DIS: Re: BUS: I judge this TRUE

2010-11-21 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-11-20 06:20 PM, ais523 wrote:

I'm sorry, there had to be a time difference between the messages or it
wouldn't have worked. (I do think the correct judgement is TRUE, though,
although there isn't strong evidence either way.)

Can you please provide your reasoning? Regardless of how the CFJ is 
judged, it is the platonic truth that matters.


Re: DIS: proto: Marks

2010-11-16 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-11-16 06:32 PM, Jonathan Rouillard wrote:

This confirms what I understand of Agoran Politics so far:
Fun = CfJs all around. =P

You got it backwards.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Registrar] Census

2010-11-15 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-11-15 08:55 PM, Geoffrey Spear wrote:

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 6:58 PM, Sean Hunt  wrote:

I CFJ {If the Registrar's report should, by the rules, have included that
Tiger became Inactive on 2 May, 2010, then Wooble would be able to resort to
the defense of reasonable error in a criminal CFJ over that rules

Arguments: In my view, this case would constitute failure to know the rules,
which is not a reasonable defense.

I'm *able* to present any defense.  Whether a particular Judge or
appeals panel would buy it probably can't be determined by CFJ.

In a legal context, being able to use a defence refers to doing it 


DIS: Re: BUS: Registering

2010-11-09 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-11-09 11:02 PM, omd wrote:

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 10:38 PM, Flameshadowxeroshin

I, a first-class citizen named Flameshadowxeroshin, indicate my intent to
become a player of Agora.

CoE: You weren't a citizen before you became a player.

Also, hi.

You should NoV


Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 6870-6876

2010-11-07 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-11-07 05:23 PM, Ed Murphy wrote:

You still have a voting limit of zero due to Rests, so these would
have been ineffective even if they hadn't been NttPF.

These were cleared when the Rebellion wiped them.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 6863-6869

2010-11-07 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-11-07 09:39 AM, Ed Murphy wrote:

Ugh, you're right.  I transfer a prop from myself (for getting
6864 and 6865 mixed up) to coppro (for pointing it out).

6864 still failed quorum (and would have failed even if I had
voted FOR it, actually I probably would have voted PRESENT).

CoE on my previous results message for 6863-69, admitted:  my
votes on 6865 were ineffective.  I hereby resolve the decision
on 6865 as follows:

   ais523 voted 5F
   G. voted 7F
   Tiger voted 2F
   Wooble voted 5F
   outcome is FAILED QUORUM

I submit a proposal identical to Proposal 6864 in every attribute I can 
control, and then pay a fee to make it Distributable.


DIS: Re: OFF: [CotC] CFJ 2891 assigned to coppro

2010-11-07 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-11-07 10:00 AM, Ed Murphy wrote:

Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=2891

==  Criminal Case 2891 (Interest Index = 0)  ===

 Warrigal violated committed the Class-2 Crime of Restricted
 Behavior by violating rule 2125, because rule 1006 states that
 an officer may be referred to by the name of that office, and
 Warrigal violated the rules by being referred to by the name of
 Herald whilst not holding that office.


Oh wait, that's not actually a judgment...

NOT GUILTY per Wooble.


DIS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 6870-6876

2010-11-07 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-10-31 01:34 PM, Geoffrey Spear wrote:

This distribution of proposals 6870-6876
initiates the Agoran Decisions on whether to adopt them.  The eligible
voters are the active players at the time of this distribution, and
the vote collector is the Assessor. The valid options on each decision
are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote). Each proposal is
hereby assigned the corresponding ID number listed with it.

6870 O 1 3.0 omd nai cleanup
Conditional: FOR if an only if Bucky has not won the game, AGAINST 

6871 O 0 3.0 G.  The gods have spoken


6872 O 0 2.0 G.  And eir name is


6873 O 0 1.0 G.  Auctions


6874 O 1 1.0 omd These are getting really old
Conditional: ENDORSE ehird iff ehird has cast a non-PRESENT vote after 
resolving conditionals, ENDORSE G. otherwise.

6875 O 1 2.0 omd Let's have inactive officeholders


6876 O 1 1.9 G.  Condensation



DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 6863-6869

2010-10-24 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-10-24 11:54 PM, Ed Murphy wrote:

I transfer a kudo from Wooble (for the delay) to G. (for reminding me
of the shorter voting period, which I would otherwise have botched).



Re: DIS: Re: BUS: (no subject)

2010-10-20 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-10-20 11:52 PM, omd wrote:

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 10:52 PM, Zac Sipes  wrote:


Do you want to register as a player?  If so, you should say so--
sorry, I think this is a bit too unclear.

Yes, yes it is.

DIS: Re: BUS: Shame!

2010-10-18 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-10-18 01:14 AM, Ed Murphy wrote:

The voting periods on Proposals 6858 - 6862 have been extended.  Quorum
is 5; the following players have voted:

   coppro  (ineffective, too many Rests)

I believe I vetoed every decision before voting, making Rests not matter?


DIS: Re: OFF: [CotC] CFJ 2890 assigned to coppro

2010-10-17 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-10-17 05:25 PM, Ed Murphy wrote:

Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=2890

===  CFJ 2890 (Interest Index = 0)  

 It is generally POSSIBLE for me to make a proposal
 Undistributable for a fee.

Caller: omd

Judge:  coppro


Called by omd:  15 Oct 2010 04:00:11 GMT
Assigned to coppro: (as of this message)

Caller's Arguments:

Rule 2283 states:

   To perform a fee-based action, a Player (the Actor) who is not
   otherwise forbidden to perform the action CAN perform it by
   announcing that e is performing the action while also announcing
   that there is a fee for that action.

However, I am "otherwise forbidden to perform the action": there is no
other way for me to make a proposal Undistributable than by announcing
I am performing the action while also announcing that there is a fee
for that action, etc.

TRUE. Not being permitted to perform something is different than being 
forbidden from performing it. The rule thus means "a player CAN do this 
unless some other rule says he can't". It is, thus, a manner of subtly 
deferring to any rule, including one of lower power.

Now, someone is invariably going to complain about the rules defining 
precedence and this getting around it not working, however, since there 
is never an actual contradiction of rules, precedence need not apply.


DIS: Re: OFF: [CotC] CFJ 2884 assigned to coppro

2010-10-17 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10-10-17 04:46 PM, Ed Murphy wrote:

Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=2884

===  CFJ 2884 (Interest Index = 0)  

 Bucky CAN register by announcement

I set the II of this case to 1, judge it TRUE, and create a capacitor in 
my possession for the judgment.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: List fixes

2010-10-12 Thread Sean Hunt

bOn 10/11/2010 12:11 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

Hmm, yes.  Looking at a table for both, it depends on whether you think
players should be able to move through multiple named positions in a single
week.  My feeling is no; moving a single named position should take all your
savings for that week (brings stability to offices).  Here's the two tables,
any further thoughts looking at them?

Hmmm... mine looks like it could use a little more thought. Let's go 
with yours for now and then mess with things later.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: List fixes

2010-10-11 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10/11/2010 05:09 AM, ais523 wrote:

On Mon, 2010-10-11 at 01:20 -0400, Sean Hunt wrote:

Oh, also, CFJ: {Posting an intent to perform a dependent action is
itself an action.}

This is relevant because of "I intend, with support, to intend, without
objection, to...", presumably?

And, in the past, acting on behalf to intend (before acting on behalf 
was codified as publishing a message on behalf of another).


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: List fixes

2010-10-10 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10/11/2010 01:44 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Mon, 11 Oct 2010, Sean Hunt wrote:

On 10/11/2010 12:34 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

- A player CAN move an indicated player an indicated number of
  positions P on the list in an indicated direction (up or down)
  for a charge equal to the sum of the Influence Levels of all
  the positions between the indicated player's starting and
  ending positions, inclusive.

Makes moves far too difficult. I was going to propose something involving the
voting difference between them or something. I need to work that out exactly.

How about the above scheme divided by 2?

The specific scheme I was going for was going to be something akin to 
max(C, N) where N is the number of slots moved and C is the difference 
between the largest influence of an affected position and the lowest 


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: List fixes

2010-10-10 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10/11/2010 01:44 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

Need to fix something here or the list isn't stable...  Less intrusive patch


To fix the immediate problem, just say "If a judicial finding indicates 
that the list's order is ambiguous, then the judge SHALL issue a 
judicial declaration" etc. and let self-ratification plaster over the rest.


DIS: Re: BUS: List fixes

2010-10-10 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10/11/2010 12:34 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

   - A player CAN move an indicated player an indicated number of
 positions P on the list in an indicated direction (up or down)
 for a charge equal to the sum of the Influence Levels of all
 the positions between the indicated player's starting and
 ending positions, inclusive.
Makes moves far too difficult. I was going to propose something 
involving the voting difference between them or something. I need to 
work that out exactly.

   Position: The Grand Vizier CAN perform any action that an officer
   both CAN and MAY (or SHALL) perform by virtue of holding that
   office as follows:
   (a)  If the rules specify that the officer CAN perform the
   action in question by announcement, then the Grand Vizier CAN
   perform that action With Notice, indicating also that e is
   acting as Vizier;
   (b) If the rules specify a dependent action method for the
   officer performing the action, then the Grand Vizier CAN perform
   the action using the same dependent action method, indicating
   also that e is acting as Vizier.
   (c) If a player becomes the Grand Vizier; no notices of intent
   posted by the previous Vizier, or posted by the new Vizier prior
   to becoming Vizier, CAN be used to resolve dependent actions
   described in (a) or (b), above.

I greatly oppose (c). For starters, I'm not sure how it works with 
precedence; secondly, it makes the Vizier useless if it changes more 
than once every 4 days.

Also, (b) should still require notice.

Oh, also, CFJ: {Posting an intent to perform a dependent action is 
itself an action.}

Amend Rule 2212 (Judicial Declarations) to read:

Separate proposal please.


Re: BUS: Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Ship Computor] Ship rundown

2010-10-07 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10/07/2010 06:28 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:

Okay, sorry.

The Shuttle's Position is 6, as it has moved 6 times since last report
(when it was 0).

Isn't the Shuttle destroyed?


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Favors

2010-10-07 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10/07/2010 06:13 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:

On 7 October 2010 23:57, Kerim Aydin  wrote:

On Thu, 7 Oct 2010, Sean Hunt wrote:

On 10/07/2010 05:23 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:

On 7 October 2010 23:13, Sean Huntwrote:

I intend, with notice, to Bestow Favors.


Can you do that?

I can intend to do anything.

In fact, I intend, with notice, to cause Rule 101 to amend itself to say
"coppro is The Agoran" at the end.

It's not clear that you can do things With Notice that other officers can
only due without Objection.  For example, you may need to do those both
with notice and without objection.

Anyway, I recommend someone move em off the title of grand vizier.

I'd do it but I won't have the ergs before the notice period ends.

If someone moves me to grand vizier (cost: 5 ergs) I promise not to
use said powers until we judge whether a fix is needed.


I hereby Bestow Favours!
I want everyone currently in the highest positions of the list to stay
there, in the same order, except coppro who should be just outside the
range for a fancy title (or, I mean, the range of positions which I
can put people on when Bestowing Favours.) So the one who's right
below there shuffles one step up, and coppro shouldn't be Grand
Vizier. Yeah. I bestow those favours.



DIS: Re: OFF: [Ship Computor] Ship rundown

2010-10-07 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10/07/2010 05:57 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:

Ship Computor Printout

All data is irrelevant as the journey is over and everything will be
created anew if another one is started.. The rules are unclear about
whether movement and stuff keeps happening after the journey is
finished; common sense says no. If it does, the ship should be at
position 5 or something, having moved 1 each week since Aug 26.

If there is nothing saying that movement doesn't occur when the journey 
is over, the rules stuff common sense and things keep moving, damn it.


DIS: Re: BUS: I'm totally sorry

2010-10-04 Thread Sean Hunt

On 10/04/2010 12:41 PM, omd wrote:

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 12:31 PM, Kerim Aydin  wrote:

On Mon, 4 Oct 2010, Keba wrote:

I resign all my offices and go on hold.

For this, a prop from Wooble to Keba, please.  -G.

As requested, I transfer a prop from Wooble to Keba.

--moron in a hurry

I believe this fails because I haven't a clue what Wooble has to do with 


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Oops?

2010-09-30 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/30/2010 09:14 PM, Ed Murphy wrote:

coppro wrote:

On 09/30/2010 07:28 AM, Alex Smith wrote:

I CFJ on the statement "At some time in the past, Keba was the Speaker",
barring Wooble.

Arguments: Rule 2315 only allows initialisation the List of Succession
"as soon as possible after this proposal takes effect"; unfortunately,
rule 2315 is not a proposal, so this never happened. Thus, as far as I
can tell the List of Succession was never initially initalised.

I'm not entirely sure what knock-on effects this has/had, or how much
has ratified away by now; luckily it didn't happen so long ago that it's
going to be impossible to calculate the resulting effects. I'd
appreciate judicial input on whether there actually was a mistake,
though, before trying to figure out what effects it had.

TRUE; the IADoP's report has self-ratified.

Herald's, but yeah, if the list self-ratified (per Rule 2314) at any
point then the first paragraph of Rule 2315 is no longer relevant.

The IADoP reports on the Speaker; the Herald's report on the list has 
also self-ratified, but that is not directly related to the inquiry.


DIS: Re: BUS: Oops?

2010-09-30 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/30/2010 07:28 AM, Alex Smith wrote:

I CFJ on the statement "At some time in the past, Keba was the Speaker",
barring Wooble.

Arguments: Rule 2315 only allows initialisation the List of Succession
"as soon as possible after this proposal takes effect"; unfortunately,
rule 2315 is not a proposal, so this never happened. Thus, as far as I
can tell the List of Succession was never initially initalised.

I'm not entirely sure what knock-on effects this has/had, or how much
has ratified away by now; luckily it didn't happen so long ago that it's
going to be impossible to calculate the resulting effects. I'd
appreciate judicial input on whether there actually was a mistake,
though, before trying to figure out what effects it had.

TRUE; the IADoP's report has self-ratified.


Re: DIS: Pariah protos

2010-09-24 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/24/2010 09:01 PM, Ed Murphy wrote:

Taral wrote:

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Ed Murphy  wrote:

  At the end of each week, if the number of Rests (R) in the current
  Pariah's possession that were destroyed during that week [and
  while e was Pariah] [and since e most recently became Pariah] is
  greater than 6, then e gains R-6 Rests.

Destroyed rests are no longer in the player's possession...

Would "the number of Rests (R) that were destroyed in the current
Pariah's possession during that week" work?

Same problem


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: No Voting Limit Timing Scams

2010-09-24 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/24/2010 02:45 AM, Ed Murphy wrote:

coppro wrote:

It's already meaningless. Voting limits are locked at the end of the
voting period.

Not for ordinary decisions (the only ones where voting limits
routinely change).  Rule 2156, excerpt:

  The voting limit
   of a player on an ordinary decision is defined elsewhere in the
   rules, but is fixed at the resolution of the Decision

Oh, that's a bug then. It definitely should be the end of the voting 
period. I should know because I wrote that rule as part of a scam that 
would have failed due to that bug.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: No Voting Limit Timing Scams

2010-09-22 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/22/2010 03:49 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:

On 22 September 2010 21:11, Sean Hunt  wrote:

On 09/22/2010 12:19 PM, Keba wrote:

Proposal "No Voting Limit Timing Scams" (AI=2, II=1, distributable via
Amend Rule 2279 "Voting Limits on Ordinary Decisions" by replacing

 Take the Influence Level associated with the player's position
 on the list of succession, or 5 if the player is the Speaker.


 Take the Influence Level associated with the player's position
 on the list of succession at the beginning of this week, or 5 if
 the player is the Speaker.

[It would be much easier to track then and it should avoid most timing

It would not alleviate timing scams in the slightest. Just do it before the
Sunday during the voting period of the decision, rather than before the end
of the voting period.


Woulsn't it remove the Assessor's ability to influence timing scams,
by making eir choice of when to resolve the decision meaningless for
this prupose?

It's already meaningless. Voting limits are locked at the end of the 
voting period.


DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: No Voting Limit Timing Scams

2010-09-22 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/22/2010 12:19 PM, Keba wrote:

Proposal "No Voting Limit Timing Scams" (AI=2, II=1, distributable via
Amend Rule 2279 "Voting Limits on Ordinary Decisions" by replacing

 Take the Influence Level associated with the player's position
 on the list of succession, or 5 if the player is the Speaker.


 Take the Influence Level associated with the player's position
 on the list of succession at the beginning of this week, or 5 if
 the player is the Speaker.

[It would be much easier to track then and it should avoid most timing

It would not alleviate timing scams in the slightest. Just do it before 
the Sunday during the voting period of the decision, rather than before 
the end of the voting period.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Judgement, CFJ 2862

2010-09-19 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/19/2010 08:57 PM, Taral wrote:

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 5:40 PM, omd  wrote:

I intend to appeal this with two support.  I believe that this
judgement is correct, but should clarify that failing to check did not
actually absolve coppro of any liability were eir original belief in
Wooble's IADoP-ness not quite so certain.

That's really not the point of appeals. If you want clarification,
just ask the judge for it.

Yes it is.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Rest

2010-09-19 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/19/2010 10:38 AM, ais523 wrote:

On Fri, 2010-09-17 at 15:14 -0400, Sean Hunt wrote:

I destroy a Rest in my possession. This costs me some ergs.

Were you on 24 for a moment there?

I do not believe so.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Herald NoV

2010-09-18 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/17/2010 06:16 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Fri, 17 Sep 2010, Sean Hunt wrote:

The second is that it is impossible to publish the List of Succession, as it
would only be a copy.

Therefore, the alleged List of Succession report in the aforementioned week
was not actually a publication of the List of Succession, and thus a failure
to perform duties.

Er, you should add to the equation whether a document purporting to be the
list of succession self-ratified.  -G.

The list itself is self-ratifying, though it's not clear what that means 
because I guess all it would do is ratify that it is in fact a list of 
all active players other than the Speaker?


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Herald NoV

2010-09-18 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/17/2010 06:16 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Fri, 17 Sep 2010, Sean Hunt wrote:

The second is that it is impossible to publish the List of Succession, as it
would only be a copy.

Therefore, the alleged List of Succession report in the aforementioned week
was not actually a publication of the List of Succession, and thus a failure
to perform duties.

Er, you should add to the equation whether a document purporting to be the
list of succession self-ratified.  -G.

The list is self-ratifying; reports of the list are not.


Re: BUS: Re: DIS: A Thesis

2010-09-17 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/17/2010 03:23 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Fri, 17 Sep 2010, Warrigal wrote:

Conclusion: List-of-Succession-like things are a huge headache. Let's
go back to VLOPs.

It's trivial.  I deputize for the Herald to publish the following

Order   Influence  No Declaration   Declaration  Position
-   5  Keba Keba Speaker

1  10  omd  G.   K.S Supervisor
2   7  G.   coppro   Justiciar
3   5  coppro   omd  Grand Vizier
4   5  Wooble   woggle   Head Gardener
5   0  TigerWooble   Crown Prince
6   2  TaralTiger
7   2  ehirdTaral
8   2  Sgeo ehird
9   2  Tanner L. Swett  Sgeo
10  2  ais523   Tanner L. Swett
11  2  woggle   ais523
12  2  Murphy   Murphy
13  2  YallyYally


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Herald NoV

2010-09-17 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/17/2010 01:05 PM, com...@gmail.com wrote:

Gratuitous: The interpretation suggested by the caller is absurd.

Would you prefer the interpretation that the list published in the 
message was rearranged to match the List of Succession.


Re: DIS: Response

2010-09-17 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/17/2010 12:08 PM, Geoffrey Spear wrote:

2010/9/17 Sean Hunt:

Proto: invade BN.

This would involve remembering to visit their website.

You could subscribe to the feed.


DIS: Response

2010-09-17 Thread Sean Hunt

Proto: invade BN.


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [CotC] CFJ 2853 assigned to Taral

2010-09-13 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/13/2010 07:15 PM, Taral wrote:

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 1:23 AM, Ed Murphy  wrote:

==  Criminal Case 2853 (Interest Index = 0)  ===

ais523 committed the Class-1 Crime of Tardiness by breaking rule
2143 by failing to publish a Referee's Report last week.

GUILTY / FINE 1 erg. I really can't let you off with nothing, and 1
erg is closest to half a rest.

ergs can't be fined, iirc.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: ooh

2010-09-13 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/13/2010 05:16 PM, Keba wrote:

Am Sonntag, den 12.09.2010, 20:22 -0400 schrieb Sean Hunt:

I make myself the Pariah.

Hm, if I'm right you gained 23 rests for doing so (if making yourself
the Pariah means assuming the Pariah), because you were the Pariah for a
few hours? Was this intended?

What do you think the odds are that I'll tell you?


DIS: Re: BUS: yargh

2010-09-12 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/13/2010 12:47 AM, omd wrote:

On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 12:44 AM, Sean Hunt  wrote:

NoV: The Pariah violated Power-1 Rule 2215 by making a statement which
e could not reasonably believe (with any kind of certainty) to be
true, as, by eir own admission, e didn't check whether the violation
actually occurred.

I contest this NoV.

I initiate a criminal case.


I did in fact reasonably believe that Wooble was the IADoP, however, I 
did not check on this fact to avoid potential liability. I have been 
following the lists despite my inactivity and I did not recall Wooble to 
have resigned.


DIS: Re: BUS: court merry go round

2010-09-10 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/10/2010 06:21 PM, comex wrote:

As judge of CFJ 2857, I publish the following /incorrect/ judicial declarations:

{ G.'s position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ coppro's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ omd's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ woggle's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Wooble's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Tiger's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Taral's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ ehird's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Sgeo's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Tanner L. Swett's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ ais523's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Murphy's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Yally's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }

Assuming that announcement is a valid way to publish a judicial
declaration (no particular mechanism is specified in the rules), I
don't know whether that succeeded in doing anything.  In CFJ 1971 it
was ruled that actions like posting a report don't work with excessive
disclaimers (presumably that would include explicitly calling it
incorrect), and in the "five lights" scam it was held (I think?) that
you can't post a NoV without being Truthfulness-liable for its
contents, but we do allow ratifying incorrect documents, and I don't
see a clear distinction between that and this-- both are attempts to
submit incorrect documents to the Rules.

But in any case, since I don't know whether the last action succeeded,
I can quite honestly publish the following judicial declarations (same
as above):

{ G.'s position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ coppro's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ omd's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ woggle's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Wooble's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Tiger's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Taral's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ ehird's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Sgeo's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Tanner L. Swett's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ ais523's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Murphy's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }
{ Yally's position on the List of Succession is unknown. }

...As a certain person would say, in light of this, the issue between
Wooble and Tiger takes on a somewhat academic cast, but I judge FALSE.
  Although the caller's arguments are tempting, out of the three
dictionaries I tried (Merriam-Webster, Google, OS X Dictionary.app),
only Google offers The Hierophant as a definition of "pope", and the
metaphors of court, church, and Tarot deck are a bit too confused to
accept that particular interpretation.

Judicial declarations are only self-ratifying if their publication is 
required, and these certainly were not.


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Voting results for Proposals 6830 - 6833

2010-09-09 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/09/2010 06:15 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

G. cast 7 valid ballots on the decision to adopt proposal 6830.

Poking in to note that casting 7 valid ballots and voting 7 times are 
not the same. Also, my interpretation of this has always been that a 
simple FOR is exactly the same as FORx5 or FORx3 or FORxN where N is the 
voting limit. Whether the limit changes later is immaterial, however, if 
it goes down, then only the new limit of votes are counted (if, on the 
other hand, it goes up, then only the old limit are counted unless 
additional ballots are submitted.) This seems, to me, the only logical 
way to interpret the rules. When chamber was around, I was going to 
attempt a forcethrough scam based on this, but it turns out that you 
really didn't need that to get a random proposal passed (see, for 
instance, my win).

I should (hopefully) be back next week.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: White Renaissance

2010-09-07 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/08/2010 12:07 AM, omd wrote:

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 11:54 PM, Warrigal  wrote:

The asset defined is not "white ribbon"; it is "ribbon". Every ribbon
then has a color. A white ribbon is a ribbon whose color is white;
even though the rules stop using the term "white ribbon", white does
not cease to be a color. (Likewise, a rule can have power 3 even
though the rules never define 3 as a valid non-negative rational
number.) Even if it white did cease to be a color for some reason, the
ribbon would have to revert to a default color; there is no reason for
a ribbon to stop existing simply because its color ceases to be
defined, any more than a proposal or a player would cease to exist if
its Title ceased to be defined.

I can't believe nobody has noticed this before.

I did but was too busy to mention it. I was probably just going to bury 
it in a report or something. I'm glad tswett did.


DIS: Re: BUS: coup bug

2010-09-05 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/05/2010 10:07 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

I retract my previous proposal, Coup Bug Fix.

I submit the following proposal, Coup Bug Fix, AI-2.
I pay a fee to make it distributable.

Any coup that has begun since September 1, 2010 while a
previous coup was in progress (i.e. begun and not resolved) is
hereby deemed to have failed to begin (e.g. is treated as if it
were IMPOSSIBLE to so begin a coup at the time) and all game
effects of successfully starting or resolving such a coup are
thus nullified.

I do not believe a proposal at power 2 necessarily has the ability to do 
this, because of the discovery that proposals can't override rules, ever.

It would be better to just use ratification.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: And the new speaker is...

2010-09-04 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/04/2010 07:28 PM, ais523 wrote:

On Sun, 2010-09-05 at 01:24 +0200, Keba wrote:

ais523 wrote:

I do not rebel, nor plan to rebel. I didn't plan to anyway, but you want
to explicitly reward this for some reason...

Well, I want to get the Leadership Token and need to react to G's offer.
I don't care much about the ordering, I even offered you to become K.S
Supervisor for helping me out here, but you declined indirectly.

As G has retract eir offer, I retract my offer as well. I forgot about
FSCN, of course it's members could and should take advantage of this
"scam". Additionally, bribes of one prop are also not bad, if you want
to jump up, of course ;)

I dislike the concept of using props for bribery; they used to just be a
voluntary thing tracked separately from the rules. I'm vaguely annoyed
that they even have a game effect...

I concur.



2010-09-02 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/02/2010 08:05 PM, Warrigal wrote:

For that matter, what does Agora as a whole think, since FSCN
currently has no special power at all?

—Co-Founder Tanner L. Swett

My response was posted to #really-a-cow.


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Sysadmin] Website Voting

2010-09-01 Thread Sean Hunt

On 09/01/2010 04:36 PM, ais523 wrote:

On Wed, 2010-09-01 at 16:29 -0600, Sean Hunt wrote:

This announcement opens the voting period on the decision to adopt the
winning Website Submission. The Sysadmin is the vote collector; the
voting period is one week. Every active player and Taral are eligible

The options are:

Website Submission 1, authored by Murphy
Website Submission 2, authored by ais523

CoE: This is missing the text of the submissions.

If this decision exists, I vote for submission 2; but I suspect it

erp, you're right. Proper decision coming


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: Perpetuum mobile

2010-08-29 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/29/2010 06:52 PM, com...@gmail.com wrote:

AGAINST unless it's "labour"

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 29, 2010, at 8:28 PM, Warrigal  wrote:

"Labour" still means "work", not "worker". May I suggest "Undergrad"
or "Intern"?

—Tanner L. Swett

How about Labor?


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: cleaner fees

2010-08-29 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/29/2010 04:26 PM, ais523 wrote:

On Mon, 2010-08-30 at 00:24 +0200, Keba wrote:


Is this a synonym for TTttPF? If so (or if not), what does it stand for?

It's a secret agreement between em and the Distributor that it means NttPF.


DIS: Re: BUS: Resignation

2010-08-29 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/29/2010 12:07 PM, Sgeo wrote:

I don't think I have the willpower to be Chroniclor... I resign from

You're not allowed to do that.


Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Fearmongor] Change is Nigh!

2010-08-28 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/27/2010 02:00 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:

And, from the rulest of 5 years ago today:

Proposal: Church and State (AI=1, II=0)
Enact a new rule entitled "Church and State" reading
  A cardinal is an active, ready player who is neither the current
  Speaker nor the Associate Director of Personnel.

  While there is a pope, no other player may become a pope.
  Whenever a pope is not a cardinal, e ceases being a pope.

  A notice of papal succession declares that a specified player is
  a pope.  The notice is valid only if it is published by the
  Associate Director of Personnel and the specified player is
  indeed a pope.

  Upon publication of a valid notice of papal succession, the
  current Speaker ceases to be Speaker, the pope becomes the new
  Speaker, and the pope ceases to be a pope.


Am I missing something, or is there no way to become a pope?

Nope. There are very few past rules that could be adopted into the 
ruleset as-is and function straight up. Some of those that would 
arguably only work because they have no function (Rargh!), and others 
are far too recent to be interesting.


DIS: Re: OFF: [CotC] CFJs 2844-45 assigned to coppro

2010-08-28 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/27/2010 06:05 PM, Ed Murphy wrote:

Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=2844

===  CFJ 2844 (Interest Index = 0)  

 I have CFJed on this exact statement, except with 'United' and
 'City' exchanged.

===  CFJ 2845 (Interest Index = 0)  

 I have CFJed on this exact statement, except with 'City' and
 'United' exchanged.

I honestly cannot bother to get a free capacitor out of these two cases, 
they are so straightforward - there is no reason to even vary a bit from 
established precedent.

I judge FALSE and TRUE respectively. I stand up.


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [CotC] CFJ 2837 assigned to coppro

2010-08-28 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/27/2010 02:06 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Fri, 27 Aug 2010, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:

On 26 August 2010 23:22, Keba  wrote:

I submit a Proposal "Journey fix" (AI=1, II=1, distributable via fee)

I'd personally prefer a fix that made the first wormhole explicitly a
"Shuttle loses, enemy wins" scenario and pushing backwards into it fit
into Hoisting one's own petard, but as I'm to lazy/busy to write
proposals at this time I'm happy with any fix.

This whole thing is a contest now anyway, right?

CFJ:  G. has joined the Space Alert contest.
I bar Tiger


Does this clause:
Create a new contest whose contestmaster is the current holder of the
office of Ship Computor, whose instructions are the concatenated texts
of rules 2297, 2298, 2299, 2300, 2301, 2302 (in the given order), and
whose internal gamestate is identical, in all possible respects, to
the current state of the subgame of Space Alert as defined by those
apply to membership which isn't defined for Space Alert?  Does this make
me a member without explicit consent?  Does the fact that contestification
of Space Alert was adopted before contests were defined (proposals 6791
and 6792) matter?  Also note, if my voting FOR these proposals (I did)
is what makes me consent, it would be interesting to know the answer for
someone who didn't vote, or voted AGAINST.  Does "participate" in the
contest rule mean one can play without "joining"?  If any player can
"participate", if they break a contest instruction (former rule) what
happens?  Etc.

6792 was resolved first.

Also, contests are binding only on the contestmaster, so in effect what 
constitutes joining is up to them.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Another robot precedent

2010-08-26 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/26/2010 05:06 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Thu, 26 Aug 2010, Sean Hunt wrote:

On 08/26/2010 11:11 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

I submit the following 3-line public document, TheRobot.

30 GOTO 10

I submit that this is the first entity within Agora that fits any
reasonable extent a common definition of a robot.


In the case of submitting a public document, saying you did is
in fact doing.  I think you've recently amended the public document
delimiters etc. to allow this.  -G.

You can't just name it, though.

-The Robot

DIS: Re: BUS: Another robot precedent

2010-08-26 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/26/2010 11:11 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

I submit the following 3-line public document, TheRobot.

30 GOTO 10

I submit that this is the first entity within Agora that fits any
reasonable extent a common definition of a robot.


-The Robot

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 6811-6821

2010-08-26 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/26/2010 04:08 PM, Keba wrote:

Well, what's about a scam like "I change my name to Crown Prince" (or
any other Courtier)? I don't know whether the voting limits are
increased by re-naming, but at least the special duties and powers
should apply, if coppro's (or the Robot's?) scam worked.

Maybe many players vote for this Proposal, because they intend to change
their names at the beginning of next week?

In this case, the rule defines those names as positions. I had to make a 
very careful effort to make sure that Super Robot Powers would pass with 
The Robot /not/ defined by rules.

-The Robot

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Not a cronjob

2010-08-25 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/25/2010 01:55 AM, Alex Smith wrote:

--- On Wed, 25/8/10, Geoffrey Spear  wrote:

I contest this NoV.  I initiate a criminal CFJ regarding this NoV and
submit it to the Justiciar.

Who is the Justiciar, anyway? And is this the first time that power's been 
used, since its modern reintroduction, in a non-scam manner?

Wooble, and based on comments in ##nomic, I believe e's attempting a 

-The Robot

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Not a cronjob

2010-08-25 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/25/2010 01:30 AM, Alex Smith wrote:

--- On Tue, 24/8/10, omd  wrote:

In this case, the entity with the name "The Robot" will be
coppro *at the time of the enaction of the rule*.  Also:

A document referring to an entity by name refers to the
entity that had that name when the document first came to include
that reference, even if the entity's name has since changed.

Is "the document" the rule or proposal? Or both?

It will be the rule.

-The Robot

DIS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 6811-6821

2010-08-24 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/24/2010 07:53 AM, Geoffrey Spear wrote:

Any of these that worked the first time fail here.

This distribution of proposals 6811-6821
initiates the Agoran Decisions on whether to adopt them.  The eligible
voters are the active players at the time of this distribution, and
the vote collector is the Assessor. The valid options on each decision
are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote). Each proposal is
hereby assigned the corresponding ID number listed with it.

6811 G 1 1.7 Murphy  Stereotypes


6812 P 1 2.0 ais523  To make chambers interesting


6813 G 1 2.0 KebaHard times, tape two


6814 P 1 1.7 ais523  The Pariah


6815 G 1 3.0 Murphy  Initial security


6816 P 1 3.0 G.  Urgency

ENDORSE Promotor

6817 G 1 1.0 Kebacoauthorship Ribbon


6818 G 1 3.0 KebaUrgent Limit


6819 G 1 2.0 KebaYour chamber is my chamber
AGAINST - On the one hand, I've vote for it because it's so easily 
scammable. On the other hand, everyone should know this, and 
forcethroughs are so easy nowadays that I haven't even bothered. Let's 
not make it any easier.

6820 G 1 2.0 KebaMinority becomes majority


6821 P 1 2.1 G.  Relisting



Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Not a cronjob

2010-08-24 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/24/2010 05:28 PM, Geoffrey Spear wrote:

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Sean Hunt  wrote:

When Distributed Proposal 6808 is resolved and ADOPTED,


It's 22-20 and the voting period is over.

-The Robot

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Not a cronjob

2010-08-24 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/24/2010 12:27 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

Well, that's slightly more interesting, but the Proposal was a document
that predated coppro's name change, so there's a case to be made that
the Proposal's referent transfers to the Rules along with the actual
language.  -G.

The language clearly says that it's when the document first comes to 
reference an entity. There is no rule that references an entity named 
'The Robot' right now, and there is no entity named 'The Robot' (there 
is a propoal with that title, but its name is Distributed Proposal 6796, 
per rule 2161). When Distributed Proposal 6808 is resolved and ADOPTED, 
then a rule will come into existence that references The Robot, and will 
thus come to refer to the entity that had that name - i.e. me.

-The Robot

Re: DIS: PM protosal

2010-08-23 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/23/2010 05:21 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Tue, 24 Aug 2010, ag...@kebay.org wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 10:11:32 -0700 (PDT), Kerim Aydin

This violates R101(vii).  The only way I can think to get around it (it


come up before for other non-natural players) is to re-define R101 so


rights apply to "natural persons" only.  This is probably a good idea
in a separate proposal, and a good time to do it while we have no

Right, thanks for the proposal ;) But if I remember correctly, the Robot
has a similar clause...

Heh.  I didn't read the Robot quite as carefully, I would have noted it
there, too... -G.

Some other non-natural players like Bayes and other nomics should have 
(had) rights. I think the restriction should be limited so that only 
rule-defined entities have no rights.


Re: DIS: and another

2010-08-23 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/23/2010 12:38 PM, Alex Smith wrote:

--- On Mon, 23/8/10, Sean Hunt  wrote:

I hope things are working now

I conclude on general principles that you're planning a timing scam, and am 
wondering what it is.

I was testing email filters, actually. It's the first time I've used 
procmail and the manpage I was using was damaged.


Re: DIS: One more

2010-08-23 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/23/2010 02:35 AM, Sean Hunt wrote:

On 08/23/2010 02:31 AM, Sean Hunt wrote:

sorry for spamming.


yep. I ain't done yet :( getting this to work is annoyinger than I thought.


Okay, last go for now. I promise this will end, whether it works or not.

Hopefully using the correct filename will work.


Re: DIS: One more

2010-08-23 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/23/2010 02:31 AM, Sean Hunt wrote:

sorry for spamming.


yep. I ain't done yet :( getting this to work is annoyinger than I thought.


DIS: One more

2010-08-23 Thread Sean Hunt

sorry for spamming.


DIS: and another

2010-08-23 Thread Sean Hunt

I hope things are working now

DIS: yet another test mail

2010-08-23 Thread Sean Hunt



DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 6783-6789

2010-08-22 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/22/2010 07:31 AM, Warrigal wrote:

6788 P 1 1.5 coppro  Ribbon Rewrite Fix

AGAINST, as I can't tell what the purpose of this proposal is.

It /was/ to get rid of a duplicate paragraph in that rule...

(thankfully, it doesn't break anything to leave it in).


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 6790-6810

2010-08-21 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/21/2010 02:32 PM, Ed Murphy wrote:

6808 P 1 1.0 coppro  Super Robot Powers

AGAINST (I smell a scam consisting of an affordably short sub-message
within a 1000+ word container message)

I sure hope not; that's why I built the Robot rule and the recent 
proposed amendment of sending messages as components of other messages 
to guard against this.


DIS: Test

2010-08-21 Thread Sean Hunt


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: D-Proposal: Barrel of Monkeys

2010-08-20 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/20/2010 04:29 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Fri, 20 Aug 2010, Alex Smith wrote:

--- On Fri, 20/8/10, Aaron Goldfein  wrote:

Proposal: Barrel of Monkeys (AI = 1, II = 2)

Ugh, is Agora turning into BlogNomic?

Yeah, I'm disappointed people here think "clever" in fragments is just
stringing together random phrases ("he said monkeys.  hehhehheh") rather
than trying to be particularly Agoran and putting out fragments that might
work cleverly with the existing ruleset.

Personally I was thinking that Monkeys and Barrels could be the basis 
for an Agoran economy. The basic idea is that past elements of economy 
have worked best when there are lots of different parts, but that they 
form part of a coherent system. My idea was to provide Monkeys easily 
but limit Barrels, and one would need to fill a Barrel with Monkeys and 
then use it up, and the effects possible would depend on the Monkeys in 
the Barrel.


DIS: Re: BUS: D-Proposal: Barrel of Monkeys

2010-08-20 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/20/2010 02:01 PM, Aaron Goldfein wrote:

Proposal: Barrel of Monkeys (AI = 1, II = 2)
Create a new power-1 rule entitled "Barrel of Monkeys" with the
following text:
The zookeepor is an office. Barrels are a currency, tracked by the
zookeepor. Monkeys are a currency, tracked by the zookeepor. Gunpowder
Monkeys are a currency, tracked by the zookeepor. The zookeepor's weekly
repot lists, for each Barrel, its owner and the Monkeys inside of it.
Eir report also includes the number of Gunpowder Monkeys in each
player's possession, as well as a list of Monkey, Gunpowder Monkey, and
Barrel transactions from the past week.
Barrels can contain up to 10 Monkeys. A Barrel is considered to be full
when it has 10 Monkeys in it. A Barrel is considered to be empty when it
has 0 Monkeys in it. The rest of this rule notwithstanding a Barrel CAN
NOT have fewer than 0 Monkeys or more than 10 Monkeys at any time; any
transaction that would cause such a condition to exist does not occur. A
Player CAN, for a charge of 7 ergs, award emself a Barrel. A Player CAN,
for a charge of 7 ergs, destroy a specified Barrel. When a Barrel is
destroyed in this way, all the Monkeys inside that Barrel are also
destroyed. A Player CAN destroy any specified Monkey in any specified
Barrel e owns by announcement.
At the start of each week, all Monkeys not in Barrels are destroyed and
then three Monkeys are created in the possession of each Player. A
Player may add a Monkey e owns to any Barrel by announcement.
Any Player CAN, by announcement, initiate a Monkey Invasion, provided e
specifies a full Barrel in the same message. The specified Barrel then
becomes empty. All Monkeys in that Barrel then become Gunpowder
Monkeys in the possesson of the player who initiated the Monkey
Invasion. A Player who owns a Gunpowder Monkey may destroy any specified
Monkey or Gunpowder Monkey by announcement, destroying a Gunpowder
Monkey in eir possession in the process.
Upon a win announcement that there exist no Barrels or all existing
Barrels are empty, and exactly one Player has at least one Gunpowder
Monkey in eir posession, that player satisfies the Winning Condition of
Flying Feces.
Cleanup procedure: All Monkeys, Gunpowder Monkeys, and Barrels are
I make the above proposal a D-Proposal.

I believe this fails; you did not specify which Fragments you were using.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Hoisting one's own wormhole

2010-08-19 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/19/2010 04:58 PM, Keba wrote:

Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:

Uh, yeah, the shuttle is in a wormhole right now. It has been warped
and disappeared, but I think that was deemed to mean destroyed. So,
yeah, wooble probably just won. We have omd to thank for firing the
laser cannon whose recoil caused the shuttle to shoot backwards.

Congratulations, wooble.

Maybe an interesting IRC quote (17 Aug, times are gmt+2):
 (14:47:02) ais523: why are you doing enemy duties?
 (15:04:48) Wooble: because I'm the enemy.
 (15:08:54) ais523: I mean, why did you become the enemy?
 (15:09:16) Wooble: I mostly wanted the ribbon.
 (15:09:50) ais523: if I were to become enemy just for the
 ribbon, I'd either make the map very short, along the lines of
 (15:10:04) ais523: or I'd try my best to play as a really
 powerful Enemy, exploiting every exploit I could
 (15:10:27) Wooble: yes, also to keep your from exploiting it. :P
 (15:10:31) Wooble: you*

(I assume quoting public fora should be legitim, even without asking?)

It's a discussion forum.

Also, it used to be logged while Normish was around.


DIS: Re: BUS: Hoisting one's own wormhole

2010-08-19 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/19/2010 04:06 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:

Uh, yeah, the shuttle is in a wormhole right now. It has been warped
and disappeared, but I think that was deemed to mean destroyed. So,
yeah, wooble probably just won. We have omd to thank for firing the
laser cannon whose recoil caused the shuttle to shoot backwards.

I CFJ: "On or about 00:00 August 19, Wooble was awarded a Leadership
Token due to the shuttle being destroyed."

Above text is caller's arguments for TRUE.

Gratuitous arguments:

R2299 says "If the Shuttle reaches the end of the journey and is 
warped." The definition of end here is very confusing, however, based on 
the use of "start of the journey" in the preceeding paragraph, it makes 
most sense to interpret it temporally, rather than spatially. Therefore, 
the statement should really be interpreted as "When the shuttle is 
warped, the journey ends", which is supported by CFJ 2832. The wormhole 
in which the shuttle is warped is irrelevant.


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 6790-6810

2010-08-18 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/17/2010 09:58 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

6800 P 1 1.5 coppro  Distribution

Endorse Taral

While I support this vote generally, Taral is not an eligible voter and 
so the vote will be PRESENT.


DIS: Re: BUS: Fwd: Bridge

2010-08-17 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/17/2010 05:59 PM, omd wrote:

-- Forwarded message --
From: comex
Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 6:13 PM
Subject: Bridge
To: agora-busin...@agoranomic.org

I push the Heavy Laser Cannon button harder.

Note: Per the headers, this message left omd's domain of control one 
second after the new day started.


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 6790-6810

2010-08-17 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/17/2010 02:24 PM, ais523 wrote:

6794 P 0 1.0 coppro  Restore White

Conditional: AGAINST if proposal 6794 passes/would pass, FOR otherwise


If you meant 6795, it should be totally ineffective if 6795 does pass, 
as White Ribbons won't be defined and will cease to exist/fail to be 


Re: DIS: To repair listlessness v0.2

2010-08-16 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/16/2010 11:05 PM, Ed Murphy wrote:

coppro wrote:

Nah, Chamber doesn't work that well anyways.

What about that change that ehird suggested, where you got 5 votes
on some chamber other than your own?

I'm a fan. I suppose we could leave it in with this proposal - though it 
would mean changing the influence mechanic somewhat and I'm a fan of its 
current form.


Re: DIS: To repair listlessness v0.2

2010-08-16 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/16/2010 05:36 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Mon, 16 Aug 2010, Sean Hunt wrote:

[When multiple players win, they can cycle through speakership at
7-day intervals with order of winning not mattering]

7 or 14?  I like that there may be a ratrace to crown other people so as to get
the Speakership when the dust settles.

Does that mean you prefer 7?  It was 7 in the original and I changed it to
14 (but forgot to edit the comment).

I prefer 14, given that the switch (good idea) makes it easy to track.


Re: DIS: To repair listlessness v0.2

2010-08-16 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/16/2010 05:32 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Mon, 16 Aug 2010, Sean Hunt wrote:

waitwhat? This does nicely solve the rapid Court manipulation problem, I
think. I would give you a prop for this idea, but I'd end up taking it
from you for suggesting the current system, so it's a wash.

Hey now hooold on there...the "last system but one" for succession was a Work of
Art, some other folks beat it to pieces with platonicness or something, I said 
at the time, but no...

I voted for it because at any time, I didn't have a clue who the Speaker 
was because it was that confusing.


Re: DIS: To repair listlessness v0.2

2010-08-16 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/16/2010 05:06 PM, Keba wrote:

Kerim Aydin wrote:

Proto:  Reinventing The List v0.2 (AI-2)

AI should be 2.1 because of "Create the following Rule, Leader
Bootstrap, power-2.1:", shouldn’t it?

I like most of the idea, but I don’t want DICE rolls here. The Rebbel
system should work differently. 1/3 of all active Players could be a
nice value?

Agora has a system for random rolls, and generally accepts them if they 
aren't too frequent (see, for instance, the team rolls). I like the idea 
of a game of chance in Agora; gameplay is far too regular.

Additionally, couldn’t "Leader Bootstrap" work without a Rule? I don’t
like these "Do something, wait and repeal me"-rules. Besides, the
current government should occupy the first positions.

And I really like the current voting system. Maybe we could combine
Chamber with this list? For example: Player who occupy a Position with
modulo 3 = 0, 1 or 2 have a green, red or purple chamber, respectively
and the Speaker can chose eir Chamber. The Courtiers could have some
additional advantage, but not that much, because they have already some
special power. The voting advantage in your portosal is - in my opinion
- much too high.

Nah, Chamber doesn't work that well anyways.

This leads to another question: Does "Win by Clout" really need to be

I'd say so. The odds of it being triggered are practically nil except in 
the event of a scam (actually, that's basically the case right now too). 
It was good when it was possible to win legitimately with it (as both 
ais523 and I did).


Re: DIS: To repair listlessness v0.2

2010-08-16 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/16/2010 04:28 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

3.  Moved the office-tracking to the granulator (associated with
 Leadership, I suppose, and I'm willing to get it started).
I think this belongs to the Herald and, honestly, Herald is currently in 
track-the-random-bits-of-the-gamestate-no-one-else-does mode, so making 
it a more active office would probably be good.

 Any attempt to move the Speaker on the list fails, as e is not
 on the list.

Might as well say any player not on the list, given the next paragraph.

 Whenever a player other than the Speaker is not on the list, or
 eir position on the list is found by judicial declaration to be
 UNDETERMINED or UNDECIDABLE, e is added to the list below the
 lowest player whose position on the list is known.
Judicial declarations need not reference specific judgments, it would 
probably be clearer by saying 'unknown or ambiguous' or something similar.

Increase the power of Rule 402 (Identity of the Speaker) to 2.
Amend Rule 402 (Identity of the Speaker) to read:

 A Coronation (crowning) is initiated by announcing that a player
 other than the Speaker is crowned as Speaker, provided the rules
 explicitly permit the announcing player (the crowner) to crown
 another player (the Speaker-to-be).

Initiating something instantaneous is a bit weird.

 Destiny is a player switch tracked by the Granulator with values
 Unmarked (default) and Marked.  When a player wins the game,
 e becomes Marked.  If no player has been crowned in the previous
 14 days, than any player CAN crown any single specified Marked
 player.  When a player is crowned, e becomes Unmarked.

[When multiple players win, they can cycle through speakership at
7-day intervals with order of winning not mattering]
7 or 14? I like that there may be a ratrace to crown other people so as 
to get the Speakership when the dust settles. Also, Fated or Unfated?

   If e has not already done so this month, or if e hasn't done
   so since e gained office, the Speaker CAN Bestow Favors, by
   announcement.  An announcement Bestowing Favors is a list of
   other Players, one (different) name per Courtier position.
   The bestowing of favors has the effect of moving each named
   player to the indicated courtier position on the List of
If ever the Court becomes defined so that it is not the consecutive top 
N positions, then exactly how to move everyone simultaneously might be 
ambiguous. I haven't looked through it.

   A rule with a power equal to or greater than this rule may
   associate a Position Name with numbered position on the List of

Numbered seems bad here.

   Additionally, a rule with a power equal to or greater than this
   rule may associate an integer Influence Level with a specific
   numbered position on the List of Succession.

Numbered seems even worse here

   The following positions on the List of Succession are named, and
   have inidicated Influence Levels.  All other positions on the
   list have an Influence Level of 2.

This isn't a numbered position!

   First Position: Justiciar.
   Influence Level: 10
   Position: The Justiciar is granted particular abilities or
   privileges associated with the judicial process as described
   elsewhere in the Rules.
Why does the Justiciar get such high votes? Right now, I think it's 
pretty clear that the Chief Whip is the most coveted position, so 
perhaps there should be an equivalent Courtier with a really high voting 
limit and no other powers.

   Second Position: Grand Vizier
   Influence Level: 7
   Position: The Minister without Portfolio CAN, With Notice,
   perform any action that an officer both CAN and MAY (or SHALL)
   perform by virtue of holding that office.
This should totally be the guy who gets to start coups. Also, MwoP is 
still there.

   Fourth Position: Head Gardener.
   Influence Level: 5
   Position: the Head Gardener CAN rubberstamp a specified
   decision by announcement.
I want to be the Head Gardener. Also, this made me think that the 
position of the guy with lots of votes should be the First Minister, in 
honor of two of Asimov's best characters.

   Nth Position, where N is the last position on the list:
   Influence Level: 7
   Position:  The Privateer CAN begin a coup by
   announcing the ceremonial shelling of the palace, provding
   no coup has been resolved in the last 14 days.  The effects
   of the coup (if any) are as described elsewhere in the

First, I don't think this should be last; this means a former Speaker
is automatically the Privateer. Second, I don't like way of defining
it - second-from-last position should do, or at least N, where N is
the number of positions on the 

Re: DIS: 2830

2010-08-16 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/16/2010 02:27 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Mon, 16 Aug 2010, omd wrote:

So, what sort of disclaimers work?

Looking through all this, I think disclaimers should have no direct legal
effect other than to alert people that something might be wrong.  Then, if
a truthiness case is brought, an "honest" disclaimer about minor uncertainty
(or truly difficult situations) would be grounds for guilty/discharge (or not
bringing the case at all) while disclaimers to protect someone who's making
an obnoxious play wouldn't get them out of punishment.  This leaves it up
to the discretion of the judge.

I know this isn't the current precedent but it's cleaner than the current
state and leaves disclaimers in the "be nice" realm.




DIS: Re: BUS: Last-day proposals

2010-08-15 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/15/2010 10:46 PM, Aaron Goldfein wrote:

On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 13:31, Sean Hunt  wrote:

On 08/15/2010 11:20 AM, Sean Hunt wrote:

I withdraw this proposal.

Proposal: Super Robot Powers (AI=1, II=1, coauthor)
Enact a new Rule reading
The Robot can, by announcement, cause this rule to amend any other
rule of equal power, provided that it does so in a message
of at least 1000 words.


Huh, that didn't work right. I withdraw Super Robot Powers and submit an
identical one, except that Keba is a coauthor. Then I spend a fee to make it


CoE: You didn't have enough ergs to perform that action.

Hmm... I may have missed a spending - can you please provide your 
accounting logs (apologies to H. Promotor)?


DIS: [Herald] Correction?

2010-08-15 Thread Sean Hunt
It has come to my attention that, during a period in 2007, the title 
"First Speaker", borne by Michael, was dropped from the Herald's report. 
Can anyone confirm if this was or was not, in fact, a Patent Title?


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [CotC] CFJs 2821-22 remanded to G. by ais523, Wooble, Murphy

2010-08-13 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/13/2010 01:49 PM, comex wrote:

"I transfer all my assets to the bank and then deregister".  There's
some precedents here, but unfortunately, those precedents were for when
assets were more strictly controlled and the rules came out and said you
had to be very specific.  That's not in the Rules anymore.

Actually, the relevant text at the time of CFJ 1307 said you had to
"specify" the assets to transfer.  Rule 478 currently requires that
you "unambiguously and clearly specify" the action, which (CFJ 2238)
applies to the parameters of an action.  Current game custom directly
contradicts those precedents.

I consider 'unambiguously and clearly' to be allowed to include 
shorthands; for instance, it is so widely accepted now that FOR in 
response to a proposal is a vote FOR, because it still conveys enough 
information. By contrast, due to historical precedent, AGAINT is viewed 
as ambiguous.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: That guy was fun

2010-08-13 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/13/2010 05:21 AM, Geoffrey Spear wrote:

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 2:51 AM, Sean Hunt  wrote:

Because they are supposed to be an automatic part of the game. In
particular, the only reason someone would make an II=0 proposal
undistributable is to delay it a week, which violates the idea of a
once-a-week offering of weird rule changes.

Proto: Voters MUST vote FOR rules submitted in accordance with this rule.

Otherwise, the idea of randomly breaking the game would be violated.

I was considering it.


DIS: Re: BUS: NoV: the ATC should take duties more seriously

2010-08-13 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/13/2010 02:08 AM, Ed Murphy wrote:

Keba wrote:

Hereby, I publish a Notice of Violation alleging that Murphy violated
Rule 2143, which has power 1, by failing to publish an Air Traffic
Controller's report in the week starting on 5th July 2010.

[It's not the point that they were no weekly reports, because not that
much props are transferred. But Ed Murphy (at least I can assume e did)
stated in our IRC channel that e does not care until e will get
punished, so a simple "Please pull your duties" mail would not help.]

It's a fair cop.  I close this NoV.  I pay a fee to remove the Rest
thus gained.

Proposal:  Low altitude
(AI = 1, II = 0, distributable by fee)

Keba is a co-author of this proposal, unless e announces within a
week after the publication of this proposal that e is not.

Amend Rule 2287 (Props) by replacing this text:

   The Air Traffic Controller is an office and the recordkeepor of

with this text:

   The Air Traffic Controller is an office and the recordkeepor of
   props; prop records are part of eir monthly report.

a) The proposal just makes them part of the weekly and monthly reports.
b) You can't have future-conditional actions like that.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: That guy was fun

2010-08-12 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/12/2010 10:56 PM, Aaron Goldfein wrote:

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 20:49, Sean Hunt mailto:ride...@gmail.com>> wrote:

  Players MUST NOT make proposals submitted in accordance with this
  rule Undistributable.

Why not? If someone wants to pay the 2 ergs, what's the problem?

Because they are supposed to be an automatic part of the game. In 
particular, the only reason someone would make an II=0 proposal 
undistributable is to delay it a week, which violates the idea of a 
once-a-week offering of weird rule changes.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: since I fail at ribbons

2010-08-12 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/12/2010 12:51 PM, Sean Hunt wrote:

On 08/12/2010 12:31 PM, comex wrote:

Note: Some of these actions may fail.

Murphy gets a Green Ribbon.

Wooble gets a Blue Ribbon.

I get a Yellow Ribbon.


Oh, comex also gets a Silver Ribbon.


DIS: Re: BUS: since I fail at ribbons

2010-08-12 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/12/2010 12:31 PM, comex wrote:

Note: Some of these actions may fail.

Murphy gets a Green Ribbon.

Wooble gets a Blue Ribbon.

I get a Yellow Ribbon.


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [CotC] CFJ 2827 assigned to Wooble

2010-08-12 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/12/2010 11:36 AM, Geoffrey Spear wrote:

I create a Black ribbon in my possession.


Fails; I think you meant Blue.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: storage

2010-08-11 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/11/2010 01:18 PM, Aaron Goldfein wrote:

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 14:10, Aaron Goldfein mailto:aarongoldf...@gmail.com>> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 09:57, Geoffrey Spear mailto:geoffsp...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I create 2 capacitors in my possession.


This fails, because you didn't specify the specific event that
allowed you to do so.

Nevermind. You created 2 capacitors in your possession for a fee of 6 ergs.

No e did not; e did not explicitly state e was spending a fee to do so 


DIS: Re: BUS: Fragment

2010-08-11 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/11/2010 10:37 AM, Ed Murphy wrote:

I submit a fragment:

   While a player is Over a Barrel, e CANNOT

INEFFECTIVE; the timeout hadn't been met and no one had submitted one 
after your first one of that message.


DIS: Re: BUS: Thesis, compressed

2010-08-10 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/10/2010 04:05 PM, Alex Smith wrote:

On Tue, 2010-08-10 at 17:00 -0500, agora-business-ad...@agoranomic.org

Your mail to 'agora-business' with the subject

 BUS: A History of Agoran Wins, 2009-Present

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

 Message body is too big: 78665 bytes but there's a limit of 40 KB

Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision.

This always seems to happen to me when I try to submit theses!

Assuming that Taral eventually approves the message, the thesis counts
as being submitted already. So people can see what it is, I've attached
a compressed version of the email I sent, to get around the size

Hmm... I will start the Decision to award a degree after a brief period 
for discussion.

I notice a few minor errors, which is reasonable but I think it would 
have reflected better on the quality had you submitted it for review first.

Most significant is comex's alleged win by Clout, which the Herald's 
records do not contain, and which I personally recall never occurred. 
While I don't have the time to search through the archives myself, is 
there any indication that comex actually won there?


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Voting results for Proposals 6763 - 6765

2010-08-09 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/09/2010 10:39 AM, Geoffrey Spear wrote:

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Taral  wrote:

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Geoffrey Spear  wrote:

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 10:38 PM, Sean Hunt  wrote:

H. Distributor Taral, would you care to open the Submission Period?

According to the subscriber list, e has message delivery disabled.  E
also hasn't been an active player for 51 weeks, which is why I voted
against this proposal.

I think you'll find that that's because you're looking at an alternate
address for me. :)

That's slightly encouraging, but I still don't care much for putting
obligations on inactive players by name, even if they are reading the

That's why I made it up to em to start the Submission Period. If e 
didn't want to accept the obligation or wasn't around, e could simply 
let it lapse.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: More Proposals!

2010-08-07 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/07/2010 01:06 PM, Ed Murphy wrote:

Is this setting up for the return of power of attorney, and if so, why
not go ahead and propose (or at least proto) that too?

Yes, but I haven't added it in because there's no strong framework for 
it right now.


DIS: Re: BUS: At ehird's suggestion

2010-08-06 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/06/2010 04:30 PM, Alex Smith wrote:

I submit the following proposal (AI 2, II 1, coauthor=ehird, title="To
make chambers interesting", not yet distributable):

Create a new power-2 rule "VLOD Bootstrapping":
A player's voting limit on an unresolved Ordinary decision that existed
before this rule was created is equal to the value it had immediately
before this rule was created, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

If there are no unresolved Ordinary decisions that existed before this
rule was created, this rule repeals itself.
[A pretty much standard to prevent a proposal that changes voting rules
interfering with other proposals that are undergoing voting at the

In rule 2279 "Voting limits on ordinary decisions", change
   (a) If eir Chamber is superior, it is 2, else
   (b) If eir Chamber is inferior, it is 1, else
   (c) If the Chambers are identical, it is 5.
   (a) If eir Chamber is superior, it is 5, else
   (b) If eir Chamber is inferior, it is 1, else
   (c) If the Chambers are identical, it is 2.

Feedback before I make this Distributable, anyone?


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 6766-6782

2010-08-02 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/02/2010 04:18 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:

6779 P 1 1.0 coppro  A Team Player


As opposed to AGAINT?


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 6766-6782

2010-08-02 Thread Sean Hunt

On 08/02/2010 01:04 PM, Aaron Goldfein wrote:

6779 P 1 1.0 coppro  A Team Player
AGAINST [Will players who own the old (contestmaster) yellow ribbon
own this ribbon?]

No; Yellow Ribbons do not exist currently.


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