Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-17 Thread Steve Kinney
Hash: SHA1

On 09/17/2016 11:22 PM, wrote:
>> Myself, I'm MUCH happier with the way "the news" is today (with 
>> competition by the Internet, etc) than 20 years ago. Â I remember
>> well how "the news media" misled the public with the Randy Weaver
>> case, Waco, etc. Â "The news media" wouldn't touch discussions
>> about complaints by various women about Bill Clinton, UNTIL one
>> of them filed a lawsuit in about 1996. Â The next day, as if on
>> cue, suddenly all the media began to talk about that case, as if
>> they had suddenly become aware of what was going on...when
>> everyone knew that they must have been already quite aware.Sure, 
>> some of today's 'information' is 'the chaff', rather than 'the
>> wheat', but I'd rather have the opportunity to sift through ALL
>> of the news, rather than let the MSM (mainstream media) Â decide
>> what little to show to us.
> True. Good point.
> You're right that competition from the internet has caused the news
> to tighten up some, in that certain things can't be ignored. But it
> also seems to me that the spin and misdirection that they use is
> also ramping up to bigger-than-ever levels. I guess the two
> probably go hand-in-hand.

Good catch, 2x.

Anything called "activism" intersects with broadcast media (one to
many) and network media (many to many) in the information warfare
battle space of Political Warfare.  Any actor one has not personally
vetted should be presumed hostile, at best easily manipulated; those
one does trust for real reasons will make mistakes.  Opposition
propaganda, astroturf, deception operations, elicitation, smear jobs,
joe jobs, etc. ad Illuminatus Trilogy run rampant.  Anyone who aspires
to schange the world, without controlling access to multi-billion
dollar assets, needs to fight and win the Internet.  There are no
instant easy answers; just learning to ask the right questions is a
major undertaking.

Razer has a very solid background on WTF the people whose boots are on
the real, physical ground are up against.  When radicals fail to
integrate physical and network comms strategies successfully, radicals
fail is all.  The opposition is in the same position.  As Bugs Bunny
would say, "This calls for strategy."  An occasional reminder that we
are not /just/ playing games with computers and shit is well in order.


Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Global warming/climate change

2016-09-17 Thread grarpamp
On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 4:34 AM, juan  wrote:

Oh please. That's exactly what you'd get from a guy, who
believes Allah wills it, launching objects *randomly by hand*
via some random suspension jig into a system of magnets
whose permanence, strength, and possibly even location is
further modified by each run... of course it's going to be chaotic.
It's random for sure, but not due the classical and quantum
reasons he may have thunk it to be.

"So the magnetic pendulum is a chaotic system because
it is extremely sensitive to its initial position."

s/is a/appears to be a/ precisely.

Re: Global warming/climate change

2016-09-17 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 10:43:17AM -, YoungerDryas wrote:

Cute name for the subject matter btw :)

More cuteness, and practical format, enjoyed the following:

Subject: Re: Climate Change Explained

On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 09:13:30AM +1000, Gil May wrote:
> This is a must see for all, irrespective of your thinking, it details
> climate change in understandable format.

Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-17 Thread xorcist
> Ah well you miss the point entirely.
> Or maybe you should just stick to coding.


Look, I am just trying to intimate that this isn't new, or especially
fucking different, from any other day. I don't get my panties all in a
bunch about normal shit.

Yeah, there are front organizations, and powerful people playing all
manner of shady games. No fucking shit. How is this different than any
other day for the last 2000 years?

It's like you're amazed that the sky is cloudy. No fucking shit kid,
welcome to reality.

Show me a solid plan for what we can do to turn the sky blue, and I'm all
ears. Failing that, YES -- its far better to do something productive,
whether thats coding, or just jerking off, than belly aching about the
numerous games the powerful play.

You fall into that racket, and you're just another type of establishment
tool. A chicken running around with its head cut off, wailing about all
the fucked up shit. Normies will just call you a conspiracy theorist crazy
and tune out, and in the meantime, you'll be so busy jumping from one foot
to the next keeping track of what moves who made, you won't have time to
DO anything to jam up the system, or find a spot to stick a well placed
monkey wrench.

Don't worry so much about what moves the chess masters are making. Look
for a way to pull the fire alarm and drench the whole fucking lot of them
to get the games canceled.

And I'm NOT saying one shouldn't be informed. I'm saying one shouldn't let
it effect your emotional state. Get a fucking grip.

Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-17 Thread Razer
So this morning I saw the rumor again FB gleaned by a 'friend' from a
radical-oriented news consolidator-regurgitator.

**National guard troops are wielding guns at the NoDAPL protest in North
Dakota and making arrests"**


So it got me thinking (I'm dangerous when I do that) Exactly who is
spewing this disinformation?

Hey looky here! It's Da Fedz!

This site, trofire. com is DNS'ed by Cloudflare.

The RADICALS, The people who owns the trofire. com domain that
consolidate and regurgitate all sorts of US and foreign activist news
is, allegedly, the "Levin Papantonio Thomas Mitchell Rafferty & Proctor"

Domaintools lookup:


Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-17 Thread xorcist
I'm not aware of any "news aggregators" that aren't full of disinfo. It's
the nature of the beast. If you're automatically picking up stories and
spewing them back out, you're going to pick up a lot of shit along with

This is one of the main reasons I don't really trust must of what I read,
and nothing that I see on TV, when I bother to watch. I try to hit primary
sources only, or at least, get closer to primary sources.

There is no end to the nonsense out there. I thought it was bad 20 years
ago. Frankly I couldn't have predicted how fucked this sort of thing was
going to get.

The recent bullshit of blaming Russia for everything under the sun would
be particularly disturbing, if I didn't suspect both sides have a
gentleman's agreement to play good cop/bad cop for one another to keep the
masses in line.

Ah well.. back to coding..

> So this morning I saw the rumor again FB gleaned by a 'friend' from a
> radical-oriented news consolidator-regurgitator.
> **National guard troops are wielding guns at the NoDAPL protest in North
> Dakota and making arrests"**
> So it got me thinking (I'm dangerous when I do that) Exactly who is
> spewing this disinformation?
> Hey looky here! It's Da Fedz!
> This site, trofire. com is DNS'ed by Cloudflare.
> The RADICALS, The people who owns the trofire. com domain that
> consolidate and regurgitate all sorts of US and foreign activist news
> is, allegedly, the "Levin Papantonio Thomas Mitchell Rafferty & Proctor"
> Domaintools lookup:
> Rr

Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-17 Thread grarpamp
On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 1:17 AM, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> usual activities of society, and not have to produce "papers please"


If one has no obligation to obtain, one cannot produce.
Most law forces one to obtain (permission) under threat of
paper duress, to partake in various civilities and liberties.
That's fucked.

Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-17 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 08:54:09PM -0700, Razer wrote:
> On 09/17/2016 08:46 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> > On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 11:34 PM, Razer  wrote:
> >> Your older or passed relatives have number tattoos on their
> >> bodies? Some of mine did.
> > 
> > Some of mine didn't, for those of you too young to have elders
> > that weren't tracked for life and to have heard them say it.
> > And none are born with them. That freedom is worth fighting for.
> > 
> Amen.


"Papers please!"

The driver license in Australia was updated just in the last few years,
to have ones date of birth, on the back, enlarged to take up half the
printing area on the rear of the card.

We Aussies kicked back against the "Australia Card" a decade or two ago,
and now they want to use the "state issued driver license" as a back
door to the national identity card.

This is not good.

We ought have the right to go about our business, participating in the
usual activities of society, and not have to produce "papers please"
unless there is some genuine cause.

Exercise of our rights, in relative safety and competence, ought never
be preconditioned on random production of "papers please" under
sufference of arrest, jail and or criminal or civil charges for merely
failing to produce "papers please".

And yes, this is just one particular fight, challenge, confront etc
(pick your favourite term, by all means).

Sim Theory

2016-09-17 Thread grarpamp
So many people have proposed we're simulated...

Now why would such an extremely advanced civilization / collective
want to simulate us? Is this an unanswered question?

Certainly they have long since
- solved biology, live forever, down/up load their brains against trauma
- solved life and mobility throughout their universe
- lost and forgotten their prehistory
- etc

They could sim anything they want. So why sim us?

Because something happened to them, something very big, something
serious and existentially threatening. And now they're *desperately*
trying to learn about death, life, humanity, the individual... something
they lost but is still encoded in them just enough to let them think of
making the sim...

Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-17 Thread Razer

On 09/17/2016 08:16 PM, wrote:
>> Ah well you miss the point entirely.
> ..
>> Or maybe you should just stick to coding.
> lulz.
> Look, I am just trying to intimate that this isn't new, or especially
> fucking different, from any other day. I don't get my panties all in a
> bunch about normal shit.
> Yeah, there are front organizations, and powerful people playing all
> manner of shady games. No fucking shit. How is this different than any
> other day for the last 2000 years?
> It's like you're amazed that the sky is cloudy. No fucking shit kid,
> welcome to reality.

In order:
I'm disseminating current events information of cyber interest and
activist interest. This is 'what I do' with a good deal of my tubztime.
Your denigration of what I do is tedious... boring really. You know shit
about me or my motivations

I'm NOT a kid

I've been a victim of US intel agency stalking, slander, and disruption
operations. When it was still done with phone, and file cabinet, and
punch cards (if computer methods were used at all)

There isn't one thought in my head that isn't reality based, and if I'm
speculating I try to make it clear.

> Show me a solid plan for what we can do to turn the sky blue, and I'm all
> ears. Failing that, YES -- its far better to do something productive,
> whether thats coding, or just jerking off, than belly aching about the
> numerous games the powerful play.


> You fall into that racket, and you're just another type of establishment
> tool. A chicken running around with its head cut off, wailing about all
> the fucked up shit. Normies will just call you a conspiracy theorist crazy
> and tune out, and in the meantime, you'll be so busy jumping from one foot
> to the next keeping track of what moves who made, you won't have time to
> DO anything to jam up the system, or find a spot to stick a well placed
> monkey wrench.

Blah blah My life IS a monkey wrench in their gearworks. In real life,
in real time.

> Don't worry so much about what moves the chess masters are making.

You say. Your older or passed relatives have number tattoos on their
bodies? Some of mine did. They weren't 'watching the moves'.

 > Look for a way to pull the fire alarm and drench the whole fucking
lot of them
> to get the games canceled.

Been waiting a long time. Like waiting for the stars to align. My life
is a monkeywrench. Waiting is bullshit.

> And I'm NOT saying one shouldn't be informed. I'm saying one shouldn't let
> it effect your emotional state. Get a fucking grip.

You assume I'm emotionally involved?


You're fishing.


Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-17 Thread grarpamp
On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 11:34 PM, Razer  wrote:
> Been waiting a long time. Like waiting for the stars to align. My life
> is a monkeywrench. Waiting is bullshit.

Be the wrenches, bros. Even if your life is hard or shortened
due to it, it's still what you believe. Tis no better star to shine.

Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-17 Thread Razer

On 09/17/2016 06:53 PM, wrote:

> I'm not aware of any "news aggregators" that aren't full of disinfo. It's
> the nature of the beast. If you're automatically picking up stories and
> spewing them back out, you're going to pick up a lot of shit along with
> it.
> This is one of the main reasons I don't really trust must of what I read,
> and nothing that I see on TV, when I bother to watch. I try to hit primary
> sources only, or at least, get closer to primary sources.
> There is no end to the nonsense out there. I thought it was bad 20 years
> ago. Frankly I couldn't have predicted how fucked this sort of thing was
> going to get.
> The recent bullshit of blaming Russia for everything under the sun would
> be particularly disturbing, if I didn't suspect both sides have a
> gentleman's agreement to play good cop/bad cop for one another to keep the
> masses in line.
> Ah well.. back to coding..

Ah well you miss the point entirely.

You DO understand what a "Front" is don't you? Why does a personal
injury law firm register a domain name linking to hot-button activist
issues, and 'protects' itself with known honeypot operation?

Ps. Leonard Peltier made a statement in support of the NODAPL folks
today and SPECIFICALLY WARNED about being spied on:

"I have to caution you young people to be careful, for you are up
against a very evil group of people whose only concern is to fill their
pockets with even more gold and wealth. They could not care less how
many of you they have to kill or bury in a prison cell. They don’t care
if you are a young child or an old grandmother, and you better believe
they are and have been recruiting our own people to be snitches and
traitors. They will look to the drunks, the addicts, and child
molesters, those who prey on our old and our children; they look for the
weak-minded individuals.

You must remember to be very cautious about falsely accusing people
based more on personal opinion than on evidence. Be smart."

That last... They check ur dataz, hook you up with a tidbit of dataz
they got from someone else' files, and before you know it you have
people accusing each other of doing things and saying things...

Get the picture? Cloudflare in collusion with it's fusion center BFFs
and infiltrators ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY fits this bill. This is exactly what
COINTELPRO did to AIM members that got Annie Mae Aquash killed, Peltier
framed, and AIM totally disrupted.

Or maybe you should just stick to coding.


>> So this morning I saw the rumor again FB gleaned by a 'friend' from a
>> radical-oriented news consolidator-regurgitator.
>> **National guard troops are wielding guns at the NoDAPL protest in North
>> Dakota and making arrests"**
>> So it got me thinking (I'm dangerous when I do that) Exactly who is
>> spewing this disinformation?
>> Hey looky here! It's Da Fedz!
>> This site, trofire. com is DNS'ed by Cloudflare.
>> The RADICALS, The people who owns the trofire. com domain that
>> consolidate and regurgitate all sorts of US and foreign activist news
>> is, allegedly, the "Levin Papantonio Thomas Mitchell Rafferty & Proctor"
>> Domaintools lookup:
>> Rr

Re: Global warming/climate change

2016-09-17 Thread xorcist
> On 09/17/2016 11:00 PM, grarpamp wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 4:34 AM, juan  wrote:
>> Oh please. That's exactly what you'd get from a guy, who
>> believes Allah wills it ...
> That Semitic sky god is one sadistic bastard, for sure ;)

Actually, as I understand it, Yahweh is a volcano deity. Hence the quaking
mountains and fire from the sky, and general pissed-off attitude.

But yeah, an asshole nonetheless.

Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-17 Thread xorcist
Well, lets look at both questions here:

First, the Cloudflare part is simple: they offer more than DDOS protection.
They can seemingly keep your site visible even if your site itself is
down, they offer analytics, and so on. And lets not forget that they
probably have some savvy salesmen that can convince some lawyers to pay up
and use the service.

As for why a lawyer's office would run a site like that. DHS connection is
certainly a possibility that I wouldn't dismiss.

Another possibility is simply personal interest, or the pet project of a
wife, daughter, or friend of the attorney's.

Or it could be professional. Sure, they may mainly focus on personal
injury law, but maybe they are on good terms with a client that came to
them about helping with the website hosting stuff where they can trust
some measure of attorney-client privilege if someone comes around asking
about the site and so on.

Instead of speculating, why not write them a letter and ask? Google up a
few other similar aggregators, and name drop them. Write to someone
mentioned on the site, explain that you're writing an article about up and
coming political-oriented news sources, and would like to include them.

Fucking social engineer some info, and cross-check it against facts you
already know.

> But the burning question is why would an apparently legitimate (Search
> news for "Levin Papantonio Thomas Mitchell Rafferty & Proctor"),
> personal injury law firm be operating a site that consolidates
> hot-button current activist issues in the first place, and WHY does it
> feel the need to protect itself at all with Cloudflare or any dDos
> circumvention tools? If you're regurgitating other people's news no
> one's going to be interested in wasting their time, fr any length of
> time, dDosing you.
> Could it be one of the DHS's lesser-known corporate cyber-cop partners?
> That's my best guess.
> Rr

What Cryptos Are Up Against...

2016-09-17 Thread grarpamp

... should they really start to push not merely the existance
but the applied crypto envelope...

Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-17 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 02:58:24AM +, jim bell wrote:
> opportunity to sift through ALL of the news, rather than let the MSM
> (mainstream media)  decide what little to show to us.

That would be Main Stream Misinformers.

Re: Sim Theory

2016-09-17 Thread xorcist
Too cerebral.

It's interesting to me that the simulation hypothesis has so much in
common with Buddhist philosophy. In fact, Buddhism already answers this
sort of thing.

Alan Watts, as a Zen Buddhist, presented the view that life is essentially
a game played out at the cosmic level. All life is essentially the
source of consciousness, God, the Atman.. whatever you want to call it.
God desired to experience life as Alan Watts, and Richard Nixon, and dogs,
and lions and gazelle in order to expand its experience, its awareness, of

Put another way, intelligent life is the part of the universe that
endeavors to understand itself. We're the Universe's subconscious. We are
the dreams of the ultimate mind.

So, the equivalent Buddhist question would be - why would an incredibly
advanced mind dream of us? Well, the answer to that is why do you dream
the things you dream? It's a statement of desire, or of dread - because
fundamentally life is a bit boring, and its much better if you're banging
supermodels or running from zombies. So those things come up in dreams.
Likewise, its incredibly boring being God. Imagine it. Never being
surprised, needing nothing, all goals can be met without the slightest
effort, and so on. It would be an incredible drag.

Casting this notion into the framework of a simulation, one might say that
this advanced civilization is simply bored. Imagine Star-Trek type
technology, where you just hit a button and get a perfect steak. The SAME
steak, every time. There is no need to cook, because you'll never beat the
machine, and yet in the end.. it all ends up tasting plastic.

Even with our meager technology, a great many people enjoy "roughing it"
in the woods, camping and going low-tech. They enjoy getting away from TVs
and phones and nonsense, and getting back to a more basic existence.

No need for existential crisis. Just a desire for life to be flavorful.

> So many people have proposed we're simulated...
> Now why would such an extremely advanced civilization / collective
> want to simulate us? Is this an unanswered question?
> Certainly they have long since
> - solved biology, live forever, down/up load their brains against trauma
> - solved life and mobility throughout their universe
> - lost and forgotten their prehistory
> - etc
> They could sim anything they want. So why sim us?
> Because something happened to them, something very big, something
> serious and existentially threatening. And now they're *desperately*
> trying to learn about death, life, humanity, the individual... something
> they lost but is still encoded in them just enough to let them think of
> making the sim...

Re: Firefox [Tor] Browser 0day: Anti-Privacy Implantation at Mass Scale

2016-09-17 Thread Georgi Guninski
On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 02:29:53PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> Nevermind that they still [1] don't have their release iso's and everything
> else fully reproduceable and cryptographically traceable back to
> their source repository, in part because their silly choice of repo (svn)
> isn't capable of establishing cryptographic provenance over, and distribution
> of, the source, so unlike signable trees git or monotone there's a big gaping
> disconnect there. Though they are making good progress on reproduceability.
> Oh, and OpenBSD still uses cvs for code authenticity, lol.

Did all BSDs have sound integrity checks when updating or installing new

About 8 years ago Freebsd installed ports and or packages fetching them
from plain ftp, without integrity checks IIRC.

Fwd: [cryptome] Wifi Hotspots Must have Users Identity and Password

2016-09-17 Thread Александр
How nice...

> -- Forwarded message --
> From: douglas rankine 
> Date: 2016-09-17 13:14 GMT+03:00
> Subject: [cryptome] Wifi Hotspots Must have Users Identity and Password
> To: Cryptome Mailing List 
> see url:

> European Court Judgement.  Death of Wifi Hotspots.  Copyright protection
is more important and of a higher priority, than individual privacy, or

> You vill reveal your identity...the state commands it.  Your rights vill
be protected.  The state vill protect your rights. The state vill love you,
hass alvays loved you...and vill continue to love you...and efen
more...your information and metadata...

Re: Firefox [Tor] Browser 0day: Anti-Privacy Implantation at Mass Scale

2016-09-17 Thread John Newman

> On Sep 16, 2016, at 7:46 PM, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 02:56:11PM -0400, John Newman wrote:
>> At least you can easily build your entire user land and kernel (and
>> ports) on FreeBSD. It's very straight forward compared to Linux
>> distros (Gentoo/arch some what excluded I guess).  I suppose this
>> isn't much consolation if you're worried about the upstream svn repo
>> itself.
> Git has built in svn support these days anyway - to claim svn is vital
> due to some workflow, is as grarpamp stated, total baloney.
> Attachment to svn is the grumpy old man yellin "get orf mah lawn" and
> the kid using git points to his hover board that he's standing on and
> smirks while saying "I'm not ON your lawn old man, I's floatin" then
> grabs his ball off the grass and zooms off over the hedge.
> Can understand that some folks don't want to break a trail on the
> bleeding edge, but git ain't a makerspace quad copter test bed any more,
> it's a highly polished retail product with zoom stripes on the side.
> 11 years - a long time for continually developed software..

I agree - but try telling that to the FreeBSD folks :P


Re: Fwd: [cryptome] Wifi Hotspots Must have Users Identity and Password

2016-09-17 Thread jim bell
Can the name of the network be "Password is password"?

  From: Александр 
 To: CypherPunks  
 Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2016 3:20 AM
 Subject: Fwd: [cryptome] Wifi Hotspots Must have Users Identity and Password
How nice...

> -- Forwarded message --
> From: douglas rankine 
> Date: 2016-09-17 13:14 GMT+03:00
> Subject: [cryptome] Wifi Hotspots Must have Users Identity and Password
> To: Cryptome Mailing List 
> see url: 09/15/cp160099.pdf

> European Court Judgement.  Death of Wifi Hotspots.  Copyright protection is 
> more important and of a higher priority, than individual privacy, or 
> anonymity.

> You vill reveal your identity...the state commands it.  Your rights vill be 
> protected.  The state vill protect your rights. The state vill love you, hass 
> alvays loved you...and vill continue to love you...and efen more...your 
> information and metadata...


Re: Fwd: [cryptome] Wifi Hotspots Must have Users Identity and Password

2016-09-17 Thread Александр
2016-09-17 21:06 GMT+03:00 jim bell :

> Can the name of the network be "Password is password"?

Hold a second, Jim...i'm on the phone with the senior judge from the
European Court now. Well, the judge says
<>,  he claims.

Re: Fwd: [cryptome] Wifi Hotspots Must have Users Identity and Password

2016-09-17 Thread jim bell

 From: Александр 
2016-09-17 21:06 GMT+03:00 jim bell :

Can the name of the network be "Password is password"?

>Hold a second, Jim...i'm on the phone with the senior judge from the European 
>Court now. Well, the judge says 
<>,  he claims.
I think it's unfortunate that people can't "automatically" share some of their 
(otherwise unused) WiFi capacity.  Many people would do this, as long as a few 
restrictions are in place: 1.   A person sharing shouldn't be legally liable 
for anything done;  2.  The owner gets to use "all" of the capacity when 
needed; the external user only gets space when available.   3.   The IP 
addresses of "his" use and that of the "external" use be unrelated in any way.  
Interestingly, Comcast/Xfinity has a somewhat automatic system of this kind:  
Boxes are called "gateways" and, in effect, have two WiFi routers:  One for the 
owner and the other for anyone else.  (However, to use the other side, you need 
to be a subscriber somewhere or have his password/permission.)  For news of an 
objection to this, see:
              Jim Bell