[abcusers] abcm2ps-3.7.x and RoPS

2004-12-17 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
Hi everybody,

John Walsh warned me about a problem when using the free version of
RoPS (PostScript level 1 only) with stable releases of abcm2ps
(3.7.xx). Here is how to make it work:

- create a file (say 'ps1.abc') containing:

%%postscript /rectstroke{
%%postscript4 2 roll M 1 index 0 RL 0 exch RL neg 0 RL closepath
%%postscript /rectfill{
%%postscript4 2 roll M 1 index 0 RL 0 exch RL neg 0 RL closepath
%%postscript /selectfont{exch findfont exch dup
%%postscripttype/arraytype eq{makefont}{scalefont}ifelse setfont}!

- then generate your tunes with this file as the first one:

abcm2ps ps1.abc .abc

About the PS level, I would say, no, John, with abcm2ps, there is no
difference generating level 1 or level 2.

BTW, D. J. Bernstein from Chicago found a security hole which is present
in all abcm2ps versions. So, please, upgrade to the latest ones (3.7.21
and 4.8.5).

Best regards.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Re: Nice, free or affordable abcpackage runing under windows

2004-12-13 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 23:53:45 -0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>My suggestion is: 
>runabc.exe (with built-in tcl/tk)
>GNU GhostScript + GSView:

RoPS is lighter than GS/GV:


and the old version (5.3 - PS level 1) is free (don't forget
'--pslevel 1' when running abcm2ps).

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] how well supported is the overlay operator

2004-11-15 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 20:40:43 -0200, Hudson Lacerda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>I didn't see in abcm2ps-4.8.0 documentation an explicit limit for the 
>number of temporary voices, or the difference between & and &&.

Yes, there are many lacks in the abcm2ps documentation!

There is no explicit limit to the number of temporary voices except
that these ones enter in the voice table which is limited to 32,
and that more than 4 voices per staff is not handled.

The overlay operator was a proposal from Taral. He thought that the
single operator '&' could force the stem of the added voice to go
down, while '&&' would let the program to compute it. In abcm2ps,
this feature never worked (the stem direction is always computed,
and *cannot* be forced - while it may be forced for normal voices
by 'V:x stem=up|down|auto').

In the next release, I will remove this '&&' operator and also make
the multi-bar overlay sequence to end only on '&)' instead of on a
single ')'.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] meter change above staff

2004-10-04 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Sat, 02 Oct 2004 21:26:17 +0200, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Atte_Andr=E9_Jensen?= 

Hello Atte,

>Is it possible to print something like 3/8 = 1/2 (where 3/8 would be 
>printed as a dotted quarter note and 1/2 is printed as a half note) 
>above the staff with abcm2ps? If so, how? If not, is there another way 

You could not till today: this feature is in the version 4.7.4 I will
upload in a few minutes ;) .

Best regards.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Function of "\"

2004-08-03 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Sun, 1 Aug 2004 21:30:28 +0100, Phil Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>On 1 Aug 2004, at 10:48, Rickard Blixt wrote:
>> Could anyone please enlighten me on the function of  "\"? (With 
>> abcm2ps 3.7.18.)
>After considerable discussion here, the latest version of the standard 
>specifies that
>the simpler interpretation, i.e. "continued on the next line" is the 
>correct one.
>I'm not sure whether Jef has yet updated the latest abcm2ps to reflect 

I did not do it yet first because it raises compatibility problems.
In some next release, I will use the content of '%%abc-version'
to know how to treat these backslashes. Then, this greatly impacts
on the internal structures of the parser, not for abcm2ps itself,
but for tclabc (or any other editing program which would use my parser)
in which the comments after the backslashes should not be lost on
tune saving.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Issues with abcm2ps---help!

2004-07-22 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 21:33:13 -0700, "Andrew T. Lenz, Jr." 
>Hello everyone!

Hello Andrew,

>PROBLEM: triplets in the first line. The first one works fine, that is,
>it places a "3" above the arch, the second, however, the "3" appears
>over the ef gracenotes! (Seems buggy to me.)
>We don't want the number UNDER the triplets.
>Is there a better way of getting numbers over the triplets?

Odd: your example works fine with both 3.7.18 and 4.6.5.
Otherwise, actually, you cannot force the the tuplet numbers to go
above the notes. Some day, I will add an other tuplet option...

>PROBLEM: Bar linking 1/16th notes is split. 
>In other words, BarFly draws all four notes with a double line (1/16) in
>the backbone of the beam, and draws an extra line between the middle two
>notes to indicate that they're 1/32.  abcm2ps draws a single line
>through all four, a double line for the outer pairs and two little flags
>pointing outwards on the middle notes.
>Is there a way to get abcm2ps to do it the Barfly way, which we think is
>more readable?

As there is no ABC indication for beaming, each programmer codes the
best she thinks. In this case, I had remarks saying that, as the tempo
is binary, beaming should stop on binary borders (this not easy to do,
and not fully solved yet..).

If you don't like it, with the versions 4.x.x you may disable beam
breaking using:

%%halfbeam 0

>| "^2nd Time 2nd Part" {g}f2 {g}ef {g}fA{g}df |
>PROBLEM: The added text "2nd Time 2nd Part" doesn't appear in the
>generated Postscript file. I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be
>supported by abcm2ps, but maybe I'm wrong.

This is a bug in the 3.x.x versions: the annotations go to the grace
note instead of to the main note. To make it work, place the grace note
before the annotation:

| {g} "^2nd Time 2nd Part" f2 {g}ef {g}fA{g}df |

This is fixed in the 4.x.x versions.

>Given a series of three gracenotes, is it possible to make the center
>gracenote be appear as a 16th note instead of the standard 32nd?

Yes: '{ab2c}'.


Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] What software will translate this correctly?

2004-06-16 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 01:40:31 +0100, "Jon Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>From: "Stephen Kellett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Write a monitor process that monitors your abcm2ps processes. Any
>> process that has been at a high CPU for more than X time, kill it. Or
>> modify abcm2ps to include a monitor thread to do the same task (better
>> as it'll know how long each tune processing has taken).
>I must admit I had not read you post properly last time round.  Are you
>suggesting that it could be possible to have a version of abcm2ps that could
>watch itself and terminate itself if it did get out of control?  I wouldn't
>have the first clue where to start but if that sort of idea is feasible, I
>am intrested.

If your server runs under Unix, you may simply set the max cpu time
with the shell command 'ulimit -t '.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] multicol alignment (margin units) in abcm2ps

2004-03-20 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 14:21:25 +, Richard Robinson 

>I've been typing some things up that require a bit of annotating; alternate
>versions of particular bars, for example. The neatest way I've found is
>to use "%%multicol" to drop a new (partial) staff underneath, showing just
>the bar in question (%%scaled down). To be comprehensible, this bar must
>line up vertically with the one it refers to.

I have a ugly hack to solve your problem. The idea is to memorize where
the bar starts, and then to shift the alternate version.
Here is an example:

%%postscript /barmem{pop /barx exch def}!
%%deco barmem 3 barmem 0 0 0
%%postscript /barest {pop pop grestore}!
%%deco barest 3 barest 0 0 0

K:C none
%%multicol start
%%staffwidth 6.5cm
%%postscript gsave barx 0 T 0.6 dup scale
%%multicol end
K:D treble

Some explanations:

- The postscript function (with decoration) 'barmem' memorizes the
  horizontal offset of the bar on which the decoration is applied.
  If you want many alternate bars on a same music line, you should
  have as many functions/decorations.

- The postscript function (with decoration) 'barest' restores the
  graphic space (scale and translation). This restoration cannot be
  done with an inlined postscript sequence, because this one will be
  inserted before the staff definition, but after the music line
  Then, this decoration must be applied to the last music element
  of the alternate bar.

- The T:, K: and M: commands prevent the clef, key signature and
  time signature to be drawn.

- The main use of %%multicol is to restore the staffwidth, but
  also, it prevents the clef and key signature to be drawn at the
  end of the alternate bar.

- The %%staffwidth must be adjusted for the alternate bar to have
  the same width as the main stream bar.

- The inlined postscript sequence repositions the alternate bar under
  the main stream bar, and also sets the scale.

- After the alternate is done, you have to restore the clef and key
  signature, but if you do so with the time signature, it will be

If you want the alternate bar to be drawn above the main stream,
you may include the main stream in a %%multicol, skipping the space
of the alternate bar.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] ABC 2.0 spec questions/suggestions - line continuations

2004-03-15 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 12 Mar 2004 14:02:21 -0700 (MST), "Tom Satter" 
>Doing either one of these would give a way for people that like
>to embed key changes, etc on new lines to do it:
>I:implicit_line_breaks = no
>[V:S] ccAb ccA2|fdab
>[V:A] ccAb ccA2|fdab
>[V:S] xdE2|c4   c4  |!
>[V:A] xdE2|c4   c4  |!
>This would give you one line with two voices with a key change in
>the middle of the second measure.

This does not work with most actual ABC programs: 'K:G' applies to
the second voice only, and the voice S continues with 2 sharps...

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] ABC 2.0 spec questions/suggestions - voice overlay

2004-03-15 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 12 Mar 2004 13:29:05 -0700 (MST), "Tom Satter" 
>Hello everyone,

Hello Tom,

>I saw one post in the last 9 months suggesting a way to make
>this work, but it was not really discussed at length.  I would
>like to propose that we introduce three new symbols:
>(&  - start a voice overlay
>&&  - reset time back to previous start point
>&)  - end a voice overlay

abcm2ps has '(&...&...)', but there is a parsing problem on the
closing parenthesis. Now, in the absolute, the end of voice overlay
could be ommited: overlaying stops when time is exhausted!

Otherwise, there is no ambiguity having a single '&' for reset,
and this forbids mixing the 2 overlay types.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Ties over alternate endings

2004-03-08 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 17:48:52 +0100, "Rickard Blixt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Hello again,

>How do I tie the first F with both the second (|1F) AND the third (|2F) 

This does not work yet :(. You may use a slur; it looks quite the

but you will have to remove it after I fix this problem...


Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps questions

2004-03-08 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 17:40:10 +0100, "Rickard Blixt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Hello Rickard,

>I use abcm2ps version 3.7.5, but I can't get the functions !repeatbar! 
>and !repeatbar2! to work.

It never worked. Instead, repeat measures are defined by one or two
slashes between bars ("|/|" and "|//|" - see tune 2 in sample2.abc,
and tune 1 in sample3.abc).

>Is there a newer version of abcm2ps than 3.7.5? If so: Where and how do 
>I get it (to work)?

Look at my page.

BTW, in the stable version, you may not have repeat measures at start
of line. This is fixed in the development version.

Best regards.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
Pépé Jef|   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [abcusers] Maybe "%%multicol"...?

2003-12-29 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Sun, 21 Dec 2003 14:56:41 +0100, "Rickard Blixt" 

Hello Rickard,

>I use abcm2ps, version 3.7.5. Could anyone give me an understandable 
>explanation of the "%%multicol" command?
>Here is what I want to achieve:
>I want to put small text directly after the staff, not under. Is this 
>possible? If so: How do I do?
>And is it possible to alingn to left and/or right margin and/or center 
>different words of the same text line?

There are examples of %%multicol at the beginning of sample3.abc which
is part of the abcm2ps package.

In simple words, %%multicol is just a way to restart printing upper
in the page. '%%multicol start' memorizes the position in the page,
'%%multicol new' restores this position and the margins, and
'%%multicol end' skips down to let place for the highest column.

You have to explicitly adjust the left and right margins for each
column; the program does not check them.

As each %%multicol flushes the output buffer, you cannot use
%%continueall, and, actually, problems occur when a column goes to
a new page.

About text alignment, you may only left align, center or justify.

Here is an example:

%%scale 1.5
%%multicol start % 1st column: music on the left
%%rightmargin 13cm
%%multicol new   % 2nd column: text in the middle
%%rightmargin 8cm
%%leftmargin 8cm
%%center centered
%%center text
%%multicol new   % 3rd column: music on the right
%%leftmargin 13cm
%%multicol end

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps questions

2003-12-19 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 01:17:31 -, "Jon Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>this one in many ways but the top of page 2 at least looks unaceptably high.
>Any ideas why this changed?

Looking at your files, it seems the page format is A4 instead of US 

>Also, it's been suggested to me that we should allow a user to set a page
>size (just the A4 vs American Letter one) as a preference. Would I just need
>Compilation: PAGEHEIGHT= (A4: 29.7cm - US: 11in)
>Command line: none
>Set the page height to .
>I'm not really clear how  should be entered in an abc. eg. does it
>take A4, does it work on one measurment system, or do I need perhaps to
>specify "cm" on "in" after the numbers, etc.

 is a number followed by either:
nothing or 'pt': number of PostScript points. With a scale 1,
there are 72 points per inch.
'in': number of inches.
'cm': number of centimeters.

If you used './configure' to compile the program, the page format is set
to US letter by default. If you did a simple 'make', the file 'config.h'
is the one I use and the format is set to A4. In this case, comment the
line defining A4_FORMAT to switch back to US letter.

If you use a precompiled binary, you may reset the page format to
US letter with:

pageheight 11in
pagewidth 8.5in
leftmargin 0.7in
rightmargin 0.7in

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] topmargin

2003-12-16 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Mon, 08 Dec 2003 13:29:53 +0100, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Atte_Andr=E9_Jensen?= 

Hi Atte,

>I'm using abcm2ps 4.0.2...
>How do I control the top margin on pages that do not have a title 
>printed (so page 2, 3 etc of a song)? As it is I think there's too 
>little space above the music...

You are right! In 4.0.4, I add the 'topspace' value on continuation
pages. Indeed, this value is also used before the tune title, but
you may adjust its vertical offset setting 'titlespace' which may
be negative.

Best regards.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] [CEG]4

2003-12-10 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Tue, 09 Dec 2003 11:04:22 +0100, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Atte_Andr=E9_Jensen?= 
>I discovered that abcm2ps accepts both "[CEG]4", "[C4E4G4]" and "[C4EG]"
>and in each case does exactly what I would expect. But now I'm wondering 
>how standard these variations are? Both in terms of the Real ABC 
>Standard and in terms of how many programs handles this...

In the proposed ABC standard version 2.0
you may find:

   Some packages allow chords with notes of different lengths. However,  
   currenly the semantics of such chords are not well-defined and differ 
   package to package.   

   When both inside and outside the chord length modifiers are used, 
   should be multiplied. I.e. [C2E2G2]3 has the same meaning as [CEG]6.  

I don't know which programs handle this.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] align in w:-lines (abcm2ps)

2003-12-02 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 13:54:47 +0100, "Christian Schnarrr" 

Hi Christian,

>1) Multi-Verses:
>Typing 1.~... , 2.~... , 3.~... etc. in w:-lines is working fine but how c
>an I align
>1.-3.~... (or 1.\-3.~...) etc. in the same way?
>2) Songs like gospels with "shouter" and "all":
>w: V:~When Israel was in Egypt's land, A:~Let my people go!
>"V:" and "A:" should be treated (get the same align) like 1.~ etc.

It should work in the new development version 4.0.2.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] "@" command

2003-10-22 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 19:27:30 +0200, "Rickard Blixt" 
>I wonder: What do the values given with the "@" (in abcm2ps) stand for?

There are given in PostScript units. With a scale 1, there are 72 units
in an inch, and 28.35 units in a centimeter. In a music line, the height
of a staff is 24 units.

The values are the x and y offsets from the note head (the lowest note
if it is a chord). Think also that the offset 0,0 of a PostScript
character may not the bottom left corner of its glyph.

Try this with a treble clef:

"@-10,-3Foo"B   % centered over the node
"@-10,18Foo"B   % above the staff
"@-10,-27Foo"B  % below the staff

then, try to explain these stranges values :).

Best regards,

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
Pépé Jef|   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [abcusers] (to Jef) abcm2ps - bug?

2003-09-15 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 13:46:29 -0400, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Chris,

>Recently (v3.7.3) you fixed a bug with regards to ties across repeats.
>The same problem appears for the !8b(! notation (from deco.abc).

It is not the same problem: with ties or slurs, you cannot set their end
on the bar. Here, you must stop explicitly the 8va line:
... !8b(!cd!8b)!:|[2 ...

>Another thing I'd like to be able to do is to tweak the location of the
>'8va basso' notation so it's closer to the staff it references.

You took the /octavab function from deco.abc, and there was a bug in
the vertical offset. Here is the function, updated for it works in your
case (no other decoration on the symbols):

%%postscript /octavab{  % usage: len x y octavab
%%postscriptexch -10 add exch 2 copy
%%postscriptM 0 2 RM /Times-Roman 16 selectfont (8) show
%%postscript/Times-Roman 12 selectfont (va basso) show
%%postscript22 add M 0 -6 RL currentpoint stroke M
%%postscript[6] 0 setdash 10 add 0 RL stroke
%%postscript[] 0 setdash}!

>There's a decoration I'd like to create which indicates a flam in Swiss
>Basel style drum notation.  It is basically a little tick mark attached
>to the note head, so the note looks like a little apple or cherry

Here are 2 functions:

% -- tick mark for stems down
%%postscript /ticku{1.2 setlinewidth M 5 3.5 RM 0 5 RL stroke}!
%%deco tu 1 ticku 5 0 0
% -- tick mark for stems up
%%postscript /tickd{1.2 setlinewidth M 5 -3.5 RM 0 -5 RL stroke}!
%%deco td 1 tickd 5 0 0

Adjust the values if you are not happy with the result...

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
Pépé Jef|   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [abcusers] Abcm2Ps Measure Number Font

2003-08-25 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 10:25:58 -0500, Don Whitener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>I've been tinkering around a bit with a format file for Abcm2ps...
>I am looking for a way to change the font size of the measure numbers, and 
>I can't seem to find a way to do this.  Can this font size be changed, or 
>am I just overlooking something?

You could change it overloading the postscript functions 'end1' and
'end2'. In the release 3.7.3, I added '%%repeatfont' for that.

>Also, while I'm asking, is there a way to change the font of the 
>decorations or expressions?  If so, this is eluding me as well.

Most decorations are drawn by postscript functions which may be
overloaded. For instance, expressions may be changed putting the

%%postscript /pf{/Times-Italic 20 selectfont 5 add M cshow}!

in the tune header.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] ties over alternate endings

2003-08-25 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 9:46:34 -0400, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>C-|CDEF|GABc-|cBAG|[1 CDEC-:|[2 CDEC|]
>The ps output created by abcm2ps ties the C at the end of the first ending to the C 
>in the beginning of the second ending, which we know is incorrect.

This bug is fixed in the release 3.7.3.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] gchordfont and alternate repeats

2003-08-25 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 15:42:30 -0400, "Ewan A. Macpherson" 
>I was hoping to be able to use this to implement the mid-repeat variant 
>notation, e.g.  
>|: A A | B B | [1 c c] | [2 d d] | e e :|
>but unfortunately, abcm2ps also puts in a thick barline after the ']' 
>instead of just closing the bracket.  I also note that as of 3.7.0, it 

The barline on ']' was due to a bug which is fixed in the release
3.7.3 I'm uploading just now.

>puts in "... a double bar at end of line when next line starts with a 
>repeat bar."

It is so in most music scores I have.

>I find this (new to abcm2ps) business of adding in notational elements 
>not specified in the abc a bit disturbing. If a player program needs to 
>insist on "correct" notation of repeats or whatever, fine, but a 
>typesetting program shouldn't care. Any way to turn this off, Jef?

I don't see what you expect...

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] Basel drum notation (was: abcm2ps and 'extras')

2003-08-25 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 15:28:38 -0400, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am trying to implement a single line staff, using what would be the mid
>dle line (or B on a treble cleff) for the solitary line.  

Hello Chris,

You don't need to change the C code for a 1 line staff. Just put:

%%postscript /staff{dlw 0 12 RM 0 RL stroke}!

in the tune header.

About the new staff type, I'm waiting for the new ABC standard to be

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps hangs

2003-08-24 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 15:37:21 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Taylor) 
>I'm seeing some problems with the Mac version of abcm2ps (v3.6.2)
>where it hangs up on certain tunes and has to be killed.

This bug is fixed in 3.6.3:
"Program loop when '-c' or '-B' and repeat bar at EOL."

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps : setting pagination

2003-08-24 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 22:41:19 -0400, Tom Keays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Sorry to bug the list with a RTfM type question, but I have looked
>everywhere I could think, even in Guido's Typesetting document, but nowhere
>could I find a trace of how to SET a page number using an abcm2ps
>declaration.  I was expecting to find something like:
>%%pagenumber 24 
>Any help or direction is much appreciated!

%%newpage 24

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] MAXSTAFF = 16

2003-08-08 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:18:22 +, Luis Pablo Gasparotto 
>Ok! But let me ask you something: When was this setted to 16? What was
>the speed of the top machines then?

The older abcm2ps I have, version 0.12.9, in date March 28, 1999,
already had a max of 16 staves. The speed at this time was the same
as now: I develop on a PC 486 DX 100 with 32 Mb of memory :).

The value 16 was choosen because it is the number of staves that
fits a page with the default scale (0.75).

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps and 'extras'

2003-08-03 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 17:29:51 -0400, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The result ps looks surprisingly good, with the exception of the slashes on the stems 
>that I want to indicate a roll.  The note should look like this (pardon the ASCII 
> |
> |
> |/
> |
> |
>  000|
> 0
> 0
>  000
>Any thoughts?

There is an example of such a feature in deco.abc:

% -- repeat sign in a stem
%%postscript /repst{% usage: x y repst 
%%postscriptM -3 -13 RM 9 3 RL 0 -3 RL -9 -3 RL fill}!

% -- repeat stem
%%deco / 1 repst 0 0 0

.. !/!c4|

This works for down stems. You must adjust the value before the first
'RM' (rmoveto) when the stem goes upwards.

Then, from this skeleton, you should easily implement other symbols
for 2 or more slashes in the stems.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] %%staves

2003-08-01 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 15:27:18 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Taylor) 
>I still have some problems understanding the %%staves directive,
>and it still strikes me as being extremely cryptic compared with
>putting the same information into V: fields in the header.
>The draft standard says that:
>"when enclosed by curly braces `{}', the voices go on a single couple of
>staves (keyboard score). There cannot be more than 4 voices between the

The limitation on 4 voices should be removed.

>So what's the difference between
>%%staves {1 2 3 4}
>%%staves (1 2)(3 4)
>and if I write:
>%%staves {1 2 3}
>which hand is voice 2 on?

In the second form, the voices 1 and 2 go on the first staff, 3 and 4
go on the 2nd staff.

In the 3rd form, the intermediate voice is 'floating', that is,
the program dynamically chooses for each note the staff where the voice
seems to be the most readable.

For example, if you have a treble clef in the 1st staff, and a bass clef
on the 2nd one, the voice staff depends on the current pitch. Else, if
you have a same clef in both staves, the voice will go on the staff of
the voice which makes the smallest interval.

The actual result of abcm2ps with the 1st form is the same as the 2nd,
but there should be 2 floating voices.

>It seems to me that the use of {} here is both redundant and

Perhaps. In fact, this syntax solved the first requirements I had, i.e.
an organ system with 2 staves in a brace for the manual keyboard(s),
and a single staff for the pedal. For instance, a 5 voices fugue is
%%staves {1 2 3 4} 5.

Actually, I see 3 extensions:
1) a brace system with 3 or more staves,
2) explicit floating voices,
3) manual placement of the voices in the system.

1) with the actual syntax, it could be:
%%staves {(1) (2) (3) (4)}

2) the indication must go in V: :
%%staves {1}
V:1 staff=auto

3) the indication must also go in V: :
%%staves {1}
cG[V:1 staff=down]CG, G,C[V:1 staff=up]Gc |

This works with braces, but not with other systems: how do I define
a bracket system with 3 staves and only 2 voices?

I think an other information header should exist, which gives a
completly different syntax:

s: \
bracket=[on | off] \
brace=[on | off] \
bar=[on | off] \
clef=[ | auto] \
... % other =

Then a voice may use the staff numbers:

ex 1:
s:1 brace=on
s:2 brace=off
V:1 staff=1 placement=auto

ex 2:
s:1 bracket=on
s:3 bracket=off
V:1 staff=1 % placement=manual
cc[V:1 staff=2]cc [V:1 staff=3]cc[V:1 staff=2]cc |

I have an other requirement: actually, in abcm2ps, %%staves resets the
music generator, so that voices may appear an disappear for some
period of time. With the 's:' header, there should be some marker
to do this job, say 'V:SYNC'. Here is an example:

s:1 brace=on
s:2 brace=off
% 1st part: accompaniment + melody on the bass
V:Accomp s=1% jeux doux
.. some notes ..
V:Basse s=2 % trompette
.. some notes ..
% 2nd part: melody on the soprano + accompaniment
V:Dessus s=1% cornet
.. some notes ..
V:Accomp s=2
.. some notes ..
% 3rd part: accompaniment + melody on the bass again
V:Accomp s=1
.. some notes ..
V:Basse s=2
.. some notes ..

Note that such voice changes may appear inside a music line, and that
V:SYNC acts on all voices. So, if the continuation character ('\')
just appends the next line to the current one, an explicit line break
('!') must be used. This implies some information to be given to the
typesetting program for newlines to be ignored.

Finally, I'd be glad if such definitions could be included in the ABC
standard, in place of %%staves (which should be kept for compatibility).

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Re: Chord length - waaaah!

2003-07-28 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 13:31:28 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Wil Macaulay wrote -
>>Another historic moment!  Phil and Bryan and I all agree on something! 

John agreed too.

> Put 
>it in the
>>standard, quick, before we lose it!
>Oh happy day!
>Over to you Jef?

No problem: it is simpler, and it will be in the next release.
Sorry for I misunderstood the previous thread...

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Version 2.0.0 voice overlay and lyrics

2003-07-25 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 22:02:03 +0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time), "I. 
Oppenheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Abcm2ps does not support it. In abcm2ps [A2g] is
>equivalent with [A2g2] .

No, it works, even if a bit ugly!

>Please explain to me: would there be any difference
>between [A2g] and [gA2] ?

In a previous discussion, some people wanted the first note to
give the length of the chord. But later, it seems that everybody
agreed using the length of the smallest note.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Installing abcm2ps on OS X

2003-07-25 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 01:42:20 +0100, Jack Campin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>You might also want to change your shell to something less
>squirmily haveanicedayish than tcsh.  chsh is the command to
>do the change; bash is pretty reasonable though my fave back
>when I was using Unix a lot was ksh (which just does what you
>tell it without trying to get creative).

Did you ever try zsh?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] Chord length

2003-07-25 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 13:22:43 UTC, John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>| {[DGB][EAc]}(3:2:4[EGB]2[DFA]/<<{[EGB]}[EGc]/
>| for example.
>Good example. I wish that chords as grace notes generally worked.  No
>reason  they  shouldn't,  of  course,  but how many programs actually
>implement them?

abcm2ps :)

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Re: Chord length - waaaah!

2003-07-25 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 14:32:39 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>For instance with L:1/4, [GD2] A B c would take four beats and [D2G] A B c 
>would take five.

I though from the previous discussion that the length of the chord
was the length of the smallest note (and that's what abcm2ps does).
Then, if you want a bigger length, you may add invisible rests.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Re: continuations

2003-07-23 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On 22 Jul 2003 18:07:47 -0400, Laura Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>When I started using the -c option on abc2ps, I was quite surprised
>when some of my  8th notes were beamed, because only a newline
>separated them, whereas most of them were not, because I had
>deliberately put spaces between them.  I thought that most people
>would assume that any whitespace, including newline, would cause the
>8th's to not be beamed.

abcm2ps adds a space at the end of every line (but not in continuation
lines), as you asked me some time ago, but I am not happy with that:
I would have use this fact (no space) to implement un-terminated beams
at end (and start) of lines. BTW, the problem is more general:
how may I have also beams crossing bars...

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] About the choice of '!'

2003-07-23 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 16:27:39 +0100, Richard Robinson 
>AB cd ef | fe dc BA | ! !trill! AB cd ef | fe dc BA |]
>complains "Decoration not terminated" and loses the last 2 bars.
>This seems rather counter-intuitive ?

Stopping on blank is done in the abcm2ps version 3.7.0 I'm uploading
just now.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] About the choice of '!'

2003-07-22 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 13:08:29 +0200 (CEST), Guido Gonzato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>BTW - Jean-François, how do you tell whether '!' is a line break or the
>start of a decoration?

When encountering a '!', I scan forward. If I find any of "|[:]"
(and soon a blank or tab), or the end of line, it is a line break.
Else, if I find a '!', it is a decoration. This means that a
decoration name cannot contain any of these characters (for instance,
'!da Capo!' or '![rit]!' will not work, while '!crescendo(!' is OK).

Does this solve all the problems?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] Sub-ideal beaming in abcm2ps-3.6.0

2003-07-22 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 21:43:07 +0100, Calum Galleitch 
>I've encountered an interesting behaviour trying to transcribe the Black Bear.  
>This produces (with abcm2ps-3.6.0) the following result (sorry about the 
>Is there a fix?

It should be fixed in 3.6.4. I know there are still problems with
things like:

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Re: [abcusers] Use of ! (and another source issue)

2003-07-22 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 08:28:40 +0200 (CEST), Guido Gonzato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>On Sat, 19 Jul 2003, Jack Campin wrote:
>> Now, there is one ASCII character that is nearly invisible and hasn't
>> been used for anything else in ABC yet.  So I propose that ` should
>> be completely ignored by both player and formatter programs, with its
>to me it seems OK: as long as major developers add this feature (and I
>imagine it's very easy to implement), I can see no reason not to include `
>in the standard.

Yes, very easy: I had to change only 3 characters in the parser...

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: Kind of solved (Re: [abcusers] Accented characters in lyrics

2003-07-14 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Sat, 5 Jul 2003 20:19:47 +0200 (CEST), Manuel Reiter 
>I have noticed that both of you have dropped the original abc2ps's
>transpose function. I guess there's a good reason for that, but I found it
>quite convenient.

There was no transposition in abc2ps when abcm2ps started. Many people
ask for this feature, but I don't think it is a job for a typesetting
program. Generally, the tunes must be transposed only once and for all,
and it exists a lot of programs (as abc2abc) and scripts (in perl) which
already do the job.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Announcement - abcpp 1.3.0 released

2003-07-14 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 17:14:22 UTC, John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Richard Robinson writes:
>| What about ":|:" ? I think this is another abc2win-ism (?) which not all
>| programs seem to cope with.
>In general, people seem to use any and all combinations of ":|[]"  as
>complex bar lines. In modifying abc2ps for use with my Tune Finder, I
>found that it was useful to try to accept all  of  them,  and  reduce
>them  to  what  the  program distinguished.  For abc2ps, the distinct

While merging jcabc2ps in abcm2ps, I set this feature in a different
way: the sequence of bars (8 bars max) are displayed as written, with
only little expansions, and no reduction. For instance, '::' is expanded
as ':][:' (dots-thick-thick-dots), but if you better like the way abc2ps
displays the double repeat bars (dots-thin-thick-thin-dots), you may
write ':|[|:' (sorry that you must replace all occurences!).

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Re: b&w ps output

2003-07-14 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 10:12:09 +, Luis Pablo Gasparotto 
>Jean-Francois Moine wrote:
>>On Thu, 3 Jul 2003 01:23:11 +0200 (CEST), 
>>=?iso-8859-1?q?Forgeot=20Eric?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>Is it possible to instruct (or modify) abcm2ps to
>>>>create pure "black and white" PS output (without gray
>>>>values) and to draw the staff lines as thin as
>>>>possible? This way the output would look much clearer
>>>>on the web.
>>Better use:
>>%%postscript /dlw {0.5 setlinewidth} bdef
>>in the ABC file.
>The problem with this is that dlw affects a lot of graphics.

Then, replace only the function staff:

%%postscript /staff{
%%postscript   0.5 setlinewidth dup 0 RL dup neg 6 RM
%%postscript   dup 0 RL dup neg 6 RM
%%postscript   dup 0 RL dup neg 6 RM
%%postscript   dup 0 RL dup neg 6 RM
%%postscript   0 RL stroke}!

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Acciaccaturas

2003-07-14 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 13:29:15 +0100, Jack Campin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>> Does abc have a separate way of notating acciaccaturas (the slashed
>>> grace note) as opposed to the appoggiatura (unslashed)?
>> I think it exists only in abcm2ps, putting a slash just after the
>> opening brace:
>>  {/B}c
>> Is it OK for the ABC 2.0 standard?
>That way round, it's confusingly similar to an extension of the
>gracenote syntax that might also be desirable: different lengths
>of gracenote in the same group, e.g. {g/ed/} (a combination you
>find in pibroch notation).  There isn't actually any ambiguity
>(assuming an acciaccatura can only have one note and one length)
>but it might make for puzzling error messages while editing.

An acciaccatura may have many notes, but only the first one has a bar
(bug fix to come soon).

Note that different lengths on grace notes are also handled by abcm2ps.
For compatibility, the unit length is a quaver for a single note, and
a semi-quaver when many notes. Also, when K:H[pP], the unit length is
a demi-semi-quaver.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Continued lines

2003-07-13 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Tue, 08 Jul 2003 14:29:38 UTC, John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>I. Oppenheim writes:
>| And what about:
>| A B C D\
>| E:|
>Yup.  But we have had a discussion of what should  decide  this  one:
>There  is  some  confusion  over just what is the "next line" for the
>purposes of a final \.  Some abc software tries to find the next line
>"of the same type". This turns out to be hopelessly confusing, and no
>two programs do it the same.
>This has been hashed out in any number of programming languages,  and
>the  best  solution is always the same:  Standardize on the rule that
>the continuation is *always* the next line.  Users can understand and
>use this; they can't use anything that attempts to be more clever.

Many times, I was asked for changing the fonts in the lyrics lines.
Now, with the actual ABC syntax, the sequence:

%%vocalfont Times 14
%%vocalfont Times-Italic 14
%%vocalfont Times 14

works fine.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] proposal for developers: modular ABC

2003-07-13 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003 12:41:08 +0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time), "I. 
Oppenheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>It seems now that abcm2ps now also supports the "!"
>kludge, so this could be a good starting point for the
>ABC parser library.

I already proposed it some time ago!

The advantages of my parser over the other abc2ps clones are:

- it is clearly isolated in the 2 files abcparse.h and abcparse.c.

- it may be used either for printing, editing or playing.

There is no documentation (yet), but I hope the interface is
self-explanatory enough for C programmers, and examples on how to use
it may be found in abcm2ps and tclabc.

About reading stdin instead of a file, I would say that this parser
gets the tune from memory. This offers a quicker way to read the files
(read(2) instead of gets(3), possible use of mmap(2)), and also permits
parsing of static tunes (see tclabc on X11 selection paste). On the
other side, reading from stdin asks for memory re-allocation...

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Acciaccaturas

2003-07-11 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003 15:44:26 +0100, Bernard Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Does abc have a separate way of notating acciaccaturas (the slashed
>grace note) as opposed to the appoggiatura (unslashed)?

I think it exists only in abcm2ps, putting a slash just after the
opening brace:


Is it OK for the ABC 2.0 standard?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] The abc standard

2003-07-10 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 13:02:43 UTC, John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Jean-Francois Moine writes:
>| abcm2ps supports 'U:' (without '!'), and also 'd:' lines, which is
>| an other way for decorations, and which has not been discussed yet...
>I don't think I've seen (or maybe I should say "noticed") that
>one.  How does it work?

It is quite the same as the 'Y:' line Eric Galluzzo told us about
a few days ago.

It as the same syntax as 'w:', but for decorations. Here is an
example from the file 'sample2.abc':

  ~c.dJeNf cdef|aabc' gabc'|!coda!cdef gfec||
d: * * * * HRTu|!mf!   |!sfz!  *** ***!D.S.!
   CDEFCDEF|ffga   efga|C  D  EF   [EG]FEC||
d: ~.JNHRTu|~.JN   HRTu|!5!!4!M*   !5! M
d: |   |*  P  !3!  !4!

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: Kind of solved (Re: [abcusers] Accented characters in lyrics

2003-07-10 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Mon, 7 Jul 2003 11:31:59 +0200 (CEST), Manuel Reiter 
>On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Jean-Francois Moine wrote:
>> Putting an accent on the next character is not a good idea. The
>> PostScript manual says that the accents (range \220 - \237) exist for
>> historical reason, and they are not defined in the Latin-x encodings
>Hm, I didn't see that in the manual, could you tell me where to look? The

PostScript Language Reference 3rd edition, Appendix E, page 783,
remark 2.

>Do you have any information on how far Unicode support is spread in the
>postscript world?

Not at all, but in a previous thread, I heard that the package 'a2ps'
could have some material.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Re: b&w ps output

2003-07-10 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 3 Jul 2003 01:23:11 +0200 (CEST), 
=?iso-8859-1?q?Forgeot=20Eric?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Is it possible to instruct (or modify) abcm2ps to
>>create pure "black and white" PS output (without gray
>>values) and to draw the staff lines as thin as
>>possible? This way the output would look much clearer
>>on the web.
>In order to draw the lines as thin as possible, recompile it with
>this option in buffer.c :

Better use:

%%postscript /dlw {0.5 setlinewidth} bdef

in the ABC file.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: Kind of solved (Re: [abcusers] Accented characters in lyrics

2003-07-07 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 3 Jul 2003 17:07:05 +0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time), "I. 
Oppenheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Manuel Reiter wrote:
>> By modifying 'subs.c' and 'syms.c' modified from the
>> current (08-Apr-2003) version of jcabc2ps jcabc2ps
>> can handle macron (\=), dot (\.), breve (\u) and
>> hacek (\v) accents in what I hope is a fairly
>> portable manner not depending on any special
>> postscript hardware.
>Thank you for the good work. I hope it'll find its way
>to abcm2ps as well.

abcm2ps has not the same approach: the sequences for accented characters
depend on the character encoding. For instance, consider the character
'\261'. It is encoded as '/onesuperior' in Latin-1, and defined by the
sequence '\1S' or \S1'. In Latin-2, it is '/scaron' and defined by
'\s<' or '\http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] bloody ! again

2003-07-07 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 4 Jul 2003 02:37:43 -0400 (EDT), Jeff Bigler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>P.S.  While we're on the subject of the !...! commands, does anyone know
>why the mezzo piano dynamic was left out?  I.e., !mp! is not in the
>1.7.6 draft standard, and abcm2ps doesn't implement it.  (I had to add
>it by hand to deco.c, as follows.)

With abcm2ps, the standard way is:

%%deco mp 6 pf 20 2 5 mp

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] The abc standard

2003-07-07 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 4 Jul 2003 10:39:36 +0100, Jack Campin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>> Over the past year or so, this group has become
>>> dominated by discussion of abcm2ps;
>It won't be if the notation has been designed to be unplayable and
>unanalyzable, which is where the !...! stuff is heading.

abcm2ps supports 'U:' (without '!'), and also 'd:' lines, which is
an other way for decorations, and which has not been discussed yet...

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] codepages

2003-07-05 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 10:55:27 -0400, Buddha Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Third, UTF-8 is designed so that Latin-1 characters are encoded as-is 
>(which also means that 7-bit ASCII characters are encoded as-is), so all 
>existing ABC files that use either ASCII only or Latin-1 are 
>automatically in UTF-8 already.

I agree UTF-8 is the best character encoding system, but it is not
Latin-1 compatible. For example, the french 'é' is 'é', and the
german 'ü' is 'ü' ('Ã' - \303 - is the escape character).

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] abc standard and application-dependence

2003-07-05 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003 17:58:05 +0100, Richard Robinson 
>I thought %%MIDI: was a very nice starting point. Maybe it's too late for
>an equivalent %%TYPESETTING: ?

abcm2ps accepts '%%fmt', as suggested by someone a long time ago.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: Kind of solved (Re: [abcusers] Accented characters in lyrics (abc2ps))

2003-07-05 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 03 Jul 2003 18:52:54 UTC, John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>I've discussed with Jef the idea of  merging  the  jcabc2ps
>extensions  into  abcm2ps.   I'd  like  to  use some of his
>extensions, too.  Maybe we can work on  this  character-set
>issue a bit more, and then look into starting the merger.
>I've looked at abcm2ps, and  both  of  us  have  made  some
>rather  significant  changes  to  the way parts of the code
>work. No surprise there.  Combining them might bit a bit of

Hello John,

I did some merge in abcm2ps-3.6.2, but I will not change the
command-line options ('+' instead of '-') nor the voice name
separator for many lines ('\\' instead of '\n').

May you check the remaining things to do?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps, guitar chords, vocal music, etc.

2003-06-27 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On 24 Jun 2003 22:37:23 -0400, Christopher Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Hello Chris,

>BTW, I'm using  abcm2ps-2.11.3 (May 5, 2002) if that makes any

It makes! Annotations work correctly starting from version 3.5.0.

About deco.abc, in the postscript sequence I gave you, there is a call
to the macro '!' which is not defined in 2.11.3. Replace it by 'bdef'
to make it work.

Best regards.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Drum notation

2003-06-25 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Mon, 23 Jun 2003 23:13:41 +0200, janus meuris 
>Hi all,

Hi Janus,

>I need to write drum partitions (notes,clefs,-...) , and found nothing to
>PS : I'm using the 'stable' version "abcm2ps-2.11.3 (May 5, 2002)" and I 
>no real reason to go to version 3 yet. Or is there one ??

There is :) : the percussion clef and the 'x' heads have been added in
the version 3.1.15.

Best regards.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps/PostScript questions

2003-06-24 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 23:20:09 -0400 (EDT), Jeff Bigler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>I think what you're hoping to do is to create a function with an
>additional argument, which contains the string to display.  Your
>function would probably look something like this:
>% -- draw "first time" indication 
>%%postscript /displaycustom {  % usage: len x y (text) displaycustom
>%%postscript/texttodisplay exch def
>%%postscript   exch -9 add exch 2 copy  
>%%postscript   M 0 10 rmoveto /Times-Roman 16 selectfont texttodisplay show 
>%%postscript   M 0 6 rlineto currentpoint stroke M 
>%%postscript30 add 0 rlineto currentpoint stroke M 
>%%postscript0 -6 rlineto stroke 
>%%postscript } bdef 
>% -- start / stop of firsttime indication
>%%deco 1( 5 - 24 0 0
>%%deco 1) 5 displaycustom 24 0 0 
>The only changes were to change the name of the function to
>"displaycustom" instead of firsttime and add a fourth argument
>containing the actual text to display.

In abcm2ps, the number and types of arguments are hardly coded.
One way is to include postscript sequences before the music lines:

- in the header:

% -- draw "any" indication 
%%postscript /displaycustom {   % usage: len x y displaycustom
%%postscriptexch -9 add exch 2 copy  
%%postscriptM 0 10 rmoveto /Times-Roman 16 selectfont texttodisplay 
%%postscriptM 0 6 rlineto currentpoint stroke M 
%%postscript 30 add 0 rlineto currentpoint stroke M 
%%postscript 0 -6 rlineto stroke 
%%postscript } bdef 
%%postscript /texttodisplay () def

- in the tune:

%%postscript /texttodisplay (some text) def
.. !1(!ABc!1)!d ..

If there is more than one indication in the line, you should define
so many macros and decorations with different text variables :(.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps/PostScript questions

2003-06-24 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 22:02:38 +, Calum Galleitch 
>Here's problem no 1:
>I stick this (wrapped in a routine) after each line of music.   It sticks a 
>label in front of each line of music.  Trouble is, the string length varies,
>Sub-problem - for some reason, appending this after the last line of music 
>doesn't work - meaning the text just doesn't show up.  Providing a seperate 

I am updating abcm2ps (3.6.3) for it outputs postscript sequences after
the last line of music. BTW, at start of line, it will also output such
sequences, so that you may overlay the staff definition:

- in the file header (or format file):
%%postscript /oldstaff /staff load def
%%postscript /staff {
%%postscript   currentpoint
%%postscript   /Times-BoldItalic 14 selectfont -16 8 RM leftxt show  
%%postscript   M oldstaff} bdef
%%postscript /leftxt () def

- in the tune:
%%postscript /leftxt (1) def
..first music line..
%%postscript /leftxt (2) def
..second music line..

>Problem no 3:
>phrase added or left out.  So, what is needed is a octavo-like marker with 
>text settable when called ("2nd line only", "1st time twice", etc).  If it's 
>at all possible, it really needs to be nestable one level (ie sections within 
>sections, but no sections within sections within sections!)  Ewan MacPherson 
>Is it possible to modify this to do what I want?  I suspect it probably needs 
>two routines, one for the inner brace and one for the outer (how to do that 
>without potential crashes?)  Aargh...

Well, not easy! For the first level, you may use repeat bars with
explicit ending ('["sometext"...]|'). For the second level, I see
only an expression decoration:

%%deco 2( 7 - 24 0 0
%%deco 2) 7 firsttime 24 0 0

(i.e. '7' instead of '5')

and as these decorations normally go below the staff, you also need:
%%exprabove 1

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps, guitar chords, vocal music, etc.

2003-06-18 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 22:32:45 -0400, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>(NOTE - using abcm2ps)
>Problem 1:
>As far as I can tell, you can only align chords with actual notes.  
>This is a problem for me.  Suppose I have a measure that looks 
>like this (M:C,  L:1/4)
>E/D/ C3
>and I want guitar chords to change on beats 1 and 3.  If I do this:
>this one?  How do I tell abcm2ps to put the guitar chord "C" beyond 
>the start of the note "C3", or can I?

You may use a space:

"Am"E/D/ C3 "C"y

or a second voice, either explicit:

[V:1] E/D/ C3
[V:2 merge] "Am"x2 "C"x2

or overlayed:

E/D/ C3 & "Am"x2 "C"x2|

>Problem 2:
>I recall a recent thread on "cue notes" (those slightly smaller notes 
>that tell you what some other instrument is playing while you're 
>not).  This functionality would be highly useful, especially for a 
>vocal "lead sheet".

You cannot do it yet. It is planned in the next development branch

>Problem 3:
>For the case where there's an 'extra' pickup note, say for a second 
>verse, occasionally you'll see the notation where that 'extra' note is 
>enclosed in parentheses on the staff.  Can we do that?

Yes, you may use annotations:


or a user defined decoration (from deco.abc):

  %%postscript /opnot{
  %%postscript  M -6 -3 RM /Times-Roman 16 selectfont (\(   \)) show}!
  %%deco () 1 opnot 0 0 0


Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers]quest - compiling abcm2ps on Mac

2003-06-04 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Wed, 28 May 2003 17:21:16 UTC, John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>access-control questions that I can't answer.  I'd think that, if jef
>agrees, we might  consider  trying  to  create  a  merged  abc2ps  on
>sourceforge and try to develop a group of developers. I wouldn't mind

I don't feel ready to put abcm2ps under cvs. First, I have a slow
internet connection, and then, I fear anarchic developments.

Nevertheless, everyone's ideas are welcome, and I accept source patches
(format 'diff -u', if you please ;)).

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers]quest - compiling abcm2ps on Mac

2003-05-28 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 16 May 2003 16:00:33 UTC, John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Atte writes:
>| On Fri, 16 May 2003 11:19:25 +0200 (CEST)
>| Guido Gonzato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>| > Excellent! But why not sending your extensions back to Jean-Francois,
>| > so that the two of you make a super-hyper-mega ABC to PostScript
>| > converter?
>| That would indeed be ultra-cool, given the high quality of abcm2ps.
>Actually, I've sent him a message or two on the topic, but  I  didn't
>get a reply. He's probably busy. I also looked at abcm2ps briefly, to
>get a feel for how difficult it might be.  Some of his changes are in
>different  directions than mine, and the two programs obviously can't
>be combined in any simple way.  What I'd have to  do  is  repeat  the

Hello John,

I don't remember any message from you. BTW, in your package, I saw you
have still old e-mail addresses of me. Now, my only address is the one
in my signature below.

I quickly looked at jcabc2ps (version Sept 2002 - is it the last one?),
and I found little extensions:

- explicit accidentals in key signatures,
- more measure bar types,

and also an other syntax for the clef vertical offset.

Adding these topics in abcm2ps could be done in a next release, I think
before end of June.

Do you see anything else?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Aligning bars across lines?

2003-04-04 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri,  4 Apr 2003 12:25:13 +1000, Alasdair McAndrew 
>Hi there,

Hello Alasdair,

>I'm typesetting some highland bagpipe music, and sometimes it would be nice to 
>have the bar lines aligned from one line to the next.  Notes as well, if 
>I use abcm2ps - can this be done?

There is no such a feature, and I do not think I will add it.

Anyway, you may have quite the same thing using many voices. I explain:

- write each line in a different voice:

[V:1] CDEF GABc|..% first line
[V:2] EFGA Bcde|..% second line

- and prevent measure bars from crossing the whole system:

%%staves 1 | 2 | 3 | ..

Then, you may have up to 16 staves (lines), which is normally enough
to fill a page.

But, as there is still a bar on the left side, you will have to remove
it manually editing the PostScript file (remove or comment the first
line ending with 'bar' after the staff definition).

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Placement of accents.

2003-03-16 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 09:57:52 -0800 (PST), Donald White 
>Thanks for the reply.
>It's not such a big thing, I just like to make pretty
>The use of ^, _, >, < and @ would make the placement
>of decorations the most flexible.
>I suppose another alternative would be to do something
>!accent! and !accent_lower!  or
>!emphasis! and !emphasis_lower!
>to place decorations above of below the staff.

I quickly did a hack in abcm2ps-3.5.0 to permit decorations tied
to the notes to go below the staff. In your case, defining an
accent as:

%%deco accent_lower 4 accent 8 0 0

should solve the problem.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Placement of accents.

2003-03-10 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 10:53:46 -0800 (PST), Donald White 
>I am using abcm2ps version 3.3.1 (Beta?), but the same
>issue is true for earlier versions.
>Does anyone know how to force accent marks to go below
>the staff rather than above? 

Sorry for there is no clean solution (one is to add a dummy voice
such as "%%staves 1 | {(dum 2) 3}").

As there could be such other requests, I was wondering if the placement
of the decorations could not have the same syntax as the annotations,
i.e. start with the symbols ^, _, <, > and @...

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps and EPS

2003-03-10 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Sun, 9 Mar 2003 03:47:33 +0100 (CET), =?iso-8859-1?q?Forgeot=20Eric?= 
>I've tried the new feature of Abcm2ps, for including eps files.
>:) (and 10 times smaller in comparison to the 1st one). I got the
>image, but not the music : in the eps file there were some values
>about page setup that shortcut the ones for the partitions.
>So, my question is what kind of application can I use in order to
>include a proper eps image in an abc file ?

Hello Eric,

By lack of examples, I could not fully test the EPS inclusion.
May you send me some of your files?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] bass clef with abcm2ps

2003-03-10 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Sat, 8 Mar 2003 09:23:41 +0100, Kristian =?ISO-8859-1?Q?N=F8rgaard?= 
>I have found out that 
>K:G clef=bass
>gives me a bass clef, but how can I indicate that notes should be
>lowered one octave? 
>In other words: I want to write ABCD instead of A,B,C,D,

You may use the abcm2ps extension which gives the pitch of base note
of the clef:

K:G clef=F

("clef=bass" is "clef=F,")

BTW, there is a bug in guessing the abc2ps behavior, so you may have
to adjust the octave (say "clef=F,,") if you get a wrong output.
I'll fix that in the next release (Sunday 16).

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] Multiple Endings

2003-03-03 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 21:44:29 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Taylor) 
>John Chambers has proposed a series of extensions to handle this, and
>I tried to implement them in my own program.  It turned out to be a
>nightmare to get it working in the player.  Eventually I got frustrated
>with it and pulled all the code.  As far as I know, only John's abc2ps
>clone implements this, and no player programs.

This works with abcm2ps. About players, numerical values would be
feasible (use a bitmap), while free text (as ["last time") asks for
more information...

>Put this in the tune header:
>then write the tune like this:
>[P:A] "A"A,2A, B,2C |[P:B]"D"D3 z3 ||[P:C] "D"D6 |]

OK for computers, but not for people reading a score!

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] character encoding in abcm2ps

2003-02-25 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 14:06:47 -0500, "Tibor Lapohos" 
>Hello All,

Hello Tibor,

>I ran abcm2ps as
>1 % abcm2ps -n -j 1b -L2 -O with_latin-2.ps encoding.abc
>2 % abcm2ps -n -j 1b -L1 -O with_latin-1.ps encoding.abc
>where the file encoding.abc contains Hungarian text, i.e. latin2 encod
>(iso-8859-2). Not all chararacters show up as they should:  
>in (1 %) the ohungarumlaut, Ohungarumlaut, uhungarumlaut and Uhungarumlau
>(õÕûÛ) are invisible, whereas with (% 2) these four appear as oti
>lde, Otilde,
>ucircumflex and Ucircumflex, as they should.
>I can use (% 2), of course, but I would really like to have decent Hun
>characters showing up in the lyrics.
>Can anyone help?

It seems it is a PostScript font problem. Standard (ISO-Latin1) fonts
have no glyph for hungarian characters (ISO-Latin2), so these ones
are not displayed and you should get some error messages as:

Substituting .notdef for ohungarumlaut

The right way is to tell abcm2ps which font to use, either in the ABC
file or in a format file. For instance (I don't know the exact name):

%%titlefont Hungar-Times-Roman

You must do that for each font definition. You may get this list
abcm2ps -H | fgrep font

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] multi line footer in abcm2ps

2003-02-23 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 19:12:43 +0100, Atte =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= Jensen 
>How to I achieve the subject?

You should better ask it to me: there was no way, but now there is!
(the same request was done last year by Luis Pablo Gasparotto,
but it was more difficult at that time).

Best regards.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] Adding PostScript fonts?

2003-02-11 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 15:09:29 +0100 (CET), Guido Gonzato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Hello all,

Hello Guido,

>So, I'd like to know: 1) is it possible to add a new font to GhostScript,
>and how? 2) how can *abc*2ps use this new font, if at all possible?

For 2), you just give the name of the font in the pseudo-comments
'%%xxxfont'. If the font is defined inside a tune, you also have to put
a '%%font' at the beginning of the file or in a format file.

Best regards.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] ABC for Linux

2003-01-12 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Sun, 05 Jan 2003 10:53:38 -0200, Paulo 
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Eleut=E9rio=20Tib=FArcio?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>John Barnaby wrote:
>> I have been an ABCwin user for some years but am now switching from
>> windows to linux. 
>Welcome to the promised land!
>>   Can any lister please tell me which abc program that
>> runs on linux most closely approximates ABCwin in functions. Thanks.
[snip - list of Linux programs]

You forgot 'tclabc' (in my home page) which contains a native graphical
interface to ABC (display, play, record, transpose, ...).

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] 8va notation, abcm2ps

2003-01-12 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Wed, 08 Jan 2003 09:26:36 -0500, Christopher Myers 
>Thanks, Guido -- that was EXACTLY what I needed!
>Of course, my perfectionism has taken over, and I've tweaked the
>notation slightly more, with the final result being as follows:
>PUT2("/Times-Italic-Bold 16 selectfont %.1f %.1f M (8vb) show\n",
>  x+9, y+5);

Hello Christopher,

To avoid you to update the source at each release, I customized
the clef octave indication. Have a look at 'deco.abc' in the last
release (3.2.1).


Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] avoid clefchange in abcm2ps

2003-01-12 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 16:43:05 +0100, Atte =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= Jensen 

Hi Atte,

>I'd like to avoid the automatic clefchange that abcm2ps does. Since the
>call is made from php, I'd rather avoid doing "clef=treble" in the .abc
>code. Is there a switch, or something in the format-file that will do
>this for me?

Now there is: I added the pseudo-comment/format parameter 'autoclef'
which is true by default. But, as there is no associated command line
option, you must use a format file.


Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] 8va notation, abcm2ps

2003-01-06 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 03 Jan 2003 21:00:16 -0500, Christopher Myers 
>Does anybody know how (if possible) to put octave notation, e.g.
>"8va basso - - - - - - " 
>into abc so that abcm2ps can render it?  I tried making it lyrics, and

Have a look at the file 'deco.abc' which is part of abcm2ps.
You may have to adapt the postscript code if you want this
indication to be drawn below the staff or if it extends on many

Happy new year.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] repeats and bar numbers

2002-12-02 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Sat, 16 Nov 2002 10:30:31 +, joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>But please when doing 1st and 2nd repeats, it screws up the bar numbering.  [1 might 
>be bar 8,
>[2 will be numbered 9.  But I want them both numbered 8 !   Otherwise the following 
>bars are
>numbered "incorrectly".

There are many options about bar numbering, and abcm2ps tries to follow
the most common case. For specific cases, bar numbering may be restarted


Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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[abcusers] drum in abcm2ps

2002-11-24 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
Sorry for I did not resist: I added the drum clef and 'x' note head
in the latest abcm2ps version (3.1.15).

The drum clef is defined by 'clef=P' or simply 'perc' in the K: or V:

About the note head, as the accidentals are not used in drum voices
(and also, as the 'x' head looks like a double sharp ;), the
accidental defines the head type!

Yes, I know it's ugly, but it took me less than 1 hour to code it...

Here is an example from Atte (http://home.wanadoo.nl/atte/1.gif
- "Control"):

%%staves (1 2)
K:C clef=perc
^a^f[c^f]^f ^f^f[c^f]^f|^a^f[c^f]^f ^f/c/^f c/^a3/||
FF/F/ z3/F/ zF/F/ z/F3/|FF/F/ z3/F/ z3/F/ z/F3/||

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] Typesetting piobaireachd with abc?

2002-09-29 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 14:28:11 +1000, Alasdair McAndrew 
>Hi there, 

Hello Alasdair,

>Does anyone know of abc software, running under unix/linux, whch allows the 

abcm2ps is developped under Linux ;)

>(1) Grace notes with different time values, such as {ge4d}? 

It's on the way, and it should work in a week or two.

>(2) Optional bars in the middle of a part, with the possibility of putting 
>text over them such as "Play in line 2 only"? 

You may put guitar chords (annotations) on bars, and abcm2ps handles
dashed bars (':' alone) and invisible bars ('[]'). Is it enough for
your purpose?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] a request to talented programmers

2002-07-14 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

On Mon, 8 Jul 2002 11:22:02 +0200 (CEST), Guido Gonzato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Hello Guido,

>Windows users have this little gem called NoteWorthy Player
>(http://www.noteworthysoftware.com/player/), a brilliant MIDI player that
>also shows the music notation. AFAIK, such a tool is not available to Linux
>users, and an equivalent Windows program which is open source doesn't exist

Well, I think you did not look carefully at my home page ;). Did you
ever try 'tclabc'? Indeed, the job goes slowly, because abcm2ps eats
most of my time, but this tools should offer you quite the same
features as noteedit or rosegarden, with only the simple Tk graphic
library. Sure that entering the notes with a MIDI keyboard is still
painfull, but displaying, editing, playing, transposing, .. work
fine in my old 486 Linux box.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] P: Field

2002-06-02 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

On Mon, 27 May 2002 17:03:17 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil 
Taylor) wrote:
>Luis Pablo Gasparotto wrote:
>>Is the P: field voice dependent or not?
>All fields in the tune (except possibly those which come before the first
>V: field) are voice dependent.  After the first V: there is nowhere to
>put a field which is not within a voice, so all fields apply only to the
>voice in which they are located.

I see T: and P: as 2 exceptions. abc2ps resets the voices on T: and P:,
so that the voice after these fields is the first one.

abcm2ps does the same for T:, but I changed the P: behaviour so you
may have one or many parts in a same music line. To keep compatibility,
the P: indication applies to the 1st voice only, so:

[V:1] ..
[V:2] ..
[V:1] ..
[V:2] ..

is the same as:

[V:1] ..
[V:2] ..
[P:Diskan] ..
[V:2] ..

>>If the answer is not, why abc2abc extracts it only for the last voice?

I think it is a general problem with multi-voices: as no standard is
defined, every developer tries to imagine what will be this one in
a next (?) future ;)

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] Transpose and GUI development

2002-05-19 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

On Tue, 14 May 2002 22:01:08 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ulf) wrote:
>> Did you tried 'runabc' by Seymour Shlien, which is also pure Tcl/Tk?
>Yes. That program is probably good for anyone who needs exactly that.
>After having given the whole thing a second thought I have come to the
>conclusion that there is no general need for my mini-GUI and there is no
>reason why I should bother other people with it.

Hello Ulf,

I think we misunderstood. I was just pointing you to a tool an another
guy wrote. I did not say some one is better than the other one. I was
just thinking it could be nice to merge both ideas for people to get a
simpler and/or better GUI. Please, don't stop programming, we all need
fresh meat ;)

Best regards.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] Annotations

2002-05-19 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

On Wed, 15 May 2002 09:22:18 +0200 (CEST), Guido Gonzato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>to my knowledge, jaabc2ps is the only application that handles _^<> in text
>annotations correctly. It would be very nice if those routines were
>incorporated in other ABC programs (Jean-François, qu'en penses-tu? :-)

Hello Guido,

I don't really feel the "_^<>" in guitar chords. For me, it's
already not easy to put all the P:, Q:, w:, slurs, n-plets,
decorations,.. at the right place above or below a single staff,
and then, the idea to put some more information at the right or at
the left side of what? the lonely note itself? some note in a chord?
tied to any previous decoration?, all of that gives me a headhake.
Anyway, the basic question is not yet answered: which font and size
should be used?

So, well, as soon as abcm2ps may handle voice changes inside a line
and different lengths, slurs and decorations in grace notes, I'll
search carefully a magic algorithm for all these strange music
indications don't overlap...

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] Transpose and GUI development

2002-05-14 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

On Mon, 6 May 2002 21:47:03 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ulf) wrote:

Hello Ulf,

>I am still working on a graphical user interface for jcabc2ps.
>I am aware that there exists already such a software, but that doesn't
>keep me 
>from making another one. It is written in Tcl/Tk and demands of you that 
>have Tcl/Tk installed on your machine.

Did you tried 'runabc' by Seymour Shlien, which is also pure Tcl/Tk?
You should find it in:


Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] abc to PC speaker

2002-03-31 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 20:36:46 +1100, Sue Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>I'd like to be able to play abc tunes on a PC speaker under unix

Hello Sue,

Some years ago, I found a piano keyboard written in Tcl, It simply
used 'bell' (echo '\07'), setting the bell parameters with 'xset':

xset b   

Maybe you could call this program or the associated X primitives to do
the job.

Best regards.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] RE : mystery Breton tune

2002-03-04 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

On Fri, 1 Mar 2002 23:47:00 +, Jack Campin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> This tune is really great !! It's one of my favorite in the celtic
>> area.  We play it with my folk band. 
>> You can find a cover of it by the famous breton band Tri Yann.
>> They called it "Kerfank 1870".
>As usual there's a web page about it once you know what to look for:
>Can you translate the Breton words in the song?

There are only a few words in Breton, and, if I did not misunderstand,
they mean:

>"Général, ma Général d'ar ger, 

General, my general of (my) home,

>D'ar ger ma Général, 
>D'ar ger n'eo ket d'ar brezel,

(Let's go back) home my general,
(Going) home is not (going) to the war,

>Général, ma Général d'ar ger,
>D'ar ger ma Général,
>Ma Kaer de Marivault.

General, my general of (my) home,
(Let's go back) home my general,
My dear 'de Marivault'.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] Multiline footer and page number

2002-01-20 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

On Thu, 17 Jan 2002 06:36:56 -0300, Luis Pablo Gasparotto wrote:
>Hi all,

Hi Luis Pablo,

>How can I create a footer with more than one line? Is there some way to 
>add page numbers like [title name] - [page number]?

I think the question was for me (abcm2ps): the ABC people don't bother
about sheet footers! Well, I have it in my TODO list, but it is not yet
coded. Be patient...

>Thank you very much in advance.

You're welcome.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] abcb2ps on Linux?

2001-12-30 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

On Wed, 26 Dec 2001 02:14:53 +, Jack Campin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Has anybody ported Eric Mrozek's abcb2ps (the bagpipe variant) to Linux?

I just added:


in subs.h for compiling.

Then, I found a Postscript problem when displaying semiquavers, but
I don't think it is a Linux problem...

Happy new year.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] Departures and Discussions

2001-11-19 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

On 08 Nov 2001 13:21:10 -0500, Laura Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>My problem with taking abcm2ps as any kind of standard is that I don't
>find J-F very responsive to my problems with it.  I realize that it
>fills a lot of people's needs, but when I request what seems like a
>pretty minor bugfix I get ignored.

Hello Laura,

Sorry for I missed some of your needs. I am trying to do the best for
everyone. Sometimes it takes me a lot of time to solve a little bug,
and, at the other end, a small or big feature may be offered without
any big work.

Sure I should tell everyone the changes I did to satisfy their
needs, but, as it is often done after a while in a unstable release,
I hoped the concerned people had a look and get the new stuff by

Anyway, what is this pretty minor bugfix you are talking about?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] writing abc with a MIDI-keyboard

2001-11-04 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

Simon Wascher a skrivas:
> Hello,

Hi Simon,

> a friend of mine is used to input music playing his keyboard (music, not
> computer) and "writing" the music via midi into his noation program. Is
> there a software that can create abc output directly in this way?: -
> Write a tune header or use a default tune header  then press a key of
> the piano keyboard and the related character is displayed in abc, press
> the key longer and you get a longer note a 2 or 3 or 4 is added (an
> extra menue lets determine the player the strictness of the input)?

The tkabc part of tclabc should do that on Linux, but its development
is very slow because abcm2ps eats all my time! Anyway, if you find it
quite usable, don't hesitate to send me any enhancement idea...

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] accents and other signs

2001-07-15 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

Phil Taylor a skrivas:
> Henrik Norbeck wrote:
> >Jean-Francois Moine wrote:
> >> - !repeatbar!, !repeatbar2!, ...
> >As I understand the idea behind the draft standard, the
> >!something! can be used for accents, but also for other  symbols. I
> Reformulated is an understatement.  That section of the draft standard
> is total mess.  It confuses and conflates the ideas of redefinable
> symbols and macros, while introducing the totally unnecessary !text!
> construction.  I've had both things working in BarFly for several
> years, using the syntax which was formulated back in the old abc
> developers group. It works beautifully and I have no intention of
> replacing it with something which is clearly inferior.

Sorry for I did not follow this old thread. I'd be glad to know how BarFly
- the dynamic signs ('f', .. - bold fonts -, 'cresc', .. - italic fonts),
- the repeat symbols ('da coda', 'al segno', ..),
- strange glyphs as 'slide', 'coda', 'fermata' or 'arpeggio',
- long signs as 'this trill starts here, and stops there',
- the measure repeat indication which was the current question ;),
- and, generally, a specific sign this fuc^H^H^Hsympathetic user wants to
  have in his score.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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[abcusers] little V: comment

2001-07-08 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

There have been many proposals for V: in ABC, but as it seems the
standard advances very slowly, I would just ask Phil about its comment in
the 'Shingly Beach...s' thread:

> This is fine for BarFly, but other programs don't like having
> the V: fields on the same line as the music, so I fixed that.
> It's much less readable, but should work in most programs"

Do you really think that:

V:1 D | G4 c4| Bd cA F2 D2 | ...

is less readable than:

[V:1] D | G4 c4| Bd cA F2 D2 | ...


Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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[abcusers] accents and other signs

2001-07-01 Thread Jean-Francois Moine


I have some questions about the accents and other signs as defined in
the ABC draft:

- !open!, !snap! and !thumb!
  Could anybody tell to me what are the glyphs and the implementation
  rules for these signs?

- !invertedfermata!
  Shall this sign be drawn above or below the staff?

- !repeatbar!, !repeatbar2!, ...
  I think it is a kind of '%' meaning the previous measure shall be
  repeated, but I don't think it is an accent. Instead, it should be
  indicated as a regular music sign.
  Could it be 'R' or 'r' (repeat)?
  The length indication, when  present, would give the number of
  measures, just like the multi-measure rest ('Z') I implemented in

- extensions
  Many people ask for new signs, mainly text ones. I see 3 main kinds
  of these last ones:
- dynamic signs, drawn below the staff, in a bold font
  (!mp!, !fp!, !(f)!, ..),
- dynamic signs, drawn below the staff, in an italic font
  (!Cresc.!, !Cresc - - en - - do!, !Poco riten.!),
- repeat indications, drawn above the staff, in a normal font
  (!al Coda!, !FIN!, !ad lib.! - these ones may be set as guitar
  but it exists many other extensions (!arpeggio!, !pincé!, ..).
  Does any ABC translator already handle such extensions?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] superscript in abcm2ps 2.3.3

2001-06-17 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

Atte =?iso-8859-1?q?Andr=E9=20Jensen?= a skrivas:
> I think the b's and #'s in something like "Eb7" should be super-scripted, 
> that is raised so that the middle align with the top of the E (or something 
> like this...). And although I *really* love the ability now to use \b and 
> stuff, I think a more elegant way be for abcm2ps to automatically detect that 
> the "b" in "Eb7" is an accidental and therefore should be typeset with the 
> accidental-font instead of the regular guitarchordfont. Might be a bit tricky 
> to implement, but still...

I looked at the french printed music I have, and I choosed to let the
\# and \b aligned with the other text, as it was. But now, I check for
'#' or 'b' as the 2nd character in the guitar chords, and these ones are
printed as accidentals and super-scripted. This is done in abcm2ps-2.5.0.
Is it OK for you?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] superscript in abcm2ps 2.3.3

2001-06-04 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

Atte =?iso-8859-1?q?Andr=E9=20Jensen?= a skrivas:
> Just downloaded the latest abcm2ps and was *very* pleased to find that it 
> offers real accidentals in guitarchords. Only would I like to superscript 
> them, is that possible and if so how???

I could do many things as soon as I know about them. What exactly do
you want?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
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Re: [abcusers] abc2midi - a useful mod.

2001-06-04 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  a skrivas:
> I DO have the latest abcm2ps but have yet to look at it, as there are
> several other things  (like non appearence  of 5/8 time sigs.) which
> do not work in my existing version. Maybe fixed in the new one?
> If not, then I guess they will be  :)

I did not find such a problem. Do you have any example to send to me?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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[abcusers] %%MIDI program/channel questions

2001-06-04 Thread Jean-Francois Moine


Trying to have an organ on my PC computer, I have some questions about
the %%MIDI pseudo-comments:

- in abc2midi, the documentation says the MIDI program is in the range
  1..128, while it seems to be in the range 0..127. Where is the truth?

- setting the  in the '%%MIDI program', does it also set the
  channel of the current voice, or does it set only the specified

%%MIDI program 1 12
%%MIDI program 2 0
   (what are the channels of each voice, and what are their presets?)

- my sound card accepts many MIDI banks. How could I specify them?
  One solution is to have 'program = (bank * 128) + preset',
  the other one is to have an extension of the '%%MIDI program' to include
  the bank as a prefix in the preset:

%%MIDI program [channel] [bank-]program

%%MIDI program 1-12

- as I told above, I'm trying to have a pipe organ on my computer, and
  such instruments play many channels at the same time. Is there any
  problem to have many channels in the '%%MIDI channel' pseudo-comment?

% Jeux14.sf2 definitions
%%MIDI program 1 0  % Montre 8
%%MIDI program 2 1  % Prestant 4
%%MIDI program 3 2  % Doublette 2
%%MIDI channel 1 2 3

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
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Re: [abcusers] abc %% format lines

2001-05-20 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

John Chambers a skrivas:
> It might be useful to use this to see if anyone is  interested  in  a
> more  general  discussion of the topic of such formatting directives.
> One thing that has occurred to me is that there's  one  little  thing
> "wrong"  with how abc2ps do this.  It has generally be suggested that
> the %%-style directives start with a keyword that identifies the sort
> of  program  that  handles  the  directive.   In the case of abc2ps's
> formatting directives, it doesn't do this.  Some other programs  have
> used  this  approach, as you can see from all the abc files that have
> %%MIDI directives. But the abc2ps %% formatting lines aren't labelled
> as  such,  and  are  just  a jumble of keywords that have no apparent
> relation to each other.
> It seems to me that it might be a good idea if the various clones  of
> abc2ps  were  modified so that their formatting directives start with
> %%fmt, where the case is probably not significant. This would make it
> obvious  that  1)  these are dealing with formatting, and 2) they are
> related to the things that can go in .fmt files.   Also,  this  would
> eliminate the possibility of collision with someone else's %% lines.

OK, I added it in the latest abcm2ps release, but, as I remember, there
was no reply to the mail from M. Methfessel in Nov 1999:

Michael Methfessel wrote:
> John Chambers wrote:
>> Similarly, Michael Methfessel introduced a bunch of  very  reasonable
>> page format directives in abc2ps.  He didn't use %%abc2ps, but rather
>> used lines like %%pageheight and %%leftmargin.  This seems  to  me  a
>> clear  invitation  to everyone else to use the same directives.
> That is exactly how it was intended. The idea was that the abc code
> contains only the musical information, and %%-lines control how a program
> interprets it. Thus John's suggestion to put the instructions on how to
> play the parts sequence into %%-directives seems reasonable to me.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
Pépé Jef|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)
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Re: [abcusers] measurenumbers in abcm2ps

2001-05-20 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

Atte =?iso-8859-1?q?Andr=E9=20Jensen?= a skrivas:
> > Atte =?iso-8859-1?q?Andr=E9=20Jensen?= a skrivas:
> > > Is there any way to make abcm2ps *not* reset the pagenumbers for every
> > > part? Set them to start at 1, and so they does - in every part, which I
> > > think is pretty useless...
> > Do you mean you want to have increasing page numbers on different output
> > files, either using the '-E' option or with many explicit '-O '?
> Not at all, I'm talking about one file, like this one:
> for instance bar 9 is the first of the B-part, but I still want to see bar 
> number 9. Because of the P:B it goes back to 1 :-)

OK, I saw. It is not a problem on page numbers, but on measure numbers.
It should be fixed in the abcm2ps development release 2.3.3 I'm uploading
just now. Thank you to alert me if it does not work the way you want.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
Pépé Jef|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)
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Re: [abcusers] measurenumbers in abcm2ps

2001-05-10 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

Atte =?iso-8859-1?q?Andr=E9=20Jensen?= a skrivas:
> Is there any way to make abcm2ps *not* reset the pagenumbers for every part? 
> Set them to start at 1, and so they does - in every part, which I think is 
> pretty useless...

I checked it, and, AFAIK, abcm2ps (as abc2ps) resets the page number only
when creating a new output file.

Do you mean you want to have increasing page numbers on different output
files, either using the '-E' option or with many explicit '-O '?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
Pépé Jef|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)
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Re: [abcusers] Re: abc for MAC

2001-04-16 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

Hello Frank,

Here are some information about abcm2ps and tclabc/tkabc.

Both are developped on PC/Linux and checked on Sparc/Solaris. They are
released under the GPL (freeware).

- abcm2ps should work on any 32/64 bits system with an ANSI C compiler
  (i.e: KO on DOS, except with small files).

- tclabc/tkabc should work on any system where Tcl runs (Unix, Win32
  and MAC), but I don't know about MIDI playing (it's just fine enough
  for me on PC/Linux with an AWE32 board :).

Thank you for updating your ABC application page.

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
Pépé Jef|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)
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Re: [abcusers] Proposal for (simple) ending syntax

2001-03-01 Thread Jean-Francois Moine

John Chambers a skrivas:
> before or after a |. The abbreviation :: may be used for :|:, i.e., a
> combined end-repeat and start-repeat in the middle of a staff.

I see ::, but no :|: in the actual standard/draft. Do we have to
implement it?

> 1.  An alternate ending is indicated by [ immediately followed  by  a
> string of digits, hyphens and commas. If the [ follows a bar line, it
> may be omitted.  It is expected that these define a sequence 1..N, in
> the same fashion as standard music notation, to indicate playing the
> phrase N times with two or more different endings..

Agree (already done in abcm2ps).

> 2.  Multiple colons may be used before or after bar lines to mark the
> ends of repeated sections.  These are used to indicate multiple times
> through the passage, one extra time per colon.  If the  multi--ending
>|:   ... | ... |[1,3 ... :|[2,4 ... :|
>|::: ... | ... |[1,3 ... :|[2,4 ... :|
> These are equivalent.  The extra colons are useful  for  readability,
> but aren't needed because the 1,3 and 2,4 give the same information.
> The extra colons may be omitted with no loss of meaning.
> Many musicians are not familiar with the multi-colon  notation.   But

Right, over 45 years of my music life, I never saw such a notation!

> I'd rather not see this degenerate into a discussion of how to notate
> all  the  possible repeat patterns.  Granted, this isn't a completely

OK for me, I will just ignore these multiple colons instead of adding
dashed bars! BTW, could these last ones (simple colon) be the new

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
|   http://moinejf.free.fr/
Pépé Jef|   please, on reply, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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