfort of our own

When Europeans began to settle America, it was a particular kind of
person who made the arduous journey, embarking on an uncertain new path.
At first, the settlers were outcasts from their own countries, who
nevertheless had the determination to succeed. As the country took form
and revealed its riches—and new possibilities awaiting to the
west—others poured into the United States from all over the world. Some
were outcasts unpopular in their homeland, but increasingly they were
restless souls, unhappy with the numbing tradition of the entrenched way
of life in their community. These adventurers recognized the potential
this country offered and risked everything for the possibility of
finding a better way of life, one that they were free to choose or
create. What they shared, however, was a willingness to endure hardship
for something in which they believed—what we would today call rugged
individualism, or "the American spirit". Europeans continue to comment
on the American spirit, sometimes in admiration but more often in
bemusement. It’s difficult for one who lives on land that’s been owned
by his family for hundreds of years, outside of a village that has
existed even longer, to understand the American drive to explore, to
create, to push every possible boundary. Although this spirit seems to
be decreasing somewhat, it remains a striking contrast even today.

I have an inchoate theory as to why these differences have come about. I
believe that Americans have been "bred" to be more adventurous. I’m not
suggesting that the differences are purely genetic, although that
undoubtedly plays some role in this dynamic. In creating this country,
and in its rapid population expansion due to immigration by siphoning
off the restless, malcontented, and most ambitious individuals from
Europe, the more daring removed themselves from their homelands and
their cultures. In essence, whatever genetic makeup our immigrant
ancestors may have shared, by coming here and passing it along to their
offspring, a society of free-thinkers and doers was also created, which
has been perpetuated over the generations. The result is a country which
can boast of more achievements and more creators than any other in the
last two centuries. While other countries do have notable scientists and
innovators, many of them seem to find their way to the United States, in
part because of the freedom—and encouragement—to dream, to explore, to
create that they find here.

The Stars, Our Destiny

The most recent physical frontier explored is space. Russians and
Germans wrote about rocketry and space travel and conducted tests, but
it was an American, Robert Goddard, who launched the first modern
rocket. While it was the Soviet Union that put the first man into space,
the American spirit of rising to the challenge led to the first man on
the moon—and so far, the only projects that have placed men on the
moon—being American. In addition to that accomplishment, much of the
technology that made that feat possible—technology which we use
daily—was developed in the US as well.

This situation is different from previous explorations in one crucial
respect: in both the USSR and US, these endeavors were
government-sponsored and financed. Rather than individuals and
businesses driving developments, government bureaus and agencies have
 monopolized this sector of the market, making competition vir

[CTRL] History Is Nonlinear

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 9
The Laissez Faire City Times
March 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 9
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola

History Is Nonlinear

by Don L. Tiggre

Recently a friend wrote to me that he didn’t see much hope for greater
freedom until Libertarians start getting elected and wondered if this
would happen before what he called the "Death Horizon." By this he meant
the approaching point of no return one might project from the state’s
various escalating wars against freedom—the point after which the
state’s control will become unbreakable and the cause of liberty lost
forever (or for a very long time). He wondered how I could be an
optimist in the face of that escalation.

I am indeed an optimist, but it’s not because I’m sticking my head in
the sand about the state’s increasingly naked aggression.

>From the increasingly violent wars against various so-called vices
("victimless crimes"), to the increasing hysteria aimed at disarming the
people who remain capable of effective self defense, to the increasingly
obvious efforts of statists to use "free trade" and the "global village"
as excuses to breathe new life into failed socialist policies, there are
plenty of reasons to be alarmed. If one looks only at these trends, it
would seem easy to conclude that the statists will push us over the
Death Horizon before we can stop them.

Just look at the "asset forfeiture" policies that have been implemented
and are being expanded here in the U.S. Rarely has history afforded such
a clear example of a more self-serving, corrupting and counterproductive
power and money grab, based on such flimsy reasoning. It would be
laughable if it weren’t for the enormous destructive power of this one
policy. Instead, it’s a growing, life-sucking void that could depress
the most pollyannaish people, if they thought about it for too long.

But if it’s true that we’re approaching an asymptote in the graph of
state aggression against the people, it is also true that there is
another critical point we are approaching. Understanding of, and
appreciation for, the freedom philosophy seems to me to have bottomed
out sometime in the early 1970s—and when you bottom out, the curve can
only take you upward. Objectivists might suggest that this was a time
when Rand’s writings had reached enough people that their changing ideas
signaled a change in the intellectual tide. I’m not sure I’m willing to
give that much credit to one thinker—Heinlein certainly reached his
share of people!—but something sure did happen. Now there are more and
more people who understand and seek to apply the freedom philosophy.

Every year, there are more pro-market think tanks, more pro-freedom
columnists in the newspapers, and even more preachers in the pulpit that
understand the moral superiority of laissez faire. Freedom is an idea in
ascendancy, an idea whose time, as Marshal Fritz told us some years ago
would happen in our lifetimes, is rapidly coming.

It was eye-opening when Ronald Reagan used libertarian rhetoric to get
elected—a crystal clear sign that times had changed in the U.S., even if
the necrotic zombie-like systems of the welfare state continued to
accelerate their dance with death. If that was eye-opening, then how
much more electric a shock for Democratic candidate Bill Clinton to
announce that "the era of Big Government is over" and spout Reaganesque
rhetoric in order to attract the people’s vote. Many noticed it, but few
people seem to have fully grasped the significance of this turn of
events, the underlying political realities it implies.

And look at the world. Granted that for many it’s just new rhetoric used
for seizing power—or trying desperately to hang on to it—but that
doesn’t change the fact of the "stampede" toward market mechanisms (as
former Coca Cola CEO Roberto C. Goizueta called it) that is occurring
around the world.

This last needs to be taken with a grain of salt, as from Asia to former
Eastern Bloc countries, we can see that few government officials and
business people around the globe truly understand, trust, and practice
free market capitalism. Instead, the rigged sales of state businesses to
party faithful in post-Communist countries and the wholesale propping up
of so-called private industries in Asia have put the necks of the local
powers-that-be squarely on the chopping block. The corrective cleaver of
the market is ready to fall and discipline such foolishness and it will
be ugly.

However, the point is that Marxist and socialist economic notions and
ideologies were shown to the whole world to be utterly bankrupt in this
last decade and people by the billions have turned to look elsewhere for
new ideas. They may stumble through some trial and error in their
search, but they are searching, and they have the whole bl

[CTRL] The Woman Who Turned God into Man

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 9
The Laissez Faire City Times
March 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 9
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola

The Woman Who Turned God into Man

by Nina von Altendorf

There is a long tradition of favoring the poor and the slow-witted. I
suppose we could blame the Church, but it's too easy a target. Of all
the plausible culprits, ancient and modern, Christianity is as paltry a
villain as her troupe of pitiful beggars and intellectual mendicants,
limping along through history like an idiot whose crime consists of
incompetence. I would be ashamed to put dear old foolish Faith in the

Indeed, though it was Jesus of Nazareth who probably invented the notion
of charity, it would be decidedly unfair to accuse him of poor judgment.
Failed carpenters and simple Jews need our protection, rather than
scorn. See? -- I've fallen into the same trap, exonerating those who
"don't know any better".

It is a double standard by which the able pay dearly, myself included.
Every time we succeed in life, a deep-rooted collective conscience
whimpers an objection that few can ignore. Save the children. Feed the
hungry. Share the wealth. Love thy neighbor.

Even now, it occurs to me that this essay skates dangerously toward
charity. Who is the intended beneficiary, if not a reader less fortunate
than I?

Perhaps I could write for the dead -- so lucky am I to have been saved.
I could write for the unborn, but wiser than that, I could write for
something unborn in me, in the hope that there's still time. Every day
is a step toward -- or a step away from -- the thing we call God.

Oh dear ... the cat is out of the bag, I fear.

How many lives were damned by that word "God", or "Allah" or "Krishna"
if you prefer? And who in the blood-drenched cavalcade of evolution had
enough ingenuity and simple courage to turn God into Man, saving both?

Only one that I know of, the patron saint of healthy children -- Ayn
Rand O'Connor.

She was born in Soviet Russia ... well, not quite: in 1905 her hometown,
later renamed Leningrad, was still called St. Petersburg. Her parents
were middle-class merchants. You can guess the rest: fleeing from the
Bolsheviks, running into poverty, forbidden to leave by law and custom.
Pure luck brought her to the United States in 1927, a young girl who
spoke no English and dreamed of writing stories that would set the world
on fire.

In a sense, she achieved everything she set out to do. To date, Ayn
Rand's epic novels (We The Living, Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged) have
sold millions of copies, igniting the aspirations of every reader. Her
non-fiction essays on human rights, free enterprise and technical
philosophy shaped an entire generation of leaders. Greenspan in the
United States, Thatcher in the UK, and tens of thousands in business and
the professions.

This is not to say that Ayn Rand "single-handedly" inspired the Me
Generation, or the Thatcher Revolution, or Ivan Boesky's oft-quoted
creed that "greed is good".

But, apart from Milton Friedman and the Austrian school of economics,
there were very few voices in the world which consistently championed
capitalism as an ideal system. Ayn Rand was the first to declare that
"greed is good" and make it stick. In a celebrated passage toward the
end of her most influential novel, Atlas Shrugged, the hero demolishes
2000 years of altruism and enunciates a Bill of Rights for those who
love life. The message is simple. Stop supporting your destroyers.
Think. Act in your own self-interest.

To the rest of the world, it was heresy. To me, it was a desperately
needed lifeline that lifted me out of a sea of wreckage. For about five
years after I read Atlas Shrugged, I must have thoroughly exhausted each
of my friends and acquaintances with non-stop proselytizing and eager
announcement of the Promised Land. It's here, it's now, it's in each one
of us to understand and achieve. We are God. No spirit in the sky, but
spirit in us, on earth. Life is worth living, if you live for your own

Mostly, it fell on deaf ears. I stopped talking about freedom for
others. With church and state in near-monopoly of Western culture, there
was no point in trying. Mystical concepts and New Age rhetoric had
firmly grasped the minds of those around me and, Shirley McLaine
notwithstanding, I could not stomach the popular notions that A is not
A; that one creates one's reality; that nothing is real, all is

I presume that mine was a typical experience. Discover Ayn Rand, try to
spread the good news, give up because people are too frightened and
cowardly to follow. And so, the "virtue of selfishness" which Ayn Rand
preached remains locked away in private lives and daily life, like a
secret society of thieves who stole the world's greatest treasure, each
running off 

[CTRL] America as a Battered Woman

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 9
The Laissez Faire City Times
March 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 9
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola

America as a Battered Woman

by Robert L. Kocher

I remember this country when it was sane. That was more than 40 years
ago. The end really started with John Kennedy. The minute I first heard
him, I recognized there was something terribly wrong with that man. He
was lying to me without shame or conscience. He did not have respect for
me or for the presidency. It was the same impression I received, more
strongly, upon seeing or hearing Bill Clinton. I did not like or agree
with Harry Truman. Truman was somewhat misguided, naive, and had a lot
more guts than brains. But he was consistent from day to day, amenable
to logic, was honest about himself, and had some sort of internal
standards and structure that were stable and could be relied upon. Harry
Truman was always Harry Truman. Love him, or hate him, what you got on
Thursday was the same as what you got on Monday was the same as what
took place behind the scenes, and there was no deception. I did not
receive the impression I was listening to a hard core psychopath behind
a glib facade with Truman as I did when listening to Kennedy and
Clinton. Harry Truman was, if nothing else, sane.

There is a story about someone seeking to ingratiate himself by making
the mistake of offering Truman women on the side. An indignant Truman
replied that he married his high school sweetheart and he didn’t play
around on her, and she didn’t play around on him. Wouldn’t it be like
dying and going to heaven to hear something like that again?

Suppose it were now 45 years ago. Suppose I were to go about the town
where I lived saying I knew for certain that the President of the United
States was really a madman who ran around laughing and masturbating in
the Oval Office in front of naked girls. In a short time I would have
been brought before a panel of psychiatrists, so as to let the court
determine the competence of my mental functioning. If I persisted in my
assertions during psychiatric examination I would be told I was crazy,
because any sane mind would realize no such thing could possibly be
happening in this country. If I further argued that it was true and I
had evidence to prove it, right here in an investigation called the
Starr Report, and millions of people supported the president in his e
ndeavors, it would have been looked upon as conclusive evidence that my
delusions were so highly developed as to be intractable, and that I was
a possible danger to myself or society. Quite seriously, I might have
wound up in a state mental hospital for the remainder of my life raving,
"But it’s all true!, Here’s the evidence!" Undoubtedly the doctors,
nurses, and other patients would mumble, "Sad case. He’s been in here
for 40 years raving and trying to convince people that such a thing is
even possible. The worst and funniest part of it is that he keeps
insisting we have the wrong man institutionalized. He thinks the
President of the United States is the one who should be in here while he
should be let out."

This country has changed. What once would have been considered the
ravings of a delusional psychotic, or the plot and visual imagery of a
grotesquely surreal movie, is now reality. The president and his
spokespersons such as James Carville and columnists such as Eleanor
Clift mock us and say that we are crazy. But, we aren’t crazy: it’s
real. The crazy part is that it is real and millions of people are
defending it.

Something very important has been lost in this that will affect the
future stability of the country. The unthinkable has become reality.
Henceforth in this country, what would formerly be dismissed as
delusional can no longer be so easily dismissed. In the past the
political stability of the country has been protected by an aura of the
presidency and the belief that there was some sort of purification
process that weeded out the extremely unfit or irresponsible. This had
the secondary effect of diminishing the credibility or acceptance of
erratic or delusional elements in the country critical of the
government. There was a time when grotesque or paranoid speculation
about presidential or governmental action would be dismissed by faith in
a sane reality. It would be dismissed by saying Eisenhower, Truman,
Reagan, or whoever was president could never do something like whatever
it happened to be. With the Clintons we have reached the final point
where that brake on political irrationality has been destroyed. A sense
 of stable reality has been lost. In a distorted condition of
accusations  or speculations and counter-accusations  it has become much
harder to decide which side should be dismissed as being nuts. This
pertains not only to matters o

[CTRL] Education: The Fifth Estate

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 9
The Laissez Faire City Times
March 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 9
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola

Education: The Fifth Estate

by Ace

In certain minority circles, everybody's talking about the majority
who's so dumbed-down that they no longer care about perjury, obstruction
of justice, or gross misuse of power. It's almost as if barbarism was a
new political trend. Of course some are pointing to the media as a
cause. And you probably have heard the collective media described as the
propaganda wing, or "Fourth Estate" of American government. But while
most of us realize that the media has effectively become the Fourth
Estate, it's only beginning to dawn on us that there has also long been
a Fifth.

We're talking about the American system of education, both public and
private. We're talking about grades K through Twelve. We're talking
about those A's, B's, M's, and P's attached to the names of individuals
who have ran the gauntlet of upper academia. We're talking about the PC
facilitators. We're talking about the Fifth Estate.

Locked in the narrow detention of their own denial—like virtually
everyone else incarcerated in even the most comfortable American
prisons—limousine liberals and plush corporate contract members of the
media hold themselves innocent. Innocent at least, of political bias.
Although to anyone capable of tying his own shoes, the charade of the
majority of talking heads and syndicated quill pushers has become as
clear as Waterford Crystal. Nearly ninety percent of the Washington
press-corps admits being Liberal, and Hollywood doesn't even pretend.
And if the bias of the Fourth Estate is evident to the point of popular
cynicism, the same is true of the Fifth Estate. After all, that's where
most of the Manhattan media anchors and Hollywood visionaries got their

>From a certain point of view then, the American system of education
appears to be the training ground for those tending a pure propaganda
engine for progressive political ideologies. So much so that it has
become a political force in its own right. There are presently 760
federal programs that deal with education. And even as we speak the
central government is trotting out long-legged new plans for huge
increases in spending. Voracious instructors and academic administrators
pant obsequiously with tin cups ready. But there's nothing new about
this trend in America. Long before political correctness became
politically correct, foundation facilitators were busy planning.

"The term 'planning' is mostly used as a synonym for socialism,
communism, and authoritarian and totalitarian economic management.
Sometimes only the German pattern of socialism—Zwangswirtshaft—is called
planning, while the term socialism proper is reserved for the Russian
pattern of outright socialization and bureaucratic operation of all
plants, shops and farms. At any rate, planning in this sense means
all-around planning by the government and enforcement of these plans by
the police power." —Ludwig von Mises, Planning For Freedom

Look Out for the Truant Officer

Frederick Gates, Chairman of the General Education Board, a private
institution funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, remarked about their
hopes for public education as far back as 1902. In the Board's
Occasional Letter he wrote, "In our dreams, we have limitless resources,
and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding

This must be the molding hand that lent itself to the systematic
destruction of the American ideal of individual liberty and personal
accountability in favor of our current "kleptocracy." And it must be the
progressive hand that's now dangerously flirting with that wretched
seductress popularly described as American Fascism.

One thing's for sure. It is a trend. And it's a trend that also appears
to include a smug effort to use education as a vehicle for cultural
destruction. The primary target has long been the stabilizing force of
traditional Western values that works through individual conscience.
Specifically, these are the values of the ancient Jews and their gentile
Christian progeny. At the Center for the Study of Popular Culture, David
Horowitz described it as a blend of Judaic law and Hellenistic
philosophy. It's the historic alloy of law and value, of personal
liberty and individual accountability, of faith and reason. While Jesse
Jackson chants, "Hey hey, ho ho, Western Culture's gotta' go," his
multicultural followers reject the very values that gave the world the
Magna Carta, the Mayflower Compact, and the Declaration of Independence.
And the destruction of that value system clearly appears an orchestrated
means to reduce the public to a new barbarism, with the primary purpose
of rebuilding the collapsed cultur

[CTRL] INTELINK a book review by J. Orlin Grabbe

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 9
The Laissez Faire City Times
March 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 9
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola


a book review by J. Orlin Grabbe

Intelink is the classified, worldwide intranet for the U.S. Intelligence
Community  linking together the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the
National Security Agency (NSA), the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO
), the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), the Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA), and 8 other intelligence organizations,
including the FBI.

Intelink is the subject of Frederick Thomas Martin’s flashily titled Top
Secret Intranet: How U.S. Intelligence Built Intelink  The World’s
Largest, Most Secure Network. Perhaps the most surprising revelation the
book makes is that this very closed network was built entirely on open
system standards like TCP/IP (the communication protocols of the
Internet) and SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language, of which HTML
 the hypertext presentation language of the World Wide Web  is an
application). Indeed, Martin gets around to boldly stating that "
Intelink is patterned after the global Internet."

"It was a dark and stormy night," Martin’s introduction begins, and that
is the best written sentence in the somewhat ponderously crafted and
repetitious Intro the literary techniques of English novelist Edward
Bulwer-Lytton otherwise conspicuous by their absence. Reading Martin’s
mushy acknowledgements, one quickly forms the impression of a book both
written and vetted by a committee; indeed, one begins to question
whether Martin’s name should appear on the book at all. Martin recently
retired from the NSA as Deputy Director of its Information Services

But it gets better once we reach the book proper. Chapter 1 tells the
origin of Intelink, how in 1994 DCI James Woolsey created the
Intelligence Systems Board (ISB) to improve the interoperability of
information systems supporting intelligence operations. Along with ISB
came a permanent staff, known as the Intelligence Systems Secretariat
(ISS). Steven Schanzer, the first Director of the ISS, became the
"father" of Intelink. A "proof of concept" prototype was put together in
April 1994, and by the end of the year Intelink was operational. The
rest of Chapter 1 gives a thumbnail history of the Internet and the
World Wide Web, introduces SGML and its offspring HTML (an SGML
application) and the more recent XML (eXtensible Markup Language, a
subset of SGML which will be supported in future Netscape and Internet
Explorer browsers), and concludes with a discussion of the need for In
telink to meet the changing needs of intelligence.

Martin notes that SMGL was adopted for document tagging by the
Department of Defense in 1987 in its CALS ("Continuous Acquisition and
Life-Cycle Support") Program, then as an information processing standard
by the CIA in 1993, and finally by Intelink in 1994.

Chapter 2 is essentially a bureaucratic history of the development of
Intelink, and describes the eventual formation of the Intelink
Management Office (IMO), whose Director alternates between the CIA and
DIA, and whose Deputy Director is always NSA. There are dry recitations
of duties and goals, some of which read like they were written by an
IT-trained Russian speaker struggling with the English language. For

"· Enhancing support infrastructures to ensure that future Intelink
services enjoy the stability of a robust and well-administered
information environment; [Translation: Get our shit together.]

"· Establishing a viable training program to ensure that all producers
and users can effectively use existing and new services; [Translation:
Teach people to use the system.]

"· Developing a technology integration program to ensure that Intelink
enjoys the benefits of early introduction of new information
technology;" [Translation: Grab the new stuff pronto.]

The chapter notes that the Global Command and Control System (GCCS)  the
Department of Defense’s new system for delivering command and control
capabilities to the warfighter  relies in part on Intelink. (See
"Intelink-S," below.)

As currently constituted, Intelink is segmented into security levels. At
the core is "Intelink-SCI." SCI, according to Martin, stands for
"Special" Compartmented Information, although most other people seem to
think it stands for "Sensitive" Compartmented Information (see, for
example, Jeffrey T. Richelson, The U.S. Intelligence Community, 3rd
edition). Information available on Intelink-SCI is classified up to "Top
Secret/SCI." About 50,000 people have access to this level, including
Monica Lewinsky, while she was at the Pentagon. (You will recall that
Monica had a Top Secret/SCI clearance for reasons never explained, but
presumably because of her need for detailed

[CTRL] Gravity Modification has been investigated by NASA

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-">NASA Selects
Superconductive Components Inc. fo 


COLUMBUS, Ohio - April 13, 1998 - Superconductive Components, Inc. (OTC
Bulletin Board: SCCI) today announced that it had been awarded a Small
Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grant by the National Aeronautic and
Space Administration (NASA) to develop a process to manufacture large
superconductive discs for use in gravity modification experiments.

The program, titled ‘Demonstrate the Feasibility of fabricating a Dual
Microstructure YBCO Toroid Suitable for Gravity Shielding Experiments’
links Superconductive Components, Inc. (SCI) with NASA and the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory. The Phase I award of $70,000 will fund work to be
done at SCI to modify its existing processes to develop a
superconductive toroid with a very specific microstructure. Work
published by Russian scientist Eugene Podkletnov suggests that a YBCO
disc with specialized features may be able, under laboratory conditions,
to shield gravity waves. Phase II of the program, if approved by NASA,
could be funded up to $600,000. Approximately one half of NASA Phase I
awards result in Phase II contracts.

"We are pleased to have been selected by NASA through its peer review
process, to do this work," said SCI Vice President, J.R. Gaines, Jr.
"This award is a great acknowledgment of our technical strengths in YBCO
Melt Texturing and the overall capability of our team. We are hopeful
that this SBIR, which allows us to work closely with NASA on an
extraordinary topic, will lead to significant technical breakthroughs,
resulting in ongoing research and commercial sales."

The concept of Gravity Modification has been investigated by NASA and
others for several months and has been the subject of a recent
documentary by German public television. International attention has
been focused on these experiments because the shielding of earth bound
objects from the effects of gravity may radically alter the economics of
space travel and transportation in general.

Superconductive Components, Inc., head quartered in Columbus, Ohio,
manufactures ceramic superconductors for wire, electronic devices, such
as cellular base stations, and frictionless bearing systems for energy
storage and other rotating machinery. The company sells its product in
the US and over 40 foreign countries. For more information contact J.R.
Gaines, Jr., Vice President, at 614.486.0261.

Superconductive Components Inc.
1145 Chesapeake Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43212 USA
Phone: (614) 486-0261 Fax: (614) 486-0912
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] OEN 2/28/99

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
The Religion Business

Rev. Henry Lyons Found Guilty of Racketeering, Grand Theft

Those burning waterfront homes

LARGO, Fla. — The head of one of the nation's most influential black
denominations, who prosecutors said "traded the Good Book for the bank
book," was found guilty Saturday on charges of swindling millions of
dollars from companies seeking to do business with his followers.
The Rev. Henry Lyons, president of the National Baptist Convention USA,
also was found guilty of grand theft in the disappearance of almost
$250,000 from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, money intended
to rebuild burned black churches in the South.

The six-member jury acquitted Lyons' co-defendant and alleged mistress,
Bernice Edwards, on the racketeering charge, the only count she faced.

Lyons, flanked by his attorneys, showed no reaction as the judge read
the verdicts. He faces three to seven years in prison. Edwards sobbed
and put her head on her lawyer's shoulder after the verdict.

Prosecutors accused the pair of stealing more than $4 million from
corporations wanting to sell cemetery products, life insurance policies
and credit cards to the convention's touted 8.5 million black members.

Prosecutors have called the membership figure a hoax and said the
convention could have had closer to 1 million members.

They said Lyons and Ms. Edwards duped the companies by promising a
membership mailing list that never existed — at one point, according to
testimony, even making up lists from $90 computerized phone disks that
led one company to send letters to such non-Baptists as a grand dragon
of the Ku Klux Klan and a Catholic priest.

The pair then went on lavish spending sprees, buying a diamond ring "the
size of a dime," a $700,000 waterfront home, a time-share condominium in
Nevada, several luxury cars and expensive clothing, according to
testimony during the five-week trial.

The trial came to a standstill Saturday morning when two Tampa Bay
television stations turned over copies of e-mails they had received from
a man who claimed he overheard a female juror discussing the case with a

Lyons' attorney immediately asked for a mistrial. The judge denied the
request after the juror denied the conversation. In a second e-mail, the
same man wrote that he did not overhear the conversation directly.

Prosecutors began investigating Lyons' finances in July 1997, after his
wife set fire to the waterfront home. She told deputies she found the
deed in her husband's briefcase and believed he and Ms. Edwards were
having an affair.

Deborah Lyons, later convicted of arson and sentenced to probation,
since has said she supports her husband and does not believe Ms. Edwards
was his mistress.

Ms. Edwards, a convicted embezzler from Milwaukee, took the witness
stand to deny having a sexual affair with the minister and asserted she
earned every dime she spent by working as the convention's public
relations director.

However, convention aide Bonita Henderson testified she did have an
affair with Lyons and told jurors that Ms. Edwards bragged of having a
sexual relationship with him, even telling convention pastors the pair
would marry "as soon as he got rid of his drunken wife."

Ms. Henderson described making up a membership list for the Globe Life
Insurance Co. at Lyons' direction, using a computerized telephone
directory and eliminating names ending with "-ski" or clearly of other
ethnic groups.

The company paid Lyons $400,000 for that list, executives testified,
then realized they had been duped when they received complaints from a
grand dragon for the Ku Klux Klan, a Catholic priest and a member of
their own board of directors who each received sales letters with Lyons'

The company later paid Lyons another $600,000 when he claimed the list
had been sabotaged and he could get them another.

The biggest victim, prosecutors said, was the world's second-largest
funeral home company, the Loewen Group, which was cheated out of almost
$3 million.

"Somewhere along the line, he traded the Good Book for the bank book.
That's what this case is all about," Assistant State Attorney Bill
Loughery told the jury in closing arguments Thursday. "It's beyond
hypocrisy and it's actually criminal."

Defense lawyers attacked prosecutors as acting as "the moral police,"
saying the minister's failed business deals were not criminal matters
and the case actually is about religious freedom.

The convention has kept Lyons as its leader, saying he stole no funds
from them and committed no wrongdoing, attorney Grady Irvin said.

"They don't like it," he said, pointing at prosecutors. "The next thing
you know, are they going to be writing the sermons? Telling us when to
pray? When to kneel? When to stand up? This is a religious organization.
... It's not up to these prosecutors ... to tell them how to run the


1999-02-28 Thread American Patriot Friends Network

 -Caveat Lector-


FEB. 28, 1993 - JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED - FEB. 28, 1999


Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 20:48:49 GMT

The Washington Times
Tuesday, January 3, 1995

   Scandal could  dwarf

by Hugh Aynesworth

Mena, Ark.--It's a long story with everything: tales of
drug smuggling, bags of cash dropping from the sky, murder
by ambush, revenge in the dead of night, and laced with
the names of famous spies and godfathers, pilots
and presidents.
If only half the particulars are true--and nobody is
sure of the discount rate on the stories--it could be a
scandal to dwarf anything seen before in U.S. politics.
but despite a long run as a staple of congressional
rhetoric, radio talk shows and investigations by most major
news organizations, the accurate particulars remain
elusive.  Nevertheless, it's a story that won't go away,
and its locale--the rugged hills deep in the Ouachita
National Forest in the remote mountain counties of what has
become America's most interesting state--and its
connection, if any, to the Whitewater scandals lend the
Mena story the elements and the aura of a bomb ticking
beneath the feed of the famous and the powerful.
Litigation, some of it already in the works, may force
the answers to some questions.  One prominent Arkansas
politician, Bill Alexander, who served 12 terms in the U.S.
House of Representatives, where he was the chief deputy
Democratic whip, is working with lawyers for one plaintiff
who accuses Bill Clinton's chief of security with
manipulating evidence.
Mr. Alexander's interest in Mena (which is across the
state from his old congressional district) is not new.  He
began hearing about Mena as early as 1988, and as a
congressman he asked the General Accounting Office (GAO) to
investigate how the investigation of foreign drug
trafficking bears on the formulation of U.S. policy.
In a confidential report from the House Appropriations
committee, dated Feb. 22, 1989, the first paragraph of a
six-page, single-spaced report says: "The Reagan
administration repeatedly blocked the efforts by the GAO
to obtain information concerning this investigation."
In 1991,  Mr. Alexander obtained a $25,000 grant from
the federal government to be used by the Arkansas State
Police to reopen the investigation.  Mr. Alexander got a
commitment from the Arkansas attorney general Winston
Bryant to help.  But before the investigation got under
way, Mr. Alexander was upset in the Democratic primary in
1992--the investigation was not an issue in the campaign--
and Bill Clinton was running for president.  Few
politicians at home wanted to stir up anything to hurt the
candidacy of their very own good ol' boy.
"There was enough evidence to begin cracking it open,"
says Mr. Alexander, who four years ago pushed hard for
hearings on Mena by House subcommittees on Commerce,
Justice, State and Judiciary, "and suddenly nobody wanted
to touch it.  I want to know why.
"The basic problem here is that I (had) the highest
possible clearance that the government can provide for
secrecy.  I (was) cleared for secrets that the president
gets--and no one else--but I (was) denied access to
information in a criminal investigation in my state."
The Mena story is fraught with conjecture, much of it
spun by its central figure, a swashbuckling pilot named
Barry Seal, now dead.  There is no proof that the
clandestine events are linked to Whitewater, but many of
the figures linked to Mena are figures who have been
closely tied to Bill Clinton and the failure of Madison
Guaranty Savings & Loan Association of Little Rock in 1989,
with its ties to Whitewater Development Corp., the
real-estate partnership of Madison owner James B. McDougal,
Mr. Clinton and their wives.

Mr. Clinton has disclaimed any participation in or
knowledge of any such activity at Mena, the most recent
denial in answer to a question at his Oct. 7 news

Events at Mena "were primarily a matter for federal
jurisdiction" he said.  "The state really had next to
nothing to do with it.  The local prosecutor did conduct
an investigation based on what was in the jurisdiction of
state law.  The rest of it was under the jurisdiction of
the United States attorneys who were appointed successively
by previous administrations.  We had nothing--zero--to do
with it."

The denial was greeted with some skepticism in
Arkansas, where Mr. Clinton's determination to know about
everything going on while he was governor is still remarked
on.  Others linked by speculation and circumstance include
Webster L. Hubbell, a close Clinton friend and confidant
who pleaded guilty to bilking Little Rock's Rose Law Firm,
where he was a partner with Hillary Rodham Clinton, and its
clients of $390,000; Dan R. Lasater, a Little Rock

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Heaven's Gate & Theosophy

1999-02-28 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, Colleen Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>DO - of Heavens Gate sent all his tapes to a religious group prior to
>their demise.this group is also a diligent seeker of the truth, and
>can understand and see all the evils being perpetuated upon the public.

'DO' and 'TI' did not first make headlines with Heaven's Gate...they went
by the name of 'BO' and 'PEEP' back in the 70s, had quite a large cult
following which turned all their earthly goods over to 'BO' and 'PEEP'
(e.g. their bank accounts) for the 'right' to be lifted off some mountain
to 'The Mother Ship' on some appointed date...forget what the exact date
was, but the true believers duly gathered on the appointed date to await
the end of the world and their rescue by the mother ship...

And they waited and they waited...after a couple of days, it dawned on
most that they'd been conned, as 'BO' and 'PEEP' were nowhere to be found,
the world obviously didn't end, and the 'mother ship' obviously hadn't
come and lifted them off into space...but at least these devotees got out
of it with their lives...

For some reason, local, state, and federal authorities did not seem too
eager to pursue 'BO' and 'PEEP', who obviously had scammed money out of a
large group of people and absconded over state lines with the funds...

I later read that 'BO'/'DO' had ties with the spook agencies, I've also
read of having ties with Jonestown...

>I have listened to one of Do's tapes (after death)he was

He was a sincere con artist...

>he knew with the millenium, there would be genocide which
>would go by undetected;

Sounds like what Charlie Manson taught HIS devotees, too...

>What was Do trying to say to us;  if he was so happy about leaving
>Planet Earth, why, in this one tape, does he break down nerly into tears
>on two occasions.

Why did he have himself castrated?


 The world is coming to an end.
 Log off and leave in an orderly fashion.
revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
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 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: NSA Agent Gets 24 Years - NSA Director Quits

1999-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan

Former National Security Agency (NSA) intelligence analyst David
Sheldon Boone was sentenced to 24 years in prison for passing
Top Secret data to the KGB for $60,000.  Boone passed the secret
data to the Soviet Union from 1988 to 1991.  Boone was caught in
1998 by FBI agents posing as KGB agents who asked him to resume
passing secrets to the replacement for the KGB, the SVR (Russian
External Intelligence agency).

According to Federal prosecutor Thomas Connolly, Boone passed
new information to the FBI undercover agents that "put the lives
of American pilots in danger."

NSA Director USAF Lt. General Kenneth Minihan has decided to
retire and leave the National Security Agency.  Minihan has been
in the NSA top spot since Admiral McConnell left in 1996.

Minihan's short term and sudden loss is fueling speculation that
he fumbled the Chinagate investigation by the intelligence
agency.  His predecessor, Navy Adm. McConnell, stayed in the spot
for nearly eight years before stepping aside.  McConnell was NSA
Director under both President Bush and President Clinton.

USAF Lt. General Michael V. Hayden has been appointed to replace
Minihan at the top spot in NSA.

According to documents obtained from the Dept. of Justice,
former Assistant Attorney General Webster Hubbell had documents
the national security equal to the Top Secret materials passed
by Boone.  The Hubbell documents are so classified that the NSA,
NSC and FBI all withheld materials on the grounds of "national

U.S. and NATO exercises staged off the east coast ended on
Friday.  The NATO military training included GPS jamming by the
USAF NKC-135 Big Crow aircraft.  The NKC-135 jammed GPS signals
as far as 350 miles away from the NATO exercise zone off the
U.S. coast.  FAA and Coast Guard officials warned airmen and
sailors of the GPS jamming.

The FAA and U.S. investors are furious over the NATO jamming of
GPS.  The jamming has all but sunk any global agreement to use
GPS as part of a world-wide air traffic control system.

Wall Street aerospace analyst Wolfgang Demisch told Aviation
Week that the GPS jamming was a "deliberate disruption that is
for sure going to send a message to the rest of the world."

According to Demisch,"The current GPS system is unsuitable as
the base for any serious commercial applications, in particular
a next generation air traffic control system."

Hughes Aerospace executives are screaming over the denial of a
satellite export to China.  According to Hughes Electronics CEO
Charles Noski, "We will have to resell that satellite."

"If we can't," said Noski.  "We may have to take a charge of up
to $100 million against 1999 earnings - a move we don't take

Russian intelligence agency head, Vyachesla Trubnikov told
Moscow newspapers that the SVR knew of President Clinton's
"sexual problems."  According to Trubnikov, the Russians knew
"long ago" that Bill Clinton was a sexual "predator."

No word from Trubnikov if the SVR tried to take advantage of
the Clinton sex problem.  During the cold war, the KGB
frequently used female agents trained in the art of espionage
and sex.


1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
Pcyphered SIGNATURE:

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Re: [CTRL] interpol heroin (fwd)

1999-02-28 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-02-28 00:08:51 EST, you write:

<< Forget the drugs. What no one is talking about is the billions of dollars
the bush boys
 stole. No one cares? Jeb Bush was just elected in Florida --in spite of his
 to that "friend" who stole all those bucks from Medicare (?). Sex is bad but
 billions of dollars is okay? From the level of not-caring, you would think
they were
 sharing their booty with the rest of us.


And don't leave out Neil from "Silverado" which makes Madison Guarantee
look like a stick up at a 7-11.  As I understand it, he loaned money from
there to at least GW -- maybe to more family members, and it was never paid
The nuts have howled for 6 years about Clinton not being fit for the
Presidency because he claims he didn't inhale.  Liar liar liar pothead commie
blah blah blah is all we've heard.  Watch the squealers go mute on GW's past,
and TELL me there isn't a black op to get Clinton out.
Even when I'm frustrated with the President, I am reminded there must be
many really GOOD things about him.  A person can be judged from the quality of
his enemies.  He's got the lowest, most slimeball enemies who use the lowest
of all tactics to get at him.  My God, maybe he's a SAINT.
Yeah, Saint Bill.  Has a nice ring to it.
Watch that blood pressure now, folks.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] On The Waterfront

1999-02-28 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

Elia Kazan directed movie, "On The Waterfront." During House
Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC) hearings, Kazan named
names. Some see his subsequent movie, "On The Waterfront" as
Kazan's justification; hero in the movie "snitches" on corrupt
union leaders. Kazan to receive honorary Oscar, but there will
be protests based on Kazan's HUAC testimony, where he had
named names. Below is editorial on subject, from NYTimes.

  February 28, 1999

Hollywood Hypocrisy


 E lia Kazan is a wonderfully creative director who has contributed
 brilliantly to the arts of drama and film in the 20th century. He
 is also a man who in 1952 gave the House Committee on Un-American
 Activities the names of people he had known during his brief
 membership in the Communist Party 16 years before.

 And he is a man whose impending recognition by the Academy of
 Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is driving some people into orgies
 of self-righteous frenzy. Mr. Kazan, they say, is a scoundrel who
 should apologize for past misdeeds in politics before he receives
 an honorary Oscar for his lifetime achievement in the arts.

 Mr. Kazan, the protesters say, is an informer, and his offense is
 unforgivable. But is that what the protesters really mean? Is
 informing unforgivable in all circumstances? Had Mr. Kazan been a
 member of the German-American Bund naming underground Nazis, would
 they have condemned him just as much? Or a former Klansman who
 informed on his hooded brethren? Or a former Mafia thug who
 informed on the mob? Or a member of the Nixon White House who
 informed during Watergate? Or a whistleblower who disclosed
 government malfeasance?

 No, informing per se is not Mr. Kazan's offense. His true offense
 in the minds of the Hollywood protesters is that he informed on the
 Communist Party. Now, informing on former associates is not an easy
 choice, even though Mr. Kazan named no names not already known to
 the committee. Under the pressure of the time, Mr. Kazan searched
 his conscience and went one way. Others searched their consciences
 and went another way. Those who were not subject to the pressures
 of the time should not rush to judgment. "No one knows what he'd
 do," Lee Strasberg, the director of the Actors Studio, told Mr.
 Kazan, "until he's in it."

 Mr. Kazan's critics are those -- or latter-day admirers of those --
 who continued to defend Stalin after the Moscow trials, after the
 pact with Hitler, through the age of the gulag. One wonders at
 their presumption in condemning others for recognizing the horrors
 of Stalinism -- horrors that the entire world, including Russia,
 acknowledges today.

 The presumption is especially acute when it comes from those who,
 when they testified before HUAC, declined to declare their true
 beliefs. (Bartley Crum, one of their lawyers, urged that they
 declare them.) Instead they preserved secrecy, refused to argue
 their beliefs and posed as champions of a Bill of Rights that a
 Stalinist regime would instantly have abolished. If the Academy's
 occasion calls for apologies, let Mr. Kazan's denouncers apologize
 for the aid and comfort they gave to Stalinism.

 Those were horrid times. Little has disgraced Congress more than
 the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Its inquiry into
 Communism in Hollywood was among the most indefensible, scandalous
 and cruel episodes in the entire history of legislative
 investigations. The idea that the presence of a few Stalinists and
 fellow-travelers in the film industry was a grave threat to the
 republic rates high in the annals of Congressional asininity.
 Collaboration with these Congressional clowns had its elements of
 disgust and shame, as Mr. Kazan himself admits in his memoir.

 But was it worse than collaboration with the Communist Party -- the
 party that for years, as Eleanor Roosevelt wrote in 1945, "taught
 the philosophy of the lie."

 "They taught that allegiance to the party and acceptance of orders
 from party heads, whose interests were not just those of the United
 States, were paramount" she said. "Because I have experienced the
 deception of the American Communists, I will not trust them."

 These were indeed horrid years -- horrid for HUAC's unhappy
 targets, horrid for HUAC's unhappy collaborators. In 1970 Dalton
 Trumbo, a major target, spoke interesting words to the
 Screenwriters Guild.

 "Caught in a situation that had passed beyond the control of mere
 individuals," he said, "each person reacted as his nature, his
 needs, his convictions and his particular circumstances compelled
 him to. There was bad faith and good, honesty and dishonesty,
 courage and cowardice, selflessn

Re: [CTRL] y2k & you

1999-02-28 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I told you I had slowed down a bit you all, and I supposed I should
correct myself.

There are those who put the brains into the computer, and those who use
it; and there are those, who write the program, etc.

Years ago, I recognized the fact that the whole world would operate on a
keyboard someday; having played the piano and violin, my fingers moved a
little more in the speedier lite.  And I do not correct my spelling,
because I simply do not want to take the time.   I do not have a
spellchecker on this web - but I do have an IQ of 145 - whats yours?

And I also had the unique opportunity to work with, not for, an MI6 for
12 years, who also had many best sellers - and some of my material was

You seem to judge people by the buck, do you not.  If I insulted your
integrity -fine.  If I insulted your mother or someone, that would be
different.  It always made me laugh, however, to see all these big, bad
men at their computers, who could not type; yet, some knew, the entire
world would someday operate on a keyboard of some type or another.

No - I do not need anybody to correct my English or my spelling.   I
would do so myself, but it really doesn't matter.

I would like to mention the day I saw the light was in a bank; you had
the servant controlling the masters.The hired help knew how to
operate the computer, while the bank president could not.  So one day
they just dumped a bunch of computers on the brass in the banks...and
you should have seen them.

So why ain't you rich, you camel lipped jerk.   As a woman alone, I have
done pretty well.  I am now retired, but we were taught to appreciate
good music, good art, good drinks, and I have always held in contempt
those who sat at a computer trying to be a genius, when in fact, they
were just playing the role of a misplaced genius, who for some reason or
another, got stuck behind a keyboard and could not type.

What I am saying is simply this; the entire problem could have been
avoided had someone dipped into the future and realized, that they not
only had people born in the 1800 period to worry about but the 2000
period as well, and used 4 digit year.  Anyway, they have made something
so simple, so complex and all the God shouters will be on the streets
with 999 stamped on their foreheads.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Neighbourhood

1999-02-28 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Israel has been engaged in weather modification for many, many
yearsthey have made the desert to bloom.

One thing that always amazes me when I see the arab fanatics on tv, some
of whom look as though they were poverty stricken and down and out in
Beverly Hillsthey always speak many Americans do
you know that speak Arabicor read Arabic.  Where do they all learn
to speak English.were they all Rhodes Scholars who went to
Oxford,and came back home to spread the word?

I dont even hate Sadaam Hussein; why doesn't somone with a brain sit
down and talk to this man.  He has pulled in his horns since King
Hussein diedwonder why.  Sadaam lives in the original Garden of
Eden.well, someone had to live thereso who did they toss out.
If God is an Englishman, he did start this whole mess.   When the
British took Kuwait from Iraq, a good part of the oil went with it.  Now
if someone would come to the USA for instance, and take back Texas - can
you hear the clamourit would be raise the Bonnie Blue.

Well, I like George Bush too.  Once a pilot, always a pilot; at least
Mrs. Bush kept an eye on him - if only Hillary had done as much for Bill
we would have save 45 million dollars - those lawyers sure create a

Now legall speaking.all ou lawyers.if Israel through the Weather
Modification made the desert to bloom as a rose, shouldn't they be the
ones to control the water produced as the result of same?

Perhaps if the outside world would leave Israel and the Arab Nations
alone, who have been fighting for 2000 years now or so, they would come
to the bargaining table.   The solution - very simple, that of
nationalism.restore lost boundaries, return to secular water really the issue or is it oil.  Well, let them
drink all that oil.which is really more precious.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] y2k & you

1999-02-28 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, Colleen Jones trolled:
>Well, I have had it with these computer genius types;  most of whom,
>cannot type of course.   Me, I am a lowly type and type 120 wpm
>officially per minuteand up to 150 on a computer.  That was 10 years
>ago, and I have slowed down a lot.

I'm a computer programmer, but I only type 65-70 wpm...never billed
myself as a 'genius type', guess that's why...

Back in the late 60s, when I took typing classes in highschool, only a
very few people could consistently achieve 120 wpm...the 'best' average
was considered 80 to 100 wpm...

And in all my working career, esp. PRE-programming when I worked in
offices with clerical staff and keypunch personnel, I never once met
anyone who could consistently type at 120wpm...

If you have that skill, dear, you should be commanding a very hefty

>Now, all these computer genius types; why is it that this so called
>"glitch" happened with all these genius types walking about making
>billions of dollars at the top.

Because it was the management genius types call...THEY didn't see it as a
problem, so never allocated the funds nor the staff to correct it.

>Consider in the Star War movies
>computers operating hundreds of years from now, and do not say nobody
>recognized this problem long ago.

If you base your philosophy/mindset/worldview solely on Hollywood, God
help you.

But yes, the 'problem' WAS recognized back in the 60s and 70s, but as I
said, it was management's call as to whether to spend to time fixing it,
and they decided not to.

>who profits.   Will it be Bill Gates - well, I imagine so.

Desktop systems aren't the problems, mainframes Bill Gates has
nothing to do with it.


You should be spending some time studying a dictionary, dear...perhaps
your lack of spelling and grammar skills is what has held you in low-
paying positions, and not your supposed typing speed.

>some poor folk will get a piece of this action   After all, computers do
>not build skyscrapers, pick up your trash every day

No, but they run the businesses that employ the people who DO work in
thoe fields...

Computers are used to design the blueprints for skyscrapers, to run the
HVAC system, to generate the payroll to pay the builders of the
skyscrapers and those who work within them, to pay the bills of the
companies who provide products and services to that skyscraper...

>Is there a simple solution for these genius types for the pending doom
>and gloom not prophesied by our computer gurus?  Why can they not
>program the computers to simply add two digits on all numbers starting
>from 1800 to 2000, etc.

Because most software hasn't allowed for the space for the century digit.

If a two-digit year occupied position 1 and 2 of a field layout, followed
by, say, an account number starting in position 3, one can't just go in
and say the year is now 4-digits, starting in position 1, since your
existing database has an account number starting in position 3.

Even in the cases where space IS allocated for a 4-digit year, the OS is
so old it can't be upgraded, and it only recognizes two-digit years as
being in the twentieth when '1' gets added to '99',
presuming an overflow error condition has been taken care of, the OS will
assume the year '00' represents 1900 and not 2000.  I'm currently working
on such an antique handles four digit years correctly, e.g.
it can rollover from 1999 to 2000 without any problems, but it chokes on
a 2-digit year, assuming the day after 12-31-99 is January 1, 1900...

Then there's the potential problem with Sept. 9, 1999...9/9/99 -- some
programs utilized all nines to indicate an error condition; there's also
a potential problem with Feb. 29, 2000 -- 1900 wasn't a leap year, so
anyone figuring 'what the heck, I'll just go along with two digits no
matter WHAT my computer 'thinks' the century is' will run into a problem
then; there's also a potential problem with Oct. 10, 2000 -- 10/10/00 --
the first full digit date, and a possible problem going from 12/31/2000
to 01/01/2001...

None of it is 'rocket science' programming, it's just a matter of dealing
with systems and code -- some of which haven't been recompiled in years
-- under a limited time frame...


"To love another person is to see the face of God."

-Les Miserables
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Re: [CTRL] Clinton - Mafia Ties: More Links

1999-02-28 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Where were you when Richard Nixon was entertaining Albert Speer, one of
the 7 men in Spandau; or Werner von Braun whom many did not trust,
worked on our space program which was a dismal flop at first.both of
these men were Key Nazis.

Where were you when in South American a former Nazi headed up
Interpolthe police organization; or when it was discovered that a
former Nazi also headed up major drug operations, most likely using the
old Odessa route for their drug route.American style.

Where were you when men were dying in Viet Nam, and Social Security
money was being used to fight this war and now - these same men are
being told that maybe they won't get their own Social Security back

Now Clinton is going to do something about this.  I do not care about
his sex life...I only know he seems to care about the American people.

As for this Mafia.well,  someone had to organize crime, we could not
have it running amuck in the streets - and who else can keep the
criminals in line.  Al Capone was loved because during a depression he
gave people what they wanted - jobs, and booze.he was no angel, but
he was a member of the Five Point Gang - my, now aren;t we fancy.

So take your pick - you can support the rich man's Mafia, or the poor
Man's Mafia.  Am afraid Oscar Wilde was right when he said of some
politicos "he talks like a Liberal, but still eats with the tories".

Me, I love John Rockefeller; they have always been humanitaris.but
the worst humanitarian is the liberal humanitarian with the
whip...and as Huey Long said, when fascism comes, it will come in

So, I will tke the poor Mafia.and support Clinton. I like eating
with Tories if they pick up the tab; but when we go Dutch, give me
McDonalds or the Ponderosa, for us poor folk..

Now never took to the movie industry where a movie start such as Bruce
Willis can make 50 million dollars for one lousey movie - and then look
at the movies which are nothing but government controlled propaganda

Did anyone ever hear of anti trust laws when it comes to movie

So - labor unions had Jimmy Hoffa; look what happened to him..both
Bobby and Hoffatwo pit bulls who would not let go.
The real builders of this country were the laborers and the farmers -
one built your home, and the other put food on your table.   The Mafia
never got their hooks on the farmer; no, they are just taking their land
away through non payment of taxes.yes, I am of the firm opinion that
if I had to join the Mafia, I would take John Gotti who was a man of for that so called 400 Club, well who warned Reagan a
week before he was shot to change his was this shadowy 400

So pick a side - join the 400 who wouldn't let you in their front door,
or the John Gotti's - one uses the law, and the other supposedly breaks

No wonder Do left on the comet.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] could be trouble some

1999-02-28 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Dow Chemical againever stop to think, you spray a little fly or
ant and it drops dead in seconds.pesticides in the garden used on
extremely hot days can eventually kill not only the bugs, the the
operator as well.  I see young kids laying hot coal tar products on the
road, or whatever that black stuff is - knowing in 20 years or some,
some will die of cancer of the lunks.and again, the old question Cui
Bono- who profits.

Pesticide companies are geared to go into chemical warfare at the drop
of a hat;  people have been killing themselves in their own homes, using
some of these products.   Whoever reads all the fine print on the backs
of the can.

And what was the horrible drug they used and children were born without
arms and legs;  I have seen this, and then I wonder about the cattle
mutilations and how cattle brains were used in Melatonin researchand
Melatonin turned lizards white, etc.   All these expimentors and
unsuspecting experimentees.the CIa getting into drugs and mind

So, anyone interested in the rabbits...well get a book called Spear of
Destiny by as I recall, Cravencraftthe original author of this book
was dead before he got it written so another picked up the
standard.this books exposes the satanic Nazis and their experiments
- and when I read this book, I believe that the USA has taken on some of
the attributes of the enemy.and who is the enemy - I am beginning to
think we are.

This is a wonderful country and it cannot survive cloaked in secrecy;
nor can it survive if we condone the actions of these sadistic
experimentors, who have made by dealing in drugs, our children potential
victims of their own government.

If all this be true, what is written.let us end with a proverb "he
who troubles his own house with inherit the wind" and then look to
our house, which God also said could not stand divided.   And then look
how they have put men against women, black against white, and all the
division.whoever said let sleeping dogs lie.   Maybe that is what is
wrong with the country - our watch dogs have all gone to sleep.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton - Mafia Ties: More Links

1999-02-28 Thread Bill Kingsbury


Clinton - Mafia Ties: More Links

Title: Clinton - Mafia Ties: More Links

Clinton - Mafia Ties: More Information
Arthur Armand Coia 


08/97 Arthur Coia Strikes Back

Center For Responsive Politics

08/97 Coia's Campaign Contributions '93 to present

People's Weekly World

08/97 AFL-CIO responsible for Democrat's Gains

Intellectual Capital

04/97 Going Easy on Union Bosses


11/97 The Clintons and the Mafia-Union Boss

Providence Journal

07/96 Panel to Focus on Coia, Clinton

New York Times

10/97 Coia's Mob Ties

US Dept of Justice

ç RICO Complaint

Chicago Tribune

10/97 LIUNA Accuses Coia of Mob Ties

Providence Journal

10/97 LIUNA Probes Coia/Clinton Ties


ç Chicago Mob Organizational Chart (W/ties to Coia)

Daily Labor Report

10/97 Witness Describes Mob Connections


10/97 Crooked Cop's Mob Ties

Providence Journal

12/95 The Worlds of Coia (Part 1)

Providence Journal

01/96 The Worlds of Coia (Part 2)

Providence Journal

04/98 Special Report: Coia Under Scrutiny


04/97 "Our Guy" In the White House

Freedom House

04/97 Dirty Money

Providence Journal

10/96 Election Overvies

LIUNA Attorney

10/97 Union Files Disciplinary Charges Against Coia

Re: [CTRL] y2k & you

1999-02-28 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, I have had it with these computer genius types;  most of whom,
cannot type of course.   Me, I am a lowly type and type 120 wpm
officially per minuteand up to 150 on a computer.  That was 10 years
ago, and I have slowed down a lot.

Now, all these computer genius types; why is it that this so called
"glitch" happened with all these genius types walking about making
billions of dollars at the top.   Consider in the Star War movies
computers operating hundreds of years from now, and do not say nobody
recognized this problem long ago.  Cui Bono - who profits - always ask,
who profits.   Will it be Bill Gates - well, I imagine so.  Hopefull
some poor folk will get a piece of this action   After all, computers do
not build skyscrapers, pick up your trash every day so we do not have
rat infested streets, build cars, house, lay roads..the backbone and
the real brains and guts of the country does this job.

Is there a simple solution for these genius types for the pending doom
and gloom not prophesied by our computer gurus?  Why can they not
program the computers to simply add two digits on all numbers starting
from 1800 to 2000, etc.   But then, some of the genius types would have
to learn to type, cause adding those two digits was such a big chore -

Oh by the way.who profits from this anyway...the soothsayers of
doom and gloom; the Gates machine; and of course, who loses - you
guessed it = we do, the American people who will be asked to pick up the
tab with the money game.   Well, the USA has money to throw around40
million to Ken Star, why that was a drop in the buckets.   Bet all those
lawyers, are now figuring out a way to stir up all those lawsuits that
will come about by the Starship USA 2000 dilemna.

Who is kidding who..of course, let me quote God, or the
bible.(and we all know that God was an Englishman) '- it takes the
simple things to confound the wise...

Go get em God

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] martial law

1999-02-28 Thread Troy Griggs
Title: martial law

martial law era.

When Martial Law was declared in 1972, the Lopezes were forced to completely give up ownership and control of MSC, and a new group identified with the Martial Law regime took over the company through the Meralco Foundation, Inc. (MFI).  The Lopezes were kept out of MSC/Meralco until after the EDSA revolution.

In October 1977, MFI acquired all of MSC¹s holdings in Meralco on installment payable up to 1991. Under the Stock Purchase Agreement, the unpaid Meralco shares would revert automatically to MSC upon default of MFI. Such a default occurred in 1985, resulting in the partial reversion of the ownership of Meralco to MSC.

In the meantime, the new Martial Law regime owners of MSC adopted a new corporate name, First Philippine Holdings Corporation (FPHC), which gave it a completely new identity separate from Meralco. Without Meralco, FPHC was then forced to venture into other businesses beyond its traditional core competence. 

The ensuing rapid growth that resulted from an ill-timed expansion from 1979 to 1982 brought about the near downfall of FPHC. The severe economic difficulties experienced by the country from 1983 to 1986 resulted in heavy financial losses for FPHC, forcing the company to sell off some of its prized assets, notably PCIBank and PPC, to meet maturing obligations.

- Corporate Brochure, p. 5 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Heaven's Gate & Theosophy

1999-02-28 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Madame Helene Blavatsky was blamed by Truman Capote for brainwashing
Sirhan B. Sirhan.Madame Blavatsky also called the White Star line
unluckey; they  owned the Titanic which was without a doubt sabotaged
and on the drawing board for a long, long timewith a Mummy aboard.
Blavatsky also rode with Garibaldi who was a Freemason, and she was
without a doubt a feminist.

To blame Mark Twain = no way.  He was born as I recall or died, when
Halley's Comet (Hall Bob...) went out.   Now, it would seem to me that
this group of "suicides" were planning a trip, but not the way they got
it.  There is an Ismaeil out there - and he alone survived to tell the
truth...Call Me Ishmael, and read Moby Dick - Ahab, was a member of the
Assassins and Mellville, was formeer Treasurery Agentwhich brings us
to money.

This was strictly a money making venture...tapes were cut, etc., livig
in a beautiful house...drawing a lot of attention to their
grouptheir leader pretending to be Captain Picard of the ship Jonestown, thought - there is always one, who survives
to tell the truth - and usuaally, they write a book.
David Koreish (Core) knew he was doomed and what do all these people
have in common?  They were all murdered - and a lot of people got rich
writing books.

These kids and adults were packed and ready to go on a trip - passports
and new shoes  (I keep thinking about Oswayd saying to his wife - and to
his brother - buy June new shoes - he daughter was named Audrey as I
recall, yet he called her June..

Look at Nostradamus..Hitler used his prophecies to declare
victoryand his name wqs supposedly encloded in the quantrains; not
to be outdone, Churchill revised them a bit, and used them against
Hitler.   Now, as the old King said in Kings in the KJF..did n't
I tell you that he would prophecy no good to me, only evil.   So now we
come to these phoney prophets which are a dime a dozen every hundred
years..Nostradamus when the world didn't come to an end in 1666,
turned the number upside down, and aid it would be 1999.

Were the members of Heaven's Gate trying to tell the world something;
that like many other unsolved murders and crimes, their murder was built
about a book.and Mark Twain, a victim of bookburners from time to
time, was their way of getting their message across??   Or, did someone
carefully arrange the crime to suit a passage from the bookand leave
a clue. There are a lot of murders built around passages in the
bibleand as always, some nut did it - but I always ask myself "cui
bono".who profits.

The English had an old prayer "God save us from the Turk, the Norsemen,
and the Comet" which I always added, and save the Kennedy family
from Jeanne Dixon, who marked them murdeer over and over planting seeds
of destruction.

DO - of Heavens Gate sent all his tapes to a religious group prior to
their demise.this group is also a diligent seeker of the truth, and
can understand and see all the evils being perpetuated upon the public.

If DO and the members of Heaven's Gate left any message at all to be
deciphered it was Planet Earth is about to be recycled.Red Alert Red
Alert flashing on their beautiful web site;  this group created beauty,
and hurt nobody..were they tryiing to tell us something, or did
someone else leave a clue for someone else to find.

I have listened to one of Do's tapes (after death)he was
sincerehe knew with the millenium, there would be genocide which
would go by undetected; Planet earth is about to be recycled.they
were set to go somewhere, but not to their gravesnew shoes, packed
bags, passports..and 5.75must refresh myself on Mark Twain...but
for further thought how bout Tennyson and his Master Plan - "through the
parliament of men, the federation of the world"he too, was telling
us of the New World we know why Princess Diana had to
diemarried to an Arab? This would upset this New World Orderwhat
if people die stepping on the munition makers land mines

Why did Kennedy have to die...was it because the last Executive
Order he SIGNED.would cause our own government to take control over
a portion of our own money...wht is this New World Order.was it
like King Hussein said, nothing but a world dictatorship.and of
course, Queen Victoria's least, she was a our government consists of humanitarians with big
whips; wht they cannot beat into submission like oxen, they eventually
take over by submitting silver.

What was Do trying to say to us;  if he was so happy about leaving
Planet Earth, why, in this one tape, does he break down nerly into tears
on two occasions.  He was a teacher.or did someone have a gun
pointed to his head, with a prepred speech or was it part of a movie

Its a big wide world out there, and all I can think of today is Icarus,
that was due when Robert F. K

[CTRL] y2k & you

1999-02-28 Thread Troy Griggs
Title: y2k & you


News Quotes About Y2K

"Behind the bank mergers is a monster question...Can the merging banks knit together their computer systems and take care of their Year 2000 computer bug problems? The banks say not to worry. But consultants and others who help banks with technology are wary. "If you put two organizations that big together this late in the Year 2000 crunch, there are going to be problems." If they can't get these computing tasks done in time, "It could be fatal" says consultant Jim Woodward. 
USA Today, 4-14-98 
"Microsoft says two dozen of its products have Year 2000 software glitches, including Windows 95 and Windows NT. Most problems are minor and would not affect the software's main function. It says three older programs - Word 5.0 for DOS, Access 2.0 and Office Professional Edition versions 4.0-4.3 - have more serious flaws." 
USA Today, 4-17-98 
"IRS Commissioner Charles Rossotti said the year 2000 glitch is his top priority. He said that if the IRS doesn't prepare its antiquated computer system for the digital crisis in time, 90 million taxpayers won't get refunds. "It's a very risky situation," he said. Preparing its computers for the next century will cost the IRS nearly $1 billion. Rossotti has set a Jan. 31, 1999 deadline for fixing the year 2000 problem. "There's no plan B," he said. "The whole financial system of the United States will come to a halt. It's very serious. It not only could happen, it will happen if we don't fix it right." 
USA Today, 4-2-98 
"Last week U.S. officials admitted that they've fixed only 35% of the most vital mainframes and won't have time before Dec. 31, 1999 to prevent all the 5,100 remaining machines from deciding it's 1900, not 2000. "Financial transactions could be delayed, airline flights grounded and national defense affected," warns the GAO's Gene Dodaro." 
Time magazine, March 30, 1998 
"Crashing computers could foul up air traffic, communications, business deliveries, credit card sales, financial accounts, benefit payments, tax refunds, electricity and even some medical treatments. Deutsche Morgan Grenfell Bank's chief economist fears the bug could cause a worldwide recession. In an increasingly interconnected world, an unfixed system at one company can recontaminate repaired systems at others. Private surveys show health care, retail stores, local governments and education are woefully behind. If the government doesn't know who isn't ready, it can't protect those who are. And 00 hour is almost here, ready or not." 
USA Today, 4-6-98 
More Quotes
"A class action lawsuit was filed on behalf of people who bought Quicken software. The suit states that Intuit failed to notify their customers that the online banking functions in Quicken vs. 5 & 6 cannot handle transactions after Dec. 31, 1999." 
"As government systems falter and social security and unemployment pay recipients find themselves without money, the danger of riots and civil unrest looms. 'It may sound like a cliche but too little, too late is so true in this issue. It is getting desperately late,' said Robin Guenier, director of Taskforce 2000."
Reuters News Agency
"The DROP DEAD fix date is 1/1/1999 and NOT 1/1/2000."
Warren Reid, director of WSR Consulting Group
"The stories of the Millennium Bug...have had little impact: most people refuse to believe that a dorky little software error can wreak significant worldwide havoc, affecting everything from factory supply lines to the power grid. Twenty six percent of 229 Year 2000 Group computer experts anticipate 'political crises within the U.S. and regional social disruptions.' Scary. A tenth of these experts selected 'depression, market collapse and local martial law.'
GAO's Joel Willemssen said, 'we view the problem as a high-risk situation. We are acknowledging that there will be failures.' Bruce Webster's, head of the Year 2000 Group, own assessment of what will happen when the clock strikes midnight, 'political crises; regional supply/infrastructure problems and social disruptions.' It sounds outlandish, but consider the source: when it comes to the Year 2000 Bug, he knows more than you do."Newsweek, May 4, 1998
"Make a phone call on Jan.1, 2000 and there's a good chance that the call won't go through. There's a 50% to 60% chance each major carrier will suffer at least one failure of a mission critical system. And that's despite the industry spending more than two years and billions of dollars to rid their systems of Year 2000 bugs.
Fire and police department dispatch systems are vulnerable, too, the FCC says. FCC Commissioner Michael Powell says 'the vast majority of police and fire equipment is not Year 2000 compliant.' 
The telecommunication industry trails banks and insurers in fixing Year 2000 bugs. Failures could range from billing problems to a complete lack of phone service."
USA Today, 5-19-98
"The nation's power utilities told a Senate panel that they can't guarantee the l

[CTRL] lucent-y2k ready?

1999-02-28 Thread Troy Griggs
Title: lucent-y2k ready?

i don't know if anybody has seen this. i just came across it.
as if it really matters.

Lucent Technologies Year 2000 Questions and Answers - Lucent Wide
Q1. When will Lucent be Year 2000 Ready?
A1. We're targeting June 30, 1999 to have finished Year 2000 deployment for our products, as well as address the Year 2000 readiness of our internal business systems. 
Q2. What is Lucent doing to prepare for the Year 2000? 
A2. We've taken a number of steps to help our customers make their businesses ready for the Year 2000, as well as make our own company ready. 
Lucent's business groups each have a team of people, headed by a Y2K program leader, dedicated full-time to bringing their products and processes into conformance with Lucent's Y2K requirements. We're committed to having Y2K ready products and processes tested and available before 2000, and we're on track to do this. 
Other full-time teams, most notably in our CIO organization, are focused on bringing our internal systems into compliance, as well as managing our suppliers' readiness. 
While the primary accountability for the Y2K work is with these organizations, we also have a Lucent Year 2000 Program Office (LYPO) responsible to ensure that Y2K work spans the entire enterprise, that all aspects of key business risks have been identified and are being addressed, and where the LYPO identifies gaps, it raises those issues and assures they are addressed. The LYPO works with the accountable organizations to ensure that our products and computer-based financial and information systems are prepared. 
Q3. How is Lucent's approaching the Year 2000 work?
A3. Every part of Lucent's business has been involved in a process that includes an inventory and assessment of the scope of their Y2K work. We examine the effect Y2K readiness will have on our products and how we manage our operations and on our customers. From this initial review, we have developed plans that focus on what remediation and testing needs to be done to make sure that our products, services, information systems and infrastructure are Y2K ready. 
Q4. What is the objective of the Lucent Year 2000 work? 
A4. Our goal is to move into the new millennium without any significant impacts to our customers and our business.  | About Lucent's Year 2000 Program | Enterprise Year 2000 | NSP Year 2000 |
| Octel Year 2000 | Contact Us | Corporate FAQs | Home | 
This Website is a "Year 2000 Internet Website" as defined in the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act, United States public law no. 105-271, 112 stat 2386 (1998) and contains both "Year 2000 statements" and "Year 2000 readiness disclosures" as defined in that act. This Website also contains republications of "Year 2000 statements" and "Year 2000 readiness disclosures" made by third parties about their products or services. Lucent has not verified the content of some or all of these third party statements, and urges visitors to this site to contact these third parties directly.

[CTRL] could be trouble some

1999-02-28 Thread Troy Griggs
Title: could be trouble some

makes you wounder.

Bombs Away   
The American handling of atomic weapons in peacetime has been riddled with mishaps. The most spectacular accidents have come in the mere transport of the bombs from one place to another. 
In early 1958, for example, a B-47 crashed into a fighter plane and jettisoned a nuclear weapon into the sea off Savannah Beach, Georgia. The bomb was never found. 
Later that year another B-47 accidentally dropped an atomic bomb while flying over Florence, South Carolina. When it hit the ground, an explosion with the power of several hundred pounds of TNT blasted out a crater thirty-five feet deep and spread a ring of plutonium around the area. Local residents preparing for a family picnic heard it coming and barely had time to duck for cover. "It blew out the side and top of the garage just as my boy ran inside with me," said Walter "Bill" Gregg, whose family was injured in the blast. "The timbers were falling around us. There was a green, foggy haze, then a cloud of black smoke. It lasted about thirty seconds. When it cleared up, I looked at the house. The top was blown in and a side almost blown off." The government later dragged Gregg's compensation claims through the courts. He finally won fifty-four thousand dollars, but was left deeply embittered by the experience.[2] 
In 1961 two more American atomic bombs were dropped over Goldsboro, North Carolina, by a crashing B-52. One deployed a parachute, which eased its fall to earth; the other broke apart on impact. Another B-52 with four hydrogen bombs aboard crashed into an ice floe near Thule, Greenland. The entire plane and its cargo apparently disintegrated, leaving a radioactive hole nearly half a mile long in its wake. With abundant apologies to the Danish government, which rules Greenland, the military was forced to ship 1.7 million gallons of contaminated ice and snow back to the United States for disposal. In January of 1966 yet another B-52 crashed into its refueling tanker and spewed three hydrogen bombs onto the fishing village of Palomares, Spain. A fourth bomb dropped into the Mediterranean. TNT exploded in two of the bombs and spread plutonium over a square mile, forcing the U.S. to destroy local crops and remove tons of radioactive topsoil back to South Carolina for burial. 
In all, the U.S. military admits to twenty-seven accidents involving nuclear weapons--which it terms "Broken Arrows." Independent critics charge the figure is more like 125.[3] 
If the handling of nuclear bombs has been less than perfect, so has their production. In 1963, for example, a fire at the AEC's Medina works in San Antonio touched off 120,000 tons of explosives and sent a uranium cloud into the environs of one of Texas's largest cities. At least two major explosions also ripped through the AEC's Burlington, Iowa, bomb-assembly plant. And the AEC's hydrogen-bomb fabrication plant at Pantex, Texas (near Amarillo), was severely damaged by a freak hailstorm, despite its supposed invulnerability to enemy attack.[4] 
Significant quantities of radiation have also leaked into the environment. In 1974 the operators of the huge Savannah River weapons facility at Aiken, South Carolina, accidentally released some 435,000 curies of radioactive tritium in a single day--the largest single tritium emission ever reported in the U.S. Studies of the local water system show serious contamination, and there are preliminary indications of an escalated cancer rate among people living near the plant.[5] 
Overall, the American nuclear weapons production program has been plagued with mismanagement, cost overruns, sloppy handling of radioactive materials, and low worker morale. 
All of which may have found its ultimate expression at the Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory (INEL), a vast outpost where research-and-development projects are conducted for the military, spent nuclear submarine fuel is recycled, and military radioactive wastes are stored. 
INEL has a bleak history. In 1960 three technicians were killed there when a fuel rod blew out of a small test reactor, piercing the body of one and pinning him to the reactor containment, high above the core. The other two men were hopelessly contaminated, and pieces of their bodies had to be buried in lead caskets. An NRC official later indicated that the "accident" may have been caused deliberately by one of the technicians in a bizarre suicide-murder plot stemming from a love triangle at the plant.[6] In subsequent years INEL has been plagued with sloppy handling of nuclear wastes. Concentrated uranium was accidentally dumped on a nearby road. Far more serious, INEL management from 1952 to 1970 deliberately dumped some sixteen billion gallons of liquid wastes into wells that feed directly into the water table below. Radioactive contamination has been found 7.5 miles away, angering local farmers and raising questions about the long-term fate of the huge Snake River Aquifer, a major unde

Re: [CTRL] G. Bush dirt

1999-02-28 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> from
> -
> As always, Caveat Lector.
> Om
> K
> -
> G. Bush dirt
> -
> Subject: G. Bush dirt
> From: "Jennifer M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, Feb 27, 1999 6:45 AM
> Message-id: <7b90fb$323$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I just spent some time browsing the net for web sites about George Bush. Of
> particular interest to me today were the anti-Bush sites. What I found so
> far are rumors, innuendo, and petty crap, not much different than the
> anti-Clinton sites.
> So he had sex, did drugs, and drunk heavily until he was 40 (notice I didn’t
> use the word “alleged” – thanks to our conservative friends, we are now
> allowed to treat rumors as facts).
> As a liberal, I say “Bring on George! It will be fun to sit back and see how
> conservatives deal with him. For example, what will conservatives say if it
> turns out to be true that George played air guitar to a Fohgat tune during a
> party in college?? Oh my…
> --
> Jennifer M.
> CyberGrrlz --
> The e-zine for girls with brains and a sense of humor
> (smarter guys will like it too)
> If you reply to me by e-mail, make sure you remove the anti-SPAM "x" at the
> end of my e-mail address

Not quite.  Some links and connections that you do not seem to have found orput
aka The Pied Piper


Was Polio Vaccine Contaiminated?
"formalin", "formaldehyde", and mercury

MEGA links from the Ottawa Citizen

@ Is AIDS really a disease?

Canadian Blood Victims File Suit

This article talks about getting rid of AIDS - and without drugs.

HIV & AIDS - Rethinking AIDS WebSite - Missing Virus Award
Coors, the RIGHT beer now
It's no accident that Coors is the right beer in America

The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush - Online at

Is this real?  Gives you something to think about either way!
Clones R Us
A paper about food additives -
3) Uncover Myths in Education and Home Schooling
Myth 1 That Home Schoolers Need to be under the Umbrella of a Church or
Religious Group.
Refers to the HSLDF (Home School Legal Defense Fund)
* " We are talking about the actions taken by Michael Farris, Gregg Harris,
 Welch, and Brian Ray, the group which has come to be referred to as
 pillars of homeschooling." Whatever their individual or collective
their actions
 are inflicting hurt, anguish, pain, and sorrow on thousands of
homeschooling families,
 and yet we have been lead to believe that their leadership is above
question or
 comment, not subject to criticism, and beyond reproach.
 Individuals who have become increasingly associated with these
 include Chris Klicka, J. Richard Fugate, Mary Pride, Sharon Grimes,
 others. In addition, there are dozens of local and state leaders who
directly and
 indirectly provide support for the centralization of power and
control. "

   Myth 2 All Public Education is Helpful, we should live by the idea of
group - socialization
   Myth 3 Home Schoolers are not Socialized
Myth 4 Americans are Well educated
At one time CHADD (yes the NON-Profit organization) members took
major finacial "personal contributions" from the makers of Ritalin.  Since
these links "seem" to show that there is a "POSSIBLE" link between
Monsanto - Their Aspartame (seems to act the same as MSG)
Coors / Gore
HSLDF (Home School Legal Defense Fund)

Who might be watching out for CHADD now?
"A.D.D.--A DUBIOUS DIAGNOSIS?" (C) 1995 Learning Matters Inc.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and

[CTRL] Fw: Computerisation (OT: Humour)

1999-02-28 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

: Subject: Computerisation (OT:  Humour)
: Date: Saturday, February 27, 1999 7:13 PM
: From
: Joke du Jour (tm)  Set 1.  Volume 14; Issue 2.  Feb 27, 1999
: Ahh, computers, computers  Some can't live with them,
: wouldn't survive without them...
: LadyHawke
: ~*~*~*~*~*~*
: "You Know You're Too Serious About Computers When... "
: * You comment, while watching a sunset, that the
: image would be enhanced with 10% more magenta
: and a higher resolution.
: * When someone tells you about a great new
: program and you're very disappointed to find that
: it's on TV.
: * If while driving down the street, you are confused
: by the numbers on the houses - they do not appear
: to be legitimate WWW addresses.
: * When you find it easier to dial-up the National
: Weather Service Weather/your_town/now.html
: than to simply look out the window.
: * When you start using phrases like:
: * If you call in sick because you found a great new
: WWW site.
: * If you can type your top 10 favorite Web sites, by
: heart.
: * If your fingers quit moving because you've been
: online for 36 hours.
: * If your net provider suggests you try a competitor,
: because you're exceeding 300 hours a month
: connect time.
: * If on the way home from work, you use your
: portable and cellular phone in your car, to reprogram
: a Tomahawk missile, in flight, and redirect it to take
: out the joker in the Cadillac who cut you off.
: * When your desk collapses under the weight of
: your computer peripherals.
: * If you try to press Alt-F4 to close your car window.
: To inquire about Advertising & Sponsorship write to
: When forwarding, please keep ABOVE section
: of the *signature* INTACT. Thank you.
: "Drug Dealer Or Software Programmer?"
: A Career Comparison
: Drug Dealers  Software Developers
: ~  ~~~
: Refer to their clientsRefer to their clients
: as "users."   as "users."
: "The first one's free!"   "Download a free trial version..."
: Have important South-EastHave important South-East
: Asian connections. Asian connections.
: (to help move the stuff). (to help debug the code).
: Strange jargon:   Strange jargon:
: "Stick" "SCSI"
: "Rock" "RTFM"
: "Wrap""Packet"
: "E"  "C"
: "Stash"   "Cache"
: "Drive by"   "CTRL ALT DEL"
: "Hit (LSD)"  "Hit (WWW)"
: "Source" "Source-code"
: "The Pigs"  "Microsoft"
: Realize that there'sRealize that there's
: tons of cash in the  tons of cash in the
: 14 to 25-year-old14 - to 25-year-old
: market.   market.
: Your clients really like yourYour clients really like your
: stuff when it works. When it  stuff when it works. When it
: doesn't work they want to kill doesn't work they want to kill
: you. you.
: Job is assisted by theJob is assisted by the
: industry producing  industry producing
: newer, more potent product.  newer, more potent products.
: When things go wrong, a   When things go wrong, a
: "fix" is just a phone call  "fix" is just a phone call
: away but may be expensive   away but may be expensive.
: A lot of successful people  A lot of successful people
: getting rich in this industry getting rich in this industry
: while still teenagerswhile still teenagers
: Their product causesDOOM. Quake. SimCity.
: unhealthy addictions. Duke Nukem 3D.  'Nuff said.
: A<>E<>R
: The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
: new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
: Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved
: the absolute rejection of authority. -Thomas Huxley
: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
: Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
: is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
: expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
: for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theo

[CTRL] The Neighbourhood

1999-02-28 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

: Subject: Israel's Neighbourhood
: Date: Saturday, February 27, 1999 7:09 PM
: From ArabicNews.CoM
: Lebanese university students break into the barbed wire on besieged
: and repel Israel's naked aggression
: Lebanon, Politics, 2/27/99
: Hundreds of Lebanese university students on Friday broke through the
: wire fences Israel planted around the Lebanese town of Arnoun and
: it to Lebanese sovereignty.
: The students were shouting "Death to Israel," and "We are all for our
: nation." When a Lebanese student was asked why she was breaking the
: barbed-wire, she said: "Just because I am a Lebanese."
: A student at the faculty of engineering, Ghassan Daou, said "Let the
: world know that Arnoun is Lebanese and the whole south is Lebanese."
: The action by the Lebanese university students came on the ninth day of
: Israel's decision to annex the town of Arnoun to the occupied part of
: Lebanon.
: Later in the day, thousands of Lebanese citizens and officials
: all parties, religious groups and social movements arrived in the town,
: celebrating the big event of liberating their town
: PLO accuses Israel of stealing water
: Palestine, Politics, 2/27/99
: The Palestinian Liberation Organization warned against continuing to keep
: Palestinian water resources under Israeli domination, and it considered
: as undermining the chances for peace in the Middle East.
: A report presented by the organization to the Arab League's general
: trusteeship under the title "Policies and the Palestinian water positions
: under occupation" stated that Israel persisted to use water as a weapon
: exert political pressure and that it continues to steal and threaten the
: basins in Jordan, Yarmouk, Golan and in the occupied West Bank.
: The report also stated that Israel pumps 140,000 cubic meters of water
: daily in the southern West Bank, 115,000 thousand cubic of meters of
: are specified for nearly 35,000 thousand settlers who live in 31
: settlements, and 25,000 thousand cubic meters for more than half a
: Palestinian citizens in Bethlehem and Galilee.
: The report spoke of an agreement that allows the Palestinians to dig
: wells, but Israel has only allowed since signing the agreement in 1993
: digging of six Palestinian wells.
: Netanyahu fears Jordanian - Iraqi alliance
: Jordan, Politics, 2/27/99
: Jordan described yesterday the declarations made by Israeli Prime
: Benjamin Netanyahu, in which he referred to the possible establishment of
: Jordanian - Iraqi alliance against Israel, as surprising and asked for
: clarifications and the complete official text of Netanyahu's statement to
: determine Jordanian position regarding the remarks.
: Jordanian Foreign Minister Abd al-Ilah Khatib said the Foreign Ministry
: made official communications asking for clarification of these
: which were carried in news reports.
: Official sources refused the content of Netanyahu's reported statements,
: especially because they came on the eve of the official visit to be paid
: the Israeli prime minister to Jordan tomorrow.
: Netanyahu withdrew his declarations. Aniv Bushinski, Netanyahu's
: said, "Jordan will not join Iraq in an alliance against Israel."
: He added that circumstances have changed since 1991 and that Jordan is
: strong and does not need an alliance with Iraq, adding that King Abdullah
: assured this to the Israeli prime minister during their last meeting at
: king's father's funeral.
: Continued cooperation between Turkish, Israeli intelligence
: Turkey, Politics, 2/27/99
: The London-based "Foreign Report" weekly news bulletin said in its most
: recent issue that the Israeli intelligence, the Mossad, had expanded
: greatly its base in Turkey and opened branches in Turkey for other two
: departments stationed in Tel Aviv.
: The London-based al-Quds al-Arabi daily said on Friday, quoting Foreign
: Report, that the Mossad carried out several spy operations and plans
: through its elements stationed in Istanbul and Ankara, where it received
: support and full cooperation from the Turkish government.
: The paper reported that according to the military cooperation agreement
: between the Mossad and its Turkish counterpart, the MAT, signed by former
: Turkish Foreign Minister Hekmet Citen during his visit to Israel in 1993,
: the Mossad had provided Turkey with plans aiding it in closing its border
: with Iraq as well as being involved in the arrest the chairman of the
: Abdullah Ocalan.
: A<>E<>R
: The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
: new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
: Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved
: the absolute rejection of authority. -Thomas Huxley
: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

Re: [CTRL] SnoOwl: Broaddrick Backlash Begins

1999-02-28 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Edward Britton wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> SnoOwl:
> >So what we have here is a bunch of loony vigilantes.
> >Boy, I tell you, these rightwing boys are really sore losers.
> >sno0wl
> Hmm! Kinda gives you the idea that liberals shouldn't continue to support
> rapist perverts, huh?
> As for vigilantees, such movements have historically sprouted up in this
> country any time the law is either disregarded or applied preferrentially.
> I'm afraid that you can expect to see a whole lot more vigilanteism.
> Edward   ><>

   How true. Has anyone noticed the new TV program where the hero is a
vigilante? I think its called "Vengeance Unlimited". I only saw one
episode, but it seems that the guy goes around messing over people who
rip others off. In the episode I saw, the guy used a lot of dirty tricks
to bankrupt and pretty much destroy the life of a guy who had stolen his
friend's invention. The friend subsequently committed suicide, leaving a
wife and young daughter. Mr. Chappel is the name of the guy who goes
after him. I think it is on ABC on Thursdays at 8. Sign of the times?

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] SnoOwl: First Cars, Then Dogs?????

1999-02-28 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


Any time a society degrades to the point where the populace is too lazy or
willfully ignorant to take care of itself, the government has to pass more
and more laws regulating "behavior." And, invariably, the government will
botch the job. Welcome to the world you have created; now deal with it and
quit whining.

Edward   ><>

>Not only are they seizing cars in New York on suspicion of DUI, they're
seizing dogs
>on suspicion of "bad behavior."
>Technically, this has to do with dogs that have bitten someone, but what's
to stop a
>neighbor who doesn't like your little dog from calling the cops? If your
dog is suspected
>of bad behavior, it is incarcerated and you will need a lawyer to get it
back--within 10
>days-- before it is euthanized!!  And of course, it's behavior will be
judged in a shelter
>situation, where the animal is bound to be terrorized and upset.
>Certainly there are situations that warrant intervention, especially
involving improperly
>supervised guard dogs that are trained to fight and kill, and dogs that
have done
>serious injury to people--but why are they turning these laws that relate
to serious,
>specific situations into general laws that impact everyone?
>We are spiraling down the drain fast!!!
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
  "From the rage of today's downtrodden comes the revenge of tomorrow's
revolutionary force." Edward Britton   ><>
Talk to the planet:

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[CTRL] SnoOwl: Broaddrick Backlash Begins

1999-02-28 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


>So what we have here is a bunch of loony vigilantes.
>Boy, I tell you, these rightwing boys are really sore losers.

Hmm! Kinda gives you the idea that liberals shouldn't continue to support
rapist perverts, huh?

As for vigilantees, such movements have historically sprouted up in this
country any time the law is either disregarded or applied preferrentially.
I'm afraid that you can expect to see a whole lot more vigilanteism.

Edward   ><>
  "From the rage of today's downtrodden comes the revenge of tomorrow's
revolutionary force." Edward Britton   ><>
Talk to the planet:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Broaddrick Backlash Begins

1999-02-28 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 26 Feb 99, , Mike wrote:

>S hadowGov first entered the media "limelight" a few weeks ago when they
> purchased $16,000 worth of O.J Simpson memorabilia at the auction designed
> to raise funds to pay for Simpson's civil lawsuit expenses. In front of
> the Los Angeles court house where the Simpson case was held, the group
> destroyed the articles they purchased calling for specific reforms of the
> justice system.
> According to James Craddock, a volunteer for ShadowGov, the group would
> like to eventually train 1,000 men to be "judges." Then, when there is an
> actual murder trial, or some other big trial taking place within the
> nation's courtrooms, ShadowGov's "judges" will also "decide" the case.

So what we have here is a bunch of loony vigilantes.
Boy, I tell you, these rightwing boys are really sore losers.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] First Cars, Then Dogs?????

1999-02-28 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

Not only are they seizing cars in New York on suspicion of DUI, they're seizing dogs
on suspicion of "bad behavior."

Technically, this has to do with dogs that have bitten someone, but what's to stop a
neighbor who doesn't like your little dog from calling the cops? If your dog is 
of bad behavior, it is incarcerated and you will need a lawyer to get it back--within 
days-- before it is euthanized!!  And of course, it's behavior will be judged in a 
situation, where the animal is bound to be terrorized and upset.

Certainly there are situations that warrant intervention, especially involving 
supervised guard dogs that are trained to fight and kill, and dogs that have done
serious injury to people--but why are they turning these laws that relate to serious,
specific situations into general laws that impact everyone?

We are spiraling down the drain fast!!!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] interpol heroin (fwd)

1999-02-28 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 27 Feb 99, , Kris wrote:

> and george bush jr. was/is a cocaine addict in the eighties whilst george
> bush senior was selling arms for coke for arms for coke for arms and legs
> with the contras et al.
> karma is a bitch...and then we die.

Forget the drugs. What no one is talking about is the billions of dollars the bush boys
stole. No one cares? Jeb Bush was just elected in Florida --in spite of his connection
to that "friend" who stole all those bucks from Medicare (?). Sex is bad but stealing
billions of dollars is okay? From the level of not-caring, you would think they were
sharing their booty with the rest of us.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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