RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage - defibrillation

2001-11-20 Thread robertj
For those who want to skip it, this is not product safety, just a
digression from the electric shock topic.
As for why the chest thumping works, take the heel of your hand and
whack yourself on the side of the head. You'll notice the effect as
quite a few cells depolarize. That's the general idea. If you get the
heart's attention without doing serious damage, it may pause and
As for the PQRST stuff, you asked for it. Now we are getting into vector
graphics. Picture two cells, side by side, and depolarize one. You can
imagine a time related voltage vector appear and go away. Now picture
more cells, and depolarization flowing in a wave across them. The vector
gets more interesting both in direction and time. Next, go to three
dimensions and place it in a chest. That's what we are working with. Put
electrodes on the arms and watch it on a scope and you will get an EKG.
Of course you only have one dimension (plus time) represented on the
scope. Lets try a few more to get images of that vector in other
dimensions. In fact, we do it twelve times to get the standard 12 lead
EKG recording. Namely:
I - left arm to right arm
II - left foot to right arm
III - left foot to left arm
AVR - right arm to (feet, left arm)
AVL - left arm to (feet, right arm)
AVF - left foot to (arms, right foot)
V1 thru V6 - measurements from leads spread across the chest from
between the nipples to the right of the sternum around beneath the left
breast to the side of the chest. Each lead one at a time is measured to
all limb leads connected together.
If you can picture it, the first six measurements give six vector
readings in the plane of the limbs, the second six give vector readings
in a quadrant cross section of the chest perpendicular to the first six.
You actually get a pretty good set of three dimensional readings.
Now. Put an arrow through a board, throw it in the ocean and watch what
it does as a nice wave goes by. Describe the motion of that vector to
someone and see if he can deduce what the wave looks like. Its not
random. As each similar wave goes by, you get the same vector path. You
can even match vector paths with different types of waves.
That's what we do with an EKG. In fact there is a connection between
heart activity and the waveshape. However it's sort of remote. What
really happens is, we find a normal heart generates a typical pattern.
Consider heart disease like an AV block and the pattern changes. That's
what its all about. Pattern recognition. A good electrocardiologist has
this immense image recognition system in his head and matches EKG
patterns to disease. He will in fact generate a picture of where the
vector is pointing in time and space and use it to imagine weak or
damaged tissue affecting or modifying its path.
All that leads to the scope trace and talking about it. If we take the I
lead as the typical view and start describing it time wise, we start
P, a small positive hump which corresponds with the atrial contraction
Q R & S, the negative, positive, negative pulse caused by ventricular
contraction and the movement of the voltage vector during that time.
T, another smaller slower hump from the repolarization of the ventricles
I can't help mentioning an EKG machine I once had which was absolutely
amazing. It had NO amplifiers. It was called an Einthoven string
galvanometer. It consisted of a large C shaped magnet whose poles
tapered down to a very narrow gap. Between that gap stretched a fine
gold plated glass fiber which connected to the attenuator (that's right
attenuator) and lead selector. There was a hole drilled from the top of
the C through the tips of the poles and out the bottom with a light
source on one side and moving photo film on the other. It produced a
strip chart recording of the movement of the fiber, which of course was
the EKG current deflected by the magnetic field. The machine used
electricity, for the light bulb and the film motor. It's amazing to
think of the skill and ingenuity used to make a millivolt recorder back
in those days. If I'm not mistaken, Einthoven was the inventor of the 12
lead EKG recording technique.
Bob Johnson
-Original Message-
From: Bill Owsley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 12:53 PM
To: robertj; 'Bill Owsley'; 'Gary McInturff'; 'Gregg Kervill'; 'Rich
Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage - defibrillation
excellent - now if you'll go through the PQRST complex also...

- Bill

Thanks for this very interesting piece of data. I've often wonder
what atrioventricular fibrillation is, you provide some insight on that
as well.
If it is a reset of sorts then how did the thumping of the chest
ever work? I suppose it can also fall into the category of just being
better than nothing at all. 
I can be "

RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage - defibrillation

2001-11-20 Thread Bill Owsley

At 12:56 PM 11/20/2001 , Gary McInturff wrote:
xmlns:w = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:st1 =
Thanks for this very
interesting piece of data. I've often wonder what atrioventricular
fibrillation is, you provide some insight on that as well.
If it is a reset of
sorts then how did the thumping of the chest ever work? I suppose it can
also fall into the category of just being better than nothing at all.

I have "learned" the chest thump, the pre-cordial thump, is for
witnessed events.
ex: Why doesn't CPR teach the pre-cordial
The pre-cordial thump is a technique that
involves a firm blow to the chest above the heart using a closed 'fist'.
This method is only taught in particular settings, for example the
electrical industry and it is recommended that the pre-cordial thump only
be administered in the event of an arrest witnessed by an individual
trained in the procedure. Furthermore, ARC guidelines recommend that the
pre-cordial thump is not a technique suitable for laypeople to be trained
in or to administer.
MEF influences
pacemaker rate, causes diastolic depolarisation, and affects action
potential repolarisation. It contributes to the positive chronotropic
response of the heart to stretch, transient-stretch induced ectopic
excitation (including sudden cardiac death after moderate precordial
impact - Commotio cordis) and arrhythmogenesis in pressure or
volume overloaded hearts. On the other hand, if used appropriately,
pre-cordial impact can be a highly efficient means of mechanical
pacemaking and cardioversion. Mechanisms of cardiac MEF include
stretch-activation of ion channels, mechanical modulation of
handling, and interaction with mechano-sensitive non-myocytes of the
heart. We study these mechanisms in isolated cardiac cells, cell pairs,
culture and tissue. Methods include the single and double whole cell
patch clamp techniques, fluorescence microscopy, and optical mapping
(currently under development). Interventions involve axial stretch of
isolated cells, swelling, local membrane deformation, pharmacological
block of ion channels, etc. As part of Professor Denis Noble’s
Chair for Cardiovascular
Physiology we also
make extensive use of mathematical modelling for data interpretation,
hypothesis formation and design of experimental protocols.

It is related to the rare newspaper article of someone getting hit
in the chest with a ball and dropping dead.  Speculation has it that
the timing was un-lucky and hit at the moment that the heart timing could
be stopped.  The pre-cordial thump is the reverse.  EMT's in
this state are not taught the technique.

- Bill

I can be
"learned" wrong and always look for a better understanding. Its
been awhile but I believe the information came from one of the product
safety seminars in the Seattle (Rich N. I'm staring pretty hard at you
for the moment) area and I don't know really remember the speaker, but it
made a great deal of sense to me at the time and obviously most of it
stuck with me. (You'll notice I am not taking any blame even if my
information is wrong)

-Original Message-
From: robertj
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 9:12 AM
To: 'Bill Owsley'; 'Gary McInturff'; 'Gregg Kervill'; 'Rich
Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage - defibrillation

I also have not encountered the theory about chest compression
controlling fibrillation. Since defibrillation is also controlled during
open heart surgery by paddles directly applied to the heart and through
the use of wire catheters from implantable defibrillators, it is not the
only means.
I thought it might be interesting to describe the heart function in
electrical terms since that is the basis of understanding for most of us
in this group.
Heart muscle can be viewed as a simple free running flip-flop
oscillator. When cut into pieces, each piece of heart muscle will
automatically fire (contract) at its own natural rate. It can be
triggered earlier by input from neighboring tissue. Once it fires, it
goes through a relaxation stage when it is quite resistant to triggering
by neighboring tissue. This firing at a cellular level is call
depolarization. It is caused by the cell wall suddenly becoming permeable
to sodium and potassium ions and loosing its charge (which of course is a
current flow). The cell then takes time to recharge by pumping ions back
across the cell wall.
The master clock for the heart is the sinoatrial (SA) node (the sinus
node mentioned by Gary). This node sets the pace for the

RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage - defibrillation

2001-11-20 Thread Gary McInturff
Thanks for this very interesting piece of data. I've often wonder what
atrioventricular fibrillation is, you provide some insight on that as well.
If it is a reset of sorts then how did the thumping of the chest ever
work? I suppose it can also fall into the category of just being better than
nothing at all. 
I can be "learned" wrong and always look for a better understanding. Its
been awhile but I believe the information came from one of the product
safety seminars in the Seattle (Rich N. I'm staring pretty hard at you for
the moment) area and I don't know really remember the speaker, but it made a
great deal of sense to me at the time and obviously most of it stuck with
me. (You'll notice I am not taking any blame even if my information is

-Original Message-
From: robertj []
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 9:12 AM
To: 'Bill Owsley'; 'Gary McInturff'; 'Gregg Kervill'; 'Rich Nute'
Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage - defibrillation

I also have not encountered the theory about chest compression controlling
fibrillation. Since defibrillation is also controlled during open heart
surgery by paddles directly applied to the heart and through the use of wire
catheters from implantable defibrillators, it is not the only means.
I thought it might be interesting to describe the heart function in
electrical terms since that is the basis of understanding for most of us in
this group.
Heart muscle can be viewed as a simple free running flip-flop oscillator.
When cut into pieces, each piece of heart muscle will automatically fire
(contract) at its own natural rate. It can be triggered earlier by input
from neighboring tissue. Once it fires, it goes through a relaxation stage
when it is quite resistant to triggering by neighboring tissue. This firing
at a cellular level is call depolarization. It is caused by the cell wall
suddenly becoming permeable to sodium and potassium ions and loosing its
charge (which of course is a current flow). The cell then takes time to
recharge by pumping ions back across the cell wall.
The master clock for the heart is the sinoatrial (SA) node (the sinus node
mentioned by Gary). This node sets the pace for the heart in response to
assorted hormone and brain inputs. It is located in the right atrium.
Remember the heart has four chambers. The right atrium is a collecting spot
for the returning blood and when it contracts, moves the blood next door to
the right ventricle. The right ventricle pumps into the lungs. The left
atrium holds returning oxygenated blood and pushes it into the left
ventricle which pumps into the rest of the body. Obviously the ventricles
are the workhorses.
When the sinoatrial node fires, a wave of depolarization spreads over both
atria (1/10 of a second), but is protected from reaching the ventricles by a
layer of insulation. At the base of the right atrium it reaches the
atrioventricular (AV) node. This is a delay line (another 1/10 of a second)
and passes the signal to the left and right bundle branches which are
special conductors to get the signal quickly to all parts of the ventricles.
The AV delay provides the time for the atria to finish filling the
ventricles before the much more significant contraction of the ventricles.
Since all these conductors are live tissues, injury or irritation, depending
on where it occurs, can cause all sorts of problems like fast or slow
rhythms, lack of coordination of atria and ventricles, etc. One solution is
implantable pacemakers which in their simplest forms electrically trigger
the ventricles (the atria are left to themselves since they are not as
Fibrillation occurs when something (like electric shock or irritation)
triggers a piece of heart muscle. This in turn triggers neighboring cells.
Unfortunately when the coordinated signal arrives from elsewhere, the cells
which have just fired can't respond since they have not gone through their
refractory period. These misfired cells then wait (while other parts are
recovering) and having waited too long, fire on their own again. When
several locations of the heart are doing this, the heart just quivers
instead of making a coordinated pumping effort. The fix is to provide an
electrical jolt which doesn't bother with triggering, it just hits all the
cells with enough energy to force depolarization anyway. Then all cells
together go through their refractory period and are ready for a coordinated
trigger (if it still exists). This is why very high shock levels can avoid
causing fibrillation.
Defibrillators have come a long way from the old days when they just applied
a severe 60 cycle AC shock. These days they try to provide a minimal level
impulse coordinated with any residual heart beat to force the heart into
unified action. T

RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage - defibrillation

2001-11-20 Thread Bill Owsley

excellent - now if you'll go through the PQRST complex

- Bill

At 12:11 PM 11/20/2001 , robertj wrote:

also have not encountered the theory about chest compression controlling
fibrillation. Since defibrillation is also controlled during open heart
surgery by paddles directly applied to the heart and through the use of
wire catheters from implantable defibrillators, it is not the only

I thought it might be interesting to describe the heart function in
electrical terms since that is the basis of understanding for most of us
in this group.


Heart muscle can be viewed as a simple free running flip-flop oscillator.
When cut into pieces, each piece of heart muscle will automatically fire
(contract) at its own natural rate. It can be triggered earlier by input
from neighboring tissue. Once it fires, it goes through a relaxation
stage when it is quite resistant to triggering by neighboring tissue.
This firing at a cellular level is call depolarization. It is caused by
the cell wall suddenly becoming permeable to sodium and potassium ions
and loosing its charge (which of course is a current flow). The cell then
takes time to recharge by pumping ions back across the cell wall.


The master clock for the heart is the sinoatrial (SA) node (the sinus
node mentioned by Gary). This node sets the pace for the heart in
response to assorted hormone and brain inputs. It is located in the right
atrium. Remember the heart has four chambers. The right atrium is a
collecting spot for the returning blood and when it contracts, moves the
blood next door to the right ventricle. The right ventricle pumps into
the lungs. The left atrium holds returning oxygenated blood and pushes it
into the left ventricle which pumps into the rest of the body. Obviously
the ventricles are the workhorses.


When the sinoatrial node fires, a wave of depolarization spreads over
both atria (1/10 of a second), but is protected from reaching the
ventricles by a layer of insulation. At the base of the right atrium it
reaches the atrioventricular (AV) node. This is a delay line (another
1/10 of a second) and passes the signal to the left and right bundle
branches which are special conductors to get the signal quickly to all
parts of the ventricles. The AV delay provides the time for the atria to
finish filling the ventricles before the much more significant
contraction of the ventricles.


Since all these conductors are live tissues, injury or irritation,
depending on where it occurs, can cause all sorts of problems like fast
or slow rhythms, lack of coordination of atria and ventricles, etc. One
solution is implantable pacemakers which in their simplest forms
electrically trigger the ventricles (the atria are left to themselves
since they are not as important).


Fibrillation occurs when something (like electric shock or irritation)
triggers a piece of heart muscle. This in turn triggers neighboring
cells. Unfortunately when the coordinated signal arrives from elsewhere,
the cells which have just fired can t respond since they have not gone
through their refractory period. These misfired cells then wait (while
other parts are recovering) and having waited too long, fire on their own
again. When several locations of the heart are doing this, the heart just
quivers instead of making a coordinated pumping effort. The fix is to
provide an electrical jolt which doesn t bother with triggering, it just
hits all the cells with enough energy to force depolarization anyway.
Then all cells together go through their refractory period and are ready
for a coordinated trigger (if it still exists). This is why very high
shock levels can avoid causing fibrillation.


Defibrillators have come a long way from the old days when they just
applied a severe 60 cycle AC shock. These days they try to provide a
minimal level impulse coordinated with any residual heart beat to force
the heart into unified action. The impulse can be applied with external
paddles, and now is available as a built in part of implanted pacemakers
so the impulse can be applied directly to the heart using the pacing


Bob Johnson


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Bill Owsley
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 1:22 PM
To: Gary McInturff; 'Gregg Kervill'; 'Rich Nute'
Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage


I've never seen cardiac function or resuscitation explained this
way...  and I'm an EMT-D.  The D is for defibrillator and the
EMT is for emergency medical technician.  And with very few
exceptions, the rest of the medical aspects of this discussion have been
As my kids say - don't go there...

- Bill

At 12:02 PM 11/19/2001 , Gary McInturff wrote:

From a few
courses several years back.
The heart
has something called the Sinus node (spelli

RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage - defibrillation

2001-11-20 Thread robertj
I also have not encountered the theory about chest compression
controlling fibrillation. Since defibrillation is also controlled during
open heart surgery by paddles directly applied to the heart and through
the use of wire catheters from implantable defibrillators, it is not the
only means.
I thought it might be interesting to describe the heart function in
electrical terms since that is the basis of understanding for most of us
in this group.
Heart muscle can be viewed as a simple free running flip-flop
oscillator. When cut into pieces, each piece of heart muscle will
automatically fire (contract) at its own natural rate. It can be
triggered earlier by input from neighboring tissue. Once it fires, it
goes through a relaxation stage when it is quite resistant to triggering
by neighboring tissue. This firing at a cellular level is call
depolarization. It is caused by the cell wall suddenly becoming
permeable to sodium and potassium ions and loosing its charge (which of
course is a current flow). The cell then takes time to recharge by
pumping ions back across the cell wall.
The master clock for the heart is the sinoatrial (SA) node (the sinus
node mentioned by Gary). This node sets the pace for the heart in
response to assorted hormone and brain inputs. It is located in the
right atrium. Remember the heart has four chambers. The right atrium is
a collecting spot for the returning blood and when it contracts, moves
the blood next door to the right ventricle. The right ventricle pumps
into the lungs. The left atrium holds returning oxygenated blood and
pushes it into the left ventricle which pumps into the rest of the body.
Obviously the ventricles are the workhorses.
When the sinoatrial node fires, a wave of depolarization spreads over
both atria (1/10 of a second), but is protected from reaching the
ventricles by a layer of insulation. At the base of the right atrium it
reaches the atrioventricular (AV) node. This is a delay line (another
1/10 of a second) and passes the signal to the left and right bundle
branches which are special conductors to get the signal quickly to all
parts of the ventricles. The AV delay provides the time for the atria to
finish filling the ventricles before the much more significant
contraction of the ventricles.
Since all these conductors are live tissues, injury or irritation,
depending on where it occurs, can cause all sorts of problems like fast
or slow rhythms, lack of coordination of atria and ventricles, etc. One
solution is implantable pacemakers which in their simplest forms
electrically trigger the ventricles (the atria are left to themselves
since they are not as important).
Fibrillation occurs when something (like electric shock or irritation)
triggers a piece of heart muscle. This in turn triggers neighboring
cells. Unfortunately when the coordinated signal arrives from elsewhere,
the cells which have just fired can't respond since they have not gone
through their refractory period. These misfired cells then wait (while
other parts are recovering) and having waited too long, fire on their
own again. When several locations of the heart are doing this, the heart
just quivers instead of making a coordinated pumping effort. The fix is
to provide an electrical jolt which doesn't bother with triggering, it
just hits all the cells with enough energy to force depolarization
anyway. Then all cells together go through their refractory period and
are ready for a coordinated trigger (if it still exists). This is why
very high shock levels can avoid causing fibrillation.
Defibrillators have come a long way from the old days when they just
applied a severe 60 cycle AC shock. These days they try to provide a
minimal level impulse coordinated with any residual heart beat to force
the heart into unified action. The impulse can be applied with external
paddles, and now is available as a built in part of implanted pacemakers
so the impulse can be applied directly to the heart using the pacing
Bob Johnson
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill Owsley
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 1:22 PM
To: Gary McInturff; 'Gregg Kervill'; 'Rich Nute'
Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage
I've never seen cardiac function or resuscitation explained this way...
and I'm an EMT-D.  The D is for defibrillator and the EMT is for
emergency medical technician.  And with very few exceptions, the rest of
the medical aspects of this discussion have been suspect.
As my kids say - don't go there...

- Bill

At 12:02 PM 11/19/2001 , Gary McInturff wrote:

From a few courses several years back.
The heart has something called the Sinus node (spelling could be
wrong) The responsibility of that node is to control the timing of the
electric wave "front" if you will. 

RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-19 Thread Bill Owsley

I've never seen cardiac function or resuscitation explained
this way...  and I'm an EMT-D.  The D is for defibrillator and
the EMT is for emergency medical technician.  And with very few
exceptions, the rest of the medical aspects of this discussion have been
As my kids say - don't go there...

- Bill

At 12:02 PM 11/19/2001 , Gary McInturff wrote:

a few courses several years back.
The heart
has something called the Sinus node (spelling could be
wrong) The responsibility of that node is to control the timing of
electric wave "front" if you will. The heart actually has about
pulses. Looking at a heart waveform on a monitor you will see a small
big blip, and another smaller blip (those all being medical terms
naturally). Those are the QRS waves, and sweep across the heart, from
input side to the output, although the "big blip' is the main blood
event. I no longer remember exactly what each of the pulses does, but
three are needed for the pumping of blood through the heart chambers,
the sinus node does all the time for these events.
"low" level current disrupts this timing sequence the
starts to fibrillate - it beats unrhymtically and "quivers" not
only does it
not pump blood but it works itself into exhaustion. The node needs to
allowed to resynchronize. That is done with a "high" current
applied to a
defibrillator paddle from one side of the chest to the other. 
When this
is done it is not the current through the heart that is
effective but the current through the muscles of the chest that are
effective. The current causes the muscles to constrict hard enough
squeeze the heart muscle and prevent it from the uncontrolled and
uncoordinated pulsing. The current is release, the muscles relax, and it
hoped that the sinus node re-takes control of the heart. This is the
that the old method of reviving someone by slamming them in the
worked. It forced the heart to stop long enough for the sinus node
reestablish itself.
that work around high voltage are more prone to death by
falling from the high voltage lines, or internal burns that actual
failure do to heart fibrillation. 

-Original Message-
From: Gregg Kervill
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 1:12 PM
To: 'Rich Nute'
Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

Hi Rich

>   There was also a very good (but short) article by
Tektronix in the 70's
>   called The Lethal Current.
>   It concluded that currents between 100 mA and 3 Amps
were more lethal
>   currents of more than 3 Amps because those high currents
tended to
>   the heart.

Hmm.  Having been the manager of product safety at Tektronix 
the '70's, I don't recall such an article.  At least not by

- I'll try and find it - it may have called the fatal current circa
published in the UK



So, Gregg's statement that there is both a lower and upper limit
for fibrillation is correct (although I do not agree with Gregg's

Hang on - I'm trying to quote from an article I read in the early 70's -
the figures were from the article.
I'm sure it was from Tex - we had a number of the big valve 'scopes
and more than 100 valves) - wonderful things and the only ones that
a delay longer than the TB sweep.

I'll try to dig the article out - I found it very useful -
since the safety standards at that time were pretty Spartan.

Thank goodness they have - and continue to help and provide
Best regards


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RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-19 Thread Gary McInturff

From a few courses several years back.
The heart has something called the Sinus node (spelling could be
wrong) The responsibility of that node is to control the timing of the
electric wave "front" if you will. The heart actually has about three
pulses. Looking at a heart waveform on a monitor you will see a small blip,
big blip, and another smaller blip (those all being medical terms
naturally). Those are the QRS waves, and sweep across the heart, from the
input side to the output, although the "big blip' is the main blood moving
event. I no longer remember exactly what each of the pulses does, but all
three are needed for the pumping of blood through the heart chambers, and
the sinus node does all the time for these events.
When "low" level current disrupts this timing sequence the heart
starts to fibrillate - it beats unrhymtically and "quivers" not only does it
not pump blood but it works itself into exhaustion. The node needs to be
allowed to resynchronize. That is done with a "high" current applied to a
defibrillator paddle from one side of the chest to the other. 
When this is done it is not the current through the heart that is
effective but the current through the muscles of the chest that are
effective. The current causes the muscles to constrict hard enough to
squeeze the heart muscle and prevent it from the uncontrolled and
uncoordinated pulsing. The current is release, the muscles relax, and it is
hoped that the sinus node re-takes control of the heart. This is the reason
that the old method of reviving someone by slamming them in the chest
worked. It forced the heart to stop long enough for the sinus node to
reestablish itself.
People that work around high voltage are more prone to death by
falling from the high voltage lines, or internal burns that actual heart
failure do to heart fibrillation. 

-Original Message-
From: Gregg Kervill []
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 1:12 PM
To: 'Rich Nute'
Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

Hi Rich

>   There was also a very good (but short) article by Tektronix in the 70's
>   called The Lethal Current.
>   It concluded that currents between 100 mA and 3 Amps were more lethal
>   currents of more than 3 Amps because those high currents tended to
>   the heart.

Hmm.  Having been the manager of product safety at Tektronix in
the '70's, I don't recall such an article.  At least not by that

- I'll try and find it - it may have called the fatal current circa 72-5
published in the UK



So, Gregg's statement that there is both a lower and upper limit
for fibrillation is correct (although I do not agree with Gregg's

Hang on - I'm trying to quote from an article I read in the early 70's - and
the figures were from the article.
I'm sure it was from Tex - we had a number of the big valve 'scopes (plugins
and more than 100 valves) - wonderful things and the only ones that allowed
a delay longer than the TB sweep.

I'll try to dig the article out - I found it very useful - particularly
since the safety standards at that time were pretty Spartan.

Thank goodness they have - and continue to help and provide guidance.
Best regards


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This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
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RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-19 Thread Gregg Kervill

Hi Rich

>   There was also a very good (but short) article by Tektronix in the 70's
>   called The Lethal Current.
>   It concluded that currents between 100 mA and 3 Amps were more lethal
>   currents of more than 3 Amps because those high currents tended to
>   the heart.

Hmm.  Having been the manager of product safety at Tektronix in
the '70's, I don't recall such an article.  At least not by that

- I'll try and find it - it may have called the fatal current circa 72-5
published in the UK



So, Gregg's statement that there is both a lower and upper limit
for fibrillation is correct (although I do not agree with Gregg's

Hang on - I'm trying to quote from an article I read in the early 70's - and
the figures were from the article.
I'm sure it was from Tex - we had a number of the big valve 'scopes (plugins
and more than 100 valves) - wonderful things and the only ones that allowed
a delay longer than the TB sweep.

I'll try to dig the article out - I found it very useful - particularly
since the safety standards at that time were pretty Spartan.

Thank goodness they have - and continue to help and provide guidance.
Best regards


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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-15 Thread Rich Nute

Hi John:

>   Also consider that the rectifier will very probably fail due to
>   excessive reverse voltage under the fault condition, thus allowing fault
>   current to flow through the transformer winding.

Will the rectifier fail open or short?

This SELV grounding scheme certainly doesn't fit the
conventional safety model for predictability and 

Best regards,

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-15 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that Rich Nute  wrote (in
<>) about 'AW: Define Continuous
DC Voltage', on Wed, 14 Nov 2001:
>When the fault occurs between the mains and the ungrounded
>SELV pole, 240 volts will appear across the aggregate 
>1.25-ohm resistance.  There is no single component with an 
>impedance of 1.25 ohms.
>Clearly, the aggregate current is sufficiently low to 
>easily operate the 3-amp mains fuse, E/R or 192 amps.
>However, not a wire or PWB trace could carry 192 amps.  
>So, this scenario is impossible.

Absolutely not. The 3 A fuse will open in less than 10 ms at 192 A
(published time/current curves don't go as high as 64 times rated
current, even for HBC fuses) and any reasonable conductor will carry 192
A for that period (not necessarily undamaged). Current-carrying capacity
is a peculiar concept. The standard or conventional values for wires and
cables are very low, because these currents can flow for years. Consider
the currents that flow through the very thin lead wires in
semiconductors, and the inrush currents that flow through PCB traces to
power supply filter capacitors.

Also consider that the rectifier will very probably fail due to
excessive reverse voltage under the fault condition, thus allowing fault
current to flow through the transformer winding.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread Rich Nute

Hi John:

>   >I presume that the fault current path for the ungrounded 
>   >SELV pole must be routed through the SELV source to ground 
>   >as that path is the lowest impedance path to ground.  It 
>   >seems to me that the fault current would have to pass 
>   >through the transformer winding.  In some cases, the fault 
>   >current may have to pass backwards through the rectifier 
>   >to ground -- which is an impossibility.
>   I don't understand that. If the fault current can't flow through the
>   source, it will flow through the load. That is OK, if the product
>   remains safe. It doesn't have to work after such a fault has occurred.

The load impedance of many SELV circuits is relatively
high.  If a mains fault should occur to the ungrounded
SELV pole, then the impedance of the load must either:

1) carry the fault current until the overcurrent device
   operates, or

2) present a sufficiently low impedance relative to the
   fault impedance such that the voltage on the SELV
   circuits does not exceed the SELV rating.

For example, consider a 240-volt mains, a 3-amp mains
fuse, and a 5-volt, 4-amp SELV.  To operate the fuse 
within 1 minute, the fault current must be at least 6 

The aggregate 5-volt load impedance is E/I or 1.25 ohms.

When the fault occurs between the mains and the ungrounded
SELV pole, 240 volts will appear across the aggregate 
1.25-ohm resistance.  There is no single component with an 
impedance of 1.25 ohms.

Clearly, the aggregate current is sufficiently low to 
easily operate the 3-amp mains fuse, E/R or 192 amps.

However, not a wire or PWB trace could carry 192 amps.  
So, this scenario is impossible.

We need 6 amps to operate the fuse.  So, we need the
aggregate SELV impedance to be E/I, 240/6, or 40 ohms.

40-ohm devices in a 5-volt circuit are reasonable.

However, such devices would be rated no more than
1/2-watt (for the 5-volt circuit).  

When the fault occurs, 240 volts is applied across a 
40-ohm, 1/2 watt resistance.  Since 240 volts, 40 ohms, 
and 6 amps is 1440 watts, the question is:  What opens 
first, the resistor or the fuse?

If the resistor opens, then the SELV voltage goes
to 240 volts, and the scheme is unsafe.

So, in this scenario, the 5-volt circuit would need
to include a 40-ohm, 1400-watt (240 x 6) resistor 
to carry the fault current until the fuse operates.

My conclusion is that relying on the SELV load to
operate the primary protective device is not

Best regards,

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that Rich Nute  wrote (in
<>) about 'AW: Define Continuous
DC Voltage', on Wed, 14 Nov 2001:
>A SELV circuit can be grounded.  As a result of 
>connecting the SELV to ground, the name of the circuit
>may change to PELV or FELV, depending on the end-
>product standard.  If the end-product standard is
>IEC 60960, then the circuit name remains SELV.

No. FELV has only basic insulation and grounding; it is not grounded
SELV. PELV is grounded SELV.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that Rich Nute  wrote (in
<>) about 'AW: Define Continuous
DC Voltage', on Wed, 14 Nov 2001:
>I presume that the fault current path for the ungrounded 
>SELV pole must be routed through the SELV source to ground 
>as that path is the lowest impedance path to ground.  It 
>seems to me that the fault current would have to pass 
>through the transformer winding.  In some cases, the fault 
>current may have to pass backwards through the rectifier 
>to ground -- which is an impossibility.

I don't understand that. If the fault current can't flow through the
source, it will flow through the load. That is OK, if the product
remains safe. It doesn't have to work after such a fault has occurred.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread Ehler, Kyle
I knew someone was going to ask this..
A few years back, I was attending a UL 1950 seminar in Minneapolis.
One of the presenters (a fellow named 'Bahra') happened to mention 
that UL has a specification for the 'electric chair'.

The operating current was quoted by him to not exceed 70ma.

I jotted down this figure, but unfortunately the voltage and clause 
was not mentioned, and I was hesitant to ask.  The topic at the
time was AC electric shock.  In my copy of the slide presentation 
(slide 25), I noted the effects: (for AC electric shock, verbatim, 
with figures added as quoted)

-perception   .05 to .5ma
-reaction 2 to 5ma
-inability to let-go  5 to 20ma
-ventricular fibrillation 20ma +
-cell damage  20 to 70ma
-burn hazard(high frequency)

No voltages or frequency were specified..

I lived in Portland, Or. in the 70's and had a friend that
worked at the Tek Wilsonville plant.  He had the most amazing
set of tools...I think I kinda bonded with him.
Now, I have even more tools than he did..

Kyle Ehler  KCOIQE
Assistant Design Engineer
LSI Logic Storage Systems Div.
3718 N. Rock Road
U.S.A.  Wichita, Kansas  67226
Ph. 316 636 8657
Fax 316 636 8321

-Original Message-
From: Dan Kinney (A) []
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 3:56 PM
To: Rich Nute;
Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

Does anyone know what voltage is used in electric chairs?  Just Curious.
Dan Kinney
Horner APG

> -Original Message-
> From: Rich Nute []
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 2:08 PM
> To:
> Cc:;
> Subject:  Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
> Hi Gregg:
> >   There was also a very good (but short) article by Tektronix in the
> 70's
> >   called The Lethal Current.
> >   
> >   It concluded that currents between 100 mA and 3 Amps were more lethal
> that
> >   currents of more than 3 Amps because those high currents tended to
> 'restart'
> >   the heart.
> Hmm.  Having been the manager of product safety at Tektronix in 
> the '70's, I don't recall such an article.  At least not by that
> name.
> Electric energy causes various injuries to the body depending 
> on the magnitude of the energy.  Only two of the injuries can 
> lead to a fatality.
> The two injuries are fibrillation of the heart, and overheating 
> of internal organs, especially the liver.
> Fibrillation is caused by ac current in the range of 50 mA to
> 500 mA (external connections) where the current pathway through 
> the body includes the chest (and the heart).  Above 500 mA, 
> fibrillation is not a likely consequence.  (And, I believe I
> am correct in asserting that dc cannot cause fibrillation.)
> Overheating of internal organs is a function of power dissipated
> in the body, where the body impedance can be taken as 1000 ohms.
> The power required depends on the time of contact.  Electric
> utility linemen are subject to such injury.  Consider 1 ampere
> through 1000 ohms is 1000 watts!  (The electric chair kills by
> over-heating the internal organs, not by fibrillation.)
> So, Gregg's statement that there is both a lower and upper limit 
> for fibrillation is correct (although I do not agree with Gregg's 
> values).
> Best regards,
> Rich

FW: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread robertj

Keep in mind that failure of the earthing can also be an undetected
The intent is to provide two levels of protection, two layers of
insulation or one layer of insulation plus earthing. In each case,
failure of one level may go undetected until failure of the second
produces a hazard.

Often double insulation is preferred because earthing is sometimes
intentionally bypassed by those who have old building wiring or wish to
use two wire extension cords. In the US, cheater plugs for this purpose
are commonly available. In this case the earthing failure may not be
undetected, but is present nevertheless.

Note also that in IEC 60950, earthing of SELV circuits is permitted.
Certain testing like ampacity of the earthing path and conditions such
as transient levels are adjusted accordingly. It is wise to treat all
interconnections to other equipment as circuits which may be either
earthed or floating unless you also have direct control over the
destination circuit.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John Woodgate
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 3:58 AM
Subject: Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

I read in !emc-pstc that Rich Nute  wrote (in
<>) about 'AW: Define Continuous
DC Voltage', on Tue, 13 Nov 2001:
>Hi John:
>>   SELV can protect under single fault conditions. BUT, as I tried to
>>   explain, under some conditions, it can allow a single fault *to
>>   undetected*, until eventually a second, unrelated fault occurs
>>   then results in a serious hazard.
>This is a problem of the double-insulation scheme: one
>cannot know when the first insulation has failed.  So, 
>your argument not only applies to SELV but also to 
>ungrounded accessible metal parts and any other double-
>insulation scheme.
>If we pursue your argument, then we should outlaw double
>insulation as an acceptable scheme of protection against
>electric shock, independent of SELV.

No, you are 'extending the argument' until it looks unjustified and then
using that as a hook for your critique. 

I said quite clearly that failure of double or reinforced insulation is
acceptable because failure of it has an acceptably low probability.
>And, we should add a "new" criterion that failure of any
>safeguard should be obvious to the operator *without*
>presenting a hazard to the operator.  An interesting 
>design problem.
>>   With PELV, this does not happen: the grounding ensures that the
>>   protective device operates. 
>This scheme requires that the path between the ungrounded
>PELV pole and the grounded PELV pole be capable of carrying
>the fault current until the protective device operates.  In
>other words, the ungrounded PELV pole must carry 25 amps for
>1 minute (or appropriate criteria). 

Yes, 'appropriate criteria'. 25A for 1 min is an extreme criterion.
Let's go to the other extreme, 150 mA for 100 ms (protection by RCD).

> In turn, this means the
>fault current, 25 amps, must flow from the ungrounded PELV
>pole through the PELV source to the grounded PELV pole.  In 
>my experience, there are few PELV circuits that can meet this 
>criterion.  In the PELV circuits I have worked with, the 25
>A would cause the PELV source to open before the operation
>of a protective device, and the mains voltage would appear on 
>the PELV ungrounded pole.

Yes, because you have deliberately chosen a huge fault current, which is
quite unrealistic in most cases.
>>   Well, perhaps I have made it clearer now. My beef with SELV is the
>>   on grounding, whereas PELV which is grounded AND double/reinforced
>>   insulated is clearly safer for systems extended in space.
>Agreed.  In the products I deal with, this is our construction.
>However, we do not test the capability of the ungrounded PELV
>pole to carry fault current.
Well, you might consider *designing* it to carry a realistic fault
current, then there is probably no overwhelming need to test.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that John Woodgate  wrote (in
) about 'AW: Define Continuous DC
Voltage', on Wed, 14 Nov 2001:
>I said quite clearly that failure of double or reinforced insulation is
>acceptable because failure of it has an acceptably low probability.

OOPS! That should read:

>I said quite clearly that double or reinforced insulation is
>acceptable because failure of it has an acceptably low probability.

Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread Rich Nute

Hi John:

>   >>   SELV can protect under single fault conditions. BUT, as I tried to
>   >>   explain, under some conditions, it can allow a single fault *to persist
>   >>   undetected*, until eventually a second, unrelated fault occurs which
>   >>   then results in a serious hazard.
>   >
>   >This is a problem of the double-insulation scheme: one
>   >cannot know when the first insulation has failed.  So, 
>   >your argument not only applies to SELV but also to 
>   >ungrounded accessible metal parts and any other double-
>   >insulation scheme.
>   >
>   >If we pursue your argument, then we should outlaw double
>   >insulation as an acceptable scheme of protection against
>   >electric shock, independent of SELV.
>   No, you are 'extending the argument' until it looks unjustified and then
>   using that as a hook for your critique. 

Your thesis is that:

Ungrounded SELV can "under some conditions," "allow a single 
fault *to persist undetected*, until eventually a second, 
unrelated fault occurs which then results in a serious hazard."

You are applying this principle only for SELV.  The solution is
to ground the SELV.

I did indeed extend the argument, not to make it look unjustified
but to understand why the principle applies only to SELV and not
to similar constructions.  My remarks certainly were not clear on
this point.

>   I said quite clearly that failure of double or reinforced insulation is
>   acceptable because failure of it has an acceptably low probability.

Now I am extending the argument in the other direction.  If
the failure of double or reinforced insulation has an acceptably
low probability of failure, then if SELV is double- or 
reinforced-insulated from a higher voltage, why must it be 

I presume the answer lies in the proviso of "under some 
conditions."  I guess I missed those conditions in one of
your messages.

>   >>   With PELV, this does not happen: the grounding ensures that the
>   >>   protective device operates. 
>   >
>   >This scheme requires that the path between the ungrounded
>   >PELV pole and the grounded PELV pole be capable of carrying
>   >the fault current until the protective device operates.  In
>   >other words, the ungrounded PELV pole must carry 25 amps for
>   >1 minute (or appropriate criteria). 
>   Yes, 'appropriate criteria'. 25A for 1 min is an extreme criterion.
>   Let's go to the other extreme, 150 mA for 100 ms (protection by RCD).

Yes, "appropriate criteria."  The worst-case would be 25
amps.  In most cases, the SELV circuit is on the load 
side of the primary circuit protection and thus would 
only be subject to twice the rated current of the 
equipment overcurrent device.

(In the USA one cannot rely on a building installation 
RCD/GFCI for protection from a single fault in a product.  
The RCD/GFCI can be used for protection of a double fault 
in a product.)

>   Well, you might consider *designing* it to carry a realistic fault
>   current, then there is probably no overwhelming need to test.

Hmm.  Design, but no test.

This would certainly present a challenge to write such 
a concept for SELV circuit-carrying capacity into a safety 

I presume that the fault current path for the ungrounded 
SELV pole must be routed through the SELV source to ground 
as that path is the lowest impedance path to ground.  It 
seems to me that the fault current would have to pass 
through the transformer winding.  In some cases, the fault 
current may have to pass backwards through the rectifier 
to ground -- which is an impossibility.

Now I am wondering about the practicality of this 
proposal for any part of the SELV circuit except the
transformer winding.

Best regards,

ps:  I recall a high-power power supply where the 5-volt
 SELV winding was a single turn of a robust copper 
 sheet.  One end of the copper sheet was grounded.  
 Any insulation fault within the transformer would 
 have been grounded through the copper sheet.

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Vito:

>   Could either of you clarify why a double insulated SELV circuit can not be 
> grounded?  Is it a 60950 based or based on some other performance(?) based 
> requirements?

This requires a bit of history.  I don't have all of
the history, but I can fill in some of the blanks.

IEC 536 (1976) is the base document for equipment
classes, i.e., I, II, and III.  Class III required 
the introduction of SELV.

IEC 536 was prepared by the same folks who wrote the
IEC 364 series of standards on building installations.
For these folks, SELV was presumed not to be connected
to ground.  (If they had been in the USA, these folks 
would have considered the doorbell circuit as SELV.)  
The standard did not explicity prohibit SELV from 
being grounded.  The committee was quite shocked to 
learn that equipment manufacturers were using the 
concept for low-voltage secondary circuits and were 
grounding one pole of the SELV.  They did have a 
technical explanation of why grounding SELV was not 
acceptable (which I have forgotten and, at the time, 
I considered faulty).  

In revising IEC 536, the committee then considered the
issue of grounding SELV.  They decided to retain SELV
as ungrounded, and introduced a new concept, PELV
(protected extra-low voltage) which was protected by
virture of being grounded.  They also introduced FELV
(functionally-grounded extra-low voltage).

The IEC 950 folks ignored IEC 536 -- sort of.  They 
did not adopt PELV, but retained SELV.  Instead, they 
did provide for PELV by specifying "Method 3" under 
SELV circuit requirements.  (At one time, several 
European countries did not accept Method 3.)  The IEC 
950 definition of SELV includes a note:  "This 
definition of SELV CIRCUIT differs from the term SELV 
as used in IEC 364."

A SELV circuit can be grounded.  As a result of 
connecting the SELV to ground, the name of the circuit
may change to PELV or FELV, depending on the end-
product standard.  If the end-product standard is
IEC 60960, then the circuit name remains SELV.

Best regards,

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that Rich Nute  wrote (in
<>) about 'AW: Define Continuous
DC Voltage', on Tue, 13 Nov 2001:
>Hi John:
>>   SELV can protect under single fault conditions. BUT, as I tried to
>>   explain, under some conditions, it can allow a single fault *to persist
>>   undetected*, until eventually a second, unrelated fault occurs which
>>   then results in a serious hazard.
>This is a problem of the double-insulation scheme: one
>cannot know when the first insulation has failed.  So, 
>your argument not only applies to SELV but also to 
>ungrounded accessible metal parts and any other double-
>insulation scheme.
>If we pursue your argument, then we should outlaw double
>insulation as an acceptable scheme of protection against
>electric shock, independent of SELV.

No, you are 'extending the argument' until it looks unjustified and then
using that as a hook for your critique. 

I said quite clearly that failure of double or reinforced insulation is
acceptable because failure of it has an acceptably low probability.
>And, we should add a "new" criterion that failure of any
>safeguard should be obvious to the operator *without*
>presenting a hazard to the operator.  An interesting 
>design problem.
>>   With PELV, this does not happen: the grounding ensures that the
>>   protective device operates. 
>This scheme requires that the path between the ungrounded
>PELV pole and the grounded PELV pole be capable of carrying
>the fault current until the protective device operates.  In
>other words, the ungrounded PELV pole must carry 25 amps for
>1 minute (or appropriate criteria). 

Yes, 'appropriate criteria'. 25A for 1 min is an extreme criterion.
Let's go to the other extreme, 150 mA for 100 ms (protection by RCD).

> In turn, this means the
>fault current, 25 amps, must flow from the ungrounded PELV
>pole through the PELV source to the grounded PELV pole.  In 
>my experience, there are few PELV circuits that can meet this 
>criterion.  In the PELV circuits I have worked with, the 25
>A would cause the PELV source to open before the operation
>of a protective device, and the mains voltage would appear on 
>the PELV ungrounded pole.

Yes, because you have deliberately chosen a huge fault current, which is
quite unrealistic in most cases.
>>   Well, perhaps I have made it clearer now. My beef with SELV is the ban
>>   on grounding, whereas PELV which is grounded AND double/reinforced
>>   insulated is clearly safer for systems extended in space.
>Agreed.  In the products I deal with, this is our construction.
>However, we do not test the capability of the ungrounded PELV
>pole to carry fault current.
Well, you might consider *designing* it to carry a realistic fault
current, then there is probably no overwhelming need to test.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that wrote (in <117.79cc5a2.29233849@>) about 'AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage', on Tue, 13 Nov 2001:
>Could either of you clarify why a double insulated SELV circuit can not be 
>grounded?  Is it a 60950 based or based on some other performance(?) based 

I think the original definition is in IEC60364, certainly not IEC60950,
which says that its definition differs from that in IEC60364.

The original idea, AIUI, was that a circuit that did not depend on
earthing for continued safety was safer than one that required earthing.
It seems that the consequences of a fault persisting undetected were not
taken into account. There was a great deal of controversy over this
matter some years ago, which seems to have stopped once PELV (SELV plus
earthing) was introduced.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread VitoGL

John, Rich;

Could either of you clarify why a double insulated SELV circuit can not be 
grounded?  Is it a 60950 based or based on some other performance(?) based 


In a message dated Tue, 13 Nov 2001  7:51:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, Rich 
Nute  writes:

> Hi John:
> >   Well, perhaps I have made it clearer now. My beef with SELV is the ban
> >   on grounding, whereas PELV which is grounded AND double/reinforced
> >   insulated is clearly safer for systems extended in space.
> Agreed.  In the products I deal with, this is our construction.
> However, we do not test the capability of the ungrounded PELV
> pole to carry fault current.
> Best regards,
> Rich

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread Rich Nute

Hi John:

>   SELV can protect under single fault conditions. BUT, as I tried to
>   explain, under some conditions, it can allow a single fault *to persist
>   undetected*, until eventually a second, unrelated fault occurs which
>   then results in a serious hazard.

This is a problem of the double-insulation scheme: one
cannot know when the first insulation has failed.  So, 
your argument not only applies to SELV but also to 
ungrounded accessible metal parts and any other double-
insulation scheme.

If we pursue your argument, then we should outlaw double
insulation as an acceptable scheme of protection against
electric shock, independent of SELV.

And, we should add a "new" criterion that failure of any
safeguard should be obvious to the operator *without*
presenting a hazard to the operator.  An interesting 
design problem.

>   With PELV, this does not happen: the grounding ensures that the
>   protective device operates. 

This scheme requires that the path between the ungrounded
PELV pole and the grounded PELV pole be capable of carrying
the fault current until the protective device operates.  In
other words, the ungrounded PELV pole must carry 25 amps for
1 minute (or appropriate criteria).  In turn, this means the
fault current, 25 amps, must flow from the ungrounded PELV
pole through the PELV source to the grounded PELV pole.  In 
my experience, there are few PELV circuits that can meet this 
criterion.  In the PELV circuits I have worked with, the 25
A would cause the PELV source to open before the operation
of a protective device, and the mains voltage would appear on 
the PELV ungrounded pole.

>   Well, perhaps I have made it clearer now. My beef with SELV is the ban
>   on grounding, whereas PELV which is grounded AND double/reinforced
>   insulated is clearly safer for systems extended in space.

Agreed.  In the products I deal with, this is our construction.
However, we do not test the capability of the ungrounded PELV
pole to carry fault current.

Best regards,

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread Rich Nute

Hi John:

>   Tetanus is a disease caused by a bacillus. Muscles spasm is tetany.

Not according to my (American) dictionary.

Tetanus has two definitions.  

The first is the disease or the bacterium that causes
the disease.

The second is a "prolonged contraction of a muscle
resulting from rapidly applied repeated motor impulses."
This is what happens when a 50-60 Hertz current is 
applied to the muscle.

Reilly uses the word tetanus thusly:

"...maximum muscle tension is achieved at an AP
(Action Potential) rate of about 80/s, leading to a
condition of maximum fusion termed tetanus."

Tetany is defined as a "condition of physiologic calcium
imbalance marked by tonic spasm of muscles and often
associated with deficient parathyroid secretion."

Best regards,

ref:  J. Patrick Reilly, Applied Biolectricity from 
  Electrical Stimlation to Electropathology.
  ISBN 0-387-98407-0 Springer-Verlag, New York 

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RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-14 Thread jsarellano
I believe it is 2000-2700V and about 7-10A the value has increased from
1700V and 6A because some prisoners did not die.


Jorge Sarellano
Compliance Engineer
Phone 408-919-3744
Fax 408-919-0585

Have you visited lately?

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 1:56 PM
To: Rich Nute;
Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

Does anyone know what voltage is used in electric chairs?  Just Curious.
Dan Kinney
Horner APG

> -Original Message-
> From: Rich Nute []
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 2:08 PM
> To:
> Cc:;
> Subject:  Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
> Hi Gregg:
> >   There was also a very good (but short) article by Tektronix in the
> 70's
> >   called The Lethal Current.
> >   
> >   It concluded that currents between 100 mA and 3 Amps were more lethal
> that
> >   currents of more than 3 Amps because those high currents tended to
> 'restart'
> >   the heart.
> Hmm.  Having been the manager of product safety at Tektronix in 
> the '70's, I don't recall such an article.  At least not by that
> name.
> Electric energy causes various injuries to the body depending 
> on the magnitude of the energy.  Only two of the injuries can 
> lead to a fatality.
> The two injuries are fibrillation of the heart, and overheating 
> of internal organs, especially the liver.
> Fibrillation is caused by ac current in the range of 50 mA to
> 500 mA (external connections) where the current pathway through 
> the body includes the chest (and the heart).  Above 500 mA, 
> fibrillation is not a likely consequence.  (And, I believe I
> am correct in asserting that dc cannot cause fibrillation.)
> Overheating of internal organs is a function of power dissipated
> in the body, where the body impedance can be taken as 1000 ohms.
> The power required depends on the time of contact.  Electric
> utility linemen are subject to such injury.  Consider 1 ampere
> through 1000 ohms is 1000 watts!  (The electric chair kills by
> over-heating the internal organs, not by fibrillation.)
> So, Gregg's statement that there is both a lower and upper limit 
> for fibrillation is correct (although I do not agree with Gregg's 
> values).
> Best regards,
> Rich
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> Visit our web site at:
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>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>  Michael
>  Dave
> For policy questions, send mail to:
>  Richard Nute:
>  Jim Bacher:
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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-13 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Dan:

>   Does anyone know what voltage is used in electric chairs?  Just Curious.

I'm sorry you asked.  The electric chair is one of
the more barbarous methods of execution.

The voltage is a function of time, and varies with
the execution authority.  The voltage is in the range
of 1000-2000 volts, sometimes more, sometimes less.

For more than you would ever want to know, including
the voltage specs, see:

You will need to use "search the site" to find voltage
and other details.  Be sure to read "biology of 
electrocution."  Also check out the "botched 

Here are other sites I found as the result of a web
search.  The descriptions and pictures are gruesome
and are not recommended.

This site has some body impedance data taken during 
several executions.  The descriptions and arguments
are explicit and gruesome.

Calculate the power (E x I) dissipated in the body.


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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-13 Thread Ken Javor

Whoops!!!  I was thinking wheel chair and on second thought I realized what
you were thinking of was a means of intentional electrocution and execution.
My mistake!

>From: "Dan Kinney (A)" 
>To: Rich Nute ,
>Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage
>Date: Tue, Nov 13, 2001, 3:56 PM

> Does anyone know what voltage is used in electric chairs?  Just Curious.
> Dan Kinney
> Horner APG
> Indianapolis
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Rich Nute []
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 2:08 PM
>> To:
>> Cc:;
>> Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
>> Hi Gregg:
>> >   There was also a very good (but short) article by Tektronix in the
>> 70's
>> >   called The Lethal Current.
>> >
>> >   It concluded that currents between 100 mA and 3 Amps were more lethal
>> that
>> >   currents of more than 3 Amps because those high currents tended to
>> 'restart'
>> >   the heart.
>> Hmm.  Having been the manager of product safety at Tektronix in
>> the '70's, I don't recall such an article.  At least not by that
>> name.
>> Electric energy causes various injuries to the body depending
>> on the magnitude of the energy.  Only two of the injuries can
>> lead to a fatality.
>> The two injuries are fibrillation of the heart, and overheating
>> of internal organs, especially the liver.
>> Fibrillation is caused by ac current in the range of 50 mA to
>> 500 mA (external connections) where the current pathway through
>> the body includes the chest (and the heart).  Above 500 mA,
>> fibrillation is not a likely consequence.  (And, I believe I
>> am correct in asserting that dc cannot cause fibrillation.)
>> Overheating of internal organs is a function of power dissipated
>> in the body, where the body impedance can be taken as 1000 ohms.
>> The power required depends on the time of contact.  Electric
>> utility linemen are subject to such injury.  Consider 1 ampere
>> through 1000 ohms is 1000 watts!  (The electric chair kills by
>> over-heating the internal organs, not by fibrillation.)
>> So, Gregg's statement that there is both a lower and upper limit
>> for fibrillation is correct (although I do not agree with Gregg's
>> values).
>> Best regards,
>> Rich
>> ---
>> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
>> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
>> Visit our web site at:
>> To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
>> with the single line:
>>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
>> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>>  Michael
>>  Dave
>> For policy questions, send mail to:
>>  Richard Nute:
>>  Jim Bacher:
>> All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
>> No longer online until our new server is brought online and the old
>> messages are imported into the new server.
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> Visit our web site at:
> To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
> with the single line:
>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>  Michael
>  Dave
> For policy questions, send mail to:
>  Richard Nute:
>  Jim Bacher:
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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-13 Thread Ken Javor

I know of at least one that runs off a 12 Volt battery.  I think it is a 
gel-cell but I KNOW it charges off an ordinary 12 Volt charger and it is
supposed to be trickled charged nightly, so it is like a lead-acid in that
it likes to be constantly charged and doesn't have "memory."

>From: "Dan Kinney (A)" 
>To: Rich Nute ,
>Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage
>Date: Tue, Nov 13, 2001, 3:56 PM

> Does anyone know what voltage is used in electric chairs?  Just Curious.
> Dan Kinney
> Horner APG
> Indianapolis
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Rich Nute []
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 2:08 PM
>> To:
>> Cc:;
>> Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
>> Hi Gregg:
>> >   There was also a very good (but short) article by Tektronix in the
>> 70's
>> >   called The Lethal Current.
>> >
>> >   It concluded that currents between 100 mA and 3 Amps were more lethal
>> that
>> >   currents of more than 3 Amps because those high currents tended to
>> 'restart'
>> >   the heart.
>> Hmm.  Having been the manager of product safety at Tektronix in
>> the '70's, I don't recall such an article.  At least not by that
>> name.
>> Electric energy causes various injuries to the body depending
>> on the magnitude of the energy.  Only two of the injuries can
>> lead to a fatality.
>> The two injuries are fibrillation of the heart, and overheating
>> of internal organs, especially the liver.
>> Fibrillation is caused by ac current in the range of 50 mA to
>> 500 mA (external connections) where the current pathway through
>> the body includes the chest (and the heart).  Above 500 mA,
>> fibrillation is not a likely consequence.  (And, I believe I
>> am correct in asserting that dc cannot cause fibrillation.)
>> Overheating of internal organs is a function of power dissipated
>> in the body, where the body impedance can be taken as 1000 ohms.
>> The power required depends on the time of contact.  Electric
>> utility linemen are subject to such injury.  Consider 1 ampere
>> through 1000 ohms is 1000 watts!  (The electric chair kills by
>> over-heating the internal organs, not by fibrillation.)
>> So, Gregg's statement that there is both a lower and upper limit
>> for fibrillation is correct (although I do not agree with Gregg's
>> values).
>> Best regards,
>> Rich
>> ---
>> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
>> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
>> Visit our web site at:
>> To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
>> with the single line:
>>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
>> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>>  Michael
>>  Dave
>> For policy questions, send mail to:
>>  Richard Nute:
>>  Jim Bacher:
>> All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
>> No longer online until our new server is brought online and the old
>> messages are imported into the new server.
> ---
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This message is fr

Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-13 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that Rich Nute  wrote (in
<>) about 'AW: Define Continuous
DC Voltage', on Tue, 13 Nov 2001:
>Hi John:
>>   I have never been very keen on the concept of SELV, and I am glad to see
>>   that others are now recognizing the problems.
>Interesting statement.  In contrast, I don't see how we
>can get along without SELV.
>My concept for SELV is that of ELV so protected from a 
>higher voltage such that in the event of a fault, the
>SELV does not exceed the ELV limits.

SELV can protect under single fault conditions. BUT, as I tried to
explain, under some conditions, it can allow a single fault *to persist
undetected*, until eventually a second, unrelated fault occurs which
then results in a serious hazard.
>My concept for ELV is a voltage source that provides
>protection against electric shock by limitation of
>voltage.  (ELV is not protected against an increase in
>voltage in the event of a fault.)

Well, there is FELV (Functional ELV), which is protected by basic
insulation only.
>ELV/SELV are important and extremely useful concepts 
>because they allow access to low voltages such as those 
>that become accessible during the interconnection of 
>various units.  
>As one example, consider the camcorder.  SELV allows 
>access to the battery charger terminals.  Making these 
>terminals inaccessible would increase the complexity and 
>cost of a camcorder.

For a single piece of equipment or a small collection very close
together, SELV may be sufficient. But notice that if the double or
reinforced insulation WERE to be faulty, the SELV would be S no longer.
This is simply regarded as an event of acceptably low probability. 

Now consider the case of a video camera and recorder, connected via a
cable carrying video on coax and power at SELV, some distance apart in a
building. Contact between live mains and the video cable shield, due to
an errant nail or screw, puts live mains on the shield, BUT  the fault
may remain undetected until someone tries to disconnect the cable or
open one of the enclosures.

With PELV, this does not happen: the grounding ensures that the
protective device operates. 
>I cannot imagine that you truly are not keen on the
>concept of SELV.  I can imagine that you are not keen
>on the complexity of voltage limits for ELV/SELV.  To
>this, I agree.
Well, perhaps I have made it clearer now. My beef with SELV is the ban
on grounding, whereas PELV which is grounded AND double/reinforced
insulated is clearly safer for systems extended in space.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-13 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that Rich Nute  wrote (in
<>) about 'Define Continuous DC
Voltage', on Tue, 13 Nov 2001:
>Dc does not cause either tetanus or fibrillation. 

Tetanus is a disease caused by a bacillus. Muscles spasm is tetany.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
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RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-13 Thread Dan Kinney (A)

Does anyone know what voltage is used in electric chairs?  Just Curious.
Dan Kinney
Horner APG

> -Original Message-
> From: Rich Nute []
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 2:08 PM
> To:
> Cc:;
> Subject:  Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
> Hi Gregg:
> >   There was also a very good (but short) article by Tektronix in the
> 70's
> >   called The Lethal Current.
> >   
> >   It concluded that currents between 100 mA and 3 Amps were more lethal
> that
> >   currents of more than 3 Amps because those high currents tended to
> 'restart'
> >   the heart.
> Hmm.  Having been the manager of product safety at Tektronix in 
> the '70's, I don't recall such an article.  At least not by that
> name.
> Electric energy causes various injuries to the body depending 
> on the magnitude of the energy.  Only two of the injuries can 
> lead to a fatality.
> The two injuries are fibrillation of the heart, and overheating 
> of internal organs, especially the liver.
> Fibrillation is caused by ac current in the range of 50 mA to
> 500 mA (external connections) where the current pathway through 
> the body includes the chest (and the heart).  Above 500 mA, 
> fibrillation is not a likely consequence.  (And, I believe I
> am correct in asserting that dc cannot cause fibrillation.)
> Overheating of internal organs is a function of power dissipated
> in the body, where the body impedance can be taken as 1000 ohms.
> The power required depends on the time of contact.  Electric
> utility linemen are subject to such injury.  Consider 1 ampere
> through 1000 ohms is 1000 watts!  (The electric chair kills by
> over-heating the internal organs, not by fibrillation.)
> So, Gregg's statement that there is both a lower and upper limit 
> for fibrillation is correct (although I do not agree with Gregg's 
> values).
> Best regards,
> Rich
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> Visit our web site at:
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> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>  Michael
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> For policy questions, send mail to:
>  Richard Nute:
>  Jim Bacher:
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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-13 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Gregg:

>   There was also a very good (but short) article by Tektronix in the 70's
>   called The Lethal Current.
>   It concluded that currents between 100 mA and 3 Amps were more lethal that
>   currents of more than 3 Amps because those high currents tended to 'restart'
>   the heart.

Hmm.  Having been the manager of product safety at Tektronix in 
the '70's, I don't recall such an article.  At least not by that

Electric energy causes various injuries to the body depending 
on the magnitude of the energy.  Only two of the injuries can 
lead to a fatality.

The two injuries are fibrillation of the heart, and overheating 
of internal organs, especially the liver.

Fibrillation is caused by ac current in the range of 50 mA to
500 mA (external connections) where the current pathway through 
the body includes the chest (and the heart).  Above 500 mA, 
fibrillation is not a likely consequence.  (And, I believe I
am correct in asserting that dc cannot cause fibrillation.)

Overheating of internal organs is a function of power dissipated
in the body, where the body impedance can be taken as 1000 ohms.
The power required depends on the time of contact.  Electric
utility linemen are subject to such injury.  Consider 1 ampere
through 1000 ohms is 1000 watts!  (The electric chair kills by
over-heating the internal organs, not by fibrillation.)

So, Gregg's statement that there is both a lower and upper limit 
for fibrillation is correct (although I do not agree with Gregg's 

Best regards,

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-13 Thread Rich Nute

Hi John:

>   I have never been very keen on the concept of SELV, and I am glad to see
>   that others are now recognizing the problems.

Interesting statement.  In contrast, I don't see how we
can get along without SELV.

My concept for SELV is that of ELV so protected from a 
higher voltage such that in the event of a fault, the
SELV does not exceed the ELV limits.

My concept for ELV is a voltage source that provides
protection against electric shock by limitation of
voltage.  (ELV is not protected against an increase in
voltage in the event of a fault.)

ELV/SELV are important and extremely useful concepts 
because they allow access to low voltages such as those 
that become accessible during the interconnection of 
various units.  

As one example, consider the camcorder.  SELV allows 
access to the battery charger terminals.  Making these 
terminals inaccessible would increase the complexity and 
cost of a camcorder.

I cannot imagine that you truly are not keen on the
concept of SELV.  I can imagine that you are not keen
on the complexity of voltage limits for ELV/SELV.  To
this, I agree.

Best regards,

Richard Nute
Hewlett-Packard Company
San Diego

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-13 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Chris:

I'll attempt to answer the question as to the effect of
ac and dc current on the body (the "hazard").

The discussion is in regard to three waveforms:

1)  ac sinusoidal -- 50-60 Hz.
2)  dc
3)  dc interrupted (equal on and off times) up to 200 Hz.

Each has a different effect on the body. 

For each waveform, the magnitudes of voltage and current 
at which the effect takes place are different.

The body is most sensitive to ac, where the current
reverses through the body.  Such currents can cause both
tetanus of various muscles, and fibrillation of the heart.

Dc does not cause either tetanus or fibrillation.  Dc 
with ripple or superimposed ac is still dc because the
current does not reverse direction.  From my reading of
research papers, there is no significant effect on the
body due to ac riding on a dc bias provided the current
does not change direction.

Interrupted dc (50% duty cycle, 0 mA off, up to 200 Hz) 
is surmised to have similar effect to that of ac.  I 
believe that UL modeled this, and came to the conclusion 
that such interruption could cause fibrillation.  (I 
don't believe any tests on animals or people were 
actually performed.)  Hence, the limitation on voltage 
for such waveforms.

Most of the research on live humans (grad students) was 
performed by Charles Dalziel, UC Berkeley, during the 
late 40's and early 50's.  Dalziel published numerous 
papers on his tests, most in IRE and AIEE journals.

Dalziel gave us the tetanus values for ac, and determined
there was no tetanus for dc.  Dalziel also gave us the
effect of frequency on humans.

During the 30's, 40's and 50's, UL also did some 
measurements on live humans (UL employees) to determine 
body impedance.

Most recently, Beigelmeier (Vienna) has measured himself.
His research is the basis for much of the data in IEC
60479, effects of current on the human body.

Almost all other research was either on live (anesthesized)
animals or on cadavers.

When discussing waveforms that are beyond the research,
we must identify the injury we wish to prevent.  If we
are considering 40 V dc which has an on/off period of 1
second, then the person can disconnect himself from the
source during the 0.5-second off period.  So, this would
be the same as a steady-state 40 V dc source which is
deemed non-hazardous.

Best regards,

ps:  Charles Dalziel is the inventor of the GFCI.

>   Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage
>   Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 16:10:29 -0500
>   From: "Chris Maxwell" 
>   To: "Ken Javor" ,
>   "Tania Grant" ,
>   "Doug McKean" ,
>   "EMC-PSTC Discussion Group" 
>   Sadly, I can't give that frequency; but I think I know the reasoning
>   behind Eric's question...
>   AC signals under 200Hz are especially dangerous to humans because AC
>   currents really screw up our nervous system and cause death by heart
>   attack at very low currents.  It only takes milliamps of 60Hz AC current
>   to kill a human being.
>   On the other hand, people can withstand far more current from a DC
>   source because it doesn't have the same effect on our nervous system.
>   (Come on, who hasn't put a 9V battery on their tongue to test it out?)
>   I think that this is the reasoning that the referenced standard uses to
>   give two limits for "AC" and "DC".  My GUESS is that someone (who loved
>   to torture living organisms) must have performed tests to figure out how
>   DC current affected people (or monkeys, or rats... something).  They
>   then must have performed tests with different AC frequencies.  Perhaps
>   they even plotted a graph of "hazardous" voltage/current versus
>   frequency.  I would imagine that this is the type of data used by the
>   IEC or any other safety organizationn to set hazardous voltage levels.
>   Problem is...the standards don't give a graph or table of hazardous
>   voltage vs. frequency, it just says "DC" and "AC".   Since we don't have
>   access to the graph we really don't know what happens at ultra low
>   frequencies.   (Although I have a few rodents in my basement who are
>   just asking to be test samples.)
>   Of course, now there is the gray area of interpretation. (which keeps us
>   all employed)
>   For example, how would a safety engineer classify a 40V thermostat
>   control signal (non current limited) with a five second hysteresis that
>   prevents it from switching any faster than once every five seconds (0.2
>   Hz).   Under normal conditions, this signal would switch once every
>   couple of hours (0.00014Hz).  Is this "hazardous AC" (after all it is
>   40V, and it does vary with 

RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-13 Thread Gregg Kervill

There was also a very good (but short) article by Tektronix in the 70's
called The Lethal Current.

It concluded that currents between 100 mA and 3 Amps were more lethal that
currents of more than 3 Amps because those high currents tended to 'restart'
the heart.

I think I will try not the check that out.


P.O. Box 310, Reedville,
Virginia 22539  USA

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-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 8:16 AM
To: 'EMC-PSTC Discussion Group'
Subject: RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

>From my reading on the subject, EN 60950 has different Safety Extra-Low
(SELV) limits for alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) because
human body reacts to them differently.  AC makes your muscles contract, so
tend to hang onto the source of the electric shock.  DC makes you push away,
removing contact, but you may fall or otherwise hurt yourself as you jerk
from the source of the shock.  I have heard hams (amateur radio operators)
of picking themselves off the floor, clear across the room, after accidently
touching the plate supply of a tube radio.

I found an article in Electronics magazine, published between 1940 and 1945
can't find the article right now), on a study that was done on "let-go"
In this study the subjects (something like 100 young males) would grab a
wire with one hand, and put their other hand on a copper or brass plate.
experimenter would apply a voltage between the wire and the plate, giving
subject a shock.  Then the subject would try to let go of the wire.  If they
couldn't, they could open the circuit just by lifting their hand from the
If the subject could let go of the wire, the experimenter would increase the
voltage and they would try the experiment again.  As I recall the
were done mainly at 50 and 60Hz, with some done at DC and low frequencies,
others up to 10kHz.

The results of the study were that let-go current was lowest in the 40-100Hz
range, and ranged from 15mA up to about 100mA.   (I got the impression that
of the young men were trying to show how macho they were...)  The
let-go current increased as the frequency increased above 100Hz, or
below 40Hz.  For DC the subjects had trouble trying to hold onto the wire,
instead of a shock they felt a heating effect.

I have not seen any studies on how much AC superimposed on DC changes the
effect to a hang-on effect, and I don't plan to find out for myself if I
have to...

  John Barnes  Advisory Engineer
  Lexmark International

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-12 Thread Scott Lemon

Chris,  check out IEC 479-1 (Effects of current on human beings and livestock). 
 Real interesting reading - it mainly
analyzes human body impedances (measurements taken on living humans and 
corpses) and discusses physiological effects
of AC in range of 15-100 Hz and DC.  In their study, it appears that 10 mA (in 
this AC range) is the point above which
harmful physiological effects can occur and around 25 mA for DC.  Above these 
limits, time of exposure will determine
the threat of permanent and harmful effects.  They do indicate that the 
physiological effects experiments were
conducted on animals and were "adapted" to human beings.  Human corpses were 
used in gathering human body impedance
measurements from 25V to 5000 V.  Barbecue anyone?

-Scott Lemon

Chris Maxwell wrote:

>   My GUESS is that someone (who loved
> to torture living organisms) must have performed tests to figure out how
> DC current affected people (or monkeys, or rats... something).  They
> then must have performed tests with different AC frequencies.  Perhaps
> they even plotted a graph of "hazardous" voltage/current versus
> frequency.  I would imagine that this is the type of data used by the
> IEC or any other safety organizationn to set hazardous voltage levels.

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RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-12 Thread jrbarnes

>From my reading on the subject, EN 60950 has different Safety Extra-Low Voltage
(SELV) limits for alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) because the
human body reacts to them differently.  AC makes your muscles contract, so you
tend to hang onto the source of the electric shock.  DC makes you push away,
removing contact, but you may fall or otherwise hurt yourself as you jerk away
from the source of the shock.  I have heard hams (amateur radio operators) tell
of picking themselves off the floor, clear across the room, after accidently
touching the plate supply of a tube radio.

I found an article in Electronics magazine, published between 1940 and 1945 (I
can't find the article right now), on a study that was done on "let-go" current.
In this study the subjects (something like 100 young males) would grab a 1/4"
wire with one hand, and put their other hand on a copper or brass plate.  The
experimenter would apply a voltage between the wire and the plate, giving the
subject a shock.  Then the subject would try to let go of the wire.  If they
couldn't, they could open the circuit just by lifting their hand from the plate.
If the subject could let go of the wire, the experimenter would increase the
voltage and they would try the experiment again.  As I recall the experiments
were done mainly at 50 and 60Hz, with some done at DC and low frequencies, and
others up to 10kHz.

The results of the study were that let-go current was lowest in the 40-100Hz
range, and ranged from 15mA up to about 100mA.   (I got the impression that some
of the young men were trying to show how macho they were...)  The
let-go current increased as the frequency increased above 100Hz, or decreased
below 40Hz.  For DC the subjects had trouble trying to hold onto the wire, and
instead of a shock they felt a heating effect.

I have not seen any studies on how much AC superimposed on DC changes the let-go
effect to a hang-on effect, and I don't plan to find out for myself if I don't
have to...

  John Barnes  Advisory Engineer
  Lexmark International

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Re: AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-12 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that Horst Haug  wrote (in
) about 'AW: Define
Continuous DC Voltage', on Sun, 11 Nov 2001:
>Enclosed are results of a SELV reliability test. The output inductance was 
>shorted with no load and the ripple increased. In (IEC60950) DC 
>voltage is defined as a voltage with a peak to peak value less 10 % of the 
>DC voltage.
>In the enclosed file you see the ripple with Peak 49,6 Vpmax and 42,4 
> Vpmin. 
>The DC voltage is around 46 Vdc.
>1. Now the argumentation could be: 
>The voltage is not DC, because the ripple is above 10%.  There is only AC 
> or 
>DC. Therefore, it has to be AC. The ripple is Vpeak max 49.6 V exceeding 
> the 
>defined max. peak of 42 V (2.2.2 of IEC60950). Therefore the output is not 
>SELV any longer.
This is a correct understanding of the definition of 'DC' used in
several safety standards.
>2. Another understanding is : 
>The voltage is DC and AC. You have to split it into an AC part and a DC 
>part. The DC part is 46 Vdc.

This is a correct understanding of the *concept* of d.c.
>The AC part is 49,6 - 42,4 from peak to peak = 7,2 Vpeak to peak. 
> Therefore 
>it is SELV and pass.
This is not a correct interpretation of the *safety standards*. It *is*
a correct understanding of the *concept of a.c.
>This definition results in worse case into a 60 Vdc voltage overlayed with 
>42 V ripple resulting in Vpeak max of 81 V acceptable as SELV.
>If we agree with version 1, then it will be difficult to built up power 
>supplies with nominal voltage of 48 Vdc. It is always easy to open a 
>secondary cap or short a secondary inductance to increase the ripple above 
You are correct: 48 V is near enough to the upper limit of SELV to make
preservation of conformity to the limit difficult under fault

I have never been very keen on the concept of SELV, and I am glad to see
that others are now recognizing the problems.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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AW: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-11 Thread Horst Haug
Enclosed are results of a SELV reliability test. The output inductance was
shorted with no load and the ripple increased. In (IEC60950) DC
voltage is defined as a voltage with a peak to peak value less 10 % of the
DC voltage.

In the enclosed file you see the ripple with Peak 49,6 Vpmax and 42,4 Vpmin.
The DC voltage is around 46 Vdc.

1. Now the argumentation could be:
The voltage is not DC, because the ripple is above 10%.  There is only AC or
DC. Therefore, it has to be AC. The ripple is Vpeak max 49.6 V exceeding the
defined max. peak of 42 V (2.2.2 of IEC60950). Therefore the output is not
SELV any longer.

2. Another understanding is :
The voltage is DC and AC. You have to split it into an AC part and a DC
part. The DC part is 46 Vdc.
The AC part is 49,6 - 42,4 from peak to peak = 7,2 Vpeak to peak. Therefore
it is SELV and pass.

This definition results in worse case into a 60 Vdc voltage overlayed with
42 V ripple resulting in Vpeak max of 81 V acceptable as SELV.

If we agree with version 1, then it will be difficult to built up power
supplies with nominal voltage of 48 Vdc. It is always easy to open a
secondary cap or short a secondary inductance to increase the ripple above

Please let me know about your opinion.

With best regards

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[]Im Auftrag von Tania Grant
Gesendet: Samstag, 10. November 2001 03:31
An: Ken Javor; Doug McKean; EMC-PSTC Discussion Group
Betreff: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

Thank you, Ken.   You have given us all some food for thought;-- and just
what did the standards writers have in mind when they said "continuous?"

A ringing TNV voltage is treated differently from a "continuous" DC voltage.
Is that as far as the definition goes?   Did they have something else in
mind? <>

- Original Message -
From: Ken Javor
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 11:04 AM
To: Tania Grant; Doug McKean; EMC-PSTC Discussion Group
Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

I'm probably not providing any assistance, but what is the purpose of the
categorization of continuous dc vs. that rate of change where it is not
considered continuous anymore?  I don't think it should be tied to ability
to deliver power to a load, which is in agreement with what Ms. Grant is
saying below.  Pure dc provides power and no information.  A signal uses
power to transmit information.  If I have a security alarm sensor on a
window which always sends a low-level dc until the window is broken then if
I look at the physical parameters I could say that low-level signal was dc
because it could be on for years, but its PURPOSE is to transmit information
which makes it a signal.  Actually any single-sided digital transmission
(meaning between 0 Volts and some Vcc) is dc in the classical sense because
dc means direct current, as opposed to alternating current which changes
direction.  In the sense which people in this exchange have been using the
terminology it refers to how much time rate of change is allowed.  But this
is where the question as to purpose comes in.  If the issue is crosstalk, a
low-level audio or video signal with lots of rate of change is a much more
benign source than a 48 Vdc  source from which lots of switched CURRENT is
drawn.  A dc POTENTIAL does NOT imply direct CURRENT unless CE limits have
been applied to loads.  So the question that has to be answered first is
what is the purpose of the discrimination implied by the term "continuous."

From: "Tania Grant" 
To: "Doug McKean" , "EMC-PSTC Discussion Group"

Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2001, 9:47 PM

Well now, Doug, how about the vast gray area in between?

What if it is 1/50th of an amp? <>

- Original Message -

From: Doug McKean

Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 7:39 PM

To: EMC-PSTC Discussion Group

Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage wrote:
> So friends, how continuous must DC be to qualify as continuous DC?

Personally, I'd say when the source can deliver some
sufficient level of real power (rms level of power).
That is basically the definition of rms anyway.

To make the point with two ridiculous examples,
(1) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground
you measure 1/100th amps of rms current, then I
wouldn't call it DC.
(2) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground
you measure 10 amps or rms current, then I'd
most definitely call it DC.

But that's just me and my 2 cents worth.

- Doug McKean

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-10 Thread Doug McKean


I read that, but I still see how it has anything to do 
specifically with the word "hazardous".  It appears that 
part of the standard in the poster's question is simply 
the only place in the standard where "continuous" is 
used in conjunction with DC voltage. 

I'm sure we could dissect this to no end. 

Perhaps the word "continuous" is used in the standard to 
reinforce the idea of "uninterrupted".  In other words, if 
we define a "discontinuous" DC voltage as being switched 
to zero or through zero (for example from a positive potential 
to a negative potential, then a "continuous" DC voltage is 
simply one that is not. 

- Doug 

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-10 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that robertj  wrote (in
<01c1699e$2e8c7230$bef5accf@lrj006>) about 'Define Continuous DC
Voltage', on Fri, 9 Nov 2001:
>The closest example I have seen so far which touches (indirectly) on the 
>subject is a proposal before the US TAG dealing with test pulses from a 
>power supply operating in foldback. Remember this is a proposal and has 
> not 
>been through the review process. It is certainly far from adoption and you 
>are unlikely to get away with it for the moment. It was developed with 
> some 
>consideration of cardiac sensitivity. It suggests pulses be permitted up 
> to 
>120 volts of 20 milliseconds no less than 1 second apart or 200 
> milliseconds 
>no less than 3 seconds apart. The idea is a recovery period reduces 
>fibrillation sensitivity.
It doesn't seem very likely that anyone would come in contact with the
output voltage of a power supply operating in foldback.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-10 Thread robertj
Obviously if you can define your voltage as DC, you can get away with a
much higher level (60 V) as SELV than if it is not (42.4 V peak).
The reasons for the different levels are the shock potential. A varying
voltage has a much greater potential to cause ventricular fibrillation
than a DC voltage.
Unfortunately the standards have not done a good job of defining the
electrical difference between AC and DC. Obviously you cannot apply a 60
VDC voltage without a transient change with a peak of 60 Volts, and
nothing is said about how often you can do it. Suggestions for
improvements to the standards are welcome.
The closest example I have seen so far which touches (indirectly) on the
subject is a proposal before the US TAG dealing with test pulses from a
power supply operating in foldback. Remember this is a proposal and has
not been through the review process. It is certainly far from adoption
and you are unlikely to get away with it for the moment. It was
developed with some consideration of cardiac sensitivity. It suggests
pulses be permitted up to 120 volts of 20 milliseconds no less than 1
second apart or 200 milliseconds no less than 3 seconds apart. The idea
is a recovery period reduces fibrillation sensitivity.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tania Grant
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 9:31 PM
To: Ken Javor; Doug McKean; EMC-PSTC Discussion Group
Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
Thank you, Ken.   You have given us all some food for thought;-- and
just what did the standards writers have in mind when they said
A ringing TNV voltage is treated differently from a "continuous" DC
voltage.  Is that as far as the definition goes?   Did they have
something else in mind?
- Original Message -
From: Ken Javor
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 11:04 AM
To: Tania Grant; Doug McKean; EMC-PSTC Discussion Group
Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
I'm probably not providing any assistance, but what is the purpose of
the categorization of continuous dc vs. that rate of change where it is
not considered continuous anymore?  I don't think it should be tied to
ability to deliver power to a load, which is in agreement with what Ms.
Grant is saying below.  Pure dc provides power and no information.  A
signal uses power to transmit information.  If I have a security alarm
sensor on a window which always sends a low-level dc until the window is
broken then if I look at the physical parameters I could say that
low-level signal was dc because it could be on for years, but its
PURPOSE is to transmit information which makes it a signal.  Actually
any single-sided digital transmission (meaning between 0 Volts and some
Vcc) is dc in the classical sense because dc means direct current, as
opposed to alternating current which changes direction.  In the sense
which people in this exchange have been using the terminology it refers
to how much time rate of change is allowed.  But this is where the
question as to purpose comes in.  If the issue is crosstalk, a low-level
audio or video signal with lots of rate of change is a much more benign
source than a 48 Vdc  source from which lots of switched CURRENT is
drawn.  A dc POTENTIAL does NOT imply direct CURRENT unless CE limits
have been applied to loads.  So the question that has to be answered
first is what is the purpose of the discrimination implied by the term

From: "Tania Grant" 
To: "Doug McKean" , "EMC-PSTC Discussion Group"

Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2001, 9:47 PM

Well now, Doug, how about the vast gray area in between?   
What if it is 1/50th of an amp? <> 
- Original Message -
From: Doug McKean
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 7:39 PM
To: EMC-PSTC Discussion Group
Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage wrote:
> So friends, how continuous must DC be to qualify as continuous DC?

Personally, I'd say when the source can deliver some
sufficient level of real power (rms level of power).
That is basically the definition of rms anyway.

To make the point with two ridiculous examples,
(1) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground
you measure 1/100th amps of rms current, then I
wouldn't call it DC.
(2) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground
you measure 10 amps or rms current, then I'd
most definitely call it DC.

But that's just me and my 2 cents worth.

- Doug McKean

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Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-10 Thread Tania Grant
Thank you, Ken.   You have given us all some food for thought;-- and just what 
did the standards writers have in mind when they said "continuous?"

A ringing TNV voltage is treated differently from a "continuous" DC voltage.  
Is that as far as the definition goes?   Did they have something else in mind?
- Original Message -
From: Ken Javor
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 11:04 AM
To: Tania Grant; Doug McKean; EMC-PSTC Discussion Group
Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
I'm probably not providing any assistance, but what is the purpose of the 
categorization of continuous dc vs. that rate of change where it is not 
considered continuous anymore?  I don't think it should be tied to ability to 
deliver power to a load, which is in agreement with what Ms. Grant is saying 
below.  Pure dc provides power and no information.  A signal uses power to 
transmit information.  If I have a security alarm sensor on a window which 
always sends a low-level dc until the window is broken then if I look at the 
physical parameters I could say that low-level signal was dc because it could 
be on for years, but its PURPOSE is to transmit information which makes it a 
signal.  Actually any single-sided digital transmission (meaning between 0 
Volts and some Vcc) is dc in the classical sense because dc means direct 
current, as opposed to alternating current which changes direction.  In the 
sense which people in this exchange have been using the terminology it refers 
to how much time rate of change is allowed.  But this is where the question as 
to purpose comes in.  If the issue is crosstalk, a low-level audio or video 
signal with lots of rate of change is a much more benign source than a 48 Vdc  
source from which lots of switched CURRENT is drawn.  A dc POTENTIAL does NOT 
imply direct CURRENT unless CE limits have been applied to loads.  So the 
question that has to be answered first is what is the purpose of the 
discrimination implied by the term "continuous."

From: "Tania Grant" 
To: "Doug McKean" , "EMC-PSTC Discussion Group" 

Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2001, 9:47 PM

Well now, Doug, how about the vast gray area in between?
What if it is 1/50th of an amp? <>  

- Original Message -
From: Doug McKean
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 7:39 PM
To: EMC-PSTC Discussion Group
Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage wrote:
> So friends, how continuous must DC be to qualify as continuous DC?

Personally, I'd say when the source can deliver some
sufficient level of real power (rms level of power).
That is basically the definition of rms anyway.

To make the point with two ridiculous examples,
(1) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground
you measure 1/100th amps of rms current, then I
wouldn't call it DC.
(2) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground
you measure 10 amps or rms current, then I'd
most definitely call it DC.

But that's just me and my 2 cents worth.

- Doug McKean

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-09 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that wrote (in
) about 'Define
Continuous DC Voltage', on Fri, 9 Nov 2001:
>John Woodgate commented:
>>A digital signal that has one value at 0 V to ground and the other value
>>at voltage V consists of a d.c. voltage of amplitude V/2 plus an a.c.
>>voltage of (double) amplitude V/2. The frequency of the a.c. is
>Per IEC 60950:1999, also in UL 1950:1995 (but not in '1010 or UL 31x1),
>D.C. Voltage is defined as:
>  The average value of a voltage (as measured by a moving coil meter)
>having a
>  peak-to-peak ripple not exceeding 10% of the average value.
>  Note - Where peak-to-peak ripple exceeds 10% of the average value, the
>  requirements related to peak voltage are applicable.
>I could not find the V/2 clause in 950.  Perhaps its the TNV section of UL
>1950:1995, clause, though it differs in that the divisor is not 2,
>but what I'd call a reference voltage, 42.4 V and others.  Frequency here
>is limited to 100 Hz and below.  It also repeats the 10% ripple criteria in
>Table 8.

It isn't there, simply because 60950 is concerned with safety and not
with defining what 'd.c.' is as a concept, which is what my text is
about. The first part of the 60950 text is, however, entirely consistent
with my text. Given a moving-coil meter with a long enough averaging
time (much longer than the lowest frequency alternating voltage
present), the meter will read V/2. The second part is not about the
concept of 'd.c.', but entirely about how to treat, for safety purposes,
a voltage that is part d.c. and part a.c., when the a.c. part exceeds
>It seems unclear (for us '1010 users) as to how continuous in time a DC
>voltage from 42.4 V DC Peak to 60 V DC Peak must be to avoid falling into
>the AC Peak limits, in an application that switches circuits on/off either
>randomly or periodically.

It seems clear that the authors of 60950 did not take into account the
case that troubles you. But, in Europe anyway, if your product is a
'61010' product, you don't have to apply ANY of the provisions of 60950.
>Perhaps a simple voltage/frequency table derived from the Annex P leakage
>current model would allow our customers to use the full DC Voltage rating
>for sub 48 Hz switching rates, and specify a sliding scale of maximum rated
>voltage as the highest switching frequency goes up.

That should be proposed to the new IEC TC108 as an improvement to
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-09 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that Doug McKean  wrote (in
<000a01c1694c$1bc34ea0$>) about 'Define
Continuous DC Voltage', on Fri, 9 Nov 2001:
>For John, there wasn't any mention of hazardous 
>in the original question.  Only what would qualify 
>as "continuous DC". 

What do you make of this extract from the original post, if it's not
about hazardous voltages?


I consulted two UL standards: 508C and 3121-1 (and it's kin 3101/3111-1,
all based on IEC 61010-1), both led me (by reference) to UL 1310 Class 2
Power Units.  UL 1310 has a clause (14.2.2) which indicates that a "DC
interrupted at a rate of 200 Hz or less" is limited to 24.8 V peak.  In
the same clause it mentions a "continuous" DC voltage of 60 V DC is

Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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RE: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-09 Thread Chris Maxwell

Sadly, I can't give that frequency; but I think I know the reasoning
behind Eric's question...

AC signals under 200Hz are especially dangerous to humans because AC
currents really screw up our nervous system and cause death by heart
attack at very low currents.  It only takes milliamps of 60Hz AC current
to kill a human being.

On the other hand, people can withstand far more current from a DC
source because it doesn't have the same effect on our nervous system.
(Come on, who hasn't put a 9V battery on their tongue to test it out?)

I think that this is the reasoning that the referenced standard uses to
give two limits for "AC" and "DC".  My GUESS is that someone (who loved
to torture living organisms) must have performed tests to figure out how
DC current affected people (or monkeys, or rats... something).  They
then must have performed tests with different AC frequencies.  Perhaps
they even plotted a graph of "hazardous" voltage/current versus
frequency.  I would imagine that this is the type of data used by the
IEC or any other safety organizationn to set hazardous voltage levels.
Problem is...the standards don't give a graph or table of hazardous
voltage vs. frequency, it just says "DC" and "AC".   Since we don't have
access to the graph we really don't know what happens at ultra low
frequencies.   (Although I have a few rodents in my basement who are
just asking to be test samples.)

Of course, now there is the gray area of interpretation. (which keeps us
all employed)

For example, how would a safety engineer classify a 40V thermostat
control signal (non current limited) with a five second hysteresis that
prevents it from switching any faster than once every five seconds (0.2
Hz).   Under normal conditions, this signal would switch once every
couple of hours (0.00014Hz).  Is this "hazardous AC" (after all it is
40V, and it does vary with time)?  Or is it "non-hazardous DC".  

Anybody want to tackle that question?  It may help us to figure out
Eric's initial problem.  Remember to show your work...partial credit
will be given :-)

Just to show that I'm game... I'll take a stab.  My opinion is that, if
it can be proven that this signal will switch at a frequency no higher
than 0.2 Hz under all normal and single fault conditions; then you have
a non-hazardous "DC" signal.  (Note that I'm not saying 0.2 Hz is the
cutoff, it's probably higher.)

OK... I've hung it out there.  Either agree with it or refute it.
Either way, we'll all learn something.

Chris Maxwell | Design Engineer - Optical Division
email | dir +1 315 266 5128 | fax +1 315 797

NetTest | 6 Rhoads Drive, Utica, NY 13502 | USA
web | tel +1 315 797 4449 | 

> -Original Message-
> From: Ken Javor []
> Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 1:22 PM
> To:   Tania Grant; Doug McKean; EMC-PSTC Discussion Group
> Subject:  Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
> I'm probably not providing any assistance, but what is the purpose of
> the categorization of continuous dc vs. that rate of change where it
> is not considered continuous anymore?  I don't think it should be tied
> to ability to deliver power to a load, which is in agreement with what
> Ms. Grant is saying below.  Pure dc provides power and no information.
> A signal uses power to transmit information.  If I have a security
> alarm sensor on a window which always sends a low-level dc until the
> window is broken then if I look at the physical parameters I could say
> that low-level signal was dc because it could be on for years, but its
> PURPOSE is to transmit information which makes it a signal.  Actually
> any single-sided digital transmission (meaning between 0 Volts and
> some Vcc) is dc in the classical sense because dc means direct
> current, as opposed to alternating current which changes direction.
> In the sense which people in this exchange have been using the
> terminology it refers to how much time rate of change is allowed.  But
> this is where the question as to purpose comes in.  If the issue is
> crosstalk, a low-level audio or video signal with lots of rate of
> change is a much more benign source than a 48 Vdc  source from which
> lots of switched CURRENT is drawn.  A dc POTENTIAL does NOT imply
> direct CURRENT unless CE limits have been applied to loads.  So the
> question that has to be answered first is what is the purpose of the
> discrimination implied by the term "continuous."
> --
> From: "Tania Grant" 
> To: "Doug McKean" , "EMC-PSTC Discussion
> Group" 
> Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
> Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2001, 9:47 PM

Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-09 Thread eric . lifsey

Doug et al,

I think John realized that I was led down the path to UL 1310 and it's
strange clause (continuous) in an attempt to quantify how/when a DC voltage
becomes regarded to be an AC voltage in terms of hazard.  I wasn't clear on

Best Regards,
Eric Lifsey

"Doug McKean"   
Sent by:   cc:  
owner-emc-pstc@majordom    Subject: Re: Define 
Continuous DC Voltage  


11/09/2001 12:26 PM 
Please respond to "Doug 



Well, to follow John's and Tania's comments ...

For John, there wasn't any mention of hazardous
in the original question.  Only what would qualify
as "continuous DC".  So, IMO, it doesn't matter
what the frequency is as I stated with regards to
an rms nor the level with regard to hazardous.
The rms converts any signal dc or ac to a
continuously delivered power to a load in terms
of real power.

Which brings me to Tania's question as in,
whatever level you wish to consider.  If it
is 1/50th, then so be it.

I thought it was an interesting question when
I started considering heating effects with say
fine pitch traces and such.

Anywho, just my two cents ...

Regards, Doug McKean

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-09 Thread eric . lifsey

Doug McKean commented:
>>Personally, I'd say when the source can deliver some
>>sufficient level of real power (rms level of power).

The device in question can drive several milliamps on each channel, which I
believe is a healthy shock.  As a limited energy source it is unlikely to
be a fire hazard.  Since the model of the body is roughly 2,000 Ohms,
that's a potential for up to 30 mA at 60 V DC and is probably rather
painful.  (There was a very good thread on fibrillation and other
biological aspects of current about four [?] years ago on this list.)  See
Annex D of '950 for the leakage current model, which is also influenced by

John Woodgate commented:
>A digital signal that has one value at 0 V to ground and the other value
>at voltage V consists of a d.c. voltage of amplitude V/2 plus an a.c.
>voltage of (double) amplitude V/2. The frequency of the a.c. is

Per IEC 60950:1999, also in UL 1950:1995 (but not in '1010 or UL 31x1),
D.C. Voltage is defined as:
  The average value of a voltage (as measured by a moving coil meter)
having a
  peak-to-peak ripple not exceeding 10% of the average value.
  Note - Where peak-to-peak ripple exceeds 10% of the average value, the
  requirements related to peak voltage are applicable.

I could not find the V/2 clause in 950.  Perhaps its the TNV section of UL
1950:1995, clause, though it differs in that the divisor is not 2,
but what I'd call a reference voltage, 42.4 V and others.  Frequency here
is limited to 100 Hz and below.  It also repeats the 10% ripple criteria in
Table 8.

It seems unclear (for us '1010 users) as to how continuous in time a DC
voltage from 42.4 V DC Peak to 60 V DC Peak must be to avoid falling into
the AC Peak limits, in an application that switches circuits on/off either
randomly or periodically.

Perhaps a simple voltage/frequency table derived from the Annex P leakage
current model would allow our customers to use the full DC Voltage rating
for sub 48 Hz switching rates, and specify a sliding scale of maximum rated
voltage as the highest switching frequency goes up.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Eric Lifsey
Compliance Manager
National Instruments

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-09 Thread Doug McKean

Well, to follow John's and Tania's comments ... 

For John, there wasn't any mention of hazardous 
in the original question.  Only what would qualify 
as "continuous DC".  So, IMO, it doesn't matter 
what the frequency is as I stated with regards to 
an rms nor the level with regard to hazardous.  
The rms converts any signal dc or ac to a 
continuously delivered power to a load in terms 
of real power. 

Which brings me to Tania's question as in, 
whatever level you wish to consider.  If it 
is 1/50th, then so be it. 

I thought it was an interesting question when 
I started considering heating effects with say 
fine pitch traces and such. 

Anywho, just my two cents ... 

Regards, Doug McKean 

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-09 Thread Ken Javor
I'm probably not providing any assistance, but what is the purpose of the 
categorization of continuous dc vs. that rate of change where it is not
considered continuous anymore?  I don't think it should be tied to ability
to deliver power to a load, which is in agreement with what Ms. Grant is
saying below.  Pure dc provides power and no information.  A signal uses
power to transmit information.  If I have a security alarm sensor on a
window which always sends a low-level dc until the window is broken then if
I look at the physical parameters I could say that low-level signal was dc
because it could be on for years, but its PURPOSE is to transmit information
which makes it a signal.  Actually any single-sided digital transmission
(meaning between 0 Volts and some Vcc) is dc in the classical sense because
dc means direct current, as opposed to alternating current which changes
direction.  In the sense which people in this exchange have been using the
terminology it refers to how much time rate of change is allowed.  But this
is where the question as to purpose comes in.  If the issue is crosstalk, a
low-level audio or video signal with lots of rate of change is a much more
benign source than a 48 Vdc  source from which lots of switched CURRENT is
drawn.  A dc POTENTIAL does NOT imply direct CURRENT unless CE limits have
been applied to loads.  So the question that has to be answered first is
what is the purpose of the discrimination implied by the term "continuous."

From: "Tania Grant" 
To: "Doug McKean" , "EMC-PSTC Discussion Group"

Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage
Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2001, 9:47 PM

Well now, Doug, how about the vast gray area in between?

What if it is 1/50th of an amp? <>

- Original Message -

From: Doug McKean

Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 7:39 PM

To: EMC-PSTC Discussion Group

Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage wrote:
> So friends, how continuous must DC be to qualify as continuous DC?

Personally, I'd say when the source can deliver some
sufficient level of real power (rms level of power).
That is basically the definition of rms anyway.

To make the point with two ridiculous examples,
(1) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground
you measure 1/100th amps of rms current, then I
wouldn't call it DC.
(2) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground
you measure 10 amps or rms current, then I'd
most definitely call it DC.

But that's just me and my 2 cents worth.

- Doug McKean

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-09 Thread John Woodgate

I read in !emc-pstc that Doug McKean  wrote (in
<000b01c1689b$3fc85e00$>) about 'Define
Continuous DC Voltage', on Thu, 8 Nov 2001:
>> So friends, how continuous must DC be to qualify as continuous DC?
>Personally, I'd say when the source can deliver some 
>sufficient level of real power (rms level of power). 
>That is basically the definition of rms anyway. 
>To make the point with two ridiculous examples, 
>(1) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground 
>you measure 1/100th amps of rms current, then I 
>wouldn't call it DC. 
>(2) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground 
>you measure 10 amps or rms current, then I'd 
>most definitely call it DC. 

But that, while probably important, is not about 'continuity'. In any
case, IEC/EN60950 already defines what voltages and currents are
hazardous in various ways. 

A digital signal that has one value at 0 V to ground and the other value
at voltage V consists of a d.c. voltage of amplitude V/2 plus an a.c.
voltage of (double) amplitude V/2. The frequency of the a.c. is
irrelevant. I think the cited standards were written while this concept
was not loaded into memory. (;-)
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
Eat mink and be dreary!

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-09 Thread Tania Grant
Well now, Doug, how about the vast gray area in between?

What if it is 1/50th of an amp?
- Original Message -
From: Doug McKean
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 7:39 PM
To: EMC-PSTC Discussion Group
Subject: Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage wrote:
> So friends, how continuous must DC be to qualify as continuous DC?

Personally, I'd say when the source can deliver some
sufficient level of real power (rms level of power).
That is basically the definition of rms anyway.

To make the point with two ridiculous examples,
(1) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground
you measure 1/100th amps of rms current, then I
wouldn't call it DC.
(2) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground
you measure 10 amps or rms current, then I'd
most definitely call it DC.

But that's just me and my 2 cents worth.

- Doug McKean

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-08 Thread Doug McKean wrote:
> So friends, how continuous must DC be to qualify as continuous DC?

Personally, I'd say when the source can deliver some 
sufficient level of real power (rms level of power). 
That is basically the definition of rms anyway. 

To make the point with two ridiculous examples, 
(1) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground 
you measure 1/100th amps of rms current, then I 
wouldn't call it DC. 
(2) if by shorting a 5 volt digital signal to ground 
you measure 10 amps or rms current, then I'd 
most definitely call it DC. 

But that's just me and my 2 cents worth. 

- Doug McKean 

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Re: Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-08 Thread Bill Owsley

Us OLD guys used to think that digital was two levels of voltage - back 
then +5VDC and 0VDC.
Thus DC could also mean Digital Computers.  Way back then, the things did 
run relatively slow compared to these days so the AC signal you think of 
was only the step function of getting from one level to the next. In fact, 
we used to do that with switches on the front panel - manual clocks.  These 
days, DC step functions happen faster than the settling time, leading to 
the appearance of AC looking signals.

- Bill

At 05:53 PM 11/07/2001 , wrote:

A question was posed as to when a digital I/O signal can be treated as a DC
voltage source.  My reaction is it must be treated as a AC signal.
However, it could be operated such that the output changes state rather
slowly.  (This is a simple programmable I/O port for most any use.)  But,
the concept and some digging led me to another question.

I consulted two UL standards: 508C and 3121-1 (and it's kin 3101/3111-1,
all based on IEC 61010-1), both led me (by reference) to UL 1310 Class 2
Power Units.  UL 1310 has a clause (14.2.2) which indicates that a "DC
interrupted at a rate of 200 Hz or less" is limited to 24.8 V peak.  In the
same clause it mentions a "continuous" DC voltage of 60 V DC is

To my knowledge, "a rate of 200 Hz or less" is explicitly saying that any
interruption in power, even to shut it down on occasion, invokes the 28.4 V
DC limit.  (Silly interpretation, but that's what it says.)

So friends, how continuous must DC be to qualify as continuous DC?

Best Regards,
Eric Lifsey
Compliance Manager
National Instruments

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British Prime Minister Tony Blair pointed to the victims of the Sept. 11 
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and said the Taliban 
regime had no "moral inhibition" on slaughtering innocent people.

"There is no compromise possible with such people, no meeting of minds, no 
point of understanding with
such terror," he said. "There is just a choice: Defeat it or be defeated by 
it and defeat it we must."

"Whatever the dangers of the action we take, the dangers of inaction are 
far, far greater," he said.

Bill Owsley,
919) 392-8341

Compliance Engineer
Cisco Systems
7025 Kit Creek Road
POB 14987
RTP. NC. 27709

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Define Continuous DC Voltage

2001-11-07 Thread eric . lifsey

A question was posed as to when a digital I/O signal can be treated as a DC
voltage source.  My reaction is it must be treated as a AC signal.
However, it could be operated such that the output changes state rather
slowly.  (This is a simple programmable I/O port for most any use.)  But,
the concept and some digging led me to another question.

I consulted two UL standards: 508C and 3121-1 (and it's kin 3101/3111-1,
all based on IEC 61010-1), both led me (by reference) to UL 1310 Class 2
Power Units.  UL 1310 has a clause (14.2.2) which indicates that a "DC
interrupted at a rate of 200 Hz or less" is limited to 24.8 V peak.  In the
same clause it mentions a "continuous" DC voltage of 60 V DC is

To my knowledge, "a rate of 200 Hz or less" is explicitly saying that any
interruption in power, even to shut it down on occasion, invokes the 28.4 V
DC limit.  (Silly interpretation, but that's what it says.)

So friends, how continuous must DC be to qualify as continuous DC?

Best Regards,
Eric Lifsey
Compliance Manager
National Instruments

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