Re: [Talk-cz] Čištění turistických tras v OSM - fotky ukazatelů

2015-08-24 Thread Michal Grézl
2015-08-24 13:57 GMT+02:00 Petr Kadlec
 2015-08-24 9:35 GMT+02:00 Michal Grézl

 Zobrazovadlo fungovalo. Ted uz nefunguje, nebot zrusili
 (pred rokem;)
 Pokud bude nahrada tak to opravim.

 Náhrada už dávno je na (např.

Jo to uz sem taky zjistitl, uz to zase funguje.

 Ale to nucené ruční vybírání podkategorie mi přijde dost uživatelsky
 nepoužitelné. To chce načíst _všechny_ regiony automaticky, ne, aby uživatel
 musel vymýšlet, kde že to zrovna je.

 by se (snad) mělo stáhnout KML _všech_ rozcestníků pod touhle kategorií, ale
 to už samozřejmě není dobrý nápad dělat pro každého uživatele na straně
 klienta, ale chtělo by to tenhle soubor stáhnout třeba jednou denně na ten
 server a zpracovávat lokálně a servírovat příslušné rozcestníky automaticky.

No to by urcite slo. A funguje to. Pridam tam moznost zobrazit
vsechny, kmlexport by ale mohl umet bbox, kdyz uz umi rekurzi
kategorii. Automaticky ... se planuje az po prepsani cele veci pod
leaflet, nebo pod nejnovejsi verzi openlayers. Nicmene s moji reakcni
dobou to muze chvilku trvat.

hahaha btw:

 -- Petr Kadlec / Mormegil

 Talk-cz mailing list

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Abandoned Rails

2015-08-24 Thread Dave F.

On 24/08/2015 04:23, Balaco Baco wrote:

Are you saying if a building gets demolished  replaced with a new one,
you wouldn't remove the original outline from OSM?

I'm saying that simply deleting the original outline, leaving nothing in
its place is different than putting the *same quality outline* for the
newer building that should be there. And while this new data does not
exist, the old one should stay there as it is. It should, at most, be
marked with a tag such as end date or demolished or anything
similar. Simply deleting it is bad.

No. If it's gone, it's gone. If there's no new structure to replace it, 
then leave the area empty. If it's becomes a construction site, tag it 
as that. If it becomes a brownfield site, tag it as that. Please base 
your editing on facts  evidence.

  And to justify the deletion for a
currently demolished building is silly and naive: buildings are usually
replaced much faster than maps are expected to last, and the work of
updating it twice, once for the empty space, dem. building and the
future new building outline is better done only one time.

I've read this a few times  I'm struggling to comprehend. You're saying 
I shouldn't remove a building from OSM that's already been demolished in 
the real world because... ?  that's where you lost me

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talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Stier på kirkegårde

2015-08-24 Thread Jørgen Elgaard Larsen
Hjart skrev:
 Nogle stykker af os havde fornyligt en lille diskussion om stier på
 kirkegårde (se

I forlængelse af den diskussion vil jeg først lige tilkendegive, at jeg
som udgangspunklt bestemt synes, at den slags stier hører hjemme i OSM.
Man kunne jo også have brug for at navigere rundt på kirkegården.

I tilfældet med Tårnby Kirke kan man måske undre sig over, at det
pågældende stisystem tilsyneladende ikke er forbundet til de
omkringliggende veje. Personligt ville jeg nok have startet med det, men
folk er jo forskellige...

 En ting jeg gerne lige vil komme ind på er måden gangstierne er
 tegnet på (kig på data).

Ja, det er ikke lavet elegant, omend det ikke er direkte forkert.

Jeg ved ikke, hvordan man kan opdrage nye brugere til at gøre det pænere.
Men det kan ikke kun være et problem her i Danmark. Måske kunne man
tilføje noget på den internationale (og danske) wiki om det.

- Jørgen

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Meetup

2015-08-24 Thread joost schouppe
When I last saw Ben, we started talking about how the Meetup thing really
depends on very few people (you know who you are) to keep them going. We
came up with two ideas.

One: also do something different than just have geo-beers
Two: let's challenge the community to organise one event (hackathon,
mapathon, drinkathon, mapping party) at least once a month. First just at
the national level, and iw we can do that, more ambitions at regional or
local level.

So Nicolas, if you would do an event in september, that would be excellent!
Then that leaves just oktober, november and december for someone to pitch
in :)
I'm thinking about doing a mapping party in Gent and a mapathon in Antwerp,
so you are going to have to be quick!
Maybe we could make a wiki article about it?

Nicolas, from the location, I would guess you're aiming at the student
population too? Maybe a day during the week would be better then?

2015-08-24 11:22 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Pettiaux

 Dear Joost  Ruben,

 Thanks for the idea and the organization. I am in Brussels during the
 week. During the week-end, I can move.

 I can help with the organization of a beery activity around Etterbeek or

 The campus of ESI (very close to Central station in Brussels) is
 accessible on Saturday mornings as we did last year.

 Best regards,


 Le 2015-08-24 11:10, Ruben De Smet a écrit :

 I just checked my schedule (saw the hackaton appear on meetup) and the
 week of the 24th, my University (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the
 Flemish version of FOSDEM's university Université Libre de
 Bruxelles/ULB) sessions start again. I saw the 25th, I have a college
 to attend at 8 o'clock. I could come by and have a look, although my
 attendace would be short.

 I don't mind hacky nor beery by the way. Both of them are great.

 Apparently I have college every day at 8:00, except for Wednesdays,
 where I only start at 13 o'clock.

 I'm near Antwerp for the weekends and in Brussels for the weeks. I can
 probably get something organised at the Etterbeek campus too.

 Nicolas Pettiaux, phd  -
 Open@work - Une Société libre utilise des outils libres

 Talk-be mailing list

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Re: [OSM-talk] Reply-to header

2015-08-24 Thread Toby Murray
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 2:12 AM, Max wrote:

 AFAIK this is the standard mailman configuration and not different
 from other lists. the reply-to you mention is mot in every mail from
 this list, but only in those which are from this person. that's expected.

 You should respect netiquette and make a new thread when starting a
 new topic. Don't just hit reply on a random email from the list and
 change subject.


 On 2015년 08월 24일 13:53, Balaco Baco wrote:
 P. S.: this mailing list does not add a Reply-to header to
 mail messages, as I'm used to. So I initially sent the answer
 to just one person. This should be changed - may it not confuse
 the majority of users!?

 It normally does, not sure what happened here.

 All messages I received from OSM list does not have the reply-to
 header with the list address.

 And to make sure of this, now I just opened 10 of them, among the
 most recent, and checked their full headers. Only one of those
 messages contain a reply-to header, and it is not the list address.
 It is:


The reply-to header is a per-list configuration item. So some lists
set it and some don't. The tagging and HOT lists set it to the list
address. The talk and talk-us lists do not set it. It gets brought up
every few months by someone who either replied to the list when they
didn't want to or replied to an individual when they wanted to reply
to the list.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] SOTM 2016 and meetings

2015-08-24 Thread Nicolas Pettiaux

Dear Ben

THe largest room is big enough ... only to gather the people who will 
take care of the preparation. My proposal is to meet sometimes, 
starting next month, for the preparation of SOTM, not SOTM itself !



Le lun 24 aoû 2015 à 16:10, Ben Laenen a écrit 
On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 11:02 PM, Nicolas Pettiaux wrote:

 ESI is well located centrally, close to Central station, if has the
 infrastructure (as it is a computing school), and I can most 
probably obtain

 the room for free.

Does it have big enough rooms? Because the pictures in the gallery on
its website only show small classrooms. If a thousand people are
coming we may need to have at least one auditorium that can seat a few

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Grenzimport Wien

2015-08-24 Thread Andreas Labres
On 21.08.15 18:02, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Daher muss im Einzelfall mit dem CC-By-Lizenzgeber geklärt werden, ob er
 einverstanden ist.

Nur der Vollständigkeit halber: Für OGD Daten der Stadt/Gemeinde Wien wurde das
abgeklärt, eine Nennung hier  so war

Ich nehme an, dass die hier zur Diskussion stehenden Daten nicht von der Stadt
Wien stammen?

N.B.: Grenzpolygone in AT werden von diversen Stellen gerne (unterschiedlich)
generalisiert, man muss unbedingt vorher abklären, ob das im jeweiligen Fall
nicht so ist. Das geht übrigens so weit, dass man diese Diskrepanzen z.B.
zwischen den Bundesländern in sieht...


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Čištění turistických tras v OSM - fotky ukazatelů

2015-08-24 Thread Marián Kyral
Dne 24.8.2015 v 09:35 Michal Grézl napsal(a):
 2015-08-18 22:19 GMT+02:00 Marián Kyral
 -- Původní zpráva --
 Od: Michal Grézl
 Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
 Datum: 18. 8. 2015 20:54:11
 Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Čištění turistických tras v OSM - fotky ukazatelů

 Je to původní (nic moc) verze. Je v plánu ji předělat a rozcestníky
 přesunout jinam. Možná Wikimedia commons nebo Mappilary nebo ještě někam
 úplně jinam.
 male doplneni, rozcestniky neni v planu nikam presouvat, je v planu
 udelat export do jinych sluzeb

 Omlouvám se za nepřesnost ;-)

 Já zkoušel upload na Mappilary a následný export na Wikimedia commons.
 Rozcestníku jsem pak fotku přidal přes tag wikimedia_commons. Přijde mi
 ji tam mít. Teď ještě, aby někdo podporoval zobrazení té fotky. Případně
 to chtělo pouvažovat, jak těch fotek přidat více. Někdy jedna nestačí.

 zobrazovadlo rozcestniku umi zobrazovat rozcestniky z commons, jen
 musi byt spravne zarazene do kategorie.

 No právě. V tom trochu plavu. Export z mapillary to někam prásknul a teď
 nevím, co na wikimedia commons s tím. Jak dál.
 Zobrazovadlo fungovalo. Ted uz nefunguje, nebot zrusili
 (pred rokem;)
 Pokud bude nahrada tak to opravim.

 Na commons je treba to akorat nahrat a pridat do podkategorie zde:

Přidal jsem do
, ale v tom comboboxu vpravo tu kategorii stejně nenajdu. Je tam jen T
- Moravian-Silesian Region. Žádné podkategorie jako jinde.

Ale to je jen takový detail, stejně se to bude předělávat ;-)


 Více by se mi líbila podpora tagu wikimedia_commons. Není třeba hledat v
 jiné databázi, odkaz na ten správný soubor je přímo u osm uzlu.

 Osobně bych uvítal nějaký nástroj, který to nahraje přímo na wikimedia
 commons (a eventuálně i na Mapillary) a vyplivne mi text, který pak přidám
 rozcestníku. A nebo ještě lépe - upravit wikipedia josm plugin, aby
 i s daty wikimedia commons.
 presne tohle je v planu

 První, druhé nebo oboje? :-D
 Hlavne prvni, to druhe by bylo taky fajn. Ja bych chtel plugin obecny,
 co by podporoval geojson, nebo georss. To by mi umoznilo vcelku
 jednoduse udelat podporu pro josm primo z me db.

 Tohle si sem pridam abych nezapomel, jsou tam uzitecne veci:

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Stier på kirkegårde

2015-08-24 Thread Niels Elgaard Larsen

On 24-08-2015 14:35, Jørgen Elgaard Larsen wrote:
 Hjart skrev:
 Nogle stykker af os havde fornyligt en lille diskussion om stier på
 kirkegårde (se
 I forlængelse af den diskussion vil jeg først lige tilkendegive, at jeg
 som udgangspunklt bestemt synes, at den slags stier hører hjemme i OSM.
 Man kunne jo også have brug for at navigere rundt på kirkegården.
 I tilfældet med Tårnby Kirke kan man måske undre sig over, at det
 pågældende stisystem tilsyneladende ikke er forbundet til de
 omkringliggende veje. Personligt ville jeg nok have startet med det, men
 folk er jo forskellige...

Det er faktisk lidt alvorlig

Jeg oplevede det selv i Reykjavik

De har nogle importerede fortove, som de efter min mening helt forkert
har tegnet som selvstændige footpaths, som ofte ikke er forbundet til
resten af vejene.

Det betyder, at når man er gående og bruger en GPS-app, der finder
ruter, så hopper den af og til over på fortovet, og så viser den nogle
meget lange og mærkelige ruter. Ikke nogen god reklame for OSM.

(Jeg overvejer at rydde op i det, men vil lige først vende det med nogen
på Island inden jeg sletter næsten hele deres importerede datasæt).

 En ting jeg gerne lige vil komme ind på er måden gangstierne er
 tegnet på (kig på data).
 Ja, det er ikke lavet elegant, omend det ikke er direkte forkert.

Jeg har ryddet lidt op i det.

 Jeg ved ikke, hvordan man kan opdrage nye brugere til at gøre det pænere.
 Men det kan ikke kun være et problem her i Danmark. Måske kunne man
 tilføje noget på den internationale (og danske) wiki om det.
 - Jørgen
 Talk-dk mailing list

Niels Elgaard Larsen

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] [OpenStreetMap] Hjart har kommenteret på et af dine ændringssæt

2015-08-24 Thread Niels Elgaard Larsen

On 21-08-2015 10:53, Sonny B. Andersen wrote:
 Som altid kunne en redigeringsbemærkning misforstås, så jeg skulle nok
 have skrevet: Der er ikke fortove på kirkegårde, men min
 tommelfingerregel er at 'footway' kun bruges om flise/asfalt-stier i
 bymæssige områder. Ellers er jeg enig i, at highway-taggene som regel
 relaterer til anvendelse.
  Rettelsen er baseret på denne definition hvoraf det fremgår at den
 professionelle engelske sprogbrug sætter lighedstegn mellem footway og

Denne her ser lidt anderledes op det:

 og af denne web-side hvoraf det fremgår at
 'footway' er flisebelagt/asfalteret og 'path' alt mulig andet, som man
 kan definere efter behov. 

Det synes jeg nu ikke fremgår så klart. Der er i alt fald ikke eksempler
på noget, jeg ville tagge som footway, som ikke også bliver det på den side.

- Så jeg holder fast i min opfattelse: stier
 på kirkegårde skal tagges som 'path'

Der er en diskussion på:

Apropos det, så tegner jeg highway=service på kirkegårde, der hvor der
er gjort plads til at rustvogne og handicapbusser mm kan komme frem.

Kirkegården burde måske også være tagget som amenity=grave_yard

  Jeg har en mistanke om, at den generelle mapper-opfattelse er, at
 når det hedder 'cycleway' for cyklister, så må det også hedde 'footway'
 for fodgængere. Det er altså ikke rigtigt, men sådan er der jo så mange
 sproglige særheder.

tags får jo lidt deres eget liv på OSM.
Fx tagger vi også veje som highway, selvom der ikke er offentlig adgang:

 / sba-dk
 P.S.: Jeg synes diskussioner som denne og den tidligere kirkegårdssnak
 skal kopieres til talk-dk, så alle kan følge med.
 *Fra:*OpenStreetMap []
 *Sendt:* 20. august 2015 18:25
 *Emne:* [OpenStreetMap] Hjart har kommenteret på et af dine ændringssæt
 Hjart har efterladt en kommentar på et af dine ændringssæt, oprettet
 2015-08-20 16:25:12 UTC med kommentaren 'Vejene på kirkegården har
 hverken asfalt eller fliser, derfor kan de IKKE være footway'
 Man må formode at disse stier udelukkende er beregnet til fodgængere.
 Dvs at hvis man ikke decideret arbejder på kirkegården må man ikke
 anvende cykler eller andre køretøjer, bortset fra måske barnevogne eller
 rullestole. Derfor vil jeg mene at footway er det korrekte at bruge her.
 Vejtyper klassificeres ikke efter underlaget, men efter anvendelse
 (cirka... det kan være noget forvirrende). Vi har jo masser af
 unclassified  residential både med og uden asfalt og i tredje verdens
 lande kan man finde masser af rene jordveje der er klassificeret som
 både secondary  primary fordi de faktisk er de primære færdselsårer
 mellem diverse byer/områder.
 Flere oplysninger om ændringssættet kan findes på
 Talk-dk mailing list

Niels Elgaard Larsen

Talk-dk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Urban Traffic Control Management

2015-08-24 Thread Brian Prangle
Hi everyone

At mappamercia we're collaborating with Birmingham City Council to map
their urban traffic control management systems (e.g linking together
traffic signals; traffic sensor positions; and lanes being monitored.)

Once we've got the data tagged suitably and we've added the data to a pilot
junction system, it will be used to test build a prototype application
which will eventually be a platform for public display of live traffic
flows and potentially used for asset management. The overall programme is
marketed as part of the move towards Smart Cities and as an early
proof-of-concept for sensor networks that will increasingy be part of the
internet-of things. All of which score highly for buzzword bingo, but
more importantly for attracting funding.

Naturally we're delighted to be faced with a new challenge and to be
working with  Birmingham City Council. Locally we've examined the UTC data
and systems logic with City Council staff, discussed it amongst local
mappers and have produced a tagging schema and partially completed an
initial test edit with BCC highway engineers to see if it fits. Once we're
happy with the pilot and software  proof-of-concept BCC will enter the
remainder of the data.

We've documented it on the wiki and would appreciate
any constructive comments, particularly as other councils might want to do
similar things in the near future and the schema might need  to scale up
beyond a local Birmingham initiative. You'll need to invest some time and
brain capacity to get to grips with it.
We've made it verbose at this early stage on the basis it's easier to omit
things later than to add them in to a structure that might not be able to

NB mapping this stuff can ONLY be done with access to local authority UTC
asset data AND the assistance of a highway engineer(trying to make sense of
which cut lines for the induction loops in the tarmac approaching traffic
signals are which system, whether they're live and which signal they link
to needs one of these experts). Whether other councils will want to engage
the local OSM community or just do it on their own remains to be seen


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Čištění turistických tras v OSM - fotky ukazatelů

2015-08-24 Thread Petr Vozdecký

peclive sleduji i toto vlakno a tak nejak jsem nafotil par rozcestniku. A 
uvedomil jsem si, ze nevim vlastne k cemu to je a zda (v souvislosti s 
ucelem) existuje nejaky pozadavek, jak to ma byt nafoceno (sirka, vyska, 
rozliseni, vse na jednom snimku, GPS v EXIFu...). Je mozna nejaka 
elementarni edukace? Mate-li dojem, ze matek tematu co rici, prosim soukrome
do mailu vop seznam cz - vysledek bych zpracoval jako Tema pro WekklyOSM...

S diky!


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral
Datum: 24. 8. 2015 17:28:29
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Čištění turistických tras v OSM - fotky ukazatelů

Dne 24.8.2015 v 09:35 Michal Grézl napsal(a):

2015-08-18 22:19 GMT+02:00 Marián Kyral a 

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Michal Grézl a 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic a 
Datum: 18. 8. 2015 20:54:11
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Čištění turistických tras v OSM - fotky ukazatelů

Je to původní (nic moc) verze. Je v plánu ji předělat a rozcestníky
přesunout jinam. Možná Wikimedia commons nebo Mappilary nebo ještě někam
úplně jinam.

male doplneni, rozcestniky neni v planu nikam presouvat, je v planu
udelat export do jinych sluzeb

Omlouvám se za nepřesnost ;-)

Já zkoušel upload na Mappilary a následný export na Wikimedia commons.
Rozcestníku jsem pak fotku přidal přes tag wikimedia_commons. Přijde mi
ji tam mít. Teď ještě, aby někdo podporoval zobrazení té fotky. Případně
to chtělo pouvažovat, jak těch fotek přidat více. Někdy jedna nestačí.

zobrazovadlo rozcestniku umi zobrazovat rozcestniky z commons, jen
musi byt spravne zarazene do kategorie.

No právě. V tom trochu plavu. Export z mapillary to někam prásknul a teď
nevím, co na wikimedia commons s tím. Jak dál.

Zobrazovadlo fungovalo. Ted uz nefunguje, nebot zrusili
(pred rokem;)
Pokud bude nahrada tak to opravim.

Na commons je treba to akorat nahrat a pridat do podkategorie zde:
Přidal jsem do
, ale v tom comboboxu vpravo tu kategorii stejně nenajdu. Je tam jen T - 
Moravian-Silesian Region. Žádné podkategorie jako jinde.

Ale to je jen takový detail, stejně se to bude předělávat ;-)



Více by se mi líbila podpora tagu wikimedia_commons. Není třeba hledat v
jiné databázi, odkaz na ten správný soubor je přímo u osm uzlu.

Osobně bych uvítal nějaký nástroj, který to nahraje přímo na wikimedia
commons (a eventuálně i na Mapillary) a vyplivne mi text, který pak přidám
rozcestníku. A nebo ještě lépe - upravit wikipedia josm plugin, aby
i s daty wikimedia commons.

presne tohle je v planu

První, druhé nebo oboje? :-D

Hlavne prvni, to druhe by bylo taky fajn. Ja bych chtel plugin obecny,
co by podporoval geojson, nebo georss. To by mi umoznilo vcelku
jednoduse udelat podporu pro josm primo z me db.

Tohle si sem pridam abych nezapomel, jsou tam uzitecne veci:




Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Čištění turistických tras v OSM - fotky ukazatelů

2015-08-24 Thread Miroslav Suchý
Dne 24.8.2015 v 21:17 Petr Vozdecký napsal(a):
 A uvedomil jsem si, ze nevim vlastne k cemu to je a zda (v souvislosti s
 ucelem) existuje nejaky pozadavek, jak to ma byt nafoceno (sirka, vyska,
 rozliseni, vse na jednom snimku, GPS v EXIFu...). Je mozna nejaka
 elementarni edukace? Mate-li dojem, ze matek tematu co rici, prosim
 soukrome do mailu vop seznam cz - vysledek bych zpracoval jako Tema pro

Plus by me zajimalo co znamenaji ta ruzna mala pismenka v rozich tech


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 10th Anniversary Rutland Mapping Party?

2015-08-24 Thread Andy Townsend
  I've done rural bits and pieces in Rutland on and off over the years* and would certainly be up for more mapping there. The tricky bit I suspect might be finding a mutually acceptable weekend before the clocks go back, though even afterwards some sort of combination of "rural stuff during the day, town/village pois at night" may work.Cheers,Andy* I had a look at Rutland in ITO's OSM Mapper and, apart from a couple of locals it's very much a case of "the usual suspects"!

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Čištění turistických tras v OSM - fotky ukazatelů

2015-08-24 Thread Michal Grézl
2015-08-18 22:19 GMT+02:00 Marián Kyral

 -- Původní zpráva --
 Od: Michal Grézl
 Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
 Datum: 18. 8. 2015 20:54:11
 Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Čištění turistických tras v OSM - fotky ukazatelů

 Je to původní (nic moc) verze. Je v plánu ji předělat a rozcestníky
 přesunout jinam. Možná Wikimedia commons nebo Mappilary nebo ještě někam
 úplně jinam.

 male doplneni, rozcestniky neni v planu nikam presouvat, je v planu
 udelat export do jinych sluzeb

 Omlouvám se za nepřesnost ;-)

 Já zkoušel upload na Mappilary a následný export na Wikimedia commons.
 Rozcestníku jsem pak fotku přidal přes tag wikimedia_commons. Přijde mi
 ji tam mít. Teď ještě, aby někdo podporoval zobrazení té fotky. Případně
 to chtělo pouvažovat, jak těch fotek přidat více. Někdy jedna nestačí.

 zobrazovadlo rozcestniku umi zobrazovat rozcestniky z commons, jen
 musi byt spravne zarazene do kategorie.

 No právě. V tom trochu plavu. Export z mapillary to někam prásknul a teď
 nevím, co na wikimedia commons s tím. Jak dál.

Zobrazovadlo fungovalo. Ted uz nefunguje, nebot zrusili
(pred rokem;)
Pokud bude nahrada tak to opravim.

Na commons je treba to akorat nahrat a pridat do podkategorie zde:

 Více by se mi líbila podpora tagu wikimedia_commons. Není třeba hledat v
 jiné databázi, odkaz na ten správný soubor je přímo u osm uzlu.

 Osobně bych uvítal nějaký nástroj, který to nahraje přímo na wikimedia
 commons (a eventuálně i na Mapillary) a vyplivne mi text, který pak přidám
 rozcestníku. A nebo ještě lépe - upravit wikipedia josm plugin, aby
 i s daty wikimedia commons.

 presne tohle je v planu

 První, druhé nebo oboje? :-D

Hlavne prvni, to druhe by bylo taky fajn. Ja bych chtel plugin obecny,
co by podporoval geojson, nebo georss. To by mi umoznilo vcelku
jednoduse udelat podporu pro josm primo z me db.

Tohle si sem pridam abych nezapomel, jsou tam uzitecne veci:


Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Tagging von Bächen als waterway=ditch

2015-08-24 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 24 August 2015, markus schnalke wrote:

   schmales Fließgewässer mit einer Breite zwischen 1 m bis 3 m.

   In der Regel sind diese Gräben [...] 0.5 bis 1 m breit.

Guter Punkt, numerische Breitenangaben sind hier nicht Bestandteil der 
eigentlichen Definition und insbesondere bei ditch auch nicht 
eindeutig, denn es ist unklar ob es um die Breite des Grabens oder der 
Wasserfläche geht.

Kann gut sein, dass das wesentlich zur irrtümlichen Verwendung 
beigetragen hat.

Christoph Hormann

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] rôle/fonctionnement de ?

2015-08-24 Thread Jocelyn Jaubert

On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 08:51:32AM +0200, Art Penteur wrote:
 Il y a quelque temps, à l'url, on
 accédait à une carte, avec plusieurs couches disponibles, dont celle
 liée à BANO.

Ça devrait maintenant être réparé.

Il y avait en fait deux bugs à corriger (DNS, et VM qui n'avait pas
démarré correctement).

Merci d'avoir reporté le problème.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 10th Anniversary Rutland Mapping Party?

2015-08-24 Thread Brian Prangle
I'm up for this  Brian

On 22 August 2015 at 13:23, SK53 wrote:

 I'm just back from my annual trip to the Rutland Bird Fair.

 Each time I'm struck by the fact that Rutland still needs a lot of ground
 survey work for OSM. Oakham for instance has a prodigious number of new
 houses, the PRoW network is pretty incomplete, and there are lots of other
 details missing in villages.

 Next year will be 10 years since the big Rutland Mapping Party
 Might it be fun to reprise it and make Rutland best mapped countryside in

 Obviously another alternative would be reprise the Isle of Wight Workshop


 Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] highway et limites administratives confondues

2015-08-24 Thread Francescu GAROBY
Précisons que ça ne s'applique qu'aux cantons urbains, comprenant un bout
seulement de la commune principale (et éventuellement des communes
complètes). Ces cantons sont ceux nommés commune principale-NUMÉRO. Car
les cantons ruraux sont généralement composés de communes entières.
Ce qui fait qu'au final, on se retrouve à appliquer les 2 modes de
découpage, pour un même canton...


Le 23 août 2015 17:42, Christian Quest a écrit :

 Les limites administratives des communes ne sont en général pas liées à
 la voirie ou autre objet physique, par contre, les cantons
 intra-communaux étant définis par les rues (dans le JORF), ça me semble
 logique de s'appuyer sur leur géométries... même si effectivement ça
 peut paraitre incohérent dans la modélisation OSM c'est cohérent avec la
 définition d'origine de ces limites.

 Le 23/08/2015 12:11, Nicolas Dumoulin a écrit :
  Le vendredi 21 août 2015 11:55:08 Francescu GAROBY a écrit :
  Pour la différenciation entre highways et limites administratives, la
  tendance ici est à séparer les 2 (personnellement, je trouve ça dommage,
  mais bon...). Mais du coup, JOSM râle, en effet !
  Juste pour pinailler : c'est la tendance pour les limites
 administratives …
  sauf pour les limites de cantons qui doivent s'appuyer sur les rues
  empruntées. Je trouve tout ça pas hyper logique et cohérent, mais bon
  je suis (de suivre) le consensus (oulà, qu'est-ce que j'écris moi !)

 Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] Preserving History ...

2015-08-24 Thread Lester Caine
I'm talking basically about the UK here but I know of similar examples
in the States and Australia and I assume the same rules can be applied
world wide.

There are a large number of structures currently mapped that require
prior knowledge to establish their existence and previous usage.
Railways, canals, buildings and even ancient track-ways. Some of those
routes are protected so that new work has to maintain the viability of
the original. Some are currently used as leisure routes again to
maintain the possibility at some time in the future the original use can
be restored, and some railways and canals HAVE been restored since OSM
started mapping them. So 'abandoned' may not be the right tag, but
neither is 'dismantled'. They both have a legitimate value though if
only for the appreciative user. These structures/objects should be
protected on the map as they often are in law.

Now we come to those situations where an existing object has been
replaced by a new one. One where substantial detail exists on the map
currently but which OVER A PERIOD OF TIME evolves from one structure to
another. There is an outline beyond which nothing changes and elements
within that may be protected much as already described. We can ignore
the work until it's completed, or because of the period of time that
work takes we can map the changes as they happen so routing software is
aware of the current situation. is a perfect
example, where a small roundabout has evolved into a much larger one,
but the new through route is still being excavated. The problem with
this is while it is a good approximation of how work is progressing,
many of the original roads have been deleted and replaced and all the
history relating to them lost. Because 'it's easier to delete and start
again' is encouraged rather than 'preserve the history of development'
where someone HAS already spent the time doing that in the past so much
is being lost! Nothing changed on the ground in 2012 so why was the A46
deleted? The work over three years has been carried out by using the
pre-2012 roads and while the work has evolved beyond that now, the
historic record WAS more accurate.

All I am asking is that people respect the work that has already been
done, and that THE SYSTEM makes sure that the historic record is not
destroyed because it is easier just to delete something and redraw it.
Going back through the history now and finding the original Tollbar
Roundabout history is now a lot of work, but equally, the current roads
are not an accurate reflection of what is on the ground. Phase 4 is due
to come into effect now, with the new bridges in use and that can
probably improved with actual GPS tracks once the new routes are open,
but the date of that changeover should be recoded as the old routes are
removed and the new ones upgraded from 'construction' ... the date the
data is actually changed is academic, but the prep work with a future
start date is what SHOULD happen, just as the underpass route should
become available in June next year.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] liens cassés ?

2015-08-24 Thread Jocelyn Jaubert

On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 09:54:05PM +0200, Jean-Yvon Landrac wrote:
 depuis quelques temps la couche carte humanitaire
 d' ne s'affiche pas.
 Une autre modification des serveurs OpenStreetMap France ?

Est-ce que tu peux préciser sur quel site tu vois un problème ?

De mon côté, ça a l'air de marcher correctement.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Abandoned Rails

2015-08-24 Thread Warin

On 24/08/2015 7:25 PM, moltonel 3x Combo wrote:

On 24/08/2015, Balaco Baco wrote:

buildings are usually
replaced much faster than maps are expected to last, and the work of
updating it twice, once for the empty space, dem. building and the
future new building outline is better done only one time.

It's nice to avoid unecessary version churn, but if a mapper keeps up
with the real-world changes there's nothing wrong with updating OSM
too. If you search the archives you'll find plenty of discussions on
mapping temporary features and how ephemeral a feature needs to be
before it loses its mapworthyness. For example a road closed during a
weekend is a clear no-map, but construction work is usually considered
mappable if it'll last a few months and there is a local mapper to
keep track of the updates.

how long a map is expected to last is a tricky question especially
for OSM. Paper maps are often updated yearly but kept for decades in
people's homes.

I have an old map passed down though the family .. 1860s .. still has features 
present today.
Some features have gone, some replaced with new structures, a few moved.

While the intention was a map ... back then there was little though given to 
how long it would last .. well worn and folded many times it has lasted well.
The scale varies, hand drawn and then printed on a printing press.
Would I map its features into OSM? No, most would not be interested, some would 
be confused by them, some would not believe some features.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Reply-to header

2015-08-24 Thread Max
Hash: SHA1

AFAIK this is the standard mailman configuration and not different
from other lists. the reply-to you mention is mot in every mail from
this list, but only in those which are from this person. that's expected.

You should respect netiquette and make a new thread when starting a
new topic. Don't just hit reply on a random email from the list and
change subject.


On 2015년 08월 24일 13:53, Balaco Baco wrote:
 P. S.: this mailing list does not add a Reply-to header to
 mail messages, as I'm used to. So I initially sent the answer
 to just one person. This should be changed - may it not confuse
 the majority of users!?
 It normally does, not sure what happened here.
 All messages I received from OSM list does not have the reply-to
 header with the list address.
 And to make sure of this, now I just opened 10 of them, among the
 most recent, and checked their full headers. Only one of those
 messages contain a reply-to header, and it is not the list address.
 It is:

Version: GnuPG v1


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Meetup

2015-08-24 Thread joost schouppe
Well, I just scheduled a little hackaton in Gent:

If our newest Ruben wants something less hacky and more beery, I can set up
a date for another Gent or Antwerp meetup. First week of October perhaps?

2015-08-21 13:20 GMT+02:00 Ruben De Smet

 Ruben Maes wrote:
  As part of the still ongoing manual welcome new mappers effort, I just
 welcomed Ruben. He joined the Meetup group and would like to attend one.
 Any plans for an upcoming one?

 Haha, this is funny. Just subscribed to this list.

 I should mention I have exams until the 1st of September and I'm probably
 leaving for a holiday too. Keep me posted ;-)



  The field from of an email is about as reliable as the address written
 on the back of an envelope.
  Use OpenPGP to verify that this message is sent by me. You can find my
 public key in the public directories, like

 Talk-be mailing list

Joost @
Openstreetmap |
Twitter | LinkedIn | Meetup | Reddit | Wordpress
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] is down?

2015-08-24 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
Ça a été corrigé.

Par contre la sur-couche Pas de ref (sauf tertiary) semble ne pas
fonctionner. Les dalles n'affichent aucune image.

Le 24 août 2015 10:28, Jean-Claude Repetto a écrit :

 Le 24/08/2015 09:31, adrien carpentier a écrit :
  impossible de me connecter sur
  depuis qqs jours, quelqu'un sait ce qu'il se passe?

 Oui, voir les messages de vendredi sur cette liste.

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Rencontre parisienne OSM

2015-08-24 Thread Florian LAINEZ
On que deux à aller à cette AFK ? C'est donc un diner en amoureux ? ;)
Allez les parigos motivez-vous pour sortir de chez vous !

2015-08-22 8:33 GMT+02:00 Florian LAINEZ

 I'm in.

 Le 21 août 2015 19:23, Donat ROBAUX a écrit :

 Bonjour à tous,

 Si vous êtes parisien, francilen ou que vous êtes de passage sur la
 capitale, nous vous proposons de nous rencontrer
 mardi 25 août 2015 à partir de 19h et ca se passe là (Restaurant Chez


 Talk-fr mailing list


 *Florian Lainez*


*Florian Lainez*
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Catégories réperoire FINESS

2015-08-24 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
Normalement pour les hôpitaux ça dépend de l'importance et du type de

   - Etablissements relevant de la loi hospitalière.
   - Autres établissements de soins et de prévention.
   - Autres établissements à caractère sanitaire.
   - Etablissements et services sociaux d'accueil, hébergement, assistance,
   - Etablissements et services sociaux d'aide à la famille.
   - Etablissements de formation des personnels sanitaires et sociaux.

La nomenclature décompose les catégories d'établissements et pas d'entités
juridiques. Chaque établissement a un SIRET. Il me semble que la
décomposition entre FINESS et APE n'est pas identique et n'est pas
renseignée pour tous les établissements - début en 2009. J'ai pas trouvé de
définition. La page semble vide. Peut être qu'utiliser le formulaire de
contact permettrait d'avoir un pdf complet.

Les sous décompositions sont vraiment multiples et il est difficile de
choisir une catégorie car hors nomenclature mis en pièce jointe il n'y a
pas plus de détail explicatif. Par contre partir du code dans FINESS pour
mettre des tag OSM semble une bonne chose encore faut-il ne pas se tromper
sur la définition.

Je suis pas sur que l'on ai le détail dans OSM pour avoir une telle
précision pour toutes les catégories d'établissements. Y a t-il un groupe
de travail sur la question?

On peut aussi ouvrir une discussion sur le sujet pour les catégories
problématiques (s'il y en a)

Le 24 août 2015 10:21, Christian Quest a écrit :

 J'ai exploré FINESS ces dernières semaines. Difficile d'y retrouver
 certains établissements comme les hopitaux. Les catégories ne sont pas bien
 précises ni documentées... il y a du neuf ?

 Le 24/08/2015 00:26, Donat ROBAUX a écrit :

 Bonjour à tous,

 Désolé si ca concerne peu de monde, mais une nouvelle nomenclature sur les
 catégories d'établissements ayant trait à la santé (le fameux FINESS) vient
 de sortir au 24/08/2015. Je l'ai vu par hasard.
 Je regarderai dans la semaine si il y a de grosses (et d'autres) modif.
 Je viens d'essayer de modifier la page, mais le langage
 wiki de tableur est un peu trop élaboré pour moi. [image: ]
 Il faudra faire un switch de valeur de tag, mais rien de presse. Il y a en
 tout cas, toutes les maisons de retraite à switcher.


 Talk-fr mailing 

 Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

 Talk-fr mailing list

Categorie.établissement (2).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Rencontre parisienne OSM

2015-08-24 Thread Otourly Wiki
S'il vous plaît pour le coup faites comme les lyonnais; un message (et un seul 
qui ne demande pas de réponses sur la liste) posté sur cette liste qui invite 
ceux qui ne suive pas le wiki d'y lire les informations à cette réunion.

Ainsi cela évite d'arroser des boîtes mails de personnes qui n'y sont pas 
concernés et c'est la majorité des lecteurs de la liste.
Il s'agit de la moindre des choses. Pour rappel il existe une liste pour organiser des rencontres; De plus il est 
possible d'ajouter (ou de faire ajouter) un évènement sur le site et en page d'accueil du wiki
Faites un effort comme ça que font les lyonnais ;)

 Le Lundi 24 août 2015 11h49, Florian LAINEZ a écrit :

 On que deux à aller à cette AFK ? C'est donc un diner en amoureux ? ;)
Allez les parigos motivez-vous pour sortir de chez vous !

2015-08-22 8:33 GMT+02:00 Florian LAINEZ

I'm in.

Le 21 août 2015 19:23, Donat ROBAUX a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,
Si vous êtes parisien, francilen ou que vous êtes de passage sur la capitale, 
nous vous proposons de nous rencontrer mardi 25 août 2015 à partir de 19h et ca 
se passe là (Restaurant Chez Papa)
Talk-fr mailing list



Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] is down?

2015-08-24 Thread adrien carpentier
oups pas vus les messages de vendredi, mais ça ne marche toujours pas chez
moi... enfin, it works! ;-)

Le 24 août 2015 11:34, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit

 Ça a été corrigé.

 Par contre la sur-couche Pas de ref (sauf tertiary) semble ne pas
 fonctionner. Les dalles n'affichent aucune image.

 Le 24 août 2015 10:28, Jean-Claude Repetto a écrit :

 Le 24/08/2015 09:31, adrien carpentier a écrit :
  impossible de me connecter sur
  depuis qqs jours, quelqu'un sait ce qu'il se passe?

 Oui, voir les messages de vendredi sur cette liste.

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Catégories réperoire FINESS

2015-08-24 Thread Christian Quest
J'ai exploré FINESS ces dernières semaines. Difficile d'y retrouver
certains établissements comme les hopitaux. Les catégories ne sont pas
bien précises ni documentées... il y a du neuf ?

Le 24/08/2015 00:26, Donat ROBAUX a écrit :
 Bonjour à tous,

 Désolé si ca concerne peu de monde, mais une nouvelle nomenclature sur
 les catégories d'établissements ayant trait à la santé (le fameux
 FINESS) vient de sortir au 24/08/2015. Je l'ai vu par hasard.
 Je regarderai dans la semaine si il y a de grosses (et d'autres) modif.
 Je viens d'essayer de modifier la
 page, mais le
 langage wiki de tableur est un peu trop élaboré pour moi. 
 Il faudra faire un switch de valeur de tag, mais rien de presse. Il y
 a en tout cas, toutes les maisons de retraite à switcher.


 Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] is down?

2015-08-24 Thread Jean-Claude Repetto
Le 24/08/2015 09:31, adrien carpentier a écrit :
 impossible de me connecter sur
 depuis qqs jours, quelqu'un sait ce qu'il se passe?

Oui, voir les messages de vendredi sur cette liste.

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Lenteurs sur rendu BANO, mise à jour FANTOIR et BAN

2015-08-24 Thread Christian Quest
Depuis quelques temps le rendu BANO n'était pas des plus réactif,
certaines tuiles mettaient plusieurs dizaines de secondes à être générées.

J'ai identifié les requêtes postgres en cause et corrigé le tir, ça
devrait aller beaucoup mieux !

Le fichier FANTOIR a aussi été rechargé avec la dernière version sortie
début août, et les adresses BAN (en gris) ont aussi été remises à jour.
Elle le seront automatiquement dorénavant vu le rythme hebdomadaire de
mise à jour de la BAN.

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] mapping party mozzecane - terza edizione

2015-08-24 Thread dvdzero

segnalo che il LUG di Villafranca-Mozzecane organizza per sabato 12
settembre 2015 alle 9.00 il terzo mapping party.
Tutte le info qui:


View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Meetup

2015-08-24 Thread Ruben De Smet
I just checked my schedule (saw the hackaton appear on meetup) and the week of 
the 24th, my University (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the Flemish version of 
FOSDEM's university Université Libre de Bruxelles/ULB) sessions start again. I 
saw the 25th, I have a college to attend at 8 o'clock. I could come by and have 
a look, although my attendace would be short.

I don't mind hacky nor beery by the way. Both of them are great.

Apparently I have college every day at 8:00, except for Wednesdays, where I 
only start at 13 o'clock.

I'm near Antwerp for the weekends and in Brussels for the weeks. I can probably 
get something organised at the Etterbeek campus too.


joost schouppe wrote:
 Well, I just scheduled a little hackaton in Gent:
 If our newest Ruben wants something less hacky and more beery, I can set up
 a date for another Gent or Antwerp meetup. First week of October perhaps?
 2015-08-21 13:20 GMT+02:00 Ruben De Smet
  Ruben Maes wrote:
   As part of the still ongoing manual welcome new mappers effort, I just
  welcomed Ruben. He joined the Meetup group and would like to attend one.
  Any plans for an upcoming one?
  Haha, this is funny. Just subscribed to this list.
  I should mention I have exams until the 1st of September and I'm probably
  leaving for a holiday too. Keep me posted ;-)
   The field from of an email is about as reliable as the address written
  on the back of an envelope.
   Use OpenPGP to verify that this message is sent by me. You can find my
  public key in the public directories, like
  Talk-be mailing list
 Joost @
 Openstreetmap |
 Twitter | LinkedIn | Meetup | Reddit | Wordpress

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Meetup

2015-08-24 Thread Nicolas Pettiaux

Dear Joost  Ruben,

Thanks for the idea and the organization. I am in Brussels during the 
week. During the week-end, I can move.

I can help with the organization of a beery activity around Etterbeek 
or Ixelles.

The campus of ESI (very close to Central station in Brussels) is 
accessible on Saturday mornings as we did last year.

Best regards,


Le 2015-08-24 11:10, Ruben De Smet a écrit :

I just checked my schedule (saw the hackaton appear on meetup) and the
week of the 24th, my University (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the
Flemish version of FOSDEM's university Université Libre de
Bruxelles/ULB) sessions start again. I saw the 25th, I have a college
to attend at 8 o'clock. I could come by and have a look, although my
attendace would be short.

I don't mind hacky nor beery by the way. Both of them are great.

Apparently I have college every day at 8:00, except for Wednesdays,
where I only start at 13 o'clock.

I'm near Antwerp for the weekends and in Brussels for the weeks. I can
probably get something organised at the Etterbeek campus too.

Nicolas Pettiaux, phd  -
Open@work - Une Société libre utilise des outils libres

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 10th Anniversary Rutland Mapping Party?

2015-08-24 Thread Nick Whitelegg

Well IoW is obviously easier for me but a) I suspect I'm in a minority there 
and b) to be quite honest it looks pretty much complete from the POV of ROWs.

Rutland would also be somewhere new for me so would be potentially interested. 
However my preference would be not to have it in October (when the original 
party happened) due to work commitments, but instead some time between Apr-Sep 
inclusive, which has the advantage of more daylight.


From: Brian Prangle
Sent: 24 August 2015 07:54
To: SK53
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] 10th Anniversary Rutland Mapping Party?

I'm up for this  Brian

On 22 August 2015 at 13:23, SK53 wrote:
I'm just back from my annual trip to the Rutland Bird Fair.

Each time I'm struck by the fact that Rutland still needs a lot of ground 
survey work for OSM. Oakham for instance has a prodigious number of new houses, 
the PRoW network is pretty incomplete, and there are lots of other details 
missing in villages.

Next year will be 10 years since the big Rutland Mapping 
 Might it be fun to reprise it and make Rutland best mapped countryside in UK?

Obviously another alternative would be reprise the Isle of Wight 


Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO VS OSM

2015-08-24 Thread Christian Quest
Même au sein d'une commune, il y a rarement un référentiel des noms de
voie qui tienne la route (!).
Ce genre de travail est plus l'exception que la règle.

Il n'y a pas actuellement d'outil permettent aux communex d'alimenter
directement un référentiel national, du coup elles sont sollicitées par
plein de monde comme La Poste, les éditeurs de cartographie pour GPS
(Tomtom, Here) et autres.

Les seules obligations de diffusion des noms de voie et adresses concernent:
- la DGFiP pour les communes de plus de 2000 habitants
- la DGFiP et l'INSEE pour celles de plus de 1 habitants

En dessous de 2000, aucune obligation à part le contrôle de légalité en
préfecture qui ne porte que sur la forme de toute délibération du
conseil municipal et n'a aucun lien direct avec notre sujet.

On est très loin d'être organisé !

Je doute de l'efficacité (et de l'accueil) si OSM sollicitait les
communes directement.
Je vois la difficulté qu'a par exemple La Poste pour que l'info viennent
naturellement des communes.
Il faut organiser une collecte unique, systématique, permanente et c'est
ce qu'on essaye de faire dans le cadre de la BAN.

Le 23/08/2015 23:08, Nicolas Pettiaux a écrit :


 Christian indique que la source d'autorité est la commune. Il y a
 beaucoup de communes en France. Ne serait-il pas intéressant de
 regarder les 3 communes dans lesquelles il y a le plus de petites
 différences et préparer des rencontres personnelles par des membres
 de OSM qui s'intéressent à Bano (ou l'équipe de Bano) avec les
 représentants de ces 3 communes pour essayer de mettre en avant des
 propositions de solutions qui puissent convenir à tout le monde pour
 établir UNE seule source d'autorité qui soit respectueuse des communes
 ? (si c'est possible dans un grand nombre de cas)

 Bonne soirée,


 Le 2015-08-23 12:26, Christian Quest a écrit :

 Le 23/08/2015 11:30, Aurélien  a écrit :

 J'en ai catalogué différents types :
 1) BANO : La rue des Mésanges - OSM : Rue des mésanges
 2) BANO : L'Arbre de Guise - OSM : Rue de l'Arbre de Guise
 3) BANO : Rue de l'Escalier Royal - OSM : Escalier Royal
 Ce n'est pas bien méchant mais peut-être que nous pouvons établir un
 ensemble de règles syntaxiques afin de créer un process de
 correction automatique ?

 Et comment déterminer qui est correct ? Les données BANO issues du
 cadastres peuvent comporter des erreurs... le cadastre n'est pas
 parfait et n'est pas une source d'autorité (c'est uniquement la
 commune qui l'est).


 Nicolas Pettiaux, phd  -
 Open@work mailto:Open@work - Une Société libre utilise des outils libres

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Reply-to header

2015-08-24 Thread Lester Caine
On 24/08/15 08:12, Max wrote:
 You should respect netiquette and make a new thread when starting a
 new topic. Don't just hit reply on a random email from the list and
 change subject.

If quoting of messages was better managed it would be easier to follow
things. The p.s. was part of the original thread so not just a 'random
email' ...

The problem is that just as everybody has their own opinions over OSM
data, they also have different ways of replying to emails. Not helped by
each client application enforcing it's own preferences. Some clients
will be listing the change of subject as separate thread, some not, and
so the mess goes on.

Sometimes I can hit 'reply to list' and just get the list address other
times it's 'reply all' and find the list as a 'cc' so it's not the list
which has a problem ... it's the whole process :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 10th Anniversary Rutland Mapping Party?

2015-08-24 Thread Andy Robinson


From: Nick Whitelegg [] 
Sent: 24 August 2015 09:17
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] 10th Anniversary Rutland Mapping Party?



Well IoW is obviously easier for me but a) I suspect I'm in a minority there
and b) to be quite honest it looks pretty much complete from the POV of

Rutland would also be somewhere new for me so would be potentially
interested. However my preference would be not to have it in October (when
the original party happened) due to work commitments, but instead some time
between Apr-Sep inclusive, which has the advantage of more daylight.





From: Brian Prangle
Sent: 24 August 2015 07:54
To: SK53
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] 10th Anniversary Rutland Mapping Party? 


I'm up for this  Brian


On 22 August 2015 at 13:23, SK53 wrote:

I'm just back from my annual trip to the Rutland Bird Fair.

Each time I'm struck by the fact that Rutland still needs a lot of ground
survey work for OSM. Oakham for instance has a prodigious number of new
houses, the PRoW network is pretty incomplete, and there are lots of other
details missing in villages.

Next year will be 10 years since the big Rutland Mapping Party
_Mapping_Party . Might it be fun to reprise it and make Rutland best mapped
countryside in UK? 

Obviously another alternative would be reprise the Isle of Wight Workshop .



Talk-GB mailing list


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Abandoned Rails

2015-08-24 Thread moltonel 3x Combo
On 24/08/2015, Balaco Baco wrote:
 buildings are usually
 replaced much faster than maps are expected to last, and the work of
 updating it twice, once for the empty space, dem. building and the
 future new building outline is better done only one time.

It's nice to avoid unecessary version churn, but if a mapper keeps up
with the real-world changes there's nothing wrong with updating OSM
too. If you search the archives you'll find plenty of discussions on
mapping temporary features and how ephemeral a feature needs to be
before it loses its mapworthyness. For example a road closed during a
weekend is a clear no-map, but construction work is usually considered
mappable if it'll last a few months and there is a local mapper to
keep track of the updates.

how long a map is expected to last is a tricky question especially
for OSM. Paper maps are often updated yearly but kept for decades in
people's homes. Google Map has TOS that mostly forbid cacheing data
yourself for later. Data on is updated minutely, but the osm
data on a satnav may never get an update at all.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Rencontre parisienne OSM

2015-08-24 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry
Bonjour Florian(s),

 De: Otourly Wiki
 S'il vous plaît pour le coup faites comme les lyonnais; un message
 (et un seul qui ne demande pas de réponses sur la liste) posté sur
 cette liste qui invite ceux qui ne suive pas le wiki d'y lire les
 informations à cette réunion.
 Ainsi cela évite d'arroser des boîtes mails de personnes qui n'y sont
 pas concernés et c'est la majorité des lecteurs de la liste.
 Il s'agit de la moindre des choses. Pour rappel il existe une liste pour organiser des rencontres; De
 plus il est possible d'ajouter (ou de faire ajouter) un évènement
 sur le site et en page d'accueil du wiki
 Faites un effort comme ça que font les lyonnais ;)

Vue sa très faible activité, la liste local-idf a été volontairement mise en 
en décembre 2013 suite à ce dernier fil :

Elle est remplacée par une section du forum :
où sont postées toutes les annonces des IRL parisiennes, comme pour demain :


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Abandoned Rails

2015-08-24 Thread Richard Fairhurst
moltonel 3x Combo wrote:
 Remember that interpreting osm data is actually a lot of work. 
 Very few people have the manpower to verify what railroad=
 dismantled actually mean to decide wheter they want to use 
 or filter out that data. Most of them will just match railway=*, 
 plus perhaps some special cases for railway=rail and railway=
 subway. Now they're looking at historical data without even 
 knowing it. They are confused.

Please don't make stuff up.'s rendering is 1300 lines of CartoCSS, 1400 of .mml, 300 lines
of Lua preprocessing, and 350 lines of Ruby/PostGIS postprocessing.

Of this, the code required to show only operational railways is 100
characters - a rounding error. It's a detail in a 1400-character line of
.mml and it was copied directly from OSM-Bright, the base style used by
switch2osm. In other words, anyone setting up an OSM tileserver from the
canonical instructions already gets this for free.

There are plenty of issues with OSM railway tagging that make decent
rendering, routing and analysis hard. (railway=station covering both
mainline stations and preserved heritage attractions is the first that
springs to mind.) railway=dismantled is not one of them.

As to whether utterly dismantled railways belong in the OSM database, I
couldn't really care less. In terms of doctrine, they probably don't, though
let's not overstate the issue: I suspect more bytes have been spilled in
this thread than it would take to encode a dump of current
railway=dismantled in .pbf format. But Gregory, Greg and Jason have it
right. This is not about some precious notion of purity, it's about

Outside the two fundamentals of openly licensed and crowdsourced, OSM is
characterised by its pragmatism. We do what works. What works is a community
of people who feel respected and empowered. And bearing in mind that we're
talking about the US here, we need all the community we can get.

Read Minh Nguyen's excellent new diary post
( Even in the
super-affluent, super-educated Bay Area, OSM is barely at the stage that
Europe reached five or more years ago. It is an endless parade of outdated
street configurations, missing landmarks, test edits.

But, he notes, there is plenty of rail and bike infrastructure.

This is what characterised OSM adoption here in Britain. The enthusiasts are
the first to get it: the railfans, the cyclists. Widespread take-up comes
later, once the enthusiasts have built something good.

The last thing we want to do in the US is drive away the few enthusiasts we
currently have.


View this message in context:
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Čištění turistických tras v OSM - fotky ukazatelů

2015-08-24 Thread Petr Kadlec
2015-08-24 9:35 GMT+02:00 Michal Grézl

 Zobrazovadlo fungovalo. Ted uz nefunguje, nebot zrusili
 (pred rokem;)
 Pokud bude nahrada tak to opravim.

Náhrada už dávno je na (např.

Ale to nucené ruční vybírání podkategorie mi přijde dost uživatelsky
nepoužitelné. To chce načíst _všechny_ regiony automaticky, ne, aby
uživatel musel vymýšlet, kde že to zrovna je.

by se (snad) mělo stáhnout KML _všech_ rozcestníků pod touhle kategorií,
ale to už samozřejmě není dobrý nápad dělat pro každého uživatele na straně
klienta, ale chtělo by to tenhle soubor stáhnout třeba jednou denně na ten
server a zpracovávat lokálně a servírovat příslušné rozcestníky automaticky.

-- Petr Kadlec / Mormegil
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 10th Anniversary Rutland Mapping Party?

2015-08-24 Thread Dudley Ibbett
Spring next year would be my preference.   Realistically I would only be able 
to make Rutland.  If it does go ahead I wonder if we could use the Hot Tasking 
manager and Mapillary.  Neither were presumably available in 2006.  I guess 
there would be other tools we could use to highlight which footpaths need 
adding for planning etc.


Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2015 08:16:50 +
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] 10th Anniversary Rutland Mapping Party?

Well IoW is obviously easier for me but a) I suspect I'm in a minority there 
and b) to be quite honest it looks pretty much complete from the POV of ROWs.

Rutland would also be somewhere new for me so would be potentially interested. 
However my preference would be not to have it in October (when the original 
party happened) due to work commitments, but instead some time between Apr-Sep 
inclusive, which has the
 advantage of more daylight.


From: Brian Prangle

Sent: 24 August 2015 07:54

To: SK53


Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] 10th Anniversary Rutland Mapping Party?

I'm up for this  Brian

On 22 August 2015 at 13:23, SK53 wrote:

I'm just back from my annual trip to the Rutland Bird Fair.

Each time I'm struck by the fact that Rutland still needs a lot of ground 
survey work for OSM. Oakham for instance has a prodigious number of new houses, 
the PRoW network is pretty incomplete, and there are lots of other details 
missing in villages.

Next year will be 10 years since the big 
Rutland Mapping Party. Might it be fun to reprise it and make Rutland best 
mapped countryside in UK?

Obviously another alternative would be reprise the 
Isle of Wight Workshop.



Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] SOTM 2016 and meetings

2015-08-24 Thread joost schouppe
Hi all,

It is a long way off, but the SOTM team is getting started already. We
already looked into several locations, we kind of picked a logo, we found a
nice designer too. We're thinking of the VUB at the moment, because of some
problems with the ULB location. And there is still a chance that we might
work with the European Parliament, but that is still up in the air.

For the time being, there aren't that many tasks. But it would be great to
start building our volunteer network now. I think it should be quite clear
that if we meet now, it will be more about ideas and community building
than actually working on tasks. So we do run the risk of wearing people out
with meetings without a real need (I sometimes feel the Meetups have that
effect on some of us).
The one exception maybe that we could start laying the foundation for a
website already, Ben Abelshausen is setting up a Github space as we speak.

I guess the lack of much concrete actions is why the SOTM hasn't been
talking so much. As Rob mentioned today, SOTM is used to working under
thight deadlines. This having-a-lot-of-time is a wholly different
challenge. If anyone is feeling excluded, don't. Join. We're also going to
send more frequent updates to this list from now on.
To give you an idea of the kind of things will have to get done, this is
from the talent matrix. Some of these task could really use a hand.

Nicholas, if you can arrange the ESI on any day, I would suggest to make a
Doodle with a wide variety of options (daytime, evening, weekend, weekday)
to see who wants to come and what is best for everyone.

Sponsorship - developing sponsorship pack / tiers
Sponsorship - Local
Sponsorship - International
Ticket sales - coordinating
Budget - bookkeeper
Scholarship program
Scholarship committee (to review scholarship requests)
Venue (co-ordination with venue company)
Social events
Wi-fi access
AV for presenters
Video Streaming
Merchandise / freebies
TShirts and Lanyards
Booklet / guide for attendees
Brand / Design / Logo
Communication to OSM community- twitter, blogs, etc
Communication / outreach to non-OSM community (open source/data, etc)
Communication / outreach for promotion (local media, newsprint etc)
Call for presentations - organising / coordinating
Call for presentations - initial ranking
Call for presentations - programme
Keynote speakers - sourcing and coordinating
Non-talk content (workshops, hack events)
Volunteer co-ordination
Volunteer training (including Code of Conduct)


2015-08-24 16:23 GMT+02:00 Ben Laenen

 Ah, ok, misread it then :-) Sorry for the noise


 On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Jo wrote:
  The conference itself will be held in the venue where FOSDEM takes place.
  ESI is convenient for preparatory meetings, due to its location.
  2015-08-24 16:10 GMT+02:00 Ben Laenen
  On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 11:02 PM, Nicolas Pettiaux
   ESI is well located centrally, close to Central station, if has the
   infrastructure (as it is a computing school), and I can most probably
   the room for free.
  Does it have big enough rooms? Because the pictures in the gallery on
  its website only show small classrooms. If a thousand people are
  coming we may need to have at least one auditorium that can seat a few
  Talk-be mailing list
  Talk-be mailing list

 Talk-be mailing list

Joost @
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Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Edições em Sertãozinho

2015-08-24 Thread Nelson A. de Oliveira
2015-08-24 20:14 GMT-03:00 Roger C. Soares
 tracksource 15.08

^ esse é o maior problema
Ele usou o iD em todas as edições, então não importou nada diretamente do TS.
O que complica é saber o que foi copiado do mapa da prefeitura (que
também precisa verificar a permissão) e/ou do TS.

Olhando muito por cima parece ter sido, em grande parte, nomeação de ruas.
Ele consegue dizer exatamente qual fonte foi usada em qual edição?

O que foi copiado precisará ser removido (redact, não apenas
revertido) do OSM (ao menos o que veio do TS, caso exista permissão
dos dados da prefeitura).
Se não for possível separar os dados eu não vejo outra solução a não
ser redact em tudo que envolva nome ou outras informações (como, por exemplo).

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Grenzimport Wien

2015-08-24 Thread Kevin Kofler
Andreas Labres wrote:
 Ich nehme an, dass die hier zur Diskussion stehenden Daten nicht von der
 Stadt Wien stammen?

Doch, tun sie:

Die ganze Lizenzdiskussion ist nur ein Strawman, die Lizenz ist hier ganz 
und gar nicht das Problem.

Kevin Kofler

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Unauthorised bike trails in national parks

2015-08-24 Thread stev391


In regards to item 10, the photo that I have referenced is from the intersection of Granite and Abrahams tracks, which is un marked(no sign), only wheel ruts/indents in the grass to indicate the intersection.

If I understood correctly, the access requirements you have described for Ant Track, are better suited to an access=no tag, vs the individual tagging of uses currently applied. (This is in line with the signs on the entry to the park and the description of a formed track from your email below.)

That is my 2 cents, not fussed either way, just prefered it to be clear what the access/use requirements are.


Sent:Monday, August 24, 2015 at 2:52 PM
Subject:Re: [talk-au] Unauthorised bike trails in national parks

Hi all

Thanks for the delay while I contacted Parks Vic. Parks Vic have
confirmed that Ant Trail is closed to the public for all uses as is
the trail at

stev391 proposed that my edit should be reverted as he says:
(1) The track is there and more well defined than other features in the area.
(2) OSM is a map of what is in the world, not what copyrighted maps
have stated.
(3) This is a commonly used mountain bike track, with a recognised name.
(4) bicycle=no requires this to be indicated in the real world.

Here are my answers to these and other issues raised:

The track is there and more well defined than other features in the area.
Ant trail is 20cm wide and consists of bare earth where bicycle
traffic has killed the vegetation. It is not signposted. Conversely
all the designated trails are signposted.

The photo that stev391 posted in support is of the intersection of Ant
Trail and Abrahams Track. Abrahams track is vehicle width and is
formed, that is it was created by earthmoving equipment. Ant Trail is
neither signed nor formed (no earthworks). See later in this post for
more photos of this intersection. There are no designated trails that
are less well defined than Ant Trail.

OSM is a map of what is in the world, not what copyrighted maps have stated.
There is a lot of information that Ant Trail is closed to cyclists
without needing to refer to copyright maps. There are signs at all the
main entry points stating that only formed and designated trails can
be used and that the use of informal trails is not permitted. All the
designated trails are signposted. Ant Trail is not formed, signed or

This is a commonly used mountain bike track
Is it suggested that common use rather than legal status should
determine the access tag? There is no credible dispute to the fact
that Parks Vic has the authority to close tracks and impose penalties.
This is not like Cyprus, Kosovo or Crimea where the legal authority is
disputed. We have unambiguous on ground evidence that all informal
trails have no legal access.

bicycle=no requires this to be indicated in the real world.
Signs at all main entry points to the park specify that trails should
be designated and formed and that informal trails should not be used.
All the designated tracks are signed. Ant Trail is not formed,
designated or signed, it is informal. This is real world indication.

If you are not allowed to ride there is a no bikes symbol
Yes it does say this. It is obvious that this is badly worded. It is
obviously impractical to signpost every informal trail, shortcut and
animal track. The no bikes signs are only used on signed and
designated walking tracks. Is it suggested that its OK to use informal
bush trails up to the point that Parks notices them and puts up a sign?

When in doubt, also consider the on the ground rule
There is no doubt in this case. Parks Vic is the undisputed
responsible authority, this is not disputed territory like Cyprus,
Kosovo or Crimea. Parks Vic has declared Ant Trail and other informal
trails closed. There is ample evidence on the ground of this.

The only formed management trail is the Dargon Track ...
Formed means earthworks, eg by a grader, spade or bulldozer but not
necessarily graveled. Dargon, Abrahams, Sunset, Lanes tracks all fit
this definition. Ant Trail is a worn trail not a formed trail.

Both maps on the parks site are out of date and do not show all the
signed tracks, let alone the unsigned tracks...
Yes the website pdf is dated 2007 and does not show The Aneurism which
is a signed and designated bike track. Any unsigned tracks should not
be used. The Aneurism is shown on the maps at the Horswood Rd and
Hallam North Rd carparks, these signs are a few weeks old.

what regulation governs the restriction to ride a bike on an existing trails
It is the National Parks Act. It is an offence to use a vehicle in an
area not set aside for vehicles. A Bike is included in the definition
of vehicle in the National Park Regulations 2013

there is no sign at this intersection of the fire trails
I cant view the photo at 

[Talk-TW] [理事會選舉] 推薦劉俊宏

2015-08-24 Thread Dongpo Deng
推薦人: 鄧東波(dongpo)
被推薦人: 劉俊宏 (Louis)
推薦理由: Louis 
Talk-TW mailing list