Re: which 2 lenses and a teleconverter make the best combo?

2001-12-06 Thread Bruce Dayton


I have a fairly full complement of lenses, so I'll take a stab at it.
I would pick the FA *24 f:2.0 and the FA *85 f:1.4.  This basically
covers a large part of what I shoot.  I find teleconverters mostly
useful on longer lenses, so don't know if I would bother here.

I would miss my FA *200 f:2.8 and my FA 100 f:2.8 Macro.  You make it
more difficult limiting it to two.

Bruce Dayton

Thursday, December 06, 2001, 8:18:45 AM, you wrote:

DS> We haven't a good equipment argument make the rounds for awhile.

DS> My question,

DS> if you had to limit yourself to two (2) Pentax _primes_ and one (1) Pentax
DS> teleconverter, which ones and why? (i.e. how would that combo support your
DS> style of photography better than some other combo?)

DS> Anyone game?

DS> Dan Scott
DS> -
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The perfect gift for the modern PDMLer

2001-12-06 Thread Juan J. Buhler

A good way to deal with the current flame wars in the list...


Juan J. Buhler
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RE: HOLY CRAP - eBay auction

2001-12-06 Thread John Coyle

What amazes me is that anyone would want to spend not inconsiderable sums on 
acquiring such a range of classic cameras and then _never_ put even one film 
through them.  I certainly could never resist the temptation.
And then of course, they get 'stiff' - like my old bones if I sit at this 
computer too darned long!

John Coyle
Brisbane, Australia

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of frank theriault
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 10:42 PM
> Subject: HOLY CRAP - eBay auction
> Maybe if we all chipped in...
> regards,
> frank
> --
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Re: which 2 lenses and a teleconverter make the best combo?

2001-12-06 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Hi ... thanks for the update on the zooms - or are they variable focus
lenses?  I can never remember which.

I'd be interested in other comments on comparing the K24/3.5 v K24/2.8

Chris Brogden wrote:

> I used it a fair bit, but not a lot.  I like the 4x6's I've seen from it,
> but I haven't had anything enlarged from it yet.  It fared much better
> than the A24-50/4 in a casual test I did, but I determined later that the
> 24-50 focuses past infinity, possibly because of a misaligned element, so
> that could make a difference.  In any case, I've decided to sell the
> 24-50.  It's a hard decision whether to go with the 24-35, or with both a
> K24/3.5 (which I have) and a K35/2 (would need to find).
> > What's with the K24/3.5?  is it like the 24/2.8 in regard to image
> > quality?
> I know nothing about the 24/2.8, unfortunately, so I can't say for
> sure.  The 24/3.5 is a hellishly sharp lens, though.  I like it a lot, but
> I can't justify keeping both it and the 24-35.  Anyone looking for a
> K24/3.5?  Or an A24-50/4, for that matter?

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: Exciting project

2001-12-06 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: "Mike Johnston" <
Subject: Exciting project

> P.S. Just out of curiosity, how many people here have actual
portfolios that
> are complete and finished?

As much as a portfolio is ever finished.
I have 2 that I use on the rare occasion that someone expresses
an interest in paying me to shoot something. One is a mix of
black and white and colour studio work for the wedding and
portrait jobs (thankfully, it doesn't get out much these days),
and the other is a bunch of 11 x 14 fine prints that I have put
into a portfolio case. I show this to people just to prove I can
set a spirit level to keep a horizon straight.
Its actually amazing how many jobs I pick up with the latter
William Robb
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Exciting project

2001-12-06 Thread Mike Johnston

I'm getting back to a really exciting project...

A few years ago I decided to do a portfolio of my "100 Best 35mm Prints."
Before I even started on it, I moved house and had to give up my darkroom.

So last night I decided to get back to it. A lot of times I leaf through
stacks of prints and think I'm really not a very good shooter, because so
much of it is average. But when I start actually physically pulling out the
candidates for the "100 Best" and putting them in a pile, it starts looking
like have a lot more good stuff than I thought.

So far I've got 165 prints in the "possible" pile and I haven't even gone
through all my boxes of prints yet, never mind going back to proofs. I know
of at least four pictures that I can think of that are among my all-time
favorites that I haven't found yet.

This is really pretty exciting and a lot of fun--I'd recommend it! Once I
really started getting critical and just picking out the shots I really
like, and SEPARATING them from everything else, the stuff starts looking a
lot stronger. I don't think I've ever done this before.

This is going to be a HECK of an editing process. Even being picky, I could
have 300 prints in the "possibles" pile before the dust clears
(literally...a lot of this stuff is buried in cardboard boxes in the
basement...I'm sneezing a lot ) and it's not going to be easy to cut it
down to 100.

I wish y'all could help!


P.S. Just out of curiosity, how many people here have actual portfolios that
are complete and finished?
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Pentax S1a Question

2001-12-06 Thread jmadams

Just been playing around with my newly aquired S1a, and have a couple of

As I mentioned the frame counter does not function properly and it's as if
the sring inside is weak, is this easy to repair?

Also is it normal to have the mirror 'lock up', after focusing and winding
on the film?

Where can I find info on the S1a?

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LX screens in MX, thanks.

2001-12-06 Thread LeviL

> Hungary! I've been in Vienna twice but never been able to travel
> to Budapest or even across the border. Next time I'll plan a
> longer journey...

You should come.  It is really pretty.  In fact I started Photography here
in Lincoln, NE. Talk about boring (especially without a car)  I can't wait
to get home where there is just so much to shoot.

> What do you study?

International business as an undergrad and polisci as grad.  I am in
between the two.  3 of my classes are undergrad finishing my degree, 2 are
grad starting the other degree.  Next semester I will take off though to
work for one of the political parties until the elections.  (campaign
consulting job)

> I mean the eyepiece, not the eyecup...

What I mean was that I did notice the problem of not seeing the whole
screen when I used an eyecup.  It is probbaly similar effect the your
glasses :))

> Step by step you'll do anything... There is no kind of
> photography truly hard (well... there may be a couple of
> exceptions...).

Well getting what you really want on the infrared film and getting some of
thos planets right sure don't seem to be easy.

> I really cannot help you much as I do not astrophotography (only
> once a year or so...), but i can quote from
> " 1 Focusing with SD-11 and SD-21
> I don't know anything about their application, so I'll just
> quote from the Operating Manual. "When focusing with these
> screens, while looking through the viewfinder, place the subject
> you want to focus on in the central cross hairs, and focus the
> lens. When the subject does not come off the central cross hairs
> even if you have moved your eyes slightly to the right or left,
> your subject is then in focus. The SD-11 is suited for
> astrophotography and photomicrography, and if used for other
> purposes, or depending on the telescope or microscope to be used
> with, the corners of the frame may be darkened." "

Woow.  Sounds hard, but I am sure I will get a hang of it.  I don't know
if I will have the opportunity to do astro in the near or even distant
future.  So I guess it is not that important anyway.

We have a solar eclipse on the 14th (not complete) and as soon as the mood
goes away I was planning to take a few pictures of Jupiter, but my MX died

> If your purpose is to use your "normal" lenses (even the not so
> normal 50-250/4) and not a telescope I should warn you: not use
> one of the new (and expensive) screens for the LX (the -60/-69
> ones). They won't fit your needs and you'll be disappointed.
> Go for a screen designed for "general purpose" (the SC-21, SA-21
> et simila).

OK, thx.

> Have a look at
> for an idea of the compatibilty of the screens with the various
> lenses.

Thanks.  Good site.

> I would have a hard time trying to take a photo without glasses:
> I press the camera with a certain effort on my right eye and my
> nose to hold it steady (I usually shot handheld even with 1/8,
> 1/4s).

1/8 I do too.

> If I didn't wear glasses I'd change the shape of my nose
> and would need to clean up the eyepiece after every shot. This

That happends a lot to me :))  Actually when you have it so close to your
eye, it is harder to notice if the eyepiece is not prestine clean.

> way I only have to change the right lens of my glasses on a
> regular basis (you cannot imagine how can a camera induce
> scratches on glass...).

:))  I can imagine...

> I can suggest the SE-60 coupled with the SC-21 or SA-21. The
> last two were my most used screens on my LXs before I could put
> the hands on the SC-69 (do not use this one in the MX for normal
> shooting!).

OK makes sence.  So I can get the SE-60 for the tele and the super tele
and get the SC-21 or SA-21 for all other applications.  (SC-21 I guess I
would prefer)  I just wish they would have a screen with no markings (but
especially no micropsims or split prism) that is good for the MX.  The
SE-20 has a circle in the middle but no microprisim.  Do you think that
would work?  Or is it worth putting up with this at all?  Is it better to
use LX screens in the MX then MX screens?

> Screens get scratched. That's what they do best... :-)

I did find this out the hard way...  Screens suck :))



Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Re: Aperture selection on camera body - PZ1p

2001-12-06 Thread Alan Chan

>I'm too tired to conduct another test tonight, so I'll ask the
>simplest questions: does the EV difference (aperture selected by
>thumbwheel as compared to aperture selected at aperture ring) occur
>only wide open, or wide open and stopped down, or only when stopped

I have had 2 Z-1p (1 now) and both with the same problem (or not a problem 
at all to some). Some lenses are pretty accurate, and some with differences. 
For those with differences, the differences apply to all aperture setting, 
not just wide opened or stopped down.

>Is the variation predictable and repeatable at a given F-stop for a
>specific lens model and camera model? Or does it vary for each lens of
>a given model, much as the optical performance of each sample of a
>given lens varies slightly?

I am not sure on this, but I suspect the Z-1p was the problem. Asking for 
perfect calibration in this situation seems impossible to me (consider there 
have been so many K mount lenses over the years).

>Does you expereience of 2/3 EV variation mean plus-or-minus 2/3 EV for
>a 4/3 EV range, or plus-or-minus 1/3 EV for a 2/3 EV range?

0 to -2/3EV only on film.

>Thanks if you can relate your experience on any of my questions. I
>will try out some tests for myself this weekend. I'm always willing to
>learn something new to help reduce unnecessary variables in my

Just set your lens at 'A', choose the widest aperture on the Z-1p (f1.4 
etc), fire the shutter and you will see.

Alan Chan

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Got my 2nd black MX

2001-12-06 Thread Juan J. Buhler

According to the description, the worst things are the screen and the foam.
I wanted to try an LX screen on an MX anyway, and for $67 it doesn't seem
like a bad deal...

How much is a new screen anyway?


Juan J. Buhler
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Re: My new toy...

2001-12-06 Thread Mike Johnston

Paul S. wrote:

> Sometimes, when I've had a bit too much of the
> single malt, and I just feel like admiring a camera, I'll mount that 135
> on an LX, set it down on the table, and just step back and admire it.
> Sick, isn't it? : )

Not around here.

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Re: which 2 lenses and a teleconverter make the best combo?

2001-12-06 Thread David A. Mann

Dan Scott wrote:

> If limited to two lenses, I think I'd pass on the 85/1.4.  The FA 100/2.8
> macro covers that end of the portrait range (if somewhat mercilessly) AND
> allows the "up-close and personal" pov I want for plants and bugs. More
> useful.

 I'm a big macro fan so the FA 100/2.8 macro would instantly be on my list.

> However, the FA 35/2 would definitely be part of my kit. It's my fav
> family, friends, and scenic lens. Great for portraits, too.

 I was trying to decide between the FA24/2 and the 43mm Limited, and totally 
overlooked the K35/3.5...

 So my picks would be the FA100/2.8 Macro and the K35/3.5, and don't bother 
with a TC.


- Dave

David A. Mann, B.E. (Elec)

"Why is it that if an adult behaves like a child they lock him up,
 while children are allowed to run free on the streets?" -- Garfield
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Re: My new toy...

2001-12-06 Thread David A. Mann


> I have the K 135/2.5, and it is one of my favorites.

 I have one but I don't use it enough as the FA100/2.8 macro is so versatile.

 I think this weekend I'll take the LX for a walk with K135/2.5, K50/1.2, 
A*85/1.4 and K35/2.5.  And make sure I shoot with all of them.  I have to 
return the LX to its owner soon so I'd better make good use of it :)

 As others have said, the "K" lenses are mechanically the best-built of all the 
bayonet stuff.  Even better than A* lenses, IMO.


- Dave

David A. Mann, B.E. (Elec)

"Why is it that if an adult behaves like a child they lock him up,
 while children are allowed to run free on the streets?" -- Garfield
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Re: My new toy...

2001-12-06 Thread Kevin Waterson

Jose Rodriguez wrote:

> Gianfranco,
> Congratulations on your "New" K 135/2.5.  I have this lens also and I
> am very impressed with the results.  I agree with Shel's opinion of "K"
> Series Lenses; that is why I now own only "K" Series Lenses

I just purchase one of these little chappies also, am off to a ballet
to give it a test tonight.

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Re: monopods

2001-12-06 Thread JeffW.

on 12/6/01 10:19 PM, wendy beard at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dear All,
> Not so long back, but many many messages ago there was a brief discussion
> about tripods and monopods.
> I'm going to look in the local camera store as well, but the adorama one
> aroused my curiosity.

My personal two favorites are:

Bogen 3018 when I plan to use it. Complete with ball head.

Tracks Sherlock walking stick. When I'm out walking and tuck a camera in my

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Re: monopods with feet?????????

2001-12-06 Thread Paul Jones

Does any one have any experience with the Manfrotto monopod that has little
feet at the bottom?

i assume the legs are removeable to use it as a normal monopod?

I also am getting one for xmas :)

For travelling it seems like a good compromise between a tripod and a normal

Paul Jones
- Original Message -
From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: monopods

> Hi, Wendy,
> I don't know much about monopods, except that I have one.  It's a
> 479B.  I know there's at least one (maybe more) that's sturdier, with
> tubing, and a bigger foam grip.  But for $60 Cdn (I think it was on sale),
> happy with it.  I think it's good enough for a light camera such as my
> Spotmatic.
> But that's not really why I responded to your post.  What I really want to
> is:  What's an "agility pic".  All sorts of weird images are racing
through my
> mind!
> thanks and regards,
> frank
> wendy beard wrote:
> > Dear All,
> > Not so long back, but many many messages ago there was a brief
> > about tripods and monopods.
> > I sort of vaguely remember Dave asking about monopods for his horsey
> > (forgive me if I'm wrong, the hour is late and I'm getting old)
> > Was there any sort of consensus reached about what the best makes were?
> > going to be using it for agility pics, both inside and outdoors. And
> > going to be a Christmas present (not from me to me but from someone else
> > me!)
> > I read a good write up in Pop Photography about the Adorama Podmatic 5
> > Section Monopod, which was their Version Of The Linhof Monomatic.
> > Does anyone have one of these? Know anything about them?
> > I'm going to look in the local camera store as well, but the adorama one
> > aroused my curiosity.
> >
> > tvm
> > Wendy
> >
> > ---
> > Wendy & Paul Beard
> > Ottawa, Canada
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > -
> > This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
> > go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
> > visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .
> --
> "The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The
> fears it is true." -J. Robert
> Oppenheimer
> -
> This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
> go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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Re: Take a Chill Pill, Dudes!

2001-12-06 Thread Bob Blakely

If you'd been on this list for at least three or so years, you'd have
realized that truth is irrelevant to Mafud when he has erred on a statement
of fact.

Mafud's rules:

1.Mafud is never wrong concerning any fact.
2.If Mafud is ever wrong concerning any fact,
reread rule number.

The only thing left to do is just bait him slightly and watch the tirade.
It's a hoot.

FYI, Mafud is not stupid (he's quite intelligent), nor is he malicious. You
are observing a personality disorder. He can't help it, so this behavior
always eventually manifests itself.


"Let us contemplate our forefathers, and posterity,
and resolve to maintain the rights bequeathed to us
from the former, for the sake of the latter.
The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls
for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude,
and perseverance. Let us remember that 'if we
suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty,
we encourage it, and involve others in our doom.'
It is a very serious consideration that millions yet
unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event."
- Samuel Adams, 1771

From: "Chris Brogden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Mike Johnston wrote:
> > Mafud wrote:
> >
> > > It appears I was correct in my assertions. No way would a "pro lab"
(any) do
> > > digital for the same price as film.
> >
> > To get some actual data for this discussion, I called two different labs
> > Milwaukee, where I live. Both are full-service photographic labs that
> > do digital.
> [snip]
> > So, my good Mafud, if you expect me to believe that, IN YOUR AREA, no
> > lab of any sort (custom, wedding, Wal-Mart) would do digital prints as
> > inexpensively as prints from film, you are going to have to go get a
> > little actual data and quote me verifiable numbers. If you won't, then
> > I'm comfortable concluding that your statements on this topic are
> > baseless.
> Thanks, Mike.  I'm tempted to side with Aaron and say that Mafud is doing
> this out of some sort of petty maliciousness, but I dunno... there's a
> good chance that he really *is* that stupid.  *L* Anyway, if the pro labs
> that Isaac, Aaron and I quoted him didn't do the trick, maybe this will.
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Re: which 2 lenses and a teleconverter make the best combo?

2001-12-06 Thread Chris Brogden

On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

> Have you used it much yet?  How do you like it compared to the A24~50?

I used it a fair bit, but not a lot.  I like the 4x6's I've seen from it,
but I haven't had anything enlarged from it yet.  It fared much better
than the A24-50/4 in a casual test I did, but I determined later that the
24-50 focuses past infinity, possibly because of a misaligned element, so
that could make a difference.  In any case, I've decided to sell the
24-50.  It's a hard decision whether to go with the 24-35, or with both a
K24/3.5 (which I have) and a K35/2 (would need to find).
> What's with the K24/3.5?  is it like the 24/2.8 in regard to image
> quality?

I know nothing about the 24/2.8, unfortunately, so I can't say for
sure.  The 24/3.5 is a hellishly sharp lens, though.  I like it a lot, but
I can't justify keeping both it and the 24-35.  Anyone looking for a
K24/3.5?  Or an A24-50/4, for that matter?

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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-06 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: "Aaron Reynolds" <
Subject: Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

> I've visited our outlab a bunch of times (UAF/PhotoClick in
Weston, ON),
> and have been quite impressed with the speed of the new
Noritsus vs. the
> Frontiers they have.  The Frontier seemed more flexible, but
boy was it
> slow.  Of course, both were faster than the old Noritsu I
learned on,
> where one-hour photo ACTUALLY TOOK ONE FULL HOUR!  ;)

We can take a film in from the customer, and have packaged
prints about 18 minutes later.
Quite amazing how these minilabs have progressed from being a
bad joke 20 years ago to todays machines that can turn out a
roll of individually colour and density corrected prints in just
over a quarter hour.
Our digital lab (unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to
play with it yet) is not as fast, nor as high capacity, but, is
capable of producing colour, density AND contrast corrected
prints. It can also 100% custom crop up to a 12x18 inch print
The print quality isn't quite there yet, but the machine will be
upgraded as higher capacity scanners and finer resolution print
heads become available.
This really is where the future is heading, and it is quite
exciting. This is as big a deal as the invention of the
negative/positive printing process was in the 1850's , or the
invention of the colour printing process in the 1950s.
Oh yes, the prints are done on regular RA-4 colour paper, so
granny just has to step outside if she really wants to look at
her old pictures by the light of her house burning to the

William Robb
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Re: which 2 lenses and a teleconverter make the best combo?

2001-12-06 Thread John Mustarde

On Thu, 6 Dec 2001 10:18:45 -0600, you wrote:

>We haven't a good equipment argument make the rounds for awhile.
>My question,
>if you had to limit yourself to two (2) Pentax _primes_ and one (1) Pentax
>teleconverter, which ones and why? (i.e. how would that combo support your
>style of photography better than some other combo?)
>Anyone game?
>Dan Scott

I'd go for the A 50/1.2, the K 200/2.5, and the Pentax 1.7X AF
adapter, mostly because I own these lenses and like them very much.
That would give decent low light performance at 50mm; a moderate tele
of 85mm (probably only good at f5.6); a fast 200mm; and a pretty good
semi-AF 340mm lens. Lots of options.

But I'd cheat and sneak an M-series 20/4 in the bag while Dan wasn't
looking, then give him a good whack with the 600/4 I hid in the trunk
if he complained about me cheating ;-)

John Mustarde
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Re: My new toy...

2001-12-06 Thread Jose Rodriguez


Congratulations on your "New" K 135/2.5.  I have this lens also and I
am very impressed with the results.  I agree with Shel's opinion of "K"
Series Lenses; that is why I now own only "K" Series Lenses


Jose R. Rodriguez
Pflugerville, TX

 Gianfranco Irlanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi gang,
> Since we are (almost...) back on topic, I'd like to share with
> you the joy that my newly arrived K 135/2.5 is giving me...
> I won this lens on eBay (from Germany) few weeks ago. The item
> was described "like new", but when I opened the box what I saw
> was a NEW K 135/2.5 put in a time machine and sent from the late
> seventies directly here (and now)...
> Not even a dust speck between the glass surfaces!
> I started to think that I don't need a 135/3.5, a 100/2.8 and a
> couple of 70-210/4, after all... Even the huge and solid 105/2.5
> Vivitar macro(like new too) recently bought seems a poor thing
> in comparison.
> If the pictures it takes compares to its shape and mechanical
> feeling, well... I'm excited!
> I should give a better attention to all the other K series lens
> auctions around eBay...
> Gianfranco
> (happy, even when I think about all the money floating away...) 
> Send your FREE holiday greetings online!
> -
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Re: Dec. favorites (not OT)

2001-12-06 Thread Stan Halpin

Thanks for the kind words Dan!


> From: Dan Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Dec. favorites (not OT)
> Hi All,
> Finally got my new monitor (woo-hoo!) and revisited the December PUG.
> My favs in this months gallery:
> Bruce Dayton's "Amazing Grace"- ...
> Gianfranco Irlanda's  "The Party is Over" - ...
> Stan Halpin's "Yellow Flower - Yellow Bug" - my kind of subject (flower)
> and my kind of subject (a bug) - just done better than I usually manage it
> :-)
> William Robb's "Berries" - ...
> Cotty's "Stefan Asleep, 2001" - ...
> D. Glenn Arthur Jr.'s "kind of Busy" - ...
> Jon Hope's "Byford Trials" - lovely image
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Aperture selection on camera body - PZ1p

2001-12-06 Thread John Mustarde

On Thu, 06 Dec 2001 12:29:31 -0800, you wrote:
>. If you checked your Z-1p carefully, you would 
>discovered the actual aperture selected on the camera was not that accuracy. 
>The accuracy is lens dependence. Up to 2/3 EV difference could be possible 
>based on my observation.

I'm too tired to conduct another test tonight, so I'll ask the
simplest questions: does the EV difference (aperture selected by
thumbwheel as compared to aperture selected at aperture ring) occur
only wide open, or wide open and stopped down, or only when stopped

Is the variation predictable and repeatable at a given F-stop for a
specific lens model and camera model? Or does it vary for each lens of
a given model, much as the optical performance of each sample of a
given lens varies slightly?

Does you expereience of 2/3 EV variation mean plus-or-minus 2/3 EV for
a 4/3 EV range, or plus-or-minus 1/3 EV for a 2/3 EV range?

Thanks if you can relate your experience on any of my questions. I
will try out some tests for myself this weekend. I'm always willing to
learn something new to help reduce unnecessary variables in my

John Mustarde
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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-06 Thread aimcompute


I don't believe the Media Specialties reference was a trap.  Aaron was
asking me the prices, since I named it as the lab I use here in town.

It may be dinky, but it's the only place that does what they do.

Tom C.

> We don't ~have~ a "Media Specialties" where I live. How then could you
> possibly compare "Media Specialties" prices with (any) pro lab I might
> where ~I~ live?
> I see the trap: you pick a dinky, low priced so-called "pro" lab and I
> the "pro" lab I most often use. We then "compare" prices. You win.
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Re: which 2 lenses and a teleconverter make the best combo?

2001-12-06 Thread Mark Roberts

My picks would be the FA 43 f1.9 Limited and the FA 100 f2.8 macro and the F
1.7x AF-TC. (I'd never use the 43/1.9 with the teleconverter!)

A good normal lens is a must and the 100mm would serve as a short tele as well
as a macro.

Mark Roberts
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Prices for Digital vs. Film at Media Specialities

2001-12-06 Thread aimcompute

I checked with my lab today on prices.

I also got a lecture because I had turned in a roll of E6 that had been in
the car cup holder.  Coffee subsequently fell in the cupholder and I pulled
out the canister immediately. Not soon enough.  The felt and wicking action
of the coiled film apparently sucks up liquid like an SUV sucks gas.  Bad
bad me.  I'm glad they caught it before contaminating everything.  THAT's an
example of the kind of service I would expect of a "pro" lab vs. the chain
stores here that do 2 hr E6 processing.

Prices were identical for digital vs. film processing.  You can get machine
prints or custom prints.  In all cases, all sizes, prices were identical.

If you want to know the exact prices, I can transcribe them.  They don't
list digital vs. film separately in the price list even.  It's the same
price either way.

Tom C.

- Original Message -
From: "Mike Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: Take a Chill Pill, Dudes!

> Mafud wrote:
> > It appears I was correct in my assertions. No way would a "pro lab"
(any) do
> > digital for the same price as film.
> To get some actual data for this discussion, I called two different labs
> Milwaukee, where I live. Both are full-service photographic labs that also
> do digital.
> One, Allied Digital Photo, caters more to the public and to lower-cost,
> higher-volume pros such as portrait studios and wedding shooters. Its
> for a print from a digital file, a conventional print from a negative, and
> conventional print from a slide are all exactly the same for any size up
> 10x15 inches: for example, $6.99 for an 8x10 and $13.99 for an 11x14.
> For all prints larger than 10x15 inches, whether it's from a digital file,
> negative, or transparency, Allied sells only inkjet prints made on an
> 7500.
> Next, I called a full-service pro lab that does custom work and caters to
> studio professionals, Enlargement Works. Here are its prices:
> 8x10 print from a color negative: $15
> 8x10 print from a digital file: $15
> 8x10 print from a transparency: $16
> 11x14 print from a color negative: $28.50
> 11x14 print from a digital file: $28.50
> 11x14 print from a transparency: $29.50
> These were the only two labs I called--I did not call several labs and
> only the data that fit my purposes.
> These are both dedicated photo businesses that offer a range of photo
> services and do all their work on premises.
> So, my good Mafud, if you expect me to believe that, IN YOUR AREA, no lab
> any sort (custom, wedding, Wal-Mart) would do digital prints as
> inexpensively as prints from film, you are going to have to go get a
> actual data and quote me verifiable numbers. If you won't, then I'm
> comfortable concluding that your statements on this topic are baseless.
> --Mike
> -
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Re: Sigma 100-300 F/4

2001-12-06 Thread Joseph Tainter

> I do currently have a Ricoh 210-70 f/3.9 though. I'm looking for something a
> little bigger.
> Anyone with a 300mm or 400mm manual at f/4 ? or even 400mm at 5.6.
Look for a used (because it is discontinued) Tokina ATX-AF 400 f5.6. It
is a good, sharp lens for a moderate price. It is also lightweight. It
is a bit soft at f5.6, but quite good after that.

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Re: Variable aperture zoom question (on topic shurely)

2001-12-06 Thread John Mustarde

On Thu, 06 Dec 2001 10:13:26 GMT, you wrote:

>"I'll say this and no more: when you ~manually~ set the aperture, the 
>"variable aperture" becomes a "preset" (by you) aperture. Nothing you do 
>while zooming will (can) change the aperture until (you) change it to a 
>different setting. **And it does not matter whether you set it wide open or 
>close it down all the way. The aperture CANNOT (does not) change until you 
>change it-period." 
>Er... simply, **this** (is) ~wrong~ -period.
>Jim Brooks 

How right you are, Jim. Selecting F8 at the aperture ring will give
F11 at the tele end of a variable aperture zoom, assuming the zoom
varies by a whole stop.

Of course, one might not notice this difference in the viewfinder of a
Super Program or other camera that reads in full stops, if the
variable aperture zoom varies by only one stop; but one would
certainly notice the exposure difference in the resulting slides if
one used the same selected Tv and aperture ring Av at the tele end as
at the wide end.

I don't know if the aperture blades actually close during zooming (I
think not) so someone could argue that "the aperture really doesn't
change" but in fact, as the word aperture is commonly used in an
exposure and DOF connotation by photographers, the aperture actually
does change, even if it is only the "relative" aperture as stated in
F-stops rather than the physical diameter of the iris opening. 

In other words, selecting F8 at the aperture ring will give F11 at the
tele end of a variable aperture zoom, assuming the zoom is one which
the manufacturer says has a nominal one-stop variation such as the
very common f4-f5.6. 

I don't think angels dancing on the end of a pin can confuse the
difference between F8 and F11, but I'm sure someone will try to say
that F8 ~actually is~ F11 in *all* circumstances, and if I were only a
~good~ *professional* photographer I would know that by heart, or else
I should be out taking photos instead of testing variable aperture
zoom aperture behavior.

Here's how I did the test: I took out a couple of cameras, variable
aperture zooms, and fixed aperture zooms. Then I set the aperture to
F8 on every zoom. Then I set each lens to its widest setting. Then I
took a reading using center weight of a light, evenly illuminated,
wide wall, using each lens on each camera. Then I set each lens to its
longest setting, and repeated the tests.

In every case, the proper exposure for the fixed aperture zoom was the
same whether at wide or long end; the proper exposure for the variable
aperture lens was one stop different at the long end than at the wide

So, in my small sample test, the variable aperture zoom varies the
effective aperture when zooming from wide to tele, despite the fact
that the desired aperture is fixed on the aperture ring.

And the PZ1p and MZ-7 actually display this difference in the
viewfinder. Selecting F8 at the aperture ring shows a value of F8 in
the viewfinder when zoomed to the wide end; when zoomed to the long
end, the value in the viewfinder gradually migrates to  F11. 

In other words, as I zoomed to the long end I could see the exposure
bar graph descending and the aperture readout changing from f8 to f9.5
and finally to f11.

Lenses tested: 

variable aperture zooms: F 70-210/4-5.6;  FA 28-105/4-5.6 (original
Power Zoom version); Vivitar 28-105/2.8-3.8 (manual focus); 

Fixed aperture zooms: F 24-50/4; 35-70/2.8 (old original AF for the

Cameras: PZ1p; MZ-7

I'd like someone with a constant aperture zoom that goes to 100mm or
longer try this same test, and let me know the results. And someone
else with a variable aperture zoom with a manufacturer's stated
nominal variation of more than one f-stop range (say,
100-500/f4.5-7.3) conduct a small test to see if the effective
aperture varies by the same amount as the stated range of variability
of the zoom.

In conclusion, if anyone thinks their variable aperture zoom fixed at
F8 on the aperture ring will shoot at F8 when zoomed to tele, they
should keep their camera on autopilot, or meter again and adjust
shutter speed downward at the tele end, or just leave the shutterspeed
alone and trust the wide exposure latitude of print film, lest they
suffer from underexposed negs.

John Mustarde
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2001-12-06 Thread wendy beard

>William Robb wrote:
> > What I didn't like was the user interface, though
> > I just don't recall exactly why. It just had too much stuff on
> > it for me.

Yep, me too.
And I've just bought one.
Too many fiddly things. I hate the idea of having to read a manual to 
figure out how to work something.
And what's more, it looks totally ridiculous with a  silver 43mm limited on it.
And something I discovered which you wouldn't probably notice if you were 
handling one in the shop (because they dont usually have the strap mounted) 
- the neck strap and mounting get in the way of my index finger and it 
makes for awkward shooting.
This really spoils it for me. The user interface, I could get used to. But 
I don't relish getting cramp in my hand every time I pick the camera up.

I'm really disappointed with it.

(who's actually glad she didn't get rid of her minolta 600si AF setup to 
fund this purchase. Isn't that a terrible thing to say on a Pentax list!)

Wendy & Paul Beard
Ottawa, Canada
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Re: Pentax

2001-12-06 Thread Paul Jones

Hi Paul,

Would you consider the metering system to be generally more accurate than
say the multisegment in the MZ series cameras?

Paul Jones

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: Pentax

> The LX 's off-the-film metering in aperture priority mode (that's with
> shutter) will help give you the proof in pictures. There are far more
> sophisticated metering systems. But I have never encountered one that
> better. And, of course, the LX's solid feel will inspire you to produce
> photographs.  It works. We've tried it.
> Paul
> > the LX requires no enabling chatter.  All you have to do
> > is go into a store and pick one up and hold it for a moment.
> >
> > So, if I stay out of the stores and don't meet any of you with an LX I'm
> > safe?  Hum, sounds simple enough. 
> > But I must admit all the talk and the reverent tones used when speaking
> > this camera, has aroused curiosity.  Perhaps I should check out
> > Christmas.
> > It will make me feel like a good photographer?  Ahh, but the proof (of a
> > photographer) is in the pictures!
> > Julie
> > -
> > This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
> > go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
> > visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .
> -
> This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
> go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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Re: test

2001-12-06 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Because it's a test of your will-power, and you failed miserably. .

frank theriault wrote:
> Even if someone puts "test" in the subject line, why can't I resist
> opening the e-mail?

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: Take a Chill Pill, Dudes!

2001-12-06 Thread Bob Blakely

It wasn't really said for your benefit.


"Let us contemplate our forefathers, and posterity, 
and resolve to maintain the rights bequeathed to us
from the former, for the sake of the latter.
The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls
for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude,
and perseverance. Let us remember that 'if we
suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty,
we encourage it, and involve others in our doom.'
It is a very serious consideration that millions yet
unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event."
- Samuel Adams, 1771

> In a message dated 12/6/01 12:07:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> writes:
> > It never takes too long for who and what you are to come out. Thanks for 
> > being true to
> > form, Mafud. I'd advise you to find a good therapist, but "Narcissists have 
> > no faults",
> > and the cure rate is abysmally low anyway.
> > 
> > 
> How much are you going to bill me for that condescending, ersatz diagnosis 
> Bob? 
> As much as it's worth? 
> Then I don't owe you squat.
> Mafud
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Re: OT:

2001-12-06 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Not for those of us who read your message, or who are familiar with
those lenses.

"Juan J. Buhler" wrote:

> Think of all the bargain K85 and K30s that will go unbought because of
> the lack of a PDML archive!

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: My new toy...

2001-12-06 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda

> I have the K 135/2.5, and it is one of my favorites. The only
other lens
> I own that equals it is the K 85/1.8. The 135 produces
> photographs to be certain, but it's value is partly aesthetic.
It's a
> magnificent specimen. Sometimes, when I've had a bit too much
of the
> single malt, and I just feel like admiring a camera, I'll
mount that 135
> on an LX, set it down on the table, and just step back and
admire it.
> Sick, isn't it? : )

Well, Paul...
No, not at all...
It's no more sick than talking about it at 2:19 AM anyway...

As an aside, I must confess that my aesthetic capabilities
improve when supported by a glass of Cointreau...

(time to sleep, tomorrow is a long day!)

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Re: Implications for optics WAS: New Pentax digital SLR

2001-12-06 Thread Mark Roberts

Mike Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Kent G. wrote:
>> I agree completely. Smaller chip size is often preferable because the same
>> aspect ratio can be done with a smaller lighter lens. Whether anybody
>> settles on 1.3x or 1.6x remains to be seen.
>I know you're agreeing with ME here so for me to agree right back again is
>getting a little ridiculous, but I just wanted to second this. I truly think
>that the opportunity to standardize on a smaller chip size is one of the
>great opportunities of the digital revolution, for the very reason you
>mention--smaller, lighter, faster, cheaper lenses.

Just so we're clear on this: I don't think anyone should standardize on *any*
one size CCD. The beauty is there's no need to.

I won't buy a digital SLR until I can get one with a 24 x 36 CCD because I love
my present wide angles too much. But there's room in the marketplace for smaller
CCD cameras as *well* as full-frame. I'd consider a smaller CCD camera as a
*second* digital body (when prices come down far enough) because of the
advantages you mention. But it'd never be my first choice.

Mark Roberts
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Re: OT:

2001-12-06 Thread Juan J. Buhler

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, aimcompute wrote:

> I agree.  I have a PDML Mail folder with lots of sub-folders.  But sometimes
> you don't know in advance that you'll want to read it later.

A few months ago, when I found the K85/1.8 for $170 dollars, I didn't
really know how good the lens was. The price seemed low for an 85mm,
but still I wasn't sure how much of a bargain that was. I went to the
nearest public library (I was in another town) and looked it up in the
PDML archives. Found a few references to that lens and to the K30/2.8
I had just also seen for $99. Needless to say, I got them both.

Think of all the bargain K85 and K30s that will go unbought because of
the lack of a PDML archive!

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Re: My new toy...

2001-12-06 Thread Shel Belinkoff

I'm convinced that the build quality if the K-lenses is superior to any
lenses pentax made afterwards.  Optically, some may be the best lenses
Pentax has ever made, certainly amongst the best.  One may argue that
they do not offer as much saturation or contrast than some newer lenses,
and I can't argue that point not being much of a color shooter.  But
I'll put them up against any other lenses on the planet WRT B&W work. 
There is something very nice and solid about the way they feel, too.

Juan, I meant to ask you about the 30/2.8.  How do you think it compares
to the 28/3.5 and the 35/3.5?

"Juan J. Buhler" wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Gianfranco Irlanda wrote:
> > I should give a better attention to all the other K series lens
> > auctions around eBay...
> You wouldn't be the first... I also got a number of K-series lenses
> this year, they are great. The only "like new" one I have is the
> 24/3.5, but my brassed-with-perfect-glass 30/2.8 and 85/1.8 are
> great too...

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: My new toy...

2001-12-06 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda

Juan J. Buhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Gianfranco Irlanda wrote:
> > I should give a better attention to all the other K series
> > auctions around eBay...
> You wouldn't be the first... I also got a number of K-series
> this year, they are great. The only "like new" one I have is
> 24/3.5, but my brassed-with-perfect-glass 30/2.8 and 85/1.8
> great too...
> Congratulations on the 135.

Thanks Juan.
I've read good things about the 24/3.5.
I almost decided (at least, after the arrival of the 135...)
that my favorite lens is the 24/2.8 (mine it's a K with the M
lens finish). I wonder how do they compare.
24, 30 and 85 seem the perfect reportage trio... Is there any
shot on your site taken with the 30 yet? I'm curious.


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Re: test

2001-12-06 Thread Steven Larson

Hi Frank, I can`t resist either, you never know what could be in
that email :)
Steve Larson
Redondo Beach, California
- Original Message - 
From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: test

> Even if someone puts "test" in the subject line, why can't I resist
> opening the e-mail?
> -frank
> Steven Larson wrote:
> > test
> > Steve Larson
> > Redondo Beach, California
> > -
> > This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
> > go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
> > visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .
> --
> "The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The
> pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert
> Oppenheimer
> -
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> go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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Re: My new toy...

2001-12-06 Thread PAUL STENQUIST

I have the K 135/2.5, and it is one of my favorites. The only other lens
I own that equals it is the K 85/1.8. The 135 produces beautiful
photographs to be certain, but it's value is partly aesthetic. It's a
magnificent specimen. Sometimes, when I've had a bit too much of the
single malt, and I just feel like admiring a camera, I'll mount that 135
on an LX, set it down on the table, and just step back and admire it.
Sick, isn't it? : )

Gianfranco Irlanda wrote:

> Hi gang,
> Since we are (almost...) back on topic, I'd like to share with
> you the joy that my newly arrived K 135/2.5 is giving me...
> I won this lens on eBay (from Germany) few weeks ago. The item
> was described "like new", but when I opened the box what I saw
> was a NEW K 135/2.5 put in a time machine and sent from the late
> seventies directly here (and now)...
> Not even a dust speck between the glass surfaces!
> I started to think that I don't need a 135/3.5, a 100/2.8 and a
> couple of 70-210/4, after all... Even the huge and solid 105/2.5
> Vivitar macro(like new too) recently bought seems a poor thing
> in comparison.
> If the pictures it takes compares to its shape and mechanical
> feeling, well... I'm excited!
> I should give a better attention to all the other K series lens
> auctions around eBay...
> Gianfranco
> (happy, even when I think about all the money floating away...)
> Send your FREE holiday greetings online!
> -
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> go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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Re: My new toy...

2001-12-06 Thread Juan J. Buhler

On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Gianfranco Irlanda wrote:

> I should give a better attention to all the other K series lens
> auctions around eBay...

You wouldn't be the first... I also got a number of K-series lenses
this year, they are great. The only "like new" one I have is the
24/3.5, but my brassed-with-perfect-glass 30/2.8 and 85/1.8 are
great too...

Congratulations on the 135.


 Juan J. Buhler | Sr. FX Animator @ PDI | Photos at
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Re: Pentax

2001-12-06 Thread PAUL STENQUIST

The LX 's off-the-film metering in aperture priority mode (that's with stepless
shutter) will help give you the proof in pictures. There are far more
sophisticated metering systems. But I have never encountered one that works
better. And, of course, the LX's solid feel will inspire you to produce better
photographs.  It works. We've tried it.


> the LX requires no enabling chatter.  All you have to do
> is go into a store and pick one up and hold it for a moment.
> So, if I stay out of the stores and don't meet any of you with an LX I'm
> safe?  Hum, sounds simple enough. 
> But I must admit all the talk and the reverent tones used when speaking of
> this camera, has aroused curiosity.  Perhaps I should check out oneafter
> Christmas.
> It will make me feel like a good photographer?  Ahh, but the proof (of a good
> photographer) is in the pictures!
> Julie
> -
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Re: which 2 lenses and a teleconverter make the best combo?

2001-12-06 Thread PAUL STENQUIST

> I've been faced with situations where I needed a long lens and a fairly
> wide lens, but didn't want to take a bag big enough for my 400. In those
> cases, I pack my M200/4, an AS2X converter, and the M35/2. However, I have
> never tried the 35 with the converter. But with a range of 35, 200, and
> 400, I can get by on certain situations that require long lenses but offer
> some medium wide shots as well.

Paul Stenquist
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teleconverter 2x

2001-12-06 Thread David Brooks

(With apologize to Mike)(i'm a long lenser :-) )
I recently inherited my Dad's camera equipment
the hard way,and 1 piece in the bag is a 2x converter.
Out side markings as follows:
N.P.S.  2x converter  lens made in japa
It does not say Pentax on it anywere but it has the 
same knarl grip the Taks have so i think it might be
as he rarely bought 3rd party.

My ??? is,does the converter affect the meter reading
of the camera(screwmount conveter so using SP500 or the 
SP or S3)or will the meter give a proper output.
Also will it "soften"my primes or should they
stay fairly sharp.

Thanks in advance


Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada

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Re: A PDML luncheon.

2001-12-06 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda

frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gianfranco Irlanda wrote:
> >
> > It'd be nice to have you all here. So I could take hundred
> > shots of people who I'm pretty sure won't hate me for
> Okay, but I'm only authorizing you to take pictures of my
hands, arms
> and legs!  Oh yeah, you live in Italy, not France...

I'm not sure with our recent laws if I'd be authorized to
portray even your fingers... :(
I'm an outlaw, BTW.
I shoot people in the streets almost everyday...

> >
> > I'm afraid I cannot host you all... :-(
> Maybe not all at once!  :-)  I've never been to Europe,
though, and I
> keep promising myself that I will, one of these days.  Rest
assured that
> Naples will be on my list of places to go to.  You may well
regret your
> "invitation"!!  ;-)

I won't. I promise (finger crossed...).

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My new toy...

2001-12-06 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda

Hi gang,

Since we are (almost...) back on topic, I'd like to share with
you the joy that my newly arrived K 135/2.5 is giving me...
I won this lens on eBay (from Germany) few weeks ago. The item
was described "like new", but when I opened the box what I saw
was a NEW K 135/2.5 put in a time machine and sent from the late
seventies directly here (and now)...
Not even a dust speck between the glass surfaces!

I started to think that I don't need a 135/3.5, a 100/2.8 and a
couple of 70-210/4, after all... Even the huge and solid 105/2.5
Vivitar macro(like new too) recently bought seems a poor thing
in comparison.

If the pictures it takes compares to its shape and mechanical
feeling, well... I'm excited!

I should give a better attention to all the other K series lens
auctions around eBay...

(happy, even when I think about all the money floating away...) 
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Re: A PDML luncheon.

2001-12-06 Thread frank theriault

Gianfranco Irlanda wrote:

> It'd be nice to have you all here. So I could take hundred of
> shots of people who I'm pretty sure won't hate me for this...

Okay, but I'm only authorizing you to take pictures of my hands, arms
and legs!  Oh yeah, you live in Italy, not France...

> I'm afraid I cannot host you all... :-(

Maybe not all at once!  :-)  I've never been to Europe, though, and I
keep promising myself that I will, one of these days.  Rest assured that
Naples will be on my list of places to go to.  You may well regret your
"invitation"!!  ;-)


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Re: A PDML luncheon.

2001-12-06 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda

frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gee, is Gianfranco inviting us all to Naples for a
get-together?  If this
> month's PUG submission is any indication, we'll all have
wonderful photos of
> the party as momentos.

Well... why not? Low season, of course! :-)
It'd be nice to have you all here. So I could take hundred of
shots of people who I'm pretty sure won't hate me for this...

I'm afraid I cannot host you all... :-(

> Maybe if I can restrain myself from buying $65,000 dollars
worth of lizard-skin
> covered Leicas on eBay, I'll have enough for the trip (along
with enough money
> left over to bring a couple of bottles of wine for good
> :-)

Think of all the lizards that will be thankful if you do not
induce other people to kill their fellows just to cover cold
metal man-made things...


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Re: Dec. favorites (not OT)

2001-12-06 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda

Dan Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Finally got my new monitor (woo-hoo!) and revisited the
December PUG.
> My favs in this months gallery:


> Gianfranco Irlanda's  "The Party is Over" - very expressive.
Even though
> the faces are not visible,  the posture, the gesture of the
hands, the
> decoration of the stage characterize and communicate the time,
place and
> action so well

Hi Dan,
Thanks for the kind words.
It's amazing the amount of good comments this shot is
collecting, it could even match "The Jewel"! And I almost wasn't
submitting it...


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Re: which 2 lenses and TC make the best combo?

2001-12-06 Thread Bill D. Casselberry

  well, since this is a hypothetical exercise .

just send me the 600mm f4 and that 2000mm reflector w/
whichever 1.4x TC works best for 'em. I'll stick 'em on
my trusty SuperProgram!:^)

or ...

the 165mm Macro(?) and 800mm for the 67 and the corresponding TC
With these, it would be worth springing for a 67II and a 45mm  ;^)
Bill  !8^D

Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast
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RE: Bit of a correction...

2001-12-06 Thread Rob Studdert

On 6 Dec 2001 at 17:54, Rob Brigham wrote:

> Which is why I said:
> 'a full frame CCD which had the same density as a smaller one (therefore
> higher pixel count cos its bigger)'
> Full frame with same density as 5.25 2/3 size CCD would give 7.875MP.

Not trying to be pedantic but a 2/3" CCD has a sensor dimensions of about 
13.53mm x 10.17mm so ratiometricaly a CCD of 24mm x 36mm at the same pixel 
density (2/3" 5.25MP) would be 32.97MP

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
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Re: A PDML luncheon.

2001-12-06 Thread frank theriault

"Juan J. Buhler" wrote:

> Believe me Gianfranco, it it were my decision, I'd be buying a ticket
> to Napoli this afternoon...

Gee, is Gianfranco inviting us all to Naples for a get-together?  If this
month's PUG submission is any indication, we'll all have wonderful photos of
the party as momentos.

Maybe if I can restrain myself from buying $65,000 dollars worth of lizard-skin
covered Leicas on eBay, I'll have enough for the trip (along with enough money
left over to bring a couple of bottles of wine for good measure).




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Re: OT :Re: test

2001-12-06 Thread frank theriault

Steven Larson wrote:

> OK, I won`t ask. Any good flamin`?

Hi, Steve,

Whaddya you think?  ;-)


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RE: A PDML luncheon.

2001-12-06 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda

Matamoros, Cesar A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thank you for the greeting.  I guess you can say that the LX
is my gift to
> myself - as I ignore all the screwmount lenses I got recently.

What a bad guy to ignore all that little screwmount lenses...
> My hope is to make it to Italy in the near future again.  This
time without
> a tour group and truly enjoy.  Of course that would mean a
PDML meeting or
> two :-)

You are always welcome!


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Re: test

2001-12-06 Thread frank theriault

Even if someone puts "test" in the subject line, why can't I resist
opening the e-mail?


Steven Larson wrote:

> test
> Steve Larson
> Redondo Beach, California
> -
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Re: Happy Birthday Alfred Eisenstaedt! OT

2001-12-06 Thread frank theriault

Hi, Dan,

Your description is accurate, except that he had forgotten all about the four photos
he took of that couple, until the next day when his editor, after getting the shots
back from the lab, gushed to Eisie about the great shot he took.

The rest, as they say, is history...


"Daniel J. Matyola" wrote:

> I read it some time ago.  IIRC, he described seeing the sailor kissing every girl
> in sight, and ran ahead of him to get a good angle on a lickly subject.  When he
> saw him grab the nurse, he knew he probably had a keeper.

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Re: A PDML luncheon.

2001-12-06 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda

Juan J. Buhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Gianfranco Irlanda wrote:
> > It' always nice to read when two PDMLers meet.
> > I really had a great time when I met Juan and Boz, I hope
> > could happen more often.
> Believe me Gianfranco, it it were my decision, I'd be buying a
> to Napoli this afternoon...

The same for me to California (but why exclude the other

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Re: Pentax

2001-12-06 Thread frank theriault

Damn these OT posts!

But, since someone else started it, I own a few Spotmatic bodies and a various
Takumar lenses.  I like my Pentaxes, too.

But if this OT garbage doesn't stop, I'm going to unsubscribe.  Nya, nya, nya.



> Sorry for this OT post, but I really like Pentax cameras, lenses, etc, and
> have taken some great pix over the years with them. I wonder if anyone else
> shares my pov.
> Kind regards from sunny Brighton
> Peter
> -

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
fears it is true." -J. Robert
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Re: which 2 lenses and a teleconverter make the best combo?

2001-12-06 Thread Alan Chan

> > I know I would never go this route, but since you asked, my solution is:
> > 24mm, 100mm macro, 2X-TC
> > This will cover 24, 48, 100 and 200mm.
>Are you sure about this? I doubt any 24mm + 2x combo would give a usable

That's why I said I would never go this route.

Alan Chan

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Re: MX with LX screens, more elaboration.

2001-12-06 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda

LeviL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi

Hi Levi,

> I am from
> Hungary, I study in the states now.  (at least for a few more
days, until
> the semester is over)

Hungary! I've been in Vienna twice but never been able to travel
to Budapest or even across the border. Next time I'll plan a
longer journey... 

What do you study?

> Hmmm.  I never had any problems like that.  Well, I got my
self an
> eyepiece not long ago and with that I noticed the same thing I
guess.  I
> just avoid using it unless I know it will be too bright for me
to see the
> lightmeter.

I mean the eyepiece, not the eyecup...

> So I already have the Clear-glass with center cross (SD-11)
> Someone here was explaining how to focus with it.  That I did
not really
> understand so I would appreciate some claification on that
too.  (remember
> I am just an enthusiastic beginner who immediately wants to do
all the fun
> stuff, astro, infrared :)) I know I am ahead of the game)  I
can tell you
> this.  

Step by step you'll do anything... There is no kind of
photography truly hard (well... there may be a couple of

> When I was taking pictures of Saturn with a telescope I did
not see
> jack but the split prism in the wa of focusing.  Focusing is

> So I have a hard time seeing how I should condentrate on the
center cross
> or hair or whatever...  I was glad to be alive and in focus
last time I
> did this.

I really cannot help you much as I do not astrophotography (only
once a year or so...), but i can quote from

" 1 Focusing with SD-11 and SD-21
I don't know anything about their application, so I'll just
quote from the Operating Manual. "When focusing with these
screens, while looking through the viewfinder, place the subject
you want to focus on in the central cross hairs, and focus the
lens. When the subject does not come off the central cross hairs
even if you have moved your eyes slightly to the right or left,
your subject is then in focus. The SD-11 is suited for
astrophotography and photomicrography, and if used for other
purposes, or depending on the telescope or microscope to be used
with, the corners of the frame may be darkened." "

> So after christmas I will be taking pictures of more
> architecture, etc. (Budapest)  More street photography.  In
fact birds and
> people unaware of my taking pictures is the reason why I want
to get a
> mirror lens.  (looking at 600mm Sigma)  The only other screen
I have is
> the default MX split prism with microprisim collar and it is
> scratched up.  So I figured go LX.  Get the SE-60 totaly
unmarked matte
> one and the new SC-69 that is just like the default screen
just supposedly
> brighter.  My other lenses are 24mm f2.8, 50mm f1.4, 135mm
f2.5, 50-250mm
> f4.  So the SC-69 and the SE-60 will be used with these.  Not
with a
> telescope or a mirror lens.

If your purpose is to use your "normal" lenses (even the not so
normal 50-250/4) and not a telescope I should warn you: not use
one of the new (and expensive) screens for the LX (the -60/-69
ones). They won't fit your needs and you'll be disappointed.

Go for a screen designed for "general purpose" (the SC-21, SA-21
et simila).

Have a look at
for an idea of the compatibilty of the screens with the various

> When I will get the mirror lens I figured I will need to get a
screen that
> was designed for such lenses.  SA-26, SC-26, SE-25.  As I said
> birds and people is what I will mainly be shooting with the
mirror lens.


> > The SE-25 is not a great screen, I don't like it even with
> > LX... The vignetting is visible, but significantly less than
> > with a normal lens mounted (to be precise: the SE-25
> > with lenses shorter than 80mm even with the LX).
> Well I figured I will only use it with a 600mm.  Does it
Vignette with
> that too?  (in MX of coirse, though I am interested in LX
results too)

Of course not! Maybe you'll notice a slight darkening in the
upper side of the finder, but that's all.

> > If you do not wear glasses, maybe the vignetting won't
> > you too much.
> I don't but that maybe is what I am worried about.  (did you
ever consider
> contact lenses?  Doing photography now I tahnk god several
times I do not
> have to wear glasses, though the day will come I am certain)

I would have a hard time trying to take a photo without glasses:
I press the camera with a certain effort on my right eye and my
nose to hold it steady (I usually shot handheld even with 1/8,
1/4s). If I didn't wear glasses I'd change the shape of my nose
and would need to clean up the eyepiece after every shot. This
way I only have to change the right lens of my glasses on a
regular basis (you cannot imagine how can a camera induce
scratches on glass...).

> > When I mounted the SE-60 I must admit I couldn't believe to
> > eyes. This is the 

Re: Happy Birthday Alfred Eisenstaedy! OT

2001-12-06 Thread frank theriault

Evan Hanson wrote:

> Anyone know what kind of camera that famous VJ day picture was taken with?

Hi, Evan,

I'm quite certain it was a Leica.


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RE: Free Kodak Elitechrome Extra- Color

2001-12-06 Thread Malcolm Smith

Good for you!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron Reynolds
Sent: 06 December 2001 22:08
Subject: Re: Free Kodak Elitechrome Extra- Color

On Thursday, December 6, 2001, at 01:31  PM, Malcolm Smith wrote:

> This is all about selling their film and
> gaining more customers for them: I can't imagine you going out of your 
> way
> for them now!

Oh, we don't. ;)

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Re: HOLY CRAP - eBay auction

2001-12-06 Thread frank theriault

Hi, Kent,

Actually, it was the price that got me.  Not that it isn't worth $60,000.  I
have no idea what those things are worth, and I really didn't scroll down to
see everything that was for sale.

I guess since I've always bought cameras as users, cameras with eel-skin (or
whatever) covers don't really interest me.

Like you, I'm amazed that there are as many bidders willing to part with that
much money as there are.  Should be interesting to see what it ends up going


Kent Gittings wrote:

> It's not the price as that doesn't amaze me but the fact that there appears
> to be a bidding war at the $50K plus area. Wonder if some of those guys
> bidding might be the dealers that advertise in Shutterbug as Leica
> specialists.
> Kent Gittings

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Re: Pentax

2001-12-06 Thread UniqueToo

the LX requires no enabling chatter.  All you have to do 
is go into a store and pick one up and hold it for a moment.

So, if I stay out of the stores and don't meet any of you with an LX I'm 
safe?  Hum, sounds simple enough. 
But I must admit all the talk and the reverent tones used when speaking of 
this camera, has aroused curiosity.  Perhaps I should check out oneafter 
It will make me feel like a good photographer?  Ahh, but the proof (of a good 
photographer) is in the pictures!
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RE: A PDML luncheon.

2001-12-06 Thread Matamoros, Cesar A.

Thank you for the greeting.  I guess you can say that the LX is my gift to
myself - as I ignore all the screwmount lenses I got recently.

My hope is to make it to Italy in the near future again.  This time without
a tour group and truly enjoy.  Of course that would mean a PDML meeting or
two :-)



-Original Message-
From: Gianfranco Irlanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 5:15 PM
To: Cesar
Subject: Re: A PDML luncheon.

Happy Birthday, Cesar!!

It' always nice to read when two PDMLers meet.
I really had a great time when I met Juan and Boz, I hope this
could happen more often.
It would be really nice to have a PDML meeting sooner or

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Photo finishing

2001-12-06 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: "Aaron Reynolds"
Subject: Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

> Has anyone else noticed that the clientele seem to get cheaper
as the
> price gets cheaper?

William Robb
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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-06 Thread Aaron Reynolds

On Thursday, December 6, 2001, at 09:18  AM, Bill Owens wrote:
> I know the feeling well.  Like the customer I recently had who, on 
> examining
> her "next day" prints, culled three or four perfectly good (well, 
> average
> minilab prints) and stated she didn't know why she took them and didn't 
> want
> to pay for them at 22 cents per print.

...and I breathe another sigh of relief that I decided not to install 
any kind of minilab here.

Has anyone else noticed that the clientele seem to get cheaper as the 
price gets cheaper?

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Re: A PDML luncheon.

2001-12-06 Thread Christian Skofteland

Cesar failed to mention that it is his birthday today...  Happy Birthday
again Cesar!

It was an enjoyable afternoon.  I echo the sentiments.  I'm looking forward
to getting together again.  Maybe next time there will be other PDMLers too!

Christian Skofteland

- Original Message -
From: "Matamoros, Cesar A." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I got back a little while ago from a fantastic time in the Inner
> Harbor, Baltimore and lunch with our very own Christian Skofteland.
> While waiting for him to show up near the Torsk submarine (on
> display in the harbor) I had the opportunity to observe the seal feeding
> took a few shots.  See Christian, I did not mind your getting stuck in
> traffic :-)
> We had lunch at one of the restaurants in the Harbor.  We chatted on
> things photographic, and Pentax, we even had a terse recapitulation of the
> latest OT posts here :-)
> I had my MZ-S and LX, he had an MX and LX.  And of course an
> assortment of lenses.  It was the very first time I heard someone else
> an LX!  I always thought mine were loud with its distinctive THUNK.
> mine did win the 'most battle scars' award!  I can't imagine having more
> than two LX-unatics together!  That would be a sight.
> It was unseasonably warm and sunny with the clouds showing up at the
> end.  There were good photo opportunities and yes, we may have even gotten
> shots of each other!
> I always find it most frustrating on one day meetings.  It seems we
> try to find out so much from one another and get a lot of insight beyond
> just the photography.  If I didn't have to eventually (good thing my
> supervisor is not on this list) get back here to work I would have easily
> spent the rest of the afternoon with him.
> I have yet to find a bad apple in our bunch.  Though I have only met
> six people from this list.  This outing today makes me look forward to
> Grandfather Mountain even more next year.
> I will echo the sentiments mentioned in the past here - if ever you
> get a chance to get together with a PDMLer, do it.  We are a great bunch
> he wipes away a tear and reaches for a handkerchief ;-)
> We left saying we will get together again the next time I am
> through,
> Cesar
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RE: Pentax

2001-12-06 Thread Matamoros, Cesar A.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: Pentax

get ahold of an LX, and *then* you'll FEEL like a great 

If I keep hanging around hereof course, no one here would enable me,

would they? 

Not in this bunch! - As he ponders to himself about how to make room in his
photographic arsenal for a fourth LX he is getting from a PDMLer :-)

Hm, am I planning for the day when I need to 'cannibalize' one LX for
another?  And once faced with that decision, can he carry it out?

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Re: Happy Birthday Alfred Eisenstaedt! OT

2001-12-06 Thread Stephen Moore

"Daniel J. Matyola" wrote:
> I read it some time ago.  IIRC, he described seeing the sailor kissing every girl
> in sight, and ran ahead of him to get a good angle on a lickly subject.

I *love* Freudian slips!   :-)

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Re: Pentax

2001-12-06 Thread UniqueToo

get ahold of an LX, and *then* you'll FEEL like a great 

If I keep hanging around hereof course, no one here would enable me, 
would they? 
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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-06 Thread Bill Owens

> The Noritsu 2102 printers that I use read the discrete DX code
> off the film edge and sets the film channel accordingly. The
> film is then scanned by a high density CCD camera and the
> negatives are projected onto a monitor. Colour and density
> correction is then manually applied to each and every negative
> on the roll.
> So, yes, we do discriminate between manufactuere and type of
> film.
> And yes, we print every negaitive on an individual basis.
> I have stated in the past that a large prints and custom
> cropping are outside the purvue of a Wal~Mart photo lab (but you
> knew that, right?)

Wow, that must be nice to use.  Our old Konica printer justs backlights the
negative a la light table and we can't tell a damned thing about the print
until it exits the printer.  It does read the bar codes on the film, but our
software is so out of date that most recent emulsions aren't included.
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Re: Take a Chill Pill, Dudes!

2001-12-06 Thread Aaron Reynolds

On Thursday, December 6, 2001, at 11:06  AM, Chris Brogden wrote:

>> As we now know, your "resident lab technicians" are either mini(lab)
>> technicians or they were referring to any place that develops film, 
>> ~not a
>> "pro lab," as labs are generally known by professional photographers.
> Let's hope Aaron doesn't sue you for defamation here, Suda.

I will step out of this thread, convinced once again that Mafud is 
deliberately causing a fight.  He can't possibly be as stupid as this.

Nothing bothers me more than crap like this being flung at my lab.  My 
lab is my baby, and to have some moron like this talk garbage about both 
SEEN MY WORK, it cuts me right to the bone.

No doubt, he will continue to post in this manner, because he knows that 
it hurts me and that I will react to it.  For the sake of the list, I 
will simply not respond to him any more.  Not once more.

Sorry, PDML.  I've posted a ton of useless stuff lately.

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Re: Pentax

2001-12-06 Thread Cotty

>I'm not a great photographer and never will be, but with regular practice I 
>do take better pictures.  I doubt anyone would ever say I've even taken a 
>great picture.  But I enjoy taking them and I enjoy looking at them.  And no 
>other camera has given me the pleasure and quality of a Pentax.
>I love the ZX-7, no it's not perfect, but it suits me perfectly.  And the 
>ME Super, no, it's not gong anywhere.  It is my special camera.

Ah but Julie - get ahold of an LX, and *then* you'll FEEL like a great 



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OT :Re: test

2001-12-06 Thread Cotty

>Hi All, To whom it may concern, my ISP @home went belly up, so
>I have a new email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> What a thrash! I was offline for a couple of days, what did I miss?
>Steve Larson

For God's sake Steve! DON'T ASK!!


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A PDML luncheon.

2001-12-06 Thread Matamoros, Cesar A.

I got back a little while ago from a fantastic time in the Inner
Harbor, Baltimore and lunch with our very own Christian Skofteland.

While waiting for him to show up near the Torsk submarine (on
display in the harbor) I had the opportunity to observe the seal feeding and
took a few shots.  See Christian, I did not mind your getting stuck in
traffic :-)

We had lunch at one of the restaurants in the Harbor.  We chatted on
things photographic, and Pentax, we even had a terse recapitulation of the
latest OT posts here :-)

I had my MZ-S and LX, he had an MX and LX.  And of course an
assortment of lenses.  It was the very first time I heard someone else using
an LX!  I always thought mine were loud with its distinctive THUNK.  Though
mine did win the 'most battle scars' award!  I can't imagine having more
than two LX-unatics together!  That would be a sight.

It was unseasonably warm and sunny with the clouds showing up at the
end.  There were good photo opportunities and yes, we may have even gotten
shots of each other!

I always find it most frustrating on one day meetings.  It seems we
try to find out so much from one another and get a lot of insight beyond
just the photography.  If I didn't have to eventually (good thing my
supervisor is not on this list) get back here to work I would have easily
spent the rest of the afternoon with him. 

I have yet to find a bad apple in our bunch.  Though I have only met
six people from this list.  This outing today makes me look forward to
Grandfather Mountain even more next year.

I will echo the sentiments mentioned in the past here - if ever you
get a chance to get together with a PDMLer, do it.  We are a great bunch (as
he wipes away a tear and reaches for a handkerchief ;-)

We left saying we will get together again the next time I am

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Re: Pentax

2001-12-06 Thread Mike Johnston

Alan C. wrote:

> The MZ-S was good enough for me, if and only if, it had a higher
> magnification viewfinder. Okay, Pentax did choose to produce the multicoated
> glass eyepiece again (what I have been waiting for), but then they took away
> another important element.

I agree. The most important feature of a small camera to me is the
viewfinder. It is an unfortunate reality in today's market that only large,
heavy, expensive cameras have large, bright, full-coverage or
near-full-coverage viewfinders. Small cameras have small, low-coverage
viewfinders in which the optical image seldom "snaps" enough to enable
comfortable manual focusing.

The one exception that I know of is the Contax Aria, which is a small,
mid-priced manual-focus camera with motor wind and rewind and autoload. It
has a finder like they used to have in the old days: large, beautifully
bright, and made of real ground glass so you can actually use it to focus
with. One of my favorite cameras on the current market, although I don't own
one. I wrote a full review of the Aria for _Photo Techniques_, but I don't
remember when it appeared.

The Aria also has one really nice and, I think, unique feature: on a
1/3rd-stop scale in the viewfinder, it shows you the difference between the
multi-segment metered value and what center-weighted metering would have
given you. So you always know what the fancy metering algorithms are
actually doing.

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RE: Photofinishing

2001-12-06 Thread Matamoros, Cesar A.

-Original Message-
From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: Photofinishing

- Original Message -
From: "Matamoros, Cesar A."
> -
>  Just wanted to say thank you for clearing that up for me.
Maybe next time
> I am in the store I can talk my way into a tour :-)

Heck, we are just a hole in the Wal~Mart kiosk.
Get a tour through a real lab sometime.
It is quite impressive to see what a full service lab like the
one I used to work at is capable of. We had E-6, C-41 and black
and white up to 4x5. We had half a dozen Lucht printers for pro
proofing, and 2 Gretag 3140s for amateur and 35mm proofing. We
had a full art department for retouching and also dry mount and
texturing up to 40 x 60 inch, which was the largest print size
we offered.
The copy room used Mamiya 6x7 and Linhof 4x5 for producing copy
negatives. We did not produce 35mm copy negs at all.
I enjoyed those days immensely, but unfortunately, the
photographic market here is not large enough to support that
type of facility anymore.
William Robb


I will take a tour there too.  I meant that I would tour 'my' lab
back home.  I have walked back there enough.  The owner was even  showing
off some Epson commercial printer they got in while I was on vacation that
is limited in length only by the roll of paper left feeding the machine.

They do prints, both b&w and color, and slide processing.  They also
do medium format.  They do enlargements to a particular size.  

[Side note - my friend 'borrowed' my slide (without my knowledge) that I
took of the WTC on 7 Sept. to make a large print for my birthday from a scan
of the slide - great job!]  

I definitely consider them 'pro' in that they care about their work
and take pride in having a happy customer leave and return for more
business.  I would hate to think what it would be like without them.  I have
gotten lost in the back with all the machines surrounding me.  I have sent a
few friends there and they have all commented that it was more expensive for
processing, but they could tell the difference. 

Cesar Matamoros II
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Re: Happy Birthday Alfred Eisenstaedt! OT

2001-12-06 Thread Daniel J. Matyola

I read it some time ago.  IIRC, he described seeing the sailor kissing every girl
in sight, and ran ahead of him to get a good angle on a lickly subject.  When he
saw him grab the nurse, he knew he probably had a keeper.


> OT? At least it is about photography - hopefully that is what Pentax itself
> is about. Have you had the pleasure of reading The Eye of Eisenstaedt? It has
> some fascinatiing information about how/why he made some of his favorite
> images.

Daniel J. Matyola  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stanley, Powers & Matyola  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Suite203, 1170 US Highway 22 East
Bridgewater, NJ 08807  (908)725-3322  fax: (908)707-0399
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Re: Photofinishing

2001-12-06 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: "Matamoros, Cesar A."
> -
>  Just wanted to say thank you for clearing that up for me.
Maybe next time
> I am in the store I can talk my way into a tour :-)

Heck, we are just a hole in the Wal~Mart kiosk.
Get a tour through a real lab sometime.
It is quite impressive to see what a full service lab like the
one I used to work at is capable of. We had E-6, C-41 and black
and white up to 4x5. We had half a dozen Lucht printers for pro
proofing, and 2 Gretag 3140s for amateur and 35mm proofing. We
had a full art department for retouching and also dry mount and
texturing up to 40 x 60 inch, which was the largest print size
we offered.
The copy room used Mamiya 6x7 and Linhof 4x5 for producing copy
negatives. We did not produce 35mm copy negs at all.
I enjoyed those days immensely, but unfortunately, the
photographic market here is not large enough to support that
type of facility anymore.
William Robb
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RE: Pentax

2001-12-06 Thread Frits J. Wüthrich

Me too. It's sad it's OT on this list.

Frits Wüthrich

> Sorry for this OT post, but I really like Pentax cameras, lenses,
> etc, and
> have taken some great pix over the years with them. I wonder if
> anyone else
> shares my pov.
> Kind regards from sunny Brighton
> Peter
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Implications for optics WAS: New Pentax digital SLR

2001-12-06 Thread Mike Johnston

Kent G. wrote:

> I agree completely. Smaller chip size is often preferable because the same
> aspect ratio can be done with a smaller lighter lens. Whether anybody
> settles on 1.3x or 1.6x remains to be seen.

I know you're agreeing with ME here so for me to agree right back again is
getting a little ridiculous, but I just wanted to second this. I truly think
that the opportunity to standardize on a smaller chip size is one of the
great opportunities of the digital revolution, for the very reason you
mention--smaller, lighter, faster, cheaper lenses.

The pro-level f/2.8-speed 28-70 and 80-200 lenses we put up with today are
ridiculous. They're monstrosities--very expensive, and huge. The fact is,
35mm wasn't designed for zoom lenses and it's really too large for them. I'd
like to see commonly used lenses get back down into the size and weight
range of primes during the classic era. The makers have the opportunity to
do that by standardizing on a somewhat smaller CCD size. I fervently hope
they do it. 

The next shot in this battle will likely be heard when the Olympus-Kodak SLR
comes out at PMA next year. It will be the FIRST interchangeable-lens SLR
built from the ground up for digital, i.e., not meant for existing 35mm
lenses. Should be really, really interesting.


P.S. For an extreme example of what this can mean, look at the 28-200mm
equivalent lens on the Minolta Dimage 7. Now, that's a crappy camera, and
the CCD size is TOO small, but then lens is smaller than a 100mm f/2.8
SMCP-M lens, and it's fast, f/2.8 to 3.5, and it's a SUPERB little lens,
really a bit of a masterpiece.

Granted, this is an extreme example, but just imagine a Pentax digital SLR
that looks like the MZ-S that you could buy an 80-200 f/2 for that was the
size and weight of, say, the current 100mm FA macro, or a 28-70 that was the
size of, say, the 77mm Limited and _faster_ than f/2.8. This is what smaller
CCDs offer. The implications for optics are really exciting.
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Re: Take a Chill Pill, Dudes!

2001-12-06 Thread Mike Johnston

Mafud wrote:

> It appears I was correct in my assertions. No way would a "pro lab" (any) do
> digital for the same price as film.

To get some actual data for this discussion, I called two different labs in
Milwaukee, where I live. Both are full-service photographic labs that also
do digital. 

One, Allied Digital Photo, caters more to the public and to lower-cost,
higher-volume pros such as portrait studios and wedding shooters. Its prices
for a print from a digital file, a conventional print from a negative, and a
conventional print from a slide are all exactly the same for any size up to
10x15 inches: for example, $6.99 for an 8x10 and $13.99 for an 11x14.

For all prints larger than 10x15 inches, whether it's from a digital file,
negative, or transparency, Allied sells only inkjet prints made on an Epson

Next, I called a full-service pro lab that does custom work and caters to
studio professionals, Enlargement Works. Here are its prices:

8x10 print from a color negative: $15
8x10 print from a digital file: $15
8x10 print from a transparency: $16

11x14 print from a color negative: $28.50
11x14 print from a digital file: $28.50
11x14 print from a transparency: $29.50

These were the only two labs I called--I did not call several labs and pick
only the data that fit my purposes.

These are both dedicated photo businesses that offer a range of photo
services and do all their work on premises.

So, my good Mafud, if you expect me to believe that, IN YOUR AREA, no lab of
any sort (custom, wedding, Wal-Mart) would do digital prints as
inexpensively as prints from film, you are going to have to go get a little
actual data and quote me verifiable numbers. If you won't, then I'm
comfortable concluding that your statements on this topic are baseless.

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RE: more Leonid woes

2001-12-06 Thread Peifer, William [OCDUS]

Amita wrote:
> I took the negatives and the contact sheet to a
> third lab tonight, and the guy looked at the
> negative with some sort of machine and said that
> the machine wouldn't be able to make the prints

> Is there a lab anyone could recommend for this sort
> of work?

Hi Amita,

You might want to check the classified ads in the back of any recent issue
of Sky & Telescope.  There are labs that advertise as specialists in
handling development and printing of astrophotographic exposures.

I'm pretty bummed out about my Leonid results.  I was able to capture some
startrails, but I didn't notice any meteor trails on any of the few
exposures I made.  I observed lots of meteors where the camera was pointing
during the morning of the 18th, and I'd have thought I would have captured
some photons at the focal plane.  I think the problem may have simply been
too slow a combination of aperture and emulsion (28mm f/3.5 and 400-speed
print film).  The mini-lab didn't print any of my astro exposures.  I
scanned the negatives on my flatbed.  The raw images looked like crap with a
lot of light fall-off at the edges and a lot of fog in the center.  However,
I played around with making a darkfield frame to do background subtraction
on the raw scans.  (A recent S&T article describes how to do this.)  After
background subtraction, the images looked quite uniform, and the startrails
actually looked pretty good.  So it wasn't a total loss.

Good luck with the prints.

Bill Peifer
Rochester, NY

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Re: which 2 lenses and a teleconverter make the best combo?

2001-12-06 Thread Alan Chan

I know I would never go this route, but since you asked, my solution is:
24mm, 100mm macro, 2X-TC
This will cover 24, 48, 100 and 200mm.

Alan Chan

>We haven't a good equipment argument make the rounds for awhile.
>My question,
>if you had to limit yourself to two (2) Pentax _primes_ and one (1) Pentax
>teleconverter, which ones and why? (i.e. how would that combo support your
>style of photography better than some other combo?)
>Anyone game?

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RE: Photofinishing

2001-12-06 Thread Matamoros, Cesar A.

-Original Message-
From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: Photofinishing

- Original Message -
From: "Matamoros, Cesar A."
Subject: RE: Photofinishing

> Interesting.  My "pro" lab charges the same for 3.5 x 5 and 4
x 6
> prints.  It actually takes more work for them to do the 3.5".
I am not
> familiar with labs and just assumed that the 3.5 x 5 was a
'cut' version of
> the 4 x 6.

Depending on the volume of 4R (4x6) prints to 3R (3.5 x 5)
prints, many labs (mine included) print 3R on 4 inch paper, then
hand trim the prints to size.
If the volume warranted, we would go to 5 inch paper for doing
3R prints.
William Robb
 Just wanted to say thank you for clearing that up for me.  Maybe next time
I am in the store I can talk my way into a tour :-)

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Re: Virius alert

2001-12-06 Thread Kevin Waterson

Len Paris wrote:

> I believe all of that.  What touched a hot button was the
> implication that non-Linux users are somehow bringing this all
> on themselves by not using Linux.

I apologize if I gave that implication, I really should be more more
verbose than quick quips.

I am an avid Microsoft non-user, not hater, as I believe the windows
platform has much to offer in game playing world, its slick interface
and easy access APIs make it easy to add new tools. My children use
windows for there games, as linux is not a game playing platform,

Funny thing, someone mentioned the added per user implementation in
XP, but you still need to be admin, to play games (sigh).

Linux is not totally virus free, however does suffer from many
buffer overflows, a great failing of linux was that when installed, all
were turned on, presumably on the assumption that if you installed it,
wanted to use it. Now, with RedHat, these services need to be manually
swithched on and firewalling is built in by default. As a Sys Admin I
monitor logs daily for  a vast number of machines and we get on average
about 2 dozen scans or attempted breakins each hour. We have had only
1 machine comprimised in the last 6 years.

There are many good desktop features now in linux, for our purposes The
Gimp, is a good photo editting tool and gaining in popularity as alot of

amateur photographers cannot afford tools such as photoshop, coupled
the price of a MS lisence.

I am hoping that in the future we will see companies like PENTAX, Canon
and Minolta realease the required drivers for linux, or at least give
to the API's, most printer manufactures now do this, and now most
drivers are also available.

With MS heading towards .net, or applications as service, I can see many
not wanting to purchase these services and opting for MacOS or Linux as

Kind regards
Kevin Waterson
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Re: Pentax

2001-12-06 Thread Alan Chan

>I think the MZ-S interface *looks* busier than it is. In particular, the
>graphics on the exposure compensation and bracketing selection dials 
>look very intimidating. When I learned how to use them I was shocked at
>how simple it was, but the graphics make that side of the camera's top 
>*appear* much too complicated.

I think it "looked" quite complicated too when I tried it at a local store.

>The only thing I don't like about the actual operation of the camera is
>having to use the lens's aperture ring to select aperture (love my PZ-1p
>because I can dial in aperture from the body), especially when using large
>telephotos and *especially* when the lens is mounted on a tripod.

This can be both good and bad. If you checked your Z-1p carefully, you would 
discovered the actual aperture selected on the camera was not that accuracy. 
The accuracy is lens dependence. Up to 2/3 EV difference could be possible 
based on my observation.

Alan Chan

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Re: Photofinishing

2001-12-06 Thread Alan Chan

Quite true. If the person who did the processing and printng didn't care, 
one shouldn't expect good result. Just like one of my local lab which was 
once excellent, but now (newly employed printer) they scratched every film 
that I gave them, and white spots on at least 1/3 of all prints. They aren't 
cheap either. Even though they were willing to do the reprint without 
questions, I was sick of myself to go back and ask for reprints everytime. 
They have not improved their QC after my countless complaints. Just too much 

Alan Chan

> There has been some disparaging words here about "cheap" 
>photofinishing vs
>a "pro" lab, and I'd just like to put in my two cents... I work at a place
>that prices itself between places like Walmart and the various custom labs
>around here. While its true that in general we produce with more 
>than places like Walmart and Eckerd's, that isn't always the rule. What I 
>found to be the key issue is wheather the people running the lab care about
>what they are doing moreso than where they are. I always tell my customers
>that photofinishers are like hairstylists (or barbars) in that if you find
>someone that does a good job, stick with them. If William Robb's Walmart 
>near me, I'd be sorely tempted to get my 4x6's done there because it's 
>that he cares, and he's got a killer price. That's an amazing combo, but
>unfortuenetly, it's all too rare. Most of the time, I get what I pay for. 
>places use similar (in capabilities) machines, even the "pro" labs for 
>The difference comes down to who is using and maintaining them...

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Re: Photofinishing

2001-12-06 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: "Matamoros, Cesar A."
Subject: RE: Photofinishing

> Interesting.  My "pro" lab charges the same for 3.5 x 5 and 4
x 6
> prints.  It actually takes more work for them to do the 3.5".
I am not
> familiar with labs and just assumed that the 3.5 x 5 was a
'cut' version of
> the 4 x 6.

Depending on the volume of 4R (4x6) prints to 3R (3.5 x 5)
prints, many labs (mine included) print 3R on 4 inch paper, then
hand trim the prints to size.
If the volume warranted, we would go to 5 inch paper for doing
3R prints.
William Robb
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Re: Pentax

2001-12-06 Thread Mark Roberts

Mike Johnston Wrote:

>William Robb wrote:
>> What I didn't like was the user interface, though
>> I just don't recall exactly why. It just had too much stuff on
>> it for me.
>That's my personal reaction too. I much prefer the interface of, say, the
>Nikon N80. (That and the FM3A are my current favorite camera bodies. Talk
>about yer dark side. )

I think the MZ-S interface *looks* busier than it is. In particular, the
graphics on the exposure compensation and bracketing selection dials together
look very intimidating. When I learned how to use them I was shocked at
how simple it was, but the graphics make that side of the camera's top plate
*appear* much too complicated.

The only thing I don't like about the actual operation of the camera is
having to use the lens's aperture ring to select aperture (love my PZ-1p
because I can dial in aperture from the body), especially when using large
telephotos and *especially* when the lens is mounted on a tripod.

Mark Roberts
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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-06 Thread William Robb

Hmmm, my isp doesn't seem to want to cooperate with message rule
- Original Message -

Subject: Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

> And right about here you're gong to tell me how you and ~your~
Walmart lab
> ~do~ have the facilities and that ~you~, Mr. Robb, can and do
> proccessing requests by dialing in their desired KODAK
processing channel.
> You'll probably also say you can and do discriminate between
> and FUJI emulsions and that your Walmart can print on any
paper and nearly
> any size I choose, even if it's on KODAK SUPRAll @ 11 x 14.
> Go ahead, tell me.

Since I have already asked you once to address me with a modicum
of respect, I will presume that it is just your nature to be an
abuser. I can live with this. That you are offensively infantile
is your problem and not mine.
Now, to answer your question:

The Noritsu 2102 printers that I use read the discrete DX code
off the film edge and sets the film channel accordingly. The
film is then scanned by a high density CCD camera and the
negatives are projected onto a monitor. Colour and density
correction is then manually applied to each and every negative
on the roll.
So, yes, we do discriminate between manufactuere and type of
And yes, we print every negaitive on an individual basis.
I have stated in the past that a large prints and custom
cropping are outside the purvue of a Wal~Mart photo lab (but you
knew that, right?)
We work within the limitations that are given to us, in terms of
size of print and cropping options, and paper type. We have no
choice in this.
When we have to send someone to a custom lab we are quite
willing to. It is just good customer service to make every
attempt to enable a customer into the product they want.
We do not compromise quality in areas we can control.
We run C-41 and RA-4 process controll strips at the beginning of
every day, we balance all paper widths and surfaces to a common
colour point daily. We pre judge print every single negative
that goes through our printers, and we inspect every single
print for defects, and redo the ones that fall outside our
acceptable limits.
Our limits, because we are an amateur photofinishing minilab are
not quite as tight as a pro lab should be, but we don't send out
anything we wouldn't buy ourselves.
It is easier to do the job correctly the first time. This is the
work ethic that is part of the entire Wal~Mart culture in
Canada, and really, is the work ethic of Canadians in general.
I hope this answers your question.
Now, wouldn't the world be a better place if we all were willing
to back up our claims with facts?
Any journalist worth his salt knows this.
William Robb
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RE: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-06 Thread Malcolm Smith

That's the *joy* of dealing with the public for you!

I don't process or print any of my own film (lack of time and space - I'm
sure I'm missing out), but I know the deal I want and how much I want to
spend, depending on what film I've used and what the subject material is.

$4 for processing and printing a 36 exp roll is great value for the many
photos and follow on reprints at that sort of price you send to family of
the children growing up etc. You can't get picky at this price.

For something you want a little care taken over, use someone you trust and
you build an understanding of what you are looking for. Someone at some time
will let you down and for my part, I often have to say the person who took
the photos has alot to answer for :-)

Malcolm, G0DPT

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bill Owens
Sent: 06 December 2001 14:19
Subject: Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

> The piece of work in question was an estimate on restoration, which, by
> the way, was a mere $40 including the print, the lowest price we ever
> quote for restoration.  The customer agreed to the price in the end, and
> then groused about it again when it came time to pick up the work.  I
> asked her to confirm that it was her signature beside the estimate, and
> she said "yes", so I promptly rung it into the till.
> Sometimes I feel like murdering people.  :)
> -Aaron

I know the feeling well.  Like the customer I recently had who, on examining
her "next day" prints, culled three or four perfectly good (well, average
minilab prints) and stated she didn't know why she took them and didn't want
to pay for them at 22 cents per print.  Or those that examine their 3 day
prints, which cost a measly $4.00 for processing and printing, even 36 exp
rolls, and want a credit for those which they don't like.

Bill, KG4LOV

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RE: Photofinishing

2001-12-06 Thread Matamoros, Cesar A.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: Photofinishing

In a message dated 12/6/01 10:35:30 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> even the "pro" labs for 4x6's

Isaac, my pro lab turns out 3.5 x 5.something "standard" prints. 
~IF~ you want 4 x 6 prints you pay more. Remember that's ~my~ pro lab. 


Interesting.  My "pro" lab charges the same for 3.5 x 5 and 4 x 6
prints.  It actually takes more work for them to do the 3.5".  I am not
familiar with labs and just assumed that the 3.5 x 5 was a 'cut' version of
the 4 x 6.

Cesar Matamoros II
Panama City, Florida
in Baltimore, Maryland
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Re: "K MOUNT" question

2001-12-06 Thread LEDMRVM

In a message dated 12/6/2001 2:30:36 PM US Eastern Standard Time, 

>  Ricoh, Casina, Vivitar, and ??? I guess if there would be a point in 
>  where Pentax wouldn't make any film based cameras anymore, there would 
>  no reason for other manufacturers to do anyway.
>  regards,
>  Alan Chan

Okay, I suppose, but Vivitar is *not* a manufacturer. It is a marketing name.

Ed M.
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Re: Variable aperture zoom question

2001-12-06 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/6/01 12:49:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Well that is correct except at the widest setting. If you have a 28-80/4-5.6
> lens and set the aperture manually at F4 and zoom from 28 to 80mm you will
> end up at F5.6 even if the ring says F4."

You're saying that a lens at f/4 ~migrates~ to f/5.6 in what is a no 
eletronic situation. The "A" setting closes (opens?) a circuit. Of the "A" 
the les is a manul lens. You must then explin how this "phantom" migration 

> setting the aperture ring is not involved in 
> the actual diaphragm function."


> The insides of the lens barrel is what determines the aperture in that case.
> It's actually easy to see the effect. If you sit at 28mm and change the ring
> from 4 to 5.6 the shutter value will change."

Goes without saying.

> and switch it between 4 and 5.6 the shutter 
> value will not vary at all."

Only if the one-stop movement does not interfere with the amount of light, 
though theoretically it should. 

> that's because the amount of light is not changing because the barrel of the
> lens housing is already stopping the amount of light to around F5.6 anyway."

OK, twisted, but OK.

> constant aperture zooms that are opened up at the short end."

Zoomed to 80mm? That's the LONG end.

> design of a constant aperture zoom is nothing more than 
> opening up the front element and lens barrel so that the diaphragm is not 
> vignetted by the barrel at the long end."


> Kent Gittings
> _
> -Original Message-
> Subject: Re: Variable aperture zoom question
> In a message dated 12/5/01 4:19:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> That's precisely the point - that because the zoom lens is variable

> > aperture, I cannot be guaranteed that the amount of light admitted through
> > the lens will be constant over the zoom range of the lens.
IF you use a PK/A variable aperture lens with the lens in any position other 
than "A", the aperture WILL NOT change, withthe exception of using TTL flash 
in the aperture AE mode.
The way you decribe it, ~you're~ setting the aperture yourself. It won't 
change no matter how you zoom (with the one TTL flash exception noted).

> I'll say this and no more: when you ~manually~ set the aperture, the
> "variable aperture" becomes a "preset" (by you) aperture. Nothing you do
> while zooming will (can) change the aperture until (you) change it to a
> different setting.
> Specifically: when an "A" lens is not on "A," the lens becomes either
> semi-manual? (aperture only) or full manual (aperture and shutter on manual
> setting).
> **And it does not matter whether you set it wide open or close it down all
> the way. The aperture CANNOT (does not) change until you change it-period.
> Mafud
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RE: Variable zoom question - FA28-70/4

2001-12-06 Thread Christopher Lillja

This whole thing seems to hinge on using the term aperture and "F" interchangeably. I 
don't believe they are. "F" is commonly used to denote relative aperture. And some 
folks seem to be using aperture to refer to absolute aperture. What a huge urination 
contest over some sloppy language

Not to pick on Kent but, incidentally, in regards to his comment:

>>>First off what you say could be done however making the
diaphragm change with focal length is the hard way to do it. In fact I don't
know of a single lens designer who could make that work very well because
most zooms don't have much in the way of zoom/aperture direct interaction.

My FA 28-70/4 does exactly that and it does it very, very well. Great little lens. 
Since the lens mechanically varies the absolute aperture in proportion to focal length 
setting, relative aperture "F" is maintained - even when it is used on my K1000, ME, 
or MZ5. On my other zooms, the mechanical "F" scale/setting only indicates the correct 
relative aperture at the widest setting.

Chris Lillja
School Publications Guy
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Odp: which 2 lenses and a teleconverter make the best combo?

2001-12-06 Thread Artur Ledóchowski

- Original Message -
From: Dan Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: which 2 lenses and a teleconverter make the best combo?

> if you had to limit yourself to two (2) Pentax _primes_ and one (1) Pentax
> teleconverter, which ones and why? (i.e. how would that combo support your
> style of photography better than some other combo?)

Well, if I could choose any lens from the market, then without any
hesitation I'd go for:
- FA 43/1.9 Limited
- FA 77/1.8 Limited
- A 2X-S Converter unless the F 1.7X provides the normal AF - if so then the
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RE: Pentax

2001-12-06 Thread Matamoros, Cesar A.

-Original Message-
From: Fred [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: Pentax

> Sorry for this OT post, but I really like Pentax cameras, lenses, etc,
> and have taken some great pix over the years with them. I wonder if
> anyone else  shares my pov.

Not sure if anyone noticed, but I have picked up four screwmount
lenses before and during my most recent vacation.  Anyway, I just wanted to
relate the fun I had using them.

I had only carted my MZ-S and LX (2) with me on vacation.  I had
also left all my screwmount lenses at home, save the Tele-Takumar.  I
decided one day to leave all the K-mount lenses behind (okay I took the 77
Limited which has become my favorite lens to carry) and just use the new
screwmount lenses for a day.

Other than the hassle involved in changing lenses - and only having
one Pentax K adapter - I had a blast taking photos.  I had almost forgotten
the feel of those lenses.  The smooth focusing, the hefty feel.  Also their
size seemed rather small.

When I get a chance I will have to post some images of the
Tele-Takumar 300/6.3 on the MZ-S.  The lenses looked at home on the LX, and
really did not look out of place on the MZ-S.  But then again, I don't mind
the look of the Limited on either camera.

Yes, I like Pentax and the compatability across the ages.  Hey,
maybe I should look for an ultra-wide angle screwmount to use on the
upcoming digital SLR!  :-)

Cesar Matamoros II
Panama City, Florida
in Baltimore, Maryland
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Odp: Recommend a 3rd party, inexpensive, WA (15-20mm) lens?

2001-12-06 Thread Artur Ledóchowski

- Original Message - 
From: Kent Gittings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Recommend a 3rd party, inexpensive, WA (15-20mm) lens?

> Mir is Ukrainian I think not Russian. Big difference (ask them). 

Indeed. Sorry for that...
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