Re: [CGUYS] Wing Nuts Oppose Better Broadband

2010-03-15 Thread tjpa
On Mar 15, 2010, at 3:20 PM, mike wrote: Sorry, some of us actually like the Contsitution. Expressing a preference over Charmin? * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calm

Re: [CGUYS] Wing Nuts Oppose Better Broadband

2010-03-15 Thread tjpa
On Mar 15, 2010, at 2:22 PM, mike wrote: I didn't mean cost as in some monthly bill, i meant in the larger scheme. You mean like being in the state of grace is a bad thing. * ** List info, subscription management, list

Re: [CGUYS] Wing Nuts Oppose Better Broadband

2010-03-15 Thread tjpa
On Mar 15, 2010, at 1:34 PM, wrote: I have been under the belief that there have been proposals put forth providing for federal subsidies to be used to help pay for costs associated with increasing broadband internet penetration into currently unserved or under served areas o

Re: [CGUYS] Wing Nuts Oppose Better Broadband

2010-03-15 Thread tjpa
On Mar 15, 2010, at 12:20 PM, Art Clemons wrote: The US disdain for government provided services has a cost in the real world. I suspect these woefully ignorant wing nuts have no idea who paid for the development of the Internet.

Re: [CGUYS] Wing Nuts Oppose Better Broadband

2010-03-15 Thread tjpa
On Mar 15, 2010, at 1:16 PM, mike wrote: This implies there is no cost of government provided services in the real world. Not by a long shot. But this is yet another great example of how your faulty logic leads to absurd conclusions. **

Re: [CGUYS] Your house is a dump!

2010-03-15 Thread tjpa
On Mar 15, 2010, at 1:21 PM, b_s-wilk wrote: Google is doing us a favor for when someone sends out a hitman--he goes to the wrong house. Google has a prominent notice that street addressees are approximate. Notice that you can type in a non-existent address and still find yourself at the m

Re: [CGUYS] Notebook woes

2010-03-14 Thread tjpa
That is claiming that a chunk of your operating system is missing. Quite unlikely. Errors this strange often point in the wrong direction. Try running scandisk until the drive passes with no errors. Then run a registry cleaner until it passes with no errors. Then a scan with the Bit Defende

Re: [CGUYS] zip codes

2010-03-14 Thread tjpa
On Mar 14, 2010, at 2:20 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote: You mean like Birth certificates and such? We have birthers and truthers. Do we call them zippers? * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives,

Re: [CGUYS] overwrite office 2003

2010-03-14 Thread tjpa
On Mar 12, 2010, at 4:20 PM, gerald wrote: my question is, can i get away with overrighting office 2003 with 2007. can i get away with that, or will i end up with a mess? Why not run "add/remove programs" first? If your current copy has a validation issue you will want to expunge it as comp

[CGUYS] Books in the Age of the iPad

2010-03-13 Thread tjpa
A great essay on what the iPad may accomplish. "With the iPad we finally have a platform for consuming rich-content in digital form. What does that mean? To understand just why the iPad is so exciting we need to think about how we got here. I want

Re: [CGUYS] Are Macs Really Cheaper To Manage Than PCs? -

2010-03-13 Thread tjpa
On Mar 12, 2010, at 11:11 PM, b_s-wilk wrote: Macs in the enterprise aren't just cheaper to manage—they're a lot cheaper, according to a new survey released today by the Enterprise Desktop Alliance. My favorite nugget from this report was: "top execs often prefer Macs.' ***

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-12 Thread tjpa
On Mar 12, 2010, at 10:15 AM, Chris Dunford wrote: Well, now that this turns out to be wrong, suddenly the real issue isn't that XP users are screwed, it's that it's a kluge. The real issue has been in the subject line all along. It is still true.

Re: [CGUYS] FCC wants to measure

2010-03-12 Thread tjpa
On Mar 12, 2010, at 12:09 PM, mike wrote: I'm not blasting the Obama government on this, just government waste in general. Kinda like the 70k? plus in debit cards that disappeared during katrina. ...but if we are honest there are pallets of money literally (remember iraq) that disappear.

Re: [CGUYS] FCC wants to measure

2010-03-12 Thread tjpa
On Mar 11, 2010, at 9:40 PM, wrote: Well, okay then. If you prefer the UNtinyurl, here it is. I was just trying to be helpful. I feel better getting the full URL. This is not a brilliant move by the FCC. It is just ordinary smartness. It only looks brilliant because the

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-12 Thread tjpa
On Mar 12, 2010, at 1:35 AM, mike wrote: I thought macs stayed in service longer than PC's? They do, but Mac users keep their OSs up to date because Apple charges a reasonable upgrade fee and the upgrade is easy to install. Mac owners are never faced with formatting their drives just to upg

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-12 Thread tjpa
On Mar 11, 2010, at 11:33 PM, Chris Dunford wrote: The 512-byte sectors are emulated. That's what the OS sees. Physically, they're 4K sectors. And you can't see that this is an awful kluge? Hardware vendors should not have to go Rube Goldberg to work around a mess created my the operating

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-12 Thread tjpa
On Mar 11, 2010, at 8:56 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote: You have a point but only because Apple has made the old hardware obsolete. Macs stay in service far longer than PCs. You know that. Why introduce a red herring? Please stay honest and don't go for debating points. This is a softwar

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread tjpa
On Mar 11, 2010, at 7:54 PM, Chris Dunford wrote: In short, never updating the older version is superior to updating it but omitting a fix for a drive type that nobody running XP actually has. Big difference. You are comparing Apple's support of an old OS version that almost nobody uses to

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread tjpa
On Mar 11, 2010, at 7:33 PM, Chris Dunford wrote: Ah. Well, WD sees it differently: Or you and they are feeding us BS. Simple math on the drive specs shows these drives still have only 512B sectors. Formatted Capacity: 1,00

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread tjpa
Just to be clear, as of the end of February 2010, Windows XP is the most widely used operating system in the world with a 58.4% market share. * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** **

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread tjpa
On Mar 11, 2010, at 6:13 PM, mike wrote: Just to be clear, Apple supported EFI since 2006...XP came out in 2001...the next major update to XP which was Vista supports EFI and the larger disks. All those still using older macs are out in the cold too...not that I think it will affect anyone

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread tjpa
On Mar 11, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Chris Dunford wrote: Your sad little summary fails, oddly, to mention that the ONLY version this affects is XP... False. And downright rude. , now nearly a decade old. Vista, Server 2008, and Win7 are all just fine. So what "failed to engineer a smooth transitio

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread tjpa
On Mar 11, 2010, at 2:14 PM, Chris Dunford wrote: A bit smug, Chris. You're missing my point. Tom, who has long since lost all credibility in commenting on MS Chris is our home grown version of Glenn Beck. He sure doesn't like any close brushes with reality. *

Re: [CGUYS] combining PDFs

2010-03-11 Thread tjpa
On Mar 11, 2010, at 12:34 AM, chad evans wyatt wrote: Tried to find a way to do your task with Preview, guess that's not there. Perhaps time to curse, then bite the bullet... Oh yes, Preview works. Sorry about my last post with a command line solution. Open them all in Preview. Open the d

[CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread tjpa
Long article at Ars about how M$ failed to engineer a smooth transition for its customers to new hard drive technologies. Changes are necessary to take us to higher hard drive capacities. Apple took care of this many years ago so changes will be no big deal. Meanwhile XP users will take a b

Re: [CGUYS] All Your Apps Are Belong to Apple

2010-03-10 Thread tjpa
On Mar 10, 2010, at 4:12 PM, mike wrote: A short editorial from EFF about the app situation at Apple. Someone else on the list brought up Apple's new contract with developers believing this would help developers..I don't think so because Apple has been telling developers the rules all along,

Re: [CGUYS] Off Topic, But Really Interesting

2010-03-10 Thread tjpa
On Mar 10, 2010, at 6:37 PM, wrote: Eh, they left out the Scientologists. That group would likely blow all the others away as far as upper levels of income. I don't thing the Rev. is a Scientologist. Should have checked the chart before picking a flock. ***

Re: [CGUYS] Sue Me Sue You

2010-03-10 Thread tjpa
On Mar 10, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Michael Fernando wrote: (specially nice __how__ Sun fended off both Apple and Microsoft.) No nice at all. All these huge companies pretend to sue each other and then settle by swapping patent portfolios. So all of them get access to a huge pool of pate

Re: [CGUYS] A Multigenerational Look at the iPad

2010-03-09 Thread tjpa
On Mar 9, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Reid Katan wrote: You mean, like that iPad commercial tat was posted here the other day? I mean seriously, *nobody* holds something *that* still. Especially when they're poking at it. It doesn't move. It looks like two hands (mostly one though) poking at a green

Re: [CGUYS] A Multigenerational Look at the iPad

2010-03-09 Thread tjpa
On Mar 9, 2010, at 10:31 AM, mike wrote: I didn't even know MS was working on a pad like device... Actually two. One based on WINCE 6.5 and one on Zune. The two teams are reportedly spending a good bit of their resources on backstabbing one another. **

Re: [CGUYS] A Multigenerational Look at the iPad

2010-03-09 Thread tjpa
On Mar 9, 2010, at 7:47 AM, John Duncan Yoyo wrote: The possible windows pad is an advertising feint. Just like M$ announced the Surface when Apple's iPhone Buzz sucked all the oxygen out of the market before it's release the pad is a peice of advertising vaporware intended to keep the M$

Re: [CGUYS] A Multigenerational Look at the iPad

2010-03-08 Thread tjpa
On Mar 8, 2010, at 4:18 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote: Sort of like the Ipad right now. No, the iPad exists. You can drive nails with it. It is not yet available for retail sale, but that is not the same as being fictitious. ***

Re: [CGUYS] Too many patches

2010-03-08 Thread tjpa
On Mar 8, 2010, at 5:40 PM, wrote: 75 Microsoft, third-party patch events each year are a burden most users can't bear, says Secunia Especially when they can never be sure that the proffered update is from a legitimate source or, even when it is, that it won't cause a co

[CGUYS] Should I Keep My DSL Modem?

2010-03-08 Thread tjpa
I'm moving my office. Do I take the DSL modem with me or get a new one at the new location? The one I got was "free" but is now close to 10 years old. Would it be worth it to pay for a new one or are the current models no different? *

Re: [CGUYS] A Multigenerational Look at the iPad

2010-03-08 Thread tjpa
On Mar 8, 2010, at 12:57 PM, mike wrote: I think it's time they do something since it's remained unchanged since it came out and they have MS and Android both releasing strong products. M$ product is an animation, you can't drive nails with it. Can I pay for it with virtual money? **

Re: [CGUYS] A Multigenerational Look at the iPad

2010-03-08 Thread tjpa
On Mar 8, 2010, at 12:36 PM, tjpa wrote: Just like the iPod and iPhone did. * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, pri

Re: [CGUYS] A Multigenerational Look at the iPad

2010-03-08 Thread tjpa
On Mar 7, 2010, at 11:01 PM, Eric S. Sande wrote: Yes but it still sucks, Just like the iPod and iPhone did. * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmness, a member map,

Re: [CGUYS] CNET Final Cut Pro the Apple of Oscar's eye - CNET News

2010-03-07 Thread tjpa
On Mar 7, 2010, at 6:32 PM, Rev. Stewart A. Marshall wrote: Many filmmakers at Sunday's Academy Awards used Apple's Final Cut Studio to edit their movies. Tom will like this story. And Adobe will be pissed off. Apple's FCP entered the market late and quickly shoved all the incumbents off in

Re: [CGUYS] Recommendation for laptop computer advice sought

2010-03-05 Thread tjpa
On Mar 5, 2010, at 5:27 PM, Robert Carroll wrote: I looked at the Alienware laptops on the Dell site and they are as expensive as the Mac. Cheapest is $1200 going up to $1800. Where do you get that? Apple laptops start at $999. Pro line starts at $1199. I see Windows laptops going for $10

Re: [CGUYS] UNIX Help -- Command Line Stuff

2010-03-05 Thread tjpa
On Mar 5, 2010, at 2:24 PM, Michael Fernando wrote: However, this is a dangerous command. Run the following first to see what it does. If you like the output, run it with 'rm -f' instead of 'ls -l' Good advice that is. Thanks JE and MF. I feel in control now. **

Re: [CGUYS] more apps removed...apparently for no reason

2010-03-05 Thread tjpa
On Mar 5, 2010, at 2:08 PM, mike wrote: Maybe Apple could not approve apps if they seemingly violate some hidden law? Apple knew what this app did when they approved it, they can keep playing games with developers and users, but eventually I would think all but the die hard MFB's like yours

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-05 Thread tjpa
On Mar 5, 2010, at 9:15 AM, mike wrote: The average net worth of Senators is about 9 million, not exactly average joes. But the more significant median is about $890,000 (for Senators and Reps in 2008). Anyone who owns a house in the metro DC area is probably worth more than that. So at le

Re: [CGUYS] more apps removed...apparently for no reason

2010-03-05 Thread tjpa
On Mar 5, 2010, at 11:39 AM, mike wrote: *Apple removed several Wi-Fi apps commonly referred to as stumblers, or apps that seek out available Wi-Fi networks near your location... If I was a developer I'd think twice about the environment Apple is creating. Removed for good reason. Nor did A

Re: [CGUYS] Recommendation for laptop computer advice sought

2010-03-05 Thread tjpa
On Mar 5, 2010, at 6:12 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote: You said you were cheap (and did not tell us what you want to use the computer for), so that should be fine. A netbook would be even cheaper. Often people tell me they need a laptop, only to later discover that it is so much less c

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-04 Thread tjpa
On Mar 4, 2010, at 1:54 PM, John Settle wrote: ""They (Politicians)only care about the next election, just like we only care about the next bonus. Well, none of them cares about the country, none of us cares about the institution," he said, adding: "They really don't care, and I really don't

Re: [CGUYS] Twist in school spying scandal

2010-03-04 Thread tjpa
On Mar 4, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Art Clemons wrote: You are supposing that the school district wasn't responsible for the actions of its employees and contractors in this situation. Despite what the wing nuts at the Supreme Court would have you believe, the school district is not a person. It does

Re: [CGUYS] What's the name of that Firefox Ad-on?

2010-03-04 Thread tjpa
On Mar 4, 2010, at 12:24 PM, Tony B wrote: Of course, if they lie about one thing they probably lie about others, which is why we can't just poll people to find out what types of computers they're using. BTW, if anyone cares, I'm responsible for about 14 PCs now, but only 5 of them connect

Re: [CGUYS] Twist in school spying scandal

2010-03-04 Thread tjpa
On Mar 4, 2010, at 8:25 AM, wrote: "It makes no sense to me. It's like I'm suing myself," said Jamie Singer, whose son and daughter attend the high school." If a delivery person robs a bank while driving their delivery route does the delivery company get prosecuted? Don'

Re: [CGUYS] What's the name of that Firefox Ad-on?

2010-03-04 Thread tjpa
On Mar 4, 2010, at 10:03 AM, Roger D. Parish wrote: The browser, or user agent, identifies itself to the server upon initial contact. It is this identification that this discussion is about. You can fib to the server and say you are Safari when you are Firefox, for example. The reason you

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-04 Thread tjpa
On Mar 4, 2010, at 2:38 AM, Jeff Miles wrote: So on the face of it, how friggen greedy do they have to get before someone starts calling foul? Especially when it's your and my money? When the government gets money to pay for the common defense and promote the general welfare they cry foul.

Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-03-03 Thread tjpa
On Mar 3, 2010, at 12:30 PM, Ranbo wrote: *I can't get it to download from the link you give here. Went to They want $30 for 2010 version. Is that the one you are suggesting or is there a free version? Not $30, this is free. The article is a bit dated, but gives a good e

Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread tjpa
On Mar 3, 2010, at 10:05 AM, betty wrote: Mac users need to use multiple browsers that can mask the OS, because there are still millions of web sites, many of them commercial that block Macs or distort their experience. Good point. So they will be undercounting. Thus Mac share is more like

Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread tjpa
On Mar 3, 2010, at 10:42 AM, wrote: However, since most of these comparisons of alleged market share are exactly that, market share, then sales are all that matter. That is disingenuous. We are talking about computers in use. Your method would be like stating the US popula

Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-03-03 Thread tjpa
On Mar 3, 2010, at 9:23 AM, Ranbo wrote: *In other words, this virus, trojan or whatever it is could still be lurking and hiding from AVG's ability to detect it? I also ran a full scan of Windows Defender which didn't That is why I pointed you to a Linux boot disk. Otherwise you can't esca

Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-03-03 Thread tjpa
On Mar 3, 2010, at 10:07 AM, Reid Katan wrote: I'm just sayin', if it was me, just for the peace of mind, I'd go ahead and do the nasty. You gotta weigh the peace-of-mind vs. time- and-effort equation. There is a utility for copying off your drivers. I find that all too often rebuilding Win

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-03 Thread tjpa
On Mar 2, 2010, at 10:01 PM, Steve at Verizon wrote: I know the name of the channel is Fox News, but there are two distinct components. Commentary and news. Commentary includes the very conservative Hannity, the populist O'Reilly, the libertarian Beck, and the running-for-president Huckabee.

Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread tjpa
On Mar 2, 2010, at 9:01 PM, mike wrote: Shouldn't it be web usage share? Short of hiring the Census, this is probably the most accurate way to get a count. Since Mac hardware outlasts PC hardware by at least a factor of two, hardware sales numbers count a lot of churn as people constantly

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa
On Mar 2, 2010, at 8:20 PM, Steve at Verizon wrote: Could you please be specific in what is wrong with the analysis in this article. Read the comments. One in particular explains it quite clearly. * ** List info, subscr

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa
On Mar 2, 2010, at 8:34 PM, mike wrote: I don't see how you can live on this planet and not pay attention to the arguments on both sides of important issues. Fox reports the news of a different planet. I don't live there. *

[CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa Also note the plot of "Windows gradual decline." * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmness, a member map, and

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa
On Mar 2, 2010, at 6:04 PM, Steve at Verizon wrote: If your view of the world comes from Fox News you are not living on this planet.

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa
On Mar 2, 2010, at 6:48 PM, mike wrote: What altruist is going to come in and run health care...this is a false argument since there are none. You live in a sad, sad world. Most of the rest of us don't. * ** List info,

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa
On Mar 2, 2010, at 4:36 PM, Fred Holmes wrote: I suspect that the government overhead is not properly counted, e.g. the real estate occupied by the program administrators, etc. If it really is only 3%, no wonder government health care is so bad. Why do you expect people who are solely motiv

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa
On Mar 2, 2010, at 4:39 PM, Fred Holmes wrote: And the _government_ is going to do a better job of closing down bad doctors and hospitals? And why would they not? Do you say mockingly "And the _police_ are going to arrest bank robbers and murderers?" You bet they do. The government can fun

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa
On Mar 2, 2010, at 5:00 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote: Part of it is lower overhead. It is why some charities devote over 90% to the clients instead of 60-70 % I know this is going to sound biased but Lutheran World Relief, and Bethesda (both Lutheran Charities) have very low overheads. Wh

[CGUYS] Roger Ebert's Voice

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa
As some of you may know, movie critic Roger Ebert lost his voice to cancer about 8 years ago. Today he was on Oprah showing off his new synthesized voice that sounds a lot like his old voice. Quite an emotional moment. He writes about it here

Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa
Well it looks like the availability of free broadband is not as well distributed across the country as I had thought. I stand corrected. Does anybody know which of their top-10 competitors also offer free WiFi? *

Re: [CGUYS] charlie miller speaks (he's the security expert taking macs and windows down at pwn2own)

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa
On Mar 2, 2010, at 10:30 AM, Judy Cosler wrote: what is the issue with Flash? Probably because it is not Silverlight. That would be consistent with the rest of his comments. Not that I want to defend either Flash or Silverlight. HTML5 will go a long way to making them both superfluous.

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa
On Mar 1, 2010, at 9:51 PM, Ellen Rains Harris wrote: Read the article. Bonnie has already died. Unfortunately it is in the ultra kooky National Review. It is hard to accept the case they make for anything. * ** List

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-01 Thread tjpa
On Mar 1, 2010, at 8:44 PM, Ellen Rains Harris wrote: We need reform. This isn't it. I was writing about over supply and low utilization rates. I don't see how you can fairly leap from that to an insurer murdering its customers to save money.

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-01 Thread tjpa
On Mar 1, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote: Check out OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) I think they have the same rates you quote Tom. Ontario does something in addition to limiting crazy high management salaries. They also manage capital expenditures and utilization rates.

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-01 Thread tjpa
On Mar 1, 2010, at 11:51 AM, Fred Holmes wrote: This says to me that real-world regulation doesn't work. No, this says that laissez-faire lack of regulation is a deadly mistake. Worse, instead of fixing the problem, the wing nut solution is to protect the evil doers and take away the injured

Re: [CGUYS] Apple Co(r)p...

2010-03-01 Thread tjpa
On Mar 1, 2010, at 1:02 AM, b_s-wilk wrote: Because Apple has customers around the world who aren't as sexually repressed as people in the US. Do you think the Apple Store should be selling different apps in different regions? No sex for folks in Texas and kinky perversion for New Yorkers?

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-01 Thread tjpa
On Mar 1, 2010, at 2:14 AM, Jeff Miles wrote: Haven't heard that argument or of Sprouts? But paying for our own health care? What a concept! But in reality, due to the insurance industry, that's become an impossibility with the exception of dealing with a few scrapes a bruises or just ignori

Re: [CGUYS] Evil people [Was: Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability]

2010-03-01 Thread tjpa
On Mar 1, 2010, at 11:58 AM, Fred Holmes wrote: Let's do [some of] the math on this one. The other day the CEO of one of the health insurers said before Congress that she received $10M in compensation, something like $1M in salary and $9M in stock options. More or less. Well if it's a maj

Re: [CGUYS] Bootup problem running vista basic sp2

2010-03-01 Thread tjpa
On Mar 1, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote: Have you checked your Harddrive for errors? Yes, run CHKDSK several times until it reports no errors. That is a leading cause of this kind of strangeness. * **

Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-03-01 Thread tjpa
On Mar 1, 2010, at 7:49 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote: It was also proscriptive. Well that is even worse. Who wants a bossy God? I think that other denomination will give me a better deal. * ** List info, subscripti

Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-03-01 Thread tjpa
On Mar 1, 2010, at 8:11 AM, Fred Holmes wrote: There is no presentation of the "science" to the user and allowing the user to decide his own risk tolerance. The wing nuts would have us all assemble out own chemical testing lab and drag it around with us every time we go to the supermarket. I

Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-03-01 Thread tjpa
On Mar 1, 2010, at 2:44 AM, Jeff Miles wrote: Actually I'm all for arguing against certain regulation. Try remodeling your house and having a city inspector come by. You'll be all against regulation. I did and the inspectors were wonderful. They did more than inspect, they explained and ed

Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-02-28 Thread tjpa
On Feb 18, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Jeff Miles wrote: I believe he must have meant to type deregulation and his fingers missed the "de" keys. Anyone with eyes can see that regulation stems corruption You are obviously not wearing those ideologically colored glasses. **

Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-02-28 Thread tjpa
On Feb 28, 2010, at 8:10 PM, mike wrote: It's frightening to think there are some out there who believe all regulation is inherently good. No body wrote that. There are certainly a percent or two of regulations that are not beneficial. Those will, of course, be the only regulations that the

Re: [CGUYS] Apple Co(r)p...

2010-02-28 Thread tjpa
On Feb 28, 2010, at 2:17 PM, wrote: Why doesn't Apple Corp. develop a means of either preventing or making it difficult for users of their computers to be able to access or use "overtly sexual" material or applications? I don't know why Apple is getting ensnared in this. The

Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-02-26 Thread tjpa
On Feb 25, 2010, at 9:25 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote: It is very possible you will need to download the programs you need, on another computer, and run them in safe mode to clean it up. Definitely, an advanced virus will be watching and blocking your attempts to attack it. It has becom

Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-02-26 Thread tjpa
On Feb 26, 2010, at 9:41 AM, Ranbo wrote: if I need this, will reinstalling Windows take care of this problem? Is that easy to do? Maybe now I can launch Bitdefender. The problem with reinstalling Windows is that you probably do not have all the drivers you need and when you track down cu

Re: [CGUYS] Time for a Nation Defense Internet Infrastructure Project?

2010-02-26 Thread tjpa
On Feb 25, 2010, at 11:54 PM, b_s-wilk wrote: Why shut it down? Ramping up is better. Can you really shut down everything without something drastic and stupid like an EMP? And that wouldn't shut down those who are secure and off grid. There are too many short cuts and back doors. Expand ever

Re: [CGUYS] Time for a Nation Defense Internet Infrastructure Project?

2010-02-26 Thread tjpa
On Feb 26, 2010, at 8:12 AM, wrote: Hey, just yesterday I was informed by the credit card fraud squad that my card had been compromised and that a bunch of stuff related to accessories for BMW automobiles had been purchased with my card number. That could only have happened t

[CGUYS] Erratic Delivery [Was: Are USB Drives Dangerous?]

2010-02-25 Thread tjpa
On Feb 24, 2010, at 10:32 PM, Robert Carroll wrote: As usual, I get only some of the posts on this listserv. I did not get the original post, only a replay that included two previous posts, none that were original as far as I can tell. I get a daily administrative email from the ListServer

Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-02-25 Thread tjpa
On Feb 25, 2010, at 7:29 PM, George Carr wrote: If you were still on the show you coulda ast him. BTW, I miss those Edgy Listening first Tuesdays with you, Mr. Gilroy and Derek McGinty. I would have gently edged the conversation toward the correct answer. Battling against those two sure was

Re: [CGUYS] Scanner Software [Was: Creepy or what?]

2010-02-25 Thread tjpa
On Feb 22, 2010, at 2:05 PM, Jeff Miles wrote: And on a completely different subject, has anyone had any luck with a scanner on OS X? I have 3 and they all give me problems. 2 of them are all in one devices. The other popular third-party scanner program is VueScan

Re: [CGUYS] Time for a Nation Defense Internet Infrastructure Project?

2010-02-25 Thread tjpa
On Feb 25, 2010, at 10:36 AM, wrote: Sounds lIke a case could be made not to implement any expansion of internet access, and even to curtail, limit or eliminate a lot of what already exists. I'd have to think that were any evidence to come to light that a cyber attack was occ

Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-02-25 Thread tjpa
On Feb 25, 2010, at 4:05 PM, George Carr wrote: The other day John Gilroy on WAMU's Computer Guys (and Gal) radio show recommended a program called "Revo" to clean up a machine infected with what sounds like the same malware on your machine: The software is $40 and is designed for something

Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-02-25 Thread tjpa
On Feb 25, 2010, at 3:10 PM, Ranbo wrote: *Since today my Dell desktop is acting crazy. I tried this recently and think it is a good place to start. It creates a Linux boot disk loaded with tools. Since you are running a clean Linux system off the CD you can check your hard disk more th

2010-02-25 Thread tjpa "After generating disappointing results in tests last spring, AT&T's 3G network is now the top performer in 13-city tests, with download speeds 67 percent faster than its competitors" *

[CGUYS] Time for a Nation Defense Internet Infrastructure Project?

2010-02-25 Thread tjpa
U.S. would lose a cyber war, former intell chief warns -- Government Computer News "“We’re not going to do what we need to do; we’re going to have a catastrophic event [and] the government’s role is going to

Re: [CGUYS] windows phone 7

2010-02-24 Thread tjpa
On Feb 24, 2010, at 10:53 AM, mike wrote: Didn't get the coverage the press gave it's darling Apple, but not much less significant is MS finally did what looks like the right thing completely rewrote a new phone os. This is the Zune Phone I wrote about several months ago. I don't think cor

[CGUYS] Interesting Poll: About Me... Maybe

2010-02-23 Thread tjpa
How much of the information you share about yourself online is true? * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmne

[CGUYS] Scanner Software [Was: Creepy or what?]

2010-02-23 Thread tjpa
On Feb 22, 2010, at 2:05 PM, Jeff Miles wrote: And on a completely different subject, has anyone had any luck with a scanner on OS X? I have 3 and they all give me problems. 2 of them are all in one devices. Silverfast has many fans and supports a wide variety of scanners... http://www.silv

Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-02-23 Thread tjpa
One of the comments to the story made a wise point... "national strategic objectives are never served by industry alone - mainly since profits are not in the first year or two of a new network technology."

Re: [CGUYS] This is worth a look

2010-02-23 Thread tjpa
On Feb 23, 2010, at 10:59 AM, Fred Holmes wrote: Q'est-ce que c'est? ?? WHY DON'T YOU SPEAK ENGLISH LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE! * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmness, a

Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-02-23 Thread tjpa
On Feb 20, 2010, at 9:09 PM, Fred Holmes wrote: Regulators like the SEC will never stop a Bernie Madoff. It's like expecting the police to intercept the burglar before he enters your home. Doesn't happen very often. You make Ronald Reagan proud, but that is wildly off the mark. It is the

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