[Marxism] The Markles versus the British Tabloids

2018-05-18 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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On this felicitous occasion we should not be tarnishing the Royal image by
implying they can get by on a miserly purse of £ 100 k a month. Currently
they rake in just over £ 3 million a month, tax free, levied as direct
taxation from working people.

Fortunately this breadline existence is topped up by a healthy £ 321
million p.a. income from the "Crown Estate" (assets that 'go with the job'
e.g. farm rents, harbor moorings and fishery licences). That amount is
rising rapidly. Profits are expected to rise to as much as £450 million by
2020. Lucrative new sources of money include offshore wind farm developers,
who must pay the Crown Estate for the rights to the seabed around Britain's
shoreline out to a distance of 12 miles. There are already 436 turbines
around the 7,700-mile coastline and the number is expected to exceed 6,000
within a decade.

The 'Royals' are smiling politely and waving condescendingly all the way to
the bank. Where do you think the accounting term* royalties *came from?

Richard Modiano
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[Marxism] It Really Comes Down to Empowering the Working Class

2018-07-07 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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 In the whole history of electoral party socialism -- AKA "democratic
socialism" -- this "eventually" (eventually ending private property) never
happens. Universal rent control, though a worthwhile reform, historically
reduces the value of the buildings but does not prevent the landlord from
making a profit -- partly because they have political clout to limit the
rent control.

"A democratic socialist recognizes the capitalist system as being
inherently oppressive, and is actively working to dismantle it and to
empower the working class and the marginalized in our society. Socialists
recognize that under capitalism, rich people are able — through private
control of industry and of what should be public goods — to accumulate
wealth by exploiting the working class and the underclass. Functionally,
this perpetuates and exacerbates inequality.

"A progressive will stop short at proposing reforms that help people but
don’t necessarily transform the system. For example a progressive might
advocate for forcing landlords to do necessary repairs on buildings. But
unless you advocate for universal rent control and frankly, eventually, the
abolition of private property — though that’s not my campaign platform
because it’s not very realistic — what you’re actually doing is just
kicking the can down the road."

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[Marxism] Set the Night on Fire Los Angeles in the 60s Review

2020-06-30 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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Much of this history is part of my memories. I started high school the year
of the Watts Rebellion, and by 1968, although I was too young to vote, I
was campaigning for local Peace & Freedom Party candidates. I highly
recommend this book.

Mike Davis and Jon Wiener's chronicle of Los Angeles in the 1960s, Set the
Night on Fire, isn't just a stunning portrait of a city in upheaval half a
century ago. It's a history of uprisings for civil rights, against poverty,
and for a better world that speaks directly to our current moment of mass

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[Marxism] Marx’s Ecology: Materialism and Nature

2020-07-08 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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The Cosmonaut team inaugurates the ecology series by discussing John
Bellamy Foster’s seminal book *Marx’s Ecology* on its twentieth
anniversary. Join Niko, Ian, Matthew, and Remi as they discuss the context
of this work, and how it started a rediscovery of Marx’s ecological
politics. They discuss how ecology informed Marx’s understanding of the
world since his doctoral thesis, the relationship between Marx, Darwin, and
Malthus and the concept of metabolic rift.


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[Marxism] The Naked Mask of Anarchy

2018-07-31 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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Mike Leigh has made a film about the incident that inspired Shelley's great
poem. Let's hope that it's as good as THE YOUNG KARL MARX and LOU ANDREAS
-SALOME, the other historical films about radical politics that were
released this year.


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[Marxism] Mega-DNC Funder Goes to War With Wobbly Canvassers

2018-08-09 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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[Marxism] Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism

2018-12-02 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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" When women enjoy their own sources of income, and the state guarantees
social security in old age, illness, and disability, women have no economic
reason to stay in abusive, unfulfilling, or otherwise unhealthy
relationships. In countries such as Poland, Hungary Czechoslovakia,
Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and East Germany, women’s economic independence
translated into a culture in which personal relationships could be freed
from market influences. Women didn’t have to marry for money"

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[Marxism] Russia: the nature of the Putin regime

2020-01-16 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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What Putin sees today as a tool to suppress a potential movement of the
working class is not the [far right] National Liberation Movement (NLM),
but the National Guard (Rosguard) [an internal military force that reports
directly to the President due to his powers as Supreme Commander-in-Chief
of the Security Council]. His regime is more similar to that of von
Schleicher than a fascist one. The mass movement of the working class has
not yet raised the issue of power, and Putin can still fully rely on the
machinery of the bourgeois state.
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[Marxism] Capitalism Has Its Limits

2020-03-29 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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Judith Butler: The failure of some states or regions to prepare in advance
(the US is now perhaps the most notorious member of that club), the
bolstering of national policies and the closing of borders (often
accompanied by panicked xenophobia), and the arrival of entrepreneurs eager
to capitalize on global suffering, all testify to the rapidity with which
radical inequality, which includes nationalism, white supremacy, violence
against women, queer, and trans people, and capitalist exploitation find
ways to reproduce and strengthen their powers within the pandemic zones.


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[Marxism] Trump, neo-fascism, and the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020-04-13 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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-- We are still in the early stages of the pandemic. Yet, what we are
seeing in the United States is a class-based phenomenon of “social murder,”
as Frederick Engels called it in *The Condition of the Working Class in
England*, where the deaths of what are now called “essential workers” are
seen as necessary for the further promotion of the economy. The body count
will pile up. --


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[Marxism] Anti-Capitalist Politics in the Time of Covid-19

2020-04-22 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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 The economic effects are now spiraling out of control both within China
and beyond. The disruptions working through the value chains of
corporations and in certain sectors turnd out to be more systemic and
substantial than was originally thought. The long-term effect may be to
shorten or diversify the supply chains while moving towards less labour
intensive forms of production (with enormous implications for employment)
and greater reliance on artificial intelligent production systems. The
disruption of production chains entails laying off or furloughing workers,
which diminishes final demand, while the demand for raw materials
diminishes productive consumption. These impacts on the demand side would
in their own right have produced at least a mild recession. ~ David Harvey

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[Marxism] The Democrats Are Worthless Howie Hawkins

2020-05-01 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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I think the problem in this country is that since 1936 the Popular Front,
when the Communists went into a coalition with the liberal bourgeoisie
against the fascists, has been the dominant policy on the Left. However,
since 1848 the traditional principle of socialist politics was class
independence from the capitalists. The so-called “socialists” in this
country have forgotten that. They don’t know that they’re continuing the
Popular Front because they don’t study history. And when you’re in a
Popular Front with the Democrats, you are the junior partner: they set the
agenda, and you go out and knock on doors or make phone calls. You’re not a
Left anymore; you’re just grunt workers for the corporate liberals and
neoliberals. Howie Hawkins


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[Marxism] The American Working Class on Unfamiliar and Dangerous Terrain

2020-06-01 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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The working class in the United States faces tremendous difficulties, but
there are some hopeful signs of movement in workplaces and unions, in
communities, and on the left. As this article was being edited, the
national uprising against the police murder of George Floyd spread across
the country, complicating in ways that remain uncertain both the
coronavirus and the planned reopening of the country intended to end the
depression. Clearly, however, all of these events taken together suggest
that we are entering a new era in the struggle for democracy and


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[Marxism] Antifa

2020-06-04 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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Based on my experiences here in Los Angeles, the people who identify
themselves as antifa are largely under 30, mostly Latinx, and are not
organized along any lines that I can see. Their sentiments are
anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist and anti-cop. I have the impression that
many people who are part of Cop Watch join antifa groups at demonstrations.

It seems that antifa in the US is is hard to grasp as of now, so I
personally would not hazard any generalizations.

Richard Modiano
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[Marxism] Gone With the Wind

2020-06-26 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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"[GWTW] like statues and monuments klan outfittings and speeches--belongs
with those
brethren in a museum.  And alongside these mementos explanations
and criticisms giving these their proper contexts.  In this case that
museum's name is TCM. "

I concur comrade. Putting the movie in context is entirely reasonable and
in no way is a form of censorship. At the time of the movie's release in
1939 a minority of critics took it to task for its historical fallacies and
its generic racism, but mainstream critics and movie goers overlooked those
historical distortions, something that is no longer possible today.

Richard Modiano
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[Marxism] Is a Revolutionary Rupture With Capitalism Possible?

2019-07-08 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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 This piece is another reply to Vivek Chibber's "Our Road to Power" and to
the line advanced by Bread & Roses caucus in DSA.

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[Marxism] Polish Parliament Votes to Criminalize Communist Ideas

2019-07-11 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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The Polish Lower House of Parliament (Sejm) passed the bill updating the
Penal Code, changing the wording of Article 256 – which now includes a
prohibition on propagandizing communist ideas. This is now punishable by

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[Marxism] Quentin Tarantino, Eileen Jones, and the perils of film school theorizing | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-08-21 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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>From my experience this is an accurate take. I went to graduate school at
NYU in the 1970s working on an M.A. in Cinema Studies. What I experienced
was the actual movies being used as grist for the theoretical mills. The
kind of political film criticism that was clear, jargon free and useful to
me were pieces like Brecht's review of "Gunga Din" (1939) (reprinted in
Brecht on Theater.)

Richard Modiano
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Re: [Marxism] Quentin Tarantino, Eileen Jones, and the perils of film school theorizing | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-08-22 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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At NYU there was a Dept. of Cinema Studies and a Dept. of Film & Television
Production. By the mid-70s the theorizing of Screen magazine was taking
center stage, and much of that theorizing was informed by linguistic models
derived from Sassure, psychological interpretations from Lacan,
structuralism, etc, and the jargon was the "suture"," le petit object a",
the "gaze", etc., very different from substituting intellectual montage for
Hollywood montage. I remember the enthusiasm for Noel Burch's article
classifying Hollywood movies according to their formal challenges to the
dominant ideology, where violation of the Hollywood representational codes
constituted a critique. The other big article was Stephen Heath's piece on
Touch of Evil in Screen. My point is that the movies were used as examples
to prove the theoru rather than as investigative tools for understanding
the movie.

Richard Modiano

On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 8:11 AM Jeffrey Masko 

> Good and bad news here, the bad news is as an academic subject, we do use
> jargon - such as "intellectual montage" instead of "Hollywood montage" -
> comes from theory, so yes jargon can still be used to mystify positions
> taken on interpretation. One the other hand, we are a long way away from
> the 70s; film study in no longer a humanities based project, but more
> fruitfully finds its home in communication studies, especially mass comm,
> among others. One of my mentors, Bill Nichols had read ALL film criticism
> while at UCLA in the early 70s; now one could not read all of the
> literature coming out in any given quarter, so quite a bit more going on
> now than in the 70s. To me this is not a question of using theory, but
> which ones and to what extent and purpose.
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[Marxism] European Parliament’s anti-communist resolution draws widespread criticism

2019-10-03 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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A number of communist parties, as well as progressive sections in Europe,
have condemned a controversial resolution passed by the European Parliament
on September 19. The resolution was tabled by the center-right European
People’s Party group (EPP Group). While emphasizing the importance of
“remembrance” for the future of Europe, the resolution goes so far as to
equate communism with Nazism. It also calls for the erasure all memorials
of “totalitarianism” across Europe, including memorials dedicated to the
Red Army.

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[Marxism] IWW Istanbul Statement on the Turkish Invasion

2019-10-11 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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We call on all workers — workers who are exploited under this system,
workers who have become increasingly impoverished and who are being sent to
die — not to join this war, but to unite against it.

At a time when war is taking place in Syria, war which has no purpose other
than death, destruction, and poverty, the AKP government launched a mission
of occupation that will only further increase chaos. Like the previous
occupation of Afrin, this operation shows that neither Russia, the US, nor
other imperialist powers care about the Kurdish people.

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[Marxism] Jairus Banaji on Artur Rimbaud

2019-12-25 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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Rimbaud was indeed in Paris at the time of the Commune and was also a
participant. The defeat of the Commune was part of the reason he stopped
writing poetry.

Richard Modiano
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[Marxism] It’s Their Ballot Line: Socialism and Elections

2020-01-02 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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What do “Class Struggle Elections” look like? Can they be carried out
inside the Democratic Party? Or do they require independence from all
parties of the bourgeoisie?


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[Marxism] Flirting With Liberals

2019-02-16 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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"Social democrats throughout history have, as a result of similar class
politics, been quick to collaborate with the bourgeoisie on programs
destructive to the lowest productive class, the proletariat. Harold Wilson
deployed troops to Northern Ireland; Mitterrand took up an 'austerity
turn;' SYRIZA immediately capitulated to the central bankers; Ebert and the
SPD helped the Freikorps kill Luxemburg and Liebknecht. The examples could,
tragically, go for days.

Communists like those in DSA Refoundation or the DSA Communist Caucus - who
may be consolidating at some point - should not ignore this history. DSA
entry advocates should instead explain whether they believe DSA has a
proletarian class character, and if so where the break with historical
social democracy has occurred, particularly in light of their commitment to
the Democratic Party. If they accept that it is not proletarian, they
should answer how they expect to overturn its class basis without
destroying the organization altogether."

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[Marxism] Ecosocialism & Just Transition

2019-06-22 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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Climate change requires major societal change. But how do we ensure this
transformation is done in a fair and just manner? John Bellamy Foster—a
renowned environmental sociologist and editor of Monthly Review—takes a
look at the idea of the Just Transition, arguing that any strategy to save
the planet must go beyond the strictures of capitalism.

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[Marxism] (no subject)

2019-06-27 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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M.E. O'Brien on insurgent queer and trans communism:

"Recent years have also seen a blossoming in the smaller worlds of queer
communist and socialist politics. Though the scale of US gay rights
organizing has atrophied since the victory of the gay marriage campaign,
efforts to organize trans and queer people explicitly against capitalism,
to think queer freedom alongside communism, are at their most vibrant since
the gay liberation era of the early 1970s. Communism has inspired growing
numbers of young working-class trans people raised on vicious austerity and
chronic underemployment, on the one hand, and Tumblr social justice and
meme politics, on the other. New forthcoming journals seek to engage queer
communist theory: Invert in the UK, Pinko in the US."

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[Marxism] Supporting dictators is not anti-imperialism

2019-06-27 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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 “The peaceful democratic revolution of 2011 sparked off by the Arab
uprisings later became militarised in response to the brutal repression
carried out by the state. Syria typifies the moral and political
degeneration of pseudo-anti-imperialists who support, or fail to oppose,
the genocidal crushing of a democratic uprising by a totalitarian state
allied with Iranian and Russian imperialism.”

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[Marxism] Grand Hotel Abyss.

2019-07-04 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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I was  I high school student when Marcuse came under attack from
California's ultra reactionary Superintendent of Education Max Rafferty.
Rafferty wanted him fired from the faculty of UC San Diego, and since
Rafferty was anathema in my house Marcuse was probably one of the good

Richard Modiano
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