[Goanet] Farmers from 3 talukas unite against mining

2020-07-25 Thread Samir Umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The farmers from Bicholim Sattari and Bardez taluka have united
against the illegal mining activities and have regretted that the
authorities have turned Nelson's eye to their losses.

Addressing a press conference here in the city the farmer from Pissurlem,
Hanuman Parab told that after their please fell in deaf ears they have now
approached the High court against mining.
An organisation Federation of Rainbow warriors have also helped them in
filing this PIL. As per the farmers after the PIL three inspections were
held but the mining department is not ready to accept that there was
illegal excavation of the company.
“The department should be imperial when taking up the inspection as the
officials are favouring the company” Parab charged “there are many
illegalities even in transportation as without proper passing of the
vehicle the trucks are carrying the ore”
“The supreme Court had told to transport the existing ore but they have
done fresh excavation. We would now chalk out a plan of action and would
bring about awareness among the villagers. Not only that but would also
bring out all the illegalities of the mining company” Parab told.
Speaking on the occasion Mayem farmer Sakharam Pednekar came down heavily
on the mining for their transportation through Mayem village.
“We have time and again approached the authorities including the deputy
collector with our grievance but they did not pay any heed to our demands”
Pednekar told “our fields are filled with sludge, some of the water bodies
are completely destroyed we demand that all these should be restored.”
“When we contacted some of the farmer's associations we realises that most
of them had the same issues. So we came together and filed a petition”
Pednekar explained “as the government and the authority is not doing their
duty we are forced to go to court.”


2020-03-10 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

Famous for:

Mayem lake

Bungy jump

Bungy Jumping is the activity only available in Goa after Rishkesh. The
bungy jump at Mayem is 55 meters in height and is open for person above 12
years of age.

Works which needs to be undertaken:

New panchayat building

Mining issue and Farmer’s compensation

Resolve custodian issue

BICHOLIM: The famous lines ‘ya ya Mayem ya’ has enthralled many hearts and
lingers still today even as this small village is struggling to restore its
former glory.

Mayem panchayat has several issues including custodian property, mining and
the recent one of illegal bars. The panchayat with 11 wards is always in
news and most of the gram sabhas are always stormy.

Close to Bicholim the panchayat shares its boundaries with the city. The
issue of custodian property has always been in four front and the resident
feel that they are still to get their freedom and ownership of land. The
issue dates back from 1816, when the colonial rulers confiscated virtually
the entire village admeasuring 3,773 hectares from the Mayem Communidade.

The BJP government was able to resolve this issue to some extent but the
villagers, especially the Mayem Bhoo Vimochan Nagrik Kruti Samiti fighting
for the rights of the locals is not totally satisfied.

The sanads of their land was given to some few villagers but there are many
who are still left out. “The process of giving sanads is going on at a very
slow pace we demand with the government to speed it up so that the
villagers get their rights” president of MBVNKS, Chandrakant Pednekar told.

The villagers are not only confronted with custodian issue but there are
issues of mining pollution with the local farmers being affected with the
silt being deposited in their fields.

The farmers have been crying foul over this and have time and again
demanded for compensation. They have gone from pillar to post to meet their
demands and have also threatened to halt the recent transportation of
auctioned ore through the village.

“There is a circular issued by the central government that clearly states
that any road that goes through the village should not be used for mining
ore transportation. We will oppose the move till our demands are met”
farmer Sakharam Pedenkar told.

It is not just the farms that are damaged because of mining but also
several of the lakes are affected due to the silt. The villagers have time
and again reported the matter to the authorities and the mining company but
no action was initiated.

If these issue have been making rounds since several years and the village
has still not found any proper solution to it there are some recent issues
where the villagers have taken a firm stand. The villagers claim that in
this small village there are more than 60 bars and they do not require any
more bars in the village.

Kamlakant Tari who is always in the fore front in opposing the bars told
that since 2003 there has been no NOCs given to any bars in the village
because of strong opposition from the villagers.

“We have a population of about 12000 and there are 60 bars and now majority
of the villagers do not want any more bars. We strongly demand that even
some of the illegal bars should be closed down” Tari told.

The issue of bars have rocked several gram sabhas and the villagers,
especially the women were seen strongly opposing the move to give new
licenses to bars. Recently there was a plan to issue license to a person
with orders from seniors from panchayat department and alert villagers had
strongly opposed the move.

“We want to ask the government whether they are trying to instigate the
villagers by issuing such orders through higher authorities. Gram sabha is
against issuing of NOCs to any more bars and if any such order is issued in
the future the government will have to face the consequences” Tari stated.

Those who oppose bars claim that because of bars there are many youths and
families who have suffered. “There are many widows in the village because
of this vice and we do not want any more bars in the village” another
villagers, Sakharam Pedenkar told.

The village is famous for its lake and the government has already invested
several lakhs in renovating the area but the local shopkeepers feel that
they were totally sidelined. “We had demanded with the tourism department
to given us kiosks outside the gate of the lake but inspite of assurance
nothing happened” a shopkeeper, Karbotkar told.

The Mayem village is now slowly making its presence felt and thanks to the
newly inaugurated bunggy jump which has attracted several adventure lovers.
As per the bunggy jump founder they have already operated 600 jumps.

“We have operated over 600 jumps in Goa with about 10 percent of our
jumpers being local Goans” claims the founder of the jumpin Heights, Rahul
Nigam adding “we have just begun our operation in the state and it takes
time for the word to spread so we expect more tourists in the near future”

It may be stated that

[Goanet] Activist group accuses BMC of backing illegalities

2019-12-23 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The president of Bicholim Bachao Abhiyaan (BBA) Naresh Sawal,
Secretary Naresh Kadkade and other members have accused Bicholim Municipal
council (BMC) authorities for creating illegalities in BMC market
sidelining the market rules.

They have threatened to refer this matter to the judiciary against the
chief officer, the chairperson and members of ruling council if BMC
authorities do not stops the illegalities.

Addressing a press conference at Bicholim the BBA president Sawal said
despite of completing three phases of market complex and constructing shade
for Sarvajanik Ganapati worship BMC authorities are bent upon constructing
iron sheet made kiosk to the temporary sopo based businessmen in the
parking space meant for people which is totally illegal.

He also added that BMC chairperson Rajaram Gaonkar has himself took the
resolution in the council meeting that these people are paying sopo tax
from last few years. He added that resolution taken by Gaonkar and signed
by chief officer is totally illegal and is for their personal gains. He
added that BMC could have occupied these people in the existing shops in
the phase 3 building but it has not done so. Sawal added that BBA is making
efforts how to curb plastic and iron sheets from market, but on the
contrary council is bent upon creating this menace.

Members added that these acts of BMC have led to compel people to find
space for parking. He also accused BMC for allowing fruit vendors occupying
entire area with plastic which gives ugly look to the market. He added that
at present BMC members along with CO needs to go to Sikkim to study market
rules and discipline. Members have alleged that all problems have been
created by BMC. Members have therefore threatened to approach court
authorities to seek justice if BMC authorities do not stops illegalities in
the market.

[Goanet] Navelim farmers hit now by floods after mining closure

2019-08-11 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: Some years ago about 50 residents in the mining hit area came
together and decided to turn to farming after they lost their jobs, but
this year’s rain washed away their entire crop making them hopeless.

This is the story of the residents from Maina Navelim in Sanquelim whose
crops were washed away because of floods. The farmers claim that this type
of flood they had seen some 20-25 years back and have now turned to the
government for some help.

“After we lost our jobs from mining we tried to seek some other option and
since we had piece of land we thought of cultivating. Even the mining
company helped us in this endeavour and for the first time after several
years this barren fields were cultivated” Vishwambar Gawas who was in the
forefront in this field told Herald.

Herald had earlier highlighted this story of the farmers from Navelim who
had also asked other mining dependents to turn to farming. Today, these
farmers take different crops year around and are satisfied with their
earning. But the floods have caused havoc in the area.

“Through out the year we are producing crops in these fields including rice
during rainy season and chillis, brinjal, chawli, alsande and other such
crops during other seasons. This year all the paddy fields have been
damaged due to floods” Gawas told.

Gawas is not the only one who has his fields destroyed by floods. Sundar
Naik who was employed in mining was also retrenched and the company was
paying only 50% salary to him. As he was unemployed he decided to get back
to farming.

“The mining company claims to pay 50% salary but we have not received
anything since last several months. After mortgaging gold ornaments of my
wife I cultivated the farm and also employed some labourers  in the field
but with this rain everything has been washed away” another farmer, Sundar
Naik claims telling how he runs the affairs of his house with very little
monetary source.

Digambar Naik claims that this year most of the farmers had cultivated
Jyoti variety of paddy crop which got totally destroyed. “This year many of
the farmers had cultivated Jyoti variety which are delicate while very few
had gone for Jaya variant of crop. Even after the water recedes the crop
would be damaged due to sludge in the fields. We have no hopes left. The
government officials and the mining representatives have already visited
the site but even if some merger compensation that we might receive would
not equal the losses we have incurred.” Digambar claimed.

[Goanet] Floods hit Bicholim REVIEW 2019

2019-08-11 Thread samir umarye


Release of waters from Tillari dam

Authorities concentrated on city area

No desilting done of river flowing from Sal

Tillari dam water not monitored by Goa govt


Goa government to monitor the Tillari dam water level

Build retaining wall at Sal

Desilt the river at Sal

Discourage Sal villagers from constructing houses near low lying areas

Increase Tillari dam height

BICHOLIM: The people from Bicholim might have not even dreamt of a possible
flood in the taluka but the nature showed its devastating strength by
flooding Sal village and creating havoc in other parts of the taluka.

The same waters of Tillari that the people from Sal were so dependent upon
for their fields brought about havoc in the village. The low lying areas
were flooded and the houses were inundated causing panic among the people.

What added fire to the fuel is the rumors that spread in the village that
the Tillari dam had breached and this led the people to flee from their
houses to a safer place. As per the reports there were also no electricity
in the village and the panic stricken villagers ran out of the houses.

“The rumour was such that all the people started running taking their
belongings with the help of whatever vehicle they could get out of the
village.” Meghasham Raut from Sal told Herald.

“The government machinery totally failed here in Sal as there was no proper
management of the resources. The water had raised the previous day but the
authorities did not take it seriously and no rescue equipments were brought
in” Raut told.

“They had about 24 hours to prepare for the worse situation but they paid
no heed. It was only when the water started entering the houses that the
authorities woke up from their sleep. All the authorities and the
politicians came at around 11 pm when water had already engulfed the
village and we had moved most of the people to safety” Raut expresses his

“If they were knowing that there was a possibility of danger they should
have made the necessary arrangements in the village. The Goa government
should have also monitored the situation at the Tillari dam and should have
alerted the residents” Raut claimed.

The people feel that the small bridge that connects Sal to other parts of
Bicholim should be given height. “This year’s flood could just be a trailer
to what is going to come in the future. We would urge the people not to
build houses in the low lying areas and the connecting bridge should be
re-built so that people would get an access to move out of the village in
case of an emergency” another villager, Deelip Desai told.

Govind Phadke from Nanoda, a village close to Sal, feel that there should
be a permanent solution to this problem. “Sal village is very close to the
river and there is always a danger from Tillari dam. The water that is let
out from this dam has direct effect on this village and so a big retaining
wall could be built near the river so that the water dosen’t enter the
village.” Phadke told expressing a need to desilt the river.

It may be stated that Bicholim is considered as flood prone and there were
many instances where in the floods had led to huge loss of property. In
1992 and 2000devastating floods had shown the people from Bicholim what
water could do if no precautionary measures are taken. Bicholim had to bear
the brunt of flood yet again in 2017. In 2017 Bicholim’s the worst affected
areas included Pilgao, Mulgao, Gaonkarwada, market area, places near the
Town centre, Shantadurga High School, sonar peth and other
surrounding area. In Sanquelim the areas which were affected include
Supachikond, Harvalem, New market and the old market area.

Many families had to be rescued by the fire force as the water engulfed
several houses at Sanquelim.  A truck carrying milk packets was almost
submerged under water as the driver was not able to reckon the depth of
water near Shantadurgh High school. Many of the electronic items,
cloths, furniture from the shops were damaged due to floods. About 15
houses were damaged, roads were submerged breaking taluka's contact with
the rest of the world.

Some people feel that based on the previous experience of floods the
authorities might have thought that floods would affect Bicholim and
surrounding areas and probably the remote village of Sal was totally

If Tillari waters affected Sal village there were many villages in other
parts of Bicholim which also suffered losses. But the magnitude of this
loss in the city area was much less than that of Sal. Inspite of the
afforts by WRD to pump out water from Sanquelim market the water entered
the market and flooded some of the shops. During the three days that rains
lashed the taluka there were more than 100 calls that the fire force
officials received. Most of these calls were about trees falling and
damaging the houses.

Eventhough this year the Bicholim city was spared by the rain there were
few areas li

[Goanet] Mining has impacted Bicholim, Mandovi rivers: Study

2019-06-29 Thread samir umarye
Finds Bicholim river to be strongly polluted, while Mandovi to be
moderately polluted

PANJIM: Iron ore mining activities have had a considerable impact on the
Bicholim and Mandovi river sediments, which in turn affect the ecology of
bottom-dwelling organism. Mining activities, which are under suspension for
the last 15 months, can also influence the concentration of metals in the
Zuari estuary.

This was revealed in a study conducted by Cynthia Gaonkar and Vishnu Matta
of the department of Marine Science of Goa University.

In a two different studies conducted, they have assessed the impact of past
iron ore mining on the sediment cores of rivers of Goa, and impact of
mining on metal concentration in waters of the Zuari estuary.

In the first study, which has been published in the ‘Research Journal of
Environmental and Earth Sciences’, the researchers said that to assess the
long-term contamination history of pollutants due to intense mining
activities in the adjoining areas of rivers of northern Goa, sediment core
samples were collected from three rivers, Bicholim, Mandovi and Tiracol.

The sediments were analysed for texture, Organic Carbon (OC), major
elements (Fe, Al, Ca and Mg) and trace metals (Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni and Cr).
“Depositional environment of the cores was assessed based on the colour and
the distribution of OC. Environmental parameters such as contamination
factor, geo accumulation, enrichment factor and pollution load index were
used to assess the extent of pollution,” the study mentioned.

 In addition, correlation coefficients were calculated to understand their
relationships among the major elements and trace metals and their sources.
“The study revealed that the Bicholim river is strongly polluted with iron
and manganese (Fe & Mn) and moderately polluted with lead (Pb) and Chromium
(Cr),” the study revealed.

“Whereas, the Mandovi river is moderately polluted with Mn and Pb. On the
other hand, Tiracol River (though unpolluted in the past) is getting
polluted with Copper (Cu) and Cr during recent years because of human
interference,” it added.

“The results indicate that mining has a considerable impact on the Bicholim
and Mandovi river sediments which in turn affect the ecology of
bottom-dwelling organisms,” the study concluded.

As far as the Zuari estuary is concerned, the study exemplified that
concentrations of trace metals in waters of the Zuari estuary were
significantly less when compared to the periods of rampant mining activity
around Goa, indicating that mining can influence the concentration of
metals in the Zuari estuary.

[Goanet] Your attitude holding back Pali’s development, CM tells villagers

2019-06-24 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant bluntly told the Pali villagers
on Sunday that internal rivalry among them was the main cause of
underdevelopment in the panchayat.

The chief minister was speaking at a special enrollment camp for the
general public into the welfare schemes organized by the Bicholim Mamlatdar
Pravinjay Pandit at Pali.

During the function the panch members submitted a file regarding several
pending projects in the village and asked the chief minister to look into
it. After going through the file, Sawant told that the panchayat has
submitted 17 works but out which only one work could be done at government

“Out of all the 17 works only one could be completed as all others require
NOCs from the locals and it is the responsibility of the panchayat to
convince the locals and get the NOCs. It is not government’s land and if it
was government land I would have not asked for NOCs” the chief minister

He said that government could acquire the land but it would take at least
three years. “Even when tender is issued, the locals come and stop the
work,” he said and narrated an incident wherein Rs 7.5 crore tender was
passed but when the contractor came to do the work a local came to assault
him in Pali.

“There is a need to change the attitude of people towards development. Pali
panchayat is lagging behind because of your attitude. Since last two years,
we have sanctioned Rs 3 crore to the Pali panchayat but it is not having
land to build a building,”  he said.

He disclosed that when he was GSIDC chairman he built 60 to 70 new
panchayat buildings but expressed grief that he was not able to construct a
building for Pali only because the panchayat had not acquired the land.

“It is good idea of the panchayat, especially if the panchayat is in
opposition to submit all the pending works to the government without
obtaining NOCs,” Dr Swant said and added, “I want to bring about
development of the Pali panchayat not for the sake of panch members but for
the general public.”

He returned the file to the panchayat asking them to make arrangement for
the land and all developmental works would be carried out.

Earlier, the chief minister informed that there are schemes like Sukanya
Samridhi account, Jan Dhan Yojana, Kisan Vikas Patra, Pradhan Mantri Jeevan
Jyoti Bima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Suraksha Yojana, Atal Pension
scheme, Mudra Yojana which are on offer during this special camp and the
general public should reap the benefits of such welfare schemes.

The chief minister also informed that such enrollment camps would be
conducted in every panchayat so that they can achieve 100% enrollment of
the general public.

[Goanet] Police deployed at Sal bandhara to restrict entry of picnickers

2019-05-19 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The residents of Sal, Bicholim heaved a sigh of relief as police
personnel have been deputed at the bandhara in the village restricting
entry of the picnickers at the site.
It may be recalled that the Sal residents were up in arms against the
activities near the Sal bandhara by the hooligans and picnickers, who were
not only dumping garbage at the site but also driving their vehicles in a
rash and negligent manner.
The residents and the panchayat at special meeting had threatened to stop
water supply to the Padosem Water treatment Plant if the issue is not
resolved. Bicholim Mamlatdar Pravinjay Pandit after meeting the stake
holders ordered the Bicholim Police to patrol the area especially on
Saturdays and Sundays.
“Through a letter dated 17/5/2019, the Mamlatdar directed the Bicholim
police inspector to depute sufficient armed police personnel near the Sal
bandhara from 8 am to 7 pm. “Depute sufficient armed police personnel at
the said bandhara site at Sal on every Saturday and Sunday from 8 am to 7
pm and prohibit the picnickers at the bandhara belonging to WRD Bicholim,”
the letter reads.
“The mamlatdar asked the police to take stringent action against the
hooligans. “If the picnickers refuse to adhere to the above directions then
stringent action should be initiated against them under the relevant
provisions of law,” the letter states.
Following the letter, police personnel were deployed on the weekends near
the bandhara, which also included lady constables. After the swift action
from the mamlatdar and the police, the residents have expressed
satisfaction and have applauded the efforts of the authorities.

[Goanet] Mayem, Poira farmers block mining traffic

2019-05-19 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: About 200-odd farmers from Poira Bicholim today halted the
transportation of mining ore through their village demanding with the
company to provide them with compensation for their damaged farms.

Today the farmers under the banner of All India Kisan Sabha Mayem unit
halted the transportation of the ore at Poira. The farmers placed stones on
the road and also set in the middle of the road not allowing the trucks to
move forward.

Tension erupted when the truck drivers also started arguing with the
farmers for not allowing the transport. The drivers told that the farmers
should sought out the matter with the company rather than taking them to
task.  The farmers also confronted the truck drivers and insisted that they
would not allow the transport till their demands are met.

It may be stated that one of the mining company has already settled the
farmers by giving them their due compensation while the mining company in
question was also asked by the Bicholim mamletdar to provide them with
compensation. The company on the other hand the company challenged the
order in the higher court.

Speaking to media Kisan Sabha Mayem president, Kamlakant Gadekar told that
they had given the mining company several demands but they were not
fulfilled. “We had asked them to provide us with compensation, desilt the
lake from the village but the company has not fulfilled out damands. There
is report from the agricultural department and before ore transportation
our issues should be resolved” Gadekar told.

“There are too many trucks plying through our village and even accidents
occur in the area. We will not keep quite till the company provides us with
compensation which amounts to about 1.29 crore.” Gadekar said.

Later, in the evening the Bicholim Mamletdar, Pravinjay Pandit convened a
meeting with the stake holders and tried to resolve the issue. “I have
tried to resolve the matter amicably after the meeting with the company
officials and the farmers”  Bicholim mamletdar, Pravinjay Pandit told.


2019-03-22 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The Chief Minister, Dr Pramod Sawant, scotching all the rumors,
has stated that he is a Goan, his ancestors are from Goa and since last
more than six generations their family has been in the state.

The Chief Minister confirmed this after a section of the media had stated
that he is originally from Kolhapur in Maharastra. Speaking to Herald  the
Chief Minister’s close aid, Vishant Chimulkar from Sanquelim told that Dr
Sawant belongs to Goa and since last several generations his family has
been in the state.

“When asked Dr Sawant he confirmed that he is a Goan and there is no doubt
about it. The people should not get confused about this. They have their
Kuladaivat at Parse in Pernem taluka and they are natives of Undir Bandoda
at Ponda.” Chimulkar told.

 “Since last more than five to six generations the Chief Minister’s family
has been in the state and serving Goa” Chimulkar told.

It may be stated that Dr Sawant, 46, holds a bachelor's degree in Ayurvedic
medicine from the Ganga Ayurvedic Medical College in Maharashtra's Kolhapur
district and has practised as a doctor of alternative medicine in Goa. He
has completed his Masters in Social Welfare from the Tilak Maharashtra
Vidyapeeth, a deemed university in Pune.

Dr Sawant has been elected to the state assembly on two occasions in 2012
and 2017 from the Sanquelim assembly constituency.

Dr Sawant, a Maratha by caste, served as a speaker of the state legislative
assembly from 2017.

Dr Sawant's wife Sulakshana is currently the state president of the BJP's
Mahila Morcha and his daughter studies in Class 6.

[Goanet] Sanquelim residents have high hopes from CM

2019-03-22 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The people from Sanquelim have high aspirations from the newly
elected Chief Minister, Dr Pramod Sawant who also happens to be the
Sanquelim MLA.

Today the mining dependents and officers went to the residence of the Chief
Minister to meet him and congratulate him for becoming the CM. The people
expressed that they have high aspirations from the new CM and there are
several issues that he has to handle including the restarting of mining.

“We are happy that an MLA from mining belt has become the CM and are
hopeful that the issue would be sorted out as even he has already claimed
that it would be his top priority” a resident from a mining hit area told.

“We have high hopes from the new CM and our MLA. We hope that being the
successor of the late Manohar Parrikar even he would work towards the
development of the state. We also hope that he would concentrate more on
Sanquelim and mining hit Velgaum panchayt” Velgem panch, Unati
Sahartrabudhe told.

“This is a golden opportunity for the people of Sanquelim we are confident
that he would properly handle the issues of mining.” Surla sarpanch,
Subhash Phondekar told.

The Sanquelim Municipal Council Chairman, Dharmesh Sanglani congratulating
the new CM demanded that the Sanquelim master plan should be implemented at
the earliest. “Since last six years I am the chairman of SMC but we have
not got sufficient support from the government. Out only demand is that he
should grant the fund required for Sanquelim master plan” Saglani told.

[Goanet] Shivaji Maharaj statue to be installed at Bicholim

2019-02-19 Thread samir umarye
*Bicholim:* The centrally located road circle near Shantadurga High School,
in Bicholim will get the statue of Maratha king, Shivaji Maharaj which will
be inaugurated on February 19, on the day of Shivaji jayanti.

Earlier, the circle had a fountain; but it was abandoned and only a pond
remained at that place.

Alert residents had sounded a warning bell as it was becoming a breeding
ground for mosquitoes. With the active efforts of the Bicholim MLA, Rajesh
Patnekar the circle will now get a new look.

Addressing a press conference here in the city, Patnekar said that they
have decided to install the statue Shivaji Maharaj at the circle. “With the
help of the government, we were able to sanction this statue which will add
new look to the city,” Patnekar said [H]

[Goanet] Cong demand extension of session

2019-01-29 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: Even as the opposition Congress is all set to taken on the ruling
BJP in the three days budget session the special CLP meeting of the
congress decided to strongly demand for extension of the session from three
to a minimum of ten days.

Today a special CLP meeting was held at Hotel D’Leela at Mulgao in Bicholim
to chalk out the plan and discuss the questions to be raised during the
upcoming session to begin from tomorrow.

“This is the first time that our CLP meeting is held in a rural taluka of
North Goa. This is because we thought that if such meetings are held in
talukas then we would be able to know the problems of those talukas”
opposition leader, Chandrakant (Babu) Kavlekar told adding “today’s meeting
was to discuss the budget planning as to how we can confront the BJP and
for floor co-ordination.”

He told that they wanted that the session should have been extended and
only three days session is very short. “We have always demanded that from
this three days session nothing fruitful will come out. There are some
serious issues facing Goans and we would not get any time to discuss on
these issues” Kavlekar told.

He said that government has not done anything for the people who are
affected b mining. “They are just playing  with the mining dependents by
giving assurances and besides this they are not doing anything. Besides
this there are several issues haunting Goans and to discuss this we needed
some more days in the session. We strongly denounce this act of the BJP as
we feel that opposition should be given enough time to put forth their
questions before the government.” Kavlekar told.

Kavlekar told that Goa is going back on all fronts. “BJP is afraid that
opposition would target them for doing nothing and totally failing on all
fronts and this is the only reason that this session has been kept very
short. “We will still demand in the assembly that the session should be
extended. Tomorrow is the session but BJP has not given us answers we have
raised. When should we study the cross questioning? There are six star
questions submitted by each of our MLAs as it is just two days session but
still there is no reply. We would have got a chance to see what government
has done and we would have given some extra suggestions in those matters”
he stated.

Alex Reginald told that there are several issues including the coal issue,
Port Trust issue, garbage issue, CRZ issue, tourisim policy and hoard of
issues which should have been discussed in the assembly but they would not
get any time to do this.

“This is a systematic dictatorship that government is trying to impose on
the people. We as opposition are not going to keep quite and allow this
government to do whatever they want. On mining they should come out clean.
There is rampant corruption in the state. DGP has built a bungalow in the
state and we need to know who is benefited because of this high level
corruption among the senior officers.” Alex told.

“We will put forth a constructing opposition during the session and in the
general interest of the people” Alex explained.


BICHOLIM: The Congress committee state president, Girish Chodankar hinting
at the statement of the CM categorically asked the government to come in
senses and then they would know the real josh of the people.

“*Pahale hosh me to aao, baad me pata chalega josh kitna hai aur kitna nahi
hai.* (first come in your senses and they you would understand how much is
the energy)” Chodankar lashed out at the CM on his statement after
inaugurating the third Mandovi bridge.

“BJP should not think that just because the bridge is built there is all
josh in the state. All BJP ministers are asleep and to know what is the
real josh in the people they should first wakeup.” Chodankar stated adding
“meet the people first to know their difficulties. CM should check how many
hours residents from his constituency are getting water. During the bridge
inauguration there was foul smell coming from the nearby sewage treatment
plant which is a total failure.”

He asked how Goans will have josh or energy when there is unemployment
among the youths and when mining, sand extraction, fishing, schemes for
women is all halted. He said that just because of one bridge there would be
no josh among the Goans. He also asked where is the fund for the MLA that
was earlier promised by the CM.

“There is no development in Bicholim, Canacona and several other talukas.
During the parliament election they would know what is the real josh of the
people” Chodankar told.

“We had hopes that on the occasion of inaugurating the third Mandovi bridge
the PM would visit the state and mining dependents would get chance to meet
him. Even this hope has been dashed out and it is probably he was not
willing to directly face the mining dependents or that he was not having
any answer in this regard.” Kavlekar told.


BICHOLIM: Congress today dodged the question of floor test and reiterated
that they are not given any tim

[Goanet] Environmentalist demand to save Bicholim river

2019-01-29 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: Even as there is a widespread awareness being made for saving
Walvanti river in Sanquelim, the environmentalist from Bicholim have
sounded a warning bell demanding preservation of Bicholim river.

It may be stated that Bicholim river originates from Talekhol in Maharastra
and later meets at Sarmanas river covering a distance of about 22
kilometers. The environmentalist says that this river is widely poluted and
there is a need to form a committee to save this river.

“There is a report that Bicholim river is polluted right from Kudchirem to
Bicholim and there are several factors for this. The condition of the river
is very critical and we wonder whether it is really a river or a small
nallaha.” Environmentalist, Ramesh Gawas says.

He feels that the main reason for having less water is the stopping of
sources and springs that met the river. “There was a main water sources in
Lamgao lake that met the river but now if we see this source has completely
died out” Gawas told.

He told that as there is less water there are many adverse effects on the
marine life. “There are many septic tanks directly attached to the river,
many people wash their clothes and at some places there are vehicle washing
centres that let their dirty water into the river because of all these
reasons the water of Bicholim river is polluted” Gawas told.

He expressed doubt over how many years the Bicholim river will suvive if
all this continues. “I did my best to save Bicholim river from 2007 to 2010
when there were plans to start a new mine at the banks of this river at
Vathadev. I even approached the High court and was able to stall the plans
of the mining company and saved the river. Now the question arises whether
the WRD will save this river or not, whether the speaker, Bicholim MLA
would do something to save this river” Gawas asked.

He told that if this river is not saved then there would be severe problems
that would arise for the people of Bicholim. He told that he has suggested
to make optimum use of the river in Regional Plan 2021 but feels that no
one is interested in saving the river or making use of it.

[Goanet] News Clip - OHeraldo ePaper oHeraldo Edition

2019-01-07 Thread samir umarye
This article has been published in OHeraldo ePaper oHeraldo Edition. Please
click on following link to read.

[Goanet] Sal villagers give ultimatum over scarcity of water

2018-11-19 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: Through a special meeting called by the Bicholim mamletdar  the
villagers from Sal in Bicholim gave a 15-days period to the authorities to
solve the water crisis warning that they would intensify their agitation if
the problem is not resolved.
Today a special meeting was called by the Bicholim mamletdar, Pravinjay
Pandit at Sal to resolve the water crisis of the villagers. During the
meeting the villagers told that eventhough there is a pumping station and a
dam in their village they were not supplied water for several days. “Since
last three days there is no water supply in the village and we are forced
to take water from the irrigation cannels.” Social worker and congress
leader, Meghasham Raut told.
The villagers told that the government machinery is totally responsible for
the problem in the village. They asked as to how the water supply is
restored after their agitation on the Assonora water treatment plant.
During the meeting Meghasham Raut disclosed that earlier government was
demanding only 500 sqmts of land for the mini-water treatment plant but now
are demanding 4000 sqmts of land which proves that government is not
concerned with the welfare of the Sal villagers.
The villagers told that till their demand for water is not met they would
not let the authorities to lay the plates of the dam. Atlast the villagers
and the authorities came to the consensuses to lay only 4 plates on the
dam. The villagers demanded that the area of Sal rehabilitation should get
atleast 5-hours of water every day. The question of irrigation water also
came up for discussion and the villagers demanded that the authorities
should supply water from the Sal dam, as the arrangements have already been
made for the same. They told that they cannot totally rely on the Tillari
The authorities present for the meeting asked for 15-days period to look
into the demands of the villagers. The villagers warned that if the problem
of water in the village is not solved they would further intensify their
Officers of PWD including Rumin Barreto; Vasudev Parab; WRD officers, Arun
Naik, Vivek Parab, Abhijit Naik. Sal sarpanch, Prakash Raut and other panch
members were present for the discussion.

[Goanet] Bicholim MLA refutes allegation over Mulgao road widening

2018-11-15 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: Scotching all allegations levied by the opposition councilors,
the Bicholim MLA and the BMC members have stated that are in support of
15-mts widening of road from Mulgao to Bicholim and not for 30-mts road.

Addressing a press conference here in the city ten councilors including the
MLA stated that the opposition is trying to mis-guide the public through
media by giving false information.

It may be stated that earlier two councilors including Nissar Sheikh, Medha
Bordekar and an ex-councillor, Kamlakar Teli had questioned the performance
of the BMC. They had alleged that the Bicholim MLA on one hand is trying to
support the Mulgao residents against widening of road while on the other
had trying to widen the road from Walshi to Bicholim.

“We are taking up development of all the wards including the wards of the
opposition. So there is no scope for the opposition to say that we are
trying to mis-guide the public about development” BMC chairman, Satish
Gaonkar told.

Gaonkar told BMC is given special grants by the Parrikar government. “The
file of overall development and projects related to Bicholim has gone from
the law department to urban secretary and it is in the final stage.”
Gaonkar disclosed adding “we have already taken NOC from the PWD regarding
the beautification of road from Walshi to Bicholim.” He also gave a copy of
the NOC to the reporters.

“We have several projects in the pipeline. Besides the beautification there
are other projects including an income generating project behind the
municipality and the expression of interest tender would be opened on 27th
of this month.” Gaonkar told denouncing the act of the opposition

Bicholim MLA, Rajesh Patnekar told that the ‘guru’ of the opposition
councilors is not properly guiding them for making allegations against
them. “There is no double standards when I supported the Mulgao residents
against the road widening. We are opposing 30-40 mts road widening where
maximum houses would have to be demolished. We are supporting widening of
roads of only 15 mts. Seven and half meters from the centre of the road.”
Patnekar clarified.

Some of the other councilors also came down heavily on the opposition

[Goanet] Assonora-Bicholim road land acquisition process kept on hold

2018-10-31 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

*Panjim:* Public Works Minister Ramakrishna (Sudin) Dhavalikar on Monday
ordered to keep on hold the land acquisition process for widening of a
stretch of road from Assonora to Bicholim till discussions are held with
the villagers and the affected parties.

Several villagers from Assonora, Mulgao and Bordem, who were issued final
notices by Bicholim PWD acquisition officer, to appear before him on
October 31, met the Minister, expressing shock. According to villagers, for
the stretch of road from Assonora Bridge to Mulgaon, Vhalshi, Bordem to
Bicholim, 400 houses will be affected due to land acquisition for road

The delegation was led by MGP leader Naresh Sawal. The villagers said the
government should work out a solution as it will affect their houses, which
exist for decades and that the compensation cum reward granted is very

The Minister assured the villagers to hold back the process. “Directions
have been issued to cancel the proceeding to be held on October 31. For now
the land acquisition process is kept on hold,” Dhavalikar said. He said the
government will discuss with the affected parties before going ahead with
the land acquisition.

“I have heard them and will hold discussions accordingly. We will ensure
that no one suffers due to the land acquisition,” Dhavalikar said.

According to the notices, the land will be taken into possession on October
30 as it is required for highway road development and widening. The
acquisition process for land from Assonora Bridge to Bicholim was started
in June 2014.

Affected villagers had protested the acquisition in 2014. Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar, who was then the Defence Minister, had assured that no
land acquisition would be made until the demands of the people are met. [H]

[Goanet] Bicholim mamletdar inspects Maulingtad mines

2018-08-07 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The Bicholim mamletdar, Pravinjay Pandit today inspected the
houses and the mining pits at Maulingtad Sanquelim and directed the mining
company to take necessary measures to avoid any major tragedy.

It may be recalled that Herald had exclusively carried a report on the
danger that the houses from Maulingtad are facing due to mining in the
area. In its report it was also mentioned how water from the mining pits is
seeping into their houses during heavy rainfall and that they fear
breaching of the mining pits.

Based on the news the Bicholim mamletdar today carried out inspection of
the area and took stock of the situation. Speaking to media Bicholim
Mamletdar, Pandit told that there is eminent danger to the residents of

“There is danger to the houses in Maulingtad and also there are also
chances of silt flowing into agricultural fields and residents are seeking
compensation for the same.” Pandit told adding “right now I have directed
the mines manager to take precautionary measures in order to prevent the
silt from flowing into agricultural fields.”

“I will also give directions to the PWD buildings and zonal agricultural
officer to submit the technical report. Later I will issue summons to both
the parties and hearing would be conducted in the matter within 15 days”
Pandit told.

“Since last five years we are giving letters to the authorities but nothing
had happened but this time inspection was conducted by the mamletdar. If
nothing is done to curb this menace we would take future course of action”
councilor of Sanquelim Municipality council, Dayanand Boryekar told.

As per the locals sometimes the flow of water is so much that it becomes
even difficult to sit on the floor in the house. The pits have gone very
deep that the residents are just waiting for a tragedy to happen.

[Goanet] Harvalem waterfall polluted by chemicals

2018-08-06 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The people from Harvalem were in for a rude shock today when they
found that the entire water from the famous Harvalem waterfall was polluted
with some chemicals.

According to the available information the people from Harvalem today found
that there were some chemicals floating in the water and the entire water
had turned white.

Following the incident the residents immediately informed the local MLA and
the speaker, Dr Pramod Sawant who inturn contacted the Pollution control
board. The PCB immediately sent their team and collected samples of water.

“After we were informed about the incident I personally went to the site
and found that there was white foam  in the water. We immediately contacted
the PCB and are awaiting reports” Dr Pramod Sawant told.

As per the information people and the MLA suspect that it could be because
of the industrial waste from Pissurlem Industrial Estate who are directly
dumping the chemical waste in the water.

“We strongly suspect that it could be work of some chemical company from
Pissurlem or upper Harvalem and we demand with the PCB to take strict
action against such company.” Dr Sawant told.

“If this continues there would be serious problem not only for this
waterfall but also for the fields, marine life and the entire Harvalem area
which would be polluted” Dr Sawant told adding “I am in contact with the
PCB MS, Sharmila Monter and would demand action against the company.”

It may be stated that Harvalem waterfall is one of the famous waterfall in
North Goa and is visited by several national and international tourists.

[Goanet] Part of Maulinguem panchayat building collapses

2018-08-06 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The talathi office of Van-Maulinguem-Kudchirem panchayat today
collapsed even as luckily there were no casualties reported.
According to the available information the part of the panchayat building
was in bad condition and so the office of talathi was already shifted to
Bicholim mamletdar's office. Today, late in the evening, the dilapidated
building collapsed. After receiving the information the fire force
officials and the police went to the site and inspected the area. As the
incident happened late in the evening there were no causalities reported.

[Goanet] Artisians demand early subsidy

2018-08-02 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: Artisans making idols of Ganesh, from  Mayem have suggested that
government should give them subsidies well in advance and should also
increase the grants given to them.

It may be stated that Ganesh festival will be celebrated next month and in
several parts of the state artisans have already stated making Ganesh
idols. When Herald contacted some of the artisians from Mayem they came up
with several difficulties faced by them and also demanded that the
government should provide them with subsidy well in advance.

“There are several problems that we face while making idols. Earlier we
were getting the required clay from Pernem but this year we had to satisfy
with the clay that we got from Bicholim after we were not allowed to lift
the clay from Pernem” Durgaram Shet from Mayem told.

“The cost of idol has increased because of all these reasons. But we cannot
charge heavily to the locals even if we have to bare some loss” Shet told
adding “only if we take the idols to Mapusa and other cities we get some
good money.”

They also believe that plaster of paris idols has also dampen their market.
“Government should provide us subsidy in the month of April or May so that
we can buy the needed material” Shet demanded also asking the government to
increase the subsidy.

The workers how work to make the idols feel that now making and colouring
of idols has become easy with new technology but they are not getting the
required price.

[Goanet] Maulingtad locals fear flooding due to breach of mining pits

2018-08-02 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The residents of Maulingtad in Sanquelim fear that accumulated
water would breach the mining pits and flood their homes. They also claimed
that water from these pits is seeping into their houses during heavy

There are 30 houses at the foot of the hill where mining was carried out
for years. The pits on other side of the hill have gone very deep and the
residents have blamed that the water from these pits is entering their

“During heavy rainfall, the pits get flooded and this water seeps into our
houses,” Sanquelim Municipal councillor, Dayanand Boryekar told Herald.
According to locals the water seeping into their houses floods the entire

According to another local, “Sometimes the flow is so much that it becomes
even difficult to sit on the floor in the house. The pits have gone very
deep and we are just waiting for a tragedy to happen.” The residents feel
that the authorities are not concerned about the problems faced by them in
the area.

“We have submitted letters to the deputy collector and the mamletdar but no
action has been taken so far,” Boryekar said. He demanded that the company
should fill the pits and should not allow water to get accumulated in these

The residents feel that the dump of the mining company on top of the hill
should also be removed as it is a possible threat to their lives. They
claim that it is not only during monsoon season but even during other
seasons that water seeps into their houses.

[Goanet] Saraswat vidyalaya secures 90.08% in SSC exam

2018-06-04 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

MAPUSA: Keeping up its tradition the Saraswat Vidyalaya Khrolim Mapusa
secured 90.08% in the recently held SSC exam. In all 121 students appeared
for the exam out of which 35 students secured distinction, 33 first class
and second class respectively while 8 students got pass class. Yash Gajanan
Tar secured 95.33% and came first in the school. Shreeya Rupesh Kamat got
93.66% (2nd) while Pranav Prajiv Manerkar got 93.33% (3rd). In Hindi,
Marathi, Sanskrit and Konkani there was 100% result. Three students secured
out of marks in social science while one student secured out of marks in
Maths. The headmistress, Parvatidevi Nadkarni and the management members
have congratulated the successful students for their achievement.

[Goanet] Saglani, Madkar elected SMC chairperson, deputy

2018-05-26 Thread samir umarye

BICHOLIM: Dharmesh Saglani and Kunda Madkar have been elected as the 
chairperson and deputy chairperson of the Sanquelim Municipal Council (SMC) at 
the elections held on Thursday. 

Presiding Officer Dasharath Redkar and Chief Officer Pravinjay Pandit were 

Saglani won by 11-2 vote margin while Madkar was victorious by 10-3 margin. 
There were apprehensions over the silent BJP vote to Saglani. 

Damodar Ghadi, Brahmand Desai, Rashmi Desai, Shubhada Sawaikar, Raya Parsekar, 
Yeshwant Madkar, Jyoti Blaggon, Ansira Khan, Anand Kanekar, Dayanand Boryekar 
and Rajesh Sawal were present. 

Nominations for chairpersons post were filed by Dharmesh Saglani and Anand 
Kanekar while, Kunda Madkar and Dayanand Boryekar filed their papers for deputy 
chairperson’s post. 

Saglani assured to take up all-round development with the help of Pratapsingh 
Rane and Vishwajit Rane while Kunda Madkar vowed to implement various schemes. 

Meanwhile, the BJP-supported councillors namely Dayanand Boryekar, Anand 
Kanekar and Rajesh Sawal informed that the lone extra vote was polled by 
mistake and that they are united and will sit in the opposition.

[Goanet] Govt ignoring our pleas: Chorao residents

2018-05-26 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: The residents of Chorao have demanded five ferries instead of the 
existing four on the Chorao-Ribandar route and have also accused the government 
of ignoring their pleas. 

It may be stated that there are four ferries plying of this route and they work 
till late mid-night. But in spite of all this there is always a rush on this 
route as this is the only shortest route for the people from Chorao to reach 

“We have been demanding five ferries for a long time but the government and the 
River Navigation Department has not paid any heed to our demands,” says 
Shrikrishna Halankar from Chorao. 

The Chorao panchayat, the local MLA, Pravin Zantye, and others have already met 
the River Navigation Minister Sudin Dhavalikar and have demanded for the fifth 

“Our representation has gone to the minister and we had demanded five ferries 
on this route but it is learnt that there are less staff with the department. 
We strongly demand the government give us one more ferry so that the traffic on 
this route is smooth,” said sarpanch of Chorao panchayat, Pandari Vernekar. 

“There were five ferries but suddenly one ferry disappeared and we don’t know 
where they have taken it. Now there are only four ferries and if one develops 
some problem then there are only three ferries plying on this route which 
becomes difficult for the people” Vernekar added. 

To press their demand the locals, under the banner of United Citizens of 
Chorao, staged a two-hour bandh of ferries on this route on Wednesday. “There 
is always a rush on this route and during morning and peak hours if one comes 
on a four-wheeler he has to wait for almost an hour to cross the ferry,” said 
Akshay Mhapsekar from Chorao. 

The locals have demanded that two ferries be stationed on the Chorao side even 
during night time so that people could use them during emergency. “During 
emergency, at night time the nearest place is Panjim and if there is no ferry 
we have to take the person to Bicholim PHC,” Halankar said. 

It is not only the people from Chorao who are affected with less ferries but 
also people from Bicholim and Mayem. “This route is one of the busiest routes 
and people from Mayem and Bicholim use the ferry if they want to go to Panjim. 
In view of this the government should keep five ferries on this route,” said 
Mayem Sarpanch, Tulshidas Chodankar. 

A social worker, Santosh Kumar Sawant from Mayem, has also alleged serious 
charges against Dhavalikar and Zantye over their failed assurance regarding the 
fifth ferry to ply citizens from Ribandar to Chorao. 

Sawant said that the MLA has become a visiting guest to the constituency. He 
alleged the citizens of Mayem constituency are suffering due to the lethargic 
behaviour of the local MLA.

[Goanet] Poira women grill PWD officials for ‘apathy’ in supplying water

2018-05-23 Thread samir umarye
Bicholim: The women from Poira on Tuesday marched to the PWD office at Bicholim 
and grilled the officials for their “apathy” in supplying water to their 
area.The residents refused to leave till the pipeline was repaired by the 

According to sources, Poira residents are not receiving water for last two 
months and the PWD claims that it becomes difficult to supply water to Poira as 
the village is at the end point and lies at a higher altitude.

“This is the third time that we have marched to the PWD since last few days but 
the officials are not attending to our pleas” Shubhdha Navelkar complained and 
said, “We are having difficulties for last more than two months and we have 
decided that we will not leave today till we get water.”
The residents were told by the officials that there is some problem with the 
pipeline near the Mayem water tanks, which makes it difficult for the PWD to 
supply water.

The women directly went to the water tanks at Mayem and grilled the Junior 
Engineer present there.Junior Engineer Nandaakishor Kesarkar informed that the 
reason behind the problem is that the level is not maintained in the water 
tanks at Mayem.“By the time the water reaches Poira, the level comes down as 
most people from Mayem use it. This problem is persistent since last several 
months and when the level is high they get water.” Kesarkar said. [H]

[Goanet] Repair school or face dharna, Bicholim villagers tell govt

2018-05-17 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: The Government primary school building, located in the heart of the 
city, is in a dilapidated state with the parents giving an ultimatum to the 
govt to either repair the building or face agitations. 

The government primary school building is having classes from Std I to VIII 
with strength of about 500 students. The building is craving for attention 
since last several years as the incidents of portion of slab getting collapsed 
were reported several times. 

The foundation stone for construction of a new building was laid in December 
2016 by the then Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar and it was promised that 
work would soon commence. But two years down the line nothing has changed. 

The building which is located in the heart of the town is busy throughout the 
year. It houses the taluka library and also hosts Bal Bhavan classes. 

“We are only given assurances by the government since last two years. There are 
less teachers, no laboratory, no balrath while aided schools are given all the 
facilities,” said Shrikrishna Dhond who is always in the forefront. 

“The building is in a very dangerous condition. Slab is collapsing every now 
and then. The entrance of the building is very weak and we don’t know what will 
happen during monsoon season,” Dhond said adding “since last eight to ten years 
we are demanding for a new building but nothing is happening. 

The PTA is now fed up and the parents are thinking of resorting to agitation. 
“Are they waiting for the election to come so that the work could be 
undertaken?” Dhond asks. 

“This government school has maximum students but the government is totally 
neglecting the pleas of the parents,” said Rajan Sawaikar. “The CM had promised 
that by December 2017 all the problems would be solved but nothing has 
happened. It is surprising that there is not even a clerk in the school to do 
the work.” 

“About 12 hours this building is busy with students and in case of any untoward 
incident the government would be totally responsible for it.” 

The Bicholim MLA, Rajesh Patnekar, said that he is doing everything for the 
school. “It was because of me that the school got NOC for starting Std VIII and 
all the allegations of the parents are baseless”, Patnekar said. “Already Rs 9 
crores have been sanctioned for the building and the work would also be taken 
up at the earliest.”

[Goanet] Throw open Mayem Lake, demand locals

2018-04-13 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: The famous lake in North Goa is closed for renovation for over two 
years; Locals deprived of recreational spot

The people from Mayem, Bicholim are strongly demanding that the long awaited 
renovated Mayem Lake be thrown open to the public so that there could be at 
least some recreational activity for the locals. 

It may be recalled that the famous Mayem Lake has been ‘under 
construction/renovation’ for over two years and the work is almost complete. 
This lake was once famous throughout the state and not only local tourists but 
also foreigners were also attracted to this lake. 

But lackadaisical attitude of the government led to its downfall. After the 
government failed to maintain the lake it was handed over to a private party 
for maintenance. This project worked for some months but later failed 
miserably. Thereafter the government took over the lake and a master plan was 
prepared to develop the entire lake along with its surroundings. 

The work of renovating the lake was taken up some three years back and since 
then the lake was closed for public. Some of the locals have now become 
restless and are demanding that the lake should be thrown open to the tourists. 

“The government is not serious about the demands of the public or else Mayem 
Lake would have been inaugurated long time back,” said Santosh Kumar Sawant 
from Mayem. “About 80% of the work was completed even before the assembly 
elections but still they are delaying the inauguration and we don’t know the 
reason,” he added. 

Kunda Mandrekar, the local panch, also feels that the inauguration should be 
done at the earliest. “We just know that the inauguration would be done soon 
but we are not sure about the dates. We have only one demand that our locals be 
given jobs on the lake,” Mandrekar said. 

“Almost all the work is completed and we want that it should be inaugurated as 
early as possible. We want that at least during this summer season this lake 
should be visited by tourists so that we could get some business,” said Atmaram 
Kinalkar, who has his shop near the lake. 

It is not just the people from Mayem but also people from Bicholim and other 
surrounding areas who want that the authorities should take immediate action 
and throw open the activities at the lake. 

“There is no recreational place for us during the weekends or holidays. In 
Bicholim there is not even a proper garden where we can go during the evening. 
If the lake is inaugurated it would help everyone including the children who 
can go there for picnics,” said Govind Phadke another Mayem local. 

“There is hardly any good lake in North Goa and when our relatives from Belgavi 
visited us we came to this lake not knowing that it was still under 
construction for over two years,” Vinod Bilgoji from Moira told Herald. “The 
authorities should speed up the process and see to it that the lake is 
inaugurated at the earliest. This would help not only just the locals but also 
the tourists,” Bilgoji added.

[Goanet] Forget mining and prosper with agriculture

2018-04-05 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: These farmers took up agriculture when mining stopped four years back 
and say they are happy and earn more in their fields than the mining job

He left mining some four years ago, when the first blow hit mining in the state 
in 2013. He had a small piece of land. Instead of lamenting the loss of mining, 
he thought of returning to the fields and cultivating rather than wait for the 
mining to resume. Four years down the line he feels that he is happy and is 
earning substantial gains in this profession. 

This is the story of Vishnu Naik from Maina Navelim who today lives comfortable 
life – with farming. “For several years I was working with the mining and some 
four years back when there was turbulence in mining I left the job and resumed 
my age old tradition of farming.” Vishnu states. 

“I am doing this business for the past four years and it is profitable. Almost 
throughout the year I cultivate some crop or the other and am earning good 
amount. There is no effect of closure of mining on us and if everyone turns to 
farming they would earn substantial amount,” Vishnu claims. 

It may be stated that Navelim is one of the villages where there is lot of 
mining activities and Vishnu claims that not all are dependent upon mining. 
“Money is not just in mining but even in fields there is lot of money. There 
are few people who are dependent upon mining like the truck owners but we also 
have fields which yield good returns,” Vishnu disclosed. 

Vishnu is not just one farmer but there are about 40 others in Maina Navelim 
who are dependent upon farming. “We feel that more than mining, farming gives 
good return as there is more profit and less loss,” Sadanand Naik claimed. All 
these farmers get hybrid production and supply it to horticulture thereby 
getting profit. 

“Throughout the year we are producing crops in these fields, including rice 
during rainy season and chillis, brinjals, chawli, alsande and other such crops 
during other seasons,” said Vishwambar Gawas who turned to farming after 
working for a mining company for about 18 years. 

Gawas says that mining has an end and will stop at some point of time but this 
is not the case with farming. “Farming is the only business that can give 
income throughout the year. We would urge the government that agriculture 
should be given first priority as it is related to everyone,” Gawas said. 

Gawas regretted that several natural resources in mining area have died due to 
mining. He claims that only if these natural resources are rejuvenated there 
are hopes for people of Surla, Pale and other areas to get water.

[Goanet] Harvalem Waterfall may go dry this summer

2018-04-01 Thread samir umarye

BICHOLIM: Many would be taken aback and few would shudder in disbelief, but it 
appears that the popular Harvalem Waterfall in Bicholim may go dry this summer.

If it really does, it will happen after many years. 

Harvalem Waterfall is one of the major tourist attractions in North Goa and the 
waterfall did run dry some days ago, when the mining companies stopped pumping 
out water from their pits. 

The news of their favourite waterfall drying up sent people scurrying to the 
spot to confirm the news. 

“Every year during the months of April and May, the waterfall would turn muddy, 
however since the mining has stopped there is no water in the fall,” a local 

Surprisingly, this has not deterred the enthusiasm of visitors who still visit 
the spot that once gushed with water.  

Ironically, visitors are also amused on reading a sign-board that asks the 
visitors to be cautious as the water level has ‘raised’. 

“It is really funny to read the sign that states that the water level has 
‘raised’ when essentially there is no waterfall at all,” a tourist mocked.

[Goanet] Dairy farmer's meet remain inconclusive

2018-03-13 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: Even as the dairy farmers strongly demanded that Goa dairy should
increase their prices of milk the annual meeting of the Bicholim dairy
farmers remained inconclusive with the authorities failing to give any such
assurance to the farmers.

It may be stated that today an annual meeting of the dairy farmers was held
at the government primary school building at Bicholim. About 50 farmers
were present for the meeting. Some of the farmers raised concern over the
fact that most of the farmers have stopped supply of milk to Goa Dairy and
have diverted to another private dairy originally from Gujarat.The farmers
demanded that Goa Dairy should look into this fact and raise the price
given to farmers.

The Managing Director of Goa Dairy, Dr Sawant was also present for the
meeting. As per the sources the private dairy has started two outlets in
Bicholim which has severely affected the supply of milk to Goa Dairy in
Bicholim. "Goa Dairy is giving us very less price for the milk while the
other dairy are giving us almost double the price as compared to Goa dairy
so many of them have stopped giving milk to Goa Dairy" Rohidas Gad stated.

Some of the farmers supply milk to both the dairies and what has angered
the farmers is the fact that Goa Dairy has also stopped fodder given to
them on concessional rate. "On one side Goa Dairy is giving us low rate at
the same time they have now stopped the fodder supplied to the farmers
stating that we are supplying our milk to another dairy. If we are getting
better rate at some other place why shouldn't we take the benefit?"
questioned a farmer.

When contacted the Goa Dairy MD, Dr Sawant claimed that there is no effect
of some other dairy on them. "Today it was a very good meeting and several
of the farmers raised their demands with us. I would put forth their
grievances before the board of directors and we would take the right
decision" Dr Sawant told.

"There is no effect of entry of some other dairy in Goa. We are in profit
and last year we had collected 68000 litre per day while this year we are
collecting 79000 litres of milk every day" Dr Sawant told "I request all
those who have gone to some other dairy to come back to Goa dairy and we
welcome them."

[Goanet] Hydrants dry: Cashew plantations gutted by fire

2018-02-09 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: Despite several reports of fire destroying cashew plantations and dry 
grass, the authorities in Bicholim have not done much to provide water to the 
hydrants in the city causing inconvenience to the fire force. 

It may be stated that there are hydrants installed at several places in 
Bicholim but surprisingly only one hydrant has water while all others have been 
rendered useless. 

There is a hydrant installed near the Bicholim fire brigade but even this is 
not supplying water forcing the fire officials to hunt for water in times of 

This week there were two major incidents of fire where several cashew trees 
were gutted. About 2600 cashew trees belonging to a group of farmers from 
Tanavadi Vaddo, Pirna, Bardez were gutted in fire on Saturday afternoon causing 
them loss in lakhs of rupees. 

In another incident at Sarvan, Bicholim cashew plantation estimated to be 
around Rs 20 lakh was gutted in a fire. The fire force officials utilised three 
fire tenders and fought for nearly six hours to bring the fire under control. 
Besides this, there were several instances when dry grass was destroyed by 

Inquiries with the fire force disclosed that even though there are several fire 
incidents there is only one hydrant at Housing board that supplies them water. 
“There are hydrants but they do not have water. The PWD and the municipality 
should work together and install hydrants at strategic locations and should 
also give water to the already existing hydrants,” Bicholim fire force 
officials, Shridap Gawas said. "At present we take the water from the lone 
hydrant at Bicholim housing board or we get it from Padosem," he added. 

It may be stated that recently there was fire incident in the market and the 
fire brigade was not even able to go inside. “There was a hydrant in the market 
but it was broken by someone. Now if any fire incident happens there is no 
hydrant in the area which can instantly supply water to the fire brigade,” said 
Tejas Khedekar from Bicholim.

[Goanet] Abandoned Sarvan vehicles pose risk to commuters

2018-02-04 Thread samir umarye
Waste dumped in the area invites stray cattle; Locals fear accidents; Sarvan 
sarpanch says he will look into the matter

Samir Umarye 
BICHOLIM: Several vehicles lying abandoned by the road side at Sarvan in 
Bicholim have been a major cause of concern for the commuters and the residents.

The vehicles on Bicholim-Sanquelim main road pose a risk, say locals, with the 
panchayat also turning a Nelson’s eye to them which can now only be sent to the 

 “These vehicles are lying here for over a year and no one is bothered about 
it” former Mayem ZP member Pondu Sawant said. Sawant has a business 
establishment right opposite to the site where these vehicles are an eyesore on 
the Bicholim-Sanquelim road. 

These vehicles could be from a nearby garage, say locals and the owner of the 
garage is reportedly not taking any efforts to clear the area. There are 
several vehicles, including a crane, car and some other vehicles. 

“All these vehicles are along the highway and there are chances that they could 
lead to some accident,” Sawant said. “The panchayat should instruct the garage 
owner to either sell the vehicles to some scrap yard or should ask the original 
owners to take away their vehicles,” he added. 

As per sources, the land belongs to comunidade while some of the area is also a 
private property. When contacted the Karapur-Sarvan sarpanch, Ramesh Sawant 
said that he would look into the matter.  

What is bothering most of the people, say locals, is that this site is also 
becoming a haven for the garbage dumpsters. In the evening there are cattle 
that are seen at this place feeding over the leftovers. 

“This place is like a dumping site and there are vehicles, garbage and all 
sorts of things. The cattle always pose problem for the smooth flow of traffic 
on this road and there have been even minor accidents at this place,” said 
Tukaram Sawant, a resident.

[Goanet] Leopard rescued from well at Mayem

2018-02-03 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: A fully grown female leopard today fell into a well at Ardhawada
Mayem which was later rescued by the forest department.
According to the available information the incident occurred at night. A
leopard fell into a well belonging to one Vishwas Rawle from Mayem. The
incident came to light in the morning when the family members found some
commotion in the well. On inspection they were surprised to see that there
was a leopard in the well.
The family reported the incident to police and forest department. The
forest department immediately swung into action but were not able to rescue
the leopard till evening. After the arrival of Quepem RFO, Paresh Porob a
trap was inserted into the well and within one hours time.
"It is a fully grown female leopard and we were able to rescue her without
any injury. It will be now left in the forest." RFO, Paresh Porob told.
It may be recalled that there were reports of leopard sightings in Pilgao
in Bicholim. There was situation of panic in the area after the incidents.
Deputy conservator of forest, Kuldeep Sharma; Forest officials from Ponda,
Keri and Valpoi were present at the site.

There were thousands of people who came to take a glance of the wild cat.

[Goanet] Power sub-station at Sal soon: CM

2018-01-31 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has said that Sal village in
Bicholim taluka would soon get a power sub-station while the work of KTC
bus stand in Bicholim would also be taken up soon.

The chief minister was today on a day’s visit to Bicholim taluka. Speaking
further the CM assured that all the pending works would be taken up in
Bicholim in the months to come.

He also said that to solve the water scarcity in Sal, the government has
plans to set up a 10 MLD water treatment plant, if the land is made
available by the panchayat.

He said that if Sal water treatment plant is commissioned it would reduce
burden on Padocem water treatment plant, besides reducing the water
shortage in Kasarpal, Sal rehabilitation colony and other areas of Bicholim

On power problem, he said that the procedure for starting work of power
substation at Sal at a cost of Rs 15 crore is nearing completion. He also
informed that in future, the government would lay stress on undertaking
underground cable power supply system. He later instructed power department
officials to solve power crisis with immediate effect.

He also said that the government would spend Rs 7.5 crore on developing
roads in Bicholim taluka by March 2018.

[Goanet] Sal gram sabha plunges into acrimony over stone crusher

2018-01-23 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The Sal gram sabha on Sunday plunged into acrimony over the issue
of a stone crusher that has allegedly caused cracks in the walls of a
temple in its vicinity.
At the very outset of the gram sabha, the villagers demanded to know from
the sarpanch whether the stone crusher has all the NOCs and whether the
panchayat was aware of its working.
Replying to the villagers, Sarpanch Prakash Raut said that the panchayat
does not have much information about the working of the stone crusher and
whether it has required NOCs. This answer angered the villagers who
demanded to know why such a polluting unit was allowed to carry out
operation in the area. Meanwhile, some of the villagers alleged that due to
the blasting carried out by the stone crusher, the walls of a temple in the
vicinity have developed cracks.
The villagers were also informed that the panchayat was not getting any
revenue from the crusher.
Later, a resolution was passed to summon the owner of the stone crusher to
show cause why action should not be taken against him for running the unit.
The gram sabha also discussed in detail the drinking water problem in the
village and it was decided to take stern action and also resort to strike.
It was also decided to increase the house rent for all those who are paying
rent less than Rs 500.
The panchayat secretary informed the gram sabha that a site was needed to
dump garbage, but no one was ready to give their land for that purpose.
Even the issue of crematorium was discussed but even here no one was ready
to donate land for the same.
One Rajendra Raut informed that he was ready to give his land for a cattle
pond if it fetched him some income. Later, the secretary read out the audit
report for the year 2016-17.

[Goanet] Organisations explain to people the seriousness of Mhadei issue

2018-01-19 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye
Though the Mhadei issue is in discussion for a long time, some of the
organisations from Bicholim and Sattari have roped in the general public by
making them aware of the seriousness of the issue.
In the forefront has been an organisation –Goykarancho Aawaz who organised
a special talk for the general public highlighting the Mhadei issue.
Eminent environmentalist Rajendra Kerkar made the general public aware
about the issue.
“There are 11 rivers in Goa and the Mhadei River is one of the most
important rivers which is 111 kms long. In all, six talukas get water from
this river as several water treatment plants are totally dependent upon
this river”, said Rajendra Kerkar who is fighting this battle for a long
During a programme he said that Mhadei comes from a small spring but later
takes a huge form as it enters Goa. He highlighted the importance of Mhadei
River to the people and also showed some of the rare pictures that he had
captured long time ago.
“There is a need to bring about public awareness among the masses. The
traditional silt based cultivation is only found on the basin of this
river,” Kerkar said. He rubbished the claims of Karnataka that since the
water enters the sea it is wasted and told that this process is required to
maintain the ecological balance in the sea.
A lawyer, Adv Shivaji Desai, came down heavily on all the 40 MLAs and said
that no one has studied this issue except the Chief Minister. “Public
should be made aware about this issue as Karnataka is trying to divert the
water when about 21 villages in Sattari taluka are forced to get water
through tankers. Goa has no water policy and we are dependent even upon
Maharashtra for waters of Tillari,” Desai said.
Another organization Amhi Goynkar also organised a programme for bringing
about awareness among the people of Bicholim. There were several speakers
including Adv S N Joshi, Adv Ajitsingh Rane; Animal Rescue Squad chief,
Amrut Singh and several other prominent persons from Bicholim and Sattari
who dealt with several aspects of Mhadei.
The organisation went a step further and also submitted a four-page letter
to the Chief Minister expressing strong resentment over the CM’s letter
given to the MP and Karnataka BJP State President, B S Yeddyurappa.
Taking a step further the Vivekanand Environment Awareness Brigade from
Keri Sattari also staged a street play on the Bicholim KTC bus stand.
Pamphlets and other material related to Mhadei were also distributed to the

[Goanet] Shift animals from the garbage treatment plant, urge Bicholim residents

2018-01-12 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: Alert residents of Bicholim have voiced their concern over the 
irregular handling of garbage from the garbage treatment plant and have asked 
the authorities to shift the cattle from the site. 

It may be stated that the Bicholim garbage treatment plant at Lakherem was 
inaugurated in 2009 by the then urban development minister, Joaquim Alemao and 
North Goa MP, Shripad Naik. Since then it has been carrying out its work in a 
proper manner. 

Some years ago there were some issues regarding the wall that was broken and 
all the cattle were entering the site. But this wall was later repaired after 
media highlighted the issue. 

Last week when Herald visited the site they were in for a rude shock when it 
was seen that the garbage was on fire while several cattle were grazing in the 
garbage treatment plant. Inquiries revealed that such incidents are common at 
the site and mostly go unreported. 

“We have seen smoke coming out of the garbage treatment plant several times 
during the evening but never objected to it and prefer to ignore the same”, a 
resident of Lakherem said. 

Even as the residents do not find much difference in this some of the 
environmentalists and animal lovers feel that BMC should immediately stop 
burning the garbage at the site. 

“Burning of garbage and plastic at the garbage treatment site is totally banned 
and is not the right way to treat the garbage. It only leads to pollution and 
would affect the residents of the area in the long run,” said Animal Rescue 
Squad chief, Amrut Singh. 

Along with the garbage treatment plant the BMC has also made arrangements for 
keeping seized stray cattle. 

“The cattle are also seen grazing at the site which is again a problem for 
those animals. We feel that the cow shed should be shifted from the garbage 
treatment site to some other place or the BMC should give these animals to some 
gaushala and pay for their fodder. The animals could also get hurt if they fall 
in the fire and get burnt.” Amrut Singh added. 

When contacted the BMC Chairman, Satish Gaonkar said they do not burn the 
garbage at the plant. “Last week’s incident was the lone incident and the 
labourers had done it. They had put fire to the dry leaves but when we realised 
it we asked them to put it off,” Gaonkar said. 

He said that they have made a cow shed at the site and sometimes they let the 
animals loose. “On the front side of the plant there is a cow shed and we have 
proposal to build another one at the same place. Budget provision is also made 
for the same and we will employ locals to look after the cattle,” Gaonkar said. 

“We provide the cattle with fodder and water so there is no question of they 
eating the garbage. This year we will improve the facilities given to the 
cattle at the site,” Gaonkar added.

[Goanet] Bicholim, Mayem villages suffer a water-less festive week

2017-12-29 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: PWD office looks like a battleground with people thronging to demand 
water tankers; PWD’s response is there is a fault at the Padoshe water 
treatment plant; Zatra and other festivities might get affected with no water

Several villages from Bicholim and Mayem constituencies have been left without 
water since last eight days with many people including the Bicholim MLA, Rajesh 
Patnekar approaching the PWD to solve the problem. 

But going “dry” during the festive week hasn’t quite amused the locals. And 
with the water crisis looming large, they are angrily bracing up for a dry 
start to the new year 

The locals along with along with MLA Patnekar have approached the PWD to solve 
this major problem. Every day the PWD office looks like a battleground with 
people marching to this government office either with a complaint or with a 
request to at least send a water tanker to their area. 

“We have a zatra and other festivities in our village and there is no water 
since last eight days and we don’t know what to do,” said Kirtimala Karapurkar 
from Kudapwada Karapur, who was one of the many to march to the PWD. 

“Most housewives keep the utensils unwashed with a hope that the PWD would 
supply them with water but for how many days should we keep our household work 
pending? The government officials and the ministers do not know what it is like 
to live without water for so many days,” Kirtimala said. 

“The PWD does not have its own tankers to supply water but it hires these 
tankers from private agencies during emergency. It is difficult to know what is 
happening and government should look into this and should supply us with 
water,” Komal Waingankar, a resident said adding that “there are still several 
months to go and we don’t know what would be the situation during summer.” 

“If we come to PWD office we are told that there is a fault at the Padoshe 
water treatment plant. Most of the time there is no official to listen to our 
grievances as the concerned official is reported to be either on leave or at 
some other site where he has been given additional posting. In such 
circumstances we do not know what to do. We just submit the memorandum and go 
home with an assurance that water supply will resume by evening,” Komal added. 

According to the PWD officials, the problem mostly lies with the Padoshe water 
treatment plant and at times it takes around two days to repair the same. 

“We have to bear the brunt of the people when the real problem lies with the 
water treatment plant,” a PWD official informed on the condition of anonymity. 

 “It is surprising that the officials and the departments are passing the buck 
on each other when there is no water for the general public. If the bill is not 
paid, the PWD officials immediately take action but when it comes to giving 
proper services they do not even meet us.” said an angry Deelip Dhargalkar from 

[Goanet] No profit in growing crops, say Bicholim villagers

2017-12-09 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

*Agriculturists complain of wild boars, monkeys and porcupines destroying
their produce, despite having afence*

W ild animals and monkeys have been destroying crops in the internal parts
of Bicholim with the villagers of Latambarcem, Nanoda and surrounding areas
expressing great displeasure over the apathy of the government department
in resolving the issue.

It may be stated that the internal parts of Bicholim including Latambarcem,
Nanoda, Sal and Kharpal still have vegetation and some forest area. In
these areas there is always struggle between men and animal.

There have been also some instances wherein wild animals including leopards
have been killed after they were trapped by the villagers.

The Forest Department and the Agricultural Department have not done much to
avoid this men- animal conflict. Most of the agriculturalists in these
areas have now started feeling that kulagar and other agricultural
activities are not at all profitable and also feasible.

The Kulagarkars from these areas are mostly affected by the wrath of
monkeys and wild boars.

“ Here in these areas we suffer losses due to the damaged done by animals
including monkeys, wild boars and porcupines.

The worst are the monkeys who come in groups of 25- 30 and destroy all the
coconuts. We have about 150 coconut trees but since last few years, monkeys
destroy everything,” said Laxman Vaze from Sonarbhat.

“ We have now started feeling that there is no use doing kulagars in such

There was just once that the forest department personnel came here and did
the survey but after that there was no sign of them,” Vaze claimed adding “
the agricultural department claims to give subsidy for power fencing but we
want to ask them what is the use of power fencing and how is it going to
avoid the menace of monkeys.” There are several farmers who have the same
problem. “ If there are wild boars on the ground there are monkeys on the

This just means that we can neither plant anything on the ground nor can we
grow anything on the trees,” Ramesh Salgaonkar said.

“ Now the situation is such that even when we have some 150 coconut trees
we are forced to buy the coconuts and it’s all because of the monkey
menace,” Ramesh claims adding “ the personnel from the agriculture
department only do the formalities on paper. They come here, click the
photos, fill the forms and they go. Later it is never available in the
office. Either the file gets misplaced or they give some other reason.” The
farmers feel that now the labour cost has samir umarye bicholim About 30%
of the production from Kulagars is affected by monkeys and other animals in
Bicholim we provide 90% subsidy for power fencing and there are several
other schemes which the farmers should take advantage — Pradeep Malik,
Bicholim ZEO If there are wild boars on the ground there are monkeys on the
trees. This just means that we can neither plant anything on the ground nor
can we grow anything on the trees — Ramesh Salgaonkar, a villager A grower
displays coconut samplings uprooted by wild boars.

also increased and the profession is only in loss.

Bicholim ZEO Pradeep Malik also accepts that about 30% of the production
from Kulagars is affected by monkeys and other animals in Bicholim.

“ We provide 90% subsidy for power fencing and there are several other
schemes which the farmers should take advantage,” Malik claimed.

[Goanet] Harvalem students living in danger of being electrocuted

2017-12-01 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: About 30- odd students of government primary school at
Pratapnagar Harvalem in Sanquelim are taking lessons under the threat to
their lives with 11 kv live electricity wire running over the roof of the

It may be stated that the government primary school situated at Pratapnagar
is just like any other school in the state just with one exception that a
live 11 kv electricity wire is running over the roof top posing danger to
the students studying in the building.

The panchayat, PTA and the locals have given several petitions to the
Electricity Department but still the wires have not been shifted.

“ This is a very dangerous situation and the wires are also very old so
this needs to be immediately shifted,” said Panch member Guruprasad Naik.

There have been several instances when this line was cut and has also
fallen down but luckily there was no loss of property or life.

“ There have been cases when this old wire snapped and came down and we are
lucky that no one was hurt during such incidents. We cannot even take the
repairs of the building and the roof as the wire is so close that no one is
ready to climb the roof top,” Naik added.

The residents still remember an instance when a mason was hit by the
current of the wire and was thrown some feet away when he had gone to
repair the roof before the monsoon season.

Even though the village comes under the ambit of Sanquelim, the Sattari
electricity division is looking after the affairs of this area.

The panch members say that they had approached the electricity department
but there was no action taken by the department.

“ The department is trying to put the buck on us and in turn telling us to
provide them with an alternate place for the wires. We do not have any
place to give, it is the responsibility of the department to look into the
matter and shift the line,” Naik explains.

“ The houses have been provided under 20- point programme and the line is
passing over several houses.

There is danger to the students and also people who are staying in the
houses over whom this line goes, so we request the government to divert
this line from some other area,” Naik said.

The PTA and other residents have also submitted a memorandum to the Chief
Minister in this regard when the CM was on a visit to Sanquelim.

“ There are about 10- 12 houses under this wire and the department should
take an initiative to shift the wires at the earliest,” a resident, Rafik
Mulla, said.

It may learnt that the Electricity Department, through a letter, had asked
Harvalem panchayat to provide them with alternate path for shifting the
said line with sufficient line clearance. They had also asked for the names
of the owners of the house who had constructed houses under the wire so as
to take proper action, sources said.

samir umarye HaRValEm The government primary school at Harvalem poses
danger to the students.

[Goanet] Sal villagers demand sub- station

2017-11-24 Thread samir umarye
The residents of Sal in Bicholim have expressed their anger over the pathetic 
electricity facility given to the village and have strongly demanded to 
complete the work of the sub- station in the village.

It may be stated that there are about 1500 houses in Sal, which are some 10 kms 
from the main city. The residents here feel that they are neglected as even the 
basic facility of electricity is not properly provided to them.

“ There are several problems of electricity in the village. There are poles in 
the village but there are no proper street lights. The street light, which is 
provided to us, is of low focus and in this regard we have already informed the 
Electricity Department and the MLA but nothing has happened,” said Sal 
sarpanch, Prakash Raut.

The village is famous for the festival of gade which is celebrated in the month 
of April and in this regard the residents feel that they want proper street 
lights in the village. “ Gade festival is very famous throughout the state and 
many people come to this place but it is surprising that the government has not 
provided us with proper electricity,” Raut stated.

Another Sal resident, Soma Raut also complains that the wires which are in the 
village were not replaced since the time they were installed. “ Our panchayat 
had passed a resolution that the transformer in Sal should be replaced and its 
capacity should be increased and we have personally met the electricity 
engineer but he only gave assurance and did nothing to solve the problem,” Soma 

The residents now feel that all their electricity problems would only be solved 
if a sub- station comes up in the village. The department has already acquired 
land in Sal and also built a compound wall at the proposed site.

“ The ministers had given assurances on the floor of the assembly that they 
would give first preference to Sal substation but we don’t know why this 
project has been delayed,” Soma disclosed.

“ Only after this sub- station our problem of electricity would be solved.

This electricity line is more than 50 years old and at several places it has 
been damaged.

The residents claim that during rainy season the electricity line gets tripped 
several times and they have to spend their nights in darkness. They also claim 
that even if they complain no one pays heed to it.

Bicholim MLA Rajesh Patnekar commented that the Sal sub- station is a long 
pending demand of the villagers and in 2005 a compound wall was build at the 
proposed area. He said that the delay was because of the tender process.

“ When the tender was released first time on September 20, only one party bid 
for it. The second time it was bid on October 30 but again a single bidder 
turned up. On November 14, we had again floated the tender and we had two 
bidders. If everything works out well then by June the entire work of this sub- 
station would be complete,” Patnekar explained adding that after the 
electricity problem of Sal, Latambarcem and surrounding areas would be solved.

“ The load of the Bicholim electricity station would be shared and even this 
sub- station would help the industrial estate coming up at Latambarcem,” 
Patnekar explained.

Government has bought a plot for a sub- station and even built a surrounding 
wall, but Sal villagers are only given promises.

The delay is because of the tender process… when the tender was released first 
time on September 20, only one party bid for it. The second time it was bid on 
October 30 but again a single bidder turned up. On November 14, we had again 
floated the tender and we had two bidders. If everything works out well then by 
June the entire work of this sub- station would be complete — Rajesh Patnekar, 
Bicholim MLA SAMir uMArye bicholim There are several problems of electricity in 
the village. There are poles but there are no proper street lights.

The street light, which is provided to us, is of low voltage and in this regard 
we have already informed the Electricity Department but nothing has happened — 
Prakash Raut, Sal sarpanch

[Goanet] Sal farmers fear crop loss if Tillari water is delayed again

2017-11-17 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The farmers from Sal in Bicholim are reeling under the pressure
with unavailability of Tillari water to their farms who fear that even this
year their farms would be damaged if the supply of water is delayed.

It may be stated that the farmers from Sal are totally dependent upon
Tillari waters and every year the supply of water to these farmers is
delayed as the work of cleaning and other formalities takes too long and
the farmers bear the brunt of this.

“The Tillari water should be supplied either in August or September as
there is very less rainfall during these months. If the water is sent
during these months then only our crops could survive, it is useless
sending water to us in the month of January when everything has dried out”
Deelip Desai from Sal told.

The farmers cannot use the tap water as there is no constant supply of this
water in Sal. All the farmers cannot even dig a well because of financial
constraint. The farmers now feel that the government has no proper planning
in handling the entire issue. They feel that if government was concerned
about farmers they would have planned the supply of water well before the
monsoon season ends.

“There is no use of Goa government spending so much on Tillari project.
Every year the affected person of this project go on strike and even sit in
the cannal with their demand and farmers from Goa have to suffer” Mehasham
Raut from Sal told.

“Tillari project is just done and forgotten. There is no follow up whether
it is beneficial to the farmers or not. It is useless that every year we
give letters to the authorities and raise our voice, somewhere it should be
stopped.” Raut claimed.

As per the information available from the farmers the tendering process of
cleaning of the canal is not yet done and so it would take another month
for the entire process to get over and by that time their farms would be
totally destroyed. The farmers have now indirectly threatened that if they
are not given Tillari water they would stop the supply of drinking water to
the entire north Goa, as the water to Padosem water treatment plant comes
from Sal bandhara.

“The government should not test our patience as if we are enraged we would
resort to any move and government would be responsible for the actions”
Raut threatened.

There are more than 100 farmers in Sal and they have two water distribution
societies. “We don’t know what the official are doing. Last year the office
from Assonora had the charge of supplying water this year they told us that
the Dodamarg office is give the charge. We are made to run from pillar to
the post when our farms are dying” Digambar Raut told adding  “the farmers
are frustrated and we would resort to strong agitation if water is not
supplied to us. We feel that Tillari project is just money making business
for the contractors and officials as they are least bothered about the

The sarpanch of Sal panchayat, Prakash Raut also has the same opinion and
told that they have approached all the officials but no one is bothered
about them.

[Goanet] Bhamye has no toilet facility

2017-11-03 Thread samir umarye
hamye, a small village in Pale in the mining belt lacks toilet facility and the 
locals fear that government’s indifferent attitude towards addressing the issue 
may pollute the lone well in the village, which is the only source of drinking 

Bhamye panchas have been demanding a toilet facility for the villagers for many 
years, but most locals are forced to answer the nature’s call out in the open.

“ All the villagers have submitted the file requesting for a toilet facility to 
the BDO’s office and it’s been two years we are following up the issue. The 
Mineral Foundation had also assured to provide a Sulabh Souchalaya but they too 
failed in fulfilling their promise,” Santosh Naik, Pali panch informed. 
Questioning the government’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan appeal, Naik wondered as to 
how India would be clean if the toilet demand of the villagers is not met. “ 
Government is talking about cleanliness but it is surprising to note that a 
village in Goa is not having a single toilet,” Naik claimed and demanded that 
the government immediately look into the matter.

When Herald visited the village, the locals looked weary of constructing a 
toilet in Bhamye fearing that the lone well, which is their only source of 
drinking water, will get polluted.

It may be noted that since there are mines in the village, Bhamye is always 
faced with a water scarcity problem and in such a situation; the lone well in 
the village satisfies their drinking water need.

The villagers recall an earlier incident when sewage water polluted another 
well. Since then they fear that a toilet in the village might pollute the 
present well, which is their lone source of drinking water.

“ We are not opposed to government constructing toilets in the area but it 
should not affect our well, which is satisfying the need of this village and 
surrounding areas,” Mohan Jalmi, a resident and President of Mallikarjun 
Devasthan said.

According to the locals, during the summer they do not get tap water and this 
well satisfies their drinking water need. “ We can do without a toilet but what 
if there is no drinking water for months together?” a villager asked.

All the villagers have submitted the file requesting for a toilet facility to 
the Block Development Office ( BDO) and it’s been two years we are following up 
the issue with it. The Mineral Foundation had also assured to provide a Sulabh 
Souchalaya but they too failed in fulfilling their promise — Santosh Naik, Pali 
Panch Locals forced to answer nature’s call out in the open; Promises to 
provide the facility have fallen flat; Locals at the same time fear that 
construction of a toilet will pollute the lone well, which is the only source 
of drinking water SaMir UMarye bicholim quote room We are not opposed to 
government constructing toilets in the area but it should not affect our well, 
which is satisfying the need of this village and surrounding areas — Mohan 
Jalmi, a resident and President of Mallikarjun Devasthan SAMIR UMARYE

[Goanet] Bicholim market, a ticking time bomb

2017-10-21 Thread samir umarye
The Bicholim market, which comprises more than 150 shops, is sitting on a time 
bomb which could explode any minute swallowing the entire market and other 

This was evident last week when a shop caught fire at night when the entire 
market was closed down and the fire fighters vehicle was not able to enter the 
market because of inaccessible conditions. 

The access to the Bicholim market is so narrow that only a two-wheeler can 
enter inside. To add to this, most of the shopkeepers have covered the roads by 
keeping their belongings. The residents feel that these encroachments should be 
removed as it is a hindrance to the pedestrians. 

Last week’s incident in the market was an eye opener for the municipality as 
the fire tender could not enter the market as the access was blocked by plastic 
awnings installed outside shops as a protective measure from rain. After 
removing the plastic, emergency personnel were able to reach the fire and 
extinguish it. A loss of Rs 15,000 has been reported due to the delay in the 
fire brigade reaching the site. 

“They were lucky that the incident took place at 10 pm, when people were still 
in the market, had the same incident happened late at night it could have 
caused a huge loss of property. If the plastic had caught fire it would have 
spread fast. We request the shopkeepers to remove the plastic awnings installed 
outside the shop during night time,” Bicholim fire force in-charge, G S Gawas 
told Herald. 

Gawas feels that there should be fire safety provisions in the Bicholim market. 
“Bicholim market is expanding and even new buildings are coming up, so in this 
view there should be fire safety provisions in the market.” Gawas added. 

“The BMC has not installed any fire fighting system in the new complex. Since 
2012 we are continuously sending letters to the concerned authorities to 
install fire hydrants but they have tuned a Nelson’s eye to our pleas,” Gawas 
says, adding that “fire hydrants are very essentials in the market.” 
Surprisingly there are only two hydrants in Bicholim from where the fire 
brigade gets the required water. 

“We are lucky that the market was saved and every shopkeeper should look into 
it. It is very risky that the shopkeepers erect tarpaulin outside their shops 
and this incident has only told us that such incidents could be repeated even 
again” a Bicholim shopkeeper, Naresh Kadkade said. 

Even Bicholim MLA Rajesh Patnekar feels that the BMC should look into this so 
that such incidents are not repeated.  

“I would personally tell the municipality to remove all the tarpaulins from the 
market so that such incidents do not happen in the future,” said the Bicholim 

[Goanet] Bicholim’s Sal is Goa’s new garbage dump

2017-10-13 Thread samir umarye
Villagers discovered that waste from Mapusa and Margao was being thrown in a 
secluded spot for the past six months; Alert locals catch culprits and hand 
them over to the police

Sal – a village in Bicholim taluka, away from the bustling of the town life and 
with picturesque nature -- was in for a rude shock when the residents noticed 
that some unknown persons were defacing the village by dumping waste in a 
secluded area. 

Further investigation revealed that the waste was coming not only from Mapusa 
but also from Margao and other parts of the State. 

The recently held gram sabha rocked with this issue as the residents sought to 
know from the sarpanch what measures are being taken for stopping this menace. 

When Herald visited the site there were heaps of garbage dumped at the site. 
The dumping of garbage went unnoticed for several months as the place where it 
is being dumped is away from the residential area and the main road. There is a 
single bumpy road that leads to the site and a high tension wire going over 
this site. 

“We feel that they were dumping this waste at this place for more than six 
months. We laid a trap on Sunday and caught them red-handed. We have registered 
a police complaint and proper action should be taken against them,” said Sal 
sarpanch Prakash Raut. 

The residents also feel that there are some locals who are also involved in 
this as the place where the waste is dumped is inaccessible to a person who is 
not aware of the village. “There could be some locals involved in this dumping. 
Whenever we kept patrolling at the site the trucks avoided coming and dumping 
the waste. It is just likely that the residents used to inform them in advance 
of our presence at the site,” Kalidas Raut a local claimed. 

“It is surprising that all the waste from Mapusa, Margao and other places is 
getting deposited here in Sal. If there is any epidemic in the village who 
should be held responsible?” questions Soma Raut, asking the authorities to 
take action against the culprits. 

The residents are also angry as this waste has now led to pollution in the 
village. “Some of the waste has been burnt and the water from the nearby 
rivulet has been polluted. The fish from the rivulet is also dying,” said 
Digambar Raut. “They used to come during night time and dump this garbage here 
so no one noticed this,” Raut added. 

“We have handed over the culprits to the police and their vehicle has also been 
seized. We will again raise this issue in the gram sabha and will see that such 
thing will not be repeated in this beautiful village,” said another villager 
Suresh Parab.

[Goanet] SMC to shift kiosks to new place

2017-09-15 Thread samir umarye
Sanquelim Municipal Council ( SMC), in a bid to beautify the city and give it a 
new look, has recommended to shift all the kiosks from the municipal area to 
the market by giving them new shops.

It may be recalled that there are about 52 kiosks in the municipal area, 
especially those who are doing their business near the Sanquelim bus stand. 
These kiosks are there since many years and the SMC now feels that they should 
be relocated at one place in the market.

“ There are many kiosks at several places which have encroached on the road.

Now we are trying to solve this growing problem in a different way. We will 
build 60 shops with shutters in the market so that we can rehabilitate them to 
the new place,” said SMC Chairman Dharmesh Saglani.

Most of these kiosks are selling cigarettes, soft drinks and other such small 
products. A meeting in this regard was also held recently wherein all the 
kiosks owners attended and expressed their views.

“ We will initiate action against them and they should give us advance of Rs 
50,000 by the end of this month and the construction will start by next month,” 
Saglani added.

Besides the kiosks at the Sanquelim bus stand there are some kiosks near the 
Sanquelim CHC and SMC has decided to even relocate them to a new place. “ We 
are thinking of making a special zone for such gaddas near the CHC. After 
giving them proper licence we will regularise them so that even SMC gets some 
revenue instead of just sopo which they are presently paying.” Saglani said.

Even though the SMC has proposed a plan for the kiosks, owners are still in 
quandary over the entire project. The kiosk owners feel that they might lose 
their business if they shift to the new premises. “ We are already having less 
business and if we go to the market there won’t be any business since no one 
goes to the market after 6 pm,” a kiosk owner Tulshidas Kanekar said.

Another kiosk owner, who runs his business near CHC Sanquelim, was also of the 
same opinion. “ They want us to start our business near the Ravindra Bhavan but 
we don’t know whether it would be a permanent place for us. What if someone 
objects to this? They are not also giving us trade licence and making us 
permanent,” said Chandan Mayekar.

Samir Umarye sanquelim problem in a different way. We will build 60 shops with 
shutters in the market so that we can rehabilitate them to the new place — 
Dharmesh Saglani, SMC Chairperson be any business since no one goes to the 
market after 6 pm — Tulshidas Kanekar, a kiosk owner

[Goanet] Bicholim fountain now a pond for breeding mosquitoes

2017-09-01 Thread samir umarye

circle in the heart of Bicholim which was once turned into a spot of 
beautification has today lost its glory and turned into a pond breeding 

It may be stated that the circle near Shri Shantadurga High school was turned 
into a beautification spot with a fountain installed at the site some ten years 
ago. The circle is crucial as it controls the vehicular traffic going from 
Assonora to Bicholim at the same time the traffic plying towards Bordem and 

This intersection is in the heart of the city and with lack of attention paid 
by the authorities this neglected site has turned into a pond that today can 
well be considered as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

“ Today the fountain has disappeared and what remains is the pond where water 
is accumulated posing threat of malaria and other epidemic,” said Prashant 

“ The municipality is spending so much on the beautification of the city and we 
are surprised as to how they have not taken into consideration this area,” he 

The fountain which earlier had railing is today missing. Earlier, the fountain 
was repaired before any occasion and was made operational especially during the 
‘ new Monday’- festival devoted to goddess Shri Shantadurga.

“ This fountain turned pond is dangerous as it is close to the primary school 
posing danger to small children studying here” Dhargalkar stated. “ no one is 
bothered about this and so we request the MLA and the councillors to look into 
this and repair the fountain.” This place was in news during the tenure of 
earlier MLA when there were planes to construct a statue of Shivaji at this 
central place. But later the plane fizzled out.

“ There is a need to develop this area and the authorities should now remove 
this pond and properly beautify this place” Shahaji Patil said adding “ since 
there are small children in the close proximity the pond should be removed 
immediately so that no accident takes place here.” samir Umarye bIcholIm


[Goanet] Mulgao bridge in danger of collapsing

2017-08-25 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

A 25-year-old bridge at Manaswada Mulgao is in a dilapidated condition with
the residents fearing that it could collapse at any moment.
As per a report the small, one-pillar bridge was constructed 25 years ago.
The residents had demanded the bridge as the distance from Mulgao to
Assonora would be reduced with the help of this bridge. After the demand
the then Bicholim MLA and transport minister, Pandurang Raut had
constructed the bridge which helped the residents.
Today, after so many years the condition of the bridge is very bad. Even
though the bridge appears to be in good condition from outside, the cement
of the bridge has already collapsed and the iron rods are protruding out
from the entire lower part of the bridge.
“There is constant traffic on this road and something should be done to
repair the bridge. This is the only shortest link between Mulgao and
Assonora and if it collapses then it will be a big problem for the people
of Mulgao,” said Premnath Mandrekar from Mulgao.
According to sources if one takes this bridge the distance from Mulgao to
Assonora is just 2 kms while traveling via Walshi it increases to more than
5 kms. “This bridge needs immediate repairs. The government should either
demolish this bridge or construct a new one in its place,” said Amrut
Mandrekar from the same village.
“There are even school buses which use this small bridge. But if it
collapses there could be a great damage to life and property,” Amrut said
adding “in case of any accident on the main road of Bicholim to Assonora
the entire traffic is diverted through Mulgao and this small bridge has to
bear the weight of all this traffic.”
Local panch Gajanan Mandrekar had also similar views about the issue and
feels that the bridge needs to be restored or rebuilt. “There is an urgent
need to repair the bridge as the bridge is totally damaged from its bottom.
If nothing is done there are chances that it could collapse at any time,”
Gajanan said. “We have also approached our local MLA and informed him about
this issue,” he added.

[Goanet] Bicholim farmers want govt to help solve their problems

2017-08-04 Thread samir umarye
Farmers from Karapur, Sarvan in Bicholim have demanded that the government 
initiate action to repair the sluice gate and the bandh, besides clearing weeds 
grown in their fields so that they could resume work in the farms. 

The fields of Karapur have been now abandoned and they no longer cultivate the 
farms. The problem lies with the weeds and mangroves which have grown by the 
river side and have also covered the fields, which makes it impossible for the 
farmers to till their farms. 

“There were about 100 farmers who earlier cultivated the fields, but because of 
several problems remained unattended and the fields were abandoned and now no 
one cultivates their farms here,” Gajanan Ghadi, a farmer from Sarvan said. 

The farms give us good crops and if the government helps us we could grow on 
our fields again, Ghadi emphasised with a note of hope. 

 The problem with the fields is not just the weeds but the root cause seems to 
the broken sluice gate and an unrepaired bandh near the river, due to which the 
entire water from the river enters the fields and makes farming almost 

“The sluice gate and the bandh should be immediately repaired. This work was 
taken up a few years ago with the help of the government and farming had 
resumed in the area. But later, water began getting into the fields and we were 
unable to stop the flow. Another reason we were forced to abandon farming was 
the menace of cattle,” Uvraj Narvekar pointed out. 

 We would be indebted to the government if they would cut the mangroves that 
have begun growing in our fields. We have approached the panch members, MLA and 
other officials and they have merely given us assurances, but no one has acted 
upon it, he revealed. 

 “There is lot of work to be done in the area and all the weeds should be 
removed and the sluice gate should also be repaired if the farmers are to get 
back to work,” panch member, Laxman Gurav emphasised, adding that the local MLA 
was contacted, who has assured to look into the matter.

[Goanet] Bicholim library ‘needs a new place’

2017-07-30 Thread samir umarye

05:40am IST 

Established on February 19, 1984, the library has 2,500 members and also 
contains rare books

With the likely demolition of the building housing the Bicholim taluka library, 
readers are in a quandary in finding an alternate place to shift the library. 

It may be stated that the library, which was established on February 19, 1984, 
today has more than 2500 members and is visited by more than 100 people every 
day from the city. The library is presently housed in the government primary 
building at Bicholim and occupies two rooms of the school. 

“The library was earlier under the Education Department and has now been handed 
over to the Department of Art and Culture. The library has several rare books 
and with 2500 members it is an achievement for Bicholim,” says Devesh Kadkade a 
regular reader at the library. “The Education Department has sent a notice to 
the library to shift its premises and so we don’t know where to shift it. The 
new location should also be centrally located so that the readers have easy 
access to it,” Kadkade explained. 

 “The Education Department probably wants to start new classes or want to 
totally demolish the building and construct new premises at its place as the 
foundation stone of the same was laid about six months back,” Kadkade added. 
“Whatever the case we need a good place for the library and government should 
look into the matter.” 

After the notice from the Education Department some of the alert citizens sent 
a memorandum the Chief Minister who in turn asked the Goa Education Development 
Corporation to resolve the issue.Following the development, the chairman of the 
corporation, Kanta Patnekar, inspected the site and suggested some new premises 
for the building. But the readers are still in dark as exactly where the 
library would be shifted.

[Goanet] A muddy and bumpy ride for Katarwada locals

2017-06-23 Thread samir umarye
The residents of Katarwada in Bicholim have been forced to commute along the 
muddy road for more than a decade.

Travelling along the road becomes a near to impossible proposition especially 
during monsoons as the same develops potholes.

" Earlier there was just a small pathway and now we have a road here which has 
been neglected.

The politicians assure that they would hotmix it but once the elections are 
over they totally forget about us," complained Rohini Gawde from Katarwada.

" During summer, the road turns dusty and the dust pollutes our houses," she 

Another resident Prashida Parsekar said, “ The real problem is faced during 
monsoon as several accidents have occurred on this road on account of the 
potholes developed along the route and nobody is bothered about the situation. 
In case of an emergency even the ambulance driver refuses to commute along the 
road as the road gets waterlogged during monsoons." “ There is also a factory 
in the area and the people have complained that the movement of trucks on this 
road has worsened its condition. Huge potholes have developed due to the 
movement of heavy vehicles which has turned the same into a death trap," 
Prashida complained.

Only a portion of the road has been illuminated with streetlights but 
pedestrians find it difficult to make their way back home at night. The people 
complain that the area too faces frequent power failures and have now demanded 
that the authorities look into the matter and come out with a solution.

samir Umarye BiCHoliM

[Goanet] Paying double to conduct business

2017-06-09 Thread samir umarye
he Bicholim fruit and vegetable vendors and the municipality are in a tussle 
over where to sell goods even as the sopo collector is charging vendors double 
the amount.

The new municipal market was inaugurated on October 24, 2012, after demolishing 
the old shops, and the fruit vendors were given space in this market.

But after about five to six months most of the vendors abandoned the place 
given to them and started sitting on the steps, outside the market.

When this was brought to the notice of the municipality, they acted sternly 
with the vendors but there was not much change. “ We are repeatedly asking the 
vendors to sit inside the market and sell their goods but they are not ready to 
listen. The municipality has acted on this several times but it has not yielded 
any results” Bicholim municipal council deputy Chairman, Ajit Birje said.

“ If we tell them to occupy the place given to them they abuse us and accuse us 
of harassing them. We have allotted a very good place for them but they are not 
ready to conduct their business there. If all of them sit inside then naturally 
the buyers will come to them in the market and it will also not create any 
hindrance to the general public,” he added.

The fruit vendors who sit outside the market also reserve the place given to 
them by the municipality and pays sopo at two places.

They sit outside but in the evening keep all the belongings at the space given 
by the municipality.

When contacted the fruit vendors said “ We have seen that if we sit on the 
places allotted by the municipality we suffer huge losses.” Reshma Mayekar said 
and added, “ Last year during the Ganesh festival, the municipality had 
confiscated our vegetables and fruits. They charged us Rs 500 to return the 
goods but we did not pay the fine and suggested they keep it” The vendors feel 
they do not have any problem to sit inside but wants some other vendors who 
sell their goods outside to be given a place in the market. “ We are ready to 
sit inside provided the municipality shifts everyone inside and does not allow 
anyone to conduct business by sitting outside the market or on the footpath,” 
she said.

When contacted, the sopo collector conceded he was charging double the fees. " 
It is the look out of the municipality and it is equally true that they do not 
get business if they sit inside the market," Gaonkar the sopo collector said.

market or on the footpath.

— Reshma Mayekar, Vegetabel vendor, Bicholim Fruit and vegetable vendors in 
Bicholim sit outside the new municipal market to conduct business samir umarye 

[Goanet] PACK OF CARDS : In Sal village at least 40 voters have two voter cards

2017-06-05 Thread samir umarye
BICHoLIM: Living in villages which border the state could at times become a 
boon in diguise, especially during the elections. This, it seems, has come true 
for the voters of Sal village.

In a startling revelation, a panchayat candidate from Sal in Bicholim has 
stated that more than 40 residents from the Goa- Maharastra border have dual 
voting cards and exercise their voting rights both in Goa as well as in 

Speaking to Herald, Meghasham Raut from Sal who is also contesting the 
panchayat elections has raised a strong objection to this and has also asked 
the Bicholim Mamlatdar to look into the matter. These 40- odd voters are 
staying in the Tillari rehabilitation area which is on the border of Goa and 
Dodamarg- Maharashtra.

“ It is a huge scam. There is one person who is doing all these for money,” 
Raut claimed. “ About 40 people from this village have their names registered 
in Maharashtra and as well as in Goa. They are voters of the Sawantawadi 
constituency as well as Bicholim constituency.

“ This is in gross violation and we have already informed the Bicholim 
mamlatdar,” Raut claimed.

It may be stated that the Sal panchayat through a letter dated April, 1, 2017 
had already submitted a letter with the names and the serial number of the 
voters recorded in Bicholim and Sawantawadi constituency but no action WHAT 
DOES THE RULE SAY I f a person moves his/ her residence to another assembly 
constituency then he/ she does not remain a valid voter of previous 
constituency. The person has to register afresh as voter in the new assembly 
constituency. Hence the new card is issued and old card becomes invalid 
has been taken so far.

“ I will surely go to court. I have also requested the CM and the local MLA to 
look into the matter,” Raut stated “ there are about 598 voters In the ward and 
at times even a single vote could make a huge difference and here there are 
about 40 bogus votes/ voters.” " When we asked the mamletdar, he told us that 
the voting list has already been made and he would go as per the same 
document," Raut concluded.

[Goanet] Bicholkars fear repeat of sludge floods

2017-05-25 Thread samir umarye

With monsoons fast approaching, Bicholim residents, especially those residing 
near the mining area fear a repeat of the 2009 incident wherein they were 
forced to evacuate on account of sludge entering into their houses following 
heavy downpour.

It may be recalled that in 2009, a number of people were evacuated to safer 
places as the sludge entered into around 60 houses and a temple at Poira, 
Advalpal and Valshi in Bicholim taluka following heavy downpour and many of 
them were not able to salvage their belongings.

On July 16, 2011, the fields in Mulgao were damaged after a mining pit gave way 
and the sludge flowed into the village.

Heavy rains, which lashed Bicholim on June 6, 2016, caused havoc at Pazwada as 
mining sludge entered into around eight houses and boulders too came crashing 
down disrupting traffic along the road for over an hour. The mining sludge 
caused damage to electric gadgets and other home appliances belonging to Suresh 
Verekar and Sushant Verekar.

According to the Bicholim Municipal Council, the premonsoon work in most wards 
is already complete and the civic body has instructed the mining company to 
follow proper guidelines.

“ We have already cleaned the gutters in all 12 wards by employing around 18 
labourers. We have also taken precautions to ensure no water logging occurs in 
future on the roads. We will employ another 10 labourers for the purpose,” 
Satish Gaonkar, BMC chairman informed.

Gaonkar said, “ We have asked the company to monitor the situation in the 
mining area on daily basis. The mining company has cleaned the areas in four 
wards and samir umarye bicholim

has also paid Rs 20 lakh as compensation to the residents,” Gaonkar told.

Despite the tall claims by the authorities, the residents of Bicholim and other 
mining affected villages fear that such incidents might occur during monsoons.

“ There have been several incidents where sludge has entered the houses in 
Bicholim following heavy rains,” Vidhyadhar Raut from Bicholim said.

“ It is up to the authorities to take up the issue with the mining company and 
issue proper guidelines to ensure that such incidents don’t occur in future. 
The river has also not been desilted since the past several years and it might 
cause flooding in the area,” Raut claimed.


[Goanet] Mining cos prepared for monsoon

2017-05-21 Thread samir umarye

BICHOLIM: Bicholim police authorities today called a special meeting of mining 
companies from Bicholim and Sattari taluka in order to understand their 
preparations to avoid calamities during monsoon.

The meeting held under the guidance of the Bicholim Dy Sp Ramesh Gaonkar was 
attended by Bicholim PI, Narayan Chimulkar and representatives of 18 mining 
companies functioning in Bicholim and Sattari taluka.

During the discussion Dysp, Ramesh Gaonkar instructed the company officials to 
properly monitor the situation and undertake remedial measures in case any 
natural calamities like landslides, breaching of bund and others such incidents 
take place. 

The instructions like pumping out stagnated water from the mining pit, to 
undertake precautions to have proper drainage of monsoon water during heavy 
rains were given by the police to the mining company officials.

The DySP also assured them that the police team would be despatched for rescue 
operations in case the need arises.  The mining officials said  they had  taken 
all the precautions and would monitor the situation on regular basis during the 
rainy season.

[Goanet] 8 wells in Bicholim polluted: Residents

2017-05-15 Thread samir umarye

BICHOLIM: The residents have claimed that around eight wells in Muslimwada, 
Bicholim have been polluted on account of the chemicals released by a factory 
operating from the industrial estate.

It may be noted that these wells are located close to the Bicholim Industrial 
Estate and the residents have claimed that it is due to some chemicals from the 
factory that the wells have been rendered useless.

They have demanded immediate action into the matter.

Adam Aga, a resident complained that they have been facing this problem since 
last several years and the wells get contaminated especially during summer.

“ This year, eight wells have been contaminated due to chemical and acid from 
the industrial estate.

We have already approached the Health Department but there is no action being 
taken,” Adam Aga informed.

According to the residents, when they draw out the water from the well they 
find a chemical layer on the water. The women complain that when they try to 
wash their utensils they get damaged and if they use the well water for bathing 
purpose the body starts to itch.

“ These are our age- old wells and we never had such problem. Since last 3- 4 
years we are facing this problem. We cannot totally depend on tap water and 
hence use these wells to meet our daily water requirements,” Prabhakar Kambli 
said adding “ If we used the same for gardening purpose the plants die.” “ 
Acting on our complaints, the health department inspected the wells but after 
that nothing happened,” he added.

Meanwhile, the residents have also complained to the local MLA to look into the 

One of the eight wells in Muslimwada, Bicholim has been polluted on account of 
the chemicals released by a factory operating from the industrial estate.


[Goanet] Valvanti’s anti climax: From Singham2 shooting spot to dhobi ghat

2017-05-12 Thread samir umarye
river Valvanti used by non locals to wash their clothes; Angry local residents 
now call it ‘dhobi ghat’; Want a public toilet built to serve all 

A nybody who has seen the film Singham 2 will remember the River Valvanti. It 
is also famous for the festivals held on its banks at Sanquelim, especially 
after they were developed some years ago by the government bringing a new look 
to the entire area.

But today, the same banks, close to the Vitthal temple at Sanquelim, are not as 
picturesque as they used to be.

Angry local residents now call it ‘ dhobi ghat’. What has angered residents is 
that the area has turned into a bathing place for non locals who also wash 
their clothes in the river water. This can be seen happening every morning and 
it continues unabated.

This area is also has several bandharas, which add colour to the existing 
natural beauty, that take water to pumping station which supplies water to the 
Padosem treatment plant at Sanquelim.

“ There are about eight bandharas from Keri to Sanquelim and so we have lots of 
water stored through these bandharas. But here on the banks of the River 
Valvanti at Vitthalapur, it is another scene that we see.

Several people from outside the village and state come to this ‘ ghat’ to wash 
their clothes and they spread all their material here to dry,” Sanquelim 
resident Santosh Chari complained.

“ The same dirty water is then pumped in by the nearby pump station and sent to 
Padosem water treatment plant. To add to this, there are times they also answer 
nature’s call in the open water which pollutes the area. All this should be 
stopped immediately,” Chari said.

This place takes on a festive look especially on Day 5 of the zatra and also 
during the Tripurari Poornima festival which is held annually.

The area was made famous some years ago. “ This is really a good spot where 
Bollywood movie Singham 2 was shot but today it has been totally neglected. The 
benches by the side of the river have been broken and the government has also 
not paid any attention to it,” Prakash Naik stated.

Mahesh Naik from Sanquelim had a similar opinion and felt that the authorities 
should at the very least build a toilet in the area. “ There are several 
festivals held in the area but it is surprising that there is no permanent 
toilet facility available in the area. Due to this non- Goans use the river 
side to answer nature’s call.

Today it looks like it is more of a ‘ dhobi ghat’ with so many of them washing 
and drying their clothes here,” he said.

samir umarye sanquelim

[Goanet] Goa board website showed extra marks

2017-05-07 Thread samir umarye
PANAJI: Science stream students of Shri Shantadurga higher secondary school, 
Bicholim, and their parents today took the higher secondary teachers to task 
when they found that the internal marks mentioned in the marksheet of students 
were less in comparison to the marks that were shown on Goa board's website. 
 On Wednesday, many higher secondary students had come along with their parents 
to collect their marksheets from the higher secondary school.

When some of the science students noted discrepancies in the marksheet with 
regards to their internal marks given and that shown on the website, the issue 

There were about 207 students of the science stream. Speaking to reporters , 
chairman of Vidhyavardhak mandal, Bicholim, Vijay Sardesai said that, 
initially, Goa board authorities had shown extra marks on its website.(toi)

[Goanet] Thinned out Bicholim traffic cell struggling to cope with work load

2017-05-01 Thread samir umarye
SAMIR UMARYE BICHOLIM: Commissioned in 2015 and that too with minimal staff, 
the Bicholim Traffic Cell has been managing traffic in Bicholim and Sattari. 
But to add to its woes, half of its personnel were transferred recently, 
leaving the remaining staff overburdened.

According to sources, besides Bicholim and Sattari, Sanquelim and Valpoi too 
come under its jurisdiction, though a police inspector was appointed recently.

“ There are lots of traffic violations in Bicholim as no one bothers to follow 
the rules. Even the traffic police are helpless due to the staff crunch and 
cannot regulate such a big area,” Tejash Khedekar, a resident said.

“ People feel that the government should increase the traffic cell’s staff 

What is the use of a traffic cell, if it has not staff to manage Bicholim and 
Sattari areas,” Khedekar claimed.

Bicholim Traffic Cell incharge Sudesh Narvekar admitted that the cell was 
facing a staff crunch.

“ We have to manage three municipalities and over 30 panchayats. With just 60 
staff, it is not possible to manage these areas,” Narvekar complained adding, “ 
Despite this, we are trying our best to control the traffic congestion.

Through a drive we have booked over 1000 cases of traffic violations and in 
cases where minor children were involved we also called their parents to the 
police station.” “ We have also tried to bring about awareness among the people 
and are in touch with the municipalities for necessary support,” he informed 
adding, “ We have also suggested a zebra crossing and more signboards in the 
town.” According to information, there were 60 personnel deployed at the 
Traffic Cell, but last week around 30 were transferred to other police stations 
including Mapusa, Porvorim and Panjim.

The higher authorities feel there are no major traffic problems in the villages 
and this was the reason behind the move.

“ It is wrong to claim that there is no traffic in these areas. In 2017, we 
have reported 10 fatal accidents in these areas and have now identified Mulgao, 
Gokulwadi, Sanquelim, Honda junction, Valpoi market, PHC Sanquelim junction and 
Sarvan bus stop as accident- prone areas,” sources in the traffic cell informed.

Following the transfer of personnel, many residents also met Bicholim MLA 
Rajesh Patnekar and requested him to look into the matter.

[Goanet] Bicholim MLA calls for creating awareness to prevent KFD

2017-04-29 Thread samir umarye

BICHOLIM: Bicholim MLA Rajesh Patnekar has called for bringing about awareness 
of Kyasanur Forest Disease ( KFD) so that the diseased does not spread to other 
parts of Goa.

Addressing a programme organized by Indian Medical Association in Bicholim on 
bringing about awareness on monkey fever, Patnekar said, “ Even though monkey 
fever is confined to only Valpoi, still there should be awareness among the 
people in other cities. The only way to prevent deadly diseases from attacking 
people is to bring about awareness among the masses.” He also appreciated the 
efforts of Indian Medical Association and he Public Health Centre for 
organizing the programme.

IMA Goa chief Medha Salkar urged the builders and contractors to maintain 
proper hygiene of the workers.

“ It is not only the duty of health centre by also general public to keep our 
surrounding clean,” Dr Medha


Dr Utkarsha Bethodkar gave a power point presentation on KFD. He said that the 
disease spread in Valpoi through tick bites when people had gone to forests and 
cashew plantations. The disease attacked Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and 
Maharastara before spreading to Goa.

Dr Bethodkar said that all anti- mosquito repellents are effective against 
ticks, besides the health department is also giving the villagers special oils 
as prevention against KFD. Forest officer Pankaj Salelkar from Mhadei range and 
Veterinary doctor from Pernem, Yogesh shared their experience with KFD. 
Bicholim veterinary doctor, Rajesh Keni urged the public to inform them in case 
if there is a monkey death so that a postmortem could be conducted.


[Goanet] Mayem sarpanch survives trust vote, moves to oust deputy

2017-04-29 Thread samir umarye

BICHOLIM: After surviving an ouster vote and in apparent settling of scores, 
Mayem- Vaiginim Sarpanch Urvi Masurkar has joined five others in filing a 
noconfidence motion against Deputy Sarpanch Vijaykumar Pole, on Friday.

The other signatories to the motion in the 11- member panchayat are Narendra 
Tari, Narendra Mayekar, Kishor Karbotkar, Sanjai Arondekar and Suvarna 

The no- trust motion is moved against Pole for not taking other members into 
confidence while taking decision and not cooperating with others in developing 
the village.

The no confidence motion against Masurkar was put for secret voting last 
Tuesday, which she survived after two panchas from the opposition group voted 
against the motion.

The no- confidence motion against Masurkar was tabled by Deputy Sarpanch 
Vijaykumar Pole, Pandurang Gaonkar, Veena Chodankar, Neha Thanekar, Mahesh 
Ghadi, Narendra Mayekar and Narendra Tari.

Extension officer Suryajirao Rane from Bicholim BDO presided over the meeting. 
During discussion Sarpanch Masurkar also refuted all the charges levelled 
against her.


[Goanet] Traffic violations galore in Bicholim

2017-04-21 Thread samir umarye
The traffic violations in Bicholim seem to be never ending despite the traffic 
department tightening its noose around the traffic rule violators.

It may be recalled that the traffic cell in Bicholim, which was long pending 
demand, finally saw the light of the day in 2015, with only a few police 

The RTO along with the Bicholim Municipal Council and the Traffic Cell had 
demarcated several places for parking and some lanes were also notified as 

Despite all efforts traffic congestion still continues to be the order of the 

“ There are many areas in Bicholim, which are notified as one- way but nobody 
follows the rules. At many places, one will find a car parked in the two- 
wheeler parking area. The police too have failed to initiate any action in this 
regard,” complained Vinayak Chari, a resident of Bicholim.

As per the rules, the road leading to the Bicholim market has been notified as 
oneway and a signboard has been installed. Hardly, anyone pays heed to this. 
During the bazaar day there is no place for parking even for two- wheelers.

The traffic snarls are witnessed near the Bagayatdar Bazaar, which is a narrow 
road and notified as oneway.

“ This is one of the busiest lanes in Bicholim and despite being notified as 
oneway, cars enter the bazaar from both directions. To add to this, two- 
wheelers and cars are often seen parked on both sides of the lane leading to 
traffic congestion,” complained Kamat, a shopkeeper in the Bayatdar Bazaar.

Last week, a special meeting was held in this regard wherein the BMC, Traffic 
Cell and the RTO decided to take strict action against the traffic rule 

“ We want the people to follow the basic traffic rules and we have asked the 
traffic police to initiate strict action against the violators,” BMC Chairman, 
Satish Gaonkar informed.

“ There should be discipline on the road. We will initiate action against those 
violating the rules. If there is any abandoned car parked then the owner will 
be taken to task. Besides this, there will be zebra crossing and special 
parking place for physically challenged persons as well,” Gaonkar further 

After the meeting, the police initiated action against the traffic violators 
and several people were fined for entering the one- way route near the market 
and the Bagayatdar bazaar. The police sources said that the drive would 
continue in Bicholim.

samir umarye bicholim TRAFFIC WOES• There are many areas in Bicholim, which are 
notified as one- way but nobody follows the rules• The RTO along with the BMC 
and the Traffic Cell had demarcated several places for parking and some lanes 
were also notified as one- way• The traffic snarls are witnessed near the 
Bagayatdar Bazaar, which is a narrow road and notified as one- way• Two- 
wheelers and cars are often seen parked on both sides of the lane leading to 
traffic congestion

[Goanet] Bicholim to stop parking along by-pass road

2017-04-15 Thread samir umarye

BICHOLIM: The Bicholim Municipal Council has decided to make the by-pass road 
free from parking.

Municipal Chairman Satish Gaonkar said that there was too much of indiscipline 
in the town with regards to traffic and parking. “Often cars are found parked 
in lots meant for two-wheeler parking; besides, four-wheelers do not follow 
guidelines,” Gaonkar said.

He informed that government has sanctioned Rs 10 crore for the development of 
Bicholim and with it the entire by-pass road from Walshi to Bicholim bus stand 
and surrounding area would be beautified. 

“Four-wheelers and heavy vehicles are found parked along the by-pass road. We 
will discuss this in the council meeting and make the by-pass road parking 
free,” Gaonkar said.

He informed that Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar is taking keen interest in the 
development of Bicholim and has also asked them to submit a proposal for the 
all round development of the constituency. 

[Goanet] CCTVs at 19 places in Bicholim town

2017-04-15 Thread samir umarye

BICHOLIM: The Bicholim Municipal Council has decided to install CCTV cameras at 
19 strategic locations in the city for the benefit of the public.

As per the information provided by BMC Chairperson Satish Gaonkar, the 
municipality had demanded three things with MP Shantaram Naik out of which one 
has been fulfilled while the demand for CCTV cameras is in progress.

“ We had demanded three things and we have already got a hearse van and the MP 
has promised to give us a garbage van. The proposal of CCTV cameras has been 
moved to the collector and has already got in principle approval and because of 
election code of conduct it was delayed,” Gaonkar said.

Gaonkar informed that the municipality has already spotted 19 locations in the 
city where the cameras would be installed.

“ After the cameras are installed it would surly benefit the police to maintain 
check on the crime and other illegalities including parking in the wrong area,” 
Gaonkar said adding, “ all this is done to bring in discipline in the city and 
thereby benefit the general public.”


[Goanet] Sal locals feel ‘ overtaxed’ in their village

2017-04-10 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

Sal village which is along the Goa- Maharashtra border at Dodamarg is one
of the picturesque villages attracting the tourists with several

A small village with just seven wards, Sal is rich in natural resources
including water as many villagers are still into agriculture. The elected
panch members include Ramnath Baikar, Pranali Naik; Aapa Raut; Ganesh Raut;
Ajjan Naik; Ghanasham Raut and Deepa Raut.

The panchayat is facing a host of problems with the bandhara issue being
the long pending one. The inauguration of bridge for the light motor
vehicles over the bandhara connecting Sal to Ibrampur- Pernem made it
famous. But the popularity of the spot has been a cause for concern for the
villagers as they feel insecure in their village.

The gram sabha had in the past taken several resolutions to stop people
from entering the waters at the bandhara which continues till date.

“ On several occasions we wrote letters to the Chief Minister and the
higher authorities to stop the picnickers from coming here. But they have
failed to act against them. A part of the bandhara comes under the
jurisdiction of Ibrampur panchayat and we feel that they should act in this
regard,” Sal sarpanch Ghanasham Raut informed.

The villagers also complain that the agriculture department and the forest
department have not taken any steps to minimize the bison and monkeys
menace as these animals have destroyed the fields.

“ There have been several instances when our fields have been destroyed by
bison, monkeys and peacocks and despite complaining to the Agriculture
Department nothing has happened,” complained Deelip Desai, a farmer.

Another major problem the panchayat faces, especially after the famous Gade
festival is that of garbage.

During the three- day festival thousands of people throng this village and
litter the area with the garbage and the panchayat finds it difficult to
clear the same.

What has further irked the villagers is the recent increase in the fees for
obtaining several NOCs.

“ They have increased the fees for NOCs which is almost 150 times” Gajanan
Raut, informed adding that “ We don’t know the reason behind this and it
was done without taking us into confidence.” As per the information the
income certificate fees have been hiked from Rs 20 to Rs 50. NOC for water
and electric connection has been increased from Rs 50 to Rs 500. Besides
this, the villagers have now to pay Rs 500 as house transfer fees, house
tax bifurcation fees and business NOC fees. The fees for issuing of
residence, marriage, house repair and other certificates too have been

Sal, which is still away from the town, has now slowly started developing
and at several places the land has been developed into plots. The same is
being sold to non- Goans, which has raised several eyebrows in the village.


[Goanet] Despite development, Karapur- Sarvan is beset with host of problems

2017-03-06 Thread samir umarye

K arapur- Sarvan, which is a having 11- member panchayat, has witnessed major 
development in the area since last five years.

The panchayat’s strategic location has given it an upper hand over other 
panchayats in the taluka. Since the last five years, several housing projects 
have come up in the panchayat area as a result of which the price of land has 
increased. There are several establishments including banks, petrol pump, 
Bicholim PHC and the new Bicholim Police Station in the panchayat jurisdiction.

D e - s p i t e these faci l i t ies, the residents complain that not much has 
been done by the panchayat.

“ The panchayat has always been busy in internal politics. Seven sarpanchas 
have been elected while on the other hand the panchayat has witnessed three 
deputy sarpanchas,” claimed Tukaram Sawant, a resident.

“ In some places, the panchayat has repaired the roads and has also developed 
some lakes. But major problems such as garbage and water scarcity have been 
ignored,” Sawant added.

The residents of Vitthalapur, Gokulwada and Ektanagar complain that every year 
in April and May, they face acute water scarcity and have accused the panchayat 
of not doing anything to solve the problem.

They further complained that Vathadev village has been reeling under the 
garbage problem and the panchayat has turned Nelson’s eye to this problem too.

Deputy Sarpanch Dheeraj S a w a• t claims they have proposed a new building and 
during the current tenure the existing building has been renovated.

“ In some wards we have replaced old electricity wires with new ones and we 
have also renovated the local lakes which were neglected all these years,” 
Sawant informed.

He lamented that despite making several requests to the elected representatives 
they were unable to sanction a playground for the panchayat.

The panchayat is faced with another problem – the increasing number of roadside 
vendors along the Bicholim- Sanquelim road.

“ Many are non- Goans who are conducting business by the roadside and this has 
increased since last five years. It has severely af- appointment FACTFILE• 
Since the last five years, several housing projects have come up in the 
panchayat area due to which the price of land has increased• There are several 
establishments including banks, petrol pump, bicholim PHC and the new bicholim 
Police Station in the panchayat jurisdiction• The panchayat has always been 
busy in internal politics• Seven sarpanchas and three deputy sarpanchas have 
been elected in last five years• The panchayat has repaired the roads and has 
developed some lakes• Vitthalapur, Gokulwada and ektanagar residents face acute 
water scarcity in april & May every year• Vathadev village reeling under the 
garbage problem• number of roadside vendors along the bicholim- Sanquelim road 
has increased thereby hindering the smooth flow of traffic along the highway 
PANCH NAMA Karapur Sarvan sAMiR UMARyE Karapur sarvan Vitthalapur, Gokulwada 
and ektanagar residents face acute water scarcity in april & May every year; 
Vathadev village reeling under the garbage problem The panchayat has always 
been busy in internal politics.

Seven sarpanchas have been elected while on the other hand the panchayat has 
witnessed three deputy sarpanchas Tukaram Sawant, a resident


[Goanet] Grave desecrated at Sanquelim, body stolen

2017-03-05 Thread samir umarye

BICHOLIM: In a shocking incident, unknown persons desecrated a nine- day old 
grave and stole the body from a kabrastan at Sanquelim.

According to the information, one Abdul Karim Akhtar ( 56) died of natural 
cause on February 22. His final rites were performed the next day. But on 
Saturday, at around 7 am, when the family members went to the kabrastan to 
perform some religious rituals they were shocked to see that the grave was 

The son of the deceased, Osim Akhtar, immediately informed the Bicholim police.

Bicholim DySP Ramesh Gaonkar, PI Narayan Chimulkar along with SDM Shripad 
Arlekar went to the site and inspected the grave.

On closer inspection, they were shocked to discover that the body of Akhtar was 

The dog squad was pressed into service, but was not able to sniff out any clue.

The police have registered the case under Section 297 IPC against unknown 
persons for hurting the religious sentiments. Bicholim PSI, Harish Gawas is 
investigating the case.

On Saturday, at around 7 am, when the family members went to the kabrastan to 
perform some religious rituals they were shocked to see that the grave was 


[Goanet] Tillari water delay has Sal’s chilli farmers in a fix

2017-03-03 Thread samir umarye
The delay in water supply to the fields in Sal through the Tillari irrigation 
project has left the farmers especially those involved in chilli cultivation in 
the area in a fix, with most of them fearing crop loss.

It may be recalled that after the monsoon season the authorities had stopped 
the Tillari water citing repair work. Herald had highlighted the plight of the 
farmers and the losses they could incur due to the untimely stoppage of   
Tillari waters. For around two months, the water was stopped and the farmers 
from Sal, who are dependent on the water, had to undergo hardship.

“As there was a delay in water supply, we had no other option but to take up 
chilli cultivation,” Suryakant Raut, a farmer from Sal said adding, “We 
cultivated chilli almost a month-and-a half later, as compared to the last 
year, and this will certainly lead to problems in future.”

“Chilli cultivation requires lots of water and as there was no supply, we had 
to delay the same. This will surely lead to losses as we will not be able to 
get the crop ready by May if there is a delay in the monsoon,” Raut claims 
saying, “In case of other crops, there is no problem, as they require less 
water but this year we are estimating 20 per cent loss in chilli produce.”

There are about 200 farmers who cultivate various types of crops in Sal and 
most feel that chilli crop will be affected this year due to the delay in the 
Tillari water supply.

“We have also cultivated cowpea along with chilli but they may not be affected 
as they require very less water. Besides the delay in water supply, there are 
some other problems the farmers are faced with, which would reduce the 
production. The presence of peacocks in the fields too has posed a serious 
threat to farming and if one fails to keep a check on them especially during 
the day, these birds would surely destroy the fields,” said Sawjanya Naik from 

[Goanet] Forced to answer nature’s call in the open

2017-02-24 Thread samir umarye

he sorry state of affairs at the public toilet in the Bicholim market has 
forced the public to answer nature’s call in the open.

The lethargic attitude of the municipality has left the toilet stinking due to 
lack of water supply and to add to it the lone toilet in the market has almost 
been rendered useless with its broken doors and unrepaired taps.

It may be recalled that the new municipal building and the fish market was 
inaugurated on October 24, 2012 at the hands of the Deputy Chief Minister 
Francis D’Souza.

The toilet constructed next to the fish market functioned well till the time it 
was auctioned.

Some six months after the auction the Bicholim Municipal Council took over the 
charge of maintaining the toilet.

“ When the toilet was auctioned it was well maintained and when the same was 
taken over by BMC all the problems started,” said a vendor market on the 
condition of anonymity. “ Most of the time there is no water and whenever such 
thing occurs they prefer to shut the gents toilet, forcing the people to 
urinate in the open.” “ If anyone visits the gents toilet they are faced with 
broken doors and unrepaired taps. The septic tank is overflowing and the BMC is 
not even paying any attention to this,” Satish Gimonkar, a shopkeeper says 
adding that “ shopkeepers run in a loss as they lose customers on account of 
the stink emanating from the toilet.” When contacted for his comments on the 
current situation, BMC Deputy Chairman, Ajit Birje blamed the election code of 
conduct which is force.

“ The tender process already done but is delayed because of the election code 
of conduct in force. By March 13, everything would fall in place,” Birje added.

samir umarye bicholim If anyone visits the gents toilet they are faced with 
broken doors and unrepaired taps. The septic tank is overflowing and the BMC is 
not even paying any attention to this.

Shopkeepers run in a loss as they lose customers on account of the stink 
emanating from the toilet — Satish Gimonkar, a shopkeeper


[Goanet] This bamboo railing can bamboozle anyone

2017-02-17 Thread samir umarye

T he temporary bamboo- made railing near the recently beautified river front at 
Bicholim has raised many an eyebrow in the area as the locals fear that the 
site being unsafe could result in a tragedy anytime in the near future.

The residents have expressed concern over the grave threat posed by the 
temporary structure at the site and claimed that the authorities despite 
spending a whopping amount, have failed to construct a strong and permanent 
railing, which was a necessity.

It may be recalled that the foundation stone for the beautification of the “ 
Setu Sangam” between two bridges in Bicholim was laid on July 24, 2016 the work 
of which was carried out by the WRD. The river front was inaugurated some 
months before the elections.

“ It is surprising that the authorities have just placed a temporary bamboo- 
made structure as railing connecting the bridge and the river front 
beautification site. If they had spent so much on this project they could have 
built a small wall as a railing near the bridge,” Vinayak Chari, a resident 

“ There are many people who visit this place, especially in the evenings and 
there are also children who play at this site and the bamboo railing near the 
bridge poses as a grave threat,” Chari added.

“ This is a good project but the bamboo railing is taking away its charm. The 
authorities have done everything to beautify the project but they have left 
this small area untouched which could cause accidents,” Sushant Desai, another 
local said.

When contacted, BMC Dy Chairman, Ajit Birje admitted that the area is dangerous.

" The property belongs to Water Resources Department and the authorities should 
have constructed a wall and if they failed to do so, the BMC may take up the 
work," Birje added.

Residents have expressed concern over the grave threat posed by the temporary 
bamboo- made railing at the site; Claim that the authorities despite spending a 
whopping amount, have failed to construct a strong and permanent railing, which 
was a necessity samir umarye bicholim


[Goanet] Mining truck owners urge companies to hire vehicles again

2017-01-30 Thread samir umarye

BICHOLIM: At least 130 truck owners from Pali mines have urged the companies 
and the government to hire their trucks once again, which were thrown out by 
calling them as ‘ outsiders’. Speaking at a press conference truck owners of 
two mining company from Pali stated that the company has asked them to stop 
work by calling them outsiders. The truck owners who are asked to stop work are 
from Surla, Tivim, Ponda, Bicholim and other areas.

A truck owner Vishwanath Mandrekar stated that their trucks are with the 
company since more than 20 years and it is surprising that the company has now 
given such as excuse to stop their trucks.

“ Most of the truck owners are with the company since last more than 20 years.

The company should have at least allowed one truck of the owner so that their 
families would not be facing financial problems,” Mandrekar said.

Vishnu Kambli, another truck owner, stated that after the resumption of mining 
they were hoping that they would get some work but even that hope has been 
dashed because of the order of the company.

“ We demand with the company that they should reinstate our trucks before the 
elections,” Kambli said.

Raghunath Parab, Vishram Naik, Mandar Samant and others were present for the 
press conference.


[Goanet] Pawar asks people to send home BJP, Cong for closing mining

2017-01-30 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: The NCP President Sharad Pawar has urged the people to send home both 
the BJP and the Congress, the former for stopping mining and the latter for 
supporting it.

Addressing a public meeting in Sanquelim on Sunday, Pawar said, “ Today in 
Sanquelim there is mining problem and former chief minister Manohar Parrikar is 
responsible for the same. As mining was stopped abruptly, the same way 
demonetisation was done. About 11 crore people stood in queue for getting their 
own money. Everywhere in the world we were made a laughing stock.” “ Even 
though Goa is small, it is famous all over the world. It is because of the Goan 
culture, secularism and all these aspects have been preserved in the State. 
There is need to preserve it,” Pawar said.

Sanquelim NCP candidate Pratap Gawas came down on Parrikar heavily saying that 
he “ is not concerned with the defence of the country.” Party General Secretary 
Praful Patel said, “ Congress has always tried to avoid people. In Goa, there 
are several problems including mining, regional plan and other issues which are 
kept hanging since last several years. BJP did not implement RP as they wanted 
to make money.” He informed that he had given sanction for Mopa airport, when 
he was the minister for civil aviation in the UPA government led by then prime 
minister Manmohan Singh.

Maharastra Mahila President Chitra Wagh said that BJP failed to fulfil even a 
single promise at the State and national level.

Meanwhile, addressing an election rally in Vasco, Pawar accused Prime Minister 
Narendra Modi of missing important issues in his speech at Goa.


[Goanet] Mayem constituency 2017 On Their Land EVACUEES

2017-01-20 Thread samir umarye
F or several years Mayem has been grappling with several land- related issues 
including the evacuee property, which has been simmering across the area.

The issue will be a major agenda for the voters of Mayem, though the BJP- led 
government had claimed to have resolved it, but on the contrary, the victims 
feel otherwise.

Mayem too has been hit by unemployment, pollution and poor infrastructure but a 
solution seem to elude the constituency.

The constituency has witnessed change in guard be it MGP under late Shashikala 
Kakodkar’s period, Congress and now BJP with Speaker Anant Shet elected for the 
last two terms, nothing much has changed.

The famous “ ya ya Maya ya” still reverberates the air in the constituency but 
the beauty of Mayem lake is fading.

The constituency comprises of the panchayats of Mayem- Vaiguinim, Narve, 
Shirgao, Pilgao, Ona- Maulingem - Kudchirem, Sarvan- Karapur and the recently 
included Chorao Island.

The people here have been complaining of unemployment, pollution and poor 

Well before the polls, the locals have already geared up and have been 
highlighting the evacuee property and proposed Chorao bridge issues.

As the BJP tried to solve most problems relating to the evacuee property the 
Mayem Bhoo Vimochan Nagrik Kruti Samiti was not satisfied with the sanads 
provided by the government.

The samiti president Kashinath Mayekar came down heavily on the BJP claiming it 
a “ political stunt”. “ We will not vote for BJP as they have not solved the 
issue completely and has kept it pending”, Mayekar said.

Besides the evacuee property issue there are issues such as mokashe land at 
Maulinguem and government land at Kudchirem and they seem to be never- ending.

“ The people from Maulinguem and Kudchirem cannot even take the benefit of 
agriculture schemes. If elected, we will solve the land issues in Maulinguem 
and Kudchirem through the Tenancy Act. We would accord priority to these 
issues,” Goa Suraksha Manch candidate Atmaram Gaonkar assured.

The long pending demand of Chorao villagers has been the construction of the 
bridge and almost all governments seem to have ignored the same. Just before 
the elections when the locals took up the issue, the BJP- led government “ 
hurriedly” tried to acquire the land and even a tender was floated. But the 
people are not satisfied and have questioned the government as to why it failed 
to look into the matter for all these years.

Mayem constituency is also famous for its lake and temples.

The government has already commenced the work to develop the lake while the 
renovation and beautification work of some temples including the one at Vargao 
will begin soon.

The victory of the candidate in the constituency would depend on the one who 
will convince the voters in solving the major problems of Mayem.

This time, the BJP has fielded Pravin Zantye, who earlier contested twice from 
Mayem and failed to get elected. The first meeting of Zantye, which was held 
recently could well be considered as success and he was able to pull most BJP 
karyakartas on his side and more so because many youth attended the meeting.

“ My first priority would be to bring an industry in the constituency and 
create employment,” Zantye said. “ Our family has always been into social work 
and I would do my best to solve the problems in Mayem.” The support from Anant 
Shet’s group would further increase Zantye’s prospects.

Though Zantye thinks of sailing through with the help of his BJP karyakartas 
and his supporters from Congress, but there seems to be a mix of caste and 
politics in Mayem.

Some have alleged that Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar has supported a 
Saraswat in Zantye. Others claim that Zantye is an ‘ outsider’ and people 
should vote only for a local candidate.

This time the Congress has introduced a new face in Santosh Sawant, who in his 
manifesto claims to solve the land issues in Mayem, Maulinguem and Kudchirem. 
Besides he also plans to restore Mayem Lake’s lost glory and has promised new 
panchayat buildings in each panchayat.

“ The voters in Mayem are now educated and they understand what is right and 
wrong. We do not need a candidate, who is imported from some other constituency.

People will vote for me being a local candidate, who has always been at their 
service,” Sawant added.

Besides the above candidates, AAP’s Adv Ajitsingh Rane played an active role in 
the Mayem evacuee issue and also took up mining- related issues in the 

Former Mayem panch Subhash Kinalkar filed his nomination as NCP candidate.

Besides this, there are three Independents -- Ashok Gaonkar, Prabhakar Gaonkar 
and Deepak Dhawaskar.

1991 Dr. Wilfred de Souza The people from Maulinguem and Kudchirem cannot even 
take the benefit of agriculture schemes. If elected, we will solve the land 
issues in Maulinguem and Kudchirem through the Tenancy Act. We would accord 
priority to these issues — Atmaram Gaonkar, Goa Suraksha 

[Goanet] Sanquelim constituency 2017

2017-01-14 Thread samir umarye
MANDATE 1972: TOTAL SEATS: 30 MGP: 18 United Goans ( Sequeira Group) ( UGS): 10 
INC: 1 IND: 1 TRIVIA Construction work for the existing legislative Assembly 
building began on January 22, 1994. It was inaugurated by the then Prime 
Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee on March 5, 2000.

On March 23, 1972, Dayanand Balakrishna Bandodkar was sworn in for a third term 
as Chief Minister. On August, 12, 1973 he passed away in harness. His daughter, 
Mrs. Shashikala Kakodkar, who had been Minister of State for Health, was sworn- 
in as the new chief minister.

1972 Team Herald SANQUELIM: The battle for Sanquelim is simple. Win back the 
hearts of the mining affected.

But it will not be an easy task because the mining affected do not really know 
whom to trust. The BJP which promised them livelihoods due a full- fledged 
restart in mining operations BJP claims that the party has brought about 

However, the other political parties feel that there are several issues which 
were overlooked by the government.

These neglected issues, they feel, will help them in garnering votes in the 
coming Assembly elections.

Major part of the Sanquelim constituency, including Pale, Surla, Navelim and 
Kudnem, is a mining belt and the people here are totally dependent upon mining. 
After mining was stopped, they had to suffer serious hardships. Now the mining 
activity has resumed in the area but people feel it would take time to heal the 
wounds of the truck owners. The candidate’s victory in the constituency would 
also depend upon where these votes would fall.

“ We have brought about all round development of the constituency and BJP has 
also looked into the issue of truck owners when mining was stopped,” 
Sanquelim’s sitting BJP MLA, who is also the party’s candidate, Pramod Sawant 

According to the BJP they have undertaken the work of upgradation and 
renovation of government college Sanquelim and upgradation of government higher 
secondary school, building a Ravindra Bhavan, repairs of old PHC and some other 
works in the last five years. But the opposition feels that they were not able 
to complete the much- awaited Amona- Virdi Bridge which is presently under 

There are several other issues which need to be addressed, including the Sanq u 
e l i m bus stand, the garbage treatment plant, new market and also congestion 
in the market area.

Sanquelim has seen a constant strife between the Sanquelim Municipal Council ( 
SMC) and the local MLA. The SMC Chairman and present Congress candidate, 
Dharmesh Saglani, is openly accusing Dr Sawant of hampering the progress in the 
city. Even though Dharmesh has not yet started his campaigning his campaign 
won’t be easy. Ex- MLA Pratap Gawas is pained at he being denied the ticket and 
it is unlikely that the Gawas stronghold of Cudnaim will support Saglani.

The maratha versus outsider card will also be played.

( Saglani, is technically not a Goan but has lived here long enough and is the 
leader of the All Goa Private Shacks Association) In Sanquelim constituency the 
voters have elected both Congress and BJP candidates in the past. In 2009 after 
the death of the Congress MLA, Gurudas Gawas, Pratap Gawas was elected after 
the re- elections. During this election the BJP had sidelined Dr Suresh Amonkar 
and had given ticket to Dr Pramod Sawant. As Dr Amonkar contested as 
independent Dr Sawant had to face defeat in the elections.

Dr Amonkar is now contesting as Goa Suraksha Manch candidate and would do much 
harm to the major political parties, say sources.

“ Our major stress is on the language, mining and other issues from the 
constituency,” Aashish Thakur, a supporter of GSM said. “ The mining affected 
would strongly support us as they very well know that both Congress and BJP 
were responsible for stopping mining in the TOTAL CANDIDATES: 2 BJP’S SUCCESS 
CLAIMS• Renovation of Government College• Upgradation of government higher 
secondary school• Building Ravindra Bhavan, OPPOSITION ALLEGES• Development 
blocked by MLA since council controlled by opposition ( Dharmesh Saglani, the 
Cong candidate)• Plight of mining affected not addressed CONSTITUENCY WATCH: 
SANQUELIM " 17 state,” he added.

AAP has fielded a young and new face in the constituency in the form of Milind 
Gawas. “ There is corruption in every field in the government and even though 
the government claims that they have brought about development there are 
several pending projects. The sewage treatment plant is still incomplete, there 
are no proper roads and Sanquelim city is not even having a good playground. 
All these issues were neglected by the government,” said Milind Gawas.

Besides all these political parties in the fray there is also an Independent 
candidate who would be in the race -- Dinesh Sahastrabudhe.

Being a former Pali sarpanch, Dinesh is likely to grab away a chunk of the 
rural votes and would certainly make a difference in the calculations, sources 

[Goanet] a ‘ kUrUkSHetra’ called MaYeM: Custodian issue

2017-01-13 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: The Mayem evacuee issue has been simmering across the area and it
will be a major agenda for the voters here, though the BJP- led government
has claimed to have resolved it, but on the contrary, the victims feel

WHAT IS THE EVACUEE ISSUE: THE LAGAAN The village Mayem had its own village
Community possessing the village lands. But as the village Community was
unable to pay the land revenue to the King by an order dated 21/ 1/ 1816,
leased the village lands on royalty basis ( Foro) for three generations
only to one Diogo da Costa de Ataide Teive on annual payment of eight
thousand Xerafins to the Treasury in addition to all payments to Accadaries
( Hakkdars) Bottos ( Bhatts) and other Mercenarious ( servants of the
temples.) As per description No 1259 at page 230 of book 4 ( old) of Bardez
denominated “ Mayem” which taluka is whole village of Bicholim and is
composed of paddy fields, coconut trees, cashew trees, mango trees,
jackfruit trees, arecanuts trees, bamboos etc.

HECTARES The decree said the land would be looked after by ( till) three
generations of Diogo da Costa Ataide Teive.

The third generation passed away in 1929, but the land was not returned to
the Portuguese government.

“ The lease ended in 1929 when the third generation expired with the death
of Jose Jaoquim de Noronha,” informed Mayem Bhuvimmochan Samiti President
Kashinath Mayekar.

Based on the last will of Jose Joaquim de Noronha, the property was handed
over to Dom Eurico Wolfango de Silva.

“ The will was conditional. The conditions imposed by the will by virtue of
which Dom Eurico de Wolfango de Silva was bound to permanently reside in
Mayem,” said Mayekar.

“ De Silva was also bound work towards improvement of the village and was
prohibited from transferring or mortgaging in any manner any part of the
property allotted to him by the virtue of the will,” added Mayekar.

It is said that in 1959, Dom Eurico abandoned Mayem and started residing in
Porvorim ( Serula). Immediately after Goa’s liberation, he left for
Portugal before handing over the property to his wife, Ricardina da Silva.
At present, Ricardina’s nephew, Anton Pereira, claims to be the legal heir
of the property.

THEN THE AGITATION: In 1960- 61, there was widespread agitation against the
landowners in Goa, including Mayem.

In 1962- 63, a petition signed by many Mundkars was forwarded to the
Government of India reporting that all landowners of Mayem had abandoned
their estate and had fled to Portugal. They had requested the government to
take charge of the abandoned properties.

The matter was referred by the Central government to the Goa administration.

The newly formed government seized the entire property of Mayem and Mayem
Evacuee Property and proceeded to enact the Goa Daman, and Diu Evacuee
Property Administration Act 6 of 1964.

Since then, people from Mayem have no rights to the land and are confined
to the Custodian Act.

CURRENT STATUS: For the last several years, political parties have been
garnering votes promising the villagers of solving the issue and once in
power would ( conveniently) forget about it. The BJP government taking
serious note of the issue notified the Goa ( Abolition of Proprietorships,
Titles and Grants of Lands) Act, 2014. Just before the code of conduct the
government also issued 62 sanads to the villagers.

As per the record, the government had received 1,141 applications for
sanads with 1,123 sent for scrutiny.

The North Goa collectorate processed 202 applications of which 62 sanads
were issued.

But all seem not well for the BJP as the Mayem Bhoo Vimochan Nagrik Kruti
Samiti has strongly denounced the act of the government and has called it a
political gimmick.

For representational purpose


[Goanet] Former MP dies

2017-01-13 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

Former North Goa Member of Parliament, Smt. Sanyogita Zoiba Rane Sardesai,
passed away at her Curchirem (Sakhali) residence on Thursday morning. She
was 96 and had been having ill health since last few months.

Rane was North Goa Lok Sabha member for 1980-85 having been elected on the
Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party ticket.

On getting the news about demise of former MP many prominent personalities
that included speaker Anant Shet, Vishwajit Krishnarao Rane, Goa State
Co-op. bank chairman Ulhas Faldesai, Mohan Naik, Stanely Ferrao, Rajesh
Sinari, Prakash Pereira, Joaquim Godinho, Prakash Rane, Vishwasrao Rane,
Deepak Rane, Pradeep Rane, all the members from Rane Sardesai family and
members of North Goa advocates association were gathered in large number to
pay their homage.

[Goanet] Karapur- Sarvan’s water, power, garbage woes still unsolved

2016-12-29 Thread samir umarye
F or years the Karapur- Sarvan panchayat has been facing a series of problems. 
Be it cattle menace, garbage, water and electricity and providing house 
numbers, all these have remained unsolved till date. These issues were taken up 
for discussion at the gram sabhas but the panchayat is yet to provide a 
solution to the same.

First and foremost, the panchayat is encountered with the major problem of 
cattle menace.

Cattle sitting on the middle of the road pose a grave danger to motorists 
especially riders. Several accidents have been reported.

The panchayat in its recent order has decided to impound these cattle and has 
warned the owners that if these animals are found sitting on the road they 
would be transferred to ‘ gau shaala’ at Sattari.

Another issue that has been haunting the panchayat is the garbage problem.

At every gram sabha the garbage problem was discussed but the panchayat body 
has expressed its helplessness in solving it.

“ We have around 11 wards and even if we avail the Rs one lakh subsidy of the 
government it would not be enough to keep the village clean,” Deputy Sarpanch, 
Dheeraj Sawant said.

Sawant further informed that “ Today a daily wage labourer charges Rs 500 per 
day and if we distribute the subsidy of Rs one lakh among 11 panchas then each 
panch would not even get Rs 10,000 per year.” The panchayat is also facing 
frequent power failures and water scarcity. The villagers have blamed the 
authorities for the same.

Another problem the panchayat faces is to provide house numbers as some 
villagers have built their houses on comunidade land. The villagers are now 
demanding that they should be given house numbers for water and electricity 

“ Panchayat cannot give house numbers without legal documents but we are trying 
out best to give them token house numbers so that they can get water and 
power,” Sawant informed The villagers complain that most of the internal roads 
in Govindnagar, Parvatinagar and Karapur – Sarvan areas are in a bad shape and 
have accused the government of neglecting them.

samir Umarye bicholim

[Goanet] HC directions speed up works in Sanquelim

2016-12-28 Thread samir umarye
PANJIM: Sanquelim Municipal Council ( SMC) in a writ petition filed before the 
High Court of Bombay at Goa has been pushing the Directorate of Municipal 
Administration ( DMA) to clear the pending development works.

Addressing the media, SMC Chairperson Dharmesh Saglani said, “ SMC has been 
denied better treatment by the BJP government, this is hampering development 
works of SMC. But after the HC issued directions the process has speeded up.” 
He added, “ Proposals for 27 developmental works submitted by SMC to DMA were 
pending approval and majority of the resolutions passed by SMC over the last 
three and half years were pending execution and during this period, 10 chief 
officers, four junior engineers and four accountants were transferred thus 
hampering the functioning of the SMC.” Saglani alleged that the BJP government 
is purposely hampering works of the council as it is worried that works 
undertaken by the council would lessen the chances of their candidate winning 
in the 2017 Assembly elections.

The High Court on December 15 issued directions to execute all resolutions 
passed by SMC within two months while also ordering DMA to decide on all 
pending proposals from SMC within six weeks. The court further stated that the 
code of conduct, which is likely to come into force soon, shall not affect 
these works.

However, SMC Chief Officer Jitendra Bugde, who was appointed on September 18, 
has assured that the remaining 17 proposals would be resubmitted to DMA and 
that they would require at least two months to go through the pending 
resolutions to verify their viability.

27 development works in the town were pending approval; majority of municipal 
resolutions pending execution Saglani open to Cong ticket Sanquelim Municipal 
Council ( SMC) Chairperson Dharmesh Saglani on Tuesday said he is open to 
contesting in Sanquelim constituency on a Congress ticket. “ I have always been 
a Congressman and I am open for a ticket if the party offers me the chance but 
if that doesn’t happen I will loyally work for whoever gets the Congress 
ticket,” Saglani said.

[Goanet] Mayem’s lake of woe, is a serious village issue now

2016-12-12 Thread samir umarye
MAYEM: The Mayem panchayat has many issues which were discussed during a gram 
sabha held recently. 

Mayem Lake

The Mayem lake renovation is underway and the villagers feel that the project 
is taking too long for completion. "The 9 crore project is taking too long for 
completion and MLA, Anant Shet is not giving attention to the project," said 
Kashinath Mayekar from Mayem.

The project has been delayed and the work is going on at a very slow pace. 
Because of this there are no tourists coming at the lake. "There should be a 
co-operative society formed consisting of the villagers and boating should be 
undertaken by the society" villagers demanded.

Mayem MLA Anant Shet was not available for comments. But the Mayem Block 
President, Premanand Mhambre said that all the allegations are false and the 
first phase of Mayem lake is already over. "The first phase of the project is 
completed and will be inaugurated before the elections. Once the project is 
completed it will be a modal project.”

Sesa Goa workers: The panchayat strongly supported the Sesa Goa agitating 
workers. The sarpanch, Urvi Masurkar, held a press conference in the panchayat 
and expressed support to the workers. The gram sabha also resolved that all the 
NOCs given to the company will be revoked and illegal structures will come 
under scrutiny and legal action will be taken against the company.


Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme.

Under this scheme the road at Haldanwadi Mayem was constructed. One Sakharam 
Pednekar said that there is corruption done by the then sarpanch Veena 
Chodankar. "There was no permission taken from the farmers and no compensation 
paid to the farmers." Pednekar stated.

[Goanet] SMC garbage plant inspected; MLA threatens to move NGT

2016-11-30 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: The Pollution Control Board and the Sanquelim MLA, Dr Pramod Sawant, 
on Tuesday inspected the garbage treatment plant at Harvalem Sanquelim even as 
the MLA said if the situation does not improve, they would go to the green 
tribunal against the SMC. It may be recalled that the residents of Harvalem 
panchayat had expressed their strong resentment against the garbage treatment 
plant of the Sanquelim Municipal Council and had warned agitation against the 

The SMC garbage treatment plant is situated very close to Pratapnagar- Harvalem 
and the stench that it emits has made the life of the residents miserable.

Speaking on the occasion, the MLA expressed his surprise over the negligence of 
the SMC and said they have given a false complaint against some unknown persons 
for setting fire to the garbage. " The treatment plant has 24- hour security 
and it is most likely that the SMC workers might have burnt the garbage and 
later put the blame on the residents," Dr Sawant said.

" Just by displaying signboards, Sakhali would not become garbage- free but the 
plant should be made operational and SMC should look into the matter," Dr 
Sawant stated " if this is continued than we would not keep quite and would 
make the residents suffer. If there is a need we would also go to the green 
tribunal against the SMC." When contacted the SMC Chairman, Dharmesh Saglani 
said they have done all that could be done in the matter. " There is no 
segregation shed and if it was there than the garbage would not fly out. Just 
yesterday we have got approval for the same and this problem will be solved" 
Saglani stated adding " we have already told the locals that we will divert the 
garbage to Saligao treatment plant."

[Goanet] Ground shorn of grass a year later

2016-11-19 Thread samir umarye

The once lush green ground of Kelbaiwada Mayem, inaugurated just a year ago, is 
slowly deteriorating with the grass drying and the railing enclosing it falling 
into pieces even as the authorities ignore the maintenance of the ground.

Last year, in November, the Kelbaiwada football ground was constructed by the 
Directorate of Sports and Youth Affairs and the Sports Authority of Goa, and 
inaugurated by Sport minister Ramesh Tawadkar.

At the time of inauguration the ground appeared lush green and was considered 
as super by sports lovers. But one year down the line the ground looks deserted 
with the grass has dried out. “ The grass has dried because there is no 
maintenance by the authorities.

It is like the authorities have forgotten about the ground after its 
construction,” Mayem resident Mahesh Gosavi said.

It is not just the grass but the railing enclosing the ground is now falling to 
pieces. “ The quality of the railing is not good so they are falling to pieces. 
The railing, especially behind the goal post, is completely broken and we have 
set a net in its place,” Gosavi said.

“ The ground has a water pump but there is some problem with it and it doesn’t 
draw any water,” Krishna Naik said.

When contacted, Mayem- Vaiginim sarpanch Urvi Masurkar said that the execution 
work of the ground was done by SAG. “ After completion of the work, the ground 
was handed over to DSYA. Since it belongs to DSYA it maintenance was supposed 
to be done by that department,” Masurkar said.

She accepted that the lush green outfield which was prepared by SAG has dried 
up due to faulty maintenance.

“ We have already requested the DSYA Director to take up the maintenance of the 
ground and are hopeful it will be done,” Masurkar said.

Poor maintenance leads to sports ground at Kelbaiwada falling to pieces; locals 
say quality of work was bad The grass has dried because there is no maintenance 
by the authorities. It is like the authorities have forgotten about the ground 
after its construction.

— Mahesh Gosavi, Mayem resident We have already requested the DSYA Director to 
take up the maintenance of the ground and are hopeful it will be done.

— Urvi Masurkar, Mayem- Vaiginim Sarpanch sAmir umArye bicholim


[Goanet] Walking track attracts people all day long, and night as well

2016-11-10 Thread samir umarye

recently- inaugurated walking track at Bicholim is getting an overwhelming 
response and many people have begun using the track to the extent that police 
personnel have been deployed at the track at late hours.

The Rs 2.5 crore project was constructed over the earlier retaining bandh which 
was constructed to retain the water from entering the town during the monsoon. 
The length of the track is about 1.5 kms.

“ This is a very good initiative and is helpful to many people from Bicholim. 
During the morning and also during the evening people flock to this place which 
lies on one side of the town,” Mahesh Govekar said. He added, “ Just recently 
there had been some problems related to security of the area and now the police 
have been deployed at the site.” Even late at night people come to this place 
for a stroll and the police are deployed from 5 pm to 11 pm.

“ There are senior citizens and women who come to this place even late at night 
and so security is very important.

Two constables and a home guard have been deployed at the site,” Bicholim 
police said.

Close to the walking track a new garden is coming up which once completed will 
make the entire place look prettier.

Police posted to ensure security at night; garden being developed in the area 
will enhance beauty of the place SAMIR UMARyE bichOlim


[Goanet] Dark Diwali even after 60 years!

2016-10-31 Thread samir umarye

Samir UMARYe BICHolIM: When the entire nation, including Goa, was lit up to 
celebrate Diwali, around eight families from Talapwada- Padose in Sattari 
taluka observed a Dark Diwali! Thanks to poverty coupled with apathy on the 
part of the government, these people continue to live in darkness.

Talapwada – Padose, which is just three km from Sakhali, lacks the basic 
amenities like electricity and potable water.

Around 50 people reside here.

“ We are the second generation living here and I have also obtained the 
required house number from the panchayat but am yet to get an electricity 
connection,” Kashinath Palkar, in his sixties told Herald.

“ We have heard that as per our rights, the government should supply us with 
basic amenities like electricity and water. But it’s been more than 60 years 
that we have been wondering as to why we are deprived of our rights,” he asked.

He along with others had made several applications to the panchayat but all 
their pleas have failed to evoke any response. “ Since there is no electricity, 
our children are forced to use kerosene lamps or have to go to other houses 
where there is electricity,” Madhukumar, another resident, said.

“ We are concerned about our children's future.

We have spent our life in darkness why should our children have the same fate,” 
Madhukumar asked.

Reaching Talapwada is also difficult task as there is no tarred road. To add to 
this, the place is totally isolated from the main village. The government has 
installed electricity poles but is yet to provide POWER TO PEOPLE! “ The 
officials do not provide an ambulance service due to bad road conditions. In 
case of an emergency, we have to take our families to a distance of about a 
kilometre and then avail the ambulance service,” Alwin Kashi, another resident, 

“ If one thinks that electricity and roads are the only problems these 
villagers face then it is not true. Another major problem these people are 
faced with is water. During the monsoon, we collect rainwater for our needs but 
during summer, we have to depend upon the Walvanti River, which is about a km 
away from Talapwada. During night time, there is always a danger of wild 
animals attacking us,” Ashwini Palkar said.

At times, water in the irrigation canal, near their houses, is not fit for 
human consumption.

“ We have no other option but to boil the same for drinking purpose,” Ashwini 

Last year, the residents had applied to the Health Department to supply them 
with drinking water, but the plan failed as the residents did not have the 
money to lay the pipelines.

Now, the residents are waiting for the government to provide them with 
electricity and water.

When Herald contacted Parye panchayat sarpanch, Babuso Mandrekar, he expressed 
his ignorance about any such place existing at Padose.

" We are not opposing anyone and it would be helpful for us to know where the 
place is so that we could help them," Babuso said and he further told the 
reporter to return with his queries.

THE CUP OF WOES• Eight families living without electricity for many years• 
Several applications made to the panchayat but to no avail• Children are forced 
to study with the help of kerosene lamps or have to go to other houses where 
there is electricity• Officials do not provide an ambulance service due to bad 
road conditions• During emergency, families forced to travel about a kilometre 
to avail the ambulance facility• During monsoon season, locals collect 
rainwater to satisfy their drinking water needs Candle- lit session SAMIR UMARYE


[Goanet] Chorao villagers demand bridge connecting to Salvador do Mundo

2016-10-23 Thread samir umarye
T he long pending demand of the Chorao villagers for a bridge seems to have no 
end with the United Citizens of Chorao ( UCC) accusing the BJP of failing to 
fulfill its promise. The BJP has stated that the bridge would be a reality in 
three to four years.

It may be recalled that the villagers from Chorao have a single demand -- a 
bridge from Chorao to Salvador de Mundo. The UCC has been persistently 
following the demand for the past many years.

“ We have a single demand for a bridge as we face several problems since there 
is no land connectivity between Chorao and Salvador de Mundo.

The villagers have to depend entirely on the ferry which is creating a 
problem,” UCC president Shrikrishna Haldankar stated.

“ If this bridge is constructed it would help not only the people from Chorao 
but also from Bicholim and surrounding areas. The distance between Chorao and 
Panjim would be reduced to just about 15 minutes.” The Congress government had 
laid two foundation stones before the 2012 elections. The first was at Orando- 
Chodan then another at Divadi ferry point.

Haldankar stated, “ the Mayem MLA has ignored our demands and since last four 
years has not done much with regards to the bridge.” “ If he was serious about 
it he should have followed up the process immediately after he was elected to 
power. We had invited him several times to discuss the matter but he never 
turned up,” Haldankar charged.

When contacted the Mayem MLA and the speaker, Anant Shet, completely denied the 
charges and said that he has always followed up the process and it was because 
of technical difficulties that the construction of the bridge has been delayed.

“ All the allegations are politically motivated and we are binding on 
constructing the bridge,” Shet stated. “ We have formed a committee consisting 
of 10 members to procure the land required for the approach road and bridge 
after obtaining consent from the owners. We have given them a time frame of 
till November, 30, 2016 to procure the land,” Shet disclosed.

The BJP Spokesman in Mayem, Premanand Mahambre, said that the Chorao bridge 
would be a reality in next three years.

“ The new Land Acquisition Act notified on 1/ 1/ 14 is very tedious and the 
procedure is very long. So to simplify and get land for development projects 
the Goa government has notified a policy on procurement of land by resorting to 
direct purchase of land from the owner/ tenants by paying the owner three times 
the cost of the land.

The policy was notified on 30/ 5/ 2016,” Mahambre said. “ As soon as the policy 
was notified the Speaker ordered the acquiring department to move the proposal 
under the policy to procure land for Chodan bridge and approach road,” he added.

Mayem MLA Anant Shet says technical difficulties have delayed the construction 
of the bridge We have a single demand for a bridge as we face several problems 
since there is no land connectivity between Chorao and Salvador de Mundo. The 
villagers have to depend entirely on the ferry which is creating a problem. If 
this bridge is constructed it would help not only the people from Chorao but 
also from Bicholim and surrounding areas. The distance between Chorao and 
Panjim would be reduced to just about 15 minutes - Shrikrishna Haldankar, UCC 
president I have always followed up the process and it was because of technical 
difficulties that the construction of the bridge has been delayed. All the 
allegations are politically motivated and we are binding on constructing the 

We have formed a committee consisting of 10 members to procure the land 
required for the approach road and bridge after obtaining consent from the 
owners. We have given them a time frame of till November, 30, 2016 to procure 
the land - Anant Shet, Mayem MLA, Goa Speaker.

• Chodan was part of Cumbarjua constituency before 2012 Lok Sabha elections.

• Before 2012 elections Congress laid two foundation stones, first at Orando- 
Chodan then at Divadi ferry point.

• In 2002 the then CM Manohar Parrikar initiated steps to construct the bridge 
but it was opposed by some.

• In 2012 the BJP promised the bridge in its manifesto.

Promises for the bridge FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSE ONLY Residents of Chorao 
waiting to board the ferry to reach their destination.


[Goanet] Sesa suspends mining operations at Bicholim

2016-10-14 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

PANJIM: Following a threat by over 350 workers, including those
employed at an iron ore mining site, Sesa Goa, a subsidy of Vedanta
Resources, on Thursday suspended mining operations at Sesa Mining
Corporation Limited (SMCL) Bicholim site.
The company also warned protesting workers not to indulge in any
violence, threats and illegal activities failing which criminal action
would be initiated against those involved in such acts.
The decision comes in the wake of a protest by over 350 workers, who
on October 12 threatened the company management of dire consequences.
“Everything started on October 11, when a group of 14 people entered
company’s top office located within Bicholim mining site and stopped
the contract labourers engaged by the company,” says a statement by
Sesa. “Thereafter they threatened all the office staff employees and
senior management personnel with dire consequences,” a company
official stated.
On October 12, the group of 14, along with 350-odd workers, including
those deployed for duty at the site, gathered at the main gate of the
site but did not report for duty. “The entire act on the part of these
workmen, along with their supporters, is a clear violation of the law.
The threats of bodily harm given to the management staff clearly shows
that the workers are not interested in doing any work,” the official
The company, in the interest of safety and security of its employees,
has decided to suspend operations at SMCL Bicholim mine from Thursday.
“The suspension of operation is for all employees of SMCL and shall
continue in force until further notice. All the protesting workmen are
advised not to report to work and hence they would not be entitled for
any wages from the date of suspension of operations,” the official
The official said that steps taken by the workers are illegal
considering that the management has ensured all support to its

[Goanet] Bicholim football fans unhappy with Shivaji Maidan renovation work

2016-09-30 Thread samir umarye
Bicholim Association of Football Fans ( BAFF) has expressed its displeasure 
over the delay and the manner in which the renovation work of Chhatrapati 
Shivaji Maharaj Maidan at Bicholim has been undertaken.

The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Maidan at Bicholim, located at the centre of 
the town, is being renovated at an estimated cost of Rs 1.83 crore. Besides 
football tournaments, the ground is also used for public meetings and other 
gatherings and its renovation was a pending, which has now been taken up. But 
BAFF is not happy with the way the renovation is being carried out.

“ We were called for the meetings when the plan was drafted and our views were 
also taken but what we suggested and what has been implemented is totally 
different,” BAFF president Rajanikant Lawanis claimed.

“ They have enclosed the ground with huge grills, which resembles a jail. We 
feel that it is waste of money and the pavilion, which has been constructed, 
looks like a godown,” Lawanis added.

Pointing out the technical flaws in the design, vice president Naresh Kadkade 
said, “ They have constructed the pavilion behind the goalpost, which is wrong. 
Footballers could be injured if they get hit on the walls constructed behind 
the goalpost.” Kadkade further complained that the project has been delayed.

When contacted, Bicholim MLA Naresh Sawal said, “ The delay in the project is 
justifiable and it will take some time for the ground to be thrown open for the 
public. If the work is to be good it will take sometime as now grass is being 
laid, which has several layers”. “ We have also suggested that besides 
football, the ground should also be made available for other sports such as 
kabbadi and cricket,” he added When contacted, the BMC chairman Satish Gaonkar 
said the ground would be ready by December.

samir umarye bicholim We were called for the meetings when the plan was drafted 
and our views were also taken but what we suggested and what has been 
implemented is totally different — Rajanikant Lawanis, BAFF president The delay 
in the project is justifiable and it will take some time for the ground to be 
thrown open for the public. If the work is to be good it will take sometime as 
now grass is being laid, which has several layers. We have also suggested that 
besides football, the ground should also be made available for other sports 
such as kabbadi and cricket — Naresh Sawal, Bicholim MLA Bicholim association 
claims that what it suggested has not been implemented• The ground has been 
enclosed with huge grills, which resembles a jail.

• There are technical flaws in the design• The pavilion, which is constructed 
behind the goalpost, is wrong and looks like a godown• The project has been 

[Goanet] Sakhali businessmen objects to temporary shifting of bus stand

2016-09-23 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM:The businessmen from Sankhali are under panic with the
temporary shifting of their bus stand some one kilometer from the
present location and have expressed that it would affect their

Speaking to Herald many businessmen from Sakhali stated that their
business would be affected if the bus stand is temporary shifted near
the Government college Sakhali. It may be stated that this arrangement
is done with the intention of constructing a new bus stand at Sakhali.

“It would have been good if the bus stand was to be constructed in the
phased manner. Half of the bus stand should have been utilized for
plying of the buses and on the other half the construction should have
been carried out” businessman association chairman, Satyawan Kanekar

The businessmen fear that if the bus stand is shifted to a new place
their would be slack in their business. “Although it is a temporary
arrangement the business activities would be shifted to a new place
which is almost a kilometer from the main market” Kanekar complained
“If this is done we would suffer losses as no one would come to the

“The construction of the bus stand would take atleast two years and it
is a long time for us and there should be something done in this
regard” Kanekar told.

“Taking the bus stand near Government college is a wrong move as it is
already a accident prone zone and would further lead to accidents in
the area” a resident from Sakhali told.

To avoid any further damage it is learnt that the authorities have now
suggested to drop the passengers near the market and later go to the
new bus stand.

[Goanet] Won’t share Bicholim seat with MGP: BJP

2016-09-20 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: BJP’s Bicholim Block on Monday stated that the senior party 
ministers, including president Amit Shah, have assured that the Bicholim seat 
will be given only to party candidate and would not be shared with the 
Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP). 

The block members were speaking following Independent Bicholim MLA Naresh 
Sawal’s revelation on receiving offers to join the MGP, who is likely to be 
given the Bicholim ticket.  

BJP Block president Vallabh Salkar said, “At any cost, the mandal will not give 
the Bicholim seat to MGP. We have got the assurances from the senior leaders on 
this and they will not betray us. Since last many years, we have worked hard 
and MGP has no support in the taluka." 

"We respect the BJP-MGP alliance, which has been there for last five years. 
This alliance will continue and the Chief Minister has also stated that all the 
28 seats that BJP had with us will remain with the party," Salkar said adding 
"We have strong support in the constituency and as far as MGP is concerned, 
they have stopped their work after 1999."

"BJP has implemented several schemes since last five years and the Bicholim 
seat is a sure victory for us," formed MLA Rajesh Patnekar informed.

When asked on who will be the party candidate, the block president replied 
saying, it would be decided by the senior leaders.

Earlier, in a startling revelation, Independent Bicholim MLA, Naresh Sawal has 
disclosed that he has been receiving offers from the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak 
Party (MGP) to join the party. 

However, he said the decision to join the MGP depends on the seat-sharing by 
BJP-MGP coalition.

“The MGP has been inviting me for a long time and even on Sunday they asked the 
people about it and the people backed me to join the party,” Sawal stated. 

When asked whether he would join the MGP following the decision of the people, 
he quickly replied saying, “It all depends on the seat sharing by BJP and MGP. 
If Bicholim gets MGP seat, I would surely join the party.” 

When questioned if he is going to support BBSM, he responded saying, “I have 
huge respect for Velingkar and I support the language issue and if they are 
supporting me then they are welcome to do so.” 

[Goanet] Sankhali locals threaten to take out morcha over power cuts

2016-09-02 Thread samir umarye
rked over the frequent power failures in Sankhali, the residents of the
town have now threatened to take out a morcha if the electricity department
fails to improve the situation.

Digambar Naik of Sankhali Block Congress, said, “ There is a serious
electricity problem in the town. Electricity bills are sent after four
months and it becomes difficult for the general public to pay such huge
bills”. Coming down heavily on the government for failure to look into the
power problems, former MLA Pratap Gawas said, " There are power failures
for about 20 to 30 times in a day and the situation has been continuing
since the last several days." He said, “ Sankhali, which has three sub-
stations at Sankhali, Pali and Navelim experiences power failures in all
the sub- stations. At many places, there are old wires and poles, which
need to be replaced. But the department is not bothered to replace the
same. There is uninterrupted power supply to industries but households have
to suffer due to the power failures." “ Due to power fluctuations, many
electric home appliances and gadgets have been damaged,” he informed.

" If the situation does not improve, then we will have no other option but
to take out a morcha against the electricity department after the Ganesh
Festival," he warned.

“ Students cannot study during the night as there is no electricity and as
such they cannot concentrate on their studies and the residents too are
forced to spend sleepless nights,” Gauri Malik, a resident of Sankhali said.

When Herald tried to contact the Sankhali MLA Pramod Sawant, he was not
available for his comments.

SAMIR UMARYE BICHOLIM There is a serious electricity problem in the town.

Electricity bills are sent after four months and it becomes difficult for
the general public to pay such huge bills.

– Digambar Naik of Sankhali Block Congress Due to power fluctuations, many
electric home appliances and gadgets have been damaged. If the situation
does not improve, then we will have no other option but to take out a
morcha against the electricity department after the Ganesh Festival –
Pratap Gawas, former MLA Students cannot study during the night as there is
no electricity and as such they cannot concentrate on their studies and the
residents too are forced to spend sleepless nights – Gauri Malik, Sankhali

Samir Umarye

[Goanet] Bicholim gets a walking track but locals fear misuse

2016-08-19 Thread samir umarye

The inauguration of a walking track at Bicholim has laid responsibility over 
the authorities and the public in general to keep the area clean and maintain 
the tracks. The walking track which was ready months ago was awaiting 
inauguration and finally was thrown open recently.

The Rs 2.5 crore worth project has been built over the earlier retaining bandh 
which was constructed to hold back the water from entering the town during the 
monsoon. The length of the track is about 1.5 kms. “The project was in line 
with another project that we had seen at Gujarat. It is built near the river 
side there by giving it a beautiful look,” Water Resources Minister Dayanand 
Mandrekar said.

But, what has worried most Bicholkars is the maintenance of the project. “Most 
of the time projects are made and there is no one to look after them and they 
get damaged,” Mandrekar said.

Bicholim Municipal Council chairman Satish Gaonkar also stressed on the need to 
protect the walking track. “There was a need for such project in Bicholim and 
people will have good health only if they walk. BMC can maintain this project 
if the government sanctions funds for us. The desilting of the river is also 
needed and it should be done every five years,” he stated.

Bicholim MLA Naresh Sawal was also concerned with the maintenance and urged the 
people to support the authorities so that this structure remains intact. “We 
urge the people to keep the area clean and not to come with dogs on the track 
as the track is for people to walk and not for animals,” he stated. “The 
authorities should try to maintain it but at the same time the people should 
also support them.”

A resident Sameer Kolwalkar stated that the BMC should appoint a watchman in 
the area. “The BMC should take over the project and should appoint a watchman 
so that no one enters the track with beer bottles and throw them on the 
tracks,” Kolwalkar stated.

[Goanet] Bicholim PHC’s modern idle OTs await surgeons

2016-08-16 Thread samir umarye
 Though the new primary health centre (PHC) in Bicholim is well-equipped with 
good infrastructure, the facilities available in the PHC’s operation theatres 
(OTs) are, however, not operational ever since the PHC’s inauguration a couple 
of years ago, as the government has failed to appoint surgeons, anaesthetists 
and radiologists.
 Even though private hospitals have expressed their willingness to utilise the 
government infrastructure to provide healthcare facilities to the people after 
the government said it was considering handing over the OTs in the PHCs to 
private hospitals, the modalities, however, are yet to be worked out. The 
government is yet to decide on whether to run these OTs on public private 
partnership (PPP) mode.
 The Bicholim PHC has two operation theatres, which are equipped with all the 
modern and hi-tech systems. While one of the OTs is meant for conducting 
general surgeries, the other one is dedicated to gynaecology procedures. With 
the facilities made available in the OTs, all general surgeries with the 
exception of some major surgeries can be performed in the PHC. Moreover, the 
PHC also has a provision for a digital control system, which can be used when 
conducting surgeries.
 Cleanliness is being maintained in the PHC wards and interiors. The X-ray 
machine is in working condition while technician is available three days a 
week. Though sonography and ultrasound facilities are available at the PHC, the 
procedures cannot be performed for want of a technician. A gynaecologist visits 
the PHC twice a week. The PHC has a room with provision for sterilizing 
equipment and a labour room. However, in case of complications during normal 
delivery, patients are referred to the District Hospital at Mapusa or the Goa 
Medical College and Hospital at Bambolim, as the PHC lacks a surgeon.
 The PHC lacks a sufficient number of medical officers, with one of them being 
deputed to the Sankhali PHC.
 The Bicholim PHC has sub-health centres under its jurisdiction where the 
doctors have to pay visit once a week. Besides, three rural medical 
dispensaries (RMDs) also come under its jurisdiction at Dodamarg, Mayem and 
Chorao and the medical officers are required to pay visit there too. The PHC, 
however, has a sufficient number of nurses. The PHC owns two ambulances, which 
are in good condition.
 Considering all the facilities and infrastructure available at the Bicholim 
PHC, if surgeons for conducting ENT, orthopaedic, ophthalmic procedures and 
other general surgeries are either appointed by the government or the services 
outsourced to private stakeholders, people residing in the rural areas 
surrounding Bicholim would be benefitted to a large extent.
 A senior surgeon was of the opinion that the OTs could be put to good use by 
starting surgeries not involving major complications like appendectomy, 
fissures, piles etc.

[Goanet] Mayem, Bicholim, Sanquelim blocks demand action against Jr Rane

2016-08-09 Thread samir umarye

PANJIM: Condemning the “ irresponsible” statements made by Valpoi MLA Vishwajit 
Rane, the Congress block committees of Bicholim, Sanquelim and Mayem have 
demanded strict disciplinary action against him.

The Valpoi MLA in a meeting held at Mayem declared that he would have a final 
say in selecting candidates in the five constituencies of Poriem, Valpoi, 
Bicholim, Mayem and Sanquelim.

The three block presidents have complained to GPCC president Luizinho Faleiro 
in this regard and demanded action.

“ Why does Vishwajit wake up just before elections every time? Four years ago 
he did the same and the result was there for everyone to see,” said Rajnikant 
Lawanis, a PCC member.

He further said that whatever Vishwajit is doing is illegal. “ He is the member 
of co- ordination committee but that does not mean he overrules everyone,” he 

Prashant Chanekar, president of the Bicholim block, said the block committees 
have nothing to do with Vishwajit’s statements. “ It was a individual meeting 
called by Vishwajit and the party or block committees have nothing to do with 
it,” he said adding “ the block committees are doing a tremendous job after the 
defeat last time and it won’t be right to bring an outsider at the last minute 
and make him the candidate.” Mayem block president Anand Naik said that the 
names of the candidates will have to be forwarded by the block committees and 
not anybody else. “ The names of the probable candidates are being submitted by 
the blocks to GPCC which in turn will send it to AICC. Who is Vishwajit to 
declare the names?” he asked.

Digambar Naik of Sanquelim block stated that whoever intends to fight elections 
should approach the block which will forward the names. “ Vishwajit is 
misguiding people by such stray statements and creating a divide within the 
party,” Naik said.


[Goanet] Bicholim police station gets new building

2016-07-24 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: After persistent demand for years, the new police station in Bicholim 
was finally inaugurated by Chief Minister  Laxmikant Parsekar on Thursday. 

The old Primary Health Centre at Bicholim which was in a dilapidated condition 
has been renovated and been converted into police station. Spread over an area 
of 1600 sq mts, the new police station comprises of three main blocks 
interconnected with each other. 

Block 1 consists of the offices for police officials and the home guard and a 
reporting room, wireless room, barracks for men and women, pantry, store room 
and a toilet block. The same block has a separate lock up for men and women 
each with attached toilets and a high security armoury room with a steel door.

Block 2 which is a structure with one floor consists of spacious barracks for 
home guards, a conference room and additional rooms to accommodate staff in 
future. The third block has the legal aid cell, administrative offices and 
separate rooms for counselling, motor vehicle checking, meeting, maintaining 
records, district legal services and other requirements. 

 The police station comprises of a compound wall on all four sides with an 
overhead water tank, underground sump, pump room with adequate capacity, 
canteen and parking for approximately 15 four wheelers and 20 two wheelers.

Speaker Anant Shet, GSIDC Chairman Pramod Sawant, Bicholim MLA Naresh Sawal, 
IGP Sunil Garg, Bicholim Municipal Council Chairperson Satish Gaonkar were 
present for function.

[Goanet] 3 names cleared for grant of Mayem occupancy rights

2016-07-18 Thread samir umarye
PANAJI: An Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer from the North Goa 
Collectorate has said that after completing all the formalities and procedures, 
names of three persons have been cleared by the government for the grant of 
occupancy rights in Mayem and plots have already been allotted to them.

Speaking to this daily, the officer said that initially four names were cleared 
but since the Collectorate received objections regarding the fourth name, it 
has been kept in abeyance.

Stating that the office of the North Goa Collectorate has received 60 
applications till July 15, 2016, the officer said that by the next month, more 
names will appear in the list of proforma for conferment of occupancy rights as 
occupant Class-II under Sections 4(a) and 8(2) of the Goa (Abolition of 
Proprietorships, Titles and Grants of Lands) Act, 2014.

The three names that have been cleared for the grant of occupancy rights are of 
Shanu Popat Shirodkar residing at Chimulwada, Mayem, Vinayak Raghunath Pole 
residing at Bharatwada, Poira, Mayem and Chandrakant Hari Govekar also residing 
at Bharatwada, Poira. The names have been published in the official gazette of 
the Goa government dated July 14, 2016.

It has been mentioned that the applicants have paid the land revenue as 
assessed in terms of Section 6 of the Goa (Abolition of Proprietorships, Titles 
and Grants of Lands) Act, 2014 and have duly submitted the payment receipt 
thereof and have fulfilled the essential conditions/criteria laid down under 
the Act and that the applicants have been declared as ‘Occupant Class-II’ under 
the Goa Land Revenue Code, 1968.

The officer said that the request of the applicants was examined as per the 
documentary evidence adduced by them in accordance with the Goa (Abolition of 
Proprietorships, Titles and Grants of Lands) Rules, 2015. The request has also 
been examined independently based on the report received from the concerned 
mamlatdar and custodian of evacuee property in respect of the lands which were 
vested in the custodian of evacuee property as ‘Evacuee Property’ under the 
Goa, Daman and Diu (Administration of Evacuee Property) Act, 1964, the officer 

The officer said that all the applications for the grant of occupancy rights 
have been sent to mamlatdar and are being verified and scrutinised and that 12 
hearings have taken place and provisional declarations have been done. He said 
that 60 days were allotted to the public for filing objections.

The grant of land is subject to certain terms and conditions like the land 
shall be used only for dwelling purpose and the grantee or his/her heirs, 
assignees and legal representatives shall not mortgage, sell assign or 
otherwise transfer the land or any portion thereof except with the previous 
sanction of the government. If grantee violates any of the conditions or any 
provisions of the Goa (Abolition of Proprietorships, Titles and Grants of 
Lands) Act, 2014 and rules made thereunder, the Collector may resume and take 
possession of the land granted to him/her and he/she shall be liable to be 
evicted from the said land.

The official gazette states that the conferment of occupancy rights shall be 
subject to the result of writ petition number 479 of 2016 before the High Court 
of Bombay at Goa.

[Goanet] FW: Sal rejects LED bulbs, wants regular power supply

2016-07-15 Thread samir umarye

-Original Message-
From: "samir umarye" 
Sent: ‎7/‎15/‎2016 21:23
To: "bicho...@googlegroups.com" 
Subject: Sal rejects LED bulbs, wants regular power supply

he government might be illuminating houses with special energy- saving LED 
bulbs distributed free but the people from Sal- Bicholim have demanded only 
uninterrupted power supply for the village. Such is their anger that the 
villagers did not allow the distribution of LED bulbs in the village till their 
woes of power breakdowns are solved.

“ Frequent power failures are very common in Sal and other rural areas and it 
is very difficult for us to live a normal life,” said Deelip Desai from Sal.

Earlier this week at the function organised by Electricity Department to 
distribute LED bulbs to the people, the 50 locals present forced Speaker Anant 
Shet and Electricity Department officials to return without distributing the 

“ There is no power in Sal during the daytime for the last three days. At times 
the electricity comes at midnight and goes again in the morning.

The department does not pay any heed to our demands of proper electricity 
supply and we have to lead our life in darkness,” Desai said.

“ We repeatedly inform the department but they never turn up and it is 
surprising that they entered the village to distribute bulbs,” Desai stated. “ 
What is the use of these bulbs to a village that has no electricity for most 
part of the day?” he asked.

Two decades ago, the government had acquired land in the village for 
constructing an electricity sub- station and later a fence was built around the 
land but that plan now appears to be abandoned.

“ If there was a sub- station here in our village it would have been very 
helpful and the government should rethink over this project,” Desai told.

Zilla Panchayat member Sanjay Shetye also expressed his displeasure over the 
power failure in the village. “ In Latambarcem panchayat area power failures 
are very common but the Electricity Department is not bothered,” Shetye stated. 
“ Some years ago we had even agitated against this but there has been no 
improvement in the condition of people living in this area,” he added.

Residents demand electricity sub- station in village; govt had purchased land 
for this two decades ago BICHOLIM SAMIR UMARYE


[Goanet] 4.5 tonne mangoes seized in Bicholim

2016-06-19 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

SANKHALI: The department of food and drugs administration (FDA) seized
mangoes weighing 4.5 tonne, worth around Rs 90,000, in a raid at
Jogiwada near Bicholim industrial estate on Saturday. The raid was
conducted as the mangoes were stored for letting artificial ripening
of the fruit using a chemical.

According to officials, an unknown person had informed them about the
illegality happening in the area. The officials found that mangoes
were stored in two rented rooms by a person named Jafar and a chemical
was used for ripening the fruit. The entire stock was seized by the
officials and the chemical used was also found.

A team comprising Raju Korade, Richard Noronha, Mahadev Kavlekar and
Ankita Bhalekar carried out the raid.

The officials informed that such raids were also conducted at Mapusa
and Siolim and the drive will continue in order to prevent the sale of
such chemically-ripened mangoes which are injurious to health.

[Goanet] Heavy rain causes sludge floods in Bicholim

2016-06-13 Thread samir umarye
BICHOLIM: The arrival of monsoon gives respite to many. But many a time it
acts as a nightmare for some, especially for the people living in the areas
affected by mining since they are constantly under the danger of mining
silt flowing into their houses.

The mining sludge entering houses is not a new phenomenon, especially for
Bicholim. This is all because of the faulty planning by the mining
companies and the authorities concerned.

In 2009 a number of people were evacuated to safer areas as the sludge
entered into about 60 houses and a temple in Poira, Advalpal and Valshi in
Bicholim taluka. The incident happened when the sludge from the nearby
mines entered the houses after heavy rains and the people were unable to
salvage their belongings.

On July 16, 2011, the fields of the Mulgao villagers were damaged after a
mining pit gave way and the sludge entered the village.

A similar incident took place just last week. About eight houses were
affected at Pazwada, Bicholim when the mining sludge entered their houses.
Heavy rains that lashed Bicholim caused havoc at Pazwada when the sludge
along with boulders was washed on the roads. The sludge also flowed into
the residential houses.

The traffic on the road was disrupted for over hour and resumed only after
the boulders were cleared. The dirty water and the mining sludge also
damaged equipments in the houses. Electrical equipments belonging to Suresh
Verekar and Sushant Verekar were damaged in the incident.

Environmentalist Ramesh Gawas said that this was entirely because of the
carelessness of the mining company.

“ The company has no disaster management plan. After the incident the roads
had become death traps. I have filed a police complaint against the
nuisance created by the company,” said Gawas.

The Bicholim Municipal Council ( BMC) chairman, Satish Gaonkar, also blamed
the mining and asked the company for compensation.

“ The company should compensate the people and should also clean the
gutters which are filled by sludge,” Gaonkar demanded.

After the incident the authorities woke up from their slumber and the
Deputy Collector, Mahadev Arondekar, convened a meeting of the officials
and site inspection was also held. But inspite of all the precautions there
is still a danger of another such incident occurring in Bicholim in the
near future.

Faulty planning and carelessness by mining companies, failure of
authorities to take precautions have brought misery and suffering to
Pazwada villagers Bicholim locals try to cross an area filled with sludge
after the heavy rains.

The company has no disaster management plan. After the incident, the roads
had become death traps. I have filed a police complaint against the
nuisance created by the company — Ramesh Gawas, Environmentalist The
company should compensate the people and should also clean the gutters
which are filled by sludge — Satish Gaonkar, BMC chairman quote room SAMIr
uMArye bicholiM SAMIR UMARYE

Samir Umarye

[Goanet] Shirgao locals irked over locked toilets

2016-05-30 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

T he government might be promoting Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, but the
villagers of Shirgao are upset over public toilets that have been
closed for the last eight years, causing an inconvenience to the

It may be stated that the government, under a zilla panchayat scheme,
had constructed two toilets near the famous Lairai Temple in 2007 and
they were inaugurated at the hands of then Opposition leader Manohar

Shirgao sarpanch Babuso Gaonkar has expressed great displeasure over
the government toilets in the village remaining unused for more than
eight years.

“ It is almost eight years, but the toilets are locked and no one is
using them. Time and again we have told the MLA about this structure,
which is locked and is of no use to the public, but he only gives us
assurances that he will look into the matter,” said Gaonkar.

He added, “ It is a waste of government funds. We request the
government to either handover the structure to us or give us
permission to demolish it.” The residents of Shirgao are also upset
over the plight of this unused structure.

“ This toilet could be of great help, especially to devotees who come
to the village during the Zatra, as there is no other facility in the
village. This year, the panchayat had to install mobile toilets for
the public,” said a resident.

He added, “ People from all over Goa and also from neighbouring States
come for this zatra. It is surprising that despite proper toilets
being built by the government, it remains closed.” Two toilets were
constructed by the govt under a ZP scheme and inaugurated by Parrikar
in 2007; Toilets have been closed for the last 8 years A toilet that
has been unused for the last eight years samir umarye bicholim It is
almost eight years, but the toilets are locked and no one is using
them. Time and again we have told the MLA about this structure, which
is locked and is of no use to the public, but he only gives us
assurances that he will look into the matter. It is a waste of
government funds.

We request the government to either handover the structure to us or
give us permission to demolish it — Babuso Gaonkar, Shirgao sarpanch
This toilet could be of great help, especially to devotees who come to
the village during the Zatra, as there is no other facility in the
village. This year, the panchayat had to install mobile toilets for
the public People from across Goa and from neighbouring States come
for this zatra. It is surprising that despite proper toilets being
built by the government, it remains closed — Shirgao local quote room

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