Bismillah [IslamCity] 16-year-old Iraqi immigrant in central Sweden tackles centuries old math problem

2009-06-01 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec


Gregory Waleed Kavalec
And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among
 -- Quran 30:21

Bismillah [IslamCity] An NSA wiretap reveals congressional corruption involving Israel.

2009-04-29 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Harman was recorded saying she would “waddle into” the AIPAC case “if you
think it’ll make a difference,”
according to two former senior national security officials familiar with the
NSA transcript.

In exchange for Harman’s help, the sources said, the suspected Israeli agent
pledged to help lobby Nancy
Pelosi , D-Calif., then-House minority leader, to appoint Harman chair of
the Intelligence Committee after the
2006 elections, which the Democrats were heavily favored to win.

Seemingly wary of what she had just agreed to, according to an official who
read the NSA transcript, Harman
hung up after saying, “This conversation doesn’t exist.”

Unfortunately for you, Representative Harman, it does.  On NSA tape.


Gregory Waleed Kavalec
And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among
 -- Quran 30:21

Bismillah [IslamCity] Much Too Accurate

2009-04-16 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

[image: Cartoon: Serving the American


Gregory Waleed Kavalec
And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among
 -- Quran 30:21

Bismillah [IslamCity] Israeli companies are feeling the impact of boycott

2009-04-12 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Salaam all


Jazakallah khair


Gregory Waleed Kavalec
And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among
 -- Quran 30:21

Israeli companies are feeling the impact of boycott moves in Europe,
according to surveys, amid growing concern within the Israeli business
sector over organised campaigns following the recent attack on
Last week, the Israel  Manufacturers
Association reported that 21% of 90 local exporters who were questioned had
felt a drop in demand due to boycotts, mostly from the UK and Scandinavian
countries. Last month, a report from the Israel Export Institute reported
that 10% of 400 polled exporters received order cancellation notices this
year, because of Israel's assault on Gaza.
"There is no doubt that a red light has been switched on," Dan Katrivas,
head of the foreign trade department at the Israel Manufacturers
Association, told Maariv newspaper this week. "We are closely following
what's happening with exporters who are running into problems with
boycotts." He added that in Britain there exists "a special problem
regarding the export of agricultural produce from Israel".

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Prophet's Sunnah as defined by the Qur'an

2009-02-15 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Salaam Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

The following was written and published several years ago in Pakistan.

It is specifically aimed at a particular problem in the Pakistan legal
system, but the author's perspective and insight should be used when
consider ALL aspects of what passes today as "shariah" law, in my humble

**Blasphemy in the Light of the Qur'an*

*by Brigadier (Retd.) Nazir Ahmad*

Reprinted from Vol. XXII, No. 1 *Hamdard Islamicus*, Karachi, Pakistan (c)

In his recent statements, Religious and Minorities Affairs Minister, Raja
Zafarul Haq has defended the anti-blasphemy law. He was the opening batsman
of General Zia ul Haq when the anti-blasphemy law was promulgated as a part
of his determined efforts for Islamisation during 1977-88. And again, at the
moment, both as Minister in charge and man of religion, he happens to be one
of its most articulate defenders.

The Constitution of Pakistan specifies the Qur'an and *Sunnah* to be the two
equally valid sources of Islam. *Sunnah *according to the *ulema,* is what
is embodied in the six blocks of*ahadith *called 'the correct six.' I shall
refer primarily to the Qur'an in this article. The Qur'an in its own words,
was revealed to '. . . *the ulettered Prophet, who believeth in a law and
His word*' [Qur'an 7:258]. Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) thus bears witness to,
accepts and 'believeth' in every word of the Quranic teachings, its themes,
and precepts. The following verses elucidate this point:

*We sent not and Apostle but to be obeyed in accordance with the Will of
Allah *[Qur'an 4:64]

*Say: I am no bringer of new-fangled doctrine . . . I follow but that which
is revealed to me.* [Qur'an, 56:9]

*Obey Allah and obey the Apostle.* [Qur'an 5: 95]

*Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those charged with authority among
you. *[Qur'an 4: 59]

The Prophet's* Sunnah* as defined by the Qur'an, is located strictly within
the parameters of the Qur'an. Therefore, there is no divergence between the
Qur'an and the *Sunnah.* Obedience to the holy Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. or
any other authority, is obtained strictly within the Quranic text and its
teachings, *Sunnah* has no independent identity; the two merge into one*.*[It
is a blasphemy against the holy Prophet p.b.u.h. to ascribe to him any word
or deed which in any way is discordant with the Qur'an.]

We may now proceed to the point at issue. Blasphemy is defined in section
295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code in the following words: "Use of derogatory
remarks, etc. in respect of the holy Prophet p.b.u.h. by word, either spoken
or written, or by visible representation, or by importation, innuendo or
insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiling the sacred name of the Holy
Prophet p.b.u.h. and shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life,
and shall be liable to find . . ."

*This concept of blasphemy and the prescribed punishment are both
contradictory to the Qur'an and the Prophet's conduct*. *The Qur'an
prescribes restraint, and distancing from the blasphemous persons or
situations. The emphasis is on restraint and forgiveness*. A study of the
following verses should bear this out:

*"When ye hear the signs of Allah held in defiance and ridicule, ye are not
to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme*." [Qur'an 4:140]

"*And when they hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: "to us our
deeds and to you yours; peace be to you."* [Qur'an 28: 55]

"*Hold to forgiveness, command what is right; but turn away from the
ignorant." *[Qur'an 7:199]

"*Have patience with what they say, and leaves them with noble (dignity*)."
[Qur'an 73:10]

"*And the servants of Allah . . . are those who walked on the earth in
humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say 'Peace'" *[Qur'an

"*Allah is with those who restrain themselves.*" [Qur'an 16: 128]

". . . *But they uttered blasphemy . . . if they repent, it will be best for
them, but if they turn back, Allah will punish them.*" [Qur'an 9:47]

I have been able to identify fifty-seven more verses having a direct bearing
on the subject and more than 250 others which emphasize forgiveness,
forbearance and compassion.

In his lifetime, the Holy Prophet p.b.u.h. was subjected to verbal and
physical humiliation. He narrowly escaped assassination by migrating to
Medina. He was accused of forgery " . . . nay, he forged it." [Qur'an 21:5],
was stigmatized as a man 'possessed' [Qur'an 23:70] and 'mad' [Qur'an 68:2].
His personal reaction, as also the reaction of all his devoted Companions,
while both in and out of power, was impeccable adherence to the Quranic
teachings. One of his regular tormentors, a woman (wife of Abu Lahab) once
had to break the daily ritual on account of ill health. In obedience to the
Quranic injunctions, he called on her to offer his services in her household

The Qur'an set strict limits on punishment for any and every crime. The
honourable minister being a lawyer by profes

Bismillah [IslamCity] Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

2009-02-09 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
South African Dock Workers Refuse to Offload Israeli

COSATU House, 3 February 2009

In a historic development for South Africa, South African dock workers have
announced their determination not to offload a ship from Israel that is
scheduled to dock in Durban on Sunday, 8 February 2009. This follows the
decision by COSATU to strengthen the campaign in South Africa for boycotts,
divestment and sanctions against Apartheid Israel.



Gregory Waleed Kavalec
Pray to God but keep rowing to shore.
 - Old Russian Proverb

Bismillah [IslamCity] Controversial Bestseller Shakes the Foundation of the Israeli State

2009-02-08 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Controversial Bestseller Shakes the Foundation of the Israeli State

What if the Palestinian Arabs who have lived for decades under the heel of
the modern Israeli state are in fact descended from the very same "children
of Israel" described in the Old Testament?

And what if most modern Israelis aren't descended from the ancient
Israelites at all, but are actually a mix of Europeans, North Africans and
others who didn't "return" to the scrap of land we now call Israel and
establish a new state following the attempt to exterminate them during World
War II, but came in and forcefully displaced people whose ancestors had
lived there for millennia?



Gregory Waleed Kavalec
 "The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit.
 The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are."
--  Marcus Aurelius

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fwd: 60 Minutes dares to report on Israeli occupation (link) -- Robin Young waits for AIPAC permission (link)

2009-02-08 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
CBS News is now taking a great deal of of flack for daring to interview
Palestinians whose homes were under active occupation by Israeli soldiers.

In this nationally broadcast thirteen-minute segment, reporter Bob Simon
broke the unwritten law of American journalism: Thou Shalt Not Embarrass

Meanwhile, supposedly independent journalists like Robin Young maintain
prolonged periods of tactful silence about Israel's assaults on civilians --
assaults that have left half the world in fury, flames, or a combination of
the two. Perhaps she sees her job as sedating the other half: Her program is
now dutifully critiquing Super Bowl commercials for her national radio
audience -- not, presumably, not the kind of reporting that won her a
Peabody Award.

*By contrast, Bob Simon, the 60 Minutes reporter, put his career on the line
by reporting frankly on the effect Jewish West Bank settlements have had on
the (moribund) "peace process."  **Please call him at 212-975-2006 to thank
him for his extraordinary display of journalistic courage.*

Then e-mail Robin Young of the radio program Here and Now ( and ask her whether she considers the story of the
Al-Batran family newsworthy.

*In Gaza, a nine-year-old girl, Haneen al-Batran, was fatally shot in the
face by Israeli solders while her family sought refuge in a hospital.
The story, linked below, is accompanied by a video featuring the dead girl's
older sister. *Warning: AIPAC, the pro-Israel lobby, will never grant Young
or other American journalists permission to click on the link below, no
matter how long they may choose to wait for that permission.*


Forward this e-mail!

Yusuf Toropov


Gregory Waleed Kavalec
 "The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit.
 The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are."
--  Marcus Aurelius

Bismillah [IslamCity] If ever anyone deserved a hand and foot amputated from opposite sides...

2008-12-01 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Police in southern Afghanistan have arrested 10 men in connection with an
acid attack on schoolgirls earlier this month, officials say.
The men are all Taleban insurgents and some have confessed to taking part in
the attack, the authorities say.
Several girls received severe burns when acid was thrown in their faces on
12 November in Kandahar city.

. . .

Gen Daud said the men were Afghans who had travelled from Pakistan.


 Gregory Waleed Kavalec
"There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare."

   -- SunTzu, Art of War

Bismillah [IslamCity] All Muslims have the same faith, but not all Muslims have the same logic

2008-10-30 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec


  Gregory Waleed Kavalec
"Surely those who say, 'Our Lord is God' and then go straight,
no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow." -- 46.13

Bismillah [IslamCity] The NYT Finds Heroes in Tbilisi — In Baghdad, Only Terrorists

2008-08-17 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
The NYT Finds Heroes in Tbilisi — In Baghdad, Only Terrorists by Laura

The* New York Times* ran a feature August
on Georgian civilians who've joined the fight against the Russian invasion
of that former Soviet republic. The story, by Nicholas Kulish and Michael
Schwirtz is full of empathy and heart.

Nika Kharadze and Giorgi Monasalidze went to war last week, the Times* *report
begins, "even though they were not warriors."

It goes on to describe how the men's parents have been searching for them
ever since. They've gone from hospital to hospital, to the local and
International Red Cross. Mom and dad even asked the cellphone company to
trace the last known location of their son's phone. No luck.

And then there's this line: as parts of the country fell before the Russian
invaders, the Times writes, "it was not only the army that rose in its
defense but also regular citizens." Resistance, we learn, was part of a
tradition, inscribed in local history and culture going back to "medieval

To make the point, the writers describe a government employee, standing
under a statue of Stalin in the city's main square with a rifle slung over
his civilian clothes. The man is part of a group of a dozen locals who tell
the reporter they're there to defend their town.

The story also describes displacement caused by bombing. "The planes came in
and they started to bomb. The ground was covered with dead people, and there
was nowhere to go," says Goderzi Zenashvili, 48. "The people that died, they
died from their houses falling in on them, from the shrapnel and from

So now we know! *The New York Times can do it when they want to.* They can
paint a picture of war that's hard to shake: heroic, hapless young men who
take up arms to defend their homelands; moms and dads and lovers worried
sick. The *Times* can explain how invading armies provoke righteous
But they didn't — not when it was Baghdad instead of Tbilisi, and the statue
Saddam's, not Stalin's. Then, local people in resistance were called dead

Bismillah [IslamCity] The English translations of the meaning, now Google search enabled

2008-07-09 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

The Quran multiple-translation website has been indexed by

This now makes it possible to located a given ayat even if a person only
remembers a key phrase, even if only in English, and regardless of whether
or not we know which translator's version we heard.

Example, if we enter the following in the Google search bar: "Ask the followers of the Reminder"

Google returns
Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran -
And We sent not (as Our messengers) before thee other than men, whom We
inspired. *Ask the followers of the Reminder* if ye know not? *...* - 11k -
Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran -
And We did not send before you any but men to whom We sent revelation-- so *ask
the followers of the Reminder* if you do not know-- *...* - 11k -

Please pass this information along to anyone who can use it

Gregory Waleed Kavalec
  Perhaps the best thing about the future is that it only comes one
day at a time.
-- Dean Acheson

Bismillah [IslamCity] Ramadan Donations Needed!!

2008-07-05 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Salaam all

I can and do personally vouch for sister Wendy Tamer and her work for
orphanages in Cairo.  She is also the original founder of our UK
Islam_Muslims group.

Please help her cause if you are able.


Gregory Waleed Kavalec

-- Forwarded message --
From: wendyegypt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 12:47 PM
Subject:] Ramadan Donations Needed!!

  Hi everyone,

Its that time of the year again that we start collecting money for the
Ramadan food packages. The packages will distributed among the people
at the beginning of ramadan inshallah, so please get your donations to
us befor then. The packages will be 100Le each. Last year e had 350
bags we hope to have more this year. The bags will contain things such
as; oil, rice, flour, sugar, dates , pasta, salsa etc,

Please contact one of us when you would like to donate via email:


Please forward this message to all your friends and relatives, and
collect any donations from them and give it to one of us. ( for any of
us living abroad you can use western union) Try to contact via email if

Bismillah [IslamCity] FW: A wakeup call for Muslims in America.

2008-07-02 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
 *Losing My Religion- a call for help *
*6/19/2008 - Social Education Family - Article Ref: IC0806-3597
By: Dr. Jeffrey Lang
IslamiCity* - *
*To the Homegrown American Sisters and Brothers*

At present, our community in America, whether or not we are aware of it or
acknowledge it, is engulfed in a decisive conflict, and we are taking heavy
losses. Mass numbers of descendents of Muslims, converts, and spiritual
seekers are forsaking the American Islamic community and many of these will
inevitably abandon the religion. The confrontation is of course not military
but rather is occurring on the intellectual plane. On one front our religion
is being both subtly and overtly demeaned by the media. On another,
anti-Islam websites are assaulting the faith with mostly discarded but now
resurrected antiquated orientalist criticisms.

On another, an extreme, virulent and irrational interpretation of the faith
has assumed, with a good deal of outside support, center stage on the world
scene. On another, most mosques in this country impose in the name of Islam,
traditions and beliefs of questionable necessity that obfuscate the
fundamental message of God's last revelation to humanity and that are
driving individuals from the faith in droves, and that serve to confirm for
too many youth of Muslim parentage and American converts the overriding
negative impression of Islam that society seems to hold at large. Instead of
seeing a path to spiritual growth, enlightenment and fulfillment many of
these disengaged Muslims start to see a stagnant, retrogressive, patriarchal
remnant of a lagging culture, mired in meaningless controversies and hollow,
lifeless formalism.

If this is going to be countered, it will require an immense and courageous
intellectual effort, and those upon whose shoulders this challenge and duty
primarily rests are the second generation and converts who have held fast to
their faith despite the many challenges this has presented. It is you, the
activist American Muslim youth and converts, though your numbers are small,
who have been placed in a pivotal role. Through your American upbringing,
you have come to fully know and understand the surrounding society, and
through your love and commitment to God and your religion, in a milieu that
constantly tests it, you have by nature and necessity become the crucial
bridge between your faith and its future in this country. You are in the
best position to rationally respond to Islam's detractors and to communicate
and demonstrate to your fellow countrymen and women what it really means to
be a Muslim. You think their think, talk their talk, and appreciate their
confusions and concerns. You are also in the best position to reassess the
vast tradition that has come down to us in the name of Islam. It is
precisely because you have not been reared in a traditional Muslim culture
and because you have been taught since your first day in school to search,
question, critique, and analyze that you are the prime candidates to
endeavor to separate religion from culture, to distinguish the essential to
Islam from time and place bound interpretations. It is you who are best able
to understand and communicate to the disaffected Muslim youth. This is your
jihad (struggle), a jihad for minds and hearts, a jihad of intellect and

*So I encourage you to arm yourselves, my younger brothers and sisters, with
books, and pens and personal computers, and all the other instruments of
learning. And arm yourselves with knowledge of your religious tradition and
the works and thoughts of its great minds of the past*. But also arm
yourselves with modern techniques of critical, analytical, investigative
research, so that you can better study and critique past contributions in
the Islamic sciences. Learn all you can in your coursework, and especially
in such fields as religious studies, history, anthropology, and linguistics.
Arm yourselves also, if you have the inclination and aptitude, with advanced
degrees in these areas of research so critical to the project of
reappraising our community's traditions. And arm yourselves with humility,
because it is vital to objectivity, and with courage and perseverance,
brothers and sisters, because you will be opposed from without and within
the Muslim community.

*And remember to always pursue the truth, for God is the Truth, and always
pray for and trust in His guidance. And so arm yourselves also with
steadfast devotion to your Lord, never forgetting that to Him, and Him only,
you have surrendered*-not to a tradition, or a school of thought, or a local
community or culture, or scholarly legacy-and that your living, striving,
sacrifice and dying, all is for Allah.

*The article was excerpted from Dr. Jeffrey Lang's book entitled Losing My
Religion, an in depth analysis of the current acculturation of the Muslim
American identity. *

*Dr. Jeffrey Lang is Professor of Mathematics at The University of Kansas,
Lawrence, Kansas. He is the author of

Bismillah [IslamCity] US Muslim

2008-07-01 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Forbidden Love - sounds like the title of a bad movie.

It isn't


Gregory Waleed Kavalec
We shall speak to him, of our command, easiness (Quran 18:88);

Bismillah [IslamCity] Quran thought for today

2008-06-17 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
23:57  Truly they, those who dread their Lord and who are apprehensive,
23:58  and they, those who, believe in the Signs of their Lord and they,
those who make not partners with their Lord,
23:60  and they, those who give what they give with their hearts quaking
because they are ones who shall return to their Lord
23:61  those compete with one another in good works; they are Ones who
Outstrip them.
23:62  We place not a burden on any soul, but to its capacity;


Bismillah [IslamCity] obsessed ?

2008-06-12 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
The West is becoming 'obsessed with Islam,' Vatican warns

By Daily Mail 
Last updated at 6:29 PM on 10th June 2008

The West is becoming obsessed with Islam at the expense of the other world
religions, the Vatican has warned.

Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Pontifical Council for
Inter-Religious Dialogue, said that the Church "has to have regard for all
religions" and that  the West's fascination with Islam was putting
inter-faith dialogue at risk.

Cardinal Tauran said  the council had this week discussed new guidelines on
how to achieve this.
 [image: Islam]

The Vatican has warned that inter-faith dialogue is being put at risk
because of the west's fascination with Islam

"Islam is very important, but there are also other great Asiatic religious
traditions. Islam is one religion," he reveals on Catholic website

He added that Islam should not monopolise inter-faith dialogue and that it
was just one of the world's many religions.

"I'm going to India next month and I want to give this message that all
religions are equal.

"Sometimes there are priorities because of particular situations, but we
mustn't get the impression there are first-class religions and second-class

The Cardinal also criticised countries such as Saudi Arabia for not allowing
Christian worship.

"What is good for me is good for the other, so if it's possible for Muslims
to have a mosque in the West, we should have the same in Muslim countries.
This is not the case in many countries," he said.

Cardinal Tauran's comments come in the lead up to an inter-faith meeting in
Amman, the capital of Jordan, later this month.

"What was interesting about our discussions was that we did not concentrate
on Islam because in a way we are being held hostage by Islam a little bit."

Pope Benedict XVI has also convened a Catholic-Muslim forum for October in a
bid to compensate for a controversial speech he gave two years ago when he
suggested that Islam was "irrational and inherently violent".

My take:  Beney, you go convert the Hindus and such, that will at least get
them moving in the right direction.

Then we'll take them the rest of the way  ;-)

   Gregory Waleed Kavalec

Bismillah [IslamCity] Spending on Happiness

2008-06-12 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Can money buy you happiness? Yes—so long as you spend the money on someone
else. According to new research, giving other people even as little as $5
can lead to increased well-being for the giver.

That's the insight into the secret of happiness by HBS professor Michael
Norton and two colleagues from the University of British Columbia, Elizabeth
Dunn and Lara Aknin. Their article, "Spending Money on Others Promotes
Happiness," appeared in the March 21, 2008 issue of Science.


Harvard Business School

Bismillah [IslamCity] Just For Today

2008-06-09 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
-- Forwarded message --

   *June 7*

*Someone who believes in me*


*"Just for today, I will have faith in someone in NA who believes in me and
wants to help me in my recovery."*

*Basic Text, p. 96*


Not all of us arrive in NA and automatically stay clean.  But if we keep
coming back, we find in Narcotics Anonymous the support we need for our
recovery.  Staying clean is easier when we have someone who believes in us
even when we don't believe in ourselves.

Even the most frequent relapser in NA usually has one staunch supporter who
is always there, no matter what.  It is imperative that we find that one
person or group of people who believes in us.  When we ask them if we will
ever get clean, they will always reply, "Yes, you can and you will.  Just
keep coming back!"

We all need someone who believes in us, especially when we can't believe in
ourselves.  When we relapse, we undermine our already shattered
self-confidence, sometimes so badly that we begin to feel utterly hopeless.
At such times, we need the support of our loyal NA friends.  They tell us
that this can be our last relapse.  They know from experience that if we
keep coming to meetings, we will eventually get clean and stay clean.

It's hard for many of us to believe in ourselves.  But when someone loves us
unconditionally, offering support no matter how many times we've relapsed,
recovery in NA becomes a little more real for us.


*Just for today:*  I will find someone who believes in me.  I will believe
in them.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Fwd: FW: PRAYER REQUEST

2008-06-08 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Please bring our troops home from the 122 degree heat in Iraq.

Please consider sending their Commander in Chief someplace even hotter to
even things out.

Thank you!

>   Prayer request
> Thanks for joining in and passing it on.
> 7-Day Forecast for Baghdad,Iraq
> Fri
> Sat
> Sun
> Mon
> Tue
> Wed
> Thu
> 115ºF
>  89ºF
> 117ºF
>  89ºF
> 120ºF
>  90ºF
> 122ºF
>  91ºF
> 122ºF
>  92ºF
> 121ºF
>  95ºF
> 120ºF
>  95ºF
> Prayer request .
> According to the weather reports, it is our understanding that it is 122
> degrees in Iraq right now -- and the low will be 111! Our troops need our
> prayers for strength, endurance, and safety.. If it be God's will, give
> these men and women the strength they need to prevail.
>  I am not breaking this one.Let us pray.
> Prayer chain for our Military..please don't break it...
> Please send this on after a short prayer.
> *
> Prayer*
> *
> 'Lord, please hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they
> protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform
> for us in our time of need. Amen.'*
> Prayer Request: When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a
> prayer for our troops around the world.
> There is nothing attached... . Just send this to all the people in your
> address book. Do not let it stop with you, pleaseOf all the gifts you
> could give a US Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine & others deployed in harm's
> way, Prayer is the very best one!

Bismillah [IslamCity] THIS IS HOW IT IS DONE FOLKS

2008-05-31 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

You DO NOT have to be sheep!

Bismillah [IslamCity] Our pathology

2008-05-22 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec


Gregory Waleed Kavalec
Justice, like lightning, should ever appear
To some men hope, to other mean fear.

-- Jefferson Pierce

Bismillah [IslamCity] Saudi woman TV anchor OWNS "scholar"

2008-05-21 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec



Gregory Waleed Kavalec

Bismillah [IslamCity] Etiquette in the Quran

2008-05-05 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Peace all

I hope you don't mind my sharing this, the original is at

 Islamic Etiquette
By Layth (e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Besides the laws revealed by GOD that were designed to govern our lives, the
Quran has also indicated a list of 'Etiquette' which we are advised to
maintain in our dealings with each other on this planet.

"This Reading (Quran) guides to the best path, and brings good news to the
believers who lead a righteous life, that they have deserved a great
recompense." (17:9)

The below list are not LAWS, but when GOD makes a recommendation, it is
always very advisable for us to 'hear & obey' in a guarantee that it will
lead to happiness for all involved.

*Always Respond to a 'Greeting':*

"When greeted with a greeting, you shall respond with a better greeting or
at least an equal one. GOD reckons all things." (4:86)

"O ye who believe! When ye go abroad in the cause of Allah, investigate
carefully, and say not to any one who offers you a salutation: "Thou art not
a believer!"..." (4:94)

*Always Say 'Good' things:*

"Do you not see that GOD has cited the example of a good word as a good tree
whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches are high in the sky. It
produces its crop every season, as designed by its Lord. GOD thus cites the
examples for the people, that they may take heed." (14:24-25)

*Be 'Humble', and speak 'Lightly': *

"Walk humbly and lower your voice, the ugliest voice is the donkey's voice."

*Invite to GOD with wisdom and kindness:*

"Invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment, and
debate with them in the best possible manner. Your Lord knows best who has
strayed from His path, and He knows best who are the guided ones." (16:125)

"It was mercy from GOD that you became compassionate towards them. Had you
been harsh and mean-hearted, they would have abandoned you. Therefore, you
shall pardon them and ask forgiveness for them, and consult them. Once you
make a decision, carry out your plan, and trust in GOD. GOD loves those who
trust in Him." (3:159)

*Be Kind to your parents:*

"Your Lord has decreed that you shall not worship except Him, and your
parents shall be honored. As long as one or both of them live, you shall
never say to them, "Uff" (the slightest gesture of annoyance), nor shall you
shout at them; you shall treat them amicably. And lower for them the wings
of humility, and kindness, and say, "My Lord, have mercy on them, for they
have raised me from infancy." (17:23-24)

*Suppress Anger & Forgive People:*

"who (the righteous) give to charity during the good times, as well as the
bad times. They are suppressors of anger, and pardoners of the people. GOD
loves the charitable." (3:134)

*Counter Evil with Good:*

"Not equal is the good response and the bad response. You shall resort to
the nicest possible response. Thus, the one who used to be your enemy, may
become your best friend." (41:34)

"They steadfastly persevere in seeking their Lord, observe the Link (Salat),
spend from our provisions to them secretly and publicly, and counter evil
with good. These have deserved the best abode." (13:22)

*Do NOT Say 'Bad' things:*

"And the example of the bad word is that of a bad tree chopped at the soil
level; it has no roots to keep it firm." (14:26)

*Do NOT be 'Arrogant' or 'Carefree':*

"You shall not treat the people with arrogance, nor shall you roam the earth
carefree. GOD does not like the arrogant showoffs." (31:18)

*Do NOT engage in 'ignorant' talk:*

"The servants of the Almighty are those who tread the earth gently, and when
the ignorant speak to them, they only utter peace." (25:63)

*Do NOT Curse the Idolaters:*

"And do not curse those who call on other than GOD, lest they blaspheme and
curse GOD, out of ignorance. We have adorned the works of every group in
their eyes. Ultimately, they return to their Lord, then He informs them of
everything they had done." (6:108)

*Do NOT make fun of others, or call them names: *

"O you who believe, no people shall ridicule other people, for they may be
better than they. Nor shall any women ridicule other women, for they may be
better than they. Nor shall you mock one another, or call each other names.
Evil indeed is the reversion to wickedness after attaining faith. Anyone who
does not repent after this, these are the transgressors." (49:11)

*Do NOT be suspicious, or spy on one another, or backbite:*

"O you who believe, if a wicked person brings any news to you, you shall
first investigate, lest you commit injustice towards some people, out of
ignorance, then become sorry and remorseful for what you have done." (49:6)

"O you who believe, you shall avoid any suspicion, for even a little bit of
suspicion is sinful. You shall not spy on one another, nor shall you
backbite one another; this is as abominable as eating the flesh of your dead
brother. You certainly abhor this. You shall observe GOD. GOD is Redeemer,
Most Mer

Bismillah [IslamCity] Excellent article from The Telegraph

2008-03-31 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec



Saturday , February 16 , 2008

A Messiah for our time

Khushwant Singh
 *Prejudice is like poison. Unless purged out of one's mind in early
stages, it can spread like cancer and make one incapable of differentiating
between right and wrong. Of the many kinds of prejudice, the worst is to
believe that one's own religion is superior to all others, which may be
tolerated but never taken seriously or accepted as equally valid as one's
own. The most misunderstood of the major religions today is Islam, which,
after Christianity, is the second most widely practised religion in the
world. It also gains more converts than any of the other religions.
Prejudice against Islam was spread in Christendom from the time Muslims
gained dominance in the Middle East, North Africa and Spain. Christian
crusaders failed in their missions to crush Islam in its homeland but
continued to vilify its founder, Mohammed. The emergence of militant Islamic
groups like al-Qaida and taliban gave them reasons to do so. The attack on
the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington on
September 11, 2001 provided fresh ammunition to vilifiers of Islam. Since
then Islamophobia has been deliberately spread throughout the non-Muslim
world. The two principle contentions of the anti-Islamists are that Islam
was spread by the sword and that its founder-prophet was not the paragon of
virtue that Muslims make him out to be. It can be proved by historical
evidence that Islam was not forced upon the people; it was readily accepted
by millions because it offered them new values, principally equality of
mankind and rights to women that were unheard of in those times. In
countries like Indonesia and Malayasia, Islam was not forced on the
population by Muslim invaders but by Muslim missionaries.
 Muslims are extremely sensitive to criticism of their Prophet. A
popular adage in Persian is: ba khuda diwaana basho, ba Mohammed hoshiar! —
"say what you like about God, but beware of what you say about Mohammed."
They regard him as the most perfect man who ever trod upon the earth, a
successor of Adam, Moses, Noah, Abraham and Christ. He was the last of the
prophets. If you honestly want to know how Muslims see him, you ought to
take a good look at his life and teachings, which he claimed had been
revealed to him by God. It would be as wrong to judge him by the doings of
al-Qaida and taliban or by the fatwas periodically pronounced by Ayatollahs
and half-baked mullahs. You do not judge Hinduism of the Vedas and
Upanishads by the doings of Hindus who, in the name of Hindutva, destroy
mosques, murder missionaries and nuns, vandalize libraries and works of art.
You do not judge the teachings of the Sikh gurus by the utterances of
Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and by the murder of innocents by his hooligans.
Likewise, judge Mohammed by what he taught and stood for and not by what his
so-called followers do in his name.
Mohammed was born in Mecca in 570 AD. He lost both his parents while still a
child and was brought up by his grandfather and uncle. He managed the
business of a widow, whom he later married. She bore him six children. He
took no other wife until she died. He was 40 years old when he started
having revelations while in trance. They proclaimed Mohammed as the new
messiah. Such revelation kept coming at random, sometimes dealing with
problems at hand, at other times with matters spiritual. They were memorized
or written down by his admirers and became the Quran, which means
recitation. It should be kept in mind that Mohammed was not preaching ideas
of his own but only reiterating most of what was already in the Judaic
creed. Allah was the Arabic name for God before him. Similarly, Islam was
'surrender' and salman was 'peace'. Mecca was the main market city of the
Bedouin tribes. They gathered at the Kaaba, the huge courtyard with the
black meteorite embedded in it during two pilgrimages — the bigger Haj and
the lesser Umrah. Mohammed accepted Judaic traditions regarding food which
is halaal (lawful) or haraam (forbidden, such as pig meat), names of the
five daily prayers and circumcision of male children. Mohammed only asserted
the oneness of God that did not accept of any equal such as the stone
goddesses worshiped by different tribes. Mohammed never forced people to
accept his faith and indeed quoted Allah's message of freedom of faith.
"There must be no coercion in matters of faith — la ikra f'il deen."
Further: "And if God had so willed, He would have made you all one single
command; but He willed otherwise in order to test you by means of what He
has vouchsafed unto you. Vie, then with one another in doing good works!"
 As might have been expected, Mohammed's mission roused fierce
hostility. Many attempts were made to assassinate him but he had
miraculously escaped. Ultimately, in 622 AD he was advised to flee from
Mecca to Medina. This is know as the Hijra (emigration) and recognize

Bismillah [IslamCity] America was conned - who will pay?

2008-03-21 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
 America was conned - who will pay?

The South Sea Bubble ended in riots as trust was lost. Wall Street also
duped the public
 About this article Close
 This article appeared in the
Guardianon Monday
March 17 2008  on p30 of
It was last updated at 00:05 on March 17 2008.

Bear Stearns marks the moment when the global financial crisis went
critical. Up until last Friday, it had been possible - just about - to
believe that the worst was over and that things were about to get better.
That pretence was stripped away when JP Morgan, at the behest of the Federal
Reserve, stepped in when the hedge funds pulled the plug on the
fifth-biggest US investment bank.

It is now clear that no end is in sight to the turmoil, and the reason for
that is that the Fed and the US treasury are no closer to solving the
underlying problem than they were eight months ago. The crisis will only end
when house prices stop falling and banks stop racking up huge losses on
their loans. Doing that, however, will require the US government to
intervene directly in the real estate market to end the wave of
foreclosures. Ideologically, it is ill-equipped to take that step and, as a
result, property prices will fall and the financial meltdown will go on and

Ultimately, though, action will be taken because there will be political
pressure for it. Indeed, it is somewhat surprising that there is not already
rioting in the streets, given the gigantic fraud perpetrated by the
financial elite at the expense of ordinary Americans.

The US has just had its weakest period of expansion since the 1950s.
Consumption growth has been poor. Investment growth has been modest. Exports
have been sluggish. But if you are at the top of the tree, the years since
the last recession in 2001 has been a veritable golden age. Salaries for
executives have rocketed and profits have soared, because the productivity
gains from a growing economy have been disproportionately skewed towards

*Patriotic *

For ordinary Americans, though, it has been a different story. Real wages
have been growing slowly; at just 1.6% a year on average over the latest
upswing, well down on the experience of earlier decades. Business, of
course, needs consumers to carry on spending in order to make money, so a
way had to be found to persuade households to do their patriotic duty. The
method chosen was simple. Whip up a colossal housing bubble, convince
consumers that it makes sense to borrow money against the rising value of
their homes to supplement their meagre real wage growth and watch the
profits roll in.

As they did - for a while. Now it's payback time and the mood could get very
ugly. Americans, to put it bluntly, have been conned. They have been duped
by a bunch of serpent-tongued hucksters who packed up the wagon and made it
across the county line before a lynch mob could be formed.

The debate now is not about whether the US is in recession but how deep and
long that recession will be. Super-bears have started to say that this is
perhaps "The Big One", by which they mean the onset of a new Great
Depression. The need to rescue Bear Stearns has done little to still those

As the economics team at HSBC recently pointed out, there has been a
"catastrophic breakdown" of trust, and when that has happened in the past -
the US in the 1930s, Japan in the 1990s - chucking extra money at the banks
in the hope that they will start lending again proves ineffective.

It's not hard to see why trust has become such a rare commodity: Wall Street
at the height of the securitisation mania had, in effect, become London at
the time of the South Sea Bubble crisis in 1720. Vast quantities of funny
paper were changing hands even though those involved in the deals had no
idea of their true worth. Nor did they care. Inevitably, now the bubble has
burst and the huge Ponzi securitisation scam has been exposed, there has
been a reaction. The securitisation market is dead, there is less money
sloshing round the system, banks are hoarding their cash.

Having allowed the housing boom to rage out of control for too long and then
delaying cuts in interest rates until the housing market was gripped by
recessionary forces, the Fed is now trying to make up for lost time with a
burst of hyperactivity. It will cut interest rates on Wednesday and keep
cutting them: financial markets expect the Fed funds rate to be 1% by the
summer, and they are probably right. In most downturns, easier monetary
policy does the trick. Lower interest rates make it cheaper to borrow and
also change the trade-off between saving and spending. This may not be the
usual sort of downturn, however, with consumers going through a period of
debt revulsion after the excesses of re

Bismillah [IslamCity] America keeps bombing, so our currency does too!

2008-03-21 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Dollars tough to sell on streets of Amsterdam Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:51pm EDT

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The U.S. dollar's value is dropping so fast against
the euro that small currency outlets in Amsterdam are turning away tourists
seeking to sell their dollars for local money while on vacation in the

"Our dollar is worth maybe zero over here," said Mary Kelly, an American
tourist from Indianapolis, Indiana, in front of the Anne Frank house. "It's
hard to find a place to exchange. We have to go downtown, to the central
station or post office."

That's because the smaller currency exchanges -- despite buy/sell spreads
that make it easier for them to make money by exchanging small amounts of
currency -- don't want to be caught holding dollars that could be worth less
by the time they can sell them.

The dollar hovered near record lows on Monday, with one euro worth around
$1.58 versus $1.47 a month ago.

(Reporting by Svebor Kranjc, writing by Reed Stevenson)


G. Waleed Kavalec
"In religion and politics people's beliefs and convictions are
in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination,
from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue
but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners,
whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing."
-- Mark Twain

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fascinating...

2008-02-23 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

[image: The New York Times]    [image: Printer
Friendly Format Sponsored

February 21, 2008
 For Muslim Students, a Debate on Inclusion By NEIL MacFARQUHAR

SAN JOSE — Amir Mertaban vividly recalls sitting at his university's
recruitment table for the Muslim Students Association a few years ago when
an attractive undergraduate flounced up in a decidedly un-Islamic miniskirt,
saying "Salamu aleykum," or "Peace be upon you," a standard Arabic greeting,
and asked to sign up.

Mr. Mertaban also recalls that his fellow recruiter surveyed the young woman
with disdain, arguing later that she should not be admitted because her
skirt clearly signaled that she would corrupt the Islamic values of the
other members.

"I knew that brother, I knew him very well; he used to smoke weed on a
regular basis," said Mr. Mertaban, now 25, who was president of the Muslim
student group at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, from 2003
to 2005.

Pointing out the hypocrisy, Mr. Mertaban won the argument that the group
could no longer reject potential members based on rigid standards of Islamic

The intense debate over whether organizations for Muslim students should be
inclusive or strict is playing out on college campuses across the United
States, where there are now more than 200 Muslim Students Association

Gender issues, specifically the extent to which men and women should mingle,
are the most fraught topic as Muslim students wrestle with the yawning gap
between American college traditions and those of Islam.

"There is this constant tension between becoming a mainstream student
organization versus appealing to students who have a more conservative or
stricter interpretation of Islam," said Hadia Mubarak, the first woman to
serve as president of the national association, from 2004 to 2005.

Each chapter enjoys relative autonomy in setting its rules. Broadly, those
at private colleges tend to be more liberal because they draw from a more
geographically dispersed population, and the smaller numbers prompt Muslim
students to play down their differences.

Chapters at state colleges, on the other hand, often pull from the
community, attracting students from conservative families who do not want
their children too far afield.

for example, Sunnis and Shiites mix easily and male and female students
shocked parents in the audience by kissing during the annual awards
ceremony. Contrast that with the University of California, Irvine, which has
the reputation for being the most conservative chapter in the country, its
president saying that to an outsider its ranks of bearded young men and
veiled women might come across as "way Muslim" or even extremist.

But arguments erupt virtually everywhere. At the University of California,
Davis, last year, in their effort to make the Muslim association more
"cool," board members organized a large alcohol-free barbecue. Men and women
ate separately, but mingled in a mock jail for a charity drive.

The next day the chapter president, Khalida Fazel, said she fielded
complaints that unmarried men and women were physically bumping into one
other. Ms. Fazel now calls the event a mistake.

At George Washington
a dodge ball game pitting men against women after Friday prayers drew such
protests from Muslim alumni and a few members that the board felt compelled
to seek a religious ruling stating that Islamic traditions accept such an

Members acknowledge that the tone of the Muslim associations often drives
away students. Several presidents said that if they thought members were
being too lax, guest imams would deliver prayer sermons about the evils of
alcohol or premarital sex.

Judgment can also come swiftly. Ghayth Adhami, a graduate of the University
of California, Los Angeles, recalled how a young student who showed up at a
university recruitment meeting in a Budweiser T-shirt faced a few comments
about un-Islamic dress. The student never came back.

Some members push against the rigidity. Fatima Hassan, 22, a senior at the
Davis campus, organized a coed road trip to Reno, Nev., two hours away, to
play the slot machines last Halloween. In Islam, Ms. Hassan concedes,
gambling is "really bad," but it was men and women sharing the same car that
shocked some fellow association members.

"We didn't do anything wrong

Bismillah [IslamCity] Pilot wrongfully accused of 9/11 ties can seek damages from Britain

2008-02-23 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
 Pilot wrongfully accused of 9/11 ties can seek damages from Britain A
British court ruled that the government destroyed Lotfi Raissi's career by
imprisoning him for months on terror charges. *By Arthur

posted February 15, 2008 at 10:10 am EST

A British man wrongly charged with training the pilots in the Sept. 11
attacks and imprisoned for six months can claim damages from the British
government, a British court ruled Thursday. The decision has prompted
criticism of Britain's terrorist extradition policies with the United

Britain's Court of Appeal ruled, writes the *Scotsman*, that the government
should reexamine its decision to deny compensation to Lotfi Raissi, in light
of the damage it did to Mr. Raissi's career and reputation by arresting him
and publicly accusing him of aiding the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks in
2001. Raissi, who attended a flight school in Arizona at the same time as
men involved in the attacks, was imprisoned by the British government for
four-and-a-half months on terrorism-related charges. The government released
him when it could find no
support its accusations.

Lord Justice Hooper, giving judgment today, said: "The public labelling of
the appellant as a terrorist by the authorities in this country, and
particularly by the [Crown Prosecution Service, the government's criminal
prosecutors in England and Wales], over a period of many months has had and
continues to have, so it is said, a devastating effect on his life and on
his health.

 "He considers that, unless he receives a public acknowledgement that he is
not a terrorist, he will be unable to get his life back together again."

 The judge said the appeal court, which also included the Master of the
Rolls, Sir Anthony Clarke and Lady Justice Smith, considered that there was
a "considerable body of evidence" to suggest that the police and the CPS
were responsible for what the scheme describes as "serious defaults".

 *The New York Times* writes that while the court reserved most of its
criticism for British prosecutors, it also condemned the United States for
its role in Raissi's arrest. US authorities believed that Raissi was a
terrorist and requested he be
British law enforcement.

Mr. Raissi was picked up by the police at his home near Heathrow Airport 10
days after the [September 11] attacks at the request of the United States,
the court noted. During the seven days he was questioned by the British
police, an F.B.I. agent observed "from a remote location via a television
link," the court said.

 When the seven-day holding period was up, the United States sought to
extradite Mr. Raissi after hastily filing what the court called "trivial"
charges: failure to note on his pilot's license application that he had had
knee surgery, and that, at the age of 19, he had been arrested for stealing
a briefcase at Heathrow and given a false name at the time.

 The British court said the United States had abused the extradition
process, using it as "a device to secure" Mr. Raissi's "presence in the U.S.
for the purpose of investigating 9/11 rather than for the purpose of putting
him on trial for nondisclosure offenses."

 *The Times* of London writes that, nonetheless, the court found that
primary responsibility for Raissi's treatment lay with Britain, particularly
in the case presented by British
the behest of the United States.

Mr Raissi, they said, was the "lead instructor" for the hijackers. The
courts were told there was evidence that he falsified flight logs to hide
the fact he trained Hanjour. Videotape had been found of Hanjour and Mr
Raissi together. A notebook said to belong to Abu Doha, a major terrorist
suspect, that had been found in London contained Mr Raissi's phone number.

 One by one, over the course of ten court hearings, Mr Raissi's solicitor
proved that the allegations and the evidence to support them were false, if
not fabricated. ...

 In February 2002, Mr Raissi was released from Belmarsh jail. But neither
the British nor the American authorities were prepared to say they had been
mistaken. He remained a suspected terrorist, unable to travel outside
Britain except to Algeria.

The court added that it considered "the way in which extradition proceedings
were conducted in this country, with opposition to bail based on allegations
which appear unfounded in evidence, amounted to an abuse of process."

The *BBC* reports that Raissi was elated after the court's ruling, which
declared that he should be "completely

Bismillah [IslamCity] lessons from the Quran

2008-02-11 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Salaam alaikum

Some of the lessons from the Quran that apply to our day to day lives:

1. Respect and honor all human beings irrespective of their religion, color,
race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on

2. Talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity or deception

3. Choose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way
-- ,

4. Do not shout. Speak politely keeping your voice low.

5. Always speak the truth. Shun words that are deceitful and ostentatious

6. Do not confound truth with falsehood

7. Say with your mouth what is in your heart

8. Speak in a civilised manner in a language that is recognized by the
society and is commonly used

9. When you voice an opinion, be just, even if it is against a relative

10. Do not be a bragging boaster

11. Do not talk, listen or do anything vain

12. Do not participate in any paltry. If you pass near a futile play, then
pass by with dignity

13. Do not verge upon any immodesty or lewdness whether surreptitious or

14. If, unintentionally, any misconduct occurs by you, then correct yourself

-- .

15. Do not be contemptuous or arrogant with people

16. Do not walk haughtily or with conceit

17. Be moderate in thy pace

18. Walk with humility and sedateness

19. Keep your gazes lowered devoid of any lecherous leers and salacious
-- -31

20. If you do not have complete knowledge about anything, better keep your
mouth shut. You might think that speaking about something without full
knowledge is a trivial matter. But it might have grave consequences
-- -16

21. When you hear something malicious about someone, keep a favorable view
about him/her until you attain full knowledge about the matter. Consider
others innocent until they are proven guilty with solid and truthful
-- -13

22. Ascertain the truth of any news, lest you smite someone in ignorance and
afterwards repent of what you did

23. Do not follow blindly any information of which you have no direct
(Using your faculties of perception and conception) you must verify it for
yourself. In the Court of your Lord, you will be held accountable for your
hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning

24. Never think that you have reached the final stage of knowledge and
nobody knows more than yourself. Remember! Above everyone endowed with
knowledge is another endowed with more knowledge

Even the Prophet [sallallahu alaihi wa salaam] was asked to keep praying,
"O My sustainer! Advance me in knowledge."

25. The believers are but a single Brotherhood. Live like members of one
family, brothers and sisters unto one another

26. Do not make mockery of others or ridicule others

27. Do not defame others

28. Do not insult others by nicknames

29. Avoid suspicion and guesswork. Suspicion and guesswork might deplete
communal energy

30. Spy not upon one another

31. Do not backbite one another

32. When you meet each other, offer good wishes and blessings for safety.
One who conveys to you a message of safety and security and also when a
courteous greeting is offered to you, meet it with a greeting still more
courteous or (at least) of equal courtesy

33. When you enter your own home or the home of somebody else, compliment

34. Do not enter houses other than your own until you have sought
permission; and then greet the inmates and wish them a life of blessing,
purity and pleasure

Bismillah [IslamCity] Challenge & Respone - The case of anti-Islam movie

2008-01-28 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Salaam all

This article is is too excellent.  Highlights mine.

G. Waleed Kavalec

-- Forwarded message --

  *Challenge and Response: The Case of Islamophobic Wilding *
 Posted Jan 24, 2008

by *Dr. Robert D. Crane**
The Center for Understanding Islam

The challenge posed by Geert Wilders' ten-minute film attacking the Prophet
Muhammad, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa salam, is political. He is a member of the
Dutch parliament and a leader of a far right party that is trying to gain
votes by exploiting the growing alienation and hostility between the
minority of Muslims in Europe and the majority population.

He hopes to provoke radical responses by Muslims in order to support his
party's message that Islam must be purged from Europe and the Qur'an must be
banned in public and criminalized even for private reading at home. He knows
that some governments and other special interests in the Muslim world will
oblige him by using his challenge to the Prophet Muhammad and the religion
of Islam in order to consolidate their own power by stealing the thunder
from their radical opponents. He has learned from the Danish Cartoons affair
how tempting it is for unpopular Muslim governments to prove their
legitimacy by facilitating and even provoking well-orchestrated and
well-controlled violence against the "enemy". Some Westerners, of course,
have been known to do the same, and Geerts is one of them.

The first response that would be natural among Muslims is to fall into
Geerts' trap and resort to violent protests. Heavy-handed measures against
such protests could merely provoke greater violence.

The second response is to do nothing. Many Muslim leaders are trying to
avoid violence simply by urging all Muslims to avoid the trap. Perhaps the
leading advocate of the "do nothing" school of thought is Tariq Ramadhan,
who knows the situation in Holland and the background of this crisis. In a
position paper first published in

"The Dutch government needs to preempt a vicious circle of radical response
by making it clear that the government does not support and even condemns
the film but that it is not banning it because this would violate freedom of
expression. Wilders should not be prevented from speaking or even jailed, as
some have suggested. One responds to him only when there is a legitimate
basis for argument, but should simply ignore him when he is mounting an
orchestrated provocation."

The third response, similar to the second one, is for Muslims around the
world to leave the response to the Dutch. Right now, the Dutch seem to be
doing a pretty good job without our help in getting popular support for
restricting the access of Geert Wilders' film within the Dutch media. The
Dutch, however, would no doubt never ban it altogether, simply because the
Dutch for decades, if not centuries, have had a reputation of liberality.
The Dutch became famous for boldly supporting liberal thought when Cardinal
Suenens almost forty years ago led the aggiornimento that led to the Second
Vatican Council. In 1972, he became the global Catholic leader of the
charismatic movement, otherwise known as Catholic Pentacostalism, which was
a somewhat heterodox but much needed reintroduction of spiritual awareness,
somewhat resembling the Sufi revival, both orthodox and heterodox, in modern
day Islam.

The fourth response would be actually to hope that the Wilders film will
gain maximum coverage so that it will backfire from its own extremism. In
this way, the phenomenon of "Islamophobic Wilding" might end up with
positive results, providing that Muslims do not fall into its trap. I use
the phrase "wilding" as a takeoff on the phrase invented to describe the
gang that almost fatally beat the woman jogger in Central Park a few years
ago, because this is what Geert Wilders is trying to do to the the Prophet
Muhammad, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa salam, and to the Qur'an.

There is a famous precedent for this fourth response in what might be called
the "boomerang" strategy to hang a criminal by his own petard, that is, to
exploit his mistakes in order to hang him. This precedent occurred in 1993,
when I was contacted as head of the Legal Department of the American Muslim
Council. A man from Detroit called me in the middle of the night to say that
he would give us any amount of money immediately if we would shut down a
radio station in Florida. He happened to listen to it apparently in a hotel
room and was beside himself with rage. This station regularly aired the most
demonic attacks on Islam and Muslims, which was a trend just then beginning
as a professional discipline in a few Evangelical seminaries.

My initial advice was to ignore this radio station, but the caller insisted
that he would not go to asleep until I had agreed to shut it down. I told
him that the American constitution guarantees freedom of speech, limited
only by threat to human life or malicious defama

Bismillah [IslamCity] Forgotten champion of Islam: One man and his mosque

2008-01-19 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
 *Editor's Choice* *Forgotten champion of Islam: One man and his mosque*
*A crumbling house in Liverpool conceals a curious secret: the vandalised
remains of Britain's first mosque. Now, finally, the city is set to restore
it - and to honour the eccentric lawyer who created it. Michael Savage
discovers his remarkable story * **  *Published: 02 August 2007 * *The
Independent* Number 8 Brougham Terrace in Liverpool is a derelict
semi-detached house. Its whitewashed facade is filthy, its front door
scratched and swollen and its rear gates are covered in graffiti. Pigeons
have made the roof their home. The condition of the interior is even worse.
Large, orange rings of dry-rot fungus cling to the walls. Pieces of the roof
are scattered across the floor.
There is little to suggest that No 8 Brougham Terrace is anything special.
But underneath the dust and the mould is a building of extraordinary
historical and social significance. This was Britain's first true mosque.
And following years of neglect, it could finally be about to receive the
restoration treatment that, given its place in the nation's history, it
surely deserves. The Bishop of Liverpool has called for action. The Saudi
and Kuwait governments are interested in helping to fund a project that
would cost £2.4m.
With Liverpool gearing up to be European Capital of Culture next year, the
plight of the forgotten mosque is attracting attention again. That, in turn,
has shed light on the astonishing character who founded it on Christmas Day
William Quilliam was a solicitor. But in late 19th century Britain there was
no other solicitor quite like him. He is said to have appeared in court
wearing Turkish ceremonial dress. Others claim he travelled through
Liverpool on a white Arab horse, or that he was descended from a first
lieutenant who fought with Nelson at Trafalgar.
Such stories may well be apocryphal, yet Quilliam was a man whose life needs
no embellishing. Few religious figures have championed their faith the way
the man who became Sheikh Abdullah Quilliam did. He did so despite often
facing hostility from his own countrymen. He was made the Sheikh of Britain
by the last Ottoman emperor, converted hundreds to his religion, and was
honoured by the Sultan of Morocco, the Shah of Persia and the Sultan of
Afghanistan. The mosque at 8 Brougham Terrace was his crowning achievement.
Born in 1856, Quilliam was the son of a wealthy watchmaker, and became a
solicitor after training at the Liverpool Institute. But life as a lawyer
took its toll on Quilliam and in 1882 he travelled to the south of France to
recover from stress. While he was recuperating, he decided to cross the
Mediterranean to Morocco and Algeria and it was there that his fascination
with Islam began. At the age of 31 he converted to the religion, changed his
name to Abdullah and bought a marmoset as a pet.
"He never went anywhere without that monkey," said Quilliam's granddaughter,
Patricia Gordon. "It used to sit on his shoulder. He had a little fez made
for it and would even take it to the British Museum when he was studying
there. He was an old Victorian eccentric. He was his own man and he did what
he wanted to do all his life. When he walked into a room, everyone would go
quiet. He was a very colourful character."
His love of exotic animals turned his home into a zoo - he reportedly kept a
jackal, a wolf, a fox and even a crocodile.
For Quilliam, his own conversion was just the start of his loud and proud
association with Islam. He soon found he had the knack of convincing others
of its merits. He first began holding lectures on his new religion and then
founded the Liverpool Mosque and Institute in the small semi on Brougham
Terrace, West Derby Street, in 1889.
Within 10 years of his return to the city, he assembled a following of about
150 Muslims, almost entirely made up of British converts. Scientists and
professionals were among Quilliam's group, along with his sons and his
mother, who had spent most of her life as a Christian activist. He also
produced two journals, The Crescent and The Islamic Review, on a printing
press in the mosque's cellar. Both were circulated internationally.
But Quilliam's misssion did not stop at publishing. He set out to help ease
Liverpool's social ills, founding the Medina Home, which cared for
illegitimate children and found them foster parents. He set up the Muslim
College, a weekly debating society and also wrote a book of Muslim hymns in
He still found time to write a book. The Faith of Islam was published in
1899 by a small local printer and was translated into 13 languages, with
three editions published. Quilliam proudly said that it had been read by
Queen Victoria and the ruler of Egypt.
But not everyone appreciated Quilliam's vigour. Soon after he converted to
Islam, he was evicted from his house by his landlord, who took exception to
his rejection of Christianity. The timing of his book on Islam compounded
the vitriolic hatred that

Bismillah [IslamCity] Islamic Jesus

2008-01-18 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
The passion for Christ: 'Islamic Jesus' hits Iranian theatres
15 Jan 2008,  hrs IST,AFP

TEHRAN: A director who shares the ideas of Iran's hardline president has
produced what he says is the first film giving an Islamic view of Jesus
Christ, in a bid to show the "common ground" between Muslims and Christians.

 Nader Talebzadeh sees his movie,  Jesus, the Spirit of God  , as an Islamic
answer to Western productions like Mel Gibson's 2004 blockbuster  The
Passion of the Christ  , which he praised as admirable but quite simply

 "Gibson's film is a very good film. I mean that it is a well-crafted movie
but the story is wrong - it was not like that," he said, referring to two
key differences: Islam sees Jesus as a prophet, not the son of God, and does
not believe he was crucified.
 Talebzadeh said he even went to Gibson's mansion in Malibu, California, to
show him his film. "But, it was Sunday and the security at the gate received
the film and the brochure and promised to deliver it," though the Iranian
never heard back.

 Even in Iran,  Jesus, The Spirit of God  had a low-key reception, playing
to moderate audiences in five Tehran cinemas during the holy month of
Ramadan, in October.

 The film, funded by state broadcasting, faded off the billboards but is far
from dead, about to be recycled in a major 20 episode spin-off to be
broadcast over state-run national television this year.

 Talebzadeh insists it aims to bridge differences between Christianity and
Islam, despite the stark divergence from Christian doctrine about Christ's
final hours on earth.

 "It is fascinating for Christians to know that Islam gives such devotion to
and has so much knowledge about Jesus," Talebzadeh said.

 "By making this film I wanted to make a bridge between Christianity and
Islam, to open the door for dialogue since there is much common ground
between Islam and Christianity," he said.



G. Waleed Kavalec
We never apologize to anyone for depending upon our Creator. We can laugh at
those who think spirituality the way of weakness.
Paradoxically, it is the way of strength. The verdict of the ages is that
faith means courage.
 --  Alcoholics Anonymous,  Page 68

Bismillah [IslamCity] Emergency Alert: Senate Set to Cave on FISA

2007-12-15 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
*The Senate is set to:

* *1. Disavow the will of the people. 2. Ignore the Constitution.
3. Promote fear over common sense.
4. Put its own political gain over our rights and liberties.

The Senate is set to do all this starting tomorrow, unless we stop this
ill-advised plan today.
Call your senators

As soon as tomorrow, the Senate will begin to debate legislation that would
give the president greatly expanded powers to spy on Americans. There isn't
a moment to lose. Call

Even though the Senate Judiciary Committee passed legislation that provides
greater protections for privacy and doesn't give amnesty to
telecommunications companies, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has decided
to move the bad Senate Intelligence Committee bill. This is not good news
for those of us who respect freedom, the rule of law and the Constitution.

Tell your senators and Senator Reid to vote against this awful
This Intelligence Committee bill, negotiated closely between the Bush
administration and Senator Rockefeller, contains retroactive immunity for
the phone companies that illegally turned over private phone and email
records to the government and completely eliminates warrants and court
review of government spying.
Instead of capitulating to the White House, senators should be listening to
you. Recent polls show that 61% of American voters believe the government
should have to get a warrant from a court before wiretapping the overseas
conversations of U.S. citizens. And 59% of American voters reject amnesty
for phone companies that may have violated the law.
Sadly, Senator Reid is asking senators to decide where they stand on spying
after a *secret* meeting taking place today with Attorney General Mukasey
and Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell, *a day before voting
is scheduled to take place*. Director McConnell played a central role in
negotiations around the Protect America Act and, acting on behalf of the
White House, used questionable tactics and misinformation to convince
members to eviscerate the Fourth Amendment.

Because this meeting is secret, we obviously don't know what's going on
behind closed doors. But if history is any guide, this meeting could be used
to provide misleading information about the current threats facing America
to scare your senators into continuing the Bush Administration's secret
spying free-for-all.
There isn't a moment to lose. Call
We each need to do our part. Senator Reid needs to lead. All of our senators
need to vote against the Intelligence Committee bill, anything resembling
the Protect America Act or any bill that grants immunity to
telecommunications companies that have broken the law over the past six
years. We are also asking senators to join the filibuster of any bill with
telecom immunity.
Your call today could mean the difference between our continued freedom as
Americans and a secret government operation with no accountability.  Please
join us now in fighting this bad bill, which goes against our democratic
Your continued actions and support have carried us this far; we cannot give
up now. Don't let history repeat itself. Make the
tell your friends and family and continue to carry the torch of liberty. Our
country is counting on you.


[image: Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU]
Caroline Fredrickson, Director
ACLU Washington Legislative Office


Bismillah [IslamCity] O Little Town of Bethlehem!

2007-12-15 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
O Little Town of Bethlehem

Israel, Palestine and American Christian Hypocrites

It was December of 1991 and I was serving as Legal Advisor to the
Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations in Washington
DC. The Israelis were stalling,not even negotiating in bad faith, and the
Americans under Baker and Ross were doing nothing to get the negotiations

This had been going on for 3 weeks and Christmas was fast approaching. Those
of us on the Palestinian Team who were Christian were wondering if we were
going to be able to get home for Christmas--many Palestinians are Christian,
the original Christians, going back to Jesus Christ and the Apostles
themselves. I would periodically check in with my wife and 2 sons at the
time--little boys. My poor, sweet wife had to do all the Christmas
preparations by herself without me.

So the weekend before Christmas I called her up to say I still did not know
if or when I would be coming home. My oldest son who had just turned 5
talked to me on the phone:

"Daddy why aren't you home for Christmas?"

"Well son, I'm trying to help the Palestinians."

"Daddy, why are you doing that?"

Hard to explain the entire Middle East conflict to a 5 year old, so I put it
into terms he could understand:

"Son, you know that Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem don't you?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Well I am here with the Mayor of Bethlehem and some other Palestinian
leaders. They are my friends and I am their lawyer. I am working with the
Mayor of Bethlehem to help all the Palestinian Children have a merry

"Ok Daddy."

We got the word we could go home for Christmas on December 23 and I got on
the first flight out of DC. getting home just on time for Christmas Eve with
my family.

Periodically I had attended UCC Christmas Season Church Services in town
with my family. When it came time for prayers from the congregation, I
always got up and asked everyone to help the Palestinians along the
following lines: "...Bethlehem is cut-off and surrounded by the Israeli
army--the Church of the Nativity too. The Israelis are inflicting ethnic
cleansing upon all the Palestinian, both Muslims and Christians. They are
also pursuing a policy of deliberately forcing Palestinian Christians out of
Palestine as part of a perverse strategy to turn a war of national
liberation into a religious crusade, figuring it would play better in the
United States. And these are the original Christians, going back to Jesus
Christ and the Apostles. Meanwhile, the United States government is
financing it all to the tune of $5 billion per year. Everyone in this
Congregation has gifts given to them by God. So go out and do something to
help the Palestinians!"

Despite my best efforts over several years, that UCC Congregation refused to
lift one finger to help the Palestinians. So about 18 months ago, I quit
their Congregation and severed all ties with them. They are just a gang of
moral cowards and hypocrites. They have nothing to teach me or anyone else
about Christianity, let alone about peace, justice and human rights.

Francis A. Boyle, Champlaign, IL.
Professor of International Law
Legal Advisor to the Palestinian Delegation to the
Middle East Peace Negotiations (1991-93)


Bismillah [IslamCity] Archbishop Desmond Tutu tells it !

2007-12-10 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Tutu says U.S. and UK policies like apartheid-era government Mon 10 Dec
2007, 14:40 GMT
  [- ] Text 

By Wendell Roelf

CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - Archbishop Desmond Tutu accused the United States and
Britain on Monday of pursuing policies like those of South Africa's
apartheid-era government by detaining terrorism suspects without trial.

At an event to commemorate the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(UNDR), the Nobel laureate said the detention of suspected al Qaeda and
Taliban members at the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was a "huge
blot on a democracy".

"Whoever imagined that you would hear from the United States and from
Britain the same arguments for detention without trial that were used by the
apartheid government," Tutu told a news conference in Cape Town.

Tutu is chairman of the Elders, a group of prominent international statesmen
that includes former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, anti-apartheid icon Nelson
Mandela and his Mozambican-born wife Graca Machel.

The group is spearheading a campaign to get one billion people to sign a
pledge reaffirming the principles of the UNDR, passed by the United Nations
General Assembly on December 10, 1948.

Tutu, who helped lead the struggle to overthrow white minority rule in South
Africa, said he was surprised so many Americans had accepted the argument
that the Guantanamo detentions were necessary because of national security.

"It is exactly what the apartheid government used to say here," the Anglican
cleric said.

His remarks come amid a growing outcry over alleged abuses at Guantanamo,
which in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United
States was used as a mass detention centre for suspected violent Islamic

Critics have said that the United States has circumvented international law
by holding detainees without charge, often for years, and violated their
human rights with forced confessions and torture tactics.

President George W. Bush says the detentions are lawful, humane and
necessary as part of its fight against extremists in Iraq, Afghanistan and
elsewhere in the world.

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a legal challenge by Guantanamo
inmates who are contesting their detention.

(Editing by Paul Simao and Elizabeth Piper)
 (c) Reuters 2007. All Rights Reserved.



G. Waleed Kavalec
We never apologize to anyone for depending upon our Creator. We can laugh at
those who think spirituality the way of weakness.
Paradoxically, it is the way of strength. The verdict of the ages is that
faith means courage.
 --  Alcoholics Anonymous,  Page 68

Bismillah [IslamCity] ACTION ALERT: Keep Stoping Savage Hate

2007-11-19 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Monday Nov. 19th, 2007
9 Dhu'l-Qa'dah, 1428

   * *
*Ask AT&T to pull advertising from the Savage Nation: *
* *

The Houston office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations
(CAIR-Houston) calls on radio listeners of all faiths to contact companies
that advertise on Savage's program to express their concerns about the
host's anti-Muslim bigotry.

CAIR recently reported that Michael Savage on his radio program "The Savage
Nation" screamed attacks on Muslims, Islam, and the Quran, Islam's revealed
text, during his October 29, 2007, program.

SEE: National Radio Host Goes on Anti-Muslim

*JCPenny* recently responded to request to pull advertising from the "Savage
Nation" radio show. In the response an official stated that the placement of
JCPenny ads during the show was unacceptable.

Other companies that have responded to requests to drop ads from Savage's
program include *Citrix Systems Inc.*, a global leader in application
delivery infrastructure and *OfficeMax *, a leading office products
retailer. "It is encouraging that companies nationwide are choosing not to
associate with Mr. Savage's hatred and bigotry," said CAIR Communications
Coordinator Amina Rubin.

 CAIR is continuing to ask other "Savage Nation" advertisers to follow the
example set by other companies.  AT&T is now being asked to discontinue
their advertising on the "Savage Nation" program.


*1. CONTACT AT&T.* Politely request they stop buying air time on the radio
program "Savage Nation." Please contact company officials to express your
concerns about their support of such a hate-filled program.

 Randall L. Stephenson
Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer, AT&T
175 E. Houston
San Antonio, TX 78205
Tel: (210) 821-4105
Fax: (210) 351-2071



 For more information, please contact:

Council on American-Islamic Relations Houston Chapter
5821 South West Freeway Suite 304, Houston, Texas 77057
Phone: 713-838-CAIR, Fax: 713-838-2250
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Website:


G. Waleed Kavalec
Ideology is at the threshold of idolatry.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Please enjoy...

2007-11-19 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
This Iowa student of Arabic became a Muslim in her heart when she
started reading the Quran in order do to her university homework and
couldn't put it down.

I sat in the Alhambra Mosque in Granada, Spain staring at the script that
bordered the walls. It was the most beautiful language I had ever seen.
"What language is that?" I said a Spanish tourist. "Arabic," they answered.

The next day, when the tour attendant asked which language I wanted my tour
book in, I answered, "Arabic."

"Arabic?" she said, surprised. "Do you speak Arabic?"

"No," I replied. "Can you give me one in English too?"

By the end of my trip I had a bag full of Arabic tour guides to all the
sites I had visited in Spain. In fact, my bag was so full that at  one point
I had to give away some of my clothes so I could make everything fit. But, I
hung on to my Arabic tour books as if they were made of gold. I would open
them every night and look at the letters of the language as they flowed
across the page. I imagined being able to write such beautiful script and I
thought to myself that there must be something worth knowing about a culture
that had such an artistic language. I vowed that I would study this language
when I started college in the fall.

Only two months before, I had left my family in Iowa to take a trip through
Europe, alone. I was only 16 years old and due to enter Northwestern
University in the fall and I had wanted to "see the world" first. At least,
that is what I told my friends and family. In  reality I was searching for
answers. I had left the church only a few months before and did not know
where to turn. I knew that I was not comfortable with what I was being
taught, but I did not know of any alternatives.

Where I grew up, in the Midwest, there was no room for confusion - you were
either part of the church or you were not. So, I had no idea there was
something else. When I set off for Europe I hoped that there was.

In my church we were not allowed to pray to God, we could only pray to Jesus
and hope that he would relay the message to God. I had intuitively felt that
there was something wrong with that and so, without telling anyone, I
secretly prayed to "God." I sincerely believed that there was only one
entity to pray to. But, I felt guilty because this was not what I had been
taught. Then, there was the confusing matter of what to do during one's
"daily life."

"I dutifully went to church every Sunday and was very serious about what I
learned regarding honesty, kindness and compassion. So, it confused me when
I saw people from church acting so differently during the week. Were there
no rules during the week? Did they only apply on Sundays? I looked for some
guidance...but found none. There were the Ten Commandments that covered the
obvious things like killing, stealing and lying, but other than that, I had
no guidelines for how to act when I wasn't in church. All I knew was:
perhaps there was something wrong with wearing mini-skirts to church and
only going to Sunday School because of cute guys that attended.

One day, I went to a teacher's house and saw a shelf lined with Bibles. I
asked what they were. "Different versions of the Bible," my teacher replied.
It did not seem to bother him at all that there were so many different
versions. But, it bothered me. Some of them were really different and some
chapters were even missing from the version I had. I was very confused.

I returned to college that fall disappointed that I had not found the
answers I was hoping for in Europe, but with a passion for a language I had
only just learned about - Arabic. Ironically, I had stared right at the
answers I was searching for, on the walls of the Alhambra. But, it took me
two more years to realize that.

The first thing I did when I reached the campus was...enroll in Arabic
classes. I was one of only three people in the highly unpopular class. I
immersed myself in my Arabic studies with such a passion that my teacher was
confused. I did my homework with a calligraphy pen and I went into the Arab
areas of Chicago just to track down a Coca Cola bottle written in the
language. I begged him to lend me books in Arabic just so I could look at
the script. By the time my second year  of college came around, I decided I
should consider a major in Middle Eastern Studies. So, I enrolled in some
classes focusing on the region. In one class we studied the Qur'an.

I opened the Qur'an one night to "do my homework" and could not stop reading
it. It was like I had picked up a good novel. I thought to myself, "Wow.
This is great. This is what I have always believed. This answers all my
questions about how to act during the week and it even states very clearly
that there is only one God."

It just all made so much sense. I was amazed that there was this book
written about everything I believed in and had been searching for. I went to
class the next day to ask about the author of the book so I  could read more
books by them. In the copy I 

Bismillah [IslamCity] ACTION ALERT: Stop Savage Hate

2007-11-17 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Nov 16, 2007 10:55 AM
Subject: ACTION ALERT: Stop Savage Hate

Tues. Nov. 6th, 2007
6 Dhu'l-Qa'dah, 1428

   * *
*Ask JCPenny to pull advertising from Savage: *
* *

The Houston office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations
(CAIR-Houston) calls on radio listeners of all faiths to contact companies
that advertise on Savage's program to express their concerns about the
host's anti-Muslim bigotry.

CAIR recently reported that Michael Savage on his radio program "The Savage
Nation" screamed attacks on Muslims, Islam, and the Quran, Islam's revealed
text, during his October 29, 2007, program.

SEE: National Radio Host Goes on Anti-Muslim

Companies that have dropped ads from Savage's program include *Citrix
Systems Inc.*, a global leader in application delivery infrastructure and *
OfficeMax*, a leading office products retailer. "It is encouraging that
companies nationwide are choosing not to associate with Mr. Savage's hatred
and bigotry," said CAIR Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin.

CAIR is asking other Savage advertisers to follow that company's example.
Currently JCPenny is being asked to discontinue their advertising on the
"Savage Nation" program.


*1. CONTACT JCPenney.* Politely request they stop buying air time on the
radio program "Savage Nation." Please contact company officials to express
your concerns about their support of such a hate-filled program.

Mr. Myron E. Ullman
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer J.C. Penney Company, Inc.
6501 Legacy Drive
Plano, TX 75024
Tel: 972-431-1000
Fax: 972-431-9140



* *

 For more information, please contact:

Council on American-Islamic Relations Houston Chapter
5821 South West Freeway Suite 304, Houston, Texas 77057
Phone: 713-838-2247, Fax: 713-838-2250
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Website:

This message was sent from CAIR-Houston to [EMAIL PROTECTED] It was
sent from: CAIR-Houston, 5821 Southwest Freeway, Suite 304, Houston, TX
77057. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below. [image:
Email Marketing Software] 

  To be removed click

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Money Party - The Essence of Our Political Troubles

2007-10-02 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
The Money Party - The Essence of Our Political Troubles by Michael
Collins| Sep
30 2007 - 3:36pm |

Michael Collins 
"Scoop" Independent News 
Washington, D.C.

* **The Money Party* is a small group of enterprises and individuals who
have most of the money in this country. They use that money to make more
money. Controlling who gets elected to public office is the key to
*more*money for them and
*less* for us. As 2008 approaches, The Money Party is working hard to
maintain its perfect record.

It is not about Republicans versus Democrats. Right now, the Republicans do
a better job taking money than the Democrats. But The Money Party is an
equal opportunity employer. They have no permanent friends or enemies, just
permanent interests. Democrats are as welcome as Republicans to this
party. It's
all good when you're on *the* *take* *and* *the* *take* *is legal.*

This is not a conspiracy theory. There are no secret societies or sinister
operators. This party is up front and in your face. Just follow the
. One percent of Americans hold 33% of the nation's wealth. The top 10% hold
72% of the total wealth. The bottom 40% of Americans control only
0.3%(three tenths of one percent). And
that was before "pay day loans."

The story is as old as civilization but the stakes have never been higher
than they are right now.

In every campaign for major office, the party passes out money and buys
candidates from both parties. Thanks to the candidates who get elected, this
*pay to play* system remains perfectly legal. Those elected get luxury
trips, sweet jobs for family members, and more campaign contributions for
the next round of elections. What they do is *perfectly* *legal* even though
it looks like bribery.

In return for contributions, the election *winners* come through by fixing
the laws so that The Money Party cleans up. Lower taxes, highly favorable
business regulations, laws that shield their businesses from real
competition all start with the nonstop flow of Money Party funds. Cost is no
object, because in the end it's all paid for with our tax dollars.

The Money Party gets no-bid contracts as well as the ability to lay off
their employees and dump their pension plans just about any time they want. It
doesn't get much better than that. It's welfare for big money and survival
of the fittest for the rest of us.

We are nothing to them.

When the White House and Congress ignore the health care crisis year after
year, why be surprised? They're not in office to serve you. The drug
companies and hospitals had their bid in first.

When our public *servants* fail to get us out of Iraq, don't take it
personally. That will happen when The Money Party says so.

When citizens suffer and starve for days after a hurricane, we're told *they
should have been better prepared.* When levees and bridges collapse, it's *an
act of God*. But when the fat no-bid contracts show up, The Money Party
takes it all.

Unreliable election systems, citizens excluded from the vote on the basis of
race and class, and questionable results don't matter as long as the
*right*candidates get in. We
pretend to vote, they pretend to get elected, but there's no doubt who is in
charge - The Money Party.

It's nothing personal. The party is just doing its job. Why be surprised or
disappointed? It's been happening for centuries. The more some have, the
more they want, the harder they fight to keep it. Spread some around so they
can get even more. It's a rigged game from top to bottom.

*We let this happen*. We can change it. The first step is to name it, and we
just did.

The Irish fought for 800 years to win their independence from the world's
most powerful empire. Generations came and went before the goal even seemed
possible. They never gave up.

Now it's our turn.


Note: This is the first in series of articles on The Money
. Other topics include why we end up with such lousy leaders, why it's so
hard to get rid of them, and how the party manipulates the public debate
with misleading terms and crackpot ideas that seem legitimate. Special
thanks to John Arbuthnot and Jillian Hayroot for their input.

*Permission granted to reproduce in whole or part with a link to the
original article in "Scoop" Independent News and attribution of authorship
to Michael Collins.*

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Such an ally we have!

2007-09-24 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Israel asks U.S. foreign aid be paid in EUROS

FYI - the Euro is now worth about 1.4 US Dollars.

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni

Secretary of State Rice has acknowledged a communique from Israeli foreign
minister Tzipi Levni which requests that all foreign aid payments and loans
from the United States be made in Euros rather than in Dollars. Foreign
Minister Levni cited the rapidly declining dollar and it's disfavor as a
world currency as reasons for the request.

"In the spirit of Yom Kippur, the United States will not hold Israel to any
agreements obligating them to accept Dollars as payment for their foreigh
aid. We will translate our obligations into Euros or whatever currency that
best fits Israel's needs" Secretary RIce said in the Friday, Sept 21

"We need to place our Israeli obligations at the top of our national prioriy
list. Israel should not suffer any inconvenience due to currency
fluctuations" said Rice before heading off to Camp David.

A similar request from Egypt was declined last week.


 [image: unclesam wakeup]

 [image: Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Salat and Zaqat.

2007-09-10 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
One of the repeated traits of those who work against word of Allah we see
often is this:  The truth is put before them in clear words, easy to
understand, and they go on repeating their shirk or other nonsense as though
they never heard a thing.

This is in fact inevitable; Allah is Al Haqq, so to work against Him the mus
ignore the truth.

The shaitan's current campaign against the Quran has cleverly invested its
new efforts, not in the miasma of hadith as has been the case for many
centuries, but in a clever illusion of anti-hadith and pro-Quran.  It is an
ILLUSION because as we can CLEARLY see this is not our Quran that is being
promoted.  Every effort is being made to undermine the LANGUAGE of the Quran
in the vain belief that through this mechanism the Quran is vulnerable; as
though they think that Allah won't notice if they sneak up this back path.

> Through the agency of the Mu'mineen a system of government (Salaat) should
be established

How many times has this FALSE definition of SALAT been disproven in these

How many times has Sajjada and Sohail (and Sohail's sock puppet Yousef) been
asked to show us their etymological evidence?

All we get back is silence... silence except the continued repetition of the


It is not only though false hadith and false holy men that the shaitan will
attack your deen.


> One effective way of making a man subordinate to another was to deprive
> him of the means of sustenance by sheer brute force, thus placing him in
> total servitude. The Quran declared in unequivocal terms:
> "Say: Come! I will recite what your Lord has forbidden to you: associate
> naught with Him and do good to parents and slay not your children for (fear
> of) poverty – We provide for you and for them – and draw not nigh to
> indecencies, open or secret, and kill not the soul which Allah has made
> sacred except in the course of justice. This He enjoins upon you that you
> may understand." (6:152, 11:6, 17:31).
> Through the agency of the Mu'mineen a system of government (Salaat) should
> be established which ensures an economic system (Zakaat) wherein every soul
> is guaranteed the basic necessities of life. No one will depend on another
> for his survival and no one will rule over the other.
> These are the Quranic concepts and doctrines that gave man an honoured
> status and superiority over other creations. (17:70). Allah reminds mankind
> that if it safeguards itself from the pitfalls of wrong paths and evils and
> watches imbalances in society, then there are glad tidings for it from Him
> of a blissful life Here, and in the Hereafter. No fear, no constant torment
> and insecurity will be suffered by them. (2:37-38, 7:35, 10:62-64).
> In this Quranic society, everyone- irrespective of race, colour or
> creed-will be equal in the eyes of the law and have an equal opportunity to
> develop his or her latent potentialities. There would be no favouritism, no
> partisanship, no nepotism. Whoever wishes to progress in life by toil and
> endeavour, will achieve his aim; and whoever, owing to his own ineptitude
> and lethargy lags behind in this temporal life, then that will be to his own
> detriment. (46:19, 99:7-8).
> In this just society there will be no distinction made between a child
> born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and a boy born in a poor family. In a
> Quranic society there will be no such thing that the former gets the best
> education and every luxury, whereas the latter cannot even get a rudimentary
> education because of poverty. This worldly hierarchical class division was
> created by Brahminism (priestcraft) that kept a section of society in its
> iron clutches. The Quran made mankind free from all this, and on this very
> basis proclaimed that:
> Tolu Islam 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 'new Bin Laden tape'

2007-09-09 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
   US analysing 'new Bin Laden tape'

   [image: Image said to be of Osama Bin Laden taken from a banner
advertisement on an Islamist website] A website photo showed Bin Laden's
beard dark rather than greying
*The US administration says it has a new video tape which purportedly shows
al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, officials say.*

The government says it is studying the video to determine whether it
contains new material.

*A undisclosed source in the Dept. of Homeland Security hasn't yet been
quoted telling us that the tape has bin Laden saying...*
*  "I'm hiding in Iran now... nyah, nyah nyah"*
*...but wait for it.*


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The New Yorker - a conspiracy-nut rag? Not.

2007-09-05 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

August 31, 2007
Test Marketing

If there were a threat level on the possibility of war with Iran, it
might have just gone up to orange. Barnett Rubin, the highly respected
Afghanistan expert at New York University, has written an account of a
conversation with a friend who has connections to someone at a
neoconservative institution in Washington. Rubin can't confirm his
friend's story; neither can I. But it's worth a heads-up:

They [the source's institution] have "instructions" (yes, that was the
word used) from the Office of the Vice-President to roll out a
campaign for war with Iran in the week after Labor Day; it will be
coordinated with the American Enterprise Institute, the Wall Street
Journal, the Weekly Standard, Commentary, Fox, and the usual suspects.
It will be heavy sustained assault on the airwaves, designed to knock
public sentiment into a position from which a war can be maintained.
Evidently they don't think they'll ever get majority support for
this—they want something like 35-40 percent support, which in their
book is "plenty."

True? I don't know. Plausible? Absolutely. It follows the pattern of
the P.R. campaign that started around this time in 2002 and led to the
Iraq war. The President's rhetoric on Iran has been nothing short of
bellicose lately, warning of "the shadow of a nuclear holocaust." And
the Iranian government's behavior—detaining British servicemen and
arresting American passport holders, pushing ahead with uranium
enrichment, and, by many reliable accounts, increasing its funding and
training for anti-American militias in Iraq—seems intentionally
provocative. Perhaps President Ahmedinejad and the mullahs feel that
they win either way: they humiliate the superpower if it doesn't take
the bait, and they shore up their deeply unpopular regime at home if
it does. Preëmptive war requires calculations (and, often,
miscalculations) on two sides, not just one, as Saddam learned in
2003. When tensions are this high between two countries and powerful
factions in both act as if hostilities are in their interest, war is
likely to follow.

It's one thing for the American Enterprise Institute, the Weekly
Standard, et al to champion a war they support. It's another to jump
like circus animals at the crack of the White House whip. If the
propaganda campaign predicted by Rubin's friend is launched, less
subservient news organizations should ask certain questions, and keep
asking them: Does the Administration expect the Iranian regime to fall
in the event of an attack? If yes, what will replace it? If no (and it
will not), why would the Administration deliberately set about to
strengthen the regime's hold on power? What will the Administration do
to protect highly vulnerable American lives and interests in Iraq,
Afghanistan, and around the world against the Iranian reprisals that
will follow? What if Iran strikes against Israel? What will be the
strategy when the Iranian nuclear program, damaged but not destroyed,
resumes? How will the Administration handle the international alarm
and opprobrium that would be an attack's inevitable fallout?

If this really is a return to the early fall of 2002 all over again,
then I'm fairly sure that no one at the top of the Administration is
worrying about the answers.

Postscript: Barnett Rubin just called me. His source spoke with a
neocon think-tanker who corroborated the story of the propaganda
campaign and had this to say about it: "I am a Republican. I am a
conservative. But I'm not a raging lunatic. This is lunatic."


G. Waleed Kavalec

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: CD(s) Shipped

2007-08-28 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Walaikum asalaam

I am writing to confirm receipt of the CD's.

I am also bcc:ing several groups. Some good brothers and sisters may be in a
position to help, inshallah.

On 8/21/07, Basim Mousilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Salamu alaykum,
> Thanks for your QuranAMP CD request(s). I have shipped your QuranAMP.comCD(s) 
> today. You should receive them in the next 3-7 business days. Here is
> a log of what was shipped:
> 2 CDs: Sarah Pacha
> 4 CDs: Noor Al Quddus
> 1 CD: Sofia M. Adawy
> 5 CDs: Deena D. Jabr
> 3 CD: G. Waleed Kavalec
> 3 CDs: Eman Bahrani
> Please don't forget to donate if you haven't already. We are in the early
> stages of this kind of distribution. I had a moment today at the post office
> thinking we're going to go out of "business" if we do this as a non-profit. 
> Each
> CD costs $1...the envelope costs $0.50 and the shipping costs $3 per line
> item above. That's about $4.50 ~ $8.50 per shipment above. Please donate
> whatever you can so we can break even+ so we can keep this going...we don't
> mind paying out of our pockets if we're short on donations...actually we get
> more reward that way...we just want our work to be sustainable for the long
> run...especially since we have scaled this to a national campaign. Anyways,
> that's my rant for today. Thanks for understanding =)
> Please make duaa' for the anonymous author of this program. Salam...have a
> great day!!
> Basim Mousilli
> w


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Is it in you?

2007-07-04 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

See this movie.

Then threaten your political party with unemployment.

Is it in you?

Analysis: 'Sicko' numbers mostly accurate; more context needed
POSTED: 9:00 p.m. EDT, June 29, 2007
Story Highlights
• Analysis: Numbers cited in "Sicko" are accurate for the most part
• Assertions could use more context to flesh out comparisons of health care
• Health-care experts focus more on film's errors of omission than
incorrect facts

By A. Chris Gajilan

(CNN) -- Michael Moore's "Sicko," which opened nationwide Friday, is
filled with horror stories of people who are deprived of medical
service because they can't afford it or haven't been able to navigate
the murky waters of managed care in the United States.

It compares American health care with the universal coverage systems
in Canada, France, the United Kingdom and Cuba.

Moore covers a lot of ground. Our team investigated some of the claims
put forth in his film. We found that his numbers were mostly right,
but his arguments could use a little more context. As we dug deep to
uncover the numbers, we found surprisingly few inaccuracies in the
film. In fact, most pundits or health-care experts we spoke to spent
more time on errors of omission rather than disputing the actual
claims in the film.

Whether it's dollars spent, group coverage or Medicaid income cutoffs,
health care goes hand in hand with numbers. Moore opens his film by
giving these statistics, "Fifty million uninsured Americans ... 18,000
people die because they are uninsured." (Review: "Sicko" a tonic
despite flaws)

For the most part, that's true. The latest numbers from the Centers
for Disease Control and Preventionexternal link say 43.6 million, or
about 15 percent of Americans, were uninsured in 2006. For the past
five years, the overall count has fluctuated between 41 million and 44
million people. According to the Institute of Medicineexternal link,
18,000 people do die each year mainly because they are less likely to
receive screening and preventive care for chronic diseases.

Moore says that the U.S. spends more of its gross domestic product on
health care than any other country.

Again, that's true. The United States spends more than 15 percent of
its GDP on health care -- no other nation even comes close to that
number. France spends about 11 percent, and Canadians spend 10

Like Moore, we also found that more money does not equal better care.
Both the French and Canadian systems rank in the Top 10 of the world's
best health-care systems, according to the World Health
Organizationexternal link. The United States comes in at No. 37. The
rankings are based on general health of the population, access,
patient satisfaction and how the care's paid for.

So, if Americans are paying so much and they're not getting as good or
as much care, where is all the money going? "Overhead for most private
health insurance plans range between 10 percent to 30 percent," says
Deloitte health-care analyst Paul Keckley. Overhead includes profit
and administrative costs.

"Compare that to Medicare, which only has an overhead rate of 1
percent. Medicare is an extremely efficient health-care delivery
system," says Mark Meaney, a health-care ethicist for the National
Institute for Patient Rightsexternal link.

Moore spends about half his film detailing the wonders and the
benefits of the government-funded universal health-care systems in
Canada, France, Cuba and the United Kingdom. He shows calm, content
people in waiting rooms and people getting care in hospitals hassle
free. People laugh and smile as he asks about billing departments and
cost of stay.

Not surprisingly, it's not that simple. In most other countries, there
are quotas and planned waiting times. Everyone does have access to
basic levels of care. That care plan is formulated by teams of
government physicians and officials who determine what's to be
included in the universal basic coverage and how a specific condition
is treated. If you want treatment outside of that standard plan, then
you have to pay for it yourself.

"In most developed health systems in the world, 15 percent to 20
percent of the population buys medical services outside of the system
of care run by the government. They do it through supplemental
insurance, or they buy services out of pocket," Keckley says.

The people who pay more tend to be in the upper income or have
special, more complicated conditions.

Moore focuses on the private insurance companies and makes no mention
of the U.S. government-funded health-care systems such as Medicare,
Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program and the
Veterans Affairs health-care systems. About 50 percent of all
health-care dollars spent in the United States flows through these
government systems.

"Sicko" also ignores a handful of good things about the American
system. Believe it or not, the United States does rank highest in the
patient satisfaction category. Americans do have shorter wait times
than everyone b

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: War on Islam ?- Britain KNIGHTS Satanic Salman RushDIE

2007-06-21 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Tory MP Stewart Jackson, chairman of the all-party group on Pakistan, said:
"I have tried to read one or two of his books myself, and I would have got
more stimulation from the Yellow Pages.

"The suggestion that the British public have been queueing up to demand that
Salman Rushdie is given a knighthood is frankly a joke.

"A few cappuccino-sipping Lefties in Hampstead may have thought this was a
good move, but the idea he is a popular cultural icon is laughable."'a%20shock%20to%20knighthood%20committee'/


Salaam all

Seems Muslims in England have a opportunity here to show we are capaple of
calmly - and stubbornly - applying political and economic pressure. And
media pressure.

And - more important - we need those in London and the UK to make an effort
to see that these alleged "public requests" are themselves made public.

1. WHO made such requests, if they were really made?

2. HOW do they stack up against other similar requests?

Anyone want to give odds that if we can actually track back we will find the
nominators to either be, or be influenced by, those elements who want to see
the levels of Islamophobia and/or Muslim unrest exacerbated?

Remember, having a "them" is what keeps certain kinds of people in power.

The one thing those kinds are most afraid of - is the simple light of day.

G. Waleed Kavalec
There are weapons that are simply thoughts.
For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy.
-- Rod Serling

On 6/19/07, Alan Border <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   *"Boycotting of Non Essential Goods & Services from Countries,
Communities & Organizations Which Are Hostile to Islam & Muslim Interests,
is an Effective & a Non Violent Method of Showing Our Displeasure. This
Should Be an On Going Policy By Governments, Businesses & Individuals & NOT
a Knee Jerk Reaction to a Particular Incident or Situation" – AB*
*Queen Knights Fatwa Author Rushdie*
*POSTED: 11:09 a.m. EDT, June 16, 2007 *
*LONDON, England* (AP) -- *Author Salman Rushdie, who was forced into
hiding for a decade after **Iran**'**s spiritual leader ordered his
assassination, is to receive a knighthood in the latest honors list, **
Buckingham** **Palace** has announced.*
The "Midnight's Children" author, along with CNN reporter Christiane
Amanpour as well as a KGB double agent and perhaps the government's
toughest human rights critic are on the list marking Queen Elizabeth II's
official birthday Saturday.
*"I am thrilled and humbled to receive this great honor, and am very
grateful that my work has been recognized in this way," Rushdie said in a
statement. Rushdie is one of the most prominent novelists of the late 20th
century and is known for his unique mix of history with magical realism. His
13 books have won numerous awards, including the Booker Prize for "**
Midnight**'**s Children" in 1981. In 1993 the novel won the "Booker of
Bookers," a special award honoring the best novel in the 25-year history of
the prize.*
He went into hiding after Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini issued a 1989 fatwa,
or religious edict, ordering Muslims to kill the author because his novel
"The Satanic Verses" allegedly insulted Islam. The Iranian government
declared in 1998 that it would not support but could not rescind the fatwa.
Rushdie says he receives a "sort of Valentine's card" from Iran each year
on February 14 letting him know the country has not forgotten the vow to end
his life.
Ian Botham, one of England's most successful 20th century cricket players,
was also made a knight. CNN's Chief International Correspondent, Christiane
government lawyer-turned human rights campaigner Shami Chakrabarti,
Glastonbury Festival founder Michael Eavis and comedian Barry Humphries, who
created the character of Dame Edna Everage, were all named Commanders of the
Order of the British Empire, or CBE.
*One of the most remarkable names on the list is former KGB agent Oleg
Gordievsky, who like Rushdie lived for years under the threat of
assassination. British intelligence recruited Gordievsky in the 1960s and he
later became invaluable when **Moscow** assigned him to its **London**embassy 
to spy on
**Britain** in 1982. But three years later, his cover was blown and he was
arrested while in the **Soviet Union**. He was released due to a lack of
evidence and he escaped by secretly boarding a train to **Finland**.*
Gordievsky was appointed a Companion to the Order of St. Michael and St.
George, or CMG, an honor for individuals who have rendered important
services related to Commonwealth or foreign nations. Author Ian Fleming
wrote in his novels that the queen gave the same appointment to his
fictional spy, James Bond.
Other famous names on the list in

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Thought / Reminder for the Day

2007-06-21 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and
fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts... attitudes...
prejudices. To be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices
can kill, and suspicion can destroy, and the thoughtless, frightened search
for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own for the children, and the
children yet unborn. And the pity of it is... that these things cannot be
confined to... The Twilight Zone.

 -- Rod Serling
closing narration to the episode entitled
"The Monsters are Due on Maple Street"


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The General's Report

2007-06-20 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
"Here I am," Taguba recalled Rumsfeld saying, "just a Secretary of
Defense, and we have not seen a copy of your report. I have not seen
the photographs, and I have to testify to Congress tomorrow and talk
about this." As Rumsfeld spoke, Taguba said, "He's looking at me. It
was a statement."

from the issuecartoon banke-mail thisAt best, Taguba said, "Rumsfeld
was in denial." Taguba had submitted more than a dozen copies of his
report through several channels at the Pentagon and to the Central
Command headquarters, in Tampa, Florida, which ran the war in Iraq. By
the time he walked into Rumsfeld's conference room, he had spent weeks
briefing senior military leaders on the report, but he received no
indication that any of them, with the exception of General Schoomaker,
had actually read it.

And people wonder why we consider the US elites
to be Nazis and thugs.


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Jesus the Muslim

2007-06-20 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Jesus, peace be upon him, was a Muslim.

It's what millions of people believe.

It's what the best New Testament scholarship now suggests.

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

We hear a great deal today about a "war," "conflict," or "clash"
between Islam and Christianity. The topic is so prominent in the media
that many people assume that there is something irreconcilable between
these two approaches to God. It is not surprising, then, that so many
Christians of good will have concluded that Islam and Christianity are
fundamentally incompatible. Yet, if, by "Christianity," we mean "that
which Jesus Christ (pbuh) meant to convey to his hearers," I believe
that these people of good will are mistaken when they tell us that
Islam is incompatible with Christianity.

What's more, I believe we can now prove that the historically oldest
Gospel verses reflecting the reported sayings of Jesus (pbuh) are
entirely compatible with Islam.


If you are a Christian, the idea that Jesus (pbuh) practiced the same
faith that today's news broadcasts hold responsible for so many of the
world's problems may seem far-fetched to you. It seemed far-fetched to
me when I first encountered it, before I consulted the Gospels
closely. Yet you should know that many, many contemporary Christians
have reached life-changing personal conclusions about the Gospel
message and its relation to Islam.

"There is compelling anecdotal evidence of a surge in conversions to
Islam since September 11, not just in Britain, but across Europe and
America. One Dutch Islamic centre claims a tenfold increase, while the
New Muslims Project, based in Leicester and run by a former Irish
Roman Catholic housewife, reports a steady stream of new converts."
(London Times, January 7, 2002.)


The Western news media only rarely shares the stories of these
individual converts to Islam with the world at large, but I strongly
suspect that most of these people -- if they are like me -- found
themselves, at the end of the day, concerned about the consequences of
calling Jesus (pbuh) "Lord" without obeying his instructions ... found
themselves far more concerned about that, in fact, than about any
media coverage of geopolitical issues.

This kind of concern causes people to change their lives.


Speaking personally, I changed my own life because I could not ignore
the implications of the authentic, stand-alone Gospel passages that
today's most accomplished (non-Muslim!) scholars believe to be of the
earliest date available.

These sayings, which form a reconstructed text known as Q, can all be
found in the New Testament. They are almost certainly the closest we
will ever be able to come to an authentic oral tradition reflecting
the actual sayings of Jesus (pbuh).


If you are new to Q, you should know what the best New Testament
scholars now know, namely that today's scholarship identifies certain
Gospel passages as not only instructive, but historically more
relevant than other passages. This scholarship has led to some
fascinating discussions among scholars (and a comparatively few lay

I believe the Q verses tend to confirm Islam's depiction of Jesus
(pbuh) as a human Prophet with a Divine mandate essentially
indistinguishable from that of Muhammad (pbuh).


I did not develop the theory of Q. It has been around for years.
"Traditionalist" Christian clergy and theologians are generally
hostile to it. They claim that students of Q are somehow eager to
diminish the status of Jesus (pbuh). Actually, we are eager to learn
what  he is most likely to have actually said.

Q represents a major challenge for contemporary Christianity, not
least because it strongly suggests that Islam's picture of Jesus
(pbuh) is historically correct. The fact that Q essentially confirms
Islam's image of Jesus (pbuh) as a distinctly human Prophet has not, I
think, been widely noticed by today's Christians. And it must be.
Because a careful review of the scriptures demonstrates that Jesus
(pbuh) is in fact calling his people to Islam.


I came to Islam, alhamdulillah, after three decades of restless
dissatisfaction with conventionial Christianity. Although I've read a
lot of conversion stories since I embraced Islam in March of 2003, I
haven't found many that cited the Gospels as a point of entry to the
Holy Qur'an. This is how it was for me.

I was drawn to the Gospels at a young age -- eleven -- and I read them
compulsively on my own, despite the fact that I did not live in a
Christian household. I soon learned to keep religious matters to


For most of my adolescence I studied the Christian scriptures on my
own. I still have the red King James Bible I bought as a child; my own
handwritten note on the front page proclaims June 26, 1974, as the
date I accepted Jesus (pbuh) as my personal savior.

When I say I r

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] World laughing at US: Mahathir

2007-05-31 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

World laughing at US: Mahathir

  - Greg Sheridan, Foreign editor
  - December 30, 2006

THE US has become an international laughing stock because of Iraq, and
Australia is suffering for its relationship with America, former Malaysian
prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has said. "America has lost," he said
yesterday. "It used to be a world power. It is no longer a world power."

In an exclusive interview with The Weekend Australian in his office near
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's longest-serving prime minister said: "The whole
world is laughing at America, at the stupidity of the decisions they made
and at the refusal to recognise the situation."

He described US President George W.Bush as being in "total self-denial".

Dr Mahathir also said Australia suffered from its close association with Mr
Bush's policies.

He criticised Australia for having a mentality that was too European, always
telling people how to behave and what was right and wrong.

Dr Mahathir accused the Bush administration of having only a shallow
knowledge of the Middle East and hypocrisy about Middle Eastern democracy.

"In Palestine, because they didn't like Hamas, because Hamas won, they
didn't want to recognise them, thus negating the whole idea of democracy."

Dr Mahathir retired as prime minister in 2003 having served 22 years in
office and overseen sustained economic growth in Malaysia.

However, his later years in office were marked by increasingly sharp
criticism of Washington and Australia. He had celebrated run-ins with three
Australian prime ministers: Bob Hawke, over the Malaysian decision to
execute two convicted Australian drug traffickers; Paul Keating, over APEC
and the nature of Asian regionalism; and John Howard, over the question of
whether Australia was the US's deputy sheriff in Asia.


I have always liked this guy.


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Lasting Legacy of King George

2007-05-31 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

A team of militants from Iraq had traveled to Jordan, where they were
preparing attacks on Americans and Jews, Mr. Darsi said the recruiter told
him. He asked Mr. Darsi to join them and blow himself up in a crowd of
tourists at Queen Alia Airport in Amman

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Israel as seen by an outsider...

2007-05-31 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

An Icelandic woman writes...

In 1994, I travelled to Israel for three weeks and found it very
interesting. The next year, I went again, but this time, my curiosity
was awakened as regards the troubles between the Israelis and
Palestinians. I was also confused about the 1967 and 1973 wars Israel
had with its neighbours. On my return to Iceland, my oldest son asked
me if I could find him a job in Israel and I did. He got work at a
hotel in Eilat. Around nine months later, I visited him and found him
with a very good job and a nice salary. But he was not happy. He told
me he was very angry at the Israelis. I was very surprised because at
this time I really thought they were the good guys, but then my son
told me about the differences Israelis make between Jews and the
others, i.e. the Arabs, Muslim or Christian. He explained to me, for
example, that he, as a foreign young man, a European, was after a
very short time put in a job with a lot of power, and at the same
time, Arabs that had been working there for years were treated as
slaves, as subhuman. He had been told that he needed to be hard on
Arabs, treat them like slaves, because, as the Israelis put it, they
were lazy. But he had found his Arab friends to be very nice, polite,
extremely generous and good, hard workers. In the end, he moved from
his comfortable flat in the hotel to their housing, which consisted
of just tents and shacks! Their place was far from as nice as what he
had been used to, but he wanted to be with them because there, he had
found real friends.

This was a turning point in my life. I have not been to Israel again.
And I refuse to go there until it is Palestine. But I have been able
to visit, live and study various Muslim countries. At forty, after
raising four sons, I finished my studies, my baccalaureate, so I
would be able to go to university. I wanted to study Middle East
studies and Islam. Before I went to Denmark to study at Copenhagen
University, I tried very hard here in Iceland to find any book about
these issues. But I did not succeed. No Qur'ân, nothing at all. But
when I had my birthday, I was asked what I wanted for a present. I
answered: the Qur'ân. It was nearly impossible to find. But finally
an antique bookshop found it for me so the next step was to start to
read. This was the year 1989. I had got "The Book." This was the
greatest gift I have ever received. In 1991, I went to Copenhagen and
everyone said that I was crazy. What was a woman over forty doing,
leaving her home to study Arabic and Islam? And still today I hear
this! Some of my friends left me because of this. Not because I was
trying to tell them about Islam, but because I was not normal in
their minds. But nothing could stop me. After two years studying in
Denmark, I went to Cairo, to learn better Arabic and to study Islam.

I was very lucky to find a professor from the Al-Azhar University.
Starting in 1993, he taught me all about the Qur'ân, from the
beginning to the end. Soon after we began, I told him that I wanted
to change my religion and he always said, "you don't need to do that
because we have enough Muslims." After nearly two years of study, he
suddenly asked me if I still wanted to convert. I said yes, I did. He
then said I was ready. In fact, I was already a Muslim. He found time
in the Al-Azhar University and I became Muslim on 30 January 1995.

It was, and still remains, the happiest day in my life. Only Muslims
know this feeling. Then I returned to Iceland, where the situation
today is not at all as it should be. Over the last ten years, many
Muslims have moved to Iceland and live here today with a family. Many
have married Icelandic women, who in some cases have become Muslims.
They are often not Arabic speaking, so the children have problems
with the Arabic language. I see this is very sad, because the basis
of their religion, Islam, is in Arabic: the Qur'ân. I believe there
should be free education available for these children and even their
parents. Of course, there should also be teaching in the Qur'ân and
in Islam. I also miss the possibility of listening to a teacher
explain the Qur'ân and the Hadith. If we live in an Arabic country,
we can turn on the television, go to the mosque, or go to any
cultural centre, ask questions, get answers, and learn. We need a
teacher, an Imam, or an Imama.

I want to mention the Icelandic people. They are open about things
that they already know, but when it comes to things like Islam, I
find them in fear. They know Islam is a religion and the God is
called Allah, but they believe Allah is another God, a Muslim God.
And they know the men can marry four wives. That's about it. The fear
is clear when they meet somebody like me. When I say that I am a
Muslim, they ask me if I am in the Osama Bin Laden group. They ask me
how, as a woman, I can dream of having this religion where women have
no rights, and no power. But the saddest thing is that they don't
want to listen or hear anything, because all 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Cordoba

2007-05-26 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Salaam alaikum all

We know that in the days of Al-Andalus (aka Andalusia, aka Muslim
Spain)  Scholars and students from various parts of the world and Europe
came to Cordoba to study.

I have heard other sources go further and say that *European royalty* would
send their children to Cordoba for higher learning. Unfortunately I have
been unable to find any specifics of this; many case of wealty jewish
families doing this, but no historical record of European royals.

Am I looking in the wrong places? Or was this just hyperbole?

JazakAllah khair for any assistance any on these forums can provide: What
historical records of European students in Muslim Cordoba have survived?

G. Waleed Kavalec
Chairman, Public Relations

Masjid as-Sabireen
610 Brand Lane
Stafford, Texas  77477-5206

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Internet is a "wicked person"

2007-05-23 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

The Internet is a "wicked person".

In the name of Allah.  In His book we are told, very clearly

  O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news,
  ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards
  become full of repentance for what ye have done.
-- al-Hujarat 49:6

Literally: fasiqun - the rebelious / the wicked / the debaucherers.

Look at what the internet brings in front of us, if we are not on our guard.
Lies, hate, pornography, and worse. Yet time and time again we see our
brothers and sisters in Islam forwarding news without any effort, without
any investigation, without any effort to ASCERTAIN THE TRUTH.

So what should we do?  Stop using this powerful tool?  Hide from the modern
century?  Or come to it with the guidelines Allah gave us 1400 years before
man created the internet?

Clealy, seeking knowledge is part of the deen.  Not mixing truth with false
is equally a part of our deen

The tools to make this easy are available.

Here's How (from

  1. Note whether the text you've received was actually written by the
  person who sent it. Did anyone sign their name to it? If not, be skeptical.
  2. Look for the telltale phrase, 'Forward this to everyone you know!'
  The more urgent the plea, the more suspect the message.
  3. Look for statements like 'This is NOT a hoax' or 'This is NOT an
  urban legend.' They typically mean the opposite of what they say.
  4. Watch for overly emphatic language, as well as frequent use of
  UPPERCASE LETTERS and multiple exclamation points!!!  If the text seems
  aimed more at persuading than informing the reader, be suspicious. Like
  propagandists, hoaxers are more interested in pushing people's emotional
  buttons than communicating accurate information.
  5. If the message purports to impart extremely important information
  that you've never heard of before or read elsewhere in legitimate venues, be
  very suspicious.
  6. Read carefully and think critically about what the message says,
  looking for logical inconsistencies, violations of common sense and
  blatantly false claims.
  7. Look for subtle or not-so-subtle jokes — indications that the
  author is pulling your leg.
  8. Check for references to outside sources of information. Hoaxes
  don't typically cite verifiable evidence, nor link to Websites with
  corroborating information.
  9. Check to see if the message has been debunked by Websites that
  debunk urban legends and Internet hoaxes (see below).
  10. Research any factual claims in the text to see if there is
  published evidence to support them. If you find none, odds are you've been
  the recipient of an email hoax.


  1. Virtually any email chain letter you receive (i.e.,* any message
  forwarded multiple times before it got to you*) is more likely to be
  false than true. You should automatically be skeptical of chain letters.
  2. Hoaxers usually try every means available to make their lies
  believable -- e.g., mimicking a journalistic style, attributing the
  text to a 'legitimate' source, or implying that powerful corporate or
  government interests have tried to keep the information from you.
  3. Be especially wary of health-related rumors. Most importantly,
  never act on 'medical information' forwarded from unknown
sources*without first verifying its accuracy
  * with a doctor or other reliable source

Another resource, invaluabe...


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Cell Phones and The Quran

2007-05-15 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

I wonder what would happen if we treated our Quran like we treat our cell

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we flipped through it several times a day?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to kids as gifts?

What if we used it as we traveled?

What if we used it in case of an emergency?

This is something to make you go ...hmm...where is my Quran?

Oh, and one more thing. Unlike a cell phone, we don't ever have to worry
about our Quran being disconnected!


Salaam all

Many thanks to brother *Khalid Zaman* for sharing this.


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Bush Vs Bush !

2007-05-15 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
W.ho better to tell W ?

   Well worth viewing.

It is tragic that this is as funny as it is.


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Why Iran War has been allowed...

2007-04-25 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

*Capuano and Kucinich Come Clean About the Lobby* Why is the Peace Movement
Silent About AIPAC?


"AIPAC!" was the forceful one-word answer of Congressman Michael Capuano
when we asked him, "Why was the Iran clause forbidding war on Iran without
Congressional approval taken out of the recent supplemental for the Iraq war
funding?" I nearly fell out of my chair at his reply - not because this was
news but because of who had just said it. Capuano is a close ally of Nancy
Pelosi, her fixer and enforcer. That was last Friday morning when a small
delegation from Cambridge and Somerville, MA, were visiting the Congressman,
known for his bluntness, as part of the nationwide UFPJ (United For Peace
and Justice) home lobbying effort during the Congressional recess.

Later that day, Dennis Kucinich made an appearance at Harvard, where he was
asked the same question, the reason for removing the Iran provision.
"AIPAC," I volunteered out loud. Kucinich looked my way and said, "Exactly."
Again my chair almost failed to contain me.

A few weeks earlier we had gone to the offices of Senators Kennedy and then
Kerry to discuss the war. (My intention was to call their attention to  to which the
Kennedy aide was sympathetic and the Kerry aide predictably hostile.) I
raised the question of AIPAC directly with Kerry's aide, inquiring about its
hawkish influence on Kerry and other Senators. Suddenly the aide was quite
engaged. Leaning forward, he said: "That will never be discussed publicly.
That will never be discussed publicly." Clearly even Kerry's office is
unhappy with the pressure that comes from AIPAC.

It is widely acknowledged that the reps and senators are ticked at AIPAC,
and their hostility seems to be growing these days. With upwards of 60% of
their campaign contributions coming directly or indirectly from the Israel
Lobby, the Democratic congressmen are not free to respond to their antiwar
base. This opens them to an antiwar electoral challenge on the Left or Right
from forces not subservient to AIPAC. And that could cost them their next
election, a little thing which has them very worked up. Capuano's cry of
"AIPAC" was no simple outburst of candor but a *cri de coeur** *for his

So here we have even Congressmen and Senator's aides complaining publicly
about AIPAC. AIPAC is being outed all over the mainstream media, largely
thanks to the door opening work of Mearsheimer and Walt. AIPAC is skewered
routinely by Justin Raimondo on and by Alex Cockburn and many
others here on CounterPunch. But there remains no anti-AIPAC campaign within
the mainstream antiwar organizations, like UFPJ or Peace Action. (Even one
supposed Congressional ally of the peace movement was announced as a
celebrity guest at the recent colossal AIPAC meeting in Washington, where
half the Congress shows up and Dick Cheney is a regular speaker. What

I have been told by leaders of the peace movement that AIPAC is a
distraction from the main thrust of the antiwar movement. And so we should
not engage it; AIPAC is to be immune. But with all due respect to the
sentiments of that leadership, immunity for AIPAC is a prescription for
disaster. To use a military analogy, which I do not especially like, suppose
that we were trying to take a hill in Germany in 1944. And suppose we said
that we would not attack one pillbox, which kept devastating our forces.
Leave just that one pillbox alone! The result would be devastating; we would
be cut down with every succeeding attempt at advance. So it is with AIPAC
which campaigns relentlessly for war on Iraq, war on Iran, war on Syria, war
on Lebanon and the slow genocide of the Palestinian people. AIPAC constantly
puts the peace movement on the defensive while it is free to be on the
offensive all the time.

AIPAC is not just an issue for Jewish Americans or the Jewish wing of the
peace movement like Jewish Voice for Peace; it is a major force, although
not the only one, driving the U.S. to wars in the Middle East. AIPAC is no
less a force for war than is the Republican National Committee. In fact it
is worse, because it sinks its teeth into the foreign policy establishment
of both parties, perhaps the Dems more so than the Republicans. If the peace
movement is to be worth its salt, then it must take action against AIPAC.
(It is marathon season here in Boston and my friend, Israeli expatriate
Joshua Ashenberg, tells me that the foregoing thought harbors a logical
error. As he says: "A 'movement' that does not work against AIPAC is NOT a
peace movement by definition. It will not help if I call myself a marathon
runner, while I never ran a marathon.")

In the Boston area, AIPAC appears to be especially powerful, and so we have
a special responsibility to take it on. At the recent AIPAC conference in
Washington, the delegates from Boston/New England were the most hawkish
toward Iran. Just before the last election

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Protest planned for Jewish National Fund dinner in Vancouver

2007-04-24 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Protest planned for Jewish National Fund dinner in Vancouver

Progressive Vancouver organizations concerned about the situation in
Israel/Palestine will hold a protest demonstration at the annual
fund-raising dinner of the Jewish National Fund on:

Sunday, April 29, 2007,
from 4:30 to 6:00 PM.

It will take place in front of the Four Seasons Hotel at Georgia and
Howe Streets, Vancouver.

The Jewish National Fund is charged with being a racist organization
that uses its power of land ownership and land management in Israel to
discriminate against 20 per cent of Israeli citizens, restricting
their right to own and lease land, simply because they are not Jews.
The Canadian government is implicated in this charge because it grants
the Jewish National Fund charitable status.

While the Jewish National Fund actually owns only 13 per cent of the
land in Israel, it is land that houses 70 per cent of the Israeli

Together with the Israel Lands Administration, the Jewish National
Fund controls 93 per cent of all land in Israel. The Fund holds that
"selling and/or leasing land to Arabs would be a violation of the
covenant established between" the Fund and the Jews who contributed
money from 1901, when the fund was started, to 1960 to buy land in
Israel. According to Ilan Pappe, an historian at Haifa University:
"The Palestinian minority in Israel, seventeen per cent of the total
population after ethnic cleansing, has been forced to make do with
just three per cent of the land. They are allowed to build and live on
only two per cent of the land; the remaining one per cent was defined
as agricultural land which cannot be built upon. In other words, today
1.3 million people live on that two per cent."

The endorsing organizations are: Palestine Community Centre, Canada
Palestine Association, No One Is Illegal, International Solidarity
Movement - Vancouver, Jews for a Just Peace, Canada - Palestine
Support Network, Trade Union Committee for Justice in the Middle East,
and Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians.

Palestine Community Centre, 604-676-3611
Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians, 604-314-5589


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: Quran Translation Pages - temporary alternate URL

2007-04-12 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Walaikum asalaam

After some minor confusion the Islam Awakened site is once again available.

Thank you all for your interest!

On 4/9/07, G.Waleed Kavalec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Salaam all

We apologize for the inconvenience, but<>is temporarilty offline.

You can still access the Quran Translation pages via


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Quran Translation Pages - temporary alternate URL

2007-04-10 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Salaam all

We apologize for the inconvenience, but is
temporarilty offline.

You can still access the Quran Translation pages via


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fwd: Patrick boycotts prayer, praises religious freedom

2007-04-10 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

"Conservatives" show their true colors...

Hypocrites or munafiqeen.
The language is irrelevant, the odor is the same.

-- Forwarded message --

All -

I believe we should start a drive to write to this Senator letting
him know that we are ANGRY that he would use the first Muslim prayer
in the Texas Senate as a means to defame his own constituents.
Instead of preaching tolerance and understanding, Patrick has chosen
to divide and hate.

We need to become more active in the political process so that we
have the means to put pressure on these representatives who
encourage this kind of intolerance.

Here is the article from the Chronicle...

*Patrick boycotts prayer, praises religious freedom*

Complete Texas Legislature coverage AUSTIN — Republican Sen. Dan
Patrick on Wednesday boycotted the first prayer delivered in the
Texas Senate by a Muslim cleric, and then praised religious
tolerance and freedom of speech in an address at the end of the
day's session.

"I think that it's important that we are tolerant as a people of all
faiths, but that doesn't mean we have to endorse all faiths, and
that was my decision," he said later.

"I surely believe that everyone should have the right to speak, but
I didn't want my attendance on the floor to appear that I was
endorsing that."

Patrick, a conservative radio talk show host from Houston and self-
professed Christian, said he wasn't the only senator to miss the
invocation — in English and song — by the Imam Yusuf Kavakci of the
Dallas Central Mosque.

But he was the only senator known to have passed out to other
senators copies of a two-year-old newspaper editorial criticizing
Kavakci for publicly praising two radical Islamists.

Patrick's political ally, Harris County Republican Chairman Jared
Woodfill, had sharply criticized the fact that the Muslim prayer was
scheduled during the week before Easter.

The timing was coincidental, said Sen. Florence Shapiro, R-Plano,
who sponsored the cleric's appearance at the Capitol on the Texas
Muslims Legislative Day.

Shapiro is Jewish, and this also is Passover, a major Jewish holiday.

Shapiro praised Kavakci's "extensive interfaith experience" and said
he represents a "substantial constituency of Texans who deserve to
be represented."

She said she checked out his reputation with the Anti-Defamation
League and other groups to "make sure he was not somebody I would be
embarrassed by."

Shapiro said she never leaves the floor when Christian ministers
deliver an invocation "in Jesus' name" and doesn't consider her
presence an endorsement of Christianity.

"I have a great respect for Christianity. I have a great respect for
anyone who comes and prays. That's what this country was based on,
its freedom of religion," she said.

Patrick and Shapiro met privately during the Senate session.

A warning to Shapiro
Shapiro said Patrick told her he was "concerned because there could
be a problem here." She said Patrick wanted to "warn" her, referring
to e-mails that suggested the cleric may "espouse things that are

In a personal privilege speech at the end of the Senate session,
Patrick called the Muslim invocation an "extraordinary moment,"
coming during Passover and before Easter.

"In many parts of the world, I know that Jews or Christians would
not be given that same right, that same freedom," he said.

"The imam that was here today, he was fortunate to be in this great



G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fwd: Churchgoers get a grisly message

2007-04-08 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Churchgoers get a grisly message *5:00AM* Saturday April 07, 2007
By Lauren Bartlett As parishioners were filing into Parnell's Holy Trinity
Cathedral yesterday, Father Peter Murnane waited outside, showing images of
deformed Iraqi children.
Father Murnane has been protesting against depleted uranium weapons in Iraq
and Afghanistan throughout the pre-Easter season of Lent outside the United
States consulate in Auckland.

He chose Good Friday to make a statement about the metal, which can cause
birth defects and cancer, as a parallel between Jesus' crucifixion and the
devastation in Iraq.

"Jesus says, 'Whatever you do to the least of my people, you do to me',"
said Father Murnane, a Dominican friar at St Benedict's Church, Newton.

"The whole country of Iraq is being re-crucified today with weapons of mass
It is not the first controversial protest for the activist priest. In March
2003 he and Catholic worker Nicholas Drake poured a 1m cross from their own
blood on to the carpet in US consul Douglas Berry's office. The move was in
protest against the Iraq war.

Worshippers attending the service yesterday were surprised at Father
Murnane's banners and flyers, but many were supportive.

Lyn Gorman said: "It's a good cause. Maybe someone out of the millions will
stand up and do something about it."

Father Murnane said he hoped showing the images of severely affected
children, including those born with eyes on the outside of their heads,
would highlight the cause and "help people worship more deeply on Good

He hopes to take his petition to the US Congress.

Depleted uranium is a poisonous radioactive metal used by the US in shells
and bombs in the Gulf War and the 2003 Iraq war. It can increase the risk of
birth defects and cancer.



G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hypocrisy your name is Bush

2007-04-08 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

April 8, 2007
North Koreans Arm Ethiopians as U.S. Assents By MICHAEL R.

WASHINGTON, April 7 — Three months after the United States successfully
pressed the United
impose strict sanctions on North
of the country's nuclear test, Bush administration officials allowed
complete a secret arms purchase from the North, in what appears to be
violation of the restrictions, according to senior American officials.

The United States allowed the arms delivery to go through in January in part
because Ethiopia was in the midst of a military offensive against Islamic
militias inside Somalia, a campaign that aided the American policy of
combating religious extremists in the Horn of Africa.

American officials said that they were still encouraging Ethiopia to wean
itself from its longstanding reliance on North Korea for cheap Soviet-era
military equipment to supply its armed forces and that Ethiopian officials
appeared receptive. But the arms deal is an example of the compromises that
result from the clash of two foreign policy absolutes: the Bush
administration's commitment to fighting Islamic radicalism and its effort to
starve the North Korean government of money it could use to build up its
nuclear weapons program.

Since the Sept. 11 attacks, as the administration has made counterterrorism
its top foreign policy concern, the White House has sometimes shown a
willingness to tolerate misconduct by allies that it might otherwise
criticize, like human rights violations in Central Asia and antidemocratic
crackdowns in a number of Arab nations.

It is also not the first time that the Bush administration has made an
exception for allies in their dealings with North Korea. In 2002, Spain
intercepted a ship carrying Scud missiles from North Korea to Yemen. At the
time, Yemen was working with the United States to hunt members of Al
within its borders, and after its government protested, the United
States asked that the freighter be released. Yemen said at the time that it
was the last shipment from an earlier missile purchase and would not be

American officials from a number of agencies described details of the
Ethiopian episode on the condition of anonymity because they were discussing
internal Bush administration deliberations.

Several officials said they first learned that Ethiopia planned to receive a
delivery of military cargo from North Korea when the country's government
alerted the American Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital, after the
adoption on Oct. 14 of the United Nations Security
imposing sanctions.

"The Ethiopians came back to us and said, 'Look, we know we need to
transition to different customers, but we just can't do that overnight,' "
said one American official, who added that the issue had been handled
properly. "They pledged to work with us at the most senior levels."

American intelligence agencies reported in late January that an Ethiopian
cargo ship that was probably carrying tank parts and other military
equipment had left a North Korean port.

The value of the shipment is unclear, but Ethiopia purchased $20 million
worth of arms from North Korea in 2001, according to American estimates, a
pattern that officials said had continued. The United States gives Ethiopia
millions of dollars of foreign aid and some nonlethal military equipment.

After a brief debate in Washington, the decision was made not to block the
arms deal and to press Ethiopia not to make future purchases.

John R. 
who helped to push the resolution imposing sanctions on North Korea through
the Security Council in October, before stepping down as United Nations
ambassador, said that the Ethiopians had long known that Washington was
concerned about their arms purchases from North Korea and that the Bush
administration should not have tolerated the January shipment.

"To make it clear to everyone how strongly we feel on this issue we should
have gone to the Ethiopians and said they should send it back," said Mr.
Bolton, who added that he had been unaware of the deal before being

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Former U.S. diplomat interprets Islam

2007-04-03 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Former U.S. diplomat interprets Islam Newly settled in Montana, Dave
Grimland tries to balance negative images of the Muslim world.
By Sam Howe Verhovek, Times Staff Writer
April 1, 2007

PLENTYWOOD, MONT. — Dave Grimland spent nearly 30 years as a foreign service
officer — "telling the U.S. side of the story," he says — in Bangladesh,
India, Cyprus, Turkey and other nations with large Muslim populations. He
wrote ambassadors' speeches, arranged cultural gatherings, and more than
once hunkered down as angry mobs gathered outside the embassy to protest
American policy.

Now retired and living in rural Montana, Grimland is once again telling a
side of the story — only this time, in quiet pockets of the Big Sky State,
he's trying to tell the Muslim side to non-Muslim Americans.

"I'm going to ask you, at least for this evening, to try to put on a pair of
Muslim glasses and see what the world looks like," Grimland said one recent
night to about 40 ranchers, farmers and others in the basement of the county
library near the spot where Montana, North Dakota and Saskatchewan meet.

Outside, it was snowing and 16 degrees. The nearest mosque was about 120
miles away, in Regina. Many in the audience said they had never met a Muslim
other than Plentywood High School exchange student Alisher Taylonzoda, from

For two hours and 40 minutes — including a brief break for cider and baked
goods — the Montanans listened intently as Grimland covered a sweeping
amount of history and made a case that the vast majority of Muslims are like
the great majority of Christians, Jews or Buddhists.

"No worse; no better," he said. "They want peace. They want to live their

A soft-spoken man of 63, Grimland has traveled to dozens of churches,
schools, small-town gathering halls and Indian reservations.

He brings along a black roller suitcase crammed with books, magazine
articles and photocopies of slightly blurry maps, timelines, and "further
study" reading lists for those interested in the history of Islam.

Talking to a dozen people there, 40 here, as many as 75 elsewhere, Grimland
hardly expects to change the world. But he does feel a calling.

"I'd been frustrated ever since 9/11 by listening to comments [about] the
backwardness of Islam, about the religion's responsibility for the 9/11
tragedy, versus the actions of a small number of Islamic extremists."

And so, Grimland said, "I just thought maybe I could try to help people who
haven't traveled, who haven't had the benefit of having to know this stuff
because it was part of their job."

He didn't come to Montana to give lectures on Islam. He came here to retire.

After the peripatetic life of an embassy public affairs officer, he and his
wife, Kathleen, a former UNICEF officer in India, moved in 1995 to Columbus,
about 35 miles west of Billings. They have a 15-year-old son, Michael;
Grimland also has a daughter, Debra, 36, in Atlanta.

Grimland and his wife built a house on land they bought in 1990, after
friends visiting India from the States showed them photographs of the
Montana property.

After the 2001 terrorist attacks, as he watched television news and took in
what he describes as irregular coverage of the Muslim world in local
newspapers, Grimland felt that Montanans were being given little true sense
of that world.

"Islam, for most of us, didn't really even register on our personal radar
screens until Sept. 11, 2001," he said.

"And since then, we've been assaulted with generally negative, often very
violent images of the religion."

Grimland does not remotely justify terrorism.

He does try to explain what motivates jihadists, and why some Muslims don't
condemn the violence.

"Many Muslims do perceive the U.S. as decadent and degenerate," Grimland
told the gathering here, referring to Janet Jackson's exposed breast in the
2004 Super Bowl halftime show and TV's "Desperate Housewives."

When he filled in as a substitute history teacher at the Columbus high
school, he said, he was shocked at how sexually suggestive some of student
attire was.

Many in the audience here in Plentywood, seated on folding chairs, nodded.

Still, when it came time for questions, many also seemed to express polite
skepticism about the Muslim world's desire for peace.

"These moderates you're talking about — is there ever going to be an outcry
from them, or do they secretly agree with this?" asked Betty Overland, a
local banker. The "this" was the jihadists' violence against Americans.

*Grimland said that there were moderate Muslim voices but that they rarely
got media coverage.*

Bennie Lund, 78, a retired Plentywood elementary school teacher and wheat
farmer who also once ran the local General Motors and Dairy Queen
businesses, said he had a question.

"I was wondering about this plan to send 7,000 Iraqis over here now," said
Lund, referring to a Bush administration plan to provide asylum from
worsening violence in Iraq.

"I'm wondering whether that's a good idea or not a

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: new links to Quran word roots

2007-04-03 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Naturally it would help if I included the link...   ;-)

Any singly ayat can also be accessed directly, like this...

On 4/1/07, G.Waleed Kavalec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Salaam alaikum all

Deep-links to relevant pages are now in place at the
Islam Awakened Quran Pages.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Islam Awakened Quran Pages, they are
a Quran study tool for the English speaking world.  Each ayat (verse) has
its own page, with the original Arabic, then the transliteration in the
Roman alphabet, then the literal translation, and finally over a dozen
mainstream renditions of the meaning in English.  The major translators  -
Yusuf Ali, Shakir, and Pickthal - were just the beginning of this effort.

Let us know if you see any changes you'd like.

The deep-links to further the usability of these pages.
Anyone familiar with OpenBurhan <>
will recognize the 'ancestry' of the TextInMotion pages,

The difference is that TextInMotion is being underwritten by the Quran
Institute ; the new pages are deep-linked
back to the corresponding translation page of Islam Awakened.

Please visit!

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Final Book - part 1

2007-04-03 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

1. On The Nature of God

Who is God? God explains in His Final Book that it is quite simply
impossible for us to completely understand Him. We cannot pinpoint a
definition of the Creator,

"Glory to the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth - the Sustainer,
in almightiness enthroned - from all that they may attribute to Him by
way of definition" [43:82]

Our inability to completely understand God does not mean that He is
completely remote from us. In spite of our limited understanding, we
are all quite capable of turning to God, and He is not unaware of our

"...and unto thy Sustainer turn with love." [94:8]
"Behold, for those who stand in awe of God although He is beyond the
reach of their perception, there is forgiveness in store and a great
reward" [67:12]

God has not left mankind entirely in the dark regarding His Nature. He
refers to Himself by approximately 100 names in various places
throughout the Final Book. Each name is a descriptive attribute of
God, and they are all meant to help us understand the Creator. To gain
this understanding involves simply thinking about God and reflecting
on His names, and this type of awareness is a central pillar of faith
(i.e. when one actively remembers God and is conscious of Him). A
second benefit of these names is that some of them provide mankind
with ideals to try to attain. For example, since God is the Most
Forgiving, Most Patient, and Most Knowledgeable, we should each strive
to be forgiving, patient, and knowledgeable (educated in our case).
Of all His attributes, God emphasizes a single one above all others in
His Final Book: that HE IS ONE. God is not two, three, four, or more
beings. There is only one deity, and He is God,

"Say: `He is God, Unique
God the Eternal, the Independent.
He begets not, and neither is He begotten.
And there is nothing that could be compared to Him.'" [112:1-4]

In other places of the Final Book, God emphasizes His Greatness and
the impossibility of fully grasping Him by using the plural sense of
pronouns for Himself - but He is strictly One and Unique with no other
partners or deities.

After this aspect of Unity, God chose to emphasize two of His other
names more often than the rest in the Final Book: "the Most Merciful,
the One who acts Mercifully." In fact, each chapter but one in the
whole Book starts with, "In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the
One who Acts Mercifully." These two names cannot be emphasized enough.
They are meant to stress we should not let our sins keep us from
coming back to God and calling to Him at all times, in joy or sadness.
The Creator is more aware of our imperfections than we are, and so
when we stumble and feel bad, God is far more likely to be kind than

The Last Messenger and Prophet of God (i.e. the person whom God chose
to deliver the Final Book to the rest of mankind) commented on God's
mercy by informing us that,

"When God decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His
book which is laid down with Him: `My mercy prevails over my wrath.'"
- the Last Messenger

"God says: I am as My servant thinks I am. I am with Him when He makes
mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of
him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make
mention of him in an assembly better than it. And if he draws near to
Me a hand's span, I draw near to him an arm's length; and if he draws
near to Me an arm's length, I draw near to him a fathom's length. And
if he comes to Me walking, I go to him with speed." - the Last


G. Waleed Kavalec
The original is at
You can see the message of the Quran in many translations at 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] skewing federal law enforcement - anyone surprised?

2007-04-03 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

   *Bush's Long History of Tilting Justice*
   By Joseph D. Rich
   The Los Angeles Times

   Thursday 29 March 2007

*The administration began skewing federal law enforcement
before the current US attorney scandal, says a former
Department of Justice lawyer.*

The Scandal unfolding around the firing of eight U.S. attorneys compels
the conclusion that the Bush administration has rewarded loyalty over all
else. A destructive pattern of partisan political actions at the Justice
Department started long before this incident, however, as those of us who
worked in its civil rights division can attest.

   I spent more than 35 years in the department enforcing federal civil
rights laws - particularly voting rights. Before leaving in 2005, I worked
for attorneys general with dramatically different political philosophies -
from John Mitchell to Ed Meese to Janet Reno. Regardless of the
administration, the political appointees had respect for the experience and
judgment of longtime civil servants.

   Under the Bush administration, however, all that changed. Over the last
six years, this Justice Department has ignored the advice of its staff and
skewed aspects of law enforcement in ways that clearly were intended to
influence the outcome of elections.

   It has notably shirked its legal responsibility to protect voting
rights. From 2001 to 2006, no voting discrimination cases were brought on
behalf of African American or Native American voters. U.S. attorneys were
told instead to give priority to voter fraud cases, which, when coupled with
the strong support for voter ID laws, indicated an intent to depress voter
turnout in minority and poor communities.

   At least two of the recently fired US attorneys, John McKay in Seattle
and David C. Iglesias in New Mexico, were targeted largely because they
refused to prosecute voting fraud cases that implicated Democrats or voters
likely to vote for Democrats.

   This pattern also extended to hiring. In March 2006, Bradley Schlozman
was appointed interim U.S. attorney in Kansas City, Mo. Two weeks earlier,
the administration was granted the authority to make such indefinite
appointments without Senate confirmation. That was too bad: A Senate hearing
might have uncovered Schlozman's central role in politicizing the civil
rights division during his three-year tenure.

   Schlozman, for instance, was part of the team of political appointees
that approved then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's plan to redraw
congressional districts in Texas, which in 2004 increased the number of
Republicans elected to the House. Similarly, Schlozman was acting assistant
attorney general in charge of the division when the Justice Department OKd a
Georgia law requiring voters to show photo IDs at the polls. These decisions
went against the recommendations of career staff, who asserted that such
rulings discriminated against minority voters. The warnings were prescient:
Both proposals were struck down by federal courts.

   Schlozman continued to influence elections as an interim U.S. attorney.
Missouri had one of the closest Senate races in the country last November,
and a week before the election, Schlozman brought four voter fraud
indictments against members of an organization representing poor and
minority people. This blatantly contradicted the department's long-standing
policy to wait until after an election to bring such indictments because a
federal criminal investigation might affect the outcome of the vote. The
timing of the Missouri indictments could not have made the administration's
aims more transparent.

   This administration is also politicizing the career staff of the Justice
Department. Outright hostility to career employees who disagreed with the
political appointees was evident early on. Seven career managers were
removed in the civil rights division. I personally was ordered to change
performance evaluations of several attorneys under my supervision. I was
told to include critical comments about those whose recommendations ran
counter to the political will of the administration and to improve
evaluations of those who were politically favored.

   Morale plummeted, resulting in an alarming exodus of career attorneys.
In the last two years, 55% to 60% of attorneys in the voting section have
transferred to other departments or left the Justice Department entirely.

   At the same time, career staff were nearly cut out of the process of
hiring lawyers. Control of hiring went to political appointees, so an
applicant's fidelity to GOP interests replaced civil rights experience as
the most important factor in hiring decisions.

   For decades prior to this administration, the Justice Department had
successfully kept politics out of its law enforcement decisions. Hopefully,
the spotlight on this misconduct will begin the process of restoring dignity
and nonpartisanship to federal law enforcement. As the 2008 elections
approach, it is critical to have a Justice Department that 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Final Book - part 4

2007-04-03 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

4. The Presence of Evil

Why does God allow men and women to be hurt? There are some people who
use the presence of suffering and evil in this world as grounds to
lose hope and perhaps even to reject God. However, according to the
Final Book, the limited free will and reason of human beings destroys
that argument. We are responsible for what we do, and must bear the
consequences - that is the liability or price of freedom. The evil
that we do and suffer from is chosen by us and not by God,

"...God wills no wrong to His creation." [3:108]

However, God also guarantees us that aside from our own evil actions
and their effects, God Himself will put us through some trials and
tribulations here on earth - but the key is they will never be more
than we can handle, and they may even be good for us,

"If misfortune touches you [know that] similar misfortune has touched
[other] people as well; for it is by turns that We apportion unto men
such days [of fortune and misfortune]: and [this] to the end that God
might mark out those who have attained to faith, and choose from among
you such as [with their lives] bear witness to the truth - since God
does not love evildoers - and that God might render pure of all dross
those who have attained to faith, and bring to nought those who deny
the truth. Do you think that you could enter Paradise unless God takes
cognizance of your having striven hard [in His cause], and takes
cognizance of your being patient in adversity?" [3:140-142]
"God does not burden any human being with more than he is well able to
bear: in his favour shall be whatever good he does, and against him
whatever evil he does..." [2:286]

An integral part of our being aware of God is hope and patience in
times of hardship. In fact, the loss of hope is actually one of the
symptoms of rejection of God,

"[Prophet Abraham] exclaimed, `And who - other than those who have
utterly lost their way - could ever abandon the hope of his
Sustainer's grace?'" [15:56]

The greatest source of hope is that God shall allow those people who
accept Him to enter Paradise and, more importantly, to be close to
Him. The Final Book contains many references on Paradise, and also on
Hell, the destination of those people who knowingly reject God.
Paradise is quite literally a place of indescribable joy, whereas Hell
is its indescribable opposite (both places are given only partial
descriptions in the Book). While the inhabitants of Paradise are
permanent dwellers, the inmates of Hell are not necessarily imprisoned
there forever; there are some who shall ultimately be freed,

"[But] verily, as for those who attain to faith and do righteous deeds
- the gardens of Paradise will be there to welcome them; therein will
they abide, [and] never will they desire any change therefrom."
"And whoever rebels against God and His Apostle and transgresses His
bounds, him will He commit unto fire, therein to abide; and shameful
suffering awaits him." [4:14]

"There shall come out of Hell-fire he who has said `There is no deity
except God' and who has in his heart goodness weighing a barley-corn;
then there shall come out of Hell-fire he who has said `There is no
deity except God' and who has in his heart goodness weighing a grain
of wheat; then there shall come out of Hell-fire he who has said
`There is no deity except God' and who has in his heart goodness
weighing an atom." - the Last Messenger


G. Waleed Kavalec
The original is at
You can see the message of the Quran in many translations at 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Final Book - Part 2

2007-04-03 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

2. The Nature of Man

Who are we, and what makes us different from all other things? We are
creations of God, along with the rest of the universe. We are human
beings, all descendants of a common ancestry well known to most of us:
Adam and Eve. Humanity, however, is distinct from the rest of the
universe in a very fundamental way according to the Final Book,

"Verily, We did offer the trust to the heavens and the earth, and the
mountains: but they refused to bear it because they were afraid of it.
Yet man took it up - for verily he has always been prone to be most
wicked, most foolish." [33:72]

Over the years, many scholars of the Book have tried to understand
exactly what God meant by "the trust". The most convincing argument
(based on other parts of the Book, and on certain statements of the
Last Messenger) is that it refers to our ability to make decisions
both freely and intelligently. In other words, our uniqueness as human
beings stems from two gifts given to us by God:
* our ability to freely choose between actions (good and evil)

* our ability to intelligently weigh and make those choices

The price of these gifts is a tremendous amount of responsibility on
our part; the responsibility not to abuse our gifts by rejecting God
or by hurting each other unnecessarily.

The blessings of these two gifts are immeasurable, especially when God
reminds us that He could have decided things otherwise by depriving us
of either gift,

"Now had it been Our will [that men should not be able to discern
between right and wrong], We could surely have deprived them of their
sight, so that they would stray forever from the [right] way: for how
could they have had insight [into what is true]? And had it been Our
will [that they should not be free to choose between right and wrong],
We could surely have transformed them [rooted] in their places, so
that they would not be able to move forward, and could not turn back."

However, God did NOT will this, and as a result we are blessed with
will and reason. The Final Book clearly warns against abusing these
blessings, either by neglecting ourselves when we don't think wisely,
or by hurting others when we deny them the right to choose,

"Verily, the vilest of all creatures in the sight of God are those
deaf, those dumb ones who do not use their reason." [8:22]
"There shall be no coercion in matters of faith. Distinct has now
become the right way from error: hence he who rejects evil and
believes in God has indeed taken hold of a support most unfailing,
which shall never give way: for God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing."

In spite of mankind's free will and reason, God warns us in His Book
always to remember that these gifts are limited after all. The Final
Word lies with Him in all matters. However, this is not to say that
men's destinies are arbitrary - not at all. We are able to make
decisions that affect our lives, but at the same time, God is also
making decisions about us and for us,

"And had thy Sustainer so willed, all those who live on earth would
surely have attained to faith, all of them: do you then think that you
could compel people to believe, notwithstanding that no human being
can ever attain to faith otherwise than by God's leave, and [that] it
is He who lays the loathsome evil [of disbelief] upon those who will
not use their reason." [10:99-100]

"...Verily, God does not change men's condition unless they change
their inner selves..." [13:11]


G. Waleed Kavalec
The original is at
You can see the message of the Quran in many translations at 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Gonzales thwarted Cuban jail closure

2007-03-24 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Gonzales thwarted Cuban jail closure

  - March 24, 2007

WASHINGTON: As the newly appointed US Defence Secretary, Robert Gates
repeatedly argued for the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to be
shut down and for prisoners held there to be tried in a US court. With the
support of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Mr Gates told President
George W. Bush that the detention centre had become so tainted abroad that
legal proceedings at Guantanamo would be viewed as illegitimate, The New
York Times reported yesterday.

Mr Gates suggested that prisoners held at Guantanamo could be transferred to
military brigs in the US, where they would remain in the custody of the
Pentagon and be subject to trial under military proceedings.

The Defence Secretary's appeal was an effort to turn Mr Bush's publicly
stated desire to close Guantanamo into a specific plan for action, US
officials told The New York Times.

But his arguments were reportedly rejected after embattled Attorney-General
Alberto Gonzales and Vice-President Dick Cheney's office strongly objected
to the plan.

While Mr Bush eventually rejected the approach, officials at the National
Security Council, Pentagon and State Department continue to analyse options
for the detention of terrorism suspects, the newspaper said.

The base at Guantanamo holds about 385 prisoners, among them 14 senior
leaders of al-Qa'ida -- including Khalid Shaikh Mohammed -- who were
transferred to it last year from secret prisons run by the Central
Intelligence Agency.,20867,21436969-2703,00.html


G. Waleed Kavalec
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document you are probably far worse than that and had better be making your
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Cities see rise in black Muslims

2007-03-23 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Cities see rise in black Muslims in wake of 9/11 Religious leaders report
growth in numbers in major American cities
PITTSBURGH - Allahu Akbar, the Muslim call for prayer, rings out on a recent
Friday and a group of black men and women gather to celebrate the Islamic
day of rest.

The wooden house in Pittsburgh's rundown Homewood neighborhood looks like
any other on the block. But the sign at the door, Masjid Mumin, and the rows
of shoes lined up inside on gray, plastic shelves hint of the brand of Sunni
Islam its members practice.

The mosque is one of seven in Pittsburgh, home to a vibrant community of
about 8,000 to 10,000 Sunni Muslims — some 30 percent of them black.
[story continues, please follow link]


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Germany Cites Koran in Rejecting Divorce - New York Times

2007-03-23 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Salaam all

This needs sharing...

(spoiler: there is a happy ending. maybe.)

[image: The New York Times] 

March 22, 2007
Germany Cites Koran in Rejecting Divorce By MARK

FRANKFURT, March 22 — A German judge has stirred a storm of protest here by
citing the Koran in turning down a German Muslim woman's request for a
fast-track divorce on the ground that her husband beat her.

In a remarkable ruling that underlines the tension between Muslim customs
and European laws, the judge, Christa Datz-Winter, said that the couple came
from a Moroccan cultural milieu, in which she said it was common for
husbands to beat their wives. The Koran, she wrote, sanctions such physical

News of the ruling brought swift and sharp condemnation from politicians,
legal experts, and Muslim leaders in
many of whom said they were confounded that a German judge would put
7th-century Islamic religious teaching ahead of modern German law in
deciding a case involving domestic violence.

The woman's lawyer, Barbara Becker-Rojczyk, said she decided to publicize
the ruling, which was issued in January, after the court refused her request
for a new judge. On Wednesday, the court in Frankfurt abruptly removed Judge
Datz-Winter from the case, saying it could not justify her reasoning.

"It was terrible for my client," Ms. Becker-Rojczyk said of the ruling.
"This man beat her seriously from the beginning of their marriage. After
they separated, he called her and threatened to kill her."

While legal experts said the ruling was a judicial misstep rather than
evidence of a broader trend, it comes at a time of rising tension in Germany
and elsewhere in Europe, as authorities in many fields struggle to reconcile
Western values with their countries' burgeoning Muslim minorities.

Last fall, a Berlin opera house canceled performances of a
because of security fears. The opera includes a scene that depicts the
severed head of the Prophet Muhammad. Stung by charges that it had
surrendered its artistic freedom, the opera house staged the opera three
months later without incident.

To some here, the divorce court ruling reflects a similar compromise of
basic values in the name of cultural sensitivity.

"A judge in Germany has to refer to the constitutional law, which says that
human rights are not to be violated," said Günter Meyer, director of the
Center for Research on the Arab World at the University of Mainz. "It's not
her task to interpret the Koran," Mr. Meyer said of Judge Datz-Winter. "It
was an attempt at multi-cultural understanding, but in completely the wrong

Reaction to the decision has been almost as sulfurous as it was to the
cancellation of the opera.

"When the Koran is put above the German constitution, I can only say, 'Good
night, Germany,' " Ronald Pofalla, general secretary of the main
conservative party in the country, the Christian Democratic Union, said to
the mass-market paper Bild.

Dieter Wiefelspütz, a member of Parliament from the more liberal Social
Democratic Party, said in an interview that he could not recall any court
ruling in years that had aroused so much indignation.

Muslim leaders agreed that Muslims living here must be judged by the German
legal code. But they were just as offended by what they characterized as the
judge's misinterpretation of a much-debated passage in the Koran governing
relations between husbands and wives.

While the verse cited by Judge Datz-Winter does say husbands may beat their
wives for disobedience — an interpretation embraced by Wahhabi and other
fundamentalist Islamic groups — most mainstream Muslims have long rejected
wife-beating as a relic of the medieval age.

"Our prophet never struck a woman, and he is our example," Ayyub Axel
Köhler, the head of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, said in an

The 26-year-old woman in this case, whose name has not been disclosed, was
not so fortunate. Born in Germany to a Moroccan family, the woman was
married in Morocco in 2001, according to her lawyer, Ms. Becker-Rojczyk. The
couple settled in Germany and had two children.

In May 2006, the police were summoned to the couple's home after a
particularly violent incident. At that time, Judge Datz-Winter ordered the
husband to move out and stay at least 5

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Check out West Bank Sites on Private Land, Data Shows - New York Times

2007-03-16 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

-- Forwarded message --
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Mar 14, 2007 1:49 PM
Subject: Check out West Bank Sites on Private Land, Data Shows - New York

West Bank Sites on Private Land, Data Shows - New York

[image: The New York Times] 

March 14, 2007
West Bank Sites on Private Land, Data Shows By STEVEN

JERUSALEM, March 13 — An up-to-date Israeli government register shows that
32.4 percent of the property held by Israeli settlements in the occupied
West Bank is private, according to the advocacy group that sued the
government to obtain the data.

The group, Peace Now, prepared an earlier report in November, also provided
to The New York Times, based on a 2004 version of the Israeli government
database that had been provided by an official who wanted the information
published. Those figures showed that 38.8 percent of the land on which
Israeli settlements were built was listed as private Palestinian land.

The data shows a pattern of illegal seizure of private land that the Israeli
government has been reluctant to acknowledge or to prosecute, according to
the Peace Now report.
long asserted that it fully respects Palestinian private property in
West Bank and takes land there only legally or, for security reasons,
temporarily. That large sections of those settlements are now confirmed by
official data to be privately held land is bound to create embarrassment for
Israel and further complicate the already distant prospect of a negotiated

The new data, updated to the end of 2006, was provided officially by the
Israeli government's Civil Administration, which governs civilian activities
in the territories, in response to a lawsuit brought by Peace Now and the
Movement for Freedom of Information in Israel in 2005. When the courts
refused the request, the groups filed an appeal, and the earlier data was
leaked to Peace Now. In January, the court ordered the Civil Administration
to provide the data, in the form of digitized map information.

The information will be published Wednesday, and a copy was provided to The

Some differences between the new data and the old data complicate the
picture. The old data distinguished between private Jewish land, private
Palestinian land, state land and so-called survey land, which is considered
of unclear ownership.

The new data, provided by the government, makes a distinction only between
private land and other land. But in the earlier data, the amount of private
Jewish land was small, only 1.26 percent of the area of the settlements.

The second major difference involves the Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim,
which looks like a suburb of Jerusalem, with a mall and a multiplex and an
Ace Hardware store.

The Israeli government has said that it will never give up the three main
settlement blocks— Maale Adumim, Gush Etzion and Ariel — inside the West
Bank and within the security barrier that Israel built. Information about
them is thus extremely delicate, and that was one reason that the government
refused earlier requests to provide the data.

The earlier data showed Maale Adumim containing 86 percent private
Palestinian land, which seemed very high to its residents. According to the
new data, however, only 0.54 percent of the settlement is listed as private
land. The single case of Maale Adumim represents much of the difference in
the total percentage of private land between the old and new data. Without
the new Maale Adumim data, the difference between the old and new data is
about one percentage point.

In settlements west of the separation barrier, which Israel intends to keep
and which include Maale Adumim, the amount of private land is 24 percent,
compared with 41.4 percent in the earlier data.

In settlements that Israel would presumably give up in any peace settlement,
the percentage of private land is 40 percent, higher than the earlier data,
which was 36.4 percent.

In the two other main settlement blocs that Israel intends to keep, Ariel is
now listed as 31.4 percent private, compared with 35.1 percent before. Gush
Etzion is listed now as 19 percent private, compared with 25.1 percent

In Givat Zeev, a settlement that Israel also intends to keep, the old data
showed that the settlement contained 44.3 percent private land; the new data
shows the figure to be 49.6 percent.

Dror Etkes of Peace Now, which put toget

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Important New York Times article

2007-03-16 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

 "Of all the groups, there is probably more suspicion about CAIR,
 but when you ask people for cold hard facts, you get blank stares,"
 said Michael Rolince, a retired
who directed
 counterterrorism in the Washington field office from 2002 to 2005.


G. Waleed Kavalec
If you are not an intended recipient of this document, please notify the
sender, delete it and do not read, act upon, print, disclose, copy, retain
or redistribute it. In fact it would be best all around for you to burn
your computer then report to the nearest office of the Department of
Homeland Security and turn yourself in as a potential danger to the moral
fabric of America and a serious risk to the purity of apple pie.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] It's in the water !

2007-03-14 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Is this how Bush got re-elected in 2004 ?


G. Waleed Kavalec
If you are not an intended recipient of this document, please notify the
sender, delete it and do not read, act upon, print, disclose, copy, retain
or redistribute it. In fact it would be best all around for you to report to
the nearest office of the Department of Homeland Security and turn yourself
in as a potential danger to the moral fabric of America.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] America's Alliance with Bin Laden?

2007-03-04 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

-- Forwarded message --


*By: Justin Raimondo*
The latest Seymour Hersh
a lot of new information, some of it shocking, some of it not at all
surprising to readers of  and
An example of the latter:

*"The administration is now examining a wave of new intelligence on Iran's
weapons programs. Current and former American officials told me that the
intelligence, which came from Israeli agents operating in Iran, includes a
claim that Iran has developed a three-stage solid-fueled intercontinental
missile capable of delivering several small warheads - each with limited
accuracy - inside Europe. The validity of this human intelligence is still
being debated."*

We can thank Scooter Libby and the vice president of the United States for
having blinded American intelligence to Iranian WMD programs - Valerie Plame
was reportedly the CIA's resident expert on Iranian WMD, and her outfit,
Brewster-Jennings "consulting," was the U.S. government's regional eyes and
ears on nuclear proliferation issues. I guess that's why we have to depend
on the Israelis.

The Mossad has been quite busy, not only in Kurdistan but also in Iran.
Although the Iranians indignantly deny it, the Israeli presence in Iran may
have been responsible for the recent "accidental" death of a top Iranian
nuclear scientist. In any case, the Israelis, according to an earlier report
by Hersh, have thoroughly penetrated Kurdistan, where they train the *
peshmerga*. Using the Kurdish rebels in Iran, known as Pejak, they have
launched sorties into Iranian territory.

What is less clear - although I've touched on the subject recently - is the
extent to which clandestine activities are being carried out by the U.S. in
Iran, and, according to Hersh, Lebanon.

The policymakers are taking a new turn, says Hersh, supposedly necessitated
by the consequences of the Iraq war. The U.S. invasion turned Iraq over to a
Shi'ite coalition of pro-Iranian parties, and now we're playing the Sunni
card. Hersh cites "a former senior intelligence official" as saying

*"We are in a program to enhance the Sunni capability to resist Shi'ite
influence, and we're spreading the money around as much as we can…. In this
process, we're financing a lot of bad guys with some serious potential
unintended consequences. We don't have the ability to determine and get pay
vouchers signed by the people we like and avoid the people we don't like.
It's a very high-risk venture."*

Doesn't anyone ever learn from history? U.S. aid to the Afghan "freedom
fighters" in the 1980s consolidated the core of what was to become al-Qaeda
- a Frankenstein's monster that turned on its creator. Now the U.S. is
repeating that blunder, only this time on a much wider scale - with
consequences we can only begin to imagine in our darkest, most sweat-soaked

Once again we are in league with the Saudis, who were instrumental in
setting up the Afghan networks that morphed into al-Qaeda. Bin Laden is
their errant son, come back to haunt them - and us. The Kingdom is the worst
tyranny in the entire region, steeped in a fanatic version of Islam that is,
by regional standards, barbaric. Ruled over by a sclerotic aristocracy more
decadent and deserving of overthrow than even the haughty Bourbons or the
crazed Romanovs, it is precisely our association with these royal
kleptocrats that has generated anti-Americanism and killed the possibility
of a genuine liberal movement.

The Saudis are backing the Siniora government against Shi'ite Hezbollah and
its Christian allies, and the U.S. is funneling covert aid that is allowed
to "end up in the hands of emerging Sunni radical groups in northern
Lebanon, the Bekaa Valley, and around Palestinian refugee camps in the
south," writes Hersh. "These groups, though small, are seen as a buffer to
Hezbollah; at the same time, their ideological ties are with al-Qaeda."

So let's get this straight: U.S. taxpayer dollars are subsidizing al-Qaeda's
emerging Lebanese affiliate. Remember that as you fill out your income tax
forms this year.

The "war on terrorism" sparked by al-Qaeda's 9/11 attack has ended with the
U.S. in alliance with bin Laden's boys against a supposedly emerging Shi'ite
threat. Now how bitter is *that *ironic twist?

Forget al-Qaeda: nobody is even trying to capture bin Laden, and no wonder.
He's our ally now. That's what Michael Scheuer has always said, but now I
see it's official. Bin Laden was yesterday's villain: today's hate figure is
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran.

Although the Iranians insist their nuclear program is only for peaceful
purposes, i.e., power generation, a full-court propaganda campaign has 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Not ALL of the US is blind to Bush & Co.

2007-03-01 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

View this live at

   *Condi Goes Too Far*
   By Keith Olbermann
   MSNBC Countdown

   Monday 26 February 2007

*Olbermann: Secretary Rice's comparison of Saddam to Hitler is not accurate.

   On "Fox News Sunday" Feb. 25, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
paralleled World War II with the state of Iraq when discussing what would
happen if Congress were to revise the Iraq authorization:

   We already know about her suggestion that the president could just
ignore whatever congressional Democrats do about Iraq.

   Just ignore Congress.

   We know how that game always turns out. Ask President Nixon. Ask
President Andrew Johnson.

   Or ask Vice President Dick Cheney, who utterly contradicted Secretary
Rice on Monday when he warned President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan about
what those mean congressional Democrats could do to his foreign aid.

   All of this, par for the course.

   But about what the secretary said regarding the prospect of Congress'
revising or repealing the 2002 authorization of the war in Iraq:

   Here we go again! From springs spent trying to link Saddam Hussein to
9/11, to summers of cynically manipulated intelligence, through autumns of
false patriotism, to winters of war, we have had more than four years of
every cheap trick and every degree of calculated cynicism from this
administration, filled with Three-Card Monte players.

   But the longer Dr. Rice and these other pickpockets of a nation's
goodness have walked among us, waving flags and slandering opponents and
making true enemies - foreign and domestic - all hat and no cattle all the
while, the overriding truth of their occupancy of our highest offices of
state has only gradually become clear.

   As they asked in that Avis commercial: "Ever get the feeling some people
just stopped trying?"

   Then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld thought he could equate those who
doubted him with Nazi appeasers, without reminding anybody that the actual,
historical Nazi appeasers in this country in the 1930s were the Republicans.

   Vice President Cheney thought he could talk as if he and he alone knew
the "truth" about Iraq and 9/11, without anyone ever noticing that even the
rest of the administration officially disagreed with him.

   The president really acted as if you could scare all of the people all
of the time and not lose your soul - and your majority - as a result.

   But Secretary of State Rice may have now taken the cake. On the Sunday
morning interview show "Of Broken Record" on Fox, Dr. Rice spoke a
paragraph, which if it had been included in a remedial history paper at the
weakest high school in the nation would've gotten the writer an "F" - maybe
an expulsion.

   If Congress were now to revise the Iraq authorization, she said, out
loud, with an adult present: "... it would be like saying that after Adolf
Hitler was overthrown, we needed to change, then, the resolution that
allowed the United States to do that, so that we could deal with creating a
stable environment in Europe after he was overthrown."

   The secretary's résumé reads that she has a master's degree and a
Ph.Din political science. The interviewer should have demanded to see
them, on
the spot. Dr. Rice spoke 42 words. She may have made more mistakes in them
than did the president in his State of the Union Address in 2003.

There is, obviously, no mistaking Saddam Hussein for a human being. But
nor is there any mistaking him for Adolf Hitler.

   Invoking the German dictator who subjugated Europe; who tried to
exterminate the Jews; who sought to overtake the world is not just in the
poorest of taste, but in its hyperbole, it insults not merely the victims of
the Third Reich, but those in this country who fought it and defeated it.

   Saddam Hussein was not Adolf Hitler. And George W. Bush is not Franklin
D. Roosevelt - nor Dwight D. Eisenhower. He isn't even George H.W. Bush, who
fought in that war.

   However, even through the clouds of deliberately spread fear, and even
under the weight of a thousand exaggerations of the five years past, one can
just barely make out how a battle against international terrorism in 2007
could be compared - by some - to the Second World War.

   The analogy is weak, and it instantly begs the question of why those of
"The Greatest Generation" focused on Hitler and Hirohito, but our leaders
seem to have ignored their vague parallels of today to instead concentrate
on the Mussolinis of modern terrorism.

   But in some, small, "You didn't fail, Junior, but you may need to go to
summer school" kind of way, you can just make out that comparison.

   But, Secretary Rice, overthrowing Saddam Hussein was akin to
overthrowing Adolf Hitler? Are you kidding? Did you want to provoke the
world's laughter?

   And, please, Madame Secretary, if you are going to make that most
implausible, subjective, dubious, ridiculous comparison; if you want to be
as far off the mark about the Second Wo

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hey, first rule...

2007-03-01 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

"A suicide bomber attacked the entrance to the main U.S.
military base in Afghanistan Tuesday during a visit by
Vice President Dick Cheney.
Cheney, fresh from a visit to Pakistan, was unhurt. "

Next time don't blow up until you see the whites of his eyes!

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Can't kill Muslims without a good puppet...

2007-02-27 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

February 25, 2007
Christian Right Labors to Find '08 Candidate
New York Times

WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 - A group of influential Christian conservatives and
their allies emerged from a private meeting at a Florida resort this month
dissatisfied with the Republican presidential field and uncertain where to

The event was a meeting of the Council for National Policy, a secretive club
whose few hundred members include Dr. James C. Dobson of Focus on the
Family, the Rev. Jerry Falwell of Liberty University and Grover Norquist of
Americans for Tax Reform. Although little known outside the conservative
movement, the council has become a pivotal stop for Republican presidential
primary hopefuls, including George W. Bush on the eve of his 1999 primary

But in a stark shift from the group's influence under President Bush, the
group risks relegation to the margins. Many of the conservatives who
attended the event, held at the beginning of the month at the Ritz-Carlton
on Amelia Island, Fla., said they were dismayed at the absence of a champion
to carry their banner in the next election.

Many conservatives have already declared their hostility to Senator John
McCain of Arizona, despite his efforts to make amends for having once
denounced Christian conservative leaders as "agents of intolerance," and to
former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York, because of his liberal views
on abortion and gay rights and his three marriages.

Many were also suspicious of former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts;
members have used the council as a conduit to distribute a dossier prepared
by a Massachusetts conservative group about liberal elements of his record
on abortion, stem cell research and gay rights. (Mr. Romney has worked to
convince conservatives that his views have changed.)

And some members of the council have raised doubts about lesser known
candidates - Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas and Representative Duncan Hunter
of California, who were invited to Amelia Island to address an elite
audience of about 60 of its members, and Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas,
who spoke to the full council at its previous meeting, in October in Grand
Rapids, Mich.

Although each of the three had supporters, many conservatives expressed
concerns about whether any of the candidates could unify their movement or
raise enough money to overtake the front-runners, several participants in
the meetings said.

Finally, in a measure of their dissatisfaction, a delegation of prominent
conservatives at Amelia Island tried to enlist as a candidate Gov. Mark
Sanford of South Carolina, a guest speaker at the event. A charismatic
politician with a clear conservative record, Mr. Sanford is almost unknown
outside his home state and has done nothing to prepare for a presidential
run. He firmly declined the group's entreaties, people involved in the
recruiting effort said. A spokesman for Mr. Sanford said he would not

"There is great anxiety," said Paul Weyrich, chairman of the Free Congress
Foundation. "There is no outstanding conservative, and they are all looking
for that."

Mr. Weyrich, a longtime member of the council, declined to discuss the group
or its meetings. The council's bylaws forbid members from publicly
disclosing its membership or activities, and participants agreed to discuss
the Amelia Island meeting only on the condition of anonymity.

For eight years and four elections, President Bush forged a singular
alliance with Christian conservatives - including dispatching administration
officials and even cabinet members to address council meetings - that put
them at the center of the Republican Party.

But in the aftermath of the stinging defeats in the midterm elections, and
with discontent over the Iraq war weighing heavily on the public, some
Christian conservatives worry that they may find themselves on the sidelines
of the presidential race.

Both Mr. McCain and Mr. Romney have worked hard to pitch themselves to
Christian conservatives - Mr. McCain by delivering speeches at venues like
Mr. Falwell's Liberty University or a recent abstinence-promotion event, Mr.
Romney by leading the charge for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex
marriage. But neither has won over many of the movement's leaders.

The conservative concern may also be an ominous sign for the Republican
Party about the morale of a core element of its political base.
Conservatives warn that the 2008 election could shape up like 1996, when
conservatives faced a lesser-of-two evils choice between a Republican they
distrusted, former Senator Bob Dole, and a Democrat they disdained,
President Bill Clinton. Dr. Dobson of Focus on the Family later said in a
speech to the council that he voted for a conservative third-party candidate
that year rather than pull a lever for Mr. Dole.

The Council for National Policy was founded 25 years ago by the Rev. Tim
LaHaye as a forum for conservative Christians to strategize about turning

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The World Can Halt Bush’s Crimes by Dumping the Dollar

2007-02-23 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

**The World Can Halt Bush's Crimes by Dumping the Dollar

*by Paul Craig Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
by Paul Craig Roberts *


What would be the consequences of a US or Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear
energy sites?

At the 2006 Perdana Global Peace Forum, Australian medical scientist Dr.
Helen Caldicott provided an authoritative
the devastating impact on human life that would result from the
release from such an attack.

Dr. Caldicott described the catastrophic deaths that would result from a
conventional attack on nuclear facilities and the long-term increase in
cancer deaths from the radiation release.

Should the attack be made with nuclear weapons – as some of Bush's
criminally insane neoconservative advisers advocate – the populations of
many countries would suffer for generations from radioactive particles in
air, water, and food chains. Deaths would number in the many millions.

Such an attack justified in the name of "American security" and "American
hegemony" would constitute the rawest form of evil the world has ever seen,
far surpassing in evil the atrocities of the Nazi and Communist regimes.

Dr. Caldicott detailed the horrible long-term consequences for the Iraqi
population from the US military's current use of depleted uranium in
explosive ammunition used in Iraq. Caldicott explained that "depleted" does
not mean depleted of radiation. She explained that each time such ammunition
is used, radioactive particles are released in the air and are absorbed into
people's lungs. We are yet to see the horrific civilian casualty rate of the
American invasion – or the true casualty rate among US troops.

Dr. Caldicott expressed bewilderment why the rest of the world does not
stand up to the US and force a halt to its crimes against humanity.

One man heard her – Vladimir Putin, President of Russia.

On February 10 at the 43rd Munich Security Conference, President Putin told
the world's assembled political leaders that the US was trying to establish
a "uni-polar world," which he defined as "one single center of power, one
single center of force and one single master."

This goal, Putin said, was a "formula for disaster."

"The United States," Putin said, truthfully, "has overstepped its borders in
all spheres" and "has imposed itself on other states."

The Russian leader declared: "We see no kind of restraint – a hyper-inflated
use of force."

To avoid catastrophe, Putin said a reconsideration of the entire existing
architecture of global security was necessary.

Putin's words of truth fell on many deaf ears. US Senator John McCain,
America's most idiotic and dangerous "leader" after Bush and Cheney, equated
Putin's legitimate criticism of the US with "confrontation."

America's new puppets – the states of central and Eastern Europe and the
secretary general of NATO, no longer a treaty for the defense of Europe but
a military force enlisted in America's quest for empire – lined up with
McCain's argument that Russia was in fundamental conflict "with the core
values of Euro-Atlantic democracies."

Even the BBC's defense and security correspondent, Rob Watson, jumped on the
American propaganda bandwagon, tagging Putin's speech a revival of the cold

No delegate at the security conference stood up to state the obvious fact
that it is not Russia that is invading countries under pretexts as false as
Hitler's and setting up weapons systems on foreign soil in order to achieve
military hegemony.

The reception given to Putin's words made it clear to Russia, China, and
every country not bribed, threatened or purchased into participation in
America's drive for world hegemony that the US has no interest whatsoever in
peace. Intelligent people realize that American claims to be a moral and
democratic force are mere pretense behind which hides a policy of military

The US, Putin said, has gone "from one conflict to another without achieving
a fully-fledged solution to any of them."

Putin has repeatedly stressed Russia's peaceful intentions and desire to
focus on its economy and to avoid a new arms race. In his speech on the 60th
anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany, Putin said: "I am convinced
that there is no alternative to our friendship and our fraternity. With our
closest neighbors and all countries of the world, Russia is prepared to
build a kind of relationship which is not only based on lessons of the past
but is also directed into a shared future."

In his 2006 state of the nation speech, Putin noted that America's military
budget is 25 times larger than Russia's. He compared the Bush Regime to a
wolf who eats whom he wants without listening. Putin is being demonized by
US propagandists, be

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Top U.S. Bin Laden Expert: Confession Video “Bogus”

2007-02-23 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

*Top U.S. Bin Laden Expert: Confession Video "Bogus"*
by Kevin Barrett,


Was Osama Bin Laden responsible for 9/11?

The Bush Administration says yes, citing a grainy, badly-edited videotape
that surfaced in December, 2001. In that tape, a fat guy who vaguely
resembles Bin Laden
chortles about the
success of the 9/11 attacks. (In earlier interviews, Bin
Laden had denied responsibility for
once even deploring the loss of civilian
lifein the attacks and
calling them un-Islamic.)

Is the famous "confession video" genuine? Despite Bush's insistence that the
tape is authentic, America's top academic Bin Laden expert has finally gone
on the record, joining numerous other
"It's bogus," says Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University's
Religious Studies program.

Lawrence, author of *Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama Bin
Laden *, offered his historic
debunking of the administration's lie in an interview with Kevin
Barrett ("Dynamic
Duo ,", 2/16/2007, first
hour). The interview marked Lawrence's first major public statement since he
made headlines last
suggesting that recent Osama tapes are hoaxes and that the real Osama
Laden may be dead.


G. Waleed Kavalec
"If tyranny and oppression come to this land,
it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."
 - James Madison

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Yes Virginia, there IS a good George

2007-02-23 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec


G. Waleed Kavalec
"If tyranny and oppression come to this land,
it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."
 - James Madison

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Macleans selects MCC founder Tarek Fatah as one of Canada's 50 most "respected" personalities

2007-02-20 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

-- Forwarded message --
Dear friends,

Macleans , Canada's leading weekly news
magazine, has named 50 people it refers to as "Canada's most well known and
respected personalities from journalists to politicians," and asked
them to offer
"their comments on the issues of the day, everyday."

We are delighted that this list includes the founder of the Muslim Canadian
Congress, writer, broadcaster and political activist, Tarek

The Macleans 50 includes former Foreign Minister of Canada, Lloyd Axworthy,
social and human rights activist Maude Barlow, former NDP premier of British
Columbia Glenn Clarke and a number of other personalities from the entire
spectrum of the political rainbow.

The Muslim Canadian Congress is proud that its founder Tarek Fatah is part
of this great mix of dedicated Canadians, from the Left to the Right, who
will regularly engage in a debate about current affairs and shape the
narrative of this great nation of ours.

We are confident Tarek Fatah will be able to bring a progressive and liberal
Muslim perspective to the discourse at Macleans, speaking for Muslims who
find their religion and community hijacked by clerics, imams  and radical
youth who take inspiration from Iran, Saudi Arabia and other overseas

Munir Pervaiz
Secretary General
Muslim Canadian Congress 

Forwarded by

G. Waleed Kavalec
"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of
fighting a foreign enemy." - James Madison

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What it means to be Muslim

2007-02-12 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Had he set off a bomb they would have mentioned his religion...


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Transforming Christ Followers into Christian Zionists

2007-02-11 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

*Transforming Christ Followers into Christian Zionists*
Charles E. Carlson

The state of Israel has long maintained political power in the US Congress,
especially among Democrats.  Its brilliantly conceived lobbying rocket ship
has an American coat of paint and lots of US citizens fuel it.  We have
published a book about AIPAC, *One Nation Under Israel,* by Andrew J.
Hurley. The title describes the problem.   But other, more clever and
ominous Zionist fronts operate within US Christian circles.  Israel's vast
influence with Republicans has been accomplished through its influence over
the so called "Christian Right."

Long before there was an Israeli state, a fledgling and much ridiculed
religious movement was being cultured around the notion of a predictable end
to the present world.  It called for a political state of Israel in
Palestine as a Christian imperative.  And it did so even before Zionism was
formalized as the World Zionist Organization in 1895.  They used an American
pastor-pretender Cyrus I. Scofield to add hundreds of new pages to the old
Authorized King James Version of the Bible by 1908.  Ingenious Zionists
transplanted their agenda into many Christian denominations amidst the ashes
of the two world wars.&n bsp;

The new Zionist friendly religion was to rewrite the Bible to establish the
future racially pure Jewish state called Israel as a vital precursor to
Christ's return to earth.  Israel was to be a sign of Jesus' "second
coming."  The coveted real estate was to be the ancient land of the
Philistines; provinces of Syria.  Zionists correctly perceived that American
Christianity would someday be strong enough to give the land to them over
the objections of the owners, providing enough Christians could be convinced
that Jesus expected them to do it.

*Unity Coalition for Israel's *stated purpose is to help control and direct
the sprawling "Christian Right" by controlling how church-goers view current
events in Israel.  It is an umbrella organization of American Christians who
are for Israel, right or wrong.  UCI's "educational" fodder for the public
is generated by writers at American Israeli-patriot think tanks, including
Ed Lasky, Editor of *American Thinker*.

The best way to deal with the outrageous dishonesty of Judeo-Christian
thought is to quote it, and expose its error.  A recent article by Lasky in
*American Thinker*, "Splitting the Evangelicals from Israel", was republished
by *Unity Coalition for Israel* on January 30, 2007.  We quote from Mr.
Lasky extensively, and link to his complete story.  Mr. Lasky seems to be
worried about Israel's declining image.  He has good reason for this
concern.  We have taken the liberty of emphasizing some of his text with

Ed Lasky: "A new strategy seems to be emerging that seeks to weaken American
support for Israel.

While there has been much attention given to challenges Israel faces on
college campuses, in the media, and increasingly in the halls of Congress,
the historically solid and *vitally important support given by Evangelical
Christians towards Israel is now being threatened. How is this happening and
who are the actors?*

Evangelicals support Israel for a variety of reasons, among them a belief
that Israel is a fellow democracy with which we share a common Western
culture and that we value as a friend. Israel has also been victimized by
Islamic terrorism, as have we. Israel is also a strategic ally in the war
against Islamic radicalism- a lone Western outpost in a faraway land that
gave birth to two major religions: *Judaism and Christianity-the foundation
of Western civilization.*


For the full editorial, click here:

For further study of this topic, we also recommend the following books:




*Author:* Andrew Hurley
Exposes the power and tactics of the Israeli lobby in the US Congress, and
warns of the inevitable backlash to come.  Highly recommended to understand
the roots of the Middle East agony.  Paperback 345 pgs.  $14.50

* *



*The Incredible Scofield and his Book*

* **Author: *Joseph M. Canfield
A ten-year comprehensive study of evangelical dispensationalism's most
influential figure of 20th century.  If you have a friend or loved one
caught up in Christian-Zionism, you need to read this book.  Hardcover 1988.
314pp $17.50


G. Waleed Kavalec
"My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening thru a
cosmic vapor of invention."
 -  Hedly Lamar (Harvey Korman)

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] We are fools if we let this happen

2007-02-06 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
February 4, 2007
Iraq's Shadow Widens Sunni-Shiite Split in U.S. By NEIL MacFARQUHAR

DEARBORN, Mich. — Twice recently, vandals have shattered windows at three
mosques and a dozen businesses popular among Shiite Muslims along Warren
Avenue, the spine of the Arab community here.

Although the police have arrested no one, most in Dearborn's Iraqi Shiite
community blame the Sunni Muslims.

"The Shiites were very happy that they killed Saddam, but the Sunnis were in
tears," Aqeel Al-Tamimi, 34, an immigrant Iraqi truck driver and a Shiite,
said as he ate roasted chicken and flatbread at Al-Akashi restaurant, one of
the establishments damaged over the city line in Detroit. "These people look
at us like we sold our country to America."

Escalating tensions between Sunnis and Shiites across the Middle East are
rippling through some American Muslim communities, and have been blamed for
events including vandalism and student confrontations. Political splits
between those for and against the American invasion of Iraq fuel some of the
animosity, but it is also a fight among Muslims about who represents Islam.

Long before the vandalism in Dearborn and Detroit, feuds had been simmering
on some college campuses. Some Shiite students said they had faced repeated
discrimination, like being formally barred by the Sunni-dominated Muslim
Student Association from leading prayers. At numerous universities, Shiite
students have broken away from the association, which has dozens of chapters
nationwide, to form their own groups.

"A microcosm of what is happening in Iraq happened in New Jersey because
people couldn't put aside their differences," said Sami Elmansoury, a Sunni
Muslim and former vice president of the Islamic Society at Rutgers
where there has been a sharp dispute.

Though the war in Iraq is one crucial cause, some students and experts on
sectarianism also attribute the fissure to the significant growth in the
Muslim American population over the past few decades.

Before, most major cities had only one mosque and everyone was forced to get
along. Now, some Muslim communities are so large that the majority Sunnis
and minority Shiites maintain their own mosques, schools and social clubs.
Many Muslim students first meet someone from the other branch of their faith
at college. The Shiites constitute some 15 percent of the world's more than
1.3 billion Muslims, and are believed to be proportionally represented among
America's estimated six million Muslims.

Sectarian tensions mushroomed during the current Muslim month of Muharram.
The first 10 days ended on Tuesday with Ashura, the day when Shiites
commemorate the death of Hussein, who was the grandson of the Prophet
Mohammad and who was killed during the bloody seventh-century disputes over
who would rule the faithful, a schism that gave birth to the Sunni and
Shiite factions.

The Shiites and the Sunnis part company over who has the right to rule and
interpret scripture. Shiites hold that only descendants of Mohammad can be
infallible and hence should rule. Sunnis allow a broader group, as long as
there is consensus among religious scholars.

Many Shiites mark Ashura with mourning processions that include
self-flagellation or rhythmic chest beating, echoing the suffering of the
seventh-century Hussein. As several thousand Shiites marched up Park Avenue
in Manhattan on Jan. 28 to mark Ashura, the march's organizers handed out a
flier describing his killing as "the first major terrorist act." Sunnis
often decry Ashura marches as a barbaric, infidel practice.

Last year, a Sunni student at the University of
Ann Arbor sent a screed against Ashura to the Muslim Student
Association's e-mail message list. The document had been taken off , one of many Web sites of Islamic
teachings that Shiite students said regularly spread hate disguised as
religious scholarship.

Azmat Khan, a 21-year-old senior and political science major, said that she,
like other Shiites on campus, was sometimes asked whether she was a real

"To some extent, the minute you identify yourself as a Shiite, it outs you,"
Ms. Khan said. "You feel marginalized."

Yet some Shiite students said they were reluctant to speak up because they
felt that Islam was under assault in the United States, so internal tension
would only undermine much-needed unity among Muslims. At the same time, the
students said, the ideas used by some Sunnis to label Shiites as heretics
need to be confronted because they underlie jihadi radicalism.

At the Ann Arbor campus, Shiite students set up a forum for all Muslims to
discuss their differences, but no 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What to fear

2007-02-04 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

People are so scared of a nuclear Iran?

I am far more frightened of Nazi America


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] "Sparking debate, SCAI launches divestment push"

2007-01-31 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

"Sparking debate, SCAI launches divestment push"

January 25, 2007
By Patrick Fitzgerald


Deeming it the "most moral, effective and nonviolent approach" to bringing
peace to the Middle East, Students Confronting Apartheid in Israel (SCAI)
last night launched its campaign calling on the University to selectively
divest from companies with ties to Israel.

The campaign, which comes on the heels of successful efforts in 2005 that
prompted Stanford to sever relations with corporations connected to Sudanese
government, drew the ire of a number of student and faculty members
concerned with the use of "apartheid" in the group's name and its potential
to further polarize student dialogue.

Speaking in front of a crowd of about 150 students, faculty and community
members in Tressider Oak West, senior and SCAI President Omar Shakir, a
senior, outlined the group's case for divestment and offered a brief history
of Israel and the Palestinian territories.

Shakir presented a five-part divestment approach in which he called for the
University Board of Trustees to divest from companies that: support Israel's
military, aid the construction or maintenance of the West Bank "separation
fence," operate on occupied land, assist in the demolition of homes or
engage in institutional discrimination. He defended the use of the word
"apartheid," arguing that while the Israeli and South African regimes are
different on the surface, their result is the same.

"No one here is saying what is going on is genocide," he said. "But the
systemic discrimination and institutional racism is very clear."

SCAI's campaign has put campus Jewish student groups on the defensive, and
has fostered a "divisive atmosphere," said Stanford Israel Alliance
Co-President Mishan Araujo, a junior.

"There's a temptation to use inflammatory rhetoric to get attention, but it
comprises a gross misrepresentation and places all the blame on Israel,"
Aroujo said. "We recognize that Israel has faults, but both sides need to
own up to their mistakes."

Associate Director for Honors Writing Hilton Obenzinger, who participated on
the panel and agrees with SCAI's stance despite the fact that he is Jewish,
admitted as much.

"Apartheid is a buzzword and is very upsetting for those who support
Israel," he said in his closing remarks. "But I think we need to face it. We
need to face the hard realities."

The campus debate represents a microcosm of deliberations both nationally
and internationally over divestment campaigns and the use of the word
"apartheid" in connection with Israel. Former President Jimmy Carter
unleashed a firestorm of controversy when he published a book titled
"Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" in December.

And previous campus divestment campaigns related to South Africa in the
1980s and Sudan in 2005 both enjoyed widespread support that SCAI is
unlikely to find in its fight.

"What separates this from previous divestment efforts is that there is much
less — in fact, no prospect — in achieving community consensus toward the
goal of divestment," said Hoover Senior Fellow Larry Diamond. "In the case
of South Africa, I think there was a far, far greater consensus on the
issues and the moral imperatives."

While SCAI heralds the decisions of the Presbyterian Church and the Academic
Union of Teachers in the United Kingdom to divest from Israel, petitions and
campaigns on the issue at universities nationwide have struggled to get off
the ground. Divestment efforts at several Ivy League schools and the UC
system made headlines in 2002 but failed to produce the desired result.

In a 2002 speech, then-Harvard President Lawrence Summers characterized
Harvard's divestment campaign as "anti-Semitic in effect, if not in intent."

"Where anti-Semitism and views that are profoundly anti-Israeli have
traditionally been the primary preserve of poorly educated right-wing
populists," Summers said, "profoundly anti-Israel views are increasingly
finding support in progressive intellectual communities."

So far, the University has not made clear its views regarding divestment
from Israel. For its part, the Office of Student Affairs has been working to
"promote discussion that fosters education, learning and understanding
through open and respectful dialogue," according to a statement released by
the office yesterday.

"The original Founding Grant composed by Jane and Leland Stanford provides
for 'studies and exercises directed to the cultivation and enlargement of
the mind,'" Dean of Students Maureen Powers said in the statement. "It is
with this educational goal in mind that we hope to encourage students to
share their viewpoints in an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding
differences. Without attention to these basic values meaningful dialogue and
mutual learning are unlikely to occur."

To that end, Assistant Dean for Multicultural Education Thom Massey is

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Quran translation pages

2007-01-31 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Salaam alaikum all

Deep-links to relevant pages are now in place at the Islam
Awakened Quran Pages.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Islam Awakened Quran Pages, they are a
Quran study tool for the English speaking world.  Each ayat (verse) has its
own page, with the original Arabic, then the transliteration in the Roman
alphabet, then the literal translation, and finally over a dozen mainstream
renditions of the meaning in English.  The major translators  - Yusuf Ali,
Shakir, and Pickthal - were just the beginning of this effort.

Let us know if you see any changes you'd like.

The deep-links to further the usability of these pages.
Anyone familiar with OpenBurhan <> will recognize the 'ancestry'
of the TextInMotion pages,

The difference is that TextInMotion is being underwritten by the Quran
Institute; the new pages are deep-linked back
to the corresponding translation page of Islam Awakened.

Please visit!



G. Waleed Kavalec
"Strive as in a race to achieve the
goal of excellence in all that you do."
 -  The Holy Quran

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Answers Have Changed

2007-01-24 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

The Answers Have Changed

*By:Miko Peled (is an Israeli living in San Diego. He is the son of Israeli
General Matityahu Peled)*


It is said of Albert Einstein that he gave a particular exam to a class that
had already been given that exam. Alarmed at what he saw and thinking it to
be the result of the professor's absent-mindedness, an assistant warned
Einstein of what he was about to do. The Professor just smiled and said:
It's alright the answers have changed. The same thing goes for the Israeli
Palestinian conflict, the questions remain the same but now sixty years
after the establishment of the Jewish State, the answers have changed.

Until about ten years ago the answer to the question of how to achieve a
lasting peace in the Middle East was clear: Allowing the Palestinians to
establish a free, independent state in the West Bank and Gaza, alongside
Israel. But this answer known as the "Two State Solution" belongs to a
reality that no longer exists. Today, after 40 years of occupation the West
Bank is riddled with settlements and highways designated for Jews only;
Palestinians in the West bank and Gaza are imprisoned within a wall,
impoverished and starved and there is no political will within Israel to
partition the land of Israel and allow Palestinian independence - all of
which indicate that clearly the answers have changed.

So what is the answer to this very difficult question? Ten million people
reside between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
Approximately 5.5million Jewish Israelis and
4.5 million Palestinians, all ruled by the state of Israel, the Jewish
State. The conditions under which Palestinians live range between being
third class citizens within Israel, and living under a military occupation
with no representation, no human rights and no civil rights. Clearly this
cannot go on forever and at some point Israel will be forced to grant the
Palestinians equal rights. What remains to be seen is whether this will come
as a result of intense violence and bloodshed or a negotiated agreement.

Two books that have come out in recent months are relevant to this conflict
and both of them demonstrate that there is a tremendous amount of change in
the air. The first book that has received a great deal of attention is
"Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid" by former US President and staunch Israel
supporter, Jimmy Carter. This book has opened the door for the first time
for a serious debate in the US regarding the Palestinian tragedy. In a
development that is almost unparalleled, a former US President characterizes
Israeli rule in the West Bank and Gaza as apartheid. Since the book came out
the debate has indeed been intense and there are no signs that this will
change any time soon.

The second book is "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" by Israeli historian
Illan Pappe. Categorizing the destruction of Palestine in the years
1947-1949 as ethnic cleansing is not new perhaps but it is worthy of mention
because it is becoming more widely accepted. Pappe's book, difficult though
it is due to its detailed accounts, provides an opportunity for an in-depth
study of the destruction of the Palestinian people and their homeland at the
hands of the Jewish forces during the Israeli War of Independence. What
might come as news to many Jewish people around the world and to many non
Jewish Israel supporters is that it was in the aftermath of this campaign of
ethnic cleansing that the State of Israel was established upon the ruins of

What becomes apparent from reading the two books is that what Carter
describes is congruent with what is described in Pappe's book. In other
words, current Israeli policy towards the Palestinians is an extension of
the ethnic cleansing policies of the early years of the conflict.

One may argue over details in both Carter's book and Pappe's book, but one
cannot argue with the facts that the books describe: Between the end of 1947
and the beginning of 1949, a time that Israel calls the War of Independence,
close to 800,000 Palestinians were forced into exile and Palestinian
identity in Palestine was almost entirely wiped out. Today, Israel continues
to deny Palestinian identity, not to mention Palestinian independence both
within the boundaries of the State of Israel and within the occupied

One possible answer to the difficult question of the Israeli Palestinian
conflict could be drawn from the fact that Israel, by ruling over two
nations is already a bi-national state. The solution could be to replace the
current system whereby only Israeli Jews enjoy the freedoms and rights of
full citizenry, with one that will allow Palestinians to enjoy those rights
as well. This will create a fully democratic state in which both Israelis
and Palestinians live as 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ultra-Orthodox Jew Accepts Islam

2007-01-24 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

 Ultra-Orthodox Jew Accepts Islam
  By  Melech Yacov

When I was born I was given the Hebrew name Melech Yacov. Today I still live
in the area in New York where I was born. We were a semi-religious family;
we belonged to a Chasidic congregation to which we went every Saturday, but
we did not keep all the strict observances required in Chasidic Judaism. For
those who don't know, Chasidism is known in the mainstream as "Ultra
Orthodox" Judaism. They are called so because of their strict observances of
*Halacha* (Jewish Law) and their following of Jewish mysticism (*cabala*).
They are the strange people that you see walking down the street wearing
black suits and hats and letting their beards and sideburns grow long.
We were not like that though. My family cooked and used electricity on the
Sabbath, and I didn't wear a yarmulke on my head. Moreover I grew up in a
secular environment surrounded by non-Jewish schoolmates and friends. For
many years I still felt guilty about driving on Saturdays and eating
non-kosher food.

Although I did not observe all of the rules, I nevertheless felt a strong
sense that this was the way that God wanted me to live, and every time I
omitted a rule, I was committing sin in the eyes of God. From the earliest
days, my mother would read to me the stories of the great Rabbis like
Eliezar, the Baal Shem Tov, and the legends from the *Haggada* (part of the
Talmud other than the *Halacha*) and Torah.

All of these stories had the same ethical message which helped me to
identify with the Jewish community, and later Israel. The stories showed how
Jews were oppressed throughout history, but God always stood by His people
until the end. The stories that we Jews were brought up on showed us that
miracles always saved the Jews whenever they were in their greatest time of
need. The survival of the Jews throughout history, despite all odds, is seen
as a miracle in itself.

If a person wants to take an objective view on why most Jews have the
irrational Zionist stance regarding Israel, then they must understand the
way by which we were indoctrinated with these stories as children. That is
why the Zionists pretend that they are doing nothing wrong at all. All of
the *goyim* (gentiles) are seen as enemies waiting to attack, and thus they
cannot be trusted. The Jewish people have a very strong bond with one
another and see each other as the "chosen people" of God. For many years I
believed this myself.

Although I had a strong sense of identity as a Jew, I could not stand going
to Saturday services (*shul*). I still remember myself as a little boy being
forced to go to *shul* with my father. I remember how dreadfully boring it
was for me and how strange everyone looked with their black hats and beards
praying in a foreign language. It was like being thrown into a different
world away from my friends and the people I knew. This was what I thought I
was supposed to be, but I (and my parents) never adopted the Chasidic life
like the rest of my family.

When I turned 13, I was bar-mitzvahed like every other Jewish boy who
becomes a man. I also began putting *tefilin* (Hebrew amulets) on every
morning. I was told that it is dangerous to skip putting it on because it
was like an omen and bad things might happen to you. The first day I skipped
putting on *tefilin* my mom's car got stolen! That event encouraged me to
wear it for a long time.

It was only a little while after my bar-mitzvah that my family stopped going
to synagogue altogether. They could not stand the three-and-a- half hours of
prayer and felt that getting me bar-mitzvahed was the most important thing.
Later on, my father got into a silly quarrel with some congregation members,
and we ended up not going at all to services anymore. Then something strange
happened: my father was convinced by a friend to accept Jesus into his
heart. God willingly my mother did not divorce my father for his conversion
to Christianity, but she has kept a silent hatred of it ever since.

This was also a period in my early-teen years when I sought to find
something to identify with. My father's conversion helped me question my own
beliefs. I began asking questions like: What exactly is a Jew anyway? Is
Judaism a culture, a nation, or a religion? If it is a nation, then how
could Jews be citizens of two nations? If Judaism is a religion, then why
are the prayers recited in Hebrew, prayers for Eretz Israel, and observance
of "Oriental" rituals? If Judaism was just a culture, then would not a
person cease to be a Jew if he stopped speaking Hebrew and practicing Jewish

If a Jew was one who observes the commandments of the Torah, then why is
Abraham called the first Jew when he lived before the Torah came down to
Moses? Incidentally, the Torah doesn't even say he was a Jew; the word Jew
comes from the name of one of Jacob's 12 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Rose just lost her dad

2007-01-15 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

My father-in-law Henry Lincoln passed away last night.

Please send your prayers his way

He is survived by his wife Mattie, his son Junior, his daughters Rose.
Diane, and Patrica, and his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

 inna lillahe wa inna illeyhe rajioun



G. Waleed Kavalec
"Strive as in a race to achieve the
goal of excellence in all that you do."
 -  The Holy Quran

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Good Morning America turns blind eye to Beck's anti-Muslim smears,

2007-01-14 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Salaam all
*Contact information:*
7 W. 66th St.
New York, NY 10023

When contacting the media, please be polite and professional. Express your
specific concerns regarding that particular news report or commentary, and
be sure to indicate exactly what you would like the media outlet to do
differently in the future.
See also

Those who see this show, please record the names of their sponsor and let us

This is generally the ONLY kind of pressure the networks recognize.

-- Forwarded message --
Please go to this page to TAKE ACTION!

*Good Morning America* turns blind eye to Beck's smears, hires him as
regular commentator

On January 9, the Associated Press
News' announcement that conservative talk show host Glenn
Beck  will soon join *Good
Morning America* as a "regular commentator." "Glenn is a leading cultural
commentator with a distinct voice," *GMA* senior executive producer Jim
Murphy told the AP. "At times, he is the perfect guest for many of the talk
topics we cover on morning news programs." But as *Media Matters for America
* has extensively documented, what often distinguishes Beck's "voice" are
his inflammatory and controversial comments regarding Muslims, Arabs,
Mexicans, and other minorities. For instance, during a November 14, 2006,
interview with Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), who recently became the first
Muslim ever 
Congress, Beck
said : "I have been nervous
about this interview with you, because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir,
prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.' "

Beck first appeared on the November 28, 2006, broadcast of *Good Morning
America* to discuss Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Turkey that month. As *Media
Matters* noted , during the
interview with co-host Diane Sawyer, Beck repeated several comments he has
made before, such as: "I believe that it is important for all of us to look
evil in the eye and crush it"; and "I believe there is a cancer that is
radicalized Islam, and it must be cut out or it's going to kill all of us."

A few weeks later, on December 15, Beck
againappeared on
*Good Morning America* to discuss the so-called War on Christmas and how to
greet people during the holiday season. During a roundtable discussion with
Sawyer and co-host Robin Roberts, Beck declared that "it's time for
everybody just to relax and take a chill pill" because "Christmas is really
about ... the death of" Jesus, "redemption ... and having a second bite at
the apple." Beck then asked, "[W]ho's offended by that?"

Beyond the question he posed to Ellison in November, Beck has a long history
of making inflammatory statements regarding Arabs and Muslims on both his
syndicated radio show and CNN Headline News' *Glenn Beck* -- a matter that
the *Good Morning America* hosts have failed to address during his two
previous appearances. Following are several examples:

  - He has declared  that
  "Muslims who have sat on your frickin' hands the whole time" rather than
  "lining up to shoot the bad Muslims in the head" will face dire
  - Beck warned  that if
  "Muslims and Arabs" don't "act now" by "step[ping] to the plate" to condemn
  terrorism, they "will be looking through a razor wire fence at the West."
  - He described  as
  "surprising" a letter criticizing Al Qaeda in Iraq because "the man who
  wrote it" -- Islamic Society of Nevada director Aslam Abdullah - "is a
  - Beck mocked  Islam by
  "mark[ing] the death" of Al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi with a
  "Zarqawi bacon cake."
  - He said  that "[t]he
  Middle East is being overrun by 10th-century barbarians" and "[i]f they take
  over ... we're going to have to nuke the whole place."
  - Beck aired  a segment
  mocking the names of several missing Egyptian students in which the
  announcer said that one "may or may not be accompanied by his camel." The
  segment showed pictures of crowds and pointed to random, unidentifiable
  people as the missing Egyptians. It ended with a reading of the students'
  names in quick succession followed by the announcer pretending to gag as he
  struggled to pronounce them.

Beck has 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] cease-fire

2007-01-11 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

IDF will ensure cease-fire goes up in flames

By Gideon Levy

Here is the forecast: In a few days, there will be a targeted killing
operation. The military correspondents will recite: "He was one of the
senior operatives of Hamas (or Islamic Jihad), and was responsible for
producing and smuggling large amounts of armaments." In response, a barrage
of Qassams will fall on Sderot. One of the residents might be injured. In
the process of the targeted killing operation, some passersby might also be
killed; the correspondents will then recite: "They were armed."

Several days later, there might be a terror attack. The leaders of the
right-wing parties and the Labor Party will be interviewed on television and
will recite: "Abu Mazen has once again demonstrated that he is incapable and
unwilling to fight terror. There is no one to talk to." Public Security
Minister Avi Dichter will propose turning Beit Hanun into a ghost town. Eli
Yishai will suggest bombing from the air. The next day, Qassams will fall
again, and the IDF will enter the northern Gaza Strip. The cease-fire will
go up in flames.

This is not a bold wager. This is almost the exact series of events that
occurred in previous cease-fires. What was is what will be. There are plenty
of examples. In January 2002, after several months of quiet, the Tanzim
activist Raed Karmi was assassinated in Tul Karm. Dichter, who was then the
head of the Shin Bet, pushed for this action, of course. Immediately
afterwards, Fatah began its suicide bombing attacks.

Thank out Creator for those like Gideon Levy.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] South Korean Community Looking for Imam

2007-01-10 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
fyi  - please pass along

-- Forwarded message --
From: Huq-ul-Islam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jan 3, 2007 4:19 PM
Subject: South Korean Community Looking for Imam

   Assalaamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhuh:

*South Korean Community Looking for Imam*
*A Request from a brother in South Korea:*

Christian missionaries are coming from US to Korea in a large number for the
past 100 years & they have converted 20 to 30% population to christianity.
Its easy for US missionaries to come here because they come & teach English
& also spread christianity. So if you know some very good religious
brothers, then it will be very easy for them to come here. Inshallah we will
arrange for their visa. Also we will provide accommodation. Also we will
help them in getting part time english teaching job. Korean people are very
nice and they listen to other people. Buddhism is their old religion but now
most of the Koreans are becoming christians or atheists. It is very good
time for Muslims to do dawah here.We really need some full time Dawah worker
here & we request you to help us in this regard. JazakAllah Khair for
reading this email. Waasalam Aamir Malik Gwangju South Korea




G. Waleed Kavalec
"Strive as in a race to achieve the
goal of excellence in all that you do."
  -  The Holy Quran

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] We all have those days...

2007-01-09 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

A lady journalist from CNN heard about a very old Jewish man  who had been
going to the Western Wall to pray, twice a day, everyday for a long,long

Sensing a story she found him, walking slowly up to the holy site. She
watched him pray and after about forty-five minutes, when he turned to
leave, she approached him for an interview.

"I'm Rebecca Smith from CNN. Sir,how long have you been coming to the
Western Wall and praying?"

"For about 60 years."

"60 years! That's amazing! What do you pray for?"

"I pray for peace between the Jews,Christians and Muslims.I pray for all the
hatred to stop and I pray for all our children to grow up in safety and

"And how do you feel after doing this for 60 years?"

"Like I'm talking to a wall."

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] If this offends. you pass it on anyways...

2007-01-04 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

*"People That Are Really Very Weird Can Get Into Sensitive Positions & Have
a Tremendous Impact on History." - George W. Bush, Governor of **Texas*

*Nickel Ranttm : We Hung the Wrong Guy!*

*by Edgar J. Steele *
*December 31, 2006** *

*My name is Edgar J. Steele.  This is a Nickel Rant. *

*"Jesus is coming," goes the old joke, "and, boy, is he pissed!"  I**'**ve
no doubt.  If Jesus really is coming, I can**'**t imagine His being anything
but truly and righteously angry about what has been going on lately.  *

Not that humankind ever has comported itself with anything resembling the
behavior of any but the most whacked-out among us.  What the religious
fundamentalist, dispensationalist, Zionist nut jobs who have hijacked
America already have done, and promise to continue doing, all in the name of
God, truly boggles my mind.  Your mileage may differ, of course.

Here's the real irony:  These peculiarly Judeo-Christian (their term, not
mine) religious zealots somehow think they are hastening the Second Coming
and, thereby, Judgment Day.  That is the last thing they should want.

*I**'**ve Got Your Judgment Right Here *

*Regardless of whether one chooses to read from Daniel and The Revelation of
**St. John** in the Old Testament (the first five books of which are
embraced by Jews as their Torah) or any portion of the New Testament,
clearly it is the American Neocon warmongers who are destined to be cast
into the "lake of fire."  To think otherwise is as illogical as thinking
that God speaks directly to you and tells you to kill Arabs. *

That brings us to the single most whacked-out human being alive today:  George
W. Bush, alleged President of the United States of America.  (In reality,
America's last two elected Presidents have been Al Gore and Bob Kerry, but
that is another story altogether.)   Bush is a self-confessed alcoholic,
alleged by many to be both a drug abuser and a homosexual pervert.
it seems to me that all too many of America's fundamentalist whack jobs are
much too fond of little boys.

*Truth is Stranger than Fiction *

*George W. Bush quite literally tells other world leaders that God speaks to
him.  God.  A voice in George Bush**'**s head.  Honest.  Look, I couldn**'**t
just make something like this up.* Well, I suppose I could, but I certainly
don't have to do so, in the wild and wooly case of George W. Bush.  That God
speaks personally to George W. Bush is a proposition simply too far-fetched,
too ludicrous, for me to expect anybody to believe, had it even occurred to
me independently.  And I have a very active imagination, folks.  Truly,
truth is stranger than fiction.

George W. Bush really and honestly reports that he hears voices telling him
to kill and chooses to believe that it is God providing America's marching
orders.  I wonder if that will provide a sufficient insanity defense when,
finally, he is tried for his uncountable crimes against humanity.  Not if,
by some quirk of fate, somehow I am sitting in judgment, rest assured.

If I have anything to say about it, we won't be seeing just furtive little
photos and videos of a noose being dropped over Mr. Bush's head circulating
around the Internet, as now is taking place regarding Saddam Hussein's very
recent execution by hanging.

*At Last: Real Family TV Programming *

*After sentencing, I would make George W. Bush**'**s hanging required
watching by every man, woman and child in **America**, carried live by each
and every broadcast, cable and satellite network.  *Nor would Bush be
offered a hood, either, as was Saddam.  Everybody should see the look of
surprise on Bush's face as suddenly he falls, then his surprise at the pain,
just microseconds before he loses consciousness.  I would want everybody to
witness him swaying back and forth at the end of that rope, feet twitching

I want to pull the lever, by the way, but in all fairness perhaps that honor
should go to the lucky winner of a national lottery.

The wages of genocide should be a lesson imprinted upon the retinas of every
person alive.  And nobody deserves them more today than does George W. Bush,
despite the fact that he is but a dummied-up figurehead, just following
orders.  Not to say that Bush wouldn't have plenty of company, of course,
were I in charge.  *I**'**d have Tony Blair up next, followed by a long line
of Western leaders who helped, condoned or merely stood aside while Bush
helped **Israel** fulfill its bloody ambitions.  *

*Dick Cheney will get a special prime-time slot, too, of course, even if he
has slipped into a coma by then as a result of one of his many heart
attacks.*  We'll keep him alive, vegetative, just to hoist him up out of
that hospital bed by his neck on a gallows built with special handicapped

*I think I might relegate all the members of Congress who sold us out to the
all-night firing squads, along with all the judges who had a chance to say
"Stop," but chose to go along, instead.* Alberto G

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A Gag on Free Speech

2006-12-17 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

December 15, 2006
New York Times
A Gag on Free Speech

The Bush administration is trampling on the First Amendment and
well-established criminal law by trying to use a subpoena to force the
American Civil Liberties Union to hand over a classified document in its
possession. The dispute is shrouded in secrecy, and very little has been
made public about the document, but we do not need to know what's in it to
know what's at stake: if the government prevails, it will have engaged in
prior restraint — almost always a serious infringement on free speech — and
it could start using subpoenas to block reporting on matters of vital public

Justice Department lawyers have issued a grand jury subpoena to the A.C.L.U.
demanding that it hand over "any and all copies" of the
three-and-a-half-page government document, which was recently leaked to the
group. The A.C.L.U. is asking a Federal District Court judge in Manhattan to
quash the subpoena.

There are at least two serious problems with the government's action. It
goes far beyond what the law recognizes as the legitimate purpose of a
subpoena. Subpoenas are supposed to assist an investigation, but the
government does not need access to the A.C.L.U.'s document for an
investigation since it already has its own copy. It is instead trying to
confiscate every available copy of the document to keep its contents secret.
The A.C.L.U. says it knows of no other case in which a grand jury subpoena
has been used this way.

The subpoena is also a prior restraint because the government is trying to
stop the A.C.L.U. in advance from speaking about the document's contents.
The Supreme Court has held that prior restraints are almost always
unconstitutional. The danger is too great that the government will overreach
and use them to ban protected speech or interfere with free expression by
forcing the media, and other speakers, to wait for their words to be cleared
in advance. The correct way to deal with speech is to evaluate its legality
after it has occurred.

The Supreme Court affirmed these vital principles in the Pentagon Papers
case, when it rejected the Nixon administration's attempts to stop The Times
and The Washington Post from publishing government documents that reflected
badly on its prosecution of the Vietnam War. If the Nixon administration had
been able to use the technique that the Bush administration is trying now,
it could have blocked publication simply by ordering the newspapers to hand
over every copy they had of the papers.

If the A.C.L.U.'s description of its secret document is correct, there is no
legitimate national defense issue. The document does not contain anything
like intelligence sources or troop movements, the group says. It is merely a
general statement of policy whose release "might perhaps be mildly
embarrassing to the government." Given this administration's abysmal record
on these issues, this case could set a disturbing and dangerous precedent.
If the subpoena is enforced, the administration will have gained a powerful
new tool for rolling back free-speech rights — one that could be used to
deprive Americans of information they need to make informed judgments about
their elected leaders' policies and actions.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Circumcision Halves H.I.V. Risk, U.S. Agency Finds

2006-12-15 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

[image: The New York Times] 

December 14, 2006
Circumcision Halves H.I.V. Risk, U.S. Agency Finds By DONALD G.

*Circumcision appears to reduce a man's risk of contracting
* from heterosexual sex by half,* United States government health officials
said yesterday, and the directors of the two largest funds for fighting the
disease said they would consider paying for circumcisions in high-risk

The announcement was made by officials of the National Institutes of
they halted two clinical trials, in
on the ground that not offering circumcision to all the men taking part
would be unethical. The success of the trials confirmed a study done last
year in South Africa.

AIDS experts immediately hailed the finding. "This is very exciting news,"
said Daniel Halperin, an H.I.V. specialist at the
for Population and Development, who has argued that circumcision
slows the spread of AIDS in the parts of Africa where it is common.

In an interview from Zimbabwe, he added, "I have no doubt that as word of
this gets around, millions of African men will want to get circumcised, and
that will save many lives."

Uncircumcised men are thought to be more susceptible because the underside
of the foreskin is rich in Langerhans cells, sentinel cells of the immune
system, which attach easily to the human immunodeficiency virus, which
causes AIDS. The foreskin also often suffers small tears during intercourse.

But experts also cautioned that circumcision is no cure-all. It only lessens
the chances that a man will catch the virus; it is expensive compared to
condoms, abstinence or other methods; and the surgery has serious risks if
performed by folk healers using dirty blades, as often happens in rural

Circumcision is "not a magic bullet, but a potentially important
intervention," said Dr. Kevin M. De Cock, director of H.I.V./AIDS for the World

Sex education messages for young men need to make it clear that "this does
not mean that you have an absolute protection," said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci,
an AIDS researcher and director of the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases.

Circumcision should be used with other prevention methods, he said, and it
does nothing to prevent spread by anal sex or drug injection, ways in which
the virus commonly spreads in the United States.

The two trials, conducted by researchers from universities in Illinois,
Maryland, Canada, Uganda and Kenya, involved nearly 3,000 heterosexual men
in Kisumu, Kenya, and nearly 5,000 in Rakai, Uganda. None were infected with
H.I.V. They were divided into circumcised and uncircumcised groups, given
safe sex advice (although many presumably did not take it), and retested

The trials were stopped this week by the N.I.H. Data Safety and Monitoring
Board after data showed that the Kenyan men had a 53 percent reduction in
new H.I.V. infection. Twenty-two of the 1,393 circumcised men in that study
caught the disease, compared with 47 of the 1,391 uncircumcised men.

In Uganda, the reduction was 48 percent.

Those results echo the finding of a trial completed last year in Orange
Farm, a township in South Africa, financed by the French government, which
demonstrated a reduction of 60 percent among circumcised men.

The two largest agencies dedicated to fighting AIDS said they would now be
willing to pay for circumcisions, which they have not before because there
was too little evidence that it worked.

Dr. Richard G. A. Feachem, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight
AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which has almost $5 billion in pledges, said
in a television interview that if a country submitted plans to conduct
sterile circumcisions, "I think it's very likely that our technical panel
would approve it."

Dr. Mark Dybul, executive director of President Bush's $15 billion Emergency
Plan for AIDS Relief, said in a statement that his agency "will support
implementation of safe medical male circumcision for H.I.V./AIDS prevention"
if world health agencies recommend it.

He also warned that it was only one new weap

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