Re: Programming languages and copyright?

2006-10-23 Thread Markus Laire

On 10/23/06, Smylers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Markus Laire writes:

> Does anyone know if programming languages are protected by copyright
> or not?

Code can be copyrighted; ideas can't be.

Yes, but the syntax of the programming language is more than just an idea.

Copyright-article[1] at Wikipedia says that "Copyright is a set of
exclusive rights regulating the use of a particular expression of an
idea or information."

So, for example, the idea of look-behind assertions can't be
copyrighted as it's an idea.

But what about a particular form chosen to express that idea (e.g. to
use  to denote look-behind)? Can this be copyrighted
as it's more than just an idea?


ps. I'm asking this because I'm thinking of creating a (simple)
programming language by myself, but I'm unsure about how much syntax I
could copy from any existing programming languages.

Markus Laire

Programming languages and copyright?

2006-10-23 Thread Markus Laire

Does anyone know if programming languages are protected by copyright or not?

When creating a new program, you are not allowed to pick-and-choose
what you want from other programs sources as that would be a copyright

But when creating a new programming language, it seems that everyone
is picking-and-choosing what they want from other programming
languages. So I'd like to ask whether this is legal or not and why?

Markus Laire

Re: S5: substitutions

2006-10-10 Thread Markus Laire

On 10/9/06, Jonathan Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Smylers wrote:
> To be consistent your proposal should also suggest that these become
> equivalent:
> * "{ function() }"
> * qq[ {function() }]
> * qq{ function() }
> * eval "function()"

How so?  AFAIK, string literal syntax requires you to prepend a sigil
on the front of any embedded closure that you want to interpolate a
value from; otherwise, it isn't a closure - it's just a pair of
curly-brace characters.  My proposal isn't "curly braces _always_ act
like closures, no matter what"; it's "the second part of a s[]
construct doesn't have to be a literal; it can be anything that can be
evaluated as needed by the algorithm to provide substitute text."

According to S02 bare curlies do interpolate in double-quoted strings:

S02> =item *
S02> A bare closure also interpolates in double-quotish context.  It may
S02> not be followed by any dereferencers, since you can always put them
S02> inside the closure.  The expression inside is evaluated in scalar
S02> (string) context.  You can force list context on the expression using
S02> the C operator if necessary.

Markus Laire

if-else and statement-ending blocks?

2006-10-05 Thread Markus Laire

S04 says:

A line ending with a closing brace "}", followed by nothing but whitespace or
comments, will terminate a statement if an end of statement can occur there.
That is, these two statements are equivalent:

   my $x = sub { 3 }
   my $x = sub { 3 };

Does this mean that
 if $foo == 123 {
 else {
is same as
 if $foo == 123 {
 };  # <-- notice the semicolon here
 else {
because if-statement could end there.

Markus Laire

Re: Nested statement modifiers.

2006-10-04 Thread Markus Laire

On 10/4/06, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Damian Conway skribis 2006-10-03 16:40 (-0700):
> >Which can also be written as:
> >do { do { say 1 if 1 } if 1 } if 1;
> Sorry, no it can't. From S4
> (
>"Unlike in Perl 5, applying a statement modifier to a do block is
>specifically disallowed

Oh. For some reason, I thought this exception was for loops only.

According to S04 C is a loop, "The do-once loop".

Markus Laire

Re: Nested statement modifiers.

2006-10-04 Thread Markus Laire

On 10/3/06, Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Paul Seamons wrote:
>> It relates to some old problems in the early part of the RFC/Apocalypse
>> process, and the fact that:
>>  say $_ for 1..10 for 1..10
>> Was ambiguous. The bottom line was that you needed to define your
>> parameter name for that to work, and defining a parameter name on a
>> modifier means that you have to parse the expression without knowing
>> what the parameters are, which is ugly in a very non-stylistic sense.

> I don't think that is ambiguous though.

It really is, and the very first question that everyone asks is: how do
I get access to the outer loop variable, which of course, you cannot for
the reasons stated above.

What about $OUTER::_ ? Shouldn't that access the outer $_ ?

Let's get P6 out the door, and then discuss what tiny details like this
do or don't make sense.

Markus Laire

Is [,] different from other "Reduction operators"?

2006-09-23 Thread Markus Laire

S06 says:

=head2 Flattening argument lists

The reduce operator C<[,]> casts each of its arguments to a C
object, then splices each of those captures into the argument list
it occurs in.  The unary C<|> sigil has the same effect on a single

Does this mean that [,] is a special "Reduction operator" and doesn't
work in the same way as other "Reduction operators" do?

I don't quite understand what [,] actually does, but it seems to be so
special that IMHO it shouldn't be a "Reduction operator" at all but
something totally different.

As an example, C<[+](1,2,3)> is same as C<1+2+3> so IMHO C<[,](1,2,3)>
should be same as C<1,2,3> but S06 says that it becomes C<\(1,2,3)>.

Markus Laire

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r12346 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-09-23 Thread Markus Laire

On 9/23/06, Audrey Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

在 Sep 23, 2006 8:36 PM 時,Markus Laire 寫到:

> On 9/23/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  @args = [EMAIL PROTECTED],1,2,3;
>> -push [,] @args;# same as push @foo,1,2,3
>> +push [,] @args;# same as push(@foo: 1,2,3)
> I don't quite understand this. Shouldn't C<[,] @args> be equivalent to
> C<[EMAIL PROTECTED],1,2,3> just as C<[+] 0,1,2,3> is equivalent to C<0+1+2+3>?
> So why is there C<:> instead of C<,> after C<@foo>?
> Does this have something to do with the fact that C<@args> is
> C<[EMAIL PROTECTED],1,2,3> and not C<@foo,1,2,3>?

Exactly. Per this interpretation, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is shorthand for \(@foo :), 

I think that this shorthand should be mentioned somewhere. From some
of the examples I thought that C<[EMAIL PROTECTED], @bar> would be equivalent to
C<\(@foo, @bar)>

[,] would first flatten the contents of @arg, and then process each one;
if an element is Capture, it is joined into the current arglist; if
it's not,
then it's made a simple positional.

I wasn't sure about this treatment, so I checked on #perl6 with Larry;
an alternative is to treat the elements of @foo always as positional
arguments, but that will make the two [,] calls below nonequivalent:

 my @args = [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1, 2, 3;
 [,] @args;
 [,] [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1, 2, 3;

I'd prefer to make them equivalent, on the principle that all listops
conceptually flatten+concat their arguments first, and then process
each element regardless of its origin.


Markus Laire

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r12346 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-09-23 Thread Markus Laire


 @args = [EMAIL PROTECTED],1,2,3;
-push [,] @args;# same as push @foo,1,2,3
+push [,] @args;# same as push(@foo: 1,2,3)

I don't quite understand this. Shouldn't C<[,] @args> be equivalent to
C<[EMAIL PROTECTED],1,2,3> just as C<[+] 0,1,2,3> is equivalent to C<0+1+2+3>?

So why is there C<:> instead of C<,> after C<@foo>?

Does this have something to do with the fact that C<@args> is
C<[EMAIL PROTECTED],1,2,3> and not C<@foo,1,2,3>?

Markus Laire

Re: call, call(), .call, and captures

2006-09-21 Thread Markus Laire

On 9/20/06, Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Larry Wall wrote:
> What we really need is a unary operator that is sugar for [,](=(...)).  Just
> don't anyone suggest *.  :-)

I was thinking about that. I wonder if [\] would make sense, or is that
just begging to have in-editor parsers fall over screaming ;)

That would be quite close to [\+] [\,] etc.. from S03:

S03> say [\+] 1..*  #  (1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ...)

Markus Laire

any(@originals) ~~ { .foo eq $bar} (was Re: renaming "grep" to "where")

2006-09-19 Thread Markus Laire

On 9/19/06, Trey Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In a message dated Mon, 18 Sep 2006, Darren Duncan writes:
>  @filtered = @originals.where:{ .foo eq $bar };

Note that this can be written:

@filtered = any(@originals) ~~ { .foo eq $bar};

This doesn't seem to be correct.

According to S03 junctions "thread through operations, returning
another junction representing the result". Instead of returning the
filtered values, this seems to allways return one of
   any(Bool::False)   # If all comparisons were false
   any(Bool::True) # If all comparisons were true
   any(Bool::False, Bool::True) # If some comparisons were false and some true

Testing a concrete example in pugs (r13034):
   pugs> my @a = (1..10);
   (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
   pugs> any(@a) ~~ { $_ < 0 }
   pugs> any(@a) ~~ { $_ > 0 }
   pugs> any(@a) ~~ { $_ % 2 }
   (Bool::False | Bool::True)

Markus Laire

Re: multi subs with identical signatures: should be a warning ?

2006-08-30 Thread Markus Laire

Since nobody else has answered yet, I'll try to say something.
I'll post this also to perl6-language so that those who know better
can comment on this.

On 8/28/06, Mark Stosberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

First, what's the recommended reference for learning how dispatching to
the right 'multi' sub is resolved. ?

S12 seems most relevant (e.g. the section "Multisubs and Multimethods")
S06 might also be relevant

I'd like to know the expected behavior in this case:

multi sub foo () { say "b: " }
multi sub foo () { say "a: " }

I would expect it would throw an error or at least a warning, since
there's no clear way to choose a correct sub to dispatch to.

IMHO this is either the case where you define same sub twice, which is
an error (and so foo() would never get called) according to S06:

Redefining a stub subroutine does not produce an error, but redefining
an already-defined subroutine does. If you wish to redefine a defined
sub, you must explicitly use the "is instead" trait.

or, if not that case, then this is defining two multi-subs which have
the same "long-name". According to S12 the later multi-sub will then
hide the earlier one, and foo() would then allways call the second
multi-sub, saying "a: "

For subs or methods declared multi, only one instance of the long name
can be in any namespace, and it hides any outer (or less-derived)
routines with the same long name.

Pugs currently dispatches to one anyway, without a warning.

If Pugs allways dispatches to the second one, then this might be the
right behaviour.

A more insidious version of the same case is the following, which
I accidentally wrote more than once already...and then wondered why
my code wasn't working as expected...

multi sub foo (%names?) { say "b: " }
multi sub foo (@pos?) { say "a: " }

There, I have distinct arguments, but they are both optional, making
them the same as the case above.

This isn't exactly the same as above. In this case the two multi-subs
just might have different "long-names" and so one would not hide the

I'm not 100% sure about whether these have different "long-name" or
not as I don't know how exactly the "long-name" is created.

If I'm right that these do have different "long-name" then IMHO the
call to foo() would throw an exception because there's a tie between
two equally-good candidates for multi-dispatch and S12 says that in
such a case an exception is thrown:

When you call a routine with a particular short name, if there are
multiple visible long names, they are all considered candidates. They
are sorted into an order according to how close the run-time types of
the arguments match up with the declared types of the parameters of
each candidate. The best candidate is called, unless there's a tie, in
which case the tied candidates are redispatched using any additional
tiebreaker long names (see below).

If a tie still results, only candidates marked with the default trait
are considered, and the best matching default routine is used. If
there are no default routines, or if the available defaults are also
tied, a final tie-breaking proto sub is called, if there is one (see
above). Otherwise an exception is thrown.

Markus Laire

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r11504 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-08-28 Thread Markus Laire


+Elsewhere it is equivalent to a parenthesisized list of strings:
+C<< ('foo','bar') >>.  Since parentheses are generally reserved just for
+precedence grouping, they merely autointepolate in list context.  Therefore
+@a = 1, < 2 3 >, 4;
+is equivalent to
+@a = 1, 2, 3, 4;

Shouldn't this be
   @a = 1, '2', '3', 4;

Markus Laire

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r11115 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-08-18 Thread Markus Laire

On 8/18/06, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, Aug 18, 2006 at 12:56:30PM +0300, Markus Laire wrote:
: What about combined short switches like C<-abc> to mean C<-a -b -c>?
: Will perl6 support this notation or not?

Hmm, that opens up a world of hurt.  Either you have to distinguish a
--abc from -abc, or you have to have some kind of fallback heuristic,
and it doesn't work terribly well with arguments in any case except
for the final one.  Should probably make it possible, just because the
external interface is one of the places where Perl has always tried
to be accommodating to existing culture rather than revisionist.
We can probably work something out here, along the lines of:

if there's only one -
if single character aliases are defined
if the word matches that alphabet
if the word doesn't match any longer names

At first I was inclined to say that if there's a *% then all the
unrecognized go in there and you can parse the -abc yourself, but
that doesn't tell you how to treat the next argument unless we look
at the definition of -c anyway.  We can't just say that -c's arg
must use the -c=arg form, since even Perl 5 violates that with -e.  :/


Yep, I understand it's not an easy question.

Still I was thinking of behaviour where C<-abc> would allways mean
C<-a -b -c> regardless of what 1-char aliases or longer names have
been defined. This would make --abc and -abc mean completely different

And in this proposal only the last switch would be able to get an
argument, e.g. with C<-abc=99> or C<-abc 99> or something like that.

If this can't be the default behaviour, then it would be nice to be
able to easily switch to this kind of behaviour.

ps. Then there's the perl5-behaviour of "perl -n0e unlink" where also
the intervening switches can get arguments. This could be expanded so
that all chars for which there's no 1-char alias defined, are
parameters. So C<-aHellobWorld> would mean C<-a=Hello -b=World> if
there are 1-char aliases only for a & b. ;)

Markus Laire

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r11115 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-08-18 Thread Markus Laire


+To give both a long and a short switch name, you may use the pair
+notation.  The key will be considered the short switch name, while
+the variable name will be considered the long switch name.  So if
+the previous declaration had been:
+sub MAIN (:f($frompart), :t($topart), [EMAIL PROTECTED])
+then you could invoke the program with either C<-f> or C<--frompart>
+to specify the first parameter.  Likewise you could use either C<-t>
+or C<--topart> for the second parameter.

What about combined short switches like C<-abc> to mean C<-a -b -c>?
Will perl6 support this notation or not?

Markus Laire

Re: === and array-refs

2006-08-17 Thread Markus Laire

On 8/17/06, Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Generally speaking, the direct use of === is more for specialized
purposes, somewhat like the direct use of =:= is.  If one can't tell
the difference between === and eqv, they most likely want snapshot
semantics anyway, and so might as well forget === exists, and just
use eqv everywhere.

For me === feels like it should be the operator with "easier"
semantics, i.e. the operator which perl-newbies would first want to
learn, so it feels like the semantics of === and eqv should be

=== is a lot nearer to what many other languages uses for they
comparison than more cryptic eqv.

Also, == does "simpler" comparison than eq, so I feel that === should
also do "simpler" (to understand) comparison than eqv

Markus Laire

Re: === and array-refs

2006-08-16 Thread Markus Laire

On 8/16/06, Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'll try saying what I meant differently here:

The difference between === and eqv is that, if you have 2 symbols, $a
and $b, and $a === $b returns true, then that result is guaranteed to
be eternal if you don't assign to either symbol [or other symbols
aliased to either] afterwards.

The idea is that, the degree to which === examines 2 variables to
consider them equal or not is only so far as they are immutable.  So
if you say "$foo = $bar", and then "$baz === $foo" returns true, then
a subsequent assignment to or type-allowed mutation of $bar won't
invalidate that $baz === $foo, but an assignment to $foo would.

IMHO the text "a subsequent assignment to or" is useless here because
I don't think any subsequent assignment to $bar could ever affect
$foo, even if they were mutable types:
   $bar = [1,2];
   $foo = $bar;
   $bar = 123; # This doesn't affect $foo

Of course, type-allowed mutation of $bar will affect $foo if $bar is
mutable type.

Still, thanks for clarification - I misunderstood what you meant with
"someone else holding another symbol".

Markus Laire

Re: === and array-refs

2006-08-16 Thread Markus Laire

On 8/16/06, Dr.Ruud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Markus Laire" schreef:

> my $x = 'Just Another';
> my $y := $x;
> $y = 'Perl Hacker';
> After this, both $x and $y contain the string "Perl Hacker", since
> they are really just two different names for the same variable.

So "$x === Sy" stil holds.

Exactly, and because of that $a === $b does NOT hold in my example.
($a would be "Two", $b would be "One")

Markus Laire

Re: === and array-refs

2006-08-16 Thread Markus Laire

On 8/16/06, Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Both the === and eqv operators test the actual values of 2
containers, but that their semantics differ in regards to mutable
containers.  Given an immutable container/type, such as a number or
Str or Seq, both will always return true if the values are the same.
With a mutable container, such as an Array, only eqv will return true
if the value is the same, and === will return false for 2 containers
having the same value.

The difference between === and eqv is that, if you have 2 symbols, $a
and $b, and $a === $b returns true, then that result is guaranteed to
be eternal if you don't assign to either symbol afterwards.  For a
mutable type like an Array, === returns false on 2 containers because
it can't guarantee that someone else holding another symbol for
either container won't change its content, and so $a or $b could
change after we made the === test, without us causing that to happen,
and so for mutable types, === only returns true for 2 aliases,
because that is the most it can guarantee that they will be the same.
By contrast, eqv does not make the eternal guarantee, and works only
on snapshots, so eqv can safely deep-compare mutable types like
Arrays, since even if one of them changes afterwards, it doesn't
matter, since eqv only guaranteed them equal for that point in time
when it executed.

So do you mean that this code
 $a = "One";
 $b = "One";
 $aa := $a;
 say "Same before" if $a === $b;
 $aa = "Two";
 say "Same after" if $a === $b;
would print
 Same before
 Same after
because here I have "2 symbols, $a and $b, and $a === $b returns true"
and I don't assign to either symbol afterwards - and you seem to be
saying that only with mutable types like Array can you change the
contents via another symbol ($aa here).

But according to S03 this would only print "Same before", because the
assigment to $aa would change $a

A new form of assignment is present in Perl 6, called binding, used in
place of typeglob assignment. It is performed with the := operator.
Instead of replacing the value in a container like normal assignment,
it replaces the container itself. For instance:

   my $x = 'Just Another';
   my $y := $x;
   $y = 'Perl Hacker';

After this, both $x and $y contain the string "Perl Hacker", since
they are really just two different names for the same variable.

Markus Laire

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r10804 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-08-11 Thread Markus Laire


+To return from other types of code structures, the C function
+is used.  The first argument, if supplied, specifies a C
+for the control structure to leave.  The C and will be
+smart-matched against the dynamic scope objects from inner to outer.
+The first that matches is the scope that is left.

s/and //

+As with module and class declarations, a sub or method declaration
+ending in semicolon is allowed at the outermost file scope if it is the
+first such declaration, in which case the rest of the file is the body:
+sub MAIN ($directory, :$verbose, *%other, [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
+for @filenames { ... }
+Proto or multi definitions may not be written in semicolon form,
+nor may C subs within a module or class.  (A C routine
+is allowed in a module or class, but is not usually invoked unless
+the file is run directly (see a above).  This corresponds to the
+"unless caller" idiom of Perl 5.)  In general, you may have only one
+semicolon-style declaration that controls the whole file.

Should the following text now be removed from S06:

--- S06.pod.orig2006-08-11 11:50:46.0 +0300
+++ S06.pod 2006-08-11 11:51:08.0 +0300
@@ -159,14 +159,6 @@

sub foo {...} # Yes, those three dots are part of the actual syntax

-The old Perl 5 form:
-sub foo;
-is a compile-time error in Perl 6 (because it would imply that the body of the
-subroutine extends from that statement to the end of the file, as C and
-C declarations do).
Redefining a stub subroutine does not produce an error, but redefining
an already-defined subroutine does. If you wish to redefine a defined sub,
you must explicitly use the "C" trait.

Markus Laire

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r10477 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-07-26 Thread Markus Laire

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod

-Note that all such pipes (and indeed all lazy argument lists) supply
+Note that all such feed (and indeed all lazy argument lists) supply


-Piping to the C<*> "whatever" term is considered a pipe to the lexically
+Piping to the C<*> "whatever" term is considered a feed to the lexically

"Piping" should probably be changed to something else.

Markus Laire

Re: S04 - forbidden coding-style

2006-07-25 Thread Markus Laire

On 7/25/06, Thomas Wittek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bearing that in mind, would the eye-socket-burning
>   return $foo
>   IF $something;
> really be so bad?

Operators/reserved words should be lowercase. Period. ;)
I think that this would heavily break consistency, annoying new users.

There are already many uppercase reserved words in perl6:

Pseudo-packages from S02
Closure traits from S04

From S10

Submethods from S12
Pseudo-class from S12
I might've missed some.

So making statement modifiers uppercase would just be an another place
where perl6 uses uppercase reserved words.

Markus Laire

Re: S04 - forbidden coding-style

2006-07-21 Thread Markus Laire

On 7/20/06, Smylers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Markus Laire writes:

> S04 seems to say that a style like this can't be used by
> perl6-programmers:
> loop
>  {
>  }
> while $x;
> I like this style, as it lines up both the keywords and the curlies.

As of yesterday you can get very close to this by putting a space-eating
backslash after the closing brace:

  while $x;

That still has the keywords and the braces aligned.

Yes. First I didn't like that additional slash, but now that I think
it more, it does give a nice visual clue that C belongs to the
preceding block.

(And that doesn't affect auto-indenting in vim)

Markus Laire

S04 - forbidden coding-style

2006-07-20 Thread Markus Laire

This quote from S04

Outside of any kind of expression brackets, a final closing curly on a
line (not counting whitespace or comments) always reverts to the
precedence of semicolon whether or not you put a semicolon after it.
(In the absence of an explicit semicolon, the current statement may
continue on a subsequent line, but only with valid statement
continuators such as else. A modifier on a loop statement must
continue on the same line, however.)

seems to say that a style like this can't be used by perl6-programmers:

while $x;

I'd like to ask if it's necessary to make this programming-style
invalid for perl6? This style is used at least by "GNU Coding
Standards" (section 5.1) at

I also like this style, as it lines up both the keywords and the curlies.

Markus Laire

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r9733 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-07-03 Thread Markus Laire


+But parens are special that way.  (Even C is assumed to be a
+function call rather than a quote.)  Other bracketing characters are
+special only if they can be mistaken for adverbial arguments, so


-is fine, while
+is fine, and means
+q:n /stuff/

Since quotes can have whitespace before the first/opening delimiter,
but functions can't (according to S03), how is C parsed? (Notice
the space before parens).

Would that be parsed as invalid function-call (i.e. syntax error) or
valid quote?

Markus Laire

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r9727 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-07-01 Thread Markus Laire


+In particular, these forms disable the lookahead for an adverbial argument,
+so while
+will misinterpret C<$foo> as the C<:n> argument,
+has the advantage of misinterpreting it as the argument to the C
+function instead.  C<:)>
+But parens are special that way.  Other bracketing characters are special
+only if they can be mistaken for adverbial arguments, so
+is fine, while
+is not.  Basically, just don't use parens for quote delimiters, and always
+put a space after your adverbs.

Why q:n[stuff] is not fine? Shouldn't that pass [stuff] to adverb n?

Also, in what way are parens special?
Doesn't qn(stuff) and qn[stuff] both mean same thing?
And both q:n(stuff) and q:n[stuff] pass something to adverb n. (First
passes stuff, second passes [stuff])

Markus Laire

Can foo("123") dispatch to foo(Int) (was: Mutil Method Questions)

2006-06-23 Thread Markus Laire

I'm sending this also to perl6-language, in case someone there knows
an answer to this.

On 6/23/06, Jonathan Scott Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't think so. I think the "best candidate" prose is about
choosing from types that have been specified, not autoconverting
between types such that one of them will match the long name. In
other words, when you have

multi sub foo (Num) { ... }
multi sub foo (Int) { ... }


foo(Int) is the best candidate for the first one because 1 is an Int.
But in the second and third calls, there is no "best candidate"
because strings were passed.  Would you expect the third call to
succeed because "bar" can be converted into the number 0?

I think you are right, but I don't see that mentioned anywhere in Synopses.

S12 clearly says that for a particular short name ("foo" here) *all*
visible long names ("foo(Num)" and "foo(Int)" here) are candidates and
best candidate *is* called (no matter how bad it is) -- unless there's
a tie.

So that would seem to say that for foo("123") above foo(Int) would be
called because it's the best candidate.

Which one is "better" for foo("bar")? foo(Int) or foo(Num)? Or is that a tie?

And what about other types?
e.g. if String can't ever be "best candidate" for Int, then does that
mean that neither can Int ever be "best candidate" for Num, because
they are different types?

The programmer put type information in the sig for a reason. I think
that reason is that they wanted to be careful about what was allowed
to be passed to the subroutine.  Autoconversion seems to defeat that.

Jonathan Scott Duff

Markus Laire

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r9216 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-05-13 Thread Markus Laire


 Argumentless C<**> in a multi-dimensional subscript indicates 0 or
-more dimensions of C<*> where the number of dimension isn't necessarily
-known: C<@foo[1;**;5]>.  It has a value of C, or something
-like that.  The argumentless C<*> and C<**> forms are probably only
-useful in "dimensional" list contexts.

Is there any new format to do the equivalent of C<@foo[1;**;5]>, or is
that impossible nowadays?

Markus Laire

Re: Scans

2006-05-10 Thread Markus Laire

And here I mis-read < as <=.
Perhaps I should stop "fixing", as I'm making too many errors here...

On 5/10/06, Markus Laire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > filter (list [<] @array) @array ==>
> > first monotonically increasing run in @array
> >
> This seems false. @array = (1 2 2 1 2 3), if I understand you correctly,
> yields (1 2 2 3).

No, it yields (1, 2, 2)

Correction: (1, 2)

list [<] @array
list [<] (1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3)
1 < 2,
1 < 2 < 2,
1 < 2 < 2 < 1,
1 < 2 < 2 < 1 < 2,
1 < 2 < 2 < 1 < 2 < 3,
Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False, Bool::False

Correction: Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False,
Bool::False, Bool::False

And so
filter (list [<] @array) @array
would give first 3 elements of @array, i.e. (1, 2, 2)

Correction: First 2 elements, i.e. (1, 2)

Markus Laire

Re: Scans

2006-05-10 Thread Markus Laire

On 5/9/06, Jonathan Scott Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 06:07:26PM +0300, Markus Laire wrote:
> ps. Should first element of scan be 0-argument or 1-argument case.
> i.e. should list([+] 1) return (0, 1) or (1)

I noticed this in earlier posts and thought it odd that anyone
would want to get an extra zero arg that they didn't specify. My
vote would be that list([+] 1) == (1)  just like [+] 1 == 1

Yes, that was an error on my part. I mis-read the example from Juerd
as giving 0 arguments for first item, while it gives the "0th"
argument of an array.

I (now) agree that it doesn't seem to be usefull to include the 0-argument case.

Markus Laire

Re: Scans

2006-05-10 Thread Markus Laire

In the previous mail I accidentally read [<=] as [>=]

On 5/10/06, Markus Laire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > filter (list [<=] @array) @array ==>
> > first monotonically non-decreasing run in @array
> So @array = (1 0 -1 -2 -1 -3) ==> (1, -1) is monotonically non-decreasing?

This would give (1, 0, -1, -2)

Correction: This would give (1)

list [<=] (1, 0, -1, -2, -1, -3)
1 <= 0,
1 <= 0 <= -1,
1 <= 0 <= -1 <= -2,
1 <= 0 <= -1 <= -2 <= -1,
1 <= 0 <= -1 <= -2 <= -1 <= -3
Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False

   Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False, Bool::False, Bool::False, Bool::False

And so
filter (list [<=] @array) @array
would give first 4 elements of @array, i.e. (1, 0, -1, -2)

Correction: It would give only first element of @array, i.e. (1)

Markus Laire

Re: Scans

2006-05-10 Thread Markus Laire

On 5/10/06, Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mark A. Biggar wrote:
> Use hyper compare ops to select what you want followed by using filter
> to prune out the unwanted.
> filter gives you with scan:
> filter (list [<] @array) @array ==>
> first monotonically increasing run in @array
This seems false. @array = (1 2 2 1 2 3), if I understand you correctly,
yields (1 2 2 3).

No, it yields (1, 2, 2)

   list [<] @array
   list [<] (1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3)
   1 < 2,
   1 < 2 < 2,
   1 < 2 < 2 < 1,
   1 < 2 < 2 < 1 < 2,
   1 < 2 < 2 < 1 < 2 < 3,
   Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False, Bool::False

And so
   filter (list [<] @array) @array
would give first 3 elements of @array, i.e. (1, 2, 2)

> filter (list [<=] @array) @array ==>
> first monotonically non-decreasing run in @array

So @array = (1 0 -1 -2 -1 -3) ==> (1, -1) is monotonically non-decreasing?

This would give (1, 0, -1, -2)

   list [<=] (1, 0, -1, -2, -1, -3)
   1 <= 0,
   1 <= 0 <= -1,
   1 <= 0 <= -1 <= -2,
   1 <= 0 <= -1 <= -2 <= -1,
   1 <= 0 <= -1 <= -2 <= -1 <= -3
   Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False

And so
   filter (list [<=] @array) @array
would give first 4 elements of @array, i.e. (1, 0, -1, -2)

Markus Laire

Re: Scans

2006-05-09 Thread Markus Laire

On 5/9/06, Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gaal Yahas wrote:
> I love this idea and have implemented it in r10246. One question though,
> what should a scan for chained ops do?
>   list [==] 0, 0, 1, 2, 2;
>   # bool::false?
>   # (bool::true, bool::true, bool::false, bool::false, bool::false)
Keeping in mind that the scan will contain the boolean results of the
comparisons, you'd be comparing 2 with "true" in the later stages of the
scan. Is that what you intended, or would ~~ be more appropriate?

This code
   list [==] 0, 0, 1, 2, 2;
would expand to
   [==] 0,
   0 == 0,
   0 == 0 == 1,
   0 == 0 == 1 == 2,
   0 == 0 == 1 == 2 == 2
which gives
   Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False, Bool::False

So you don't compare 2 to "true" in any stage.

ps. Should first element of scan be 0-argument or 1-argument case.
i.e. should list([+] 1) return (0, 1) or (1)

Markus Laire

Re: Scans

2006-05-09 Thread Markus Laire

On 5/9/06, Smylers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But this could just be because I don't (yet) grok scans.

Here's a simple example:
   [+] 1,2,3,4,5
would return scalar 1+2+3+4+5 as a reduction and list (0, 1, 1+2,
1+2+3, 1+2+3+4, 1+2+3+4+5) as a scan. (0 comes from [+](), i.e. [+]
with no arguments)

Markus Laire

S09: Single typo & postfix ...

2006-05-05 Thread Markus Laire

There is a typo in S09 (patch included)

Also, S09 uses postfix ... to mean ..Inf but S03 uses ..* for this, so
one of these should likely be changed unless both are OK.

Markus Laire

Description: Binary data

Re: A shorter long dot

2006-05-04 Thread Markus Laire

On 5/4/06, Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, May 04, 2006 at 01:56:44PM +0300, Markus Laire wrote:

Thanks for taking the time to explain this.  The long dot here does seem to be
solving more important problems.  Now I'm not as up to date with Perl 6 syntax
as I once was, nor as much as I probably should be to be part of this thread,
but ...

> IMHO This example from S03 is a lot better:
> Whitespace is no longer allowed before the opening bracket of an array
> or hash accessor. That is:
>%monsters{'cookie'} =;  # Valid Perl 6
>%people  {'john'}   =;   # Not valid Perl 6

What does "Not valid Perl 6" mean?  A syntax error?  Is it not possible
to make it valid and to mean what would be meant without the whitespace?

Yep, I think it's syntax error.

Note that {} here is a postfix (actually postcircumfix) operator, and
the decision to never allow whitespace before postfix operators seems
to be quite fundamental in perl6.

Some relevant sections from Synopses:
(These sections are quite long, so I'm not copy-pasting them here.)

From Synopsis 2 at

See the section starting with "In general, whitespace is optional in
Perl 6 except"

From Synopsis 3 at

See the section starting with "List operators are all parsed consistently."

And Synopsis 4 at
is also related to this.

However, I'm really not looking to drive perl6-language round in circles, so if
there is some document somewhere explaining the rest of the several useful
side-effects I'd love a pointer to it (I couldn't find anything appropriate).

Have you *recently* read the Synopses at

I'm currently re-reading them, and if you have some time (few days or
weeks :), I'd suggest reading them all.

Markus Laire

Re: Linking Synopses to corresponding pod-files?

2006-05-04 Thread Markus Laire

On 5/4/06, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Markus Laire skribis 2006-05-04 14:55 (+0300):
> When reading Synopses, I sometimes notice some mistakes or typos,
> which I'd like to submit a patch for, but it's not easy to do so as I
> don't know where to get the source.

Have you tried s/html/pod/? :)

Thanks :)

Markus Laire

Linking Synopses to corresponding pod-files?

2006-05-04 Thread Markus Laire

When reading Synopses, I sometimes notice some mistakes or typos,
which I'd like to submit a patch for, but it's not easy to do so as I
don't know where to get the source.

Could each Synopsis include a link to the corresponding .pod (if it's
available in Internet, that is), so that submitting patches would be

Markus Laire

Re: A shorter long dot

2006-05-04 Thread Markus Laire

On 5/1/06, Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Maybe you all write your code differently to me, but looking through a
load of my OO code I had trouble finding three method calls in a row to
any methods on any objects, let alone six calls to the same method name
on different objects.

If I saw code like

 $foo\ .foo();
 $fa\  .foo();
 $etc\ .foo();

I'd probably take that as a pretty strong clue that I should really have

$ for @things_to_foo;

or something.

I like lining up my code as much as the next programmer, and probably a
lot more, but I just don't see the need for this syntax which seems
ugly, confusing and unnecessary.

But then again, as I said, I really don't see the problem that is being

This "long-dot" can be used for many things, not just method calls.

IMHO This example from S03 is a lot better:

Whitespace is no longer allowed before the opening bracket of an array
or hash accessor. That is:

   %monsters{'cookie'} =;  # Valid Perl 6
   %people  {'john'}   =;   # Not valid Perl 6

One of the several useful side-effects of this restriction is that
parentheses are no longer required around the condition of control

   if $value eq $target {
   print "Bullseye!";
   while 0 < $i { $i++ }

It is, however, still possible to align accessors by explicitly using
the long dot syntax:

%monsters.{'cookie'} =;
%people\ .{'john'}   =;
%cats\   .{'fluffy'} =;

Markus Laire

Re: S5 - Question about repetition qualifier

2006-04-26 Thread Markus Laire
On 4/26/06, Joe Gottman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> According to Synopsis 5, the repetition qualifier is now **{.} where the .
> must correspond to either an Int or a Range.  This seems rather restrictive.
> Why are we not allowed a junction of Ints, for instance

S05 also says:

It is illegal to return a list, so this easy mistake fails:
 / [foo]**{1,3} /
(At least, it fails in the absence of use rx :listquantifier, which is
likely to be unimplemented in Perl 6.0.0 anyway).

So it seems only reason not to allow lists is that they aren't yet
implemented, and likely won't be for some time.

> Also, I don't know exactly what the syntax looks like, but I can imagine
> using a repetition qualifier that takes a closure of some sort, for instance
> to match an odd number of repetitions
> m/^ a**{($_ % 2 == 0)} $/; #I'm not sure about the syntax for the code.

Are you reading some old version of S05? says that "The
repetition specifier is now **{...} for maximal matching, with a
corresponding **{...}? for minimal matching. Space is allowed on
either side of the asterisks. The curlies are taken to be a closure
returning an Int or a Range object. "

So you can just put any closure which returns Int or Range directly
within the curlies.

Markus Laire

Re: S05: Interpolated hashes?

2006-04-24 Thread Markus Laire
Thanks, Scott & Larry.

IMHO, the explanation about  and $ could be moved to where
the bare hash behaviour is explained as hash-in-angles-section already
says "A leading % matches like a bare hash except ..."

On 4/24/06, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you want to reset to before the key for some reason, you can always
> set .pos to $.beg, or whatever the name of the method is.  Hmm,
> that looks like it's unspecced.

This seems interesting. From day-to-day it becames harder to fully
understand this perl6 thing, but I like it :)

Markus Laire

S05: Interpolated hashes?

2006-04-24 Thread Markus Laire
In Synopsis 5 (version 22),

Under "Variable (non-)interpolation" it's said that

An interpolated hash matches the longest possible key of the hash as a
literal, or fails if no key matches. (A "" key will match anywhere,
provided no longer key matches.)

And under "Extensible metasyntax (<...>)" it's said that

With both bare hash and hash in angles, the key is counted as
"matched" immediately; that is, the current match position is set to
after the key token before calling any subrule in the value. That
subrule may, however, magically access the key anyway as if the
subrule had started before the key and matched with  assertion.
That is, $ will contain the keyword or token that this subrule
was looked up under, and that value will be returned by the current
match object even if you do nothing special with it within the match.

I don't quite understand how these relate to each other. First text is
clear enough, but second seems to be something totally different.

Could someone give an example of what difference there's between
"interpolated hash matches the longest possible key of the hash as a
literal, or fails if no key matches." and "the key is counted as
"matched" immediately; that is, the current match position is set to
after the key token before calling any subrule in the value. ..."

I don't quite understand if the key is matched in the second version
or if it's just counted as "matched", whatever that means, and why the
description is so dis-similar to the first quote.

Markus Laire

Two comments about S05

2006-04-22 Thread Markus Laire
Here are two comments after reading S05, Version 18 at

In section "Extensible metasyntax (<...>)"

With both bare hash and hash in angles, the key is always skipped over
before calling any subrule in the value. That subrule may, however,
magically access the key anyway as if the subrule had started before
the key and matched with  assertion. ...

I first read this "key is always skipped over" meaning that the key is
allways ignored. Perhaps this text could be clarified.

In section "Backslash reform"

The \G sequence is gone. Use :p instead. (Note, however, that it makes
no sense to use :p within a pattern, since every internal pattern is
implicitly anchored to the current position. You'll have to explicitly
compare <( .pos == $oldpos )> in that case.)

Shouldn't this be  (code assertion) instead of <( ... )>
(result capture)?

Markus Laire

Re: Junctions again (was Re: binding arguments)

2006-01-06 Thread Markus Laire
On 1/5/06, TSa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jonathan Lang wrote:
> > Therefore,
> >
> >   $x = 3;
> >   if $x <= 1 & 5 {say 'smaller'}
> >   if $x > 1 & 5 {say 'larger'}
> >
> > should produce exactly the same output as
> >
> >   $x = 3;
> >   if $x <= 1 && $x <= 5 {say 'smaller'}
> This is slightly untrue. because if the junction contains two
> identical values or an undef ordered object the < part is
> essentially stripped away:
>  if $x <= 5 && $x <= 5 {say 'smaller'}
> can be permuted into
>  if $x <= 5 && 5 > $x {say 'smaller'}
> and optimized to
>  if $x == 5 {say 'smaller'}

Do you claim that
  if $x <= 5 && $x <= 5 {say 'smaller'}
is same as
  if $x == 5 {say 'smaller'}

Markus Laire

Re: new sigil

2005-10-20 Thread Markus Laire

Sam Vilain wrote:

ps, X11 users, if you have any key bound to "AltGr", then "AltGr" + C
might well give you a ¢ sign without any extra reconfiguration.

For me AltGr + C gives Copyright-symbol "©".
(SuSe 9.1, tested in konsole, kwrite and thunderbird)

Markus Laire

Re: Standard library for perl6? (graphical primitives)

2005-10-17 Thread Markus Laire

Bryan Burgers wrote:

On 10/15/05, Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 10/14/05, Markus Laire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Perl does have CPAN, but the problem is that there are no standard
modules, and so there can be several modules doing the same thing.

And what is the problem with that?

The problem may be that it doesn't work everywhere.  What I find
exciting about parrot is that (it sounds like to me) you'll be able to
run a perl6 file anywhere that has parrot, much like Java.  I think
what Markus is getting at is for there to be a way to display graphics
through parrot everywhere parrot runs as well.  Yes, different modules
are extremely important, because the programmer deserves a choice, but
some modules run someplaces, others run other places - it'd be a good
thing to have the absolute bare essentials run everywhere.

Yes, I forgot to mention why I think it's a problem to have several 
modules to do the same thing - there's likely no single module which 
works everywhere.

I'm not completely sure if it would be worth the trouble to support only 
most primitive graphical commands "in core", (no windows, etc..), and 
leave the rest to the modules (or to the programmer).

In this case the program could test for the existence of a certain 
module (wxWidgets, SDL_perl, whatever) and use that if it's available, 
and to use more primitive routine based on supported commands in core 
for those cases where better module is not available.

Currently, in perl5, if there is no graphical module available (either 
platform not (yet) supported, or module not installed), the program 
can't do anything but to use text-mode console.

Markus Laire

Standard library for perl6? (graphical primitives)

2005-10-14 Thread Markus Laire
(I'm mainly interested about graphical primitives, but there are likely 
other areas where standard library would be of use.)

If I want to write a crossplatform text-mode application, I could write 
it in perl, and know that it will be usable in wide variety of 
platforms, as long as I use only "standard" commands and not any 
platform-specific modules etc..

But if I want to write graphics-mode application, I really don't know 
what to do. Even if I were to write a simple one, which just draws lines 
 or puts pixels on screen, I do not know of any good solution.

Java has graphical primitives, but is encumbered by bad licenses.
C doesn't have graphical primitives in standard library, AFAIK.

Perl does have CPAN, but the problem is that there are no standard 
modules, and so there can be several modules doing the same thing. perl5 
has some standard commands, listed in "perlfunc", but that doesn't 
include any graphical primitives.

Could it be possible to create a "Standard library" for perl6, which 
would also include graphical primitives (putpixel, getpixel, 
getcolordepth, putimage, getimage, copyrectangle)?

Just a basic example:

  use 6;
  use Stdlib::GraphicalPrimitives;

  // check for availability of graphics mode
  if (!GraphModeAvailable())) {
print "No graphics available, sorry\n";
exit 1;

  // initialize graph-mode, ask for a 100x100 pixel area
  // with 24bit colors to work on
  if (!InitGraphics(100, 100, 24)) {
print "Couldn't get 100x100x24 graphics area\n";
exit 2;

  // do something
  DrawLine(0, 0, 99, 99);
  // ...

Markus Laire

Re: (1,(2,3),4)[2]

2005-05-26 Thread Markus Laire

Rod Adams wrote:

Austin Hastings wrote:

--- Rod Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

TSa (Thomas Sandlaß) wrote:

@m = [[1,2],[3,4]]

@m[0;1] is a multidim deref, referencing the 4.

Referencing the 2, I hope?


Yes, the 2.


@m here has _single_ array-ref so
@m[0] returns that single array-ref - [[1,2],[3,4]]
@m[0;1] then returns array-ref [3,4]
@m[0;0] would return [1,2]
@m[0;0;1] would return 2

Double-checking with pugs: (multi-dim with ; doesn't work yet)

pugs> my @m = [[1,2],[3,4]]
pugs> @m[0]
({ref:}, {ref:})
pugs> @m[0][1]
(3, 4)
pugs> @m[0][0]
(1, 2)
pugs> @m[0][0][1]

@m = [[1,2],[3,4]] IS NOT same as @m = ([1,2],[3,4])

pugs> my @m = ([1,2],[3,4])
({ref:}, {ref:})
pugs> @m[0]
(1, 2)
    pugs> @m[0][1]

Markus Laire

Re: (1,(2,3),4)[2]

2005-05-26 Thread Markus Laire

Rod Adams wrote:

TSa (Thomas Sandlaß) wrote:

You mean @a = [[1,2,3]]? Which is quite what you need for multi
dimensional arrays anyway @m = [[1,2],[3,4]] and here you use
of course @m[0][1] to pull out the 2. I'm not sure if this automatically
makes the array multi-dimensional to the type system though. That is
if @m[0,1] returns 2 as well or if it returns the list (1,2) or whatever.
Is @m[0..3] valid and what does it return? And what's the type of that
return value(s)? I can imagine many things ranging from a two element
array of refs to two element arrays up to a flattened list of 4 values.

@m[0,1] is an array slice of two elements, in this case two arrayrefs 
[1,2], and [3,4].

@m[0;1] is a multidim deref, referencing the 4.

@m[0..3] is valid, returning arrayref x 2, undef x 2.

I think you got these wrong. With @m = ([1,2],[3,4]) these would be 
true, but with @m = [[1,2],[3,4]] we have an additional reference there.

Here @m has single array-ref, not 2 array-refs.

pugs gives this:

pugs> my @m = [[1,2],[3,4]]
pugs> @m[0,1]
({ref:}, undef)
pugs> @m[0..3]
({ref:}, undef, undef, undef)
# @m[0;1] form doesn't work in r3723


pugs> my @m = ([1,2],[3,4])
({ref:}, {ref:})
pugs> @m[0,1]
({ref:}, {ref:})
pugs> @m[0..3]
({ref:}, {ref:}, undef, undef)

Markus Laire

Re: Plethora of operators

2005-05-16 Thread Markus Laire
Juerd wrote:
Juerd skribis 2005-05-14 17:23 (+0200):
Markus Laire skribis 2005-05-14 18:07 (+0300):
   [>>+^=<<] (@a, @b, @c)
These arrays flatten first (otherwise [+] @foo could never calculate the
sum of the elements), so imagine that you have
$foo, $bar, $baz, $quux, $xyzzy
to let >>+^=<< operate on.
Is this then ok?
[>>+^=<<] (@a ; @b ; @c)
As S09 says that:
At the statement level, a semicolon terminates the current
expression. Within any kind of bracketing construct, semicolon
notionally produces a list of lists, the interpretation of which
depends on the context. Such a semicolon list always provides list
context to each of its sublists. The following two constructs are
structurally indistinguishable:
(0..10; 1,2,4; 3)
([0..10], [1,2,3,4], [3])
If not, how then would I use hyper-reduction ops like [>>+^=<<] with 
several arrays?

i.e. How do I write
    @a >>+^=<< @b >>+^=<< @c
using the [>>+^=<<] op?
Markus Laire

Re: Plethora of operators

2005-05-14 Thread Markus Laire
Adam Kennedy kirjoitti:
[»+^=«] reminds me of a P5 regex that has a comment saying "This is
black magic. Don't touch!". --That's-- my complaint.
I look at...
 >>but the basic operator there is just ^, with a + modifier to indicate
 >>numeric XOR, = to indicate an assignment operator, »« to indicate
 >>explicit parallelism, and now [] to indicate reduction
...and I just mind-wipe... so it's doing WHAT exactly? I've read it 5 
times and I still have no idea. And reduction? I write 25,000+ lines of 
Perl a year, and if you are talking about something like 
List::Util::reduce, I think I've used it maybe twice?
Just trying to guess:
(Here @a, @b, @c all have same length for simplicity)
[>>+^=<<] (@a, @b, @c)
# reduction: place the op between each item in the given list
@a >>+^=<< @b >>+^=<< @c
# hyper-op: apply op in parallel for items in lists
for @a Y @b Y @c -> $a is rw, $b is rw, $c {
$a +^= $b +^= $c
# and finally (+^= is right-associative)
for @a Y @b Y @c -> $a is rw, $b is rw, $c {
$b = $b +^ $c;
$a = $a +^ $b;
I'm not too familiar with xor, so here's an easier example with plain +=
my @a = (1,2,3);
my @b = (10,20,30);
my @c = (100,200,300);
[>>+=<<] (@a, @b, @c);
# i.e. @a >>+=<< @b >>+=<< @c
# now @c = (100, 200, 300)
# @b = (110, 220, 330)
# @a = (111, 222, 333)
Markus Laire

Re: C<::> in rules

2005-05-13 Thread Markus Laire
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß) kirjoitti:
Larry Wall wrote:
Speaking of which, it seems to me that :p and :c should allow an
argument that says where to start relative to the current position.
In other words, :p means :p(0) and :c means :c(0).  I could also see
uses for :p(-1) and :p(+1).

Isn't that slightly inconsistent with :p meaning :p(1) the so-called
"real winner for passing boolean options" of A12?
Perhaps spec should be changed so that :p means :p(bool::true) or :p(?1) 
and not :p(1)

Markus Laire

Re: split /(..)*/, 1234567890

2005-05-13 Thread Markus Laire
Rick Delaney wrote:
On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 04:05:23AM +0800, Autrijus Tang wrote:
On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 12:01:59PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
Yes, though I would think of it more generally as
   ('', $0, '', $0, '', $0, ...)
where in this case it just happens to be
   ('', $0)
and $0 expands to ['12','34','56','78','90'] if you treat it as an array.
I don't understand this comment. The $0 here is an array of 
match-objects and when treated as array it returns an array of 
match-objects, not an array of strings. (see below)

Thanks, implemented as such.
   pugs> map { ref $_ } split /(..)*/, 1234567890
   (::Str, ::Array::Const)

Sorry if I'm getting ahead of the implementation but if it is returning
$0 then shouldn't ref($0) return ::Rule::Result or somesuch?  It would
just look like an ::Array::Const if you treat it as such.
With pugs (r2917) this doesn't return an Array of Strings but an Array 
of Match-objects:

pugs> map { ref $_ } split /(..)*/, 1234567890
(::Str, ::Array::Const)
pugs> map { ref $_ } [split /(..)*/, 1234567890][1]
(::Match, ::Match, ::Match, ::Match, ::Match)
pugs> map { ~$_ } [split /(..)*/, 1234567890][1]
('12', '34', '56', '78', '90')
pugs> map { $_.from } [split /(..)*/, 1234567890][1]
(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
Markus Laire

Re: Unknown level of hash

2005-03-29 Thread Markus Laire
Zhuang Li wrote:
Yes. I think it's both useful and fun. I was thinking something similar
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] = map{1} @a; 

But getting "$hash->{E1}->{E2}->...->{En} = 1;" instead of "$hash{E1} =
1; ... $hash{En} =1;".
What I'd really like to do is:
Given @a = ('E1', 'E2', ..., 'En');
@b = ('K1', 'K2', ..., 'Km');
@c = ('V1', 'V2', ..., 'Vm');
To get the following in one line:
$hash->{E1}->...->{En}->{K1} = 'V1';
$hash->{E1}->...->{En}->{K2} = 'V2';

$hash->{E1}->...->{En}->{Km} = 'Vm';
I'll attempt a quess based on S03 & S04 & S09.
( )
S09 says that  @nums[dims 0..2]  means  @nums[0;1;2]
S09 also says that "Everything we've said for arrays applies to hashes 
as well ..."
S04 tells how to process several lists in parallel in for-loop.
S03 tells about unary * list-flattening op.

So what about:
for @b ¥ @c -> $b, $c { $hash->{dims ([EMAIL PROTECTED],$b)} = $c }
ps. I'm not 100% sure if I got that ([EMAIL PROTECTED],$b) right. I want to add $b to 
@a and feed it to dims as one list.

Markus Laire

Re: Units on numbers [was Re: S28ish]

2005-03-28 Thread Markus Laire
Larry Wall wrote:
> ... SKIP ...
Okay, that looks scary, but if as in my previous message we define
"chars" as the highest Unicode level allowed by the context and the
string, then we can just write that in some notation resembling:
substr($a, 5`Chars, 10`Chars);
or whatever notation we end up with for labeling units on numbers.
Even if we don't define "chars" that way, they just end up labeled with
the current level (here assuming "Codes"):
substr($a, 5`Codes, 10`Codes);
or whatever.
But this is all implicit, which is why you can just write
substr($a, 5, 10);
and have it DWYM.
Now, I admit that I've handwaved the tricksy bit, which is, "How do
you know, Larry, that substr() wants 5`Codes rather than 5`Meters?
It's all very well if you have a single predeclared subroutine and
can look at the signature at compile time, but you wrote those as multi
methods up above, so we don't know the signature at compile time."
Well, that's correct, we don't know it at compile time.  But what
*do* we know?  We know we have a number, and that it was generated
in a context where, if you use it like a string position, it should
turn into a number of code points, and if you use it like a weight,
it should turn into a number of kilograms (or pounds, if you're NASA).
In other words, the effective type of that literal 5 is not "Int",
but "Int|Codes|Meters|Kilograms|Seconds|Bogomips" or some such.
And if MMD can handle that in an argument type and match up Codes as
a subtype of Ptr, and if we write our method signature only in the
abstract types like Ptr, we're pretty much home free.  That certainly
simplifies how you write S29, though I don't know if the MMD folks
will be terribly happy with the notion of dispatching arguments with
junctional types.  But it does fall out of the design rather naturally.
> ...
So do you actually envision perl6 to allow a junction of units on 
numbers? This would have huge implications, depending on what exactly is 
possible with these units...

Would/could some of these DWIM in perl6?
# import proper MMD-subs for + - * etc...
use MyUnitConversions;
my $length = 1.3`Meters + 4.6`Yards;
my $weight = 4`Pounds - 1'Kilograms;
my $money = 12`€ + 5.78`£ + 12`US$;
Then, how would I specify the unit of the result?
my $unit = 1`Minutes|Kilograms|Meters;
my $time_mins`Minutes = $unit * 5.45; # 5.45 Minutes
my $time_secs`Seconds = $unit * 5.45; # 327 Seconds
my $weight`Weight = $unit * 2.34;
my $length`Length = $unit * 12.56;
But these would need MMD based on return-type which is out IIRC?
So perhaps just simple:
my $time_mins = unit_conversion($unit * 5.45, Minutes);
my $time_secs = unit_conversion($unit * 5.45, Seconds);
Or using some infix-op:
my $time_mins = ($unit * 5.45) ` Minutes;
my $time_secs = ($unit * 5.45) ` Seconds;
And what about hex/dec/oct/bin? Could these be included in this system?
my $number`Dec = 12`Oct + 010101`Bin + 0cab`Hex;
And then we of course definitely need
my $length = 12`Oct&Miles + 0c`Hex&Kilometers;:)
Not sure if I'm on right track at all - but Units on numbers with MMD 
gives some really nice ideas to a mathematically minded person...

my $speed_a = 78`Kilometers / 2`Hour;
my $speed_b = 50`(Miles/Hour);  # or 50`Miles_per_Hour
my $delta = $speed_a - $speed_b;
Markus Laire

Re: .method == $self.method or $_.method?

2005-03-19 Thread Markus Laire
Larry Wall kirjoitti:
On Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 03:59:43PM -0800, Michael G Schwern wrote:
: What it doesn't solve is the $.method vs .method issue.  They look similar
: but one works on the invocant and one works on $_.  Still a trap.
Yes, and that's probably the killer of the "oc" idea.  So much for
Sleep Brain, heh, heh.  I think we'll need to figure out how to
shorten $ instead.  Either that, or there has to be a way to
explicitly make $_ the invocant of a subblock.
What about using the "oc" idea to shorten $
(or some other letter instead of 'x')
Still this only shortens it by one char...
(Not sure if I like this at all - just an idea...)
Markus Laire

Q: index("Hello", "", 999)

2005-03-16 Thread Markus Laire
What should index("Hello", "", 999) return in perl6?
In perl5 that returns 5, but IMHO -1 would be right result.
Markus Laire

Q: Junctions & send+more=money

2005-02-26 Thread Markus Laire
I have two questions about this example code
(taken from
(btw, a really nice example of how to use junctions - just try to write 
this in perl5 :)

use v6;
my $s; 
my $e; 
my $n; 
my $d; 
my $m; 
my $o; 
my $r;
my $y;

$s = any(0..10) & none(0);
$e = any(0..10);
$n = any(0..10);
$d = any(0..10);
$m = any(0..10) & none(0);
$o = any(0..10);
$r = any(0..10);
$n = any(0..10);
$y = any(0..10);
I think these should be any(0..9).
my $send := construct($s,$e,$n,$d);
my $more := construct($m,$o,$r,$e);
my $money := construct($m,$o,$n,$e,$y);
if ($send + $more == $money) {
say " send = $send";
say "+more = $more";
say "-"
say "money = $money";
sub foldl(Code &op, Any $initial, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) returns Any {
if ([EMAIL PROTECTED] == 0) {
 return $initial;
} else {
 return &op(shift @values, &?SUB(&op, $initial, @values));
sub add(Int $x, Int $y) returns Int {
return $x + $y;
sub construct([EMAIL PROTECTED]) returns Junction {
return foldl( sub ($x, $y) { $x * 10 + $y}, 0, @values);
How would the if (...) {...} work if there were more than one possible 
match to this equation?

How would I rewrite this example to be more general, so that given 3 
strings (in this case 'send', 'more', 'money'), the program would give 
all possible results for the equation  +  = 

Markus Laire

Re: Boolean comparison (was Boolean literals)

2005-02-16 Thread Markus Laire
Larry Wall wrote:
On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 02:29:36PM +0800, Autrijus Tang wrote:
: Just a quick question.  The prettyprinter of Pugs (the thing that
: handles the ".perl" method) currently prints out boolean true and
: false as #t and #f, which is obviously not correct.
: pugs> (1 > 2, 2 > 1)
: (#f, #t)
: What should I do, though?  Inventing two primitives, "true" and
: "false"?  Or is there a way to annotate values with types, similar
: to Haskell's "::" construct?
: pugs> (1 > 2, 2 > 1)
: (0 as Bool, 1 as Bool)

The latest S12 has it as bool::true and bool::false.  (In general,
you can print out any enum as "role::identifier".)  When unambiguous,
bare "true" and "false" can be used, but in any event the use of
symbolic booleans is somewhat discouraged in Perl because it leads
people to write stupidities like
while foo() == true {...}
Instead, we try to make sure all types know how to behave in boolean
context directly.  Any object that does the "bool" role has an
attribute of type "bit", which will return 0 if the object is false,
and 1 if the object is true.  (The optimizer is free to optimize away
the method call if it can, of course.  Native integers and floats
are always true if non-zero, for instance.  But object types can always
be derived from, or have "but true" mixed into them.)
We already have +^ ~^ ?^ +| ~| ?| etc..
Why not allow data-type prefix for the comparison operators also, so 
we'd get, to mention a few, ~== (same as 'eq') ~< (same as 'lt') ~<= 
(same as 'le') - and of course boolean versions ?== and ?!= (The others 
really don't have use with just 2 possible values.)

Then a programmer could write
while foo() ?== true {...}
and it would be ok. After all, perl is all about giving more than one 
way to do it.

Markus Laire

Re: Perl 6 Summary for 2005-01-31 through 2004-02-8

2005-02-10 Thread Markus Laire
John Macdonald wrote:
The basic problem is that a junction does not work well with
boolean operations, because the answer is usually "sometimes
yes and sometimes no" and until you resolve which of those is
the one you want, you have to proceed with both conditions.
Well, just patch the boolean operators to return one of (yes, no, 
sometimes) instead of plain (true, false) :)

Anyway, what are the usual semantics with junctions & boolean operators 
in some other languages? (This is so new concept to me, that I don't 
know of any language to compare against.)

Markus Laire

Re: Autothreading generalization

2005-02-01 Thread Markus Laire
Luke Palmer writes:
Craig DeForest writes:
Yeah, the sigils do get in the way for small placeholder variables like
 @C[ $i; $j; $k; $l ] = @A[ $i; $j ] * @B[ $k; $l ] Â
Losing the carets doesn't do much for us (and would force us to use the
explicit syntax, whatever that might be).  Hmm, on the other hand, ^
doesn't mean anything in term context yet.  I feel uncomfortable about
allowing ^ as a shorthand for $^, since every other variable in the
whole damn language has one of the four standard sigils.
What about adding fifth sigil into the language? To be used only with 

That way ^ (or whatever char we choose) wouldn't be shorthand for $^, 
but part of the actual variable name, as are other sigils. That char 
should be selected based on it's readibility in expressions like these.

Would placeholder variables be used often enough to varrant their own sigil?
Markus Laire

Re: Perl 6 documentation project mailing list

2002-11-08 Thread Markus Laire
On 8 Nov 2002 at 9:12, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

> On Thursday, November 7, 2002, at 10:45  PM, Piers Cawley wrote:
> > Those of us with subs to perl6-all will get this anyway, right?
> I posted an initial message about five minutes ago, so if you received 
> it, then yes.  :-)

There are few messages going there now, but at least I don't receive 
them via perl6-all, only via perl6-documentation 
(I'm on both lists, just in case)

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ, demos

2002-11-02 Thread Markus Laire
On 2 Nov 2002 at 0:06, Simon Cozens wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Zimmerman) writes:
> > Larry has been consistently using
> > 
> > OxAB op 0xBB
> > 
> > in his messages to represent a (French quote) hyperop,
> > (corresponding to the Unicode characters 0x00AB and 0x00BB)
> More and more conversations like this, (and how many have we seen here
> already?) about characters sets, encodings, mail quoting issues, in
> fact, anything other than Perl, will be rife on every Perl-related
> mailing list if we persist with this idiotic idea of having Unicode
> operators.

It may seem idiotic to the egocentric people who only needs chars a-z 
in his language. But for all others (think about Chinese), Unicode is
real asset.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


2002-11-01 Thread Markus Laire
On 31 Oct 2002 at 16:04, Brent Dax wrote:

> Markus Laire:
> # Emacs and vim also works on Windows, not just UNIX.
> So does DOS 'edit'.  That doesn't mean Windows users use it.  Windows
> users want tools that look and act like Windows tools--if they didn't,
> they'd be using another OS.  Neither GNU emacs nor xemacs fits the
> bill, and I doubt vim does either.

gvim looks and acts a lot like usual Windows editors if you install 
it in proper 'windows compatible' mode. Still it is a bit different.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread Markus Laire
On 31 Oct 2002 at 15:59, Mark J. Reed wrote:

> Once you wander away from Latin-1 into the more general world
> of Unicode, you start running into trouble on the input side.
> On Windows you pretty much have to use the Character map accessory.
> Emacs and vim still work on UNIX, but I don't know of a XIM
> implementation for general Unicode.  (Although if you log into your
> Unix machine using Kermit-95, it has a keystroke sequence for
> arbitrary Unicode input).

Emacs and vim also works on Windows, not just UNIX.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread Markus Laire
On 31 Oct 2002 at 0:40, John Williams wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Me wrote:
> > %a ^:union[op] %b
> >
> > %a :foo[op]:bar %b
> I think that any operators over 10 characters should be banished, and
> replaced with functions.

I don't think there should be any upper limit for operator-lengths.

e.g. When teaching perl to my little brothers (still at primary
school) I might want to use alphabetical userdefined operators:

print 1 + 5 - 4 / 2
print one plus five minus four divided_by two
(and same in finnish)
näytä yksi plus viisi miinus neljä jaettuna kaksi

At least it wouldn't harm anyone to allow this.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-30 Thread Markus Laire
On 30 Oct 2002 at 15:24, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 11:10:54PM +0200, Markus Laire wrote:
> > If we are going to do math with ranges, we definitely need non-
> > discreet ranges also. Or at least make sure it's easy enough to
> > implement as a class.
> > 
> > (1.9 .. 2.1) + (5..7) * (72.49 .. 72.51);
> I don't think that "non-discrete ranges" is what you mean.  Perhaps
> you just want ranges whose step size is something other than 1
>  (1.9 .. 2.1 : 0.1) + (5..7) * (72.49 .. 72.51 : 0.01)

That would also be usefull, but I definitely mean math with 
non-discrete ranges. How else are you going to calculate with numbers
which have 'uncertainty-range' (not sure about right term) i.e. all
math in physics. There are bound to be other uses.

This should probably be a class, so only problem is then to be sure
that it's possible to create such a class and use it with easy

Then there is a question of what such expressions should return.
A superposition of non-discrete anges encompassing all the possible
solutions would be the easy way. Adding probability distributions to
those ranges would also be usefull. Still this is an implementation

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: worth adding collections to the core language?

2002-10-30 Thread Markus Laire
On 30 Oct 2002 at 11:09, Larry Wall wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Piers Cawley wrote:
> :"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
> : possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
> :  -- Jane Austen?
> It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in possession
> of a rich syntax must be in need of a larger character set.
> I can almost taste it: French quotes for hyperoperators...
> @a «+» @b
> @a«++»
> @a«.anymethod(args)»

And you could always have something else as a backup for those
unfortunates who can't use «+» - like ^[+]

What are the good reasons not to use «» ?

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-30 Thread Markus Laire
On 29 Oct 2002 at 22:29, Larry Wall wrote:

> Of course, Real Mathematicians will want [1..10) and (1..10] instead.

That seems familiar, I like it ;)

> There's also an issue of what (1..10) - 1 would or should mean, if
> anything. Does it mean (1..9)?  Does 1 + (1..10) mean (2..10)?
> And what would ('a' .. 'z') - 1 mean?

If we are going to do math with ranges, we definitely need non-
discreet ranges also. Or at least make sure it's easy enough to 
implement as a class.

(1.9 .. 2.1) + (5..7) * (72.49 .. 72.51);

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Wh<[ie]>ther Infix Superposition ops

2002-10-30 Thread Markus Laire
On 29 Oct 2002 at 11:22, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 10:13:39AM +0200, Markus Laire wrote:
> > Also the idea of allways using 'function' style for something so
> > basic like superpositions doesn't appeal to me. 
> Superpositions are "basic" in a fabric-of-the-universe kind of way,
> but they are hardly basic in the everyone-learns-them-in-grade-school
> kind of way. I think the latter is more important for huffman coding
> of operators for the unwashed masses. But I'm willing change my mind
> if we start teaching everyone superpositions in grade school :-)

You are making the fundamental mistake of thinking superpositions as 
superpositions. When thinking them as another-kind-of or/and, their 
usefulness comes a lot clearer.

perl5: if $x == 5 || $x == 7 || $x == 99
perl6: if $x == 5 | 7 | 99

perl5: ...loop to test every value in an array...
perl6: if ! 28 <= any(@days_in_months) <= 31 { ERROR }
(this probably has slight syntax error)

perl5: if $x > 0 && $x < 20 && $y > 0 && $y < 20 && $z > 0 && $z < 20
perl6: if 0 < $x & $y & $z < 20

perl5: if ($x >= 10 && $x <= 20) || ($x >= 30 && $x <= 40)
perl6: if $x ~~ 10..20 | 30..40

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Wh<[ie]>ther Infix Superposition ops

2002-10-29 Thread Markus Laire
On 29 Oct 2002 at 5:45, Piers Cawley wrote:

> Whilst I don't wish to get Medieval on your collective donkey I must
> say that I'm really not sure of the utility of the proposed infix
> superposition ops. I'm a big fan of any/all/one/none, I just think
> that
> one(any($a, $b, $c), all($d, $e, $f))
> Is a good deal more intention revealing than the superficially
> appealing than
> ($a & $b & $c) ^ ( $d | $e | $f )
> which takes rather more decoding. And if you *do* want to use such
> operators, surely you could just do 
> use ops ':superpositions';
> in an appropriate lexical scope. Am I missing something?

In this case I find the latter to be easier to decode and more 
appealing. There are less chars and paretheses are seen much more 
easily. The 'one(...)' especially seems to be superficial, as it's 
just 'this or that' operation in this case, and so single operator 
fits perfectly.

Also the idea of allways using 'function' style for something so 
basic like superpositions doesn't appeal to me. Of course this might 
just be that I'm too used to use strange mathematical symbols. 
(Nobody ever understood my solutions in high-school...)

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Perl6 Operator List, TAKE 4

2002-10-28 Thread Markus Laire
On 28 Oct 2002 at 16:42, Dan Sugalski wrote:

> At 4:39 PM -0500 10/28/02, brian wheeler wrote:
> >On Mon, 2002-10-28 at 16:25, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> >
> >>  explicit radix specifications for integers:
> >>   0123- decimal
> >> 2:0110- binary [also b:0110?]
> >> 8:123 - octal  [also o:123?]
> >> 16:123- hex[also h:123?]
> >> 256:   - base 256
> >> (...etc...)
> >>
> >
> >I've got to admit that I've not paid alot of attention to this
> >thread...but does that mean 0x1234 and 01234 (octal) go away or is
> >this an omission?
> While we're at it, maybe we can add in 0rMCM to allow roman numerals
> too... -- 

What about specifying endiannes also, or would that be too low-level 
to even consider? Currently I don't have any examples for where it 
might even be used...

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: exegesis 5 question: matching negative, multi-byte strings

2002-10-02 Thread Markus Laire

On 1 Oct 2002 at 18:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > > all text up to, but not including the string "union".
> >
> > rule getstuffbeforeunion { (.*?) union | (.*) }
> > 
> > "a union" => "a "
> > "b" => "b"
> hmm... well, it works, but its not very efficient. It basically 
> scans the whole string to the end to see if there is a "union" string, and 
> then backtracks to take the alternative. And hence, its not very scalable. 
> It also doesn't 'complexify' very well.

What about

Perl 5:   /(.*?)(?:union|$)/
Perl 6:   /(.*?) [union | $$]/

or if you want to exlude 'union' from match

Perl 5:   /(.*?)(?=union|$)/
Perl 6:   /(.*?) [ | $$]/

IMHO those should scan string one char at a time until 'union' or end-
of-string, which is optimal solution.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Regex query

2002-09-22 Thread Markus Laire

And the one best reason I forgot to include:

How do you do C< ($a + $b) * $c > if parentheses are forbidden for 
mathematical expressions?

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Backtracking syntax

2002-09-22 Thread Markus Laire

On 22 Sep 2002 at 21:06, Simon Cozens wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Markus Laire) writes:
> > While  and  don't follow same syntax, I don't really see 
> > any better solutions.
>  is sufficiently "hard" that it musn't be confused with the
> colon series.

Yes, I didn't think that enough.
:,::,::: only affects current rule while  goes further to 
possibly affect other rules also, so it must have different syntax.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Backtracking syntax

2002-09-22 Thread Markus Laire

> Backtracking syntax includes:
> :, ::, :::, , 
> 1. It's nice how the ':', '::', and ':::' progression indicates
> progressively wider scope. But I would be surprised if
> newbies don't say to themselves, "now just how wide a
> scope am I backtracking when there's three colons?".

What problem there is? Scopes are atom/group/rule - I don't see any 
possible misunderstanding there as these scopes are so natural.

> 2. Typo-trap: I can imagine it being fairly easy for some
> people to miss, during debugging, both the visual and
> behavioral distinction between '::' and ':::'.

If that really is big problem, it can be solved easily by using 
proper editor which supports high-lighting.
::: could be shown with different color or bold while :: uses some 
other syntax.

> 3. It seemed odd how the  and  assertions
> switch to the general <...> syntax. I felt like it would be better if
> they avoided the general syntax, and preferably had some family
> resemblance with the first three backtracking controls.
> So, how about something like:
> :   # lock in current atom, ie as now
> :]  # lock in surrounding group, currently ::
> :>  # lock in surrounding rule, currently :::
> :/  # lock in top level rule, currently 
> :// # cut

I find :,::,::: to be a lot easier to remember than :,:],:> - and 
also easier to type.

While  and  don't follow same syntax, I don't really see 
any better solutions. Better solution should IMHO keep :,::,::: and 
offer better alternative only to .
 doesn't really belong to this serie as it's different 
backtracking-operation and so it can and should have different 

I wonder if  might be usefull instead of  with proper 

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Regex query

2002-09-21 Thread Markus Laire

> On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 11:36:49AM -0600, John Williams wrote:
> > On Sat, 21 Sep 2002, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
> > 
> > Anyway, (7) or (3+4) should yield a number, not a list, because
> > otherwise every math expression will break.
> Why can't perl be smart enough to figure out what we mean?  Something
> along these lines:
>  (7)  # list context
>  (3+4)# numeric context (there's a numeric operator in there)
>  (3+4,5)  # list context (comma trumps the numeric op)

It would be a total nightmare to try to DWIM in this case, especially 
with userdefined operators or more complex expressions.

There are 101 reasons why parens shouldn't make lists and how it can 
make mathematical expressions do something totally unexpected.

Consider changing a program where you have many mathematical 

$x = $y / (($a + $b) * $c - $d);

If you later find out that $b or $d can be left out, I expect to be 
able to just remove it without need to check if any parentheses now 
contains only one value, and then to remove parens also.

Also machine-generated expressions would have to be double-checked 
for any single values in parentheses. Latest Perl-Golf tournament 
'Infix to RPN' used testcases like


This is valid mathematical expression in perl5 but would do something 
totally different in perl6 because of those 'one-element lists'

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: atomicness and \n

2002-09-04 Thread Markus Laire

On 4 Sep 2002 at 0:22, Aaron Sherman wrote:

> On Wed, 2002-09-04 at 00:01, Sean O'Rourke wrote:
> > None, I think.  Of course, if we ignore internals, there's no
> > difference bewteen that and "rx / | 1 | 7/".
> Then, why is there a C<+>? Why not make it C<|>?
>   $foo = rx/ <||[cde]>|f /

Because it's good to have MTOWTDI. (= More than one way to do it)

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Regex stuff...

2002-08-31 Thread Markus Laire

On 31 Aug 2002 at 10:26, Piers Cawley wrote:

> > my $pattern = rx:w / $1:=(\S+) = $2:=(\S+) |
> >  $2:=(\S+) = $1:=(\S+) /;
> Count the capturing groups. Looks like there's 4 of 'em to me. $1, $2,
> $3 and $4 are automatic variables which, according to the Apocalypse
> get set for every capturing group independent of any named variable to
> which they might also be bound.

Not if those capturing groups have been renumbered.
>From A5:

> You can reorder paren groups by naming them with numeric variables:
> / $2:=(.*?), \h* $1:=(.*) /
> If you use a numeric variable, the
> numeric variables will start renumbering from that point, so
> subsequent captures can be of a known number (which clobbers any
> previous association with that number). So for instance you can
> reset the numbers for each alternative:
> / $1 := (.*?) (\:)  (.*) { process $1, $2, $3 }
> | $1 := (.*?) (=\>) (.*) { process $1, $2, $3 }
> | $1 := (.*?) (-\>) (.*) { process $1, $2, $3 }
> /

So binding to $1 etc is a special case. Your example never captures 
to $1..$4 but only to $1,$2 according to the renumbering.

Note that it's actually called 'reordering/renumbering' instead of 
'binding' in A5 for numeric variables.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Regex stuff...

2002-08-31 Thread Markus Laire

On 31 Aug 2002 at 0:17, Piers Cawley wrote:

> my $pattern = rx:w / $1:=(\S+) = $2:=(\S+) |
>  $2:=(\S+) = $1:=(\S+) /;
> @ary = m/<$pattern>/
> how many elements are there in @ary? I can
> make a case for 4 quite happily. Certainly that's what A5 seems to
> imply:
> Suppose you want to use a hypothetical variable to bind a name to
> a capture:
> / (\S+) { let $x := $1 } /
> A shorthand for that is:
> / $x:=(\S+) /
> The parens are number independently of any name, so $x is an alias
> for $1.
> And it's that last sentence that's important here. So, it looks like
> C<< +@ary >> is going to be 4. 

How could it be 4? If the example would've been

> my $pattern = rx:w / $a:=(\S+) = $b:=(\S+) |
>  $b:=(\S+) = $a:=(\S+) /;

Then there is 4 variables to speak of ($1,$2,$a,$b) and a question
arises about which of these are returned.

In the original example however we only have 2 variables ($1,$2) so
it can't really return anything else than those 2.

> m: w / $2:=(\S+) = $1:=(\S+) /
> Now, assignment to hypotheticals doesn't happen all at once, it
> happens when the matching engine reaches that point in the
> string. Unless I'm very much mistaken, the order of execution will
> look like:
>   $2:=$1; $1:=$2;
> And it seems to me that we'll end up with $1 and $2 both bound to the
> same string; which isn't working quite how I expect. Or do we special
> case the occasions when we bind the result of a capturing group to a
> numeric match variable?

As I understand it, binding to $1 etc.. is a special case. Also I
don't see any problems in your example:

m: w / $2:=(\S+) = $1:=(\S+) /

First () is captured and assigned to $2 (instead of $1).
Then second () is captured and assigned to $1.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Hypothetical synonyms

2002-08-28 Thread Markus Laire

On 28 Aug 2002 at 16:04, Steffen Mueller wrote:

> Piers Cawley wrote:
> > Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> ... regex code ...
> >
> > Hmm... is this the first Perl 6 golf post?
> Well, no, for two reasons:
> a) There's whitespace.
> b) The time's not quite ready for Perl6 golf because Larry's the only one
> who would qualify as a referee.

I think that time is just right for starting to golf in perl6. Parrot 
with languages/perl6 already supports a working subset of perl6.

I'm currently trying to get factorial-problem from last Perl Golf 
working in perl6, and it has proven to be quite a challenge... 
(only 32bit numbers, modulo not fully working, no capturing regexps, 

And I'm definitely going to try any future PerlGolf challenges also 
in perl6.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: E5: questions

2002-08-25 Thread Markus Laire

On 23 Aug 2002 at 22:29, Damian Conway wrote:

> > 2) p3, "This or nothing", Have I got :, ::, and ::: straight?
> > 
> > o  :   backtrack fails rule
> No. Backtrack skips the preceding atom.
> > o  ::  backtrack fails surrounding group
> Yes.
> > o  ::: backtrack fails whole match
> No. Backtrack fails rule.

So, would this be right short explanation:

o   :   backtrack fails preceding atom (as atom fails, it's skipped)
o   ::  backtrack fails surrounding group  (OK)
o   ::: backtrack fails rule   (OK)
o   backtrack fails whole match

So even shorter version:
:/::/:::/ makes backtrack fail current atom/group/rule/match.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: OT: Finite State Machine (was Perl summary for week ending 2002-08-04)

2002-08-11 Thread Markus Laire

> Not know what a "finite state machine" was, I decided to poke around the 
> Net before replying to you. I found this definition:
> ...
> at
> This seems rather ambiguous, though, as it basically means that a FSM is 
> anything that you can imagine that can parse language. Nothing about its 
> inherent limits, outside of which I presume one will find irregular 
> languages.

IMHO that's an awful explanation.

>From what I remember, this is true. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Any "Finite State Machine" or true "regular expression" can be 
written using a set of symbols (e.g. chars a-z) and three operators:

* Concatenation - pattern A concatenated with B matches 
a match for A followed by a match for B

* Or - pattern A-or-B matches either a match for A 
or a match for B.

* Closure - zero or more matches for a pattern

So regular expressions in Perl are really far from being regular.

for technical definition, you can check e.g.
but that is most likely not understandable without prior knowlegde.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Use of regular expressions on non-strings

2002-08-03 Thread Markus Laire

On 1 Aug 2002 at 19:30, David Whipp wrote:

> I'm wondering if Perl6's new regex can be applied to non-string things. I
> seem to recall A5 mentioning something about strings tied to array
> implementations; but I'm wanting something a little more powerful.

Yes, it can be applied to anything which can be tied to string. I 
didn't understand your message completely so I'll just copy-paste 
relevant parts from Synopsis 5, which IMO is easier to understand 
than A5.


Matching against non-strings

* Anything that can be tied to a string can be matched against a
regex. This feature is particularly useful with input streams: 
my @array := <$fh>;   # lazy when aliased
my $array is from(\@array);   # tie scalar# and later...
$array =~ m/pattern/; # match from stream

Backtracking control

* A  assertion always matches successfully, and has the side
 effect of deleting the parts of the string already matched. 

* Attempting to backtrack past a  causes the complete match to
 fail (like backtracking past a . This is because there's now
 no preceding text to backtrack into. 

* This is useful for throwing away successfully processed input when
 matching from an input stream or an iterator of arbitrary length. 

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Idea

2002-05-24 Thread Markus Laire

On 22 May 2002 at 13:10, Luke Palmer wrote:

> Since this is a Perl 6 list, here's how you would do it in Perl 6 (unless 
> there's a better way):
> sub myint($x) { my $i = int $x; $i == $x ? $x : $i }

Shouldn't that be

sub myint($x) { my $i = int $x; $i == $x ?? $x :: $i }

as ?: operator is changed in Perl6.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>