[android-developers] Re: AsyncTask - wait until the task has finished

2012-07-26 Thread uday kiran jandhyala

Could there be a case where onPostExecute() is never called because 
doInBackground() is stuck in some synchronous API called within ?

I've a use case where am using AsyncTask like below (code for illustration 
only) :

BackgroundCommunicatorTask mBackgroundTaskOne = new 

BackgroundCommunicatorTask mBackgroundTaskTwo = new 

Is my understanding correct that when we explicitly use SERIAL_EXECUTOR, 
until one thread in the queue
is finished, the next thread won't be executed ? Which means if 
doInBackground() of the thread associated with PERFORM_API_1
is stuck for unknown reasons, then the next thread in the queue (associated 
with PERFORM_API_2) won't be scheduled right ?

I've verified that the first thread is stuck, through
if (mBackgroundTaskOne .getStatus() == AsyncTask.Status.RUNNING) {
// control is reaching here.

I'm clear that for my use case I should be using SERIAL_EXECUTOR only. But 
sorry if my understanding of SERIAL_EXECUTOR itself is wrong..
Could you throw some light on how to handle such cases like above ? Use a 
timeout to kill the thread forcefully ? I tried, but cancel() on the 
AsyncTask is
not honoring my call.

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[android-developers] MediaScanner Thumbnails

2012-02-20 Thread uday kiran jandhyala
(Am sorry if this question was already asked and answered... but
honestly when I searched this group, majority of
the answers were relevant to Android 2.1  2.2 times. I had also asked
this on android platform group lately)

My requirement :

If I want to write an application on Android Gingerbread 2.3.4, which
displays a list of all images on SD card,
can I safely assume that the thumbnails for all images are generated
on bootup already? Or is there any broadcast that
I must be doing for this to happen ? If the thumbnail generation for
all images on SD card, is still going on
in the background, would there be any callback available for me to
listen to, once its finished (so that I could
display a 'loading' dialog in my app) ?

Should I have to write my own service which is triggered on each boot,
that places a thumbnail generation request
for each image found on SD card ?

My doubt :

I wanted to understand if MediaScanner or MediaScannerService
components, which run on every
boot, to update Media Content Provider, generate any thumbnails for
the images present on SD card (external storage).

From what I could understand from the code of these respective files
in frameworks/base/media...
there is no call made whatsoever, to generate any thumbnails. However,
when I run 'Emulator' for Android 2.3.4, for the very first
time, using an SD card setup, I see that a folder 'DCIM/.thumbnails'
is already generated with thumbnails present in it.

(SD card setup done as prescribed in :

Could anyone help me understand the sequence in which thumbnails are
generated ? I was so far thinking
that it is the Gallery/Gallery3D applications which generate
thumbnails, when opened for very first time...

Best regards

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[android-developers] Re: find out which activity resumed/started my activity?

2012-01-23 Thread uday kiran jandhyala
Am really not sure if its possible, but just trying to think out

Is my understanding correct that WindowManager component in Android
platform maintains a list of all 'Windows'
created thus far by different Applications' Activities (Including
those of decorations like StatusManager etc.)

say for example, if User goes from Home-Launcher-Calculator, and now
he receives a call, a windows stack
could possibly look like :

CALL (on top)
STATUSBAR (bottom most... am guessing, I may be wrong)

Long ago, when I worked on Maemo, Meego  GNOME there used to be a
DBUS Call that can be made from command
line, to list down windows titles and their respective process IDs.

So far in Android, there is no way we could query WindowManager to
retrieve a list of titles of all such Windows...
Is this statement right? If there does exist a way to this, we could
possibly build a logic to check from where our
Activity has come to focus right?!

I may be totally wrong to imagine like this.. But am open to learning
and being corrected on this :)

Best regards

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[android-developers] Ytdandroid usage android

2011-11-03 Thread uday kiran

Am using Ytdandroid to upload videos to youtube account . But i want
to make it as private , so that it will visible to me itself.

If we use gdata, gdata.setPrivate(true) simillar to this.

But i dono how to do with this ytdandroid code,??


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[android-developers] Re: How to prematurely stop a long-running SQLite query?

2011-08-23 Thread uday kiran jandhyala
I remember Sqlite supporting 'In-Memory' DB, which is way faster than
normal DB..
Everything that we are doing temporarily, is processed in memory thus
no I/O..
It could be one option to try out.. But am not sure if this is do-able
on android..

I agree that placing an Index would help in a big way, but not too
sure of its performance
in situations like the one mentioned in this chain..

On Aug 23, 11:12 am, Mark Carter mjc1...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Has support for this been introduced recently? I have a feeling a while back
 I saw something in the change log (maybe 3.0?) but can't seem to find it

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[android-developers] Re: How to change device file permission from Java app.

2011-08-09 Thread uday kiran jandhyala
Hello Mark,

In java.io, the File API is supposed to provide APIs like

setExecutable (boolean)
setWritable (boolean)
setReadable (boolean)

However, in the android.jar which includes all the needed classes,
the java.io package doesn't provide the above APIs in the File class.

Has this been done for security reasons ?
Which means if an application downloads some bytes and writes to
a file created through the below code

File destination = new File (/sdcard/myfile.txt);

there is no way to change permissions of 'myfile.txt' to 777 ?

There is a 'Runtime' facility provided through java.lang, but I'm
whether to use this or not. Runtime would only work on rooted devices


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[android-developers] Invoking Browser through an Intent, to perform HTTP POST

2011-08-05 Thread uday kiran jandhyala

It is clear that the Android Browser app can be launched from any
other application, through an Intent as :

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
Uri data = Uri.parse(http://www.google.com;);

This would however internally perform a HTTP GET request.

I'm trying to explore to somehow launch Browser app, to perform a HTTP
POST, instead of a GET request.
I'm trying to load the key-value pairs in a Bundle and send across to
Browser (example below) :

Bundle extraHeaders = new Bundle();
extraHeaders.putString(user_name, test);
extraHeaders.putString(user_pass, test);
intent.putExtra(Browser.EXTRA_HEADERS, extraHeaders);

But these will be loaded as 'Http headers', but not as request
parameters. Moreover this attempt would still launch it as a HTTP GET

Has anyone tried something similar ? The Browser app internally uses a
WebView, which offers APIs like
loadUrl () - for GET 
postUrl () - for POST.

Interestingly, I don't find Browser app calling 'postUrl()' anywhere
in its code..
Then how does it manage POST requests for websites launched through

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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-25 Thread uday kiran
Thanks for correcting me bob..

I saw so many mails regarding this JDBC drivers in stackoverflow..
I finally decided to use RESTful webservice instead of JDBC drivers..

I've gone through one example code at

In this he used to get the data from a stream..

But wgen i use with database it's not working..

How do i get the table names,column/row names, a particular key from a
row/column present in the database??

Dont get angry for asking again  again the same question..

is it possible by writing like this??


if im giving like this is it going to work properly???

Is it compulsory to use XML files with REST webservice??

Waiting for ur help...

Uday Kiran Pichika

Bob Kerns wrote:
 Brion gave some good suggestions, so let me address this from a more
 architectural standpoint.

 You don't WANT to access the tables direction. A web service acts as
 an intermediary -- it sits between your application and the database.

 This allows more control over how the application can access the
 information. You can limit the application to change only certain
 fields, or apply different security models.

 It also allows you to CHANGE your database. For example, to split a
 table into two linked tables to achieve better normalization. If the
 application could access the database directly, the SQL queries would
 need to change (especially for updates). You would face an impossible
 situation, as you simply cannot force people to upgrade their
 applications. This is perhaps the biggest reason why web services are
 so popular, and direct database connections are almost never used in
 end-user applications these days.

 It also allows better performance -- through caching, connection
 pooling, and other techniques. Database servers are simply not
 designed for huge numbers of connections.

 A web service has direct connections to the database. It has as much
 access to the tables as it needs. It's up to the web service what that
 data looks like to the client application, and how much access the
 client has.

 It can certainly present a model that parallels the database schema.
 With a RESTful interfaice, you could have URIs that denote tables,
 returning a list of URIs denoting primary keys in the table, and those
 URIs in turn would return the content of the rows, etc.

 But usually it makes more sense to operate at a somewhat higher level,
 where the URIs in the interface denote domain entities. For example, a
 music service might have URIs that denote albums, composers, artists,
 tracks, etc. Or, more likely, it would not have 'tracks' at all, and
 asking for an album would return EVERYTHING about the album that the
 application might need, because you can do that in a single step,
 without repeatedly asking the server.

 This allows much better scaling, and much better performance and
 reliability in the application, than asking for the same information
 one piece at a time. This is yet another example of why you want a web
 service, rather than accessing things at the database level. On a
 phone in particular, there is a lot of latency. Each time you ask a
 question, you have to wait for the information to flow both ways, and
 all those delays add up. The web service has very fast connection to
 the database, and can do all that quickly, so you only need to ask ONE
 question, and get a faster answer.

 When designing a web service, it is entirely up to you what form the
 data comes back in. You can construct whatever JSON or XML objects
 that are convenient representations for the data the service provides
 or uses. Whether you use JSONObject or an XML parser is up to you.

  From: uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com
  Date: Mar 22, 8:15 am
  Subject: Accessing External Database
  To: Android Developers
  So, if we r using RESTful webservice is it possible to access the
  Tables present in the database???
  and doing some operations on the database i.e) Adding/Deleting a row/
  column into the database table??
  I saw one example which uses JSON Object for getting the stream..
  So if i want to access databases which class we need to use??
  If u have any related code regarding this please let me know...
   Expecting more information regarding example code...
  Thanks in advance
  Uday Kiran Pichika

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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-22 Thread uday kiran
So, if we r using RESTful webservice is it possible to access the
Tables present in the database???
and doing some operations on the database i.e) Adding/Deleting a row/
column into the database table??

I saw one example which uses JSON Object for getting the stream..
So if i want to access databases which class we need to use??

If u have any related code regarding this please let me know...

 Expecting more information regarding example code...

Thanks in advance

Uday Kiran Pichika

On Mar 19, 8:22 pm, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:
 No, you get a different set of headaches. Drivers (e.g. JDBC drivers)
 are not intended for this sort of application.

 You will have reliability problems, security problems, performance
 problems, problems upgrading your server once you have clients talking
 to it, because you can't upgrade all your clients at once, etc.

 You'll also have the problems getting the drivers to work on the
 Android platform, which lacks support for database drivers. I think
 it's probably possible to do, but since it's not a good thing to do, I
 don't know of anyone who has succeeded. I've seen a lot of messages
 from people who have tried and failed.

 Drivers are much too closely coupled to the database. A competent
 system administrator WILL NOT ALLOW YOU ACCESS to databases from
 outside their firewalls, for security reasons.

 You will normally would use database drivers when implementing the web
 server. Sqlite is an embedded server with its own API, but you could
 consider that a type of driver as well.

 But as I said earlier, a non-Sqlite database, such as MySQL, would be
 a far better choice for performance, scalability, and reliability
 reasons. Unfortunately, that means yet more stuff to learn.
 Fortunately, it's mostly fairly standard stuff, so you'll get to use
 what you learn later in your career -- but it's still something you'll
 need to learn up front.

 None of these things are that hard to learn, but it's a lot to learn
 all at once. Especially if you expected to do things one way, and are
 told you have to do them a different way. It'll be hard to switch your
 way of thinking.

 On Mar 19, 7:03 am, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey Bob,,

  Tell me one thing...instead of using Webservices,it is easy if we r
  using Drivers..
  If we know which type of database they r using on server side,then we
  can access that database using
  related driver...so that the headache willl be reduced am i right???

  what is the difference of using driver in place of Webservices

  On Mar 19, 1:16 am, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:

   On Mar 18, 2:37 am, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
   - So for communicatingdatabase(On remote server)  from our
   - it is compulsory to write a driver like odbc???

   No, ODBC (or JDBC) is at the wrong level. You do not want to be doing
   SQL over the network.

   Instead, you want to create a web server that does the SQL -- and you
   just ask it questions (via HTTP GET) or give it commands (PUT, POST,

   If you already know Java well, a Java Servlet would be the easiest way
   to go -- running in a servlet engine line Tomcat.

   Tools like Ruby on Rails are supposed to make this even easier, but
   will involve learning a new language.

   You're going to have to go and do some studying, and look at a number
   of examples. I'm not going to look for a pointer to an example for
   you, because if you do it yourself, you can chose ones that more
   closely relate to what you're trying to do, or better fit your style
   of learning.

   But you can start on the server side by writing a unit test that
   simply takes a URL, interprets the parameters, and does the
   corresponding SQL query, and returns the result as either XML or JSON.
   Once you have that, it's a simple matter to embed that in the
   appropriate bit of code for your web server technology (e.g. a
   Servlet, in the case of Java). The client side just requests the data
   from that URL and reads it.

   Once you get that far for one kind of data, and the GET operation, the
   next steps will be both easier and more clear to you.  Part of your
   problem right now is you're trying to deal with the entire question at

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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-19 Thread uday kiran
Hey Bob,,

Tell me one thing...instead of using Webservices,it is easy if we r
using Drivers..
If we know which type of database they r using on server side,then we
can access that database using
related driver...so that the headache willl be reduced am i right???

what is the difference of using driver in place of Webservices

On Mar 19, 1:16 am, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:
 On Mar 18, 2:37 am, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
 - So for communicatingdatabase(On remote server)  from our
 - it is compulsory to write a driver like odbc???

 No, ODBC (or JDBC) is at the wrong level. You do not want to be doing
 SQL over the network.

 Instead, you want to create a web server that does the SQL -- and you
 just ask it questions (via HTTP GET) or give it commands (PUT, POST,

 If you already know Java well, a Java Servlet would be the easiest way
 to go -- running in a servlet engine line Tomcat.

 Tools like Ruby on Rails are supposed to make this even easier, but
 will involve learning a new language.

 You're going to have to go and do some studying, and look at a number
 of examples. I'm not going to look for a pointer to an example for
 you, because if you do it yourself, you can chose ones that more
 closely relate to what you're trying to do, or better fit your style
 of learning.

 But you can start on the server side by writing a unit test that
 simply takes a URL, interprets the parameters, and does the
 corresponding SQL query, and returns the result as either XML or JSON.
 Once you have that, it's a simple matter to embed that in the
 appropriate bit of code for your web server technology (e.g. a
 Servlet, in the case of Java). The client side just requests the data
 from that URL and reads it.

 Once you get that far for one kind of data, and the GET operation, the
 next steps will be both easier and more clear to you.  Part of your
 problem right now is you're trying to deal with the entire question at

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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-18 Thread uday kiran

On Mar 18, 11:49 am, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:
 OK, it seems there's several things going on here.

 From your URL, it looks like you can download a copy of a 

 If this is just static content, that you're treating as a document --
 then you don't need any of what I've been talking about so far. At
 this level, you have a file. You just copy it locally, perhaps to your
 SD card, and then access it using Android's built-in sqllite

 You CANNOT access directly over the network this way. Sqllite depends
 on being able to manage concurrency, and update individual pages
 within thedatabasefile. It cannot do these things over an HTTP
 connection -- and shouldn't try to do it over any other kind of
 network connection, either.

So SQlite can't use over networks for accessing database...
I dont want to save this database file into my local folder..i want to
change the contents in the file by online..

 But once you have copied it to a local file, Android's sqllite should
 be able to work on it directly. If you make changes, you can save it
 over the network, treating it like any other docuument.

This is not a good idea to use as a document..

 But that's not really using it as adatabasein the usual sense of
 live shared data. It's a good approach, however, for static data, such
 as historical records. For example, baseball statistics for a specific

 On the other hand, if you want to be able to access the data
 simultaneously from multiple applications, and at least one process
 somewhere is making changes, then you DO need a shareddatabase, and
 you DO want to expose it as a web service. Examples would be contacts
 databases, current sales figures, stock price tickers, etc.

How to expose any database as a webservice??
If u have any example code pls provide me..because im new to android
as well as database concepts..
Thats y i dont have clear idea on this..

 How I'd start, is to identify each logical kind of object, and define
 URL's to refer to each of them, and to each collection of them. These
 can be explicit entities in yourdatabase, or they can be the results
 of queries, where the query is encoded in the URL.

 Then I'd identify the data content of these, and write code to encode
 each entity into this format. I'd pick either JSON or XML as a base
 for my data format, just because they're readily available on most

So for communicating database(On remote server)  from our application
it is compulsory to write a driver like odbc???

 Then I'd define the operations on this data.

 I'm afraid I've been around this stuff to have a good beginning
 reference to suggest. But I will point out that the content: URIs used
 by the provider interface generally follow this pattern, so you can
 look at how the contacts provider has been designed.

 In terms of the actual mechanics, an HTTP-based RESTful interface uses
 regular HTTP connections and operations. The REST pattern is just an
 effective way to use HTTP to build a web application.

 On Mar 17, 9:40 pm, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks Bob,
  I got very good information from this...
  Let me explain thing i want to do..
  There is adatabasepresent at some 
  I want to access thisdatabasefrom my android application.. for this
  im using HttpURLConnection interface..

  The way that imaccessingthedatabaseis fine r not
                  URL url = new URL(http://www.uploadhub.com/mobile9/
                  HttpURLConnection conn =
  The code above i have given is some sample only..

  As u said how to implement RESTful interface instead of doing this??
  If u have any idea of code please let me know...

  Thanks for the information in advance..


  On Mar 18, 4:26 am, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:

   Please don't do this. You really, really don't want to do this. I've
   written about this before -- it's the wrong way for a lot of reasons
   -- security, interoperability, performance, maintainability,
   upgradability, compatibility with firewalls...

   What you want to do instead, is to build a web service, that exposes
   the proper functionality. I'd suggest a RESTful interface (google it;
   there are lots of examples and documents available), as it's more
   flexible and simpler than SOAP.

   You don't even want to expose yourdatabaseserver to the internet. It
   should be securely behind a firewall.

   And think about what happens when you want to change yourdatabase,
   and you have all these applications out there, expecting to be able to
   use specific SQL queries to get at the data. You cannot force users to
   upgrade. You can

[android-developers] Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
Hi folks,

Im new bie to android.. i want to access external database from my
android application..
I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get exact
idea how to implement??

Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if u have
any code related to it...

Thanks for the information in advance..


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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
Thanks for ur quick reply jim..

I want to access an existing database which is present on some


On Mar 17, 6:51 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Uday

 Is there an existing, specific external database that you wish to access? Or
 do you wish to set up a new database?


 On 17 March 2010 13:32, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi folks,

  Im new bie to android.. i want to access external database from my
  android application..
  I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get exact
  idea how to implement??

  Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if u have
  any code related to it...

  Thanks for the information in advance..


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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
YES..The database is present on the internet only..
The database should be in SQLite..OS is windows..

On Mar 17, 6:59 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
 OK what can you tell us about this database. Is it on the internet? What
 software is it running?

 On 17 March 2010 13:54, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks for ur quick reply jim..

  I want to access an existing database which is present on some


  On Mar 17, 6:51 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi Uday

   Is there an existing, specific external database that you wish to access?
   do you wish to set up a new database?


   On 17 March 2010 13:32, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi folks,

Im new bie to android.. i want to access external database from my
android application..
I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get exact
idea how to implement??

Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if u have
any code related to it...

Thanks for the information in advance..


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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
As of my knowledge in android we use HttpURLConnection to connect to
the database in the internet..
am i right Jim??

On Mar 17, 7:05 pm, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
 YES..The database is present on the internet only..
 The database should be in SQLite..OS is windows..

 On Mar 17, 6:59 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:

  OK what can you tell us about this database. Is it on the internet? What
  software is it running?

  On 17 March 2010 13:54, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

   Thanks for ur quick reply jim..

   I want to access an existing database which is present on some


   On Mar 17, 6:51 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Uday

Is there an existing, specific external database that you wish to 
do you wish to set up a new database?


On 17 March 2010 13:32, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi folks,

 Im new bie to android.. i want to access external database from my
 android application..
 I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get exact
 idea how to implement??

 Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if u have
 any code related to it...

 Thanks for the information in advance..


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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
OK... u have any example code which is used to work on this concept??

On Mar 17, 7:11 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
 Provided the database exposes an HTTP-based API, yes.

 On 17 March 2010 14:09, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  As of my knowledge in android we use HttpURLConnection to connect to
  the database in the internet..
  am i right Jim??

  On Mar 17, 7:05 pm, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
   YES..The database is present on the internet only..
   The database should be in SQLite..OS is windows..

   On Mar 17, 6:59 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:

OK what can you tell us about this database. Is it on the internet?
software is it running?

On 17 March 2010 13:54, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for ur quick reply jim..

 I want to access an existing database which is present on some


 On Mar 17, 6:51 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Uday

  Is there an existing, specific external database that you wish to
  do you wish to set up a new database?


  On 17 March 2010 13:32, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi folks,

   Im new bie to android.. i want to access external database from
   android application..
   I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get
   idea how to implement??

   Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if u
   any code related to it...

   Thanks for the information in advance..


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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
i may get the quick reference if i go to http://developer.android.com
Where this funtionality is to be added in android code??
in onCreate() method?

On Mar 17, 7:16 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Uday, I have to bow out here because this is too general a question for
 this list really. There are a great many ways to do what you are describing.
 I'd recommend getting a textbook or two on the topic.

 On 17 March 2010 14:13, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  OK... u have any example code which is used to work on this concept??

  On Mar 17, 7:11 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
   Provided the database exposes an HTTP-based API, yes.

   On 17 March 2010 14:09, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

As of my knowledge in android we use HttpURLConnection to connect to
the database in the internet..
am i right Jim??

On Mar 17, 7:05 pm, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
 YES..The database is present on the internet only..
 The database should be in SQLite..OS is windows..

 On Mar 17, 6:59 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:

  OK what can you tell us about this database. Is it on the internet?
  software is it running?

  On 17 March 2010 13:54, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

   Thanks for ur quick reply jim..

   I want to access an existing database which is present on some


   On Mar 17, 6:51 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Uday

Is there an existing, specific external database that you wish
do you wish to set up a new database?


On 17 March 2010 13:32, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com

 Hi folks,

 Im new bie to android.. i want to access external database
 android application..
 I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get
 idea how to implement??

 Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if
 any code related to it...

 Thanks for the information in advance..


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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
Thanks Bob,
I got very good information from this...
Let me explain thing i want to do..
There is a database present at some IP
I want to access this database from my android application.. for this
im using HttpURLConnection interface..

The way that im accessing the database is fine r not
URL url = new URL(http://www.uploadhub.com/mobile9/
HttpURLConnection conn =
The code above i have given is some sample only..

As u said how to implement RESTful interface instead of doing this??
If u have any idea of code please let me know...

Thanks for the information in advance..


On Mar 18, 4:26 am, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:
 Please don't do this. You really, really don't want to do this. I've
 written about this before -- it's the wrong way for a lot of reasons
 -- security, interoperability, performance, maintainability,
 upgradability, compatibility with firewalls...

 What you want to do instead, is to build a web service, that exposes
 the proper functionality. I'd suggest a RESTful interface (google it;
 there are lots of examples and documents available), as it's more
 flexible and simpler than SOAP.

 You don't even want to expose yourdatabaseserver to the internet. It
 should be securely behind a firewall.

 And think about what happens when you want to change yourdatabase,
 and you have all these applications out there, expecting to be able to
 use specific SQL queries to get at the data. You cannot force users to
 upgrade. You can just break, of course -- but you'll lose a lot of
 customers, and a lot of them will tell other customers to stay away --
 and they'd be right.

 Actually, I just saw the message that says you're using Sqllite. So
 you CAN'T even do it anyway, even if you wanted to. There is no
 network access to Sqllite.

 I'd saw sqllite isn't a good choice for a server application in any
 event. I'd suggest MySQL as an alternative. To quote the sqllite

 On the other hand, adatabaseengine that uses a server can provide
 better protection from bugs in the client application - stray pointers
 in a client cannot corrupt memory on the server. And because a server
 is a single persistent process, it is able to controldatabaseaccess
 with more precision, allowing for finer grain locking and better

 On Mar 17, 6:32 am, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi folks,

  Im new bie to android.. i want to accessexternaldatabasefrom my
  android application..
  I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get exact
  idea how to implement??

  Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if u have
  any code related to it...

  Thanks for the information in advance..

  Uday- Hide quoted text -

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[android-developers] screen Oroentation

2010-02-17 Thread uday kiran
Hi guys..

In my application i want to do Screen Orientation

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig)

This is the function that im using in onCreate() method.

But when i use this it is showing an error like

- Syntax error on token ), ; expected
- Syntax error on token (, ; expected
- void is an invalid type for the variable onConfigurationChanged

Its an important task..could anyone please respond to resolve my issue

Any help appreciated

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[android-developers] Screen Orientation in Android

2010-02-16 Thread uday kiran
Hi All..

Im facing some problems on Screen Orientation in android.
In my application one screen contains Name,Age(as EditTexts). When i
click on Name EditText internal Keypad is opening and some of the
buttons are hiding due to that keypad.

I have some questions regarding this.
1) Whether i need to shrink the application screen as per the keypad
2) How much space the keypad will occupy??
3) How to change from Portrait mode to landscape mode dynamically??

So Please help me to resolve the issue.

Any help greatly appreciated...

Thanks in advance

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[android-developers] Re: Switching between activities

2010-02-14 Thread uday kiran
Hi TreKing..

Thanks for the reply..sorry im using  EditTexts to enter the data..the
information is not retained.
i will send both XML file and .java file and let me know the bug in my

On Feb 11, 11:36 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 2:55 AM, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
  What i want to do is.. in Activity1 which is in Screen1 i have entered
  some data like Name,Age (all are in textview)

 Are you sure it's TextView you're using and not EditTexts? If you're
 manually entering information I would expect it to be the latter.

  and after i moved to
  Activity2 in Screen2 ..when i clicked Previous button in Screen2 the
  Activity1 in Screen1 has to be opened and it has to display the
  details what i entered previously.

 If you're actually using EditText's, they should retain the information you
 placed in them automatically. If this is not the case you should elaborate
 on how you're filling in this data and / or post some code.

 Pls help me out Its very urgent..

 I doubt that =P

 TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 

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[android-developers] Re: Switching between activities

2010-02-14 Thread uday kiran
Hi jotobjects

thanks for the reply..
actually im using EditTexts not TextView.. sorry for the wrong

On Feb 13, 1:24 am, jotobjects jotobje...@gmail.com wrote:
 Possibly setting android:freeezesText resolves this issue?


 On Feb 11, 10:36 am, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 2:55 AM, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
   What i want to do is.. in Activity1 which is in Screen1 i have entered
   some data like Name,Age (all are in textview)

  Are you sure it's TextView you're using and not EditTexts? If you're
  manually entering information I would expect it to be the latter.

   and after i moved to
   Activity2 in Screen2 ..when i clicked Previous button in Screen2 the
   Activity1 in Screen1 has to be opened and it has to display the
   details what i entered previously.

  If you're actually using EditText's, they should retain the information you
  placed in them automatically. If this is not the case you should elaborate
  on how you're filling in this data and / or post some code.

  Pls help me out Its very urgent..

  I doubt that =P

  TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 

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[android-developers] Switching between activities

2010-02-11 Thread uday kiran
Hi All,

Im new bee to android development..I have a small issue when switching
from one activity to another..
What i want to do is.. in Activity1 which is in Screen1 i have entered
some data like Name,Age (all are in textview) and after i moved to
Activity2 in Screen2 ..when i clicked Previous button in Screen2 the
Activity1 in Screen1 has to be opened and it has to display the
details what i entered previously.

I successfully transfered the information from Screen1 to Screen2 by
using putExtra(),getExtras()
How to display the text entered in Screen1  that was entered

Pls help me out Its very urgent..

Thanks for the information in advance


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