[akka-user] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Akka 2.4.9-RC1 Released! (Akka HTTP Performance and Entity Streaming)

2016-08-03 Thread Jim Hazen
Some quick feedback on raw iron performance, on my local workstation.  Your 
mileage my vary, but I'm pretty happy with these numbers.

Minimal example Webserver code 
from: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.4/scala/http/routing-dsl/index.html

wrk -d30 -c100 -t12 http://localhost:8080/hello
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/hello
  12 threads and 100 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg  Stdev Max   +/- Stdev
Latency 2.15ms   12.36ms 309.76ms   97.72%
Req/Sec21.98k 4.54k   39.19k75.18%
  7827755 requests in 30.08s, 1.28GB read
Requests/sec: 260269.56
Transfer/sec: 43.69MB

Thanks Akka Team!  Been looking forward to this for a long time.

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[akka-user] Re: Can I Pause some Flow In the the akka-stream?

2016-02-22 Thread Jim Hazen
Isn't a valve just a specialization of a throttle?

Throttle at infinite = open valve
Throttle at 0 = closed valve

As long as you have an out of band way to adjust this throttle (via 
materialized value?), you should have your valve already.

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[akka-user] Proper way to shut down an outgoing http request stream?

2016-02-08 Thread Jim Hazen
I have this basic client test.  It works way better in 2.4.2-RC2 than ever 
before, however I still get an error during cleanup:

[akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl(HttpClient)] Outgoing request stream error (akka

Seems like there's a akka-http/streams bug here, or a user error on my part.

object StreamClientTest extends App {
  import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

  implicit val system = ActorSystem("HttpClient", ConfigFactory.empty())
  implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()

  val host = "akka.io"
//  val host = "www.google.com"
  val uri = s"http://$host/;

  val eventuallyResponse = Http().singleRequest(Get(uri = uri))
  for(response <- eventuallyResponse)
println(s"Status: ${response.status}")
  .runForeach {bs => print(bs.utf8String)}
  .onComplete {_ => materializer.shutdown(); system.terminate()}

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Re: [akka-user] Re: Akka HTTP Performance (2.4.2-RC1)

2016-02-08 Thread Jim Hazen
+1 here as well.  I've been waiting in anger for akka-http to catch up to 
spray in terms of performance and have verified some great leaps in recent 
builds.  Thanks guys!  If there really is a 6-7x speedup waiting to fall 
into place (after bug fixing), that would be amazing (and worth the wait).

On Friday, February 5, 2016 at 3:18:17 PM UTC-8, Gavin Baumanis wrote:
> Please let me add my +1 to this thread.
> it has been great to get an understanding of the current state of play for 
> akka HTTP and the how and whys of current performance limits and the soon 
> to be implemented updates!
> Great work everyone - as a consumer of all your hard work, I must say 
> Thank-you!
> Gavin.
> On Friday, 5 February 2016 09:46:08 UTC+11, tigerfoot wrote:
>> Endre,
>> Thanks for this great explanation--makes complete sense.   It's really 
>> exciting to see this generation of Akka functionality come together!
>> Greg 

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[akka-user] Re: At present, which one is better to use Akka-HTTP or Spray.io for future based on a new learner?

2015-12-19 Thread Jim Hazen
At present, for a new learner, go with Spray.  Spray is mature and fast and all 
around, "just works".  Akka-HTTP is the future of stream based HTTP processing 
for Akka, but he current 1.0 release lacks the feature parity or performance of 
Spray. That will hopefully change with the 2.0 release. In the mean time, learn 
and use Spray. Akka-HTTP will feel familiar, and porting to it shouldn't be 
difficult once it's ready. 

So, in short, while learning, start with Spray. You'll have a good experience. 
Once Akka-HTTP matures, port. 

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Re: [akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-20 Thread Jim Hazen

But! It is important for me that the work of message 1 is done before 
> message 2 is handled. And isn't one of the benefits for the actor model and 
> akka itself, that I have the garantee to that message 1 is done before 
> message 2?
> Yes.  And you might be in trouble there.  In which case, at least on a 
per-actor basis, you wouldn't be able to use actor pooling or my Future 
dispatching solution.  You have essentially 20k sequential processors.  If 
having 20k concurrent actors doesn't provide enough concurrency to keep 
your system busy, I'm not sure what else you can do.  Optimize the IO and 
the sequential time best you can. 

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Re: [akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-19 Thread Jim Hazen
I'm not saying use a lot of dispatchers.  I'm saying that you should 
delegate to maybe 1 more dispatcher for your heavy work to unblock your 
actor's dispatching thread (and definitely another for blocking IO) 
allowing it to put more of your Actor's mailbox entries to work 
concurrently.  In one of your posts you were afraid that actors "doing too 
much" could be causing things to slow down.  If your actors are blocking on 
IO or some other lengthy task, a single actor won't be able to process 
message 2 until the receive block from message 1 has completed.  By 
delegating heavy work to a different "heavy work" dispatcher, your Actor's 
dispatcher can start to process more requests from the mailbox.  This 
allows more heavy/blocking tasks to be inflight.  It doesn't make long 
tasks take less time, but hopefully will allow you to maximize your 
remaining resources either queuing up blocking work or processing the 
results as they return.

To Patrik's point.  2 actors is already a lot of concurrency.  Unless 
you broadcast 5 messages to each while the first message waits for 10s on a 
remote Geo call.  Then you've spent some CPU queuing 100k requests, started 
the blocking IO for 20k of those and then wait for 10s.  This is an 
exaggeration, but the idea here is that the time you spend waiting for IO 
drives down your overall CPU utilization.  If you're looking to maximize 
CPU utilization you want all of your 100k requests in flight, saturating 
your IO pipe, and then processing results as they return.  After a window 
of delay you should be processing results at the max speed of your network, 
which ought to keep your CPU busier than it is now.

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Re: [akka-user] Re: Cluster aware consistent hashing pool - works only on leader

2015-11-19 Thread Jim Hazen
Wait, what?  So cluster sharding depends on shared mutable state across 
your cluster to work?  AFAIknew the independent local nodes managed their 
state internally, communicated/coordinated via network protocolling and 
delegated to a master when it needed to determine a shard owner the first 
time.  All of this allowing for local state, mutated locally with 
discovered cluster information.  Is this not the case?  If so, why, this 
seems contra to the Akka/Actor model and many other clustering strategies. 

My product is using a distributed journal, since we also use persistence 
along with cluster sharding.  However we're plagued with clustering issues 
when rolling new code and ripple restarting nodes in the cluster.  I was 
hoping this would go away in 2.4 when I could go back to a local journal 
for sharding state.  The assumption being that an inter-cluster network 
partition was corrupting the shared state on the distributed journal. 
 Currently the only way to recover my cluster in these situations is to 
shut down all nodes, remove all shard entries from dynamo and restart the 
cluster nodes, 1 by 1.  This is on akka 2.3.10.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Region 
Actor[akka://User/user/sharding/TokenOAuthState#1273636297] not registered: 
State(Map(-63 -> 
Actor[akka://User/user/sharding/TokenOAuthState#-1778736418], 23 -> 
Actor[akka://User/user/sharding/TokenOAuthState#-1778736418], 40 -> 
33 -> 
50 -> Actor[akka://User/user/sharding/TokenOAuthState#-1778736418], -58 -> 
35 -> 
-66 -> 
-23 -> 
-11 -> 
-> Vector(35, -58, -66, 33), 
Actor[akka://User/user/sharding/TokenOAuthState#-1778736418] -> Vector(-63, 
23, 50), 
-> Vector(-23, 40, -11)),Set())

On Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 12:23:28 PM UTC-8, Patrik Nordwall wrote:
> Leveldb can't be used for cluster sharding, since that is a local journal. 
> The documentation of persistence has links to distributed journals. 

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Re: [akka-user] Re: Cluster aware consistent hashing pool - works only on leader

2015-11-19 Thread Jim Hazen

On Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 12:32:38 PM UTC-8, Patrik Nordwall wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 8:06 PM, Jim Hazen <jimhaz...@gmail.com 
> > wrote:
>> Wait, what?  So cluster sharding depends on shared mutable state across 
>> your cluster to work?  AFAIknew the independent local nodes managed their 
>> state internally, communicated/coordinated via network protocolling and 
>> delegated to a master when it needed to determine a shard owner the first 
>> time.  All of this allowing for local state, mutated locally with 
>> discovered cluster information.  Is this not the case?  If so, why, this 
>> seems contra to the Akka/Actor model and many other clustering strategies. 
> That is correct, but the decisions taken by the coordinator must be 
> consistent, also when the coordinator crashes and fails over to another 
> node. Therefore, the state of the new coordinator instance must be 
> recovered to the exact same state as the previous coordinator instance. By 
> default the coordinator is using Akka Persistence to store and recover this 
> state. Distributed Data can be used as an alternative for storing this 
> state.
The coordinator could broadcast or gossip its state to the cluster as it 
builds it.  Or since the state the coordinator is really managing is the 
node owner of a particular shard, it could simply request this information 
from live cluster participants as part of coordinator election (or rather 
immediately after).  This should rebuild an accurate shard topology. 
 Coordination then proceeds normally.

>> My product is using a distributed journal, since we also use persistence 
>> along with cluster sharding.  However we're plagued with clustering issues 
>> when rolling new code and ripple restarting nodes in the cluster.  I was 
>> hoping this would go away in 2.4 when I could go back to a local journal 
>> for sharding state.
> That will not work, becuase when the coordinator fails over to another 
> node it will not have access to the leveldb journal used by the previous 
> coordinator, and it will then recover to wrong state and you will end up 
> with entity actors with same id running on several nodes. Not an option.

Are you talking about duplicate IDs within the new active cluster, or 
across both brains in case of a split? Dupes within a cluster can be 
prevented from happening if you rebuild the coordinator from the remaining 
nodes.  Once the new coordinator takes over, it could easily broadcast a 
new authoritative ownership table to each node.  If the node notices it had 
running IDs for shards it no longer owns, it can shut them down.  This 
shouldn't happen much if the coordinator built its state from the active 
nodes in the first place.  In the case of a split, the active brain doesn't 
have much control over the IDs on the other side.  I needs to rely on a 
resolution strategy shared by both sides to ensure consistency (which is 
why you have the split brain resolver).

>>  The assumption being that an inter-cluster network partition was 
>> corrupting the shared state on the distributed journal.  Currently the only 
>> way to recover my cluster in these situations is to shut down all nodes, 
>> remove all shard entries from dynamo and restart the cluster nodes, 1 by 
>> 1.  This is on akka 2.3.10.
> We have seen two reasons for this issue.
> 1) Bugs in the journals, e.g. replaying events in wrong order.
> 2) Split brain scenarios (including network partitions, long GC, and 
> system overload) causing split of the cluster into two separate clusters 
> when using auto-downing. That will result in two coordinators (one in each 
> cluster) writing to the same database and thereby making the event sequence 
> corrupt. We recommend manual downing or Split Brain Resolver 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdoc.akka.io%2Fdocs%2Fakka%2Frp-15v09p02%2Fscala%2Fsplit-brain-resolver.html=D=1=AFQjCNEASVmdwI1fAGRPkHdMwFR92lZYhQ>
> instead of auto-downing.
> Splits are inevitable and this implementation feels like it amplifies the 
problem.  Once the inevitable happens you corrupt your state because the 
OSS cluster sharding impl lacks a Split Brain Resolver.  What's worse is 
that this situation doesn't appear to be detected immediately.  The split 
silently continues with both coordinators blindly writing state and 
sharding getting more and more corrupt.  But you don't know how bad things 
are until you attempt to recover shard state from the journal, then blamo, 
you end up with no brains.

It would be nice if the OSS product at least supported the static-quorum 
resolver.  Or honored the akka.cluster.min-nr-of-members value when cluster 
membership changes.  It would appear th

[akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-18 Thread Jim Hazen
That's possible. Your actor won't be able to get more work until it completes 
its receive.  You could:

A:  look into actor pool/routers. This will give you more receive blocks to 
work with, increasing concurrency. 
B:  look into spending less time within your receive block, maybe by delegating 
the real work to a dispatched Future. If you go this route you'll have the 
ability to use a thread-pool-dispatcher for the longer/blocking work and your 
fork-join-dispatcher for your very fast receive executions. 

I tend to end up with option B. With my Spray services, using the dispatch 
directive takes the real work out of http dispatching thread. With actors that 
are mostly IO, since Spray IO is async, you get essentially the same thing. So 
when I find I have dense cpu intensive code, I offload that work into another 
dispatcher and let the actor drive work into this ecexutor as quickly as it 

At the very least, option B should help you drive up cpu utilization. 

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[akka-user] Re: Cluster aware consistent hashing pool - works only on leader

2015-11-18 Thread Jim Hazen
You don't need your clustered actors to be persistence aware. So you are 
absolutely free to have sharded stateless actors, or manage state in some other 

The confusing part is that the cluster sharding internals requires akka 
persistence to be configured for at least one journal. The internals use this 
journal to persist internal shard state. Without this journal, cluster sharding 
simply silently fails to work (or used to). 

Follow the directions for setting up a local leveldb journal. It is well 
supported by akka and easy to set up. You can then stop worrying about 
persistence and just use the sharding functionality. 

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Re: [akka-user] [akka-stream] how to control the throughput of a certain flow

2015-11-18 Thread Jim Hazen
Might want to look into mapAsync and mapAsyncUnordered for the linear parts of 
your slow graph. You can specify the desired parallelism as part of those calls.

I was about to write that in general there isn't a "make fast" button for 
arbitrary graphs. However, that may not be strictly true. Just as there are SQL 
planners, there could be a materialization planner that applied some well 
understood optimization patterns under the hood. Even could have the ability to 
self tune the thread polling and throughput levels of a running flow based upon 
realtime metrics. 

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[akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-17 Thread Jim Hazen
Also, the default akka-remoting utilizing Java serialization is dog slow. 
 There are other threads that discuss swapping out the serializer with much 
faster ones.  So if you're doing a lot of cluster sharding, your throughput 
may be bottlenecked on the remote inter-node IO.

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Re: [akka-user] Akka-streams TLS-PSK support

2015-11-17 Thread Jim Hazen
Hmm.  I'm not an expert here (just use BC for CloudFront).  Have you tried 
keeping your Java 8 SSLContext while combining that with the BC cipher 

Something more like your original, but with the BC ciphers.

val context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS")
context.init(null, null, null)
val cipherSuites = 
val clientTls = SslTls(context, cipherSuites, Client)

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[akka-user] Re: Akka-streams TLS-PSK support

2015-11-16 Thread Jim Hazen
Have you tried adding the BouncyCastleProvider as a security provider? 
 Then making your normal JSSE calls?


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[akka-user] Re: Akka Stream and Http 2.0-M1 Released!

2015-11-16 Thread Jim Hazen
With these latest foundational changes, is akka-http 2.0 intended to be the 
'spray parity' release?  If not, is there a roadmap for an akka-http client 
as rich as Spray's and akka-http server as performant as Spray's?

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[akka-user] Re: Ask Pattern vs Micro Actors?

2015-08-04 Thread Jim Hazen

Maybe this will help answer your question.  Actors are cheap, but not free. 
 There are cases where using an actor-per-request pattern has more benefits 
than performance detractors.  Per method call?  I think that would depend 
on how often that method is called?  Per-request may be a better 
granularity.  If that request generates 100 method calls, then maybe you 
would notice actor overhead.  That said, the ask pattern uses an optimized 
actor per call as well, and is often used wherever a synchronous callback 
is needed.

What would be the benefit of your Micro Actor over Akka's built in 
support for 'ask'?  I have a feeling that ask will be even more micro, due 
to internal optimizations not available to normal actors.

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Re: [akka-user] memory issue in akka application

2015-08-04 Thread Jim Hazen
If you'd like to handle this in logback land and not deal with altering 
akka's logging strategy, you can also configure logback to work in bounded 
space and drop overflows as well.

Take a look at logback's AsyncAppender.


You'll configure your logback appender normally and then wrap it in your 
async appender.

For example:

appender name=ASYNC_CONSOLE class=ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender 
 appender-ref ref=CONSOLE/

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Re: [akka-user] Sharding problem when restarting Cluster

2015-08-04 Thread Jim Hazen
I see this issue happen whenever AWS has a network hiccup.  I have a 
multi-node cluster behind a LB and akka cluster sharding along with akka 
persistence writing to a Dynamo journal.  I'm currently on akka 2.3.11, 
which means the same shared Dynamo table used to store my persistent actors 
is also being used to store cluster information.  I know of no way to 
prevent this until akka 2.4.

I have my min-nr-of-members set to (nodes / 2) + 1.  Things seem to work 
fine during clean node restarts and code deploys.

However, I run into the same problem as the OP when AWS suffers an 
intermittent network partition.  The nodes within the akka cluster can't 
fully communicate, yet the LB is able to reach all nodes.  Cluster state is 
persisted into the same location, because that's unavoidable while using 
akka persistence for other things.  Eventually cluster sharding gets upset 
and panics.  Causing the error below to be repeated constantly until the 
full cluster is shut down and started back up cleanly.

What should a developer do to isolate from split brained issues when using 
cluster sharding?  min-nr-of-members appears to only be checked during 
cluster startup.  However, once started and participating, what happens 
automatically when the cluster detects that the cluster has dropped below 
min-nr-of-members?  I can attempt to guard against possible issues in 
application land by subscribing to the cluster events and taking some 
action.  I'm not sure if there's anything I can do to prevent the cluster 
sharding internals from running into state however, since writing cluster 
state to a shared journal is unavoidable and network issues are unavoidable.

2015-08-02 05:33:30.138 05:33:30.138UTC [Device] ERROR 
 akka.actor.OneForOneStrategy DeviceSvc-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3 
 - requirement failed: Shard [2] already allocated: State(Map(-2 - 
 0 - 
 2 - 
 -1 - 
 3 - 
 - Vector(2, 3, -2, 0), 
 - Vector(-1)),Set())

  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Shard [2] 
 already allocated: State(Map(-2 - 
 0 - 
 2 - 
 -1 - 
 3 - 
 - Vector(2, 3, -2, 0), 
 - Vector(-1)),Set())

 at scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:219) 





 at akka.persistence.Recovery$class.runReceive(Recovery.scala:48) 





Re: [akka-user] Re: How can I check the number of the entry actors spawned off by akka ShardRegion?

2015-07-20 Thread Jim Hazen
To increase capacity you'll be scaling out nodes, not shard regions. 
 Shards are logical managers/buckets, they help organize and support the 
actual processing actors, but it's those actors that are distributed. 
 You'll have one for each unique message destination, regardless of your 
number of shards.  If you're worried about resource utilization, you're 
likely best off using standard JVM monitors and monitoring the Java 
application as a whole for resource usage.  Do your metrics at that level 
and add hosts as required. 

Also, actors are already single-threaded, please see the Actor docs about 
how they work.  Messages sent to an actor will be handled by a single 
thread.  Within your receive block/method you can decide to use additional 
threads to farm out message processing work and increase actor throughput. 

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[akka-user] Re: How can I check the number of the entry actors spawned off by akka ShardRegion?

2015-07-20 Thread Jim Hazen
There will be a new actor activated for each unique messageId destination. 
 Messages will arrive at that actor for processing.  Actors are grouped 
into shards, which help manage those actors.  If you send 100 messages to 
unique destinations across your cluster, they'll be handled by 100 unique 
actors.  They'll be managed by 10 shards, across your ?? nodes.

So seeing the creation of 100 actors and not 10, is expected.

To get the number of actors managed by the shardRegion I assume you'd need 
to discover the actors representing the shard regions and then size() their 
children.  I believe there is an internal messaging protocol for doing 
this, but I don't have the docs in front of me.  You probably also find 
actors under the /user/sharding/ namespace using normal actor selection.

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Re: [akka-user] Re: How can I check the number of the entry actors spawned off by akka ShardRegion?

2015-07-20 Thread Jim Hazen
It might be possible to find out, however why is this important to you?
The point of Akka cluster sharding is that shard management, handler actor
management and message routing, is all transparent.  I use this facility in
my work and I don't know what nodes are handling what requests (sure I can
track the logs and find out).  And I don't mind not knowing.  Akka does a
lot of work behind the scenes to rebalance as nodes add/drop from the
cluster.  From a client perspective, things just work.

Are you just curious about behavior, or have specific plans for this

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 12:48 PM, Yifei sunyifei1...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks Jim,

 It helps a lot.
 Assuming I have 3 shardRegions running on 3 nodes with the same shard
 name. Can I know the relationship between a shard and a shardRegion? For
 example, can I know if shard#3 is under shardRegion@host2?


 On Monday, July 20, 2015 at 3:16:24 PM UTC-4, Jim Hazen wrote:

 There will be a new actor activated for each unique messageId
 destination.  Messages will arrive at that actor for processing.  Actors
 are grouped into shards, which help manage those actors.  If you send 100
 messages to unique destinations across your cluster, they'll be handled by
 100 unique actors.  They'll be managed by 10 shards, across your ?? nodes.

 So seeing the creation of 100 actors and not 10, is expected.

 To get the number of actors managed by the shardRegion I assume you'd
 need to discover the actors representing the shard regions and then size()
 their children.  I believe there is an internal messaging protocol for
 doing this, but I don't have the docs in front of me.  You probably also
 find actors under the /user/sharding/ namespace using normal actor

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Re: [akka-user] Akka Streams - How to define a Flow depending on the data coming from the Source? (AKA dinamically)

2015-07-20 Thread Jim Hazen
If you already have the solution it shouldn't be hard to put Streams in front 
of it to help manage back pressure.  Call your code from within the sink and 
apply whatever flow controls you need to the source ahead of it. 

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[akka-user] Akka Cluster Performance

2015-07-16 Thread Jim Hazen
Akka clustering is built on top of akka remoting. The default serialization 
used by remoting is terribly slow. Look into swapping it out with a third party 
serializer. There are some linked/mentioned in the remoting docs. 

Please post any results if a serializer change helps you. I know in my project 
a 200k/sec spray http server gets 5k/s out of the default remoting layer.  
Fortunately 5k is good enough for that service, so I haven't messed with the 
serializer. Others have had good luck and Kryo seems popular. 

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[akka-user] Message Broadcasting in an akka cluster

2015-07-14 Thread Jim Hazen
You could implement the mediator yourself and include all your business logic 
there. That said, why do this?  What's the fear of an extra actor dealing with 
these concerns and providing separation?

I don't think it's possible to use an external implementation and not have 

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[akka-user] ShardRegion vs EventBus

2015-07-10 Thread Jim Hazen
Tried looking at the DistributedPubSub module?

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[akka-user] Best Strategy to Aggregate Multiple Actors Response

2015-06-23 Thread Jim Hazen
Does this work for you?

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Re: [akka-user] 500 ISE for Client Side Error Bug Report

2015-04-16 Thread Jim Hazen
Just because the HTTP protocol doesn't define the semantics doesn't mean 
that RESTful services aren't allowed to take this on themselves, and some 
do.  Kinda like in the US where rights not reserved for the federal 
government fall to the states.

ElasticSearch is one such 

They use GET bodies for the REST calls in which they are performing a 
search given a complex JSON DSL.  Commonly this would be performed with a 
GET with request params.  They support this to a certain degree, but they 
also have an extremely rich JSON DSL for modeling complex queries/filters. 
 This DSL would hard or impossible to express via request params, and since 
this is still fundamentally a GET operation, they support JSON as the 
request body.

They also support POST as a fallback to work around broken/proper (depends 
on your point of view I guess) clients.  So, in some of my apps I could 
revert to this POST fallback.  However, some services are service wrappers 
around ES.  They provide their own additional functionality to existing ES 
REST APIs, but attempt to not interfere with existing call semantics.  So 
if their clients are sending GET search requests, they need to be able to 
accept those calls within their service and proxy them downstream.

With the advent of akka-streams and akka-http this proxy becomes even more 
robust, with better tools to describe data flows and handle backpressure. 
 But only if GETs are allowed to have bodies.

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Re: [akka-user] How does akka actor helps in achieve concurrency without locking/syncronization

2015-04-16 Thread Jim Hazen

On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 9:17:44 PM UTC-7, Rohit Jain wrote:

 On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 10:37:36 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Frank wrote:

  On 04/15/15 04:47, Rohit Jain wrote:
  How does using akka actor helps in achieving concurrency without use of 
 any external locks?
  Is it because at a moment only one message can be processed for one 
 actor ? Hence no 2 threads can be acting upon same actor ?


 that is correct.  processing within the receive loop of an actor is 
 single threaded.

  How does akka make sure that while processing a certain message, no 
 other message thread will be processed or there will be no context switch ? 
 Or it just uses low level constructs of locking on a certain message before 
 processing it, even though context switch for that message thread happens, 
 it wont release the lock till message is processed (This can cause trouble 
 in blocking I/O).

Akka uses an ordered mailbox to store messages waiting to be processed.  It 
then uses a single thread to roll through this mailbox, calling your 
actor's receive method.  You don't need locking because there can't be 
contention on this mailbox.  If the thread is context switched to handle 
another actor, that's fine.  The original actor's messages will need to 
wait until its next time slice to process another message.

If you block within your receive, you can/will have problems.  Keep your 
receive non-blocking and delegate heavy lifting (even if it isn't blocking) 
to another dispatcher to achieve max throughput. 

  If that is the case, then maximum number of threads we require is equal 
 to number of actors in our system.

 if all your actors perform blocking work in their receive loop, then that 
 would be true.  however, you should design your application to be 
 non-blocking (http://www.reactivemanifesto.org/glossary#Non-Blocking).  
 if you need to perform blocking work, then you should use Futures (
 http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.3.9/scala/futures.html) to schedule the 
 work on a separate, dedicated dispatcher (
 http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.3.9/scala/dispatchers.html).  You can 
 then pipe the result of the Future to an actor (
 for further processing if necessary.


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[akka-user] Re: 500 ISE for Client Side Error Bug Report

2015-04-15 Thread Jim Hazen
I was originally thinking that this would be inconvenient for ES clients. 
 I could work around that.  However for anyone attempting to build a 
transparent proxy in front of ES (where they can't control client calls), 
this would be an impossible to fix solution if a GET with body was 

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[akka-user] Re: 500 ISE for Client Side Error Bug Report

2015-04-15 Thread Jim Hazen

Spray currently allows this and products like ElasticSearch promote GET 
bodies.  This will be a breaking change for me as well once I migrate to 

How opinionated are the developers here?  Can this be more of a guideline 
than a rule? :)

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[akka-user] Re: Akka EC2 remoting

2015-04-09 Thread Jim Hazen
Try setting JVM system params.  For example, an early demo that I hacked up 
looked like this.  It isn't on EC2, but I don't think that EC2 is really 
your problem.  Hack out the stuff you don't care about and omit the -J if 
not using sbt.

Instance 1:
sbt -J-Dakka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname=localhost 

Instance 2:
sbt -J-Dakka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname=localhost 

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[akka-user] Akka EC2 remoting

2015-04-06 Thread Jim Hazen
Looks like you're trying to connect to a seed that isn't available. Be sure 
that your remote.netty.tcp host and port settings match your seed node setting. 
 They don't seem to here.

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[akka-user] Re: akka-streams how to chunk ordered stream based on common property efficiently

2015-03-20 Thread Jim Hazen
This should still be easy with akka-streams.  You'll probably need to write 
a custom stage though.  Check out the documentation on custom stages along 
with the cookbook examples.  I believe there is an example that implements 
a batching collector like this.  It's not 100% what you're looking for, but 
should be easy to modify.  

There is a way to know when the stream runs out, so sending that last batch 
shouldn't be an issue.  The examples demonstrate that functionality as well.

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Re: [akka-user] Stream Materialization, a larger discussion.

2015-03-17 Thread Jim Hazen
Hi Roland,

Thank you for the reply and sorry for the delay.

The way I'd like to look at stream materialization is as a facility for 
runtime information discovery and action execution.  This mechanism sits 
next to the main information flow and at times has the ability to influence 
that flow.  A management sub-channel is probably not technically accurate, 
but I hope you get my meaning.

The flexibility of this discovery/management facility in its current form 
is what I'm worried about.  There are good examples in the documentation 
for how to expose both discovery and management operations via 

val (promise, cancellable, future) = r11.run()

future.map(_ + 3)

This does a pretty good job of getting these monitoring and management 
concerns across the stream boundary.  Issue 16168 will hopefully address 
access to these values from within a stream.

I'm tempted to use this facility for JMX-like functionality on a stream. 
 But if you aren't careful you'll run into a problem with shape.  Let's say 
that version 1 of my lib ships out with a throttler stage.  That stage, 
like in the docs, throttles at 1/s and exposes a cancellable management 
object.  That's great, until folks start asking for the ability to change 
the throttle rate at runtime as well.  This functionality could of course 
be implemented in v2, however the shape of my stage's materialized object 
then needs to change.

So I replace my Cancellable object with an Operations object that has both 
cancel() and updateRate(newRate) methods.  I push this out in v2, but this 
is a breaking change for everyone in v1 because the materialized shape is 
part of the interface and used or not is still there.  The folks that make 
vanilla use of my stage are annoyed because they're forced to recompile 
against a feature they weren't even using.

Even if I have the foresight to build stages with an easier to evolve 
materialization shape (maybe an object that exposes Operations and 
Informations in a more flexible way) I don't have the ability to benefit 
from foundational enhancements by the stream library itself.  For example, 
even when I finish rolling my own JMX concept, I can't ask Akka to help me 
add to this functionality with their own materialization details (where 
would such information be placed?).

Currently (AFAIK) Akka Streams doesn't expose the ability to discover or 
manipulate per-stage runtime materialization, as in the materialization 
provided by the materializer.  Can't discover the current default internal 
buffer size, can't modify this size, update thread pool settings, access 
stats metrics of message flow through the internal actors, or execution 
time taken.  And the lack of this functionality today is fine.  Over time 
more and more base operations and informations could be exposed by the 
runtime, and developers could add their own operations and informations on 
top of this base.  But this only works if there is a base and this base is 
of some flexible shape.   

I guess what I'm asking for is for the Akka team to look at the 
materialization value system as more of a per-stage command and control 
system.  Something that would benefit from Akka prescribing a management 
methodology instead of leaving it completely open.  IMHO the current form, 
while open and type safe, ends up being brittle.  There isn't a methodology 
or framework by which Akka can raise all ships in the future (by providing 
certain standard ops/infos) and developers without management framework 
development experience will accidentally find themselves painted into a 
corner wrt to the shape of their materialization values.  

I think I'll stop here, but next up would be a discussion on the proper way 
to interact with materialization values.  Even if I get everything that I 
ask for and the shape turns into some standardized object exposing 
information and actions, this still ends up being shared mutable state 
bleeding out of the Stream with a now undefined concurrency model. 
 Wouldn't it be better to expose some sort of action sink and information 
source instead of a single shared object? 

Thanks for your time,

On Sunday, March 8, 2015 at 11:24:58 AM UTC-7, rkuhn wrote:

 Hi Jim,

 thanks for starting the discussion! Replies inline.

 5 mar 2015 kl. 21:30 skrev Jim Hazen jimhaz...@gmail.com javascript::

 I've been following Akka Streams for bit. I've noticed the changes in M4 
 and of course read the materialization sections of: 

 I have tremendous respect for the Akka team and understand that getting 
 this right is hard.  But, are we there yet?

 Basically yes, but one thing is still missing 
 https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/16168. I hope that we’ll be able to 
 fix the remaining things without further disruptive changes.

 Originally the concept was Map based

[akka-user] How to use Cluster Sharding, Please do reply it's very urgent

2015-03-16 Thread Jim Hazen
Start here: 

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[akka-user] How to use Cluster Sharding, Please do reply it's very urgent

2015-03-16 Thread Jim Hazen
Start hers: 

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[akka-user] Split Stream

2015-03-15 Thread Jim Hazen
Have you looked into writing a custom router component?

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Re: [akka-user] Re: akka-http: combine path together

2015-03-12 Thread Jim Hazen
I was confused.  I thought you were looking for something like:

 path(v2.0 / tokens) {
  post {
complete(it works)
} ~
 path(v2.0 / somethingelse) {
  post {
complete(it works)

 Otherwise with 
 path(v2.0) {
path(tokens) {

You're matching against path(v2.0) and then further trying to also match 
against path(tokens).  Since a path can't start with both v2.0 and 
tokens at the same time, this always fails.  There are other path 
directives you can use for this type of processing and I think you've 
already discovered some of them.

akka-http is based off of spray concepts.  Spray's documentation is 
currently much better than akka-http.  You should probably start 
here http://spray.io/documentation/1.2.2/spray-routing/ to learn more about 
what routing directives are available and how to compose them together. 
 All directives may not exist yet in akka-http, but the sections on the 
Path DSL should be valid.

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Re: [akka-user] Re: Problems using a Remote Actor

2015-03-10 Thread Jim Hazen
Have you followed all of the instructions for interacting with remote 
actors here: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.3.9/scala/remoting.html ?

From the error it appears to me that:
1. You are attempting to create a remote actor from a peer
2. This peer isn't able to properly interact with [akka.tcp://

Are you using a Remote or Clustered ActorRefProviders on both nodes?  Is 
your remote transport properly configured to run on those ports?  Is it 
starting properly? Is your networking configured to allow access to those 
ports (software firewalls on a node have burned me in the past).  Does the 
RemoteActorSystem-Client AS exist on that port, or is some other AS running 
there?  There's a lot to look at, but it ought to work once everything is 
wired properly.  Maybe look for a working example (from Activator) and then 
adapt the working thing to your needs?

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[akka-user] Stream Materialization, a larger discussion.

2015-03-05 Thread Jim Hazen
I've been following Akka Streams for bit. I've noticed the changes in M4 
and of course read the materialization sections 

I have tremendous respect for the Akka team and understand that getting 
this right is hard.  But, are we there yet?

Originally the concept was Map based, with the ability for stages to set 
keys within the map and eventually the client had access to this map.  Not 
really type safe, or clear as to what keys were available, or what their 
types were, etc.  So that's not great.  But on the flip side (and why I 
think it was reached for first) it was extensible.

Now with M4, we are much more clear and explicit about what materialization 
each stage offers.  This looks a lot better.  But I'm worried about what 
happens when you attempt to evolve these materialization types later, 
especially for stages provided by the core library.

I'm thinking down the road to Monk, where the goal is to provide a nice 
tracing abstraction and SPI.  And if folks are interested in tracing Actors 
today, with Streams, they'll be interested in tracing materialized flows 

Given this current mechanism for exposing a per-stage materialization 
value, how later would we switch all of our Unit materialization values to 
materialization values that contain standard metrics?  It isn't there 
today, but in the future a lot of runtime metrics could be gathered and 

With M4, I don't see a clean way of evolving or exposing new secondary 
materialization values over time.  Secondary is in the eye of the 
beholder, but we have preferredMerge stages, and things like Try and Option 
that have success based affinity within flow processing.

I can't prescribe a complete solution in this post but I would like to talk 
this out.

Down the road how do we intend to support the exposure of new 
materialization based information and/or patterns?  How would adaptive 
flows, flows that adapt to runtime realities, be implemented?  How would 
one get access to a Stream of materialization values of a running Stream?

I hope this is food for positive thought and a positive discussion.

PS:  This particular post uses tracing and metrics as an example, but I 
think there's a larger fundamental problem to be solved.  Should each stage 
need to evolve from a materialization of Unit - tuple/wrapper - new 
tuple/wrapper.  All the while likely breaking backward compatibility in the 

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[akka-user] Re: Problem with dispatcher configuration

2015-03-05 Thread Jim Hazen
Check the nesting.

Does test.my-dispatcher work?

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Re: [akka-user] Re: (re-)Chunking Source of ByteStrings, filling the gaps

2015-03-05 Thread Jim Hazen
Wouldn't migrating from a grouped to groupedWithin based chunker be the 
compromise that ppl are looking for?  Perform chunk packing within a given 
window, but if you're waiting for too long, send what you have?

You mention here and in the JIRA that this a conflate problem, but conflate 
deals with fast producers and slow consumers, and we have a potential 
problem with a slow producer keeping up with our chunk packer.  I don't see 
conflate helping us here, but I'm willing to learn.

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Re: [akka-user] [Streams 1.0-M4] Compatibility with Akka-2.4-SNAPSHOT?

2015-03-03 Thread Jim Hazen
Is there an ETA for akka-http on 2.4?

According to Mathias, Spray won't be ported to 2.4: 
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/spray-user/x0KdMn_7exE/B8Rp2xuSa2sJ and 
according to you akka-http also isn't yet ready for 2.4.

I'd like to develop a REST service that takes advantage of cluster sharding 
with rememberEntries support and that's somewhat difficult at the moment. 

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Re: [akka-user] [Streams 1.0-M4] From Source[Future[T], Unit] to Source[T, Unit]?

2015-03-02 Thread Jim Hazen
I think the answer is in the {Scala, Java}Docs of mapAsync:

Transform this stream by applying the given function to each of the 
 elements as they pass through this processing step. The function returns a 
 Future and the value of that future will be emitted downstreams. As many 
 futures as requested elements by downstream may run in parallel and may 
 complete in any order, but the elements that are emitted downstream are in 
 the same order as received from upstream.

The section on rate goes into greater 

You can either go with the default demand as specified by your 
Materialization settings, use the default settings (default values in 
reference.conf), or manually specify a buffer downstream from your source 
to have greater control over buffering and generated demand.

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[akka-user] [Streams 1.0-M4] Compatibility with Akka-2.4-SNAPSHOT?

2015-03-02 Thread Jim Hazen
Are these 1.0-M4 modules intended to be compatible with akka-2.4-SNAPSHOT?

I'm having trouble passing a custom materializer to an 
IncommingConnection.handleWithAsyncHandler().  The default materializer 
seems to work fine, but I wanted to play with buffer sizes.

implicit val materializer = ActorFlowMaterializer()
val matSettings = materializer.settings.withInputBuffer(16, 32)

Http().bind(interface =, 5001).runForeach { conn =
  conn.handleWithAsyncHandler(r = 
}.onComplete(_ = actorSystem.terminate())

The fails at runtime with:


I couldn't find akka-stream or akka-http modules as part of the akka-2.4 
distribution.  Is there a better way to experiment with akka-streams and 
akka-http with akka-2.4?  Aside from tweaking the handler's materializer, 
is there another way to control the amount of buffering/demand generated by 
the handleWith* constructs?

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[akka-user] Re: Akka Cluster (and Cluster Client) on Kubernetes

2015-03-02 Thread Jim Hazen
Might want to look at this thread. 

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[akka-user] Re: Akka Cluster (and Cluster Client) on Kubernetes

2015-03-02 Thread Jim Hazen
Lol.  Or not, since you're the OP.  Oh well, need more coffee.

On Monday, March 2, 2015 at 10:52:29 AM UTC-8, Jim Hazen wrote:

 Might want to look at this thread.  

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[akka-user] Re: akka system shutdown in sub actor

2015-02-26 Thread Jim Hazen
Seems logical.

From an actor within a running system you ask the system if it's dead.  It 
says no, because it still has actors running (there's at least the one 
asking the question).

Then, from outside the system you wait for it to terminate, and then check 
that it has terminated, which it confirms to be true.

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[akka-user] Re: [Akka-stream] Distributed actor communication via Ask pattern or ActorPublisher/ActorSubscriber

2015-02-21 Thread Jim Hazen
To me, this isn't the correct solution.  Passing Source(data) around seems 
wrong, it would seem dangerous for large files and impossible for remote 
actors if the source were pointer based.  The tl;dr is that IMHO the 
correct solution, where you process indexing responses in a flow based way, 
is difficult to get done correctly right now.  I'm waiting for this missing 
component: https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/16416.

Read on for what turned into a pretty long winded brain dump...

I think of Actors as little (possibly stateful) message processors.  They 
react to messages, and sometimes produce directed response messages.  These 
messages generally ought to be small and immutable.

I see Streams and Flows as higher level constructs.  As if someone stepped 
back, looked at all the little discrete message processors that he had and 
wanted to model and materialize a processing engine out of those parts.

In your case I'd probably break things into a few components.  Files, 
IndexingManager, FileToLinesGenerator, any number of LineToX mappers along 
with XtoY mappers, YtoZ mappers, etc.  Finish things off with an Indexer 

You want to get files indexed.  That overall responsibility would be owned 
by the IndexingManager.  He'd be responsible for constructing the high 
level materialized flow, from the building blocks at hand.  Maybe he's an 
actor that gets a NewFile(location) message whenever some file shows up 
somewhere.  He than sets up and executes the indexing flow.

I'd probably use a scala.io.Source to get an iterator over that file 
content.  Source(file).getLines() or zipWithIndex() if you want line number 
information as well (I would).  Construct your FlowGraph with whatever 
intermediate steps you like, and eventually get a small message over to 
your Indexer.  Maybe that message looks like IndexingRequest(fileMetadata, 
lineNumber, line).  It then indexes this bite sized message (also able to 
be sent across remote boundaries).  Eventually the flow completes and your 
IndexingManager does some final book keeping and declares victory.

This is how I'd model an overall indexing system.  And it would probably 
work reasonably well in one direction, from FileData - Indexing.  But we 
want to have the Indexer tell someone about the indexing results.

For me, I'm waiting for https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/16416 to come 
out.  It should make custom request/response protocols much easier to 
model.  Until then, I'm probably not going to mess with cyclic flow graphs 
with Akka Streams. 

In the mean time, if I needed custom request/response logic I'd build 
non-Streams logic into my IndexingManager.  I'd have the IndexingManager 
manually buffer requests/responses and simply have some basic ack-based 
back-pressure (send a few indexing requests blind, and then wait for 
responses to show up before I sent more requests).  This assumes that the 
IndexingManager is going to do something special with responses.  If all 
it's going to do is log errors, or send them to a queue for followup and 
possible reprocessing, the Indexer could do that and you can have a 
unidirectional flow managed by Akka Steams again.

On 2nd thought, the blind send of IndexingRequests is probably poor form, 
knowing a bit about how Streams works I'd probably start the conversation 
off with a single IndexingSessionRequest that basically says, hey I want 
to send stuff, how many can you handle.  The response can help the 
IndexingManager set internal buffers as well.  The Indexer can respond with 
IndexingSessionResponse(send me 5) or IndexingSessionResponse(too busy, ask 
again in 5.seconds).

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[akka-user] Re: akka-streams - How to define a Source from an arbitrary event stream?

2015-02-19 Thread Jim Hazen
I'd also be interested to know what the best practice patterns for bridging 
internal/external stream boundaries are.  In this case there isn't yet a 
well understood pattern for external entities to dynamically feed into a 
stream source.  There is likewise no easy way for an external library to 
tap a sink.  How would one model the faucet in my house?  It's a well 
backpressured system, yet I can turn a knob and take(1.cup) off the stream 
and process it in an external system.

In your particular case, I'm thinking that using an ActorPublisher might be 
the best way to go.  Your custom ActorPublisher would act as a Stream 
source, but also be known externally to the stream as a normal actor.  It 
would provide a generic out of band mechanism for other actors to send 
messages to it.  Newly arriving messages would become available for stream 
consumption once demand was triggered.  You can then subscribe this actor 
to whatever external event streams you'd like.   

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[akka-user] Re: going from using akka in a play application to scaling the akka to multiple nodes, what to plan for?

2015-02-15 Thread Jim Hazen
Take a look at cluster sharding.  By far the easiest way to get started 
with clustered/distributed actors.


On Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 7:58:02 AM UTC-8, gitted wrote:

 Currently I am a play application that I use akka with.  All is fine since 
 my application is running on a single server.

 If I want to have multiple nodes, how exactly do I go about scaling my 
 akka side of things?  Currently it assumes all akka actors are on the same 

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Re: [akka-user] akka-http long-lived connection backpressure problem

2015-02-09 Thread Jim Hazen
Thanks for creating the issue.  Please note that there were actually two 
issues discovered.  The client flow issue was logged, but the server 
request parsing issue wasn't.

The rest of this post is really just going through my thought process, so 
that the group can benefit from an analysis of this problem and a 
discussion of its solution as a case study of larger stream processing 

The more I dig into this issue, the more I understand streams.  Still the 
more I dig, the more it appears you've got a problem on your hands with 
this type of flow.

My initial thought was to implement this system as a combination of two 
streams, your outgoing request stream and your incoming response stream, 
each stream processing their things at full speed.  Now I'm still learning 
the lingo and don't want to unintentionally mix my metaphors.  Essentially 
I'd expect you give something a Source[HttpRequest] and get a 
Source[HttpResponse] back.  Each with the possibility of independent 
supply/demand rates.

This might work in some ways, but presents other challenges.  Based on what 
I *think* the original flow is trying to do, there appears to be a 
fundamental problem.  My (maybe naive) solution treats request and response 
streams as being independent (from the point of view of the client). 
 Stream ordering is (supposed to be) guaranteed by HTTP 1.1 pipelining. 
 What the original flow attempts to do is remember the HttpMethod of the 
original request and join it back up with the response.  I'm guessing you 
want to do this for pipeline error detection as well as auto-recovery of 
recoverable requests.  You need the original request's method to know 
whether or not a response failure is auto-recoverable (GET typically is, 
POST isn't, etc).

Unfortunately, now we're caught between two infinites and the amount of 
state stored depends on the difference in the two rates.  This is a problem 
for a bounded memory system.  We have some tools for dealing with rate 
differences.  My broken solution, introduces a dropping buffer.  A better 
broken solution might be to conflate the httpMethod stream and collapse 
like methods (recoverable, non-recoverable) together.  This somewhat 
reduces the problem, but doesn't solve it.  In order to deterministically 
match the req/resp we'd need to conflate and still track the overall shape 
of the conflated httpMethod stream, i.e. (Rs, NRs, Rs, NRs, Rs), where R = 
recoverable, NR = non-recoverable.

Still, we have an issue where the potential rate of change in the conflated 
httpMethod stream's shape exceeds our buffer.  Now we're back to our 
original problem.  The rate difference is significantly better, but not 
good enough to run in constant space.  I'm not sure it's possible to get 
this into constant space because we can't reduce the problem down to a pure 
conflation, can't drop and don't want to error.

At this point, it's probably acceptable to rate limit the request flow, 
while the conflated httpMethod (merge or zip) works to drain responses.  

This means that if we want the client to be able to associate response with 
request and do nice things for us, we need to accept the possibility that 
it will limit the rate of accepted requests to keep the memory required to 
associate request with response bounded.

If, on the other hand, we didn't want the client to perform pipeline error 
detection or request auto-retry, we should be able to use the two 
independent streams model.  Even in this model, we'd have appropriate 
backpressure.  The server will never sink requests faster than it can 
handle, nor will it produce responses faster than it can handle.  The two 
things are in fact related, however that relationship isn't visible to the 
client, it simply manifests itself as a rate differential in our two 
otherwise independent streams.

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Re: [akka-user] akka-http long-lived connection backpressure problem

2015-02-09 Thread Jim Hazen
Now that I think even more on the problem the more it seems that we're 
trying to solve too much within a single flow.  There are concepts that 
ought to be independent that we're forcing to become dependent.

I still like the independent streams model.  I'd start with that, but with 
a realization that this is a low-level protocol.  A higher level protocol, 
ought to deal with more advanced concepts, like auto-retry.  

There's a *big assumption* that the httpMethod bypass was to support things 
like that.  If not, then I'm going to start getting farther and farther off 

Hmm.  Yet, even with a full duplex stream of requests and responses, 
implementing higher level stateful interactions tends to run into similar 
problems.  remembering what actor ought to receive a given response once 
it's read off the stream.  Easiest way to solve this would be to 
encapsulate that addressing state into the response being returned. 
 However, we need to work within the confines of the HTTP protocol and I'm 
not sure the best way to implement that handback in that case (cookies?).

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[akka-user] Re: Akka Cluster Actor Failover and Rebalancing, is it possible?

2015-02-07 Thread Jim Hazen
There are probably a few ways to do this.  Most straight forward might be 
to start a local actor as part of each node's startup code.  Then use Akka 
clustering to observe node failures.  Use some deterministic strategy to 
reallocate that actor on some other host (let's say failed +1 in your 
ring).  When the old node comes back up it starts its actor normally and 
then asks node current +1 to remove that actor from its AS.

Another way might be to use cluster sharding with a completely balanced 
distribution and rememberEntries = true.  Akka would do more magic for you. 
 This may not totally be what you want.  This would guarantee 1 actor per 
server, however which actor was on which server wouldn't be deterministic. 
 You might be able to provide some additional allocation strategy to Akka 
sharding that would give you additional control over placement, but that 
seems like a rabbit hole to me.  Even if I could get it to work, I've 
worked too hard vs. option 1 and it may not be clear to the next developer 
what's going on.

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