PROPOSAL: Template Screens

2001-02-27 Thread David Geary

Joel Regen wrote:

> David,
> Wouldn't it make sense to introduce a few attributes to the template tags
> that allow specification of values using references to beans?  This idea is
> used extensively in the other struts tags.  Look at the html:link tag, for
> example.  It allows you to specify a bean that contains a property that can
> be used as the value for a named request parameter.  This kind of
> parameterization is fairly powerful.


> With these attributes in place you can leverage the use of the controller
> actions (in an MVC architecture) to setup one or more 'template specifiers'
> in session or request context and redirect to the JSP that contains the
> template tags.  It alleviates the need for extensive use of logic: tags.
> yes?

Absolutely. Thanks to Joel for pointing this out! I found his email so
inspiring that I took a crack at this in my local build. Here's how it works:

Currently, you use templates like this: (this is from the struts-template

<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-template.tld' prefix='template' %>


Collectively, template:put tags within a template:insert tag define a screen,
which is equivalent to a single Web page. Each screen contains regions; for
example, there are five regions in the code fragment above: title, header,
sidebar, content, and footer. Those regions, identified by the name attribute,
either include content or print it directly, depending upon the direct

The template:put tag stores its three attributes--name, content, and direct--in
an instance of ScreenDefinition. That class is a simple façade for a hash
table. (See org.apache.struts.taglib.template.util.ScreenDefinition).

I've added a new template tag** that lets you specify that screen definition
directly. Here's how you use it:

<%@ page import='org.apache.struts.taglib.template.util.Content'%>
<%@ page import='org.apache.struts.taglib.template.util.ScreenDefinition' %>

<% ScreenDefinition screenDefinition = new ScreenDefinition();
 screenDefinition.put("title",   new Content("Struts Templates Example",
 screenDefinition.put("header",  new Content("/header.html", "false"));
 screenDefinition.put("sidebar", new Content("/sidebar.jsp", "false"));
 screenDefinition.put("content", new Content("/introduction.html",
 screenDefinition.put("footer",  new Content("/footer.html", "false"));

The template:screen tag effectively lets you move the template:put tags into a
bean (a ScreenDefinition). But creating that bean is too painful because the
author must know about the Content and ScreenDefinition classes (I can hardly
remember where they are or what they're called). We can fix the problem with
another tag that creates a screen definition, like this:

The template:screenDefinition tag creates a screen definition and stores it in
the specified scope, with the specified id. For the code listed above, that
screen definition is named introductionScreen and it's placed in request scope.
You can specify any of the four scopes (page/request/session/application).

With the screenDefinition tag, the author only deals with String arrays,
instead of Content and ScreenDefinitions.

Templates are powerful because they centralize page layout, which simplifies
page maintenance, and allows global changes. The tags proposed here let you
define numerous screen definitions in a single JSP file, which centralizes your
screen definitions.

Like templates themselves, which simplify page layout and enable global layout
changes, screens simplify screen creation and maintenance, and allow global
screen changes.


* The ContentMap class has been renamed to ScreenDefinition.

** I wanted to take Joel's advice and add some attributes to the existing
template:insert tag, but this new tag doesn't have a body, so they must be
separate tags.

> Joel
> -Original Message-
> From: David Geary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 2:52 PM
> To: Joel Regen
> Subject: Re: switchable layout
> Joel Regen wrote:
> > David,
> >
> > you wrote:
> > ...
> > >   chapter = content.substring(0,content.lastIndexOf("/"));
> > *** Do you mean ...lastIndexOf("."));... here ?
> > I'm a bit confused here ;-)
> No, it's "/". That line of code is parsing a request parameter that
> indicates
> the content's directory. So, for the following URI ...
> book.jsp?content=/chapters/templates/introduction.html
> ... the chapter variable would be /chapters/templates. That variable's
> used
> to include other content, such as a footer, like this:
>  content='<%= chapter + "/footer.html" %>' />
> In that case, the footer content would be
> /chapters/templates/footer.html.
> david

Re: Validating bean properties (WAS: Re: Stupd question aboutStruts and EJB.)

2001-02-27 Thread Nick Pellow


> Actually, the plan is to build exactly this type of validation into Struts
> 1.1. In particular, I am hoping to incorporate it into the automated bean
> creation tool, one way or another.

Yup, I minutes after my lost post, I received the post for Volunteer for
Framework. Wish I had read that first! The validation stuff sure could
be interesting.

> The idea is to define your bean(s) in an XML file, and have the tool
> generate the actual bean code for you. When you define a bean, you can
> specify its type, along with some other validation rules (yet to be
> determined). The tool will create a validate() method, and that method will
> populate ActionErrors as appropriate.

> My original thought was to generate code based on the validation rules.
> However, David Winterfeldt has written an interesting validator that runs
> off an XML spec directly. This may be a better approach, in that you can
> modify the rules later without recreating the bean, among other things.

I was considering an approach where coders wrote validation code in Java
(we all know java!)
yet the Struts framework executed it. You would extend or implement a
common java class/interface defining a single method, 
public ValidationErrors validate();  say.
That is then mapped to the form field in an xml file somewhere.

Struts, however could ship all the standard validations (such as Strings
to ints)

It is something I have not given much thought to yet, but would be
interested in
exploring further.

> I'm not sure how this will all fall out in the end, but I will be very
> surprised if Struts 1.1 does not include ways of automating the creation of
> form beans, and ways of specifying validation rules without writing code.
> There are several people interested in working on each of these topics, so
> I expect lots of interesting discussion on each and on how to integrate them.

Sounds great!

> Martin Cooper
> Tumbleweed Communications
> At 02:46 PM 2/28/01 +1100, Nick Pellow wrote:
> >Martin,
> >
> > >
> > > At 11:17 AM 2/28/01 +1100, Nick Pellow wrote:
> > > >I am very new to struts as is, but as I far as I can tell from reading
> > > >the implementation of the above method,
> > > >the ActionForm can only have String properties. Is this correct?
> > > >
> > > >If so, it would be nice if the ActionForm could support types other than
> > > >String and the
> > > >struts engine would convert these in a similar fashion as Ant does to
> > > >the attributes in the xml build file.
> > >
> > > Actually, Struts will attempt to convert values as it populates a form
> > > bean. This is done in BeanUtils.populate(), which is called right at the
> > > end of RequestUtils.populate().
> >
> >Ooops, thats what I was looking for but did not find.
> >
> > > However, the problem is what to do if it
> > > can't be converted. For example, if I define a form bean property as an
> > > int, and the request contains "abc", what should Struts do?
> >
> >Struts could create an ActionErrors object with an ActionError for each
> >conversion error.
> >If an error does get raised at that early stage, then one will no doubt
> >be raised later on
> >in the Action. The difference is that the coder has to
> >a) check for the conversion error again,
> >b) raise an error again.
> >It also means that checking for such user mistakes is spread across
> >mulitple layers in the application
> >and also across multiple components within the system. I think it would
> >be nice to centralize
> >such type checking in one part of the system.
> >
> >
> >The error message strings could be defined in a similar fashion to
> >errors.header and errors.footer.
> >Maybe something like:
> >errors.conversion.NumberFormatException=You must enter a number for the
> >{0} field, not {1}.
> >
> >Then when Struts comes across a type error, it raises the error then and
> >there, using a resource
> >such as the one above to report to the user.
> >
> >As mentioned earlier in this thread this option could be configurable in
> >Struts as it may not
> >always be desirable.
> >
> > > In 1.0, it will set the property to a (configurable) default value, but
> > > that's not a good solution when there's no obvious candidate meaning
> > > "invalid" (e.g. for a boolean). It also destroys the original user input,
> > > so when validate() fails and returns the user to the input form, you can no
> > > longer display to them the mistake they made. (By default, in the situation
> > > I described above, the user would see "0" where they entered "abc".)
> > >
> > > So it's really best if form bean properties are all strings. What you *can*
> > > do, though, is have your validate() method check that the value can be
> > > converted to what you want, and return an error if it can't. For example,
> > > you might use Integer.parseInt() to ensure that a valid integer was
> > entered.
> >
> >If the validate() method does the type ch

Re: Iteration with - BUG?

2001-02-27 Thread Martin Cooper


You have not closed the link tag. After the <%= display %>, you need

Also, you might want to look into using the Struts  tag
instead of using a while loop in a scriptlet.

Hope this helps.

Martin Cooper
Tumbleweed Communications

- Original Message -
From: "Anderson, Jessica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 1:02 PM
Subject: Iteration with  - BUG?

> I am attempting to iterate through an enumeration and display key/value
> pairs as part of the link using jsp expressions (<%= value %>).
> while (enum.hasMoreElements()){
> jsp = (String)enum.nextElement();
> display = (String)navigation.get(jsp);  %>
> <%=
> display %>
> <% } %>
> However, using this code results in the following error and it seems to
> something to do with the closing brace for the while loop.  I tested the
> while loop without the  tag included and it was working
> Is this a bug or am I missing something?
> Thanks,
> Jessica
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for
> 'while' expected.
> }
>  ^
> 'try' without 'catch' or 'finally'.
> } while (_jspx_th_html_link_22.doAfterBody() == BodyTag.EVAL_BODY_TAG);
>   ^
> 'finally' without 'try'.
> } finally {
>   ^
> 'try' without 'catch' or 'finally'.
> if (_jspx_th_html_link_22.doEndTag() == Tag.SKIP_PAGE)
> ^
> 'finally' without 'try'.
> } finally {
>   ^
> 5 errors
> at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
> at
> at
> at
> va:161)
> at
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
> at
> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> at
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
> at
> at
> )
> at

Bean display failure

2001-02-27 Thread Huhaibo

I wrote an application with a JSP to create Employee to database tables( using 
an action class ) and a JSP to list all employee in database. And the display of the 
latter JSP follows another action class( called ListEmployee ) , which retrieves data 
from database and construct a collection object in the request scope . The JSP looks 
like :


When I display the list first time , it looks ok . But when I click the link 
again , it just return a blank page for me.Only restart will solve the problem( but 
that means I could only display once ).Could anyone tell me the reason and how to 
resolve it?


Validating bean properties (WAS: Re: Stupd question aboutStruts and EJB.)

2001-02-27 Thread martin . cooper

Actually, the plan is to build exactly this type of validation into Struts 
1.1. In particular, I am hoping to incorporate it into the automated bean 
creation tool, one way or another.

The idea is to define your bean(s) in an XML file, and have the tool 
generate the actual bean code for you. When you define a bean, you can 
specify its type, along with some other validation rules (yet to be 
determined). The tool will create a validate() method, and that method will 
populate ActionErrors as appropriate.

My original thought was to generate code based on the validation rules. 
However, David Winterfeldt has written an interesting validator that runs 
off an XML spec directly. This may be a better approach, in that you can 
modify the rules later without recreating the bean, among other things.

I'm not sure how this will all fall out in the end, but I will be very 
surprised if Struts 1.1 does not include ways of automating the creation of 
form beans, and ways of specifying validation rules without writing code. 
There are several people interested in working on each of these topics, so 
I expect lots of interesting discussion on each and on how to integrate them.

Martin Cooper
Tumbleweed Communications

At 02:46 PM 2/28/01 +1100, Nick Pellow wrote:
> >
> > At 11:17 AM 2/28/01 +1100, Nick Pellow wrote:
> > >I am very new to struts as is, but as I far as I can tell from reading
> > >the implementation of the above method,
> > >the ActionForm can only have String properties. Is this correct?
> > >
> > >If so, it would be nice if the ActionForm could support types other than
> > >String and the
> > >struts engine would convert these in a similar fashion as Ant does to
> > >the attributes in the xml build file.
> >
> > Actually, Struts will attempt to convert values as it populates a form
> > bean. This is done in BeanUtils.populate(), which is called right at the
> > end of RequestUtils.populate().
>Ooops, thats what I was looking for but did not find.
> > However, the problem is what to do if it
> > can't be converted. For example, if I define a form bean property as an
> > int, and the request contains "abc", what should Struts do?
>Struts could create an ActionErrors object with an ActionError for each
>conversion error.
>If an error does get raised at that early stage, then one will no doubt
>be raised later on
>in the Action. The difference is that the coder has to
>a) check for the conversion error again,
>b) raise an error again.
>It also means that checking for such user mistakes is spread across
>mulitple layers in the application
>and also across multiple components within the system. I think it would
>be nice to centralize
>such type checking in one part of the system.
>The error message strings could be defined in a similar fashion to
>errors.header and errors.footer.
>Maybe something like:
>errors.conversion.NumberFormatException=You must enter a number for the
>{0} field, not {1}.
>Then when Struts comes across a type error, it raises the error then and
>there, using a resource
>such as the one above to report to the user.
>As mentioned earlier in this thread this option could be configurable in
>Struts as it may not
>always be desirable.
> > In 1.0, it will set the property to a (configurable) default value, but
> > that's not a good solution when there's no obvious candidate meaning
> > "invalid" (e.g. for a boolean). It also destroys the original user input,
> > so when validate() fails and returns the user to the input form, you can no
> > longer display to them the mistake they made. (By default, in the situation
> > I described above, the user would see "0" where they entered "abc".)
> >
> > So it's really best if form bean properties are all strings. What you *can*
> > do, though, is have your validate() method check that the value can be
> > converted to what you want, and return an error if it can't. For example,
> > you might use Integer.parseInt() to ensure that a valid integer was 
> entered.
>If the validate() method does the type checking then we must implement
>conversion code and type checking code in every single form bean we
>On large systems, this is sometimes very unfun.
>Any thoughts?
> >
> > --
> > Martin Cooper
> > Tumbleweed Communications

Re: Volunteer for Validation Framework

2001-02-27 Thread Spencer Smith

I have a lot of experience using validation.  I am of the opinion that if
possible validation should be done client-side using javascript.  Is there a
way to implement this by extending Struts?  If so, I would be very
interested in helping.  Currently, I am working on expanding Struts Custom
Tag Library.  I've added Pattern, IsRequired, and errorMessage to
Struts-html.tld and modified the Struts source files to accomodate for this.
It uses pattern because I am using Perl5 regular expressions to send the
validation parameterss to the Form bean.


- Original Message -
From: David Winterfeldt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 5:35 PM
Subject: Volunteer for Validation Framework

> I'd like to volunteer to help on client and server
> side validation listed on the Struts 1.1 To Do list.
> I added some basic support for constants (global and
> on the Locale level).  I also made the validations
> more configurable.  You can define what class and
> method should do a type of validation.  I added a
> depends attribute to the validation definitions so you
> could say that checking for an integer shouldn't be
> done until required validations are done.  It's
> probably needs some work on the logic, but it seems to
> be working on the basics.  Also a number of objects
> could be created and cached somewhere.
> I also started on some methods to do basic type
> checking.  It's just some numeric primitives right now
> and a date.  I added an example page to the sample
> webapp doing the type checking.
> The code and sample web app is on my site.  I have a
> basic explanation, but I think it's lacking since I've
> added so much, but the examples should help.
> David
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

struts and XSL

2001-02-27 Thread Michael_J_Quinn

 There are many competing technologies to embrace the
 Model 2 pattern.

 I get the feeling that XML/XSL and Struts are mutually
 exclusive.  Is this a valid concern ??


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Re: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.

2001-02-27 Thread Nick Pellow


> At 11:17 AM 2/28/01 +1100, Nick Pellow wrote:
> >I am very new to struts as is, but as I far as I can tell from reading
> >the implementation of the above method,
> >the ActionForm can only have String properties. Is this correct?
> >
> >If so, it would be nice if the ActionForm could support types other than
> >String and the
> >struts engine would convert these in a similar fashion as Ant does to
> >the attributes in the xml build file.
> Actually, Struts will attempt to convert values as it populates a form
> bean. This is done in BeanUtils.populate(), which is called right at the
> end of RequestUtils.populate(). 

Ooops, thats what I was looking for but did not find.

> However, the problem is what to do if it
> can't be converted. For example, if I define a form bean property as an
> int, and the request contains "abc", what should Struts do?

Struts could create an ActionErrors object with an ActionError for each
conversion error.
If an error does get raised at that early stage, then one will no doubt
be raised later on
in the Action. The difference is that the coder has to 
a) check for the conversion error again, 
b) raise an error again.
It also means that checking for such user mistakes is spread across
mulitple layers in the application
and also across multiple components within the system. I think it would
be nice to centralize
such type checking in one part of the system. 

The error message strings could be defined in a similar fashion to
errors.header and errors.footer.
Maybe something like: 
errors.conversion.NumberFormatException=You must enter a number for the
{0} field, not {1}.

Then when Struts comes across a type error, it raises the error then and
there, using a resource
such as the one above to report to the user.

As mentioned earlier in this thread this option could be configurable in
Struts as it may not
always be desirable.

> In 1.0, it will set the property to a (configurable) default value, but
> that's not a good solution when there's no obvious candidate meaning
> "invalid" (e.g. for a boolean). It also destroys the original user input,
> so when validate() fails and returns the user to the input form, you can no
> longer display to them the mistake they made. (By default, in the situation
> I described above, the user would see "0" where they entered "abc".)
> So it's really best if form bean properties are all strings. What you *can*
> do, though, is have your validate() method check that the value can be
> converted to what you want, and return an error if it can't. For example,
> you might use Integer.parseInt() to ensure that a valid integer was entered.

If the validate() method does the type checking then we must implement
conversion code and type checking code in every single form bean we
On large systems, this is sometimes very unfun.

Any thoughts?


> --
> Martin Cooper
> Tumbleweed Communications

Re: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.

2001-02-27 Thread martin . cooper

At 11:17 AM 2/28/01 +1100, Nick Pellow wrote:
>I am very new to struts as is, but as I far as I can tell from reading
>the implementation of the above method,
>the ActionForm can only have String properties. Is this correct?
>If so, it would be nice if the ActionForm could support types other than
>String and the
>struts engine would convert these in a similar fashion as Ant does to
>the attributes in the xml build file.

Actually, Struts will attempt to convert values as it populates a form 
bean. This is done in BeanUtils.populate(), which is called right at the 
end of RequestUtils.populate(). However, the problem is what to do if it 
can't be converted. For example, if I define a form bean property as an 
int, and the request contains "abc", what should Struts do?

In 1.0, it will set the property to a (configurable) default value, but 
that's not a good solution when there's no obvious candidate meaning 
"invalid" (e.g. for a boolean). It also destroys the original user input, 
so when validate() fails and returns the user to the input form, you can no 
longer display to them the mistake they made. (By default, in the situation 
I described above, the user would see "0" where they entered "abc".)

So it's really best if form bean properties are all strings. What you *can* 
do, though, is have your validate() method check that the value can be 
converted to what you want, and return an error if it can't. For example, 
you might use Integer.parseInt() to ensure that a valid integer was entered.

Martin Cooper
Tumbleweed Communications

RE: How does nested syntax in property attribute work

2001-02-27 Thread Deadman, Hal

In your example you would have a nested JavaBean in your form with a get
accessor that retrieved a nested JavaBean with a definition something like

private AddressBean mailingAddress = new AddressBean();

public AddressBean getMailingAddress();

The AddressBean would need to have getters and setters for a street
property. getStreet() and setStreet(String s).

When you submit the JSP, Struts would call the getMailingAddress() method to
return the nested javabean and then Struts would invoke setAddress and pass
in the data from the input text field. 

You would use this Struts feature if you have JavaBean already and you don't
want to duplicate all of its accessors in the form bean. Or if you want to
be able to pass the data in one JavaBean to a model component but you don't
want to pass Struts objects to your model components. 


-Original Message-
From: Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 7:15 PM
Subject: How does nested syntax in property attribute work


In some of the e-mails I have seen nested syntax being used for property
attribute, e.g.,

what does that mean? Is it that the getMailingAddress() method of the bean
will be called, and then what is ".street" for?


RE: form initialization using session

2001-02-27 Thread Simon Sadedin

>The way this is typically handled is to use an Action to populate the 
>bean.  So instead of linking your user directly to the JSP page, you
>them to an Action. 

Thanks for your response - i guess I arrived at the conclusion you
propose.  However I'm still unhappy with the notion that lots of forms
are going to need their own dedicated action just to initialize them.

Instead, I am experimenting with overriding the struts
processActionForm() to notice when the form is created and call a
form.create() method on my ActionForm subclass, passing the
request/session in at that time.  This seems to be working nicely - i
still have to have all requests for the page containing the form
accessed by an action to force initialization before the form is
displayed, but I have only one action class for all forms and the
initialization logic stays where it belongs - inside the form.

I'm curious if others think having a form.create() method would be
useful, and if so, if there is a possibiliy to incorporate it into the
struts core?  

I guess the signature would look like

  void create(HttpServletRequest request)

and it would be called each time a new action form bean instance is
created, on the instance created.



-Original Message-
From: Michael McCallister [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: form initialization using session

The way this is typically handled is to use an Action to populate the 
bean.  So instead of linking your user directly to the JSP page, you
them to an Action.  This Action typically loads the bean and then
the success mapping, which, in struts-config.xml, you've mapped to the
that displays the values from the bean.

The example application that comes with struts shows how to do this.
walking tour that accompanies the example explains it better than I 
have.  Look at the relationship between, 
subscription.jsp, and


At 11:46 AM 2/27/2001, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I am working on an application where form fields need to default to
>values that depend on the user's profile, which is stored in the
>session.  Unfortunately, it seems like struts forms are created
>automatically without any hooks that allow access to the session to
>initialize these fields.
>The only thing that I can think of is to have our application
>proactively place the forms into the session with values initialized,
>possibly to have the form page link through an action which creates and
>initializes the form.  However this abandons the utility of having
>struts automatically create the forms for us - one of the many nice
>things about struts!
>This seems to me like it would be a common problem.  Does anyone have a
>good solution for it?

Simple question about Struts

2001-02-27 Thread javaCool

Has anyone used Allaire's JRun and Struts yet?  If so, are any of you fine
people willing to share tips or tricks of what to do or not do?  Thanks in

Mike V.

Newbie to Struts

2001-02-27 Thread JeanX

Hi all,

Pls excuse for my poor english.
I want to put request URIs that mapped to some actions in  tag 
like this:

And the container can execute the requested action ,but the client can not 
get the correct response.
So pls help me.

Best regards,

Has the image tag property attribute problem been fixed?

2001-02-27 Thread Sundar @eSaravana


 Where is 26th nightly build binary/src version? Or any other build that has
image tag fixed for property attribute.


How does nested syntax in property attribute work

2001-02-27 Thread Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004


In some of the e-mails I have seen nested syntax being used for property attribute, 

what does that mean? Is it that the getMailingAddress() method of the bean will be 
called, and then what is ".street" for?


Re: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.

2001-02-27 Thread Nick Pellow

> This is the approach that I am using, but to simplify the design I have
> interconnected the view and model. I would like to eliminate this coupling-
> so if anyone has some suggestions or could recommend a pattern I could apply
> please let me know :) What I am doing is creating entity beans that resemble
> the ActionForm as much as possible- for the most part there is a loose 1 to
> 1 relationship between entity EJB and ActionForm. There are some exceptions,
> but this is how 80% of the app is designed. I use session EJBs to manage the
> entity EJBs and map these to appropriate ActionForms (using the Struts
> copyProperties util). So, the session EJB must be aware of the ActionForm,
> since this is the object that it returns. To persist data, the ActionServlet
> obtains a reference to the session EJB and would send a save() method I have
> implemented the ActionForm which then is copied to an entity EJB. Ideally
> there should be a proxy between the EJB tier and the Struts tier, so the
> session EJB does not need to be aware of the ActionForm. But, I am not about
> to create another intermediate object with the same properties and
> setters/getters. Some of my forms have up to 30 properties so this is way
> too much work! I think this should be done automatically.
> One more thing- the copyProperties requires that properties are the same
> type. But, the view is basically just String-based where the ejb tier
> consists of real Date, BigDecimal, etc... So what I find myself doing is
> creating additional methods in the ActionForm that make this transformation.
> For example setCustomerId(BigDecimal) and setCustomerIdStr(String). Then use
> the string version for Struts, and when copyProperties is invoked it will
> map the BigDecimal value to the EJB. Perhaps I should extend copyProperties
> to support basic type conversions- or has this already been done elsewhere?
> thoughts or suggestions?

I can see what you mean. The 
RequestUtils.populate(Object bean, String prefix, String suffix, 
HttpServletRequest request)
methods do no type conversions.
So do you call the additional conversion methods during the validate()
method on the ActionForm?

I am very new to struts as is, but as I far as I can tell from reading
the implementation of the above method, 
the ActionForm can only have String properties. Is this correct?

If so, it would be nice if the ActionForm could support types other than
String and the
struts engine would convert these in a similar fashion as Ant does to
the attributes in the xml build file.
An error message could be returned to the user if they entered a String
into an Integer field, say.
This behavour may not be always desired, so it could be switched on and
off in the .
 This may open a can of worms however, Date formats spring to mind.
However, comming from a background of using tags in anger, I wrote a lot
of code
converting Strings to other objects, (mostly Longs, ints, (B)booleans ).

Just my 2 Bobs worth.


> Thanks,
> Bob
> -Original Message-
> From: Nick Pellow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:23 PM
> Subject: Re: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.
> Hello,
> Robert Leland wrote:
> >
> > As far as struts 1.0, the Form bean is used only to redisplay
> > information to the jsp page. Typically the EJB might be loaded/unloaded in
> the
> > action class. If you search,m Craig talked more about
> this in detail.
> My understanding is that with struts you should keep your EJBs entirely
> independant of
> anything to do with struts or servlets. You can and should however have
> a standard naming
> convention for the getters and setters across the EJB, the ActionForm
> and the html form elements.
> this allows you to call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(java.lang.Object
> dest, java.lang.Object orig)
> when you are ready to store the details entered by the user.
> Please let me know if this does not sound right.
> Cheers,
> Nick
> > In future version of struts this may be enhanced.
> >
> > -Rob
> >
> > > Cameron Ingram0 wrote:
> > >
> > > I am in the process of convincing my company to go with MVC and Struts.
> As with any thing new,
> > > people are sometimes resistant
> > > to change. One of the opposition questions I am getting is, how will
> this work with EJB(problem is
> > > I don't know too much about EJB currently).  Do the EJB's references
> just go in the Form and
> > > Action Bean and every thing else behaves the same? Are there any obvious
> points that I can bring
> > > up on the subject?
> > > Any help on this subject would be much appreciated!
> > >
> > > Thanks, Cameron Ingram

RE: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.

2001-02-27 Thread rhayden

This is the approach that I am using, but to simplify the design I have
interconnected the view and model. I would like to eliminate this coupling-
so if anyone has some suggestions or could recommend a pattern I could apply
please let me know :) What I am doing is creating entity beans that resemble
the ActionForm as much as possible- for the most part there is a loose 1 to
1 relationship between entity EJB and ActionForm. There are some exceptions,
but this is how 80% of the app is designed. I use session EJBs to manage the
entity EJBs and map these to appropriate ActionForms (using the Struts
copyProperties util). So, the session EJB must be aware of the ActionForm,
since this is the object that it returns. To persist data, the ActionServlet
obtains a reference to the session EJB and would send a save() method I have
implemented the ActionForm which then is copied to an entity EJB. Ideally
there should be a proxy between the EJB tier and the Struts tier, so the
session EJB does not need to be aware of the ActionForm. But, I am not about
to create another intermediate object with the same properties and
setters/getters. Some of my forms have up to 30 properties so this is way
too much work! I think this should be done automatically.

One more thing- the copyProperties requires that properties are the same
type. But, the view is basically just String-based where the ejb tier
consists of real Date, BigDecimal, etc... So what I find myself doing is
creating additional methods in the ActionForm that make this transformation.
For example setCustomerId(BigDecimal) and setCustomerIdStr(String). Then use
the string version for Struts, and when copyProperties is invoked it will
map the BigDecimal value to the EJB. Perhaps I should extend copyProperties
to support basic type conversions- or has this already been done elsewhere?

thoughts or suggestions?


-Original Message-
From: Nick Pellow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.


Robert Leland wrote:
> As far as struts 1.0, the Form bean is used only to redisplay
> information to the jsp page. Typically the EJB might be loaded/unloaded in
> action class. If you search,m Craig talked more about
this in detail.

My understanding is that with struts you should keep your EJBs entirely
independant of
anything to do with struts or servlets. You can and should however have
a standard naming
convention for the getters and setters across the EJB, the ActionForm
and the html form elements.
this allows you to call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(java.lang.Object
dest, java.lang.Object orig)
when you are ready to store the details entered by the user.

Please let me know if this does not sound right.


> In future version of struts this may be enhanced.
> -Rob
> > Cameron Ingram0 wrote:
> >
> > I am in the process of convincing my company to go with MVC and Struts.
As with any thing new,
> > people are sometimes resistant
> > to change. One of the opposition questions I am getting is, how will
this work with EJB(problem is
> > I don't know too much about EJB currently).  Do the EJB's references
just go in the Form and
> > Action Bean and every thing else behaves the same? Are there any obvious
points that I can bring
> > up on the subject?
> > Any help on this subject would be much appreciated!
> >
> > Thanks, Cameron Ingram

Re: Where are form tags?

2001-02-27 Thread martin . cooper

I'm not sure exactly what problem you're seeing, but here are a couple of 
points that might be relevant:

1) The taglib that used to be referred to with the 'form' prefix (e.g. 
) is now deprecated. Those tags are now in the 'html' taglib 
(e.g. ). The old struts-form.tld is still there, but is marked 
as deprecated.

2) The struts-*.tld files are not part of the source distribution. They are 
generated from the struts-*.xml files as a part of the build process.

Hope this helps.

Martin Cooper
Tumbleweed Communications

At 10:41 AM 2/27/01 -0700, Sundar @eSaravana wrote:
>In the beta release, which I downloaded and built, struts.jar did not have
>html tags. So, I just downloaded yesterday's binary and it does not have
>form tags. Am I missing something here?
>Any information is appreciated.

Re: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik

I have the similar case with Beans not implemented "Serializable". I will use
PropertyUtils.copyProperties(destBean, srcBean) to propogate the properties.

Nick Pellow wrote:

> Hello,
> Robert Leland wrote:
> >
> > As far as struts 1.0, the Form bean is used only to redisplay
> > information to the jsp page. Typically the EJB might be loaded/unloaded in the
> > action class. If you search,m Craig talked more about this in 
> My understanding is that with struts you should keep your EJBs entirely
> independant of
> anything to do with struts or servlets. You can and should however have
> a standard naming
> convention for the getters and setters across the EJB, the ActionForm
> and the html form elements.
> this allows you to call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(java.lang.Object
> dest, java.lang.Object orig)
> when you are ready to store the details entered by the user.
> Please let me know if this does not sound right.
> Cheers,
> Nick
> > In future version of struts this may be enhanced.
> >
> > -Rob
> >
> > > Cameron Ingram0 wrote:
> > >
> > > I am in the process of convincing my company to go with MVC and Struts. As with 
>any thing new,
> > > people are sometimes resistant
> > > to change. One of the opposition questions I am getting is, how will this work 
>with EJB(problem is
> > > I don't know too much about EJB currently).  Do the EJB's references just go in 
>the Form and
> > > Action Bean and every thing else behaves the same? Are there any obvious points 
>that I can bring
> > > up on the subject?
> > > Any help on this subject would be much appreciated!
> > >
> > > Thanks, Cameron Ingram

RE: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.

2001-02-27 Thread Deadman, Hal

I use EJBs without using copyProperties although it's a matter of
preference. I have a set of JavaBeans that you could call "Data Beans"
because they are often similar to my Entity Beans and they don't contain any
business logic. They are struts free and I pass these data beans to some EJB
components. I often nest the data bean inside the ActionForm class as a
property and use the Struts nested property functionality to populate the
Data JavaBean directly. Sometimes I don't use a nested JavaBean and I just
pass the individual properties of the form to the EJB component. I like
using nested java beans better than calling copyproperties because if I have
a Databean anyway, I don't want to have to redefine lots of getters and
setters in the Struts form bean. 

-Original Message-
From: Nick Pellow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.


Robert Leland wrote:
> As far as struts 1.0, the Form bean is used only to redisplay
> information to the jsp page. Typically the EJB might be loaded/unloaded in
> action class. If you search,m Craig talked more about
this in detail.

My understanding is that with struts you should keep your EJBs entirely
independant of
anything to do with struts or servlets. You can and should however have
a standard naming
convention for the getters and setters across the EJB, the ActionForm
and the html form elements.
this allows you to call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(java.lang.Object
dest, java.lang.Object orig)
when you are ready to store the details entered by the user.

Please let me know if this does not sound right.


> In future version of struts this may be enhanced.
> -Rob
> > Cameron Ingram0 wrote:
> >
> > I am in the process of convincing my company to go with MVC and Struts.
As with any thing new,
> > people are sometimes resistant
> > to change. One of the opposition questions I am getting is, how will
this work with EJB(problem is
> > I don't know too much about EJB currently).  Do the EJB's references
just go in the Form and
> > Action Bean and every thing else behaves the same? Are there any obvious
points that I can bring
> > up on the subject?
> > Any help on this subject would be much appreciated!
> >
> > Thanks, Cameron Ingram

Re: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.

2001-02-27 Thread Nick Pellow


Robert Leland wrote:
> As far as struts 1.0, the Form bean is used only to redisplay
> information to the jsp page. Typically the EJB might be loaded/unloaded in the
> action class. If you search,m Craig talked more about this in 

My understanding is that with struts you should keep your EJBs entirely
independant of
anything to do with struts or servlets. You can and should however have
a standard naming
convention for the getters and setters across the EJB, the ActionForm
and the html form elements.
this allows you to call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(java.lang.Object
dest, java.lang.Object orig)
when you are ready to store the details entered by the user.

Please let me know if this does not sound right.


> In future version of struts this may be enhanced.
> -Rob
> > Cameron Ingram0 wrote:
> >
> > I am in the process of convincing my company to go with MVC and Struts. As with 
>any thing new,
> > people are sometimes resistant
> > to change. One of the opposition questions I am getting is, how will this work 
>with EJB(problem is
> > I don't know too much about EJB currently).  Do the EJB's references just go in 
>the Form and
> > Action Bean and every thing else behaves the same? Are there any obvious points 
>that I can bring
> > up on the subject?
> > Any help on this subject would be much appreciated!
> >
> > Thanks, Cameron Ingram

RE: Is the struts example itself is multi-thread safe?

2001-02-27 Thread Deadman, Hal

The example is thread safe. Methods don't need to be synchronized if they
aren't manipulating a shared object such as an instance variable. If your
action class doesn't have any instance variables and it only deals with
local variables and parameters then there is a good bet that it is thread


-Original Message-
From: Maya Muchnik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:09 PM
Subject: Is the struts example itself is multi-thread safe? 


In "A Walking Tour of the Struts App", the author has mentioned that "There
is only one object for each action (URI), so your action objects must be
multi-thread safe". Is the example itself is multi-thread safe?
I am asking this, because are several actions here, but not one of them use
"synchronized" statement.

Maybe I am missing something...

THANKS in advance.


Is the struts example itself is multi-thread safe?

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik


In "A Walking Tour of the Struts App", the author has mentioned that "There is only 
one object for each action (URI), so your action objects must be
multi-thread safe". Is the example itself is multi-thread safe?
I am asking this, because are several actions here, but not one of them use 
"synchronized" statement.

Maybe I am missing something...

THANKS in advance.


RE: How do I iterate thru a hashtable using iterate tag?

2001-02-27 Thread Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004

No, the typo was on my email not in the code.


-Original Message-
From: Maya Muchnik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: How do I iterate thru a hashtable using iterate tag?


Check the properties names. In the working variant they are:
code, name, countryName. In the 2nd (not working variant) they are:
seq_nbr, name, country_name.
The second, maybe underscore sign is not allowed.

Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004 wrote:

> Hi,
> Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong below:
> user is a bean in session scope in my JSP and its getSuppliers() method returns a 
>hashtable where keys are Suppliers Ids and elements are Supplier beans.
> type="com.motorola.mms.msqc.beans.SupplierBean">
> --
> I had the following code earlier and that was working.
> <%
> Hashtable hashTable = (Hashtable) user.getSuppliers();
> for (Enumeration e = hashTable.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
> SupplierBean supplier = (SupplierBean) e.nextElement();
> %>
> <%= supplier.getCode() %>
> <%= supplier.getName() %>
> <%= supplier.getCountryName() %>
> <% } %>
> Thanks in advance.
> -Nimmi

Modeling Struts apps with TogetherJ?

2001-02-27 Thread Bryan Field-Elliot

I'm exercising my new copy of TogetherJ, and at the same time learning 
Struts for the first time. I was wondering if anyone has had any 
experience trying to model a Struts application using Together? (e.g. 
which diagram types did you use, etc.)?


Re: Has any one used struts and log4j successfully?

2001-02-27 Thread Mark Balster

PropertyConfigurator.configure() does like an absolute path and you still
can give it one using a relative web path in your webapp directory.  You can
even specify the relative path your struts resource file ( if you chose to
do so ).

If you use a startup servlet, something like this should work:

MessageResources messages = (MessageResources)

Properties props = new Properties();
try {
FileInputStream inFile = new
pertiesFile")) );

// manipulate what needs to be manipulated :-)

getServletContext().getRealPath(messages.getMessage("Log.Qwickrate"))  );


getServletContext().getRealPath(messages.getMessage("Log.DDR"))  );

// configure the logging device

} catch (IOException io) {

- Original Message -
From: "Martin J. La Jeunesse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 3:57 PM
Subject: RE: Has any one used struts and log4j successfully?

> I had a little trouble using PropertyConfigurator.configure() to log to a
> file: I wasn't exactly sure where to put the .lcf file so that servlets
> could find it. I ended-up coding an absolute location. I kind-of thought
> should go in the application directory under WEBAPPS or in the application
> web-inf, but that didn't seem to work. Other than that, works great!
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Sundar @eSaravana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 11:02 AM
> > Subject: Has any one used struts and log4j successfully?
> >
> >
> > Has anyone used log4j with struts? I have used log4j before,
> > but I am new to
> > struts. So, I am just looking for a short cut. If you
> > have,could you please
> > send me some code fragments to start off.
> >
> > I would really appreciate it.
> >
> > Cheers.!
> > Sundar
> >

RE: Has any one used struts and log4j successfully?

2001-02-27 Thread Martin J. La Jeunesse

I had a little trouble using PropertyConfigurator.configure() to log to a
file: I wasn't exactly sure where to put the .lcf file so that servlets
could find it. I ended-up coding an absolute location. I kind-of thought it
should go in the application directory under WEBAPPS or in the application
web-inf, but that didn't seem to work. Other than that, works great!

> -Original Message-
> From: Sundar @eSaravana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 11:02 AM
> Subject: Has any one used struts and log4j successfully?
> Has anyone used log4j with struts? I have used log4j before,
> but I am new to
> struts. So, I am just looking for a short cut. If you
> have,could you please
> send me some code fragments to start off.
> I would really appreciate it.
> Cheers.!
> Sundar

German version of presentation online!

2001-02-27 Thread Craig Tataryn

Uwe Pleyer of Germany was gracious enough to translate the Struts
Prensentation at to
German!  Check it out if that is your native tounge.

Now I don't know German personally, so let me know if it's a real
translation, or just some German drinking song ;)

Thanks Uwe!

Craig T.

I've been trying to change the world for years, but they just won't give
me the source code

org:Compuware;Professional Division
adr:;;3600 West 80th St. Suite 400;Bloomington;MN;55431;United States of America
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Staff Analyst
fn:Craig Tataryn

Iteration with - BUG?

2001-02-27 Thread Anderson, Jessica

I am attempting to iterate through an enumeration and display key/value
pairs as part of the link using jsp expressions (<%= value %>).

while (enum.hasMoreElements()){ 
jsp = (String)enum.nextElement();
display = (String)navigation.get(jsp);  %>

display %>

<% } %>

However, using this code results in the following error and it seems to have
something to do with the closing brace for the while loop.  I tested the
while loop without the  tag included and it was working properly.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for
JSPE:\jakarta-tomcat\work\localhost_8080%2Finternal\_0002fjsp_0002fnavigatio 'while' expected.
E:\jakarta-tomcat\work\localhost_8080%2Finternal\_0002fjsp_0002fnavigation_0 'try' without 'catch' or 'finally'.
} while (_jspx_th_html_link_22.doAfterBody() == BodyTag.EVAL_BODY_TAG);
E:\jakarta-tomcat\work\localhost_8080%2Finternal\_0002fjsp_0002fnavigation_0 'finally' without 'try'.
} finally {
E:\jakarta-tomcat\work\localhost_8080%2Finternal\_0002fjsp_0002fnavigation_0 'try' without 'catch' or 'finally'.
if (_jspx_th_html_link_22.doEndTag() == Tag.SKIP_PAGE)
E:\jakarta-tomcat\work\localhost_8080%2Finternal\_0002fjsp_0002fnavigation_0 'finally' without 'try'.
} finally {
5 errors

at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Re: (Newbie question) Abstracting/wrapping the HTML tag

2001-02-27 Thread Michael McCallister

This is what I use:

Then in Style.jsp, you can do any logic you need to tailor the 
stylesheet.  It's not especially sophisticated, but the bottom line concept 
is that your stylesheet need not be static text.


At 02:43 PM 2/27/2001, you wrote:

>We specify CSS files in our JSP output with the HTML  tag.  The
>precise CSS files referenced should sometimes be different depending on
>locale and a concept of brand within our application. I could easily write
>my own JSP tag to do this but I was wondering if struts already offered
>something along these lines? If nothing else, I could build upon struts
>syntax in my own tag...
>Bern McCarty
>Bentley Systems, Inc.

Re: How do I iterate thru a hashtable using iterate tag?

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik


Check the properties names. In the working variant they are:
code, name, countryName. In the 2nd (not working variant) they are:
seq_nbr, name, country_name.
The second, maybe underscore sign is not allowed.

Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004 wrote:

> Hi,
> Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong below:
> user is a bean in session scope in my JSP and its getSuppliers() method returns a 
>hashtable where keys are Suppliers Ids and elements are Supplier beans.
> type="com.motorola.mms.msqc.beans.SupplierBean">
> --
> I had the following code earlier and that was working.
> <%
> Hashtable hashTable = (Hashtable) user.getSuppliers();
> for (Enumeration e = hashTable.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
> SupplierBean supplier = (SupplierBean) e.nextElement();
> %>
> <%= supplier.getCode() %>
> <%= supplier.getName() %>
> <%= supplier.getCountryName() %>
> <% } %>
> Thanks in advance.
> -Nimmi

Re: stupid Q: setters are not called if properties are empty

2001-02-27 Thread martin . cooper

It's not a stupid question. I'm not sure if it's off-topic or not. :-)

The JSP fragment you posted suggests that your JSP is being invoked 
directly. That is, the URL coming from the browser references the JSP, and 
not a Struts Action (e.g. If this is the case, then I don't 
think Struts can help you much, since it won't have a chance to touch the bean.

In a typical Struts application, the request will be handled by the 
controller servlet, which will parse the request and populate a form bean 
with the parameters. An Action will then process the request and forward to 
a JSP for displaying the results to the user. In this scenario, since 
Struts populated form bean for you, there is usually no need to use the 
useBean/setProperty mechanism you have.

Also - and this is the piece you need - the controller servlet will call 
the reset() method on your form bean immediately before populating it with 
the values from the new request. That gives you the chance to clear out the 
old values, so that they are not left in the form bean if there is no 
corresponding value in the request.

Hope this helps.

Martin Cooper
Tumbleweed Communications

At 10:42 PM 2/27/01 +0800, Kan Leung, MK wrote:
>Sorry if you find if this is a bit off topic. ;)
>Hi all,
>Hope this is not a FAQ. (I spent 2 hours to do net search but didn't
>get a good answer)
>Introspection magic makes the property setters called if they match the
>input parameters by GET or by POST.
>e.g. URL?address1=a&address2=&address3=
>There are exceptions: setters of some parameters which have no value
>won't get called. In the above string, the later two are not called
>because they have no values assigned. Suppose my bean has session scope.
>Values kept unchanged.
>My question is: how can the web users clear a text field if the field is
>incorrectly filled?
>I suppose the introspection magic is a life-saver. I just don't want to
>check the return value of request.getParameter("address2) for each input
>to determine if it's empty.
>Can anybody give me a good alternative to clear unwanted fields easily?
>Digital Empires Company Limited

(Newbie question) Abstracting/wrapping the HTML tag

2001-02-27 Thread Bern McCarty

We specify CSS files in our JSP output with the HTML  tag.  The
precise CSS files referenced should sometimes be different depending on
locale and a concept of brand within our application. I could easily write
my own JSP tag to do this but I was wondering if struts already offered
something along these lines? If nothing else, I could build upon struts
syntax in my own tag...

Bern McCarty
Bentley Systems, Inc.

RE: Struggling with select/options

2001-02-27 Thread Martin J. La Jeunesse

Jean-Noel, merci beaucoup.
Although using the collection mode of options, rather than name made, I'm
accomplishing what I wanted to do.
thanks again

> -Original Message-
> From: Jean-Noël Ribette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 7:43 AM
> Subject: Re: Struggling with select/options
> > Did you put an int in your collection ? Did you try with a Integer ?
> Not in the collection of course but check you don't have an
> int which should
> be an Integer or a String somewhere.

Re: Has any one used struts and log4j successfully?

2001-02-27 Thread Puneet Vardhan


   Is there anyway that I could prevent the call to getInstance of Category
in every action class.
  So I can have instance of Category in base action class and every other
class would extend from it.
  public class baseAction extends Action {
static Category cat =

  this way I can just use this cat instance in all other action class which
extends from this base...
  public class logonAction extends baseAction{
and I can put cat.debug etc. here

  but the problem is that it would always print the base class name in the
  I was wondering if it is required to have Category as static bcoz
otherwise I could pass the instance name of every classs instance to it..

I currently use Log4j with NDC enabled combined with struts.

Here is how I use it:

- Run PropertyConfigurator from a startup servlet
- import org.apache.log4j.Category in your code
- set reference to log4j in your code

public class loginAction extends Action {
static Category cat = Category.getInstance(loginAction.class.getName());


and in the body just call it:
if ( cat.isDebugEnabled() )
cat.debug("Attempting login with session: " + sessionid);

I hope that helps.  I wish all products were as easy as log4j to integrate.


- Original Message -
From: "Sundar @eSaravana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:01 PM
Subject: Has any one used struts and log4j successfully?

> Has anyone used log4j with struts? I have used log4j before, but I am new
> struts. So, I am just looking for a short cut. If you have,could you
> send me some code fragments to start off.
> I would really appreciate it.
> Cheers.!
> Sundar

How do I iterate thru a hashtable using iterate tag?

2001-02-27 Thread Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004


Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong below:

user is a bean in session scope in my JSP and its getSuppliers() method returns a 
hashtable where keys are Suppliers Ids and elements are Supplier beans. 

I had the following code earlier and that was working.

Hashtable hashTable = (Hashtable) user.getSuppliers();
for (Enumeration e = hashTable.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
SupplierBean supplier = (SupplierBean) e.nextElement();

<%= supplier.getCode() %>
<%= supplier.getName() %>
<%= supplier.getCountryName() %>

<% } %>

Thanks in advance.


RE: struts-example - handle of ServletException

2001-02-27 Thread Deadman, Hal

This is the 3rd or 4th thank you email!!! We have so many emails. The Life
is bad. 

But seriously, I think everyone is thankful for responses they get to their
submissions. If everyone thanked people for every response the list would be
too cluttered. Why not say thanks in advance?


-Original Message-
From: Maya Muchnik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: struts-example - handle of ServletException

Thank you Incze. This is the 3rd or 4th good suggestions!!! We have so many
The Life is good.

Incze Lajos wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 27, 2001 at 12:07:15PM -0500, Maya Muchnik wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Do you have any ideas how registration.jsp file (struts-example) can be
> > changed to handle a situation when a user call it directly. I do not
"like" a
> > SevletException to be displayed:
> >
> > Error: 500
> > Location: /struts-example/registration.jsp
> > Internal Servlet Error:
> >
> > javax.servlet.ServletException: No bean found under attribute key
> > registrationForm.A LOT OF ERRORS MESSAGES
> >
> > It is better to display some "friendly" error message or return to
> >
> > Maya
> >
> To avoid situations when a user targets directly to view page I see
> three strategies:
> 1. Take all your view pages under WEB-INF.
> 2. Use container managed security and disable access to directories
>where your view pages reside (thes will be available only for
>servlet dispather's forwarding/including).
> 3. Place a logic at the start of your view pages which checks the
>calling URL and redirects/forwards to the appropriate controler
> Each of them has their odds but couldn't find a better solution so far.
>   incze

Re: struts-example - handle of ServletException

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik

Thank you Incze. This is the 3rd or 4th good suggestions!!! We have so many gurus.
The Life is good.

Incze Lajos wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 27, 2001 at 12:07:15PM -0500, Maya Muchnik wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Do you have any ideas how registration.jsp file (struts-example) can be
> > changed to handle a situation when a user call it directly. I do not "like" a
> > SevletException to be displayed:
> >
> > Error: 500
> > Location: /struts-example/registration.jsp
> > Internal Servlet Error:
> >
> > javax.servlet.ServletException: No bean found under attribute key
> > registrationForm.A LOT OF ERRORS MESSAGES
> >
> > It is better to display some "friendly" error message or return to login.jsp.
> >
> > Maya
> >
> To avoid situations when a user targets directly to view page I see
> three strategies:
> 1. Take all your view pages under WEB-INF.
> 2. Use container managed security and disable access to directories
>where your view pages reside (thes will be available only for
>servlet dispather's forwarding/including).
> 3. Place a logic at the start of your view pages which checks the
>calling URL and redirects/forwards to the appropriate controler
> Each of them has their odds but couldn't find a better solution so far.
>   incze

Re: Problems trying to deploy the struts example (1.0b) on solaris

2001-02-27 Thread Pablo Estades Fernández

Yes, yes, yes...

When I've installed jdk1.3 the problem has


--- Maya Muchnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: >
Is this the same index.jsp from struts-example? If
> so, I do not have a
> problem to run example on Sun 2.7 and JDK 1.3.
> Maya
> Pablo Estades Fernández wrote:
> > More information;
> >
> > Here is my problematic index.jsp.
> >
> > Do you think the error can be related to NOT to
> use
> > JDK1.3?
> >
> > <%@ page language="java" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld"
> > prefix="bean" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld"
> > prefix="html" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld"
> > prefix="logic" %>
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> >  scope="application">
> >   
> > ERROR:  User database not loaded -- check
> servlet
> > container logs
> > for error messages.
> >   
> >   
> > 
> >
> >  > name="org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE"
> > scope="application">
> >   
> > ERROR:  Application resources not loaded --
> check
> > servlet container
> > logs for error messages.
> >   
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> >  >
page="/"> > key="index.registration"/>
> >  > key="index.logon"/>
> > 
> >
> >  
> >  size="1">A
> > Walking Tour of the Example
> Application
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> >
> > --- Pablo Estades Fernández <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > escribió: > Hi all,
> > >
> > > The struts example works fine on my W2K but when
> I
> > > try
> > > to deploy it on solaris fails.
> > >
> > > This is my setup:
> > > Solaris 2.6
> > > Sun JDK1.2
> > >
> > > If it helps you, you can take a look on the
> > >, the start script
> (
> > > and
> > > the log (weblogic_pgn.log)
> > >
> > > If you need something more, please tell me.
> > >
> > > Thanx!
> > > Pablo.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de
> > > correo con
> > > Yahoo! Messenger -
> >
> > > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/x-zip-compressed
> >
> >
> >
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de
> correo con
> > Yahoo! Messenger -

Pablo Estades Fernández ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
OCTO Technology (

C/ Albacete, 5 - 7a Pl. 28027 Madrid
Tel : + 34 - 91 405 93 80

Do You Yahoo!?
Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de correo con 
Yahoo! Messenger -

Re: struts-example - handle of ServletException

2001-02-27 Thread Incze Lajos

On Tue, Feb 27, 2001 at 12:07:15PM -0500, Maya Muchnik wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you have any ideas how registration.jsp file (struts-example) can be
> changed to handle a situation when a user call it directly. I do not "like" a
> SevletException to be displayed:
> Error: 500
> Location: /struts-example/registration.jsp
> Internal Servlet Error:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: No bean found under attribute key
> registrationForm.A LOT OF ERRORS MESSAGES
> It is better to display some "friendly" error message or return to login.jsp.
> Maya
To avoid situations when a user targets directly to view page I see
three strategies:

1. Take all your view pages under WEB-INF.
2. Use container managed security and disable access to directories
   where your view pages reside (thes will be available only for
   servlet dispather's forwarding/including).
3. Place a logic at the start of your view pages which checks the
   calling URL and redirects/forwards to the appropriate controler

Each of them has their odds but couldn't find a better solution so far.

Re: Has any one used struts and log4j successfully?

2001-02-27 Thread Mark Balster

I currently use Log4j with NDC enabled combined with struts.

Here is how I use it:

- Run PropertyConfigurator from a startup servlet
- import org.apache.log4j.Category in your code
- set reference to log4j in your code

public class loginAction extends Action {
static Category cat = Category.getInstance(loginAction.class.getName());


and in the body just call it:
if ( cat.isDebugEnabled() )
cat.debug("Attempting login with session: " + sessionid);

I hope that helps.  I wish all products were as easy as log4j to integrate.


- Original Message -
From: "Sundar @eSaravana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:01 PM
Subject: Has any one used struts and log4j successfully?

> Has anyone used log4j with struts? I have used log4j before, but I am new
> struts. So, I am just looking for a short cut. If you have,could you
> send me some code fragments to start off.
> I would really appreciate it.
> Cheers.!
> Sundar

Has any one used struts and log4j successfully?

2001-02-27 Thread Sundar @eSaravana

Has anyone used log4j with struts? I have used log4j before, but I am new to
struts. So, I am just looking for a short cut. If you have,could you please
send me some code fragments to start off.

I would really appreciate it.


Re: form initialization using session

2001-02-27 Thread Michael McCallister

The way this is typically handled is to use an Action to populate the 
bean.  So instead of linking your user directly to the JSP page, you link 
them to an Action.  This Action typically loads the bean and then returns 
the success mapping, which, in struts-config.xml, you've mapped to the JSP 
that displays the values from the bean.

The example application that comes with struts shows how to do this.  The 
walking tour that accompanies the example explains it better than I 
have.  Look at the relationship between, 
subscription.jsp, and


At 11:46 AM 2/27/2001, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I am working on an application where form fields need to default to
>values that depend on the user's profile, which is stored in the
>session.  Unfortunately, it seems like struts forms are created
>automatically without any hooks that allow access to the session to
>initialize these fields.
>The only thing that I can think of is to have our application
>proactively place the forms into the session with values initialized,
>possibly to have the form page link through an action which creates and
>initializes the form.  However this abandons the utility of having
>struts automatically create the forms for us - one of the many nice
>things about struts!
>This seems to me like it would be a common problem.  Does anyone have a
>good solution for it?

Question about iterate tag

2001-02-27 Thread Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004


Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong below:

user is a bean in session scope in my JSP and its getSuppliers() method returns a 
hashtable where keys are Suppliers Ids and elements are Supplier beans. 

Thanks in advance.


Re: struts-example - handle of ServletException

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik

Thank you, Peter. So many good implementations around!

Peter Alfors wrote:

> We wrap errors in our own exception class, and store them in our request/session.
> Then redirect the user to a standard error page that knows how to retrieve the
> error from the request/session, and display it in a 'friendly' way to the user.
> Our exception class contains a user message, as well as the actuall error.  The
> standard error page displays the user message with a link to an 'error details'
> page that displays the actual error, stack trace, etc (for developers, admins,
> etc).
> This allows your errors to be localized as well.  :)
> Pete
> Maya Muchnik wrote:
> > Thank you.
> > I thought, that some struts "magic" I can use. If I will use a standard
> > "errorPage" as you suggest, I will lose all pluses of the good struts
> > interface.
> > Maya
> >
> > Jean-Noël Ribette wrote:
> >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: Maya Muchnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:07 PM
> > > Subject: struts-example - handle of ServletException
> > >
> > > > Hi,
> > > > Do you have any ideas how registration.jsp file (struts-example) can be
> > > > changed to handle a situation when a user call it directly. I do not
> > > "like" a
> > > > SevletException to be displayed:
> > > >
> > > > Error: 500
> > > > Location: /struts-example/registration.jsp
> > > > Internal Servlet Error:
> > > >
> > > > javax.servlet.ServletException: No bean found under attribute key
> > > > registrationForm.A LOT OF ERRORS MESSAGES
> > > >
> > > > It is better to display some "friendly" error message or return to
> > > login.jsp.
> > > >
> > >
> > > Hi Maya,
> > >
> > > You can specify a defaut error page in case you get a exception in your page
> > > using the <%@ page errorPage="myErrorPage.jsp" %> tag. If an error occurs in
> > > the JSP, the user is send to this page. Have a look at the jsp spec for more
> > > details.
> > >
> > > Jean-Noël

Re: struts-example - handle of ServletException

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik

Thank you, David.

David Winterfeldt wrote:

> You can always add some logic tags at the top of the
> registration.jsp to check if he is logged in, certain
> objects are in scope that the form needs, etc.  If the
> criteria aren't met, forward him to any page you want
> and display a message.  You could also forward it to
> an page that could create a struts error
> message that could be displayed on a page with the
> html:errors tag.
> David
> --- Maya Muchnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Do you have any ideas how registration.jsp file
> > (struts-example) can be
> > changed to handle a situation when a user call it
> > directly. I do not "like" a
> > SevletException to be displayed:
> >
> > Error: 500
> > Location: /struts-example/registration.jsp
> > Internal Servlet Error:
> >
> > javax.servlet.ServletException: No bean found under
> > attribute key
> > registrationForm.A LOT OF ERRORS MESSAGES
> >
> > It is better to display some "friendly" error
> > message or return to login.jsp.
> >
> > Maya
> >
> >
> >
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: struts-example - handle of ServletException

2001-02-27 Thread Peter Alfors

We wrap errors in our own exception class, and store them in our request/session.
Then redirect the user to a standard error page that knows how to retrieve the
error from the request/session, and display it in a 'friendly' way to the user.
Our exception class contains a user message, as well as the actuall error.  The
standard error page displays the user message with a link to an 'error details'
page that displays the actual error, stack trace, etc (for developers, admins,

This allows your errors to be localized as well.  :)


Maya Muchnik wrote:

> Thank you.
> I thought, that some struts "magic" I can use. If I will use a standard
> "errorPage" as you suggest, I will lose all pluses of the good struts
> interface.
> Maya
> Jean-Noël Ribette wrote:
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Maya Muchnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:07 PM
> > Subject: struts-example - handle of ServletException
> >
> > > Hi,
> > > Do you have any ideas how registration.jsp file (struts-example) can be
> > > changed to handle a situation when a user call it directly. I do not
> > "like" a
> > > SevletException to be displayed:
> > >
> > > Error: 500
> > > Location: /struts-example/registration.jsp
> > > Internal Servlet Error:
> > >
> > > javax.servlet.ServletException: No bean found under attribute key
> > > registrationForm.A LOT OF ERRORS MESSAGES
> > >
> > > It is better to display some "friendly" error message or return to
> > login.jsp.
> > >
> >
> > Hi Maya,
> >
> > You can specify a defaut error page in case you get a exception in your page
> > using the <%@ page errorPage="myErrorPage.jsp" %> tag. If an error occurs in
> > the JSP, the user is send to this page. Have a look at the jsp spec for more
> > details.
> >
> > Jean-Noël

org:">Bringing Vision to Your Supply Chain

Re: struts-example - handle of ServletException

2001-02-27 Thread David Winterfeldt

You can always add some logic tags at the top of the
registration.jsp to check if he is logged in, certain
objects are in scope that the form needs, etc.  If the
criteria aren't met, forward him to any page you want
and display a message.  You could also forward it to
an page that could create a struts error
message that could be displayed on a page with the
html:errors tag.


--- Maya Muchnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you have any ideas how registration.jsp file
> (struts-example) can be
> changed to handle a situation when a user call it
> directly. I do not "like" a
> SevletException to be displayed:
> Error: 500
> Location: /struts-example/registration.jsp
> Internal Servlet Error:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: No bean found under
> attribute key
> registrationForm.A LOT OF ERRORS MESSAGES
> It is better to display some "friendly" error
> message or return to login.jsp.
> Maya

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Where are form tags?

2001-02-27 Thread Sundar @eSaravana


In the beta release, which I downloaded and built, struts.jar did not have
html tags. So, I just downloaded yesterday's binary and it does not have
form tags. Am I missing something here?

Any information is appreciated.


form initialization using session

2001-02-27 Thread Simon Sadedin

Hi all,

I am working on an application where form fields need to default to
values that depend on the user's profile, which is stored in the
session.  Unfortunately, it seems like struts forms are created
automatically without any hooks that allow access to the session to
initialize these fields.

The only thing that I can think of is to have our application
proactively place the forms into the session with values initialized,
possibly to have the form page link through an action which creates and
initializes the form.  However this abandons the utility of having
struts automatically create the forms for us - one of the many nice
things about struts!

This seems to me like it would be a common problem.  Does anyone have a
good solution for it?



Re: struts-example - handle of ServletException

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik

Thank you.
I thought, that some struts "magic" I can use. If I will use a standard
"errorPage" as you suggest, I will lose all pluses of the good struts

Jean-Noël Ribette wrote:

> - Original Message -
> From: Maya Muchnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:07 PM
> Subject: struts-example - handle of ServletException
> > Hi,
> > Do you have any ideas how registration.jsp file (struts-example) can be
> > changed to handle a situation when a user call it directly. I do not
> "like" a
> > SevletException to be displayed:
> >
> > Error: 500
> > Location: /struts-example/registration.jsp
> > Internal Servlet Error:
> >
> > javax.servlet.ServletException: No bean found under attribute key
> > registrationForm.A LOT OF ERRORS MESSAGES
> >
> > It is better to display some "friendly" error message or return to
> login.jsp.
> >
> Hi Maya,
> You can specify a defaut error page in case you get a exception in your page
> using the <%@ page errorPage="myErrorPage.jsp" %> tag. If an error occurs in
> the JSP, the user is send to this page. Have a look at the jsp spec for more
> details.
> Jean-Noël

Re: Base tag question

2001-02-27 Thread Incze Lajos

> I thought target was part of the spec.  In looking at the spec on 
>, the following page specifically mentions the target attribute:
> However, the DTD does not mention the target attribute so I'm a bit 
> confused.

I have my own copy of
and can assert that the spec does specify 'target' attribute in lieau
of frames. The attributes.html file contains a table what tags are

Name   Related Elements  Type  Default   Depr   DTD   Comment
            ---   --
......   ...   ...   ......   ...
target A, AREA, BASE,%FrameTarget; #IMPLIED L render in this
   FORM, LINK frame

So, target is not even deprecated, The "L" in the DTD columne means
"Loose DTD" according to the legend, which explains why you don't
find it in the strict (?) DTD. Most "L" attributes are deprecated
as well, but this is not. (The other not-D L attribute is "height"
for IFRAME.)

Form this table tyou can navigate to a very detailed explanation of the
target attribute, where the BASE tag is mentioned explicitly in the
attribute semantics:

"16.3.2 Target semantics

User agents should determine the target frame in which to load
a linked resource according to the following precedences (highest
priority to lowest):

1.If an element has its target attribute set to a known frame, when
  the element is activated (i.e., a link is followed or a form is
  processed), the resource designated by the element should be loaded
  into the target frame. 
2.If an element does not have the target attribute set but the BASE
  element does, the BASE element's target attribute determines the frame. 
3.If neither the element nor the BASE element refers to a target,
  the resource designated by the element should be loaded into
  the frame containing the element. 
4.If any target attribute refers to an unknown frame F, the user agent
  should create a new window and frame, assign the name F to the frame,
  and load the resource designated by the element in the new frame. 

User agents may provide users with a mechanism to override the target

So, we have an attribute which is specified, not deprecated but "L" - and not
found in the strict DTD. Also, there are some attributes flagged with "F"
which stands for "Frameset DTD". Seemengly, the decision
is whether Struts taglibs support _frames_ (not D, L+F)  or not (strict
HTML DTD).   incze

Re: struts-example - handle of ServletException

2001-02-27 Thread Jean-Noël Ribette

- Original Message -
From: Maya Muchnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:07 PM
Subject: struts-example - handle of ServletException

> Hi,
> Do you have any ideas how registration.jsp file (struts-example) can be
> changed to handle a situation when a user call it directly. I do not
"like" a
> SevletException to be displayed:
> Error: 500
> Location: /struts-example/registration.jsp
> Internal Servlet Error:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: No bean found under attribute key
> registrationForm.A LOT OF ERRORS MESSAGES
> It is better to display some "friendly" error message or return to

Hi Maya,

You can specify a defaut error page in case you get a exception in your page
using the <%@ page errorPage="myErrorPage.jsp" %> tag. If an error occurs in
the JSP, the user is send to this page. Have a look at the jsp spec for more


struts-example - handle of ServletException

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik

Do you have any ideas how registration.jsp file (struts-example) can be
changed to handle a situation when a user call it directly. I do not "like" a
SevletException to be displayed:

Error: 500
Location: /struts-example/registration.jsp
Internal Servlet Error:

javax.servlet.ServletException: No bean found under attribute key

It is better to display some "friendly" error message or return to login.jsp.


RE: Sample Servlet Controller

2001-02-27 Thread McCay, Larry


I am not sure what you are asking for.

You are able to write a vendor neutral app using the bluestone servlet

If you elaborate a bit I can offer some advice.

You can get to a Trail Map on the gallery website for further information



-Original Message-
From: Nageshwar Charka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 10:47 AM
Subject: Sample Servlet Controller

Hi there,

Can somebody help me in getting some sample code snippet for Struts Servlet
Controller(Struts Application startup Servlet).
Currently I am using SaServletEngine.class as the controller from Bluestone
It just works fine, but I want to make a vender neutral app.

Thanks in advance


Re: Problems trying to deploy the struts example (1.0b) on solaris

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik

I am using Tomcat.

Pablo Estades Fernández wrote:

> Yes Maya, it seems to be WebLogic.
> Are you using Tomcat under solaris or another server?
> --- Maya Muchnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: > I
> think it is WebLogic related, because I do not
> > have a problem to run
> > struts-example on Sun 2.7 with Sun JDK 1.3.
> >
> > Pablo Estades Fernández wrote:
> >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > The struts example works fine on my W2K but when I
> > try
> > > to deploy it on solaris fails.
> > >
> > > This is my setup:
> > > Solaris 2.6
> > > Sun JDK1.2
> > >
> > > If it helps you, you can take a look on the
> > >, the start script (
> > and
> > > the log (weblogic_pgn.log)
> > >
> > > If you need something more, please tell me.
> > >
> > > Thanx!
> > > Pablo.
> > >
> > >
> >
> ___
> > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de
> > correo con
> > > Yahoo! Messenger -
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > Name:
> > >   Type: Zip Compressed Data
> > (application/x-zip-compressed)
> > > Encoding: base64
> > >  Description:
> >
> ___
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de correo con
> Yahoo! Messenger -

Re: Problems trying to deploy the struts example (1.0b) on solaris

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik

Is this the same index.jsp from struts-example? If so, I do not have a
problem to run example on Sun 2.7 and JDK 1.3.

Pablo Estades Fernández wrote:

> More information;
> Here is my problematic index.jsp.
> Do you think the error can be related to NOT to use
> JDK1.3?
> <%@ page language="java" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld"
> prefix="bean" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld"
> prefix="html" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld"
> prefix="logic" %>
> ERROR:  User database not loaded -- check servlet
> container logs
> for error messages.
>  name="org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE"
> scope="application">
> ERROR:  Application resources not loaded -- check
> servlet container
> logs for error messages.
>  page="/"> key="index.registration"/>
>  key="index.logon"/>
> A
> Walking Tour of the Example Application
> --- Pablo Estades Fernández <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> escribió: > Hi all,
> >
> > The struts example works fine on my W2K but when I
> > try
> > to deploy it on solaris fails.
> >
> > This is my setup:
> > Solaris 2.6
> > Sun JDK1.2
> >
> > If it helps you, you can take a look on the
> >, the start script (
> > and
> > the log (weblogic_pgn.log)
> >
> > If you need something more, please tell me.
> >
> > Thanx!
> > Pablo.
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de
> > correo con
> > Yahoo! Messenger -
> > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/x-zip-compressed
> ___
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de correo con
> Yahoo! Messenger -

Re: Problems trying to deploy the struts example (1.0b) on solaris

2001-02-27 Thread Pablo Estades Fernández

Yes Maya, it seems to be WebLogic.

Are you using Tomcat under solaris or another server?

--- Maya Muchnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: > I
think it is WebLogic related, because I do not
> have a problem to run
> struts-example on Sun 2.7 with Sun JDK 1.3.
> Pablo Estades Fernández wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > The struts example works fine on my W2K but when I
> try
> > to deploy it on solaris fails.
> >
> > This is my setup:
> > Solaris 2.6
> > Sun JDK1.2
> >
> > If it helps you, you can take a look on the
> >, the start script (
> and
> > the log (weblogic_pgn.log)
> >
> > If you need something more, please tell me.
> >
> > Thanx!
> > Pablo.
> >
> >
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de
> correo con
> > Yahoo! Messenger -
> >
> >  

> > Name:
> >   Type: Zip Compressed Data
> (application/x-zip-compressed)
> > Encoding: base64
> >  Description:

Do You Yahoo!?
Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de correo con 
Yahoo! Messenger -

Re: Problems trying to deploy the struts example (1.0b) on solaris

2001-02-27 Thread Pablo Estades Fernández

More information;

Here is my problematic index.jsp.

Do you think the error can be related to NOT to use

<%@ page language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld"
prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld"
prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld"
prefix="logic" %>

ERROR:  User database not loaded -- check servlet
container logs
for error messages.

ERROR:  Application resources not loaded -- check
servlet container
logs for error messages.

Walking Tour of the Example Application

--- Pablo Estades Fernández <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
escribió: > Hi all,
> The struts example works fine on my W2K but when I
> try
> to deploy it on solaris fails.
> This is my setup:
> Solaris 2.6
> Sun JDK1.2
> If it helps you, you can take a look on the
>, the start script (
> and
> the log (weblogic_pgn.log)
> If you need something more, please tell me.
> Thanx!
> Pablo.
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de
> correo con 
> Yahoo! Messenger -

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/x-zip-compressed

Do You Yahoo!?
Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de correo con 
Yahoo! Messenger -

RE: Sample Servlet Controller

2001-02-27 Thread Torben Norling

Check the example application that is included with the distribution.

Another nice intro to struts can be found on:

// Torben

-Original Message-
From: Nageshwar Charka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 27 februari 2001 16:47
Subject: Sample Servlet Controller

Hi there,

Can somebody help me in getting some sample code snippet for Struts Servlet
Controller(Struts Application startup Servlet).
Currently I am using SaServletEngine.class as the controller from Bluestone
It just works fine, but I want to make a vender neutral app.

Thanks in advance


in struts frame: onclick does not work

2001-02-27 Thread Nageshwar Charka

Hi folks,
My onclick (for a button ) does not work with javascript validation. 
If I call the same javascipt function with onsubmit event in a form it works
fine. I tried both Netscape4.7 and IE5.0. Since there are no javascipt
errors in both the cases I am not able to debug. I guess event is not
getting triggered. Am I missing anything here.

Practically, we do button events javascript validations, since we deal with
multiple buttons on each form.

I am impressed by this framework, works just great both in client/server
side validations!

Thanks to Craig and his support team. 


Sample Servlet Controller

2001-02-27 Thread Nageshwar Charka

Hi there,

Can somebody help me in getting some sample code snippet for Struts Servlet
Controller(Struts Application startup Servlet).
Currently I am using SaServletEngine.class as the controller from Bluestone
It just works fine, but I want to make a vender neutral app.

Thanks in advance


Re: Problems trying to deploy the struts example (1.0b) on solaris

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik

I think it is WebLogic related, because I do not have a problem to run
struts-example on Sun 2.7 with Sun JDK 1.3.

Pablo Estades Fernández wrote:

> Hi all,
> The struts example works fine on my W2K but when I try
> to deploy it on solaris fails.
> This is my setup:
> Solaris 2.6
> Sun JDK1.2
> If it helps you, you can take a look on the
>, the start script ( and
> the log (weblogic_pgn.log)
> If you need something more, please tell me.
> Thanx!
> Pablo.
> ___
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de correo con
> Yahoo! Messenger -
> Name:
>   Type: Zip Compressed Data (application/x-zip-compressed)
> Encoding: base64
>  Description:

jCVS help!

2001-02-27 Thread soh syed

 can any one help me with setting up jCVS for the
source control.


Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Building a Form dynamically

2001-02-27 Thread Dorai, Harish (c)

Hello all,

I am developing an application, where I need to have a form which is a
simple table. This table is built dynamically based on a database query.
When I click on each row, I should navigate to a page corresponding to that
row, and use the values in that row to display the page. How can I use the
controller,ActionForm and the Form tags for such a scenario? Do I need to
use an action form bean for each row? If that is the case, if I have too
many rows, wouldn't that create that many instances of ActionForm and
becomes a performance issue?

Please send your suggestions. I am new to Struts.


Re: Base tag question

2001-02-27 Thread James Howe

At 05:35 PM 2/26/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>James Howe wrote:
> > Is there some reason why the base tag defined in the HTML tag library
> > doesn't let you specify the optional target attribute?  I'm working with a
> > frames based web application and I need to use both the href and target
> > attributes.  I know I could subclass the custom base tag, but before I do,
> > I was wondering if there was any particular reason why the standard Struts
> > base tag does let the user specify the target.
> >
>I prefer not to support attributes that aren't in the official HTML 4.01
>specs, and this is one of those.  You're welcome to support it yourself
>in a subclass, however.
> >
> > Thanks.

I thought target was part of the spec.  In looking at the spec on, the following page specifically mentions the target attribute:

However, the DTD does not mention the target attribute so I'm a bit 
confused.  Perhaps target will be superceded by a style-sheet 
specification?  If you don't want to change the base tag implementation I 
will just plan on creating my own subclass.


James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Problems trying to deploy the struts example (1.0b) on solaris

2001-02-27 Thread Pablo Estades Fernández

Hi all,

The struts example works fine on my W2K but when I try
to deploy it on solaris fails.

This is my setup:
Solaris 2.6
Sun JDK1.2

If it helps you, you can take a look on the, the start script ( and
the log (weblogic_pgn.log)

If you need something more, please tell me.


Do You Yahoo!?
Envía mensajes instantáneos y recibe alertas de correo con 
Yahoo! Messenger -

stupid Q: setters are not called if properties are empty

2001-02-27 Thread Kan Leung, MK

Sorry if you find if this is a bit off topic. ;)

Hi all,

Hope this is not a FAQ. (I spent 2 hours to do net search but didn't
get a good answer)



Introspection magic makes the property setters called if they match the
input parameters by GET or by POST.

e.g. URL?address1=a&address2=&address3=

There are exceptions: setters of some parameters which have no value
won't get called. In the above string, the later two are not called
because they have no values assigned. Suppose my bean has session scope.
Values kept unchanged.

My question is: how can the web users clear a text field if the field is
incorrectly filled?

I suppose the introspection magic is a life-saver. I just don't want to
check the return value of request.getParameter("address2) for each input
to determine if it's empty.

Can anybody give me a good alternative to clear unwanted fields easily?

Digital Empires Company Limited

Re: Struggling with select/options

2001-02-27 Thread Jean-Noël Ribette

> Did you put an int in your collection ? Did you try with a Integer ?

Not in the collection of course but check you don't have an int which should
be an Integer or a String somewhere.

Re: Struggling with select/options

2001-02-27 Thread Jean-Noël Ribette

- Original Message -
From: Martin J. La Jeunesse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 1:57 PM
Subject: Struggling with select/options

> The examples I've seen using  property="someProperty" /> all seem to reference a collection defined in
> same jsp as the options tag. Could someone provide a rookie with an
> where the collection bean is not defined in the same jsp, but rather by,
> an action servlet or an application bean?

OK, just have a look at the subscription.jsp page in the example
application, and remove the line 'pageContext.setAttribute("serverTypes",
Then add the following lines in the method perform of the class
EditSubscriptionAction let's say before forwarding the control:

java.util.ArrayList list = new java.util.ArrayList();
list.add(new org.apache.struts.example.LabelValueBean("IMAP Protocol",
list.add(new org.apache.struts.example.LabelValueBean("POP3 Protocol",
list.add(new org.apache.struts.example.LabelValueBean("Another Protocol",
session.setAttribute("serverTypes", list);

This displays the protocol names and the option values are set to "imap"
"pop3" and "another".

> For example, say I've got a User
> bean with a Vector of ints called Accounts. I'd like to display those
> accounts in a list-box - ultimately I'd like to display an associated name
> and use the int as the option value.

Did you put an int in your collection ? Did you try with a Integer ?

 I know that I can use labelName and
> labelProperty for this, but I haven't gotten the first part working yet.
> I'm able to get  other options mode. Most of the ways I've tried it result in class cast
> exceptions during the jsp compile.
> thank you,
> Marty La Jeunesse

Struggling with select/options

2001-02-27 Thread Martin J. La Jeunesse

The examples I've seen using  all seem to reference a collection defined in the
same jsp as the options tag. Could someone provide a rookie with an example
where the collection bean is not defined in the same jsp, but rather by, say
an action servlet or an application bean? For example, say I've got a User
bean with a Vector of ints called Accounts. I'd like to display those
accounts in a list-box - ultimately I'd like to display an associated name
and use the int as the option value. I know that I can use labelName and
labelProperty for this, but I haven't gotten the first part working yet.
I'm able to get 

Re: What a jar file is needed?

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik


Thank you for your suggestion. I put copies of jaxp.jar and parser.jar from
jaxp1.0.1 package (Sun Microsystems) to /usr/java/jre/lib/ext and the file
was compiled.

Does anyone know why and what case we need to have crimson.jar, xlan.jar?

The second Q. (maybe it was corrected for the beta release): why is needed
to use deprecated functions in warning: filter(java.lang.String) in
org.apache.struts.util.BeanUtils has been deprecated
^ warning: filter(java.lang.String) in
org.apache.struts.util.BeanUtils has been deprecated
Similar output for

In two deprecated functions are used:
ResponseUtils.filter() and PropertyUtils.getProperty().  I have (and maybe
others) a tag "filter" to filtering special characters for HTML
interpreters. Maybe it is possible to use this code instead of the
deprecated function?



Wayne Ohm wrote:

> Are you sure you have installed an XML parser?  Make sure you download it
> first (, and install the jar files (jaxp.jar,
> crimson.jar, xlan.jar) in C:\jdk1.3\jre\lib\ext (for JDK v1.3, for
> example).  This will eliminate the need to modify CLASSPATH.
> Maya Muchnik wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have tried to compile struts-example. is looking
> > for HandlerBase.class and InputSource.class from org.xml.sax. The error
> > messages are:
> >
> > cannot access org.xml.sax.HandlerBase
> > file org/xml/sax/HandlerBase.class not found
> >  Digester digester = new Digester();
> > ^
> > cannot access org.xml.sax.InputSource
> > file org/xml/sax/InputSource.class not found
> >  digester.parse(bis);
> > ^
> >
> > Maybe I have missed this question from others.
> >
> > Maya
> > P.S. Maybe I have the old struts.jar?

Re: "hide" a link or JSP's URL

2001-02-27 Thread Maya Muchnik

Thank you both, Craig M. and Craig T. very much!

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> Maya Muchnik wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > How make a link or JSP URL "invisible" to a browser? I have read some chapter
> > in a book, I know that this is possible. Is it possible with Struts?  Is it
> > some property "visible=true / false"?
> >
> Another Craig knew the JavaScript trick for this one :-).
> >
> > The second question is about "input" parameter in "Action Mapping" section of
> > struts-config.xml. For example, struts-example has no "input" for "Edit user
> > registration", but has "forward" for "success". On the other hand, "A walking
> > tour of the example application"
> > (http://localhost:8080/struts-example/tour.htm) has both (paragraph
> > "":
> >
> I suspect this part of the walking tour was based on an older version of
> the
> example code.
> > ---
> > 
> >  > type="org.apache.struts.example.EditRegistrationAction"
> > name="registrationForm"
> > scope="request"
> > validate="false"
> > input="/registration.jsp">
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > What is right?
> >
> The "official" version of the example (that is, the code that is
> actually
> executed when you run the example), does not have an "input" attribute
> on the
> "/editRegistration" action.  The reasoning is this:  the
> "/editRegistration"
> action is never used as the target of a form submit, so there is no
> concept of
> returning to an input form after a validation error.  This action is
> invoked to
> "set up" a new form bean before transferring to "registration.jsp" for
> entry, so
> there is no need for input processing before it is invoked.
> One of the places that "/" is referenced is on the
> main menu
> page -- it is the destination of the hyperlink for the "Edit your user
> registration profile".  So, if we follow through on what happens when
> you run the
> app:
> (1) Log on and go to the main menu.
> (2) Click the hyperlink for "/"
> (3) This action sets up a form bean, populated from your current
> user information.
> (4) This action returns a forward to the "success" page,
> registration.jsp
> (5) The registration page displays, accepts your input,
> and submits to the "/saveRegistration" action
> (6) This action has an input form declared, so the validation occurs.
> If there are any errors, returns to (5) with the error messages
> object
> created
> (7) If there are no errors, the save registration action is called.
> So, you should use an "input" attribute only on actions that actually
> accept an
> input form (and therefore might detect validation errors and need to
> return).
> Actions that don't do this do not need an "input" attribute.
> >
> > Maya
> Craig

Re: AW: Template tags?

2001-02-27 Thread Robert Leland

"D. Veniseleas" wrote:
> these taglibs. The template taglibs are in CVS and easily accessed but I'm
> wondering if these are going to be distributed in the next release of
> struts. 

To quote David Geary, 'templates are here to stay'. All functionality that is in the
Beta or nightly builds will be in the final release of struts 1.0.


Re: faq

2001-02-27 Thread Ted Husted

Unfortunately, there's not an official FAQ for Struts right now.
(Jakarta's Jyve
installation seems to be hopelessly broken.) 

I've started a draft of a "kickstart" FAQ at 

< >

in case that helps. 

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel 716 737-3463.

Re: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.

2001-02-27 Thread Robert Leland

As far as struts 1.0, the Form bean is used only to redisplay
information to the jsp page. Typically the EJB might be loaded/unloaded in the
action class. If you search,m Craig talked more about this in 

In future version of struts this may be enhanced.


> Cameron Ingram0 wrote:
> I am in the process of convincing my company to go with MVC and Struts. As with any 
>thing new,
> people are sometimes resistant
> to change. One of the opposition questions I am getting is, how will this work with 
>EJB(problem is
> I don't know too much about EJB currently).  Do the EJB's references just go in the 
>Form and
> Action Bean and every thing else behaves the same? Are there any obvious points that 
>I can bring
> up on the subject?
> Any help on this subject would be much appreciated!
> Thanks, Cameron Ingram

Re: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.

2001-02-27 Thread Jim Richards

EJBs come in two flavours (as opposed to flavors), session beans and entity
Session beans represent business logic and rules, entity beans represent a
row in the database.

The model that you'd use is to have Actions do the basic processing of form
elements into data beans (just regular beans, nothing special), but no business
The Action then calls a session bean with the data bean to do something 
(eg. usdate user details in the database). The session bean connects to the
database with an entity bean (or more than one depending on the database

Visually, you'd have

JSP =>  Action  =>  Session Bean=> Entity Bean  => Database

Hope that helps.

At 06:37 AM 27/02/01 -0500, you wrote: 
> I am in the process of convincing my company to go with MVC and Struts. As
> with any thing new, people are sometimes resistant 
> to change. One of the opposition questions I am getting is, how will this
> work with EJB(problem is I don't know too much about EJB currently).  Do the
> EJB's references just go in the Form and Action Bean and every thing else
> behaves the same? Are there any obvious points that I can bring up on the
> subject? 
> Any help on this subject would be much appreciated!
> Thanks, Cameron Ingram

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

AW: Template tags?

2001-02-27 Thread D. Veniseleas

-Ursprungliche Nachricht-
Gesendet am:Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2001 01:31
Betreff:Template tags?

Hi all!

I'm defiantly new to the struts and taglibs so please bear with my questions:

We are writing a proof of concept to see if struts will meet our needs for 
a non-profit customer we are working with. Several questions have come up 
during this process. First off,  the web pages we will be creating will 
have a common navigation bar used across the whole web site. It would be 
great if we can create one HTML file called navigation.jsp which all pages 
use. It seems that the struts template taglibs might be the solution, 
unfortunately the 0.5 version of struts we downloaded does not contain 
these taglibs. The template taglibs are in CVS and easily accessed but I'm 
wondering if these are going to be distributed in the next release of 
struts. Also I'm wondering if the template taglibs will suit our needs. Any 
other solutions to the above problem would be greatly appreciated.

OK, this was only one question. I'm sure as we move along with the proof of 
concept more will pop up.

Thanks for all your help,
  - John

I'm using a nightly build of struts 1.0 since some weeks and template tags are working 
quite well.
I insert data from files as well as from a database.
You can also invoke a template by itself and get very strange results...


Stupd question about Struts and EJB.

2001-02-27 Thread Cameron Ingram0

I am in the process of convincing my company to go with MVC 
and Struts. As with any thing new, people are sometimes resistant 
to change. One of the opposition questions I am getting is, 
how will this work with EJB(problem is I don't know too much about EJB 
currently).  Do the EJB's references just go in the Form and Action Bean 
and every thing else behaves the same? Are there any obvious points that I can 
bring up on the subject? 
Any help on this subject would be much 
Thanks, Cameron Ingram

struts - servlet/xml

2001-02-27 Thread Sebastian . Guzy

hi there,

I've got working software on the server side and I would like (I have) 
to create servlet-XML interface for it.

The questions are: How 'struts' is able to help me to do it faster ? Is 
it able to support me at all ? Will I have something more from it ?

Thanks in advance