[android-developers] Upgrade Dev Phone to 2.0

2009-10-29 Thread vitalii.mi...@gmail.com

 Hi ,
 How can I update my Dev Phone 1 to Android 2.0  I don't see any
updates on http://developer.htc.com/adp.html
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[android-developers] HttpConnection forWifi

2009-10-29 Thread Nemat

Hi Friends

I have written my HttpConnection code for Android.I have also set
Network preferences. Should I change the code so that it would be able
to work for Wifi?or I dont need any change.Does the same code work for
Wifi correctly?Here is my code:

public static String http_get(String urlParameters)
String msg = ,uid = ;
int ch;

url = url + urlParameters ;

int BUFFER_SIZE = 2000;
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = OpenHttpConnection(url);
} catch (IOException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block


 InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader
 int charRead;
   String str = ;
   char[] inputBuffer = new char
 try {
 while ((charRead = isr.read(inputBuffer))
 //---convert the chars to a String---
 String readString =
0, charRead);
 str += readString;
 inputBuffer = new char[BUFFER_SIZE];
 } catch (IOException e) {
 // TODO Auto-generated catch block



uid = str.substring(2);




catch (Exception e)
  msg = e.toString();
return uid;

  public static String postData(String user,String file, String

  // Create a new HttpClient and Post Header
  HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
  HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(url+file);
  String result=;

  try {
   // Add your data
   ListNameValuePair nameValuePairs = new
   nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair(sID,
   nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair(content,
   httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity

   // Execute HTTP Post Request
   HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);

   InputStream is = response.getEntity().getContent();
   BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);
   ByteArrayBuffer baf = new ByteArrayBuffer(20);

int current = 0;
while((current = bis.read()) != -1){
  Log.d(GETANDPOST,new String(baf.toByteArray()));
  result=new String(baf.toByteArray());
   /* Convert the Bytes read to a String. */
  // text = new String(baf.toByteArray());
 //  tv.setText(text);

  } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  } catch (IOException e) {
   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  return result;

public String SetPreference() {
NetworkInfo info=connMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo();
   return (connMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo().getTypeName

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[android-developers] Re: taking a screen shot of whatever is drawn on the view...

2009-10-29 Thread Samuh

Thank you very much! :)
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[android-developers] Re: Couldn't update SDK to 2.0

2009-10-29 Thread Arron

I had the same error.  I just changed the URL to http instead of https
and it worked.

On Oct 28, 2:13 pm, Wayne Wenthin wa...@fuligin.com wrote:
 Download each item individually under android.   It will not create another
 directory (or at least mine didn't) and will install them under your current
 SDK directory.   Be patient and if if fails just try again one item at a
 time until they go through.   This is what worked for me.

 On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 5:26 AM, ishfb shishkov.i...@gmail.com wrote:

  Today I tried to download Platform 2.0 via Android SDK and AVD
  Manager. I chose it in Available Packages and started download.
  After it was finished SDK Manager showed a message
  Downloading SDK Platform Android 2.0, API 5, revision 1
  SSL peer shut down incorrectly

  Folder Android-2.0 didn't appear in platforms folder.

  I use Windows Vista.

  Does anybody have any idea what is the matter?

 Writing code is one of few things
 that teaches me I don't know everything.

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[android-developers] Re: Couldn't install Android 2.0 platform

2009-10-29 Thread Arron

change the url to http instead of https.  I had the same error and
that resolved it.

On Oct 28, 2:37 pm, Raphael r...@android.com wrote:
 Does it happen everytime you try to download?

 On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 4:04 AM, ishfb shishkov.i...@gmail.com wrote:

  I tried to install Android 2.0 platform via Android SDK and AVD
  Manager. In Available Packages I chosen to install SDK Platform
  Android 2.0, API 5, revision 1. The Manager started to download data.
  After download was fininshed I got message SSL peer shut down
  incorrectly. In the header there was a message Nothing was
  Any idea what is wrong? As far as know my friend also failed to
  install Platform 2.0 and he had the same messages in the Manager.
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[android-developers] Strange Exception

2009-10-29 Thread Samuh

In my application, the user selects an image from the sdcard. I
launch  Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT action for  image/* type. This
displays the com.android.camera/.ImageGallery2 activity. When the user
makes a selection, I create a Bitmap Object using Media.createBitmap

However, when the user was trying to open an image from the SD card
the app ran into strange errors.

Stack dump :

10-29 08:51:35.536: ERROR/IMemory(18142): binder=0x191868 transaction
failed fd=-2147483647, size=0, err=-2147483646 (Unknown error:
10-29 08:51:35.536: ERROR/IMemory(18142): cannot dup fd=-2147483647,
size=0, err=-2147483646 (Bad file number)
10-29 08:51:35.536: ERROR/IMemory(18142): cannot map BpMemoryHeap
(binder=0x191868), size=0, fd=-1 (Bad file number)
10-29 08:51:35.555: ERROR/Surface(18142): Couldn't map Surface's heap
(binder=0x191868, heap=0x1918c0)
10-29 08:51:35.555: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(18142): Shutting down VM
10-29 08:51:35.555: WARN/dalvikvm(18142): threadid=3: thread exiting
with uncaught exception (group=0x4000fe70)
10-29 08:51:35.585: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): Uncaught handler:
thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142):
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
android.view.Surface.lockCanvasNative(Native Method)
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
10-29 08:51:35.675: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18142): at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

Strangely, I was not able to recreate this, but it has got me
What does this error mean? What are the possible scenarios that can
lead to this error?


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[android-developers] Re: How to share a database between a free and paid version of an application

2009-10-29 Thread skyhigh

I finally figured out how to copy the database from my free
application to the paid application.

After rebuilding numerous times and testing many different
combinations I discovered the following:

1) It doesn't matter if I use the debug signing key or my release
signing key, as long as both the free and the paid versions are signed
with the same key.  This means that I can test with the debug version
and step through the code just fine if both versions have been signed
with the debug signing key.

2) Specifying a sharedUserId using a reference to a @string does NOT
work.  Even though both the free and the paid versions were built with
the same @string being specified for the sharedUserId Android always
assigned them different UIDs and threw a SecurityException when I
called createPackageContext with CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE.  Specifying the
sharedUserId WITHOUT using @string does work.

for both programs it would end up with both the free and the paid
versions of the application running with the same UID.

I think the source of my confusion here was the instructions given in
the Android reference documentation for the sharedUserLabel:

android:sharedUserLabel   A user-readable label for the shared user
ID. The label must be set as a reference to a string resource; it
cannot be a raw string.

Apparently the sharedUserId MUST be a raw string, and the
sharedUserLabel MUST NOT be a raw string.  It would have saved me a
lot of time if this was clearly documented in the reference.  If you
are going to be inconsistent, please clearly document the inconsistent

3) The database belonging to the free application must be opened using
the the paid application context.  The following code does NOT work:
  InputStream inputStream = freeContext.getAssets().open
But this code does work:
  FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(freeDbFile);

4) The directory where the new database file needs to be copied to
does not exist, and the directory must be created before the database
can be created.

Putting this all together, the code which works to copy the database

public static void readPreviousPackageDb(Context myContext)
File myDbFile = myContext.getDatabasePath(DATABASE_NAME);
if (myDbFile.exists()) {
// My database already exists
try {
Context freeContext = myContext.createPackageContext(
File freeDbFile = freeContext.getDatabasePath(DATABASE_NAME);
if (!freeDbFile.exists()) {
Log.e(TAG, Free database file is missing);
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(freeDbFile);
File myDbDirectory = new File(myDbFile.getParent());
if (!myDbDirectory.isDirectory()  !myDbDirectory.mkdirs()) {
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(myDbFile);
byte buffer[] = new byte[2048];
do {
int bytesRead = inputStream.read(buffer);
if (bytesRead = 0) {
outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
} while (true);
Log.i(TAG, Successfully copied database from the free 
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.i(TAG, Could not copy database from free version  +

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[android-developers] Re: how to read the app package under /data/app

2009-10-29 Thread Zhihong GUO
Hi all,
I just find a solution on get app package binary:

first, the manifest.xml should have permission: INSTALL_PACKAGE


PackageManager pm = this.getPackageManager();
Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
ListResolveInfo appList = pm.queryIntentActivities(mainIntent,
Collections.sort(appList, new
int count = appList.size();
for (int i = 0 ;i  count; i++){
 new File f = new
if (f != null){
read file binary here

My question now is why the application's name under system/app have
different format from the app under /data/app. For example, the app under
system folder is looks like AlarmClock.apk, while the app under /data/app
fold is com..xxx.test.apk.

2009/10/28 vovkab vov...@gmail.com

 Seems like, you don't know what you need.

 Use WallpaperManager to get wallpapper. Why you need filename from
 package o_O?

 On 28 окт, 10:46, Zhihong GUO gzhh...@gmail.com wrote:
  Can you give some example code on how to get the file name of the current
  2009/10/27 vovkab vov...@gmail.com
   Yes you can.
   Just read it with
   File apkfile = new File(/data/app/com.package.name);
   On 27 окт, 11:43, Zhihong GUO gzhh...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi All,
I want to read out the binary content of the .apk packages installed
/data/app. Not only the package information, but the content of the
How can I do that.
Thanks a lot,

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[android-developers] PNG optimization on packaging process

2009-10-29 Thread Ian

Hi all,

I've noticed that the PNGs of my application with some gradients
effects looked terribly bad at the device (a Samsung Galaxy) and at
the emulator, and I've found the following note at the documentation

Note: Image resources placed in res/drawable/ may be automatically
optimized with lossless image compression by the aapt tool. For
example, a true-color PNG that does not require more than 256 colors
may be converted to an 8-bit PNG with a color palette. This will
result in an image of equal quality but which requires less memory. So
be aware that the image binaries placed in this directory can change
during the build. If you plan on reading an image as a bit stream in
order to convert it to a bitmap, put your images in the res/raw/
folder instead, where they will not be optimized.

I've tried the res/raw suggestion, but it didn't worked.

I've tried to use the image as JPEG as a workaround, but I couldn't
use 9-patch.

I've uploaded a comparison between the original png and the
optimized png that is shown on the emulator or devices:

One workaround would be put the images at /assets/ and manually load
and set the image on the ImageViews, but it requires a lot of code

Any ideas? Is there any way to disable this optimization?

Thanks in advance,

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[android-developers] Re: Detecting Long Press on a Map Overlay

2009-10-29 Thread kas


Could you provide a little more detail on how you implemented this?  I
am fuzzy execute a Runnable in the Activity from the Overlay object.


On Oct 12, 12:31 pm, Phil philippe.famille.me...@gmail.com wrote:

 May be this is a late answer !
 Never mind, as I went through this problem, I post here the solution I
 As the ACTION_DOWN is called only once while the user is pressing the
 screen, the idea is to post a delayed event to detected the long press

 What I've done :

 At the beginning of the class extending View :

 final Handler handler = new Handler();
 Runnable mLongPressed = new Runnable() {
         public void run() { if (downMode) mAct.openContextMenu
 (ObjectView.this); }  // To open the context menu


 In the callback :
 public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) {
         switch(e.getAction()) {
                 case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                         handler.postDelayed(mLongPressed, 1500);  
 //LongPressed after
                         downMode = true;

 In the other modes such as ACTION_MOVE and ACTION_UP, I reset the
 downMode boolean to false. So when the delay expires, if the user is
 still pressing the screen, downMode is true and I show the context

 Hope this helps a bit !


 On 14 août, 00:11, mscwd01 mscw...@gmail.com wrote:

  That sounds like a hacky way of doing things, isn't there a proper
  way of implementing this?

  On Aug 13, 4:49 pm, Pugnap00 shanenelso...@gmail.com wrote:

   What about setting up a time for when the screen is being pressed. You
   could use a while loop, and after a certain amount of ticks you execue
   your code.

   On Aug 13, 7:47 am, mscwd01 mscw...@gmail.com wrote:


I want to be able to detect where a user has long pressed on my Map

The idea being to get the GeoPoint of the location the user pressed.

I can detect where a user taps, but cannot find how to detect a long

Any ideas?


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[android-developers] Re: Couldn't install Android 2.0 platform

2009-10-29 Thread sanczo_dev

I have the similar problem. But after download i get: unzip failed:
Cannot run program chmod: java.io.IOException: error=24, too many
files opened. I downloading Android 2.0 sdk and API 5. I have
installed already sdk 1.1 and 1.5 before AVD comes.

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[android-developers] how to be paid by the market?

2009-10-29 Thread shadow_of__soul


i'm interested to develop games for the android platform, but i have a
question that i haven't been able to answer.

i'm from argentina, if i pay the $25 fee, i'm able to publish my app
in the store, but how i'm paid the revenue if i publish a paid app?
wire transfer? check?

also, there is any other requirement to publish paid app's in the


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[android-developers] Re: Eclair install choked with errors about locks and died horribly leaving corrupted install

2009-10-29 Thread DanN

I was having the same issue:

Failed to rename directory
M:\android-sdk-windows\temp\DocPackage.new01 to
-= Warning ! =-
A folder failed to be renamed or moved. On Windows this typically
means that
a program is using that folder (for example Windows Explorer.) Please
all running programs that may be locking the directory
'M:\android-sdk-windows\temp\DocPackage.new01' and try again.

I turned off my internet security program (Kaspersky) and tried the
install again, and it worked without any problems.

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[android-developers] Re: Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml

2009-10-29 Thread lazy1

 The file is ~/.android/androidtool.cfg

 try to create it manually and add one line to it:
Same problem on Ubuntu 9.10, the above solution does not work.

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[android-developers] SDK contents re: com.android.vending

2009-10-29 Thread android kracker

Where is the source tree for the package: com.android.vending...?

Also, is there a link explaining why this is not in the public source
tree available via Git? Is it, only because of the dev phones? Doesn't
stop rooted phones or eventual reversing. If it is not available to
developers, but only phone manufacturers, why is it in the open source
package com.android and not in com.google.android instead, because it
is not open source? Please correct me, if I’m misguided.

Why I ask and my diatribe:

I've installed the Android source code via Git and have successfully
executed make. As a developer, I want to totally understand the
vending code, the Market interface, and the client-side operation of
the Market app. I want to understand the limitations and
vulnerabilities surrounding app publishing and how to secure
applications from being pirated (I may even want to create a new
Market app.)  Yea, I know it’s a pipe dream, but at least, I can try
to limit pirating to only the most determined and brightest pirates.

I need to find a way to automatically link a downloaded app to a
phone, and possibly a customer. I want to be able to employ a callback
design and auto-register an app upon download, creating a unique app
instance per phone. If the app is pulled and installed into another
phone then the app will not function correctly, because it is not on
the correct phone. Possible? Sure it is. I just need to determine
where the Market fits into this story and design for or around it.

It would be nice if the Market had a callback feature for vendors to
employ, so vendors could serialize there apps and generate a license
key incorporating the phone's serial number.

Problem is there is no way to stop a hacker from getting your app and
cracking it. They don’t even need a phone to access the market,
because the emulator can be engineered to access the market and
download apps. And if not the emulator then a rooted phone can
introspect and capture all I/O and traces of market interfacing too.

This means vendors should use the market as a proxy to the real app
and force the user to download missing code which requires the phones
serial number to unlock the app, which has dynamically generated code
embedded that only runs on that phone. There are several ways to
accomplish this.

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[android-developers] Re: Android WVGA support

2009-10-29 Thread Jeff

Looks like -v4 flag doesn't work in Android 2.0. On emulator with WVGA
screen my app loads drawable-hdpi, but ignores drawable-hdpi-v4.
Ideas anyone?

On Oct 22, 8:38 am, Nikolay Ananiev devuni...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why did I put my high-dpi images in the drawable-hdpi-v4 folder and not in
 drawable-hdpi? Because the Android 1.5 OS can't handle the -hdpi and tries
 to use these images instead of the ones in the res/drawable folder. The -v4
 flag is only meaningful for Android 1.6 and works perfect.

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[android-developers] Re: App name/icon problems on Hero after reboot

2009-10-29 Thread Arron La

My application started having this problem after I updated the
launcher activity with a different root package. Here's the sequence:

1) Install application on the phone with [com.package] as the path to
my launcher activity.
2) Changed the path to be [com.package2] and updated the
3) Now some Hero phones are encountering the the bug you have
described above with the icon.  Somehow the old package path is being
cached and you will get an exception when rebooting the phone

Let me know if you did something similar where you installed your
application on your phone and then changed it during later

On Oct 28, 4:21 pm, gdonald gdon...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Oct 27, 9:35 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  1. Is this test phone a Sprint Hero (US), or a different Hero?

 Mine is a US Hero.

  2. What firmware are you running? The build number on my devices is:

  1.22.651.1 146733 CL62456 release-keys

 Mine has: 1.29.651.1 CL69164 release-keys

  3. Is the app that is giving you this behavior available for me to test to
  see if I get the same behavior?

 I'm waiting until I get this issue worked out before placing it in the
 marketplace.  First impressions, etc.

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[android-developers] Re: Android WVGA support

2009-10-29 Thread Jeff

Looks like -v4 flag doesn't work in Android 2.0. Any ideas?

On Oct 22, 8:38 am, Nikolay Ananiev devuni...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is how I made my app resolution-independent and with Android 1.5 legacy

 Why did I put my high-dpi images in the drawable-hdpi-v4 folder and not in
 drawable-hdpi? Because the Android 1.5 OS can't handle the -hdpi and tries
 to use these images instead of the ones in the res/drawable folder. The -v4
 flag is only meaningful for Android 1.6 and works perfect.

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[android-developers] Re: Android 2.0 Bluetooth Code Samples

2009-10-29 Thread CLC

Hi jb,

  Here is some sample code that uses Bluetooth:

  This is the demo that was shown in the Eclair 2.0 video. You run the
app on two (or more) Android 2.0 devices, and you can then flick the
Android robot between the screens of the devices as if it were all
just one big screen.


On Oct 27, 5:25 pm, jb jburket...@gmail.com wrote:
 Does anyone have any working code with the added Bluetooth support?
 Also, were you able to get Bluetooth working in the AVD? Thanks.

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[android-developers] problem with TabHost

2009-10-29 Thread tatman

I cannot get a tabhost with xml resource to work.  In the debugger I
see the exception RuntimeException, Your content must have a TabHost
whose id attribute is 'android.R.id.tabhost'

I have set the id of my tabhost element to tabhost.  I've also set it
in pretty much every other control.  I've looked at a number of
samples nothing is standing out as to what I did wrong.  Im at a

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?

   android:text=tab 1
   android:text=tab 2
   android:text=tab 3

Any ideas  ?

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[android-developers] Re: Android 2.0 (eclair) source

2009-10-29 Thread tu

Yes, I also entered the same error message, some body can help us
ASAP? thanks and best regards.

On 10月29日, 上午2时53分, Doug dougforp...@gmail.com wrote:
 Any idea when theeclairsourcewill be available via git?
 If I try to init a repo with -beclair I get an error stating that
 the manifest is missing.
 If I init a repo to head there doesn't seem to be much/anyeclaircode
 in there.

 Why do I ask?  Well, the docs looks like they're still in the process
 of being updated (fair enough) but certain methods that have now been
 deprecated don't seem to have been replaced with ones that perform
 similar tasks - I need to browse thesourceso I can find out how to
 get my application working against this new build.

 (I got the following init command fromhttp://source.android.com/download)

 $ repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git -beclair
 Getting repo ...
    from git://android.git.kernel.org/tools/repo.git
 remote: Counting objects: 945, done.
 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (372/372), done.
 remote: Total 945 (delta 592), reused 894 (delta 553)
 Receiving objects: 100% (945/945), 282.14 KiB, done.
 Resolving deltas: 100% (592/592), done.
  * [new branch]      eclair    - origin/eclair
 From git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest
  * [new tag]        android-1.0 -android-1.0
 fatal: manifest 'default.xml' not available
 fatal: manifest default.xml not found

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[android-developers] Re: BluetoothAdapter - ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED

2009-10-29 Thread CLC

skink is right.

Here's a simple example of creating a list of discovered devices:

Hope this helps! :)


On Oct 28, 1:02 pm, skink psk...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Oct 28, 5:10 pm, Ne0 liamjamesalf...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Ok i may be missing something here, but i can't see any documentation
  on what (if any) data is returned with Intent

  I would hope that there is a list of discovered devices, but i cant
  find any documentation on it plus i don't have an android phone to
  test this on.

  Any idea's on how we get the actually get a List of discovered
  devices back? or is it possible from the SDK?



  Also anyone know where i can get an Android 2 image for the ADP1,
  still waiting for the source code!!


 you have to register for ACTION_FOUND


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[android-developers] Re: VerifyError and Content Providers

2009-10-29 Thread Javen

Have you resolved it? and how
I have the same problem as yours.

On Oct 10, 12:58 am, jsdf jasons...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Oct 9, 10:30 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

   Has anyone encountered this issue and corrected it?

  Have your client APK use the Uri directly, rather than through a public
  static data member in aclassthat is not in its APK.

  Or, use a common JAR that contains the CONTENT_URI definition, and
  reference that JAR from both APKs.

 Great, thanks.
 I appreciate the help, Mark.

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[android-developers] getting open source eclair source code

2009-10-29 Thread Vishwanath Madapura Gangaraju

could any one tell me how to get open source eclair code. or is it
available for public to download.

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[android-developers] Re: VerifyError and Content Providers

2009-10-29 Thread Javen

Have you resolved it? and how
I have the same problem as yours.

On Oct 10, 12:58 am, jsdf jasons...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Oct 9, 10:30 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

   Has anyone encountered this issue and corrected it?

  Have your client APK use the Uri directly, rather than through a public
  static data member in aclassthat is not in its APK.

  Or, use a common JAR that contains the CONTENT_URI definition, and
  reference that JAR from both APKs.

 Great, thanks.
 I appreciate the help, Mark.

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[android-developers] Using TransitionDrawable to make a transition with 3 elements

2009-10-29 Thread chaitanya

  According to the android documentation of TransitionDrawable we
have 2 use atleast 2 drawables to make the transition work. Also, the
method startTransition(int) states that only the 2nd layer is placed
on top of d 1st layer.
 So, if i have 3 drawables how do i make a transition from the first
drawable resource to the last i.e third one?? I tried using
startTransition(int) and it only makes a transition till the 2nd
drawable resource.


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[android-developers] Re: Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml

2009-10-29 Thread orange80

Ok, I got it working on my machine, this may apply to you guys too...
To run the android SDK manager in the first place, I exported the x86
lib directory inside of /android-sdk-mac/tools/, then I pointed the
JDK home in the android file to another place other than i's default.
That caused it to get the null error message when it tried to download
the packages.  Once I set up my Java config to accommodate android's
desired location for JDK 1.5 (32-bit) it worked fine.  This seems like
a strange glitch... they must be hard-coding the Java location
somewhere in the app aside from the java_cmd variable inside the
android sdk launcher.

Maybe this will point you in the right direction for getting Linux
android sdk working, I hope...
Also I will say that I _DID_ have to use the force http setting,
even with all that I did above.

Good luck!

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[android-developers] Re: Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml

2009-10-29 Thread orange80

We already know about that... our problem is that the force http
workaround DOES NOT work for us either.

On Oct 28, 1:57 pm, GSmurf gsmu...@gmail.com wrote:
 If you are on windows you could go in settings options and checked in
 misc section force https:// ... sources to be fetched using http://...;
 restart application and that's works !!

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[android-developers] use data network while connected to wifi

2009-10-29 Thread syronet

Is it possible to use the cellular 3g data network while connected to
wifi ?

I want to create connection through the 3g network while wifi is also

Any help is greatly appreciated

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[android-developers] Re: My appwidget broken Donut when keyboard slide out/in

2009-10-29 Thread Eong

Yeap. My users reported this to me today. The OTA release has the same
bug. They should push a fixed update right now.

On 10月28日, 下午1时58分, drasticp drast...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm seeing the same issue. I've even tried commenting out all of the
 onUpdate code and the widget still crashes aCore. This problem only
 seems to occur with 1.6. Any ideas? Anyone else having the same issue?
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[android-developers] Google Streetview for 2.0 emulator, to test invocation through an Intent

2009-10-29 Thread JP

My apps invoke Google Streetview through an Intent (as document here:
Right now I am testing things out for Android 2.0. In the absence of a
physical device, this is through emulator testing only, for now.
I noticed the Google apps, which are needed to test the above, are
missing in  2.0. I did some poking around but couldn't find a source
to install those on the emulator (I am aware there's been some
commotion around that aspect of Android...). So I tried the Cyanogen
(sp?) route, pull Street.apk off a 1.6 device and then adb install it
in the emulator. That didn't work... Street.apk is reported as already
existing, and I cannot replace it (failure).
BTW: I cross checked this method against Maps.apk, and that went
through OK.

Anybody got an idea how to properly install street view on the 2.0
emulator? (Did I fundamentally miss something here?)

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[android-developers] Re: PNG optimization on packaging process

2009-10-29 Thread webmonkey

To do a true comparison of what the PNG is like after 'optimization'
take it out of the final APK, it is just a zip archive.

The banding artifacts you see are because the device and the emulator
are displaying in 16-bit 565 pixel format, they can't display all the
colors. Have you tried painting the image with Paint.setDither(true)
turned on:


On Oct 28, 9:20 pm, Ian iangm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I've noticed that the PNGs of my application with some gradients
 effects looked terribly bad at the device (a Samsung Galaxy) and at
 the emulator, and I've found the following note at the documentation

 Note: Image resources placed in res/drawable/ may be automatically
 optimized with lossless image compression by the aapt tool. For
 example, a true-color PNG that does not require more than 256 colors
 may be converted to an 8-bit PNG with a color palette. This will
 result in an image of equal quality but which requires less memory. So
 be aware that the image binaries placed in this directory can change
 during the build. If you plan on reading an image as a bit stream in
 order to convert it to a bitmap, put your images in the res/raw/
 folder instead, where they will not be optimized.

 I've tried the res/raw suggestion, but it didn't worked.

 I've tried to use the image as JPEG as a workaround, but I couldn't
 use 9-patch.

 I've uploaded a comparison between the original png and the
 optimized png that is shown on the emulator or 

 One workaround would be put the images at /assets/ and manually load
 and set the image on the ImageViews, but it requires a lot of code

 Any ideas? Is there any way to disable this optimization?

 Thanks in advance,
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[android-developers] Re: My appwidget broken Donut when keyboard slide out/in

2009-10-29 Thread String

On Oct 29, 6:51 am, Eong eong.c...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yeap. My users reported this to me today. The OTA release has the same
 bug. They should push a fixed update right now.

FWIW, I'm not convinced it's a bug in Donut. I'm not seeing the same
issue in my widgets, and I do plenty in onUpdate. If you genuinely
think it's a platform bug, produce a minimal test case and write it
up, please.

I'm assuming you're aware that keyboard open/close on an HTC Dream
destroys and recreates the widget instance, so if (for example) you're
referencing any static vars in your code, those will no longer exist.
I'm also assuming that you're sending a complete set of views to the
RemoteViews object every time, or you probably would have had trouble
before now. But you might check those things. :^)

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[android-developers] Re: Eclair install choked with errors about locks and died horribly leaving corrupted install

2009-10-29 Thread Armond Avanes


I'm installing from command-line using SDK Setup.exe but the same locking
problem still exists for me.

I just installed Process Explorer and monitored the process which is
locking android-sdk-windows\temp\... directory. While downloading the
package not even a single process has any lock on it. But while installing,
only java.exe keeps the lock once in a while (I pressed the Search
button many times quickly while installing, to have a live view of what's
going on). As an important note, after several retries I succeeded once to
download and install android-1.1!! I guess it may be a threading problem
because for the one I succeed I was pressing/repressing the Search button
quickly (on Process Explorer) and it kinda slowed down my computer a bit.
Just thought it may help!

And by the way I'm running JDK 1.6.0_12.

After all, I'm still on my opinion. In the case of failure, the update
process should try to COPY the contents instead of moving/renaming. And a
warning that some garbage have been left on temp directory. For those of
us on slow connections it's really a pain to download that much and throw it
away!!! I guess I've downloaded 500MB worth of data so far and still


 -Original Message-
 From: android-developers@googlegroups.com [mailto:android-
 develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Raphael
 Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 9:55 PM
 To: android-developers@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [android-developers] Re: Eclair install choked with errors about
 locks and died horribly leaving corrupted install
 Hey, do you still have the lock issue from Eclipse?
 I could use a bit of help understand what's going on:
 - Install Process Explorer from
 - Run Process Explorer
 - Go to Find  Find Handle
 - Search for the one of the locked path, e.g. C:\android-sdk-windows-
 - Tell me which process is locking it.
 That will help me a lot :-)
 On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Jim Showalter
 jamesleeshowal...@gmail.com wrote:
  Followed the instructions in
  http://developer.android.com/sdk/adding-components.html for adding 2.0
  components to an existing 1.6 SDK, from within Eclipse.
  It didn't work. Not by a long shot. Instead, it got partway through and
  said that C:\android-sdk-windows-1.6_r1\
  temp\DocPackage.new01 couldn't be copied because of a lock, and
  for PlatformPackage.new01.
  It said to shut down running programs, but the only program running was
  Eclipse, which was needed to do the upgrade.
  The cancel button was disabled, and the close box didn't work. Shutting
  Eclipse killed it, but left C:\android-sdk-windows-1.6_r1 in a corrupted
  state. Restarting Eclipse showed the Android projects with errors, no
  and a disabled Android SDK and AVD Manager (which means no ability to
  the install).
  Shutting down Eclipse, renaming the corrupted SDK directory, unzipping
  again into C:, and restarting Eclipse made it as if nothing had ever
  happened, which is good. But it is not possible to complete the install
  Eclipse, which is bad.
  The dialog says:
  Failed to rename directory
  C:\android-sdk-windows-1.6_r1\temp\DocPackage.new01 to
  -= Warning ! =-
  A folder failed to be renamed or moved. On Windows this typically means
  a program is using that folder (for example Windows Explorer.) Please
  all running programs that may be locking the directory
  'C:\android-sdk-windows-1.6_r1\temp\DocPackage.new01' and try again.
  Failed to rename directory
  C:\android-sdk-windows-1.6_r1\temp\DocPackage.new01 to
  -= Warning ! =-
  A folder failed to be renamed or moved. On Windows this typically means
  a program is using that folder (for example Windows Explorer.) Please
  all running programs that may be locking the directory
  'C:\android-sdk-windows-1.6_r1\temp\DocPackage.new01' and try again.
  Installed: SDK Platform Android 2.0, API 5 (tools rev: 3)

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[android-developers] Re: app gives layout errors only on Sprint HTC Hero devices

2009-10-29 Thread Jayesh

On Oct 21, 10:24 pm, Streets Of Boston flyingdutc...@gmail.com
 That's why i put 'official' in quotes :-)

 One should not manipulate windows/views in any other thread than the
 main UI-thread (e.g. textView.setText(...) or imageView.setImageBitmap
 (...), hiding/showing views, etc.). If you do this in a background
 thread, then you may get exceptions or other weird behavior.

 If 'inflating a view' falls under the 'manipulating windows/views'
 category then one should not inflate views inside any other thread by
 the main UI-thread.

You are right. I finally got a report yesterday from one of the users
that a modified apk that does view inflating in GUI thread, doesn't
give this problem. I have released the fix accordingly and got one
more user confirming that it's working for him now.

So thanks for the advice. Inflating view in a thread other than GUI
thread, indeed seems to be unsupported, even if it doesn't throw any
explicit exception deterministically.

 I'm just saying: try to do the inflate in the main UI-thread and check
 if this solves the problem for HTC Heros. If so, your particular
 problem is fixed.

 On Oct 21, 11:34 am, Jayesh Salvi jayeshsa...@gmail.com wrote:


  read more »

  On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Streets Of Boston

   I still would try to inflate your view inside your main gui-thread and
   not in a seperate background thread.

   The fact that it works on other phones does not guarantee it works on
   all phones, if inflating views on non-gui threads is 'officially' not

  Could you elaborate on how it is 'officially' not supported?

  I know that a particular exception is thrown if the framework finds that a
  different thread is trying to manipulate widgets in view hierarchy.(I hit it
  yesterday elsewhere in the code, and it is not the same as this error). I
  haven't found any documentation in this matter, that mentions what is
  supported/forbidden practice in this matter. Did I miss something?

   Who knows, it may fix it (if you already haven't tried it). :-)
   But i may be wrong...

   On Oct 20, 11:57 pm, Jayesh Salvi jayeshsa...@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks Shane and Amir for confirming the doubts.
It's frustrating that all I can say to users is to wait until Sprint/HTC
issues firmware update, then hopefully the problem will be fixed. The
are willing to test if I have any fix, but I can't find root cause even
after looking inside the android code, let alone a fix/workaround.

Does anyone know if Sprint or HTC have any channels to report 
Are there any means to know when they will issue next firmware update?

IIUC Sprint HTC Hero is with Google branded phone. I would have 
would be the one with most conformance to Android platform; one that has
passed all test suites required to qualify for the with Google logo.
we see these anomalies. :(


On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Amir Alagic amirs...@gmail.com wrote:

 I saw somwhere else that one developer also has problems only with HTC
 Hero (Sprint) ...

 On Oct 18, 9:48 am, Shane shanemenchi...@gmail.com wrote:
  We are having problems only with HTC Hero phones as well.  Our issue
  is different that yours but it is very disappointing to see not all
  phones handle the SDK the same.


  I suspect this is just going to get worse as more branded android
  experiences get released by manufacturers.  G

  On Oct 12, 9:46 pm, Jayesh Salvi jayeshsa...@gmail.com wrote:

   I tried to look into the android framework code
   android.view.InflateException Error inflating class
   java.lang.reflect.Constructorl=458). The topmost frame refers to
   statement(line 512) that is inside a catch of a lower level
   can't tell what part of the createView() function throws that 
   I also tried to search around for the error string Error 
   java.lang.reflect.Constructor, but couldn't found one with a
   trace. (There are known crashes with this error message caused
   android.preference.* package, but mine is a simple widget layout
   preferences, as you might have seen in the XML file I attached

   I now have 9 reports of this crash and all of them are confirmed 
   Sprint HTC Hero devices. This problem hasn't been reported on any
   phone. Is it fair to assume that it's a problem in that particular
   that's so, then what options do I have to resolve this issue -

[android-developers] Re: Eclair install choked with errors about locks and died horribly leaving corrupted install

2009-10-29 Thread skink

On Oct 29, 8:25 am, Armond Avanes armond...@yahoo.com wrote:
For those of
 us on slow connections it's really a pain to download that much and throw it
 away!!! I guess I've downloaded 500MB worth of data so far and still

hi Armond,

you can manually download stuff from:


and then unzip it to platforms folder

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[android-developers] Does DexClassLoader works correctly?

2009-10-29 Thread mongd

I've been trying to load a class with DexClassLoader, but it doesn't
really work.
There was a couple of posts about this, so I tried some of them, but
it didn't work.

Here's my code:

DexClassLoader dLoader = new DexClassLoader(/data/app/
com.testpackage.test2.apk, /data/dalvik-cache, null,
try {
Class cLoad = 

} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
Log.d(ERROR, Class Not Found);

As you can see, I used /data/dalvik-cache for the 2nd parameter of
DexClassLoader constructor because I found the dex file of this
package in that directory. (I saw a person used /data/app-private,
but that directory has nothing in it)

When I ran this code, I got 'ClassNotFound' exception, and right
before that, I got the following log, Can't open dex cache '/data/
dalvik-cache/com.testpackage.test2.dex': No such file or directory.

If you look into the directory, '/data/dalvik-cache', all dex files
are preceded with the directory where it is located, but it appears
that DexClassLoader doesn't know about that. I mean if I'm right about
the dexOuputPath, it should try to find dex with

Is this a kind of bug? or... am I doing something wrong?
Please help me~!! T^T

Great thanks in advance. =D
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[android-developers] Re: 3D Developers - Motorola Droid OpenGL ES Specs are in

2009-10-29 Thread Robert Green

I'm sure you're right about that.  I'll update my manifest to test.
Boy, we're in kind of a bad spot right now.  Hero just came out and is
only 1.5 but next week we'll have a 2.0 device to deal with...

On Oct 28, 11:40 pm, Lance Nanek lna...@gmail.com wrote:
 Wow, interesting stuff. Thanks!

 The resolution you mention on your site sounds odd, though:

 Native 3D full screen size: 569x320

 The Motorola site claims a different resolution:3.7; WVGA (480 x 854 
 pixels); 16:9 widescreen


 If you don't have the android:targetSdkVersion attribute in your
 manifest set high enough, or it is missing and you don't have the
 android:minSdkVersion attribute set high enough, then sometimes the
 system reports a lower resolution than native for compatibility
 purposes. Maybe that's why you are seeing the lower resolution in your

 Some examples in this 

 On Oct 28, 11:35 pm, Robert Green rbgrn@gmail.com wrote:

  I just got my hands on this phone.  Here's my summary:

  1)  It's really fast.  Runs all my games at max framerates.
  2)  The screen is 16:9 and will probably mess with your layouts and
  games and stuff.
  3)  It has a PowerVR SGX530.  That's right around iPhone 3GS's GPU
  speed.  Wow!!

  I believe the hardware supports OpenGL ES 2.0 but since Android
  doesn't, there's no way to use it right now.  I did, however, dump all
  of the GL extensions and put them alongside the G1 and Emulator
  extension lists into this handy-dandy article 

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[android-developers] Re: A table-type layout with the contents centered inside

2009-10-29 Thread Miguel Paraz

On Oct 22, 8:05 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
  I would like a table-style layout where the cell sizes are
  automatically computed, without using AbsoluteLayout to position

  For example, the table has width 320 and height 240. For a 4x4 cell
  table, each cell is of width 80 and height 60.

  Inside each cell, I'd like the images centered inside. For example, if
  the image is of width 40 and height 30, they will be positioned at
  (20, 15) inside each cell.

  I can't see how TableLayout supports - does it?

 Not the automatically computed part. There is no layout that achieves
 your desired effect and does the automatically computed part.GridView
 does the automatically computed work, but it is not a layout, but a
 selection widget (extends AdapterView).

Hi Mark,
GridView plus using ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER does achieve the effect
I want.
The drawback is that I need to set the ImageViews and their intents in
It's no big deal for now, but going forward I'd like to make this into
a Layout so I can do the layout in XML.

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[android-developers] Re: Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml

2009-10-29 Thread skink

On Oct 28, 7:01 pm, Babak babakre...@gmail.com wrote:
 I also experience this issue, Im on a clean install of Ubuntu 9.04,
 have tried
 to make the file androidtool.cfg and chmod 777  the directory ./

 Nothing so far, would it be possible to provide a link to a download
 each platform as a zip etc, for the mean while?



try this one:




when you are penguin fan :)

and the unzip it to platforms folder

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[android-developers] Looking for Custom Layout/ViewGroup Tutorial

2009-10-29 Thread Miguel Paraz

Could you recommend a tutorial for custom Layouts / ViewGroups? I
couldn't find one.

My first project is to move the functionality of a GridView + Adapter
to a ViewGroup, to put the enclosed Views in a grid.

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[android-developers] Re: Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml

2009-10-29 Thread Cédric Berger

I can't download through a proxy requiring authentication.

I had to select force http, and put user/password for proxy in JVM
command line. This way I can get the list of available updates.
But when trying to download, it stays stuck (looks like it waits for
user/password, but no prompt).

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[android-developers] Re: Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml

2009-10-29 Thread Cédric Berger

2009/10/29 Cédric Berger cedric.berge...@gmail.com:
 I can't download through a proxy requiring authentication.

 I had to select force http, and put user/password for proxy in JVM
 command line. This way I can get the list of available updates.
 But when trying to download, it stays stuck (looks like it waits for
 user/password, but no prompt).

Oh in fact it is ok. Through a second proxy (with authentication too)
it worked. Looks like the first proxy (a bit more restrictive) blocked
the downloading url. (I could not check why since the URL is not

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[android-developers] Re: BluetoothAdapter - ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED

2009-10-29 Thread Ne0

Ah yes, so i was missing something, thanks.


On Oct 29, 1:15 am, CLC clchen+...@google.com wrote:
 skink is right.

 Here's a simple example of creating a list of discovered 

 Hope this helps! :)


 On Oct 28, 1:02 pm, skink psk...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Oct 28, 5:10 pm, Ne0 liamjamesalf...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Ok i may be missing something here, but i can't see any documentation
   on what (if any) data is returned with Intent

   I would hope that there is a list of discovered devices, but i cant
   find any documentation on it plus i don't have an android phone to
   test this on.

   Any idea's on how we get the actually get a List of discovered
   devices back? or is it possible from the SDK?



   Also anyone know where i can get an Android 2 image for the ADP1,
   still waiting for the source code!!


  you have to register for ACTION_FOUND


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[android-developers] Re: cant see my text box while typing on soft keypad

2009-10-29 Thread zeeshan

any help plz

On Oct 28, 4:10 pm, zeeshan genx...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Dear,

 i have a relative layout with Edit text fileds and some buttons at
 when i try to write anything on edittext field in the middle of
 screen, it just being hidden by the keypad and buttons layout comes on

 any idea how can i have soft keypad working fine for my edit texts?
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[android-developers] Re: 3D Developers - Motorola Droid OpenGL ES Specs are in

2009-10-29 Thread MrChaz

Thanks for that,

Assuming Anandtech is right about the 3gs that chip is actually
I'm guessing they'll open 2.0 later - they did hint at another sdk by
years end.

On Oct 29, 3:35 am, Robert Green rbgrn@gmail.com wrote:
 I just got my hands on this phone.  Here's my summary:

 1)  It's really fast.  Runs all my games at max framerates.
 2)  The screen is 16:9 and will probably mess with your layouts and
 games and stuff.
 3)  It has a PowerVR SGX530.  That's right around iPhone 3GS's GPU
 speed.  Wow!!

 I believe the hardware supports OpenGL ES 2.0 but since Android
 doesn't, there's no way to use it right now.  I did, however, dump all
 of the GL extensions and put them alongside the G1 and Emulator
 extension lists into this handy-dandy article 
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[android-developers] My layout doesn't fit on WVGA emulator skin , any help?

2009-10-29 Thread zeeshan

Hi Experts,

i been working on default skin before, if i change my skin to WVGA ,
my layout displays only in a portion of the skin and the rest of
screen is black.

although, i can see android's home screen in full view.
do i need to change my skin settings or my layout itself?
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[android-developers] Re: How to remove contact from a group]]

2009-10-29 Thread Shrenik Vikam

please look at the this, here is the answer


On Sep 15, 1:18 am, Pedro Fernandes pe...@isr.uc.pt wrote:
 [ Attached Message ]From:Pedro Fernandes 
 pe...@isr.uc.ptTo:android-develop...@googlegroups.comdate:Mon, 14 Sep 2009 
 18:52:53 +0100Local:Mon, Sep 14 2009 10:52 pmSubject:[Fwd: 
 [android-developers] How to remove contact from a group]


 [ Attached Message ]From:Henry der.bad...@googlemail.comTo:Android 
 Developers android-developers@googlegroups.comDate:Mon, 14 Sep 2009 
 01:52:58 -0700 (PDT)Local:Mon, Sep 14 2009 
 1:52 pmSubject:[android-developers] How to remove contact from a group

 I have i little problem, I can create groups for contacts, can add
 persons to this group, can edit group, can also delete a group but I
 can NOT remove a contact from a group.

 Can anyone help me with this problem?

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[android-developers] Re: My layout doesn't fit on WVGA emulator skin , any help?

2009-10-29 Thread skink

On Oct 29, 10:52 am, zeeshan genx...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Experts,

 i been working on default skin before, if i change my skin to WVGA ,
 my layout displays only in a portion of the skin and the rest of
 screen is black.

 although, i can see android's home screen in full view.
 do i need to change my skin settings or my layout itself?


see docs about 'supports-screens' tag in your manifest

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[android-developers] Re: Eclair install choked with errors about locks and died horribly leaving corrupted install

2009-10-29 Thread Armond Avanes

Hi Skink,

I was trying to guess the correct path for direct download but no success!
Thanks a million :-) I'm downloading it...

For those who want Google API v5 as well, here it is:

After all, it would be great if Google mentioned the direct download paths
on Android download page (for those having problem).

Skink, Thanks again :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: android-developers@googlegroups.com [mailto:android-
 develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of skink
 Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:19 AM
 On Oct 29, 8:25 am, Armond Avanes armond...@yahoo.com wrote:
 For those of
  us on slow connections it's really a pain to download that much and
 throw it
  away!!! I guess I've downloaded 500MB worth of data so far and still
 hi Armond,
 you can manually download stuff from:
 and then unzip it to platforms folder

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[android-developers] Re: Upgrade Dev Phone to 2.0

2009-10-29 Thread Wiebbe

You can't at this moment. The only 2.0 update currently available is
the emulator one and most likely the Motorola Droid that is coming out
soon in the USA. Other then that, you are at 1.6 with an Dev Phone 1.

On Oct 29, 7:13 am, vitalii.mi...@gmail.com
vitalii.mi...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi ,
  How can I update my Dev Phone 1 to Android 2.0  I don't see any
 updates onhttp://developer.htc.com/adp.html
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[android-developers] Re: how to read the app package under /data/app

2009-10-29 Thread vovkab

Because in /data/app they added automaticaly, and to keep file names
clear, they uses package name as file name.
Any way you can get all files in data/app and system/app:

for (int i = 0 ;i  count; i++){
   File f = new File(appList.get
 if (f != null){
   read file binary here

p.s you don't need INSTALL_PACKAGE permission ;)

On 29 окт, 09:39, Zhihong GUO gzhh...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,
 I just find a solution on get app package binary:

 first, the manifest.xml should have permission: INSTALL_PACKAGE


         PackageManager pm = this.getPackageManager();
         Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
         ListResolveInfo appList = pm.queryIntentActivities(mainIntent,
         Collections.sort(appList, new
         int count = appList.size();
         for (int i = 0 ;i  count; i++){
          new File f = new
                 if (f != null){
                     read file binary here

 My question now is why the application's name under system/app have
 different format from the app under /data/app. For example, the app under
 system folder is looks like AlarmClock.apk, while the app under /data/app
 fold is com..xxx.test.apk.

 2009/10/28 vovkab vov...@gmail.com

  Seems like, you don't know what you need.

  Use WallpaperManager to get wallpapper. Why you need filename from
  package o_O?

  On 28 окт, 10:46, Zhihong GUO gzhh...@gmail.com wrote:
   Can you give some example code on how to get the file name of the current


   2009/10/27 vovkab vov...@gmail.com

Yes you can.

Just read it with
File apkfile = new File(/data/app/com.package.name);

On 27 окт, 11:43, Zhihong GUO gzhh...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi All,

 I want to read out the binary content of the .apk packages installed
 /data/app. Not only the package information, but the content of the
 How can I do that.
 Thanks a lot,

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[android-developers] Re: Looking for Custom Layout/ViewGroup Tutorial

2009-10-29 Thread Miguel Paraz

On Oct 29, 4:27 pm, Miguel Paraz mpa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Could you recommend a tutorial for custom Layouts / ViewGroups? I
 couldn't find one.

 My first project is to move the functionality of a GridView + Adapter
 to a ViewGroup, to put the enclosed Views in a grid.

I found some GridView in Romain Guy's Google I/O session, but it's not
complete and does not compile:

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[android-developers] [Eclipse] layout preview doesn't work properly when using style

2009-10-29 Thread Stefan Klumpp

When I include style elements from /res/values/styles.xml the Layout
designer/preview within Eclipse doesn't update with these styles, but
shows as it would be without any styles.

Can anyone confirm this issue?
If so, Is there a way I can fix this myself easily? If not, where's
the appropriate place to sumbit a bug report?
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[android-developers] Re: how to be paid by the market?

2009-10-29 Thread MrChaz

The money is sent straight to my bank account so I guess that's a wire

On Oct 28, 10:02 pm, shadow_of__soul shadow.of.sou...@gmail.com

 i'm interested to develop games for the android platform, but i have a
 question that i haven't been able to answer.

 i'm from argentina, if i pay the $25 fee, i'm able to publish my app
 in the store, but how i'm paid the revenue if i publish a paid app?
 wire transfer? check?

 also, there is any other requirement to publish paid app's in the

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[android-developers] Re: Android 2.0 SDK is here!

2009-10-29 Thread Abhi


I am having trouble upgrading my SDK 1.6 to 2.0 on my laptop. My
laptop is behind my company's firewall and when I try to install the
new SDK components using the Android SDK and AVD Manager, I get this
error saying Failed to fetch URL 
reason: Connection timed out: connect. I tried all methods, using
Eclipse, using command 'android.bat update sdk' and also directly
running 'SDK Setup.exe'.

Please help! I need to get this new SDK running ASAP.



On Oct 27, 12:45 pm, Xavier Ducrohet x...@android.com wrote:
 Hello everyone!

 We've just announced the Android 2.0 

 If you already have the 1.6 SDK, note that you can simply use the SDK
 Manager to add Android 2.0 to your SDK. Make sure you also get the new
 SDK Tools (revision 3), as the SDK Manager in revision 2 (the one that
 shipped with 1.6) doesn't enforce dependencies between platforms and
 Tools (fixed in rev 3)

 For more information about using the SDK Manager, 

 Have fun!
 Xavier Ducrohet
 Android SDK Tech Lead
 Google Inc.
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[android-developers] Problem with writing on Bitmap

2009-10-29 Thread manoj

Hi friends,

In my application I am using Bitmap, on that I am writing some data.

I dont know why suddenly my app is getting exited.

here is the log:
I/DEBUG   (   32): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** ***

I/DEBUG   (   32): Build fingerprint: 'android-devphone1/

I/DEBUG   (   32): pid: 1152, tid: 1186  

I/DEBUG   (   32): signal 7 (SIGBUS), fault addr 

I/DEBUG   (   32):  r0 0080  r1   r2 0060  r3 17808000

I/DEBUG   (   32):  r4 000c  r5 5e02  r6 452f36d0  r7 452f36e8

I/DEBUG   (   32):  r8 00190690  r9 ff80  10 0152  fp 0200

I/DEBUG   (   32):  ip bc04  sp 452f3698  lr afc1d698  pc
ace07fcc  cpsr 2010

I/DEBUG   (   32):  #00  pc 7fcc  /system/lib/libcorecg.so

I/DEBUG   (   32):  #01  lr afc1d698  /system/lib/libm.so

I/DEBUG   (   32): stack:

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f3658  000b

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f365c  ac12736c

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f3660  0009a1b8  [heap]

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f3664  

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f3668  ac12736c

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f366c  001f5130  [heap]

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f3670  452f3d10

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f3674  beb580f4  [stack]

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f3678  0001

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f367c  5e02

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f3680  

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f3684  0060

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f3688  17808000

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f368c  afc1d6ac  /system/lib/libm.so

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f3690  df002777

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f3694  e3a070ad

I/DEBUG   (   32): #00 452f3698  0074

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f369c  0080

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36a0  452f37ec

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36a4  0020

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36a8  

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36ac  0080

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36b0  fff4

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36b4  0074

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36b8  0180

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36bc  00190690  [heap]

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36c0  ff80

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36c4  beb58144  [stack]

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36c8  0200

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36cc  ac03e01c  /system/lib/libsgl.so

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36d0  0147

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36d4  ac0a4ad8  /system/lib/libsgl.so

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36d8  452f36e8

I/DEBUG   (   32): 452f36dc  0147

Can you please help me to solve this.

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[android-developers] Re: App name/icon problems on Hero after reboot

2009-10-29 Thread gdonald

On Oct 28, 6:51 pm, Arron La arron...@gmail.com wrote:
 My application started having this problem after I updated the
 launcher activity with a different root package. Here's the sequence:

 1) Install application on the phone with [com.package] as the path to
 my launcher activity.
 2) Changed the path to be [com.package2] and updated the
 3) Now some Hero phones are encountering the the bug you have
 described above with the icon.  Somehow the old package path is being
 cached and you will get an exception when rebooting the phone

My path has been the same since I started building my app.

Other apps on my phone are having the same problem now.  Google Sky is
now broken after this morning's update for example.

Reinstall fixes the broken apps, and then a reboot breaks them again.

Anyone know of a workaround yet?

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[android-developers] Re: how to be paid by the market?

2009-10-29 Thread nagaraj attimani
Nothing 2 worry..
Defn u will get gud money for u r app..
Good Luck :)

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 5:59 PM, MrChaz mrchazmob...@googlemail.com wrote:

 The money is sent straight to my bank account so I guess that's a wire

 On Oct 28, 10:02 pm, shadow_of__soul shadow.of.sou...@gmail.com
  i'm interested to develop games for the android platform, but i have a
  question that i haven't been able to answer.
  i'm from argentina, if i pay the $25 fee, i'm able to publish my app
  in the store, but how i'm paid the revenue if i publish a paid app?
  wire transfer? check?
  also, there is any other requirement to publish paid app's in the

Warm Regards,

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[android-developers] Re: App name/icon problems on Hero after reboot

2009-10-29 Thread Dianne Hackborn
What phones are people seeing this on?  Just the HTC Hero, or is this also
happening on stock Android?

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:18 AM, gdonald gdon...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Oct 28, 6:51 pm, Arron La arron...@gmail.com wrote:
  My application started having this problem after I updated the
  launcher activity with a different root package. Here's the sequence:
  1) Install application on the phone with [com.package] as the path to
  my launcher activity.
  2) Changed the path to be [com.package2] and updated the
  3) Now some Hero phones are encountering the the bug you have
  described above with the icon.  Somehow the old package path is being
  cached and you will get an exception when rebooting the phone

 My path has been the same since I started building my app.

 Other apps on my phone are having the same problem now.  Google Sky is
 now broken after this morning's update for example.

 Reinstall fixes the broken apps, and then a reboot breaks them again.

 Anyone know of a workaround yet?


Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: app gives layout errors only on Sprint HTC Hero devices

2009-10-29 Thread Dianne Hackborn
Yes you definitely can not inflate views from the thread they won't run in.
 The reason is that views may create a handler, and when the handler is
created it is bound to the thread that is creating it.  So if you try to
attach that view hierarchy to a window being run in another thread, all hell
breaks loose as work is dispatched on two different threads.

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 12:46 AM, Jayesh jayeshsa...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Oct 21, 10:24 pm, Streets Of Boston flyingdutc...@gmail.com
  That's why i put 'official' in quotes :-)
  One should not manipulate windows/views in any other thread than the
  main UI-thread (e.g. textView.setText(...) or imageView.setImageBitmap
  (...), hiding/showing views, etc.). If you do this in a background
  thread, then you may get exceptions or other weird behavior.
  If 'inflating a view' falls under the 'manipulating windows/views'
  category then one should not inflate views inside any other thread by
  the main UI-thread.

 You are right. I finally got a report yesterday from one of the users
 that a modified apk that does view inflating in GUI thread, doesn't
 give this problem. I have released the fix accordingly and got one
 more user confirming that it's working for him now.

 So thanks for the advice. Inflating view in a thread other than GUI
 thread, indeed seems to be unsupported, even if it doesn't throw any
 explicit exception deterministically.

  I'm just saying: try to do the inflate in the main UI-thread and check
  if this solves the problem for HTC Heros. If so, your particular
  problem is fixed.
  On Oct 21, 11:34 am, Jayesh Salvi jayeshsa...@gmail.com wrote:
   read more »
   On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Streets Of Boston
I still would try to inflate your view inside your main gui-thread
not in a seperate background thread.
The fact that it works on other phones does not guarantee it works on
all phones, if inflating views on non-gui threads is 'officially' not
   Could you elaborate on how it is 'officially' not supported?
   I know that a particular exception is thrown if the framework finds
 that a
   different thread is trying to manipulate widgets in view hierarchy.(I
 hit it
   yesterday elsewhere in the code, and it is not the same as this error).
   haven't found any documentation in this matter, that mentions what is
   supported/forbidden practice in this matter. Did I miss something?
Who knows, it may fix it (if you already haven't tried it). :-)
But i may be wrong...
On Oct 20, 11:57 pm, Jayesh Salvi jayeshsa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks Shane and Amir for confirming the doubts.
 It's frustrating that all I can say to users is to wait until
 issues firmware update, then hopefully the problem will be fixed.
 are willing to test if I have any fix, but I can't find root cause
 after looking inside the android code, let alone a fix/workaround.
 Does anyone know if Sprint or HTC have any channels to report
 Are there any means to know when they will issue next firmware
 IIUC Sprint HTC Hero is with Google branded phone. I would have
 would be the one with most conformance to Android platform; one
 that has
 passed all test suites required to qualify for the with Google
 we see these anomalies. :(
 On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Amir Alagic amirs...@gmail.com
  I saw somwhere else that one developer also has problems only
 with HTC
  Hero (Sprint) ...
  On Oct 18, 9:48 am, Shane shanemenchi...@gmail.com wrote:
   We are having problems only with HTC Hero phones as well.  Our
   is different that yours but it is very disappointing to see not
   phones handle the SDK the same.
   I suspect this is just going to get worse as more branded
   experiences get released by manufacturers.  G
   On Oct 12, 9:46 pm, Jayesh Salvi jayeshsa...@gmail.com
I tried to look into the android framework code
android.view.InflateException Error inflating class
java.lang.reflect.Constructorl=458). The topmost frame
 refers to
statement(line 512) that is inside a catch of a lower level
can't tell what part of the createView() function throws that
I also tried to search around for the error string Error
java.lang.reflect.Constructor, but couldn't found one with a
trace. (There are known crashes with this error 

[android-developers] Re: problem with TabHost

2009-10-29 Thread Kevin Bailey

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 06:40:24PM -0700, tatman wrote:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?

Don't know if it will help but my main.xml file says:


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[android-developers] Re: how to be paid by the market?

2009-10-29 Thread Disconnect

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 10:24 AM, nagaraj attimani
nagaraj.attim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Nothing 2 worry..
 Defn u will get gud money for u r app..
 Good Luck :)

It appears that your keyboard has broken, possibly due to the PEBKAC
bug. Please turn your computer in at your local repair shop and a new
one will be dispatched within 2-4 weeks.

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[android-developers] Re: how to read the app package under /data/app

2009-10-29 Thread Dianne Hackborn
The contents of /data/app and /system are private implementation details of
the platform and you should never touch them directly or make assumptions
about what they contain.

The PackageManager is the API for accessing all information about installed
applications.  Please don't directly access .apks.  (And in the code posted
previously for querying the main activities, there is absolutely no need for
the INSTALL_PACKAGE permission for this.  In fact, third party apps can't
get that permission, period.)

2009/10/29 vovkab vov...@gmail.com

 Because in /data/app they added automaticaly, and to keep file names
 clear, they uses package name as file name.
 Any way you can get all files in data/app and system/app:

 for (int i = 0 ;i  count; i++){
File f = new File(appList.get
  if (f != null){
   read file binary here

 p.s you don't need INSTALL_PACKAGE permission ;)

 On 29 окт, 09:39, Zhihong GUO gzhh...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi all,
  I just find a solution on get app package binary:
  first, the manifest.xml should have permission: INSTALL_PACKAGE
  PackageManager pm = this.getPackageManager();
  Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
  ListResolveInfo appList = pm.queryIntentActivities(mainIntent,
  Collections.sort(appList, new
  int count = appList.size();
  for (int i = 0 ;i  count; i++){
   new File f = new
  if (f != null){
  read file binary here
  My question now is why the application's name under system/app have
  different format from the app under /data/app. For example, the app under
  system folder is looks like AlarmClock.apk, while the app under /data/app
  fold is com..xxx.test.apk.
  2009/10/28 vovkab vov...@gmail.com
   Seems like, you don't know what you need.
   Use WallpaperManager to get wallpapper. Why you need filename from
   package o_O?
   On 28 окт, 10:46, Zhihong GUO gzhh...@gmail.com wrote:
Can you give some example code on how to get the file name of the
2009/10/27 vovkab vov...@gmail.com
 Yes you can.
 Just read it with
 File apkfile = new File(/data/app/com.package.name);
 On 27 окт, 11:43, Zhihong GUO gzhh...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi All,
  I want to read out the binary content of the .apk packages
  /data/app. Not only the package information, but the content of
  How can I do that.
  Thanks a lot,

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: 3D Developers - Motorola Droid OpenGL ES Specs are in

2009-10-29 Thread Dianne Hackborn
It's because your app is running in density compatibility mode.  Note that
if you are using a surface view, this means there is a good chance that your
surface is actually the smaller size and being scaled up to the full screen
size (854x480) during compositing.  if that is the case, turning off density
compatibility may have a significant impact on your rendering speed,
depending on what you are doing.

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 1:06 AM, Robert Green rbgrn@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm sure you're right about that.  I'll update my manifest to test.
 Boy, we're in kind of a bad spot right now.  Hero just came out and is
 only 1.5 but next week we'll have a 2.0 device to deal with...

 On Oct 28, 11:40 pm, Lance Nanek lna...@gmail.com wrote:
  Wow, interesting stuff. Thanks!
  The resolution you mention on your site sounds odd, though:
  Native 3D full screen size: 569x320
  The Motorola site claims a different resolution:3.7; WVGA (480 x 854
 pixels); 16:9 widescreen
  If you don't have the android:targetSdkVersion attribute in your
  manifest set high enough, or it is missing and you don't have the
  android:minSdkVersion attribute set high enough, then sometimes the
  system reports a lower resolution than native for compatibility
  purposes. Maybe that's why you are seeing the lower resolution in your
  Some examples in this thread:
  On Oct 28, 11:35 pm, Robert Green rbgrn@gmail.com wrote:
   I just got my hands on this phone.  Here's my summary:
   1)  It's really fast.  Runs all my games at max framerates.
   2)  The screen is 16:9 and will probably mess with your layouts and
   games and stuff.
   3)  It has a PowerVR SGX530.  That's right around iPhone 3GS's GPU
   speed.  Wow!!
   I believe the hardware supports OpenGL ES 2.0 but since Android
   doesn't, there's no way to use it right now.  I did, however, dump all
   of the GL extensions and put them alongside the G1 and Emulator
   extension lists into this handy-dandy article -

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Android WVGA support

2009-10-29 Thread Dianne Hackborn
I am pretty positive it works.  Nothing changed in 2.0 -- this has been the
same since 1.0, if the platform's SDK version is  the resource version,
then the resource is ignored.

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Jeff codesec...@gmail.com wrote:

 Looks like -v4 flag doesn't work in Android 2.0. Any ideas?

 On Oct 22, 8:38 am, Nikolay Ananiev devuni...@gmail.com wrote:
  This is how I made my app resolution-independent and with Android 1.5
  Why did I put my high-dpi images in the drawable-hdpi-v4 folder and not
  drawable-hdpi? Because the Android 1.5 OS can't handle the -hdpi and
  to use these images instead of the ones in the res/drawable folder. The
  flag is only meaningful for Android 1.6 and works perfect.


Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: App name/icon problems on Hero after reboot

2009-10-29 Thread Greg Donald

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 What phones are people seeing this on?  Just the HTC Hero, or is this also
 happening on stock Android?

For me, I personally have seen two Heros it's happening on.

I don't have access to stock Android, unless you count the emulator,
but I can't reproduce the issues there.

Greg Donald

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[android-developers] How to disable touch event on listView

2009-10-29 Thread jax

I have a ListView with a setOnItemClickListener.  I am trying to
prevent the user from pressing an item repeatedly but can't seem to
get it to work.  I have tried the following.


and then a little time later in a TimerTask enabling them again


This does not seem to work
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[android-developers] Re: Android WVGA support

2009-10-29 Thread webmonkey

Hi Dianne,

The v flag does indeed not work, I am using the Android 2.0 SDK with
the following AndroidManifest settings:


Running on a WVGA854 emulator with density 240 and API 5, I get the
following results:


is ignored


is ignored, very strange


works, but we can't use that

On Oct 29, 3:45 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 I am pretty positive it works.  Nothing changed in 2.0 -- this has been the
 same since 1.0, if the platform's SDK version is  the resource version,
 then the resource is ignored.

 On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Jeff codesec...@gmail.com wrote:

  Looks like -v4 flag doesn't work in Android 2.0. Any ideas?

  On Oct 22, 8:38 am, Nikolay Ananiev devuni...@gmail.com wrote:
   This is how I made my app resolution-independent and with Android 1.5

   Why did I put my high-dpi images in the drawable-hdpi-v4 folder and not
   drawable-hdpi? Because the Android 1.5 OS can't handle the -hdpi and
   to use these images instead of the ones in the res/drawable folder. The
   flag is only meaningful for Android 1.6 and works perfect.

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.
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[android-developers] Android 2.0 camera.setParameters(p) - Picture size must be 213x350?

2009-10-29 Thread chrispix

I am having an issue w/ 2.0 in the emulator when I am trying to set a
couple of parameters.  Including the size.

It appears these messages appear.. I guess my question is, why is the
picture size stuck at 213x350? If I set my picture size to 640x480 it


10-29 14:55:24.261: DEBUG/CameraService(31): getParameters(picture-
10-29 14:55:24.261: DEBUG/CameraService(31): setParameters(preview-
10-29 14:55:24.261: ERROR/CameraHardwareStub(31): Still picture size
must be size of canned JPEG (213x350)
10-29 14:55:24.271: DEBUG/CameraService(31): setParameters(focus-
10-29 14:55:24.271: ERROR/CameraHardwareStub(31): Still picture size
must be size of canned JPEG (213x350)

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[android-developers] Android SDK loads every time i open Eclipse

2009-10-29 Thread Teo

Can i stop that? Sometimes i don't use Eclipse for Android development
but it still bugs me to see it load every time =D

Thanks in advance!
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[android-developers] Re: How to capture Soft keyboard key events.

2009-10-29 Thread Gulfam

Is there any solution I am still waiting for your Response

Gulfam Hassa

On Oct 28, 9:41 pm, Gulfam gulfa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all group members,

 I am facing a problem any one can help me regarding this.

 I have an  EditText and a list of contacts. I want to search a
 contacts on maching with characters entered in EditText field. In my
 activity I have implemented  OnKeyListener .

 and in onCreat (){
   searchField = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.search_field);

  and i have also implemented the method like this

 public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {

 //Here i am getting text from my search field and comparing with
 contacts and updating contacts list


 When i pressed keys like (abc --- xyz or 0 --9 or any key) from my
 computer key board or
 keyboard which is displaying on right side of the emulator my code is
 working fine. Currently I am using HTC Magic Emulator and Device also.

 ***Its workin fine for me**
 But now move to issue--

 when i touch EditText field  a software keyboard launched and when i
 pressed any key from my screen keyboard
 its not giving me the events in onKey() method in other words its not
 calling onKey(){} method. but this method is called on specific keys
 like (0 to 9 and Delete key).

 I have also implement keyListener interface and its 4 to 5 methods
 like keyUp(), keyDown(),etc  but when i implement keyListener
 softkeyboard is not launching on touching my EditText field.

 Any useful solution would be highly appriciated.
 Thanks in advance.
 Gulfam Hassan
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[android-developers] Re: how to be paid by the market?

2009-10-29 Thread nagaraj attimani
Hi Disconnect,

Your are right ..There is some problem in Keyboard.

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Disconnect dc.disconn...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 10:24 AM, nagaraj attimani
 nagaraj.attim...@gmail.com wrote:
  Nothing 2 worry..
  Defn u will get gud money for u r app..
  Good Luck :)

 It appears that your keyboard has broken, possibly due to the PEBKAC
 bug. Please turn your computer in at your local repair shop and a new
 one will be dispatched within 2-4 weeks.


Warm Regards,

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[android-developers] Re: Problem with Wi-Fi connectivity with Android 1.6

2009-10-29 Thread skyhigh

Another difference that I have noticed with Android 1.6 is that when
it shows the Wi-Fi connectivity icon in the bar at the top of the
screen, it still continues to show the EDGE connection icon next to
it.  With Android 1.5 when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network the
Wi-Fi icon would appear in the top bar and the EDGE connection icon
would go away.

An am concerned about the network connectivity because my application
has to do large downloads, often in the range of 400MB to 800MB, and I
would like to do these downloads over the Wi-Fi network instead of the
phone data network.

Does anyone know why the active network connection on Android 1.6
continues to be the Mobile connection even when it also has Wi-Fi
connectivity?  Is there a way to work around this?

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[android-developers] Re: Problem with Wi-Fi connectivity with Android 1.6

2009-10-29 Thread Mark Murphy

skyhigh wrote:
 Another difference that I have noticed with Android 1.6 is that when
 it shows the Wi-Fi connectivity icon in the bar at the top of the
 screen, it still continues to show the EDGE connection icon next to
 it.  With Android 1.5 when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network the
 Wi-Fi icon would appear in the top bar and the EDGE connection icon
 would go away.

Android 1.6 on my stock G1 behaves as 1.5 does -- you either have the
WiFi status bar icon or the EDGE status bar icon.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

_The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_
Version 1.2 Available!

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[android-developers] Re: how to be paid by the market?

2009-10-29 Thread a1

I think you should first take a look at this page:
as you see Argentina is not supported merchant location.

Bart Janusz

On 28 Paź, 23:02, shadow_of__soul shadow.of.sou...@gmail.com wrote:

 i'm interested to develop games for the android platform, but i have a
 question that i haven't been able to answer.

 i'm from argentina, if i pay the $25 fee, i'm able to publish my app
 in the store, but how i'm paid the revenue if i publish a paid app?
 wire transfer? check?

 also, there is any other requirement to publish paid app's in the

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[android-developers] unsubscribe

2009-10-29 Thread stonestrange stone
thank you.

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[android-developers] Re: Couldn't install Android 2.0 platform

2009-10-29 Thread www.rzr.online.fr

On Oct 28, 11:01 pm, sanczo_dev adamfar...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have the similar problem. But after download i get: unzip failed:
 Cannot run program chmod: java.io.IOException: error=24, too many
 files opened. I downloading Android 2.0 sdk and API 5. I have
 installed already sdk 1.1 and 1.5 before AVD comes.


this has been reported on tracker :


can anyone here tell were and2.0 is installed into the sdk ?

Then we can just unzip it in the right place :


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[android-developers] Unexpected Resumes Running Under 2.0

2009-10-29 Thread Nmix

I just installed SDK 2.0 and tested a stable app on a 2.0 AVD to make
sure it's still ok. It isn't. I'm trying to debug this, but the
problem, whatever it is, looks to be happening in Android, not in my

App starts fine, flowing through the entire onCreate() and
initializing everything. I tested this with by attaching the debugger
to the emulator and setting breakpoints throughout. Good so far. Then
the application resumes, calling the onCreate() again. This continues,
presumably forever or until I kill the app.

On every iteration I am getting log messages with the tag UsageStats.
The messages I'm seeing include:

W UsageStats Something wrong here, didn't expect *packagename* to be
W UsageStats Unexpected resume of com.android.launcher while already
resumed in *packagename*

The first of these messages appears for every iteration. The second
one appeared only once.

The app I'm testing isn't too fancy, but I have had 6-figures worth of
user downloads and no one has ever reported a problem like this.

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[android-developers] Sampling points along a path

2009-10-29 Thread RalphLeon

In my application I use cubic bezier curves to position images in a

I just noticed that Path has a nice cubicTo method, that can
construct the same shape that I manually sample. However, I need to be
able to extract the X,Y positions along the path... is there anyway to
access these points given an arbitrary path?

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[android-developers] Re: Couldn't install Android 2.0 platform

2009-10-29 Thread skink

On Oct 29, 5:05 pm, www.rzr.online.fr www.rzr.online...@gmail.com
 can anyone here tell were and2.0 is installed into the sdk ?

 Then we can just unzip it in the right place 



just unzip it in platform folder

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[android-developers] Re: Problem with Wi-Fi connectivity with Android 1.6

2009-10-29 Thread skyhigh

I also have a stock G1.  Perhaps the issue is a result of something
wrong after the upgrade to 1.6 on certain phones.  There is another
topic on this forum at
titled   I get the unable to start wifi  where people are
discussing being unable to use Wi-Fi after upgrading to 1.6 until they
hard reset their device to the factory defaults.

I don't think this is exactly the same issue I am seeing because I am
not seeing the unable to start wifi message they discuss.  When I go
to the Wi-Fi settings it says I am connected through Wi-Fi, and the Wi-
Fi icon is shown at the top of the screen.

In the Wi-Fi settings when I disable Wi-Fi, the Wi-Fi icon at the top
of the screen goes away.  When I re-enable Wi-Fi in the settings, it
says that it connects and I see the Wi-Fi icon come back at the top of
the screen.  Watching during this process I can see that the EDGE icon
did go away when the Wi-Fi icon showed up, but about 2 seconds later
the EDGE icon came back on at the top of the screen.  Both the Wi-Fi
and EDGE icons stay on after that.

I don't know if the phone is actually using the Wi-Fi network or the
EDGE network, only that it is reporting the active network is the
Mobile network.

I have had some customers contacting me about issues with the
application downloading over Wi-Fi, so I think that others must also
be seeing the Wi-Fi not working  correctly on their phones.

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[android-developers] Re: Keyboard, detect ALT Locked

2009-10-29 Thread vovkab

Need help.

On 27 окт, 15:17, vovkab vov...@gmail.com wrote:
 So, how to get it?

 On 19 окт, 05:57, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:

  The concept of the alt lock state only exists inside of the text object, as
  it deals with editing being done on it.

  On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 6:57 AM, iron ironph...@gmail.com wrote:

   Any ideas?

  Dianne Hackborn
  Android framework engineer

  Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
  provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
  questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
  answer them.
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[android-developers] Re: Couldn't install Android 2.0 platform

2009-10-29 Thread vovkab

Do not install through eclipse. Close everything and run android
command in your tools folder.

On 29 окт, 01:01, sanczo_dev adamfar...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have the similar problem. But after download i get: unzip failed:
 Cannot run program chmod: java.io.IOException: error=24, too many
 files opened. I downloading Android 2.0 sdk and API 5. I have
 installed already sdk 1.1 and 1.5 before AVD comes.
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[android-developers] Re: Problem with Wi-Fi connectivity with Android 1.6

2009-10-29 Thread Mark Murphy

 I also have a stock G1.  Perhaps the issue is a result of something
 wrong after the upgrade to 1.6 on certain phones.

I'm assuming you've tried a garden-variety power-off-and-reboot to see if
that clears things up.

 I don't know if the phone is actually using the Wi-Fi network or the
 EDGE network, only that it is reporting the active network is the
 Mobile network.

What API are you using to determine this?

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
Android App Developer Books: http://commonsware.com/books.html

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[android-developers] Null pointer exception Calling getContentResolver().query for video file URI

2009-10-29 Thread Pablo Szyrko

Sometimes (this happens randomly) my application crashes when it tries
to perform a query passing as parameter a video file URI.
I have found a similar issue (http://groups.google.com/group/android-
developers/msg/0715a5f641ef0757) but it doesn't have any reply.
Thanks, Pablo

Following is the stacktrace:

10-27 15:15:05.531: ERROR/MediaPlayer(37): Unable to to create media
10-27 15:15:05.531: ERROR/CameraService(37): Failed to load
CameraService sounds.
10-27 15:15:05.531: ERROR/Camera(931): _getParameters:
10-27 15:15:05.801: ERROR/Camera(931): setParameters()
10-27 15:15:05.821: ERROR/QualcommCameraHardware(37):
LINK_camera_set_thumbnail_properties returned 2
10-27 15:15:10.381: ERROR/QualcommCameraHardware(37): camera cb:
autofocus has started.
10-27 15:15:12.993: ERROR/QualcommCameraHardware(37): camera cb:
autofocus succeeded.
10-27 15:15:13.111: ERROR/(37): Dynamically Loading the library :
10-27 15:15:13.111: ERROR/OMXVenc(37): get_parameter::788 unsupported
index 267887431
10-27 15:15:13.111: ERROR/VENC_DRV(37): venc_drv_malloc::1138 phys
lookup success 0x41ba8000 -- 0x26a0 -- size - 2097152
10-27 15:15:13.131: ERROR/QualcommCameraHardware(37):
LINK_camera_set_thumbnail_properties returned 2
10-27 15:15:13.191: ERROR/VENC_DRV(37): venc_drv_rtos_msg_cb::1081
received invalid message ID from VIDEOENC task, 65535
10-27 15:15:13.311: ERROR/QualcommCameraHardware(37): startPreview is
already in progress, doing nothing.
10-27 15:15:20.532: ERROR/HardwareService(63): GetPreferredValue
(settings.display.brightness, 102) failed!
10-27 15:15:20.532: ERROR/HardwareService(63): GetPreferredValue
(settings.display.brightness): read from property = 102
10-27 15:15:30.212: ERROR/HardwareService(63): GetPreferredValue
(settings.display.brightness, 102) failed!
10-27 15:15:30.212: ERROR/HardwareService(63): GetPreferredValue
(settings.display.brightness): read from property = 102
10-27 15:15:30.212: ERROR/HardwareService(63): GetPreferredValue
(settings.display.brightness, 102) failed!
10-27 15:15:30.221: ERROR/HardwareService(63): GetPreferredValue
(settings.display.brightness): read from property = 102
10-27 15:15:31.463: ERROR/VENC(37): venc_stop::772 finalizing stop in
context of caller(command)
10-27 15:15:31.463: ERROR/VENC_DRV(37): venc_drv_close::529 Send
10-27 15:15:31.463: ERROR/VENC_DRV(37): venc_drv_rtos_msg_cb::1064
received QDSP_VIDEOENCTASK_VENC_CMD_DONE_MSG callback from DSP for
10-27 15:15:31.471: ERROR/VENC_DRV(37): venc_drv_close::577
venc_drv_close: counter (0), venc_idle_cmd_done_recved(1)
10-27 15:15:38.301: ERROR/QualcommCameraHardware(37): Preview not in
10-27 15:15:38.311: ERROR/LocationHandler(931): mLocationManager ==
10-27 15:15:38.421: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(753): Uncaught handler:
thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
10-27 15:15:38.551: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(753):
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo
10-27 15:15:38.551: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(753): at
10-27 15:15:38.551: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(753): at
10-27 15:15:38.551: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(753): at
10-27 15:15:38.551: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(753): at
10-27 15:15:38.551: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(753): at
10-27 15:15:38.551: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(753): at
10-27 15:15:38.551: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(753): at
10-27 15:15:38.551: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(753): at
10-27 15:15:38.551: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(753): at

[android-developers] Re: Android WebView and HTML5

2009-10-29 Thread Joe Bowser


Has anyone got the Database going on WebView?  I've gotten it to work
on the browser itself on the Emulator (using the Stickies example),
but not in the WebView.  I noticed that Google added
setDatabaseEnabled and setDatabasePath, but there's no examples or
source anywhere that's actually using this code.

I'm guessing that Geolocation in the WebView has similar issues, but I
haven't tried to use the WebView geolocation as of yet.

On Oct 28, 2:28 am, Miguel Paraz mpa...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Oct 9, 6:37 pm, Anton Pirker an...@ignaz.at wrote:

  Hey fellow Androids!

  I am experimenting with Androids WebView[1] and itsHTML5features.
  I have written a little webpage with does the features detection like
  described here:http://diveintohtml5.org/detect.html

  And now I see (I am on a SDK1.6 Emulator) that the LocalStorage, the
  WebWorkers and Offline Web Applications are not supported!

  Does anyone know when these features will be supported? Or does anyone
  know the exact version (or build) of the webkit engine, that is used in

  Any hints are greatly appreciated!

 Looks like we have a pleasant surprise inAndroid2.0.
 I triedhttp://diveintohtml5.org/detect.htmlin a WebView, and it does
 the detection.

 However, it seems that the touch UI has some limitations. I tried the
 examples inhttp://htmlfive.appspot.com/and they don't work in the
 touch UI. The video tag doesn't support the sample which is an Ogg
 file - maybe it supports 3GPP only? We'll find out when we see the
 Eclair source.
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[android-developers] Re: App name/icon problems on Hero after reboot

2009-10-29 Thread Greg Donald

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 9:18 AM, gdonald gdon...@gmail.com wrote:
 Other apps on my phone are having the same problem now.  Google Sky is
 now broken after this morning's update for example.

After more app upgrades and reboots/testing today I've found the
following apps are all broken the same way as my own app:

Coin Flip
Guitar Tuner Action
GPS Status
Where (doesn't crash but doesn't work)

App icons are all changed and the apps crash or don't work at all.

A friend's Hero has a broken Google Voice app now, but mine seems ok.

Anyone have any work arounds?

Where is the Android bug reporting site?

Greg Donald

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[android-developers] Re: Android SDK loads every time i open Eclipse

2009-10-29 Thread Streets Of Boston

Eclipse loads from a work-space (e.g. try to start eclipse up twice in
a row and the second time it'll complain that the works-space is
already in use).

Create a different workspace that does not have Android SDK. Then
start Eclipse from there.

On Oct 29, 11:04 am, Teo teomina...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can i stop that? Sometimes i don't use Eclipse for Android development
 but it still bugs me to see it load every time =D

 Thanks in advance!
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[android-developers] Re: Tripit Oauth

2009-10-29 Thread Wouter

I'm sorry to hear this all.. I search a lot on the net and I try a lot
to find it by myself but this isnt always successful.
This website here is my last place to ask when I don't know how to
solve it.

Now I have succedeed to solve this and I have an application where I
can receive the oauth_token and the authorized access token.

But now I want to access protected resources and when I try to do this
i get a 404 error not found while the url is valid and working.

I use this:

OAuthClient client = getOAuthClient();

OAuthMessage responseMsg = null;


responseMsg = client.invoke(access, GET, baseUrl, null);

10-29 18:52:21.141: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(749): Caused by:
net.oauth.OAuthProblemException: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

And yes I have tried a lot myself but I don't succeed to access


On Oct 27, 4:30 pm, nEx.Software email.nex.softw...@gmail.com
 I'll be honest, I have provided you with source code in the past (for
 other stuff) and you struggled with that and ended up asking for yet
 more source code. While I don't mind sharing it in most cases, I do
 grow weary of constantly providing my source to people who, if they
 simply put in the work (in this case it isn't that much), would be
 able to figure it out just like I had to do.

 Besides, in looking at the documentation for the TripIt API, my
 implementation for Twitter will not help.

 On Oct 27, 3:50 am, Wouter wouterg...@gmail.com wrote:

  Is it possible to post your source code for your application with
  Twitter Oauth so I can make my application work?

  Thank you,


  On 26 okt, 22:00, Wouter wouterg...@gmail.com wrote:


   I had followed this blog post also but it doesnt works for me..

   I also have this problem:
   when I get to the following line: provider.retrieveAccessToken
   (verifier); I receive this
   Authorized request token or token secret not set. Did you retrieve an
   authorized request token before?

   Do you know what I can do to solve this problem? Thank you.

   On Oct 26, 4:53 pm, nEx.Software email.nex.softw...@gmail.com

I have successfully used signpost in Android for Twitter's OAuth API.
If I remember correctly, it is actually quite trivial. This blog post
explains how to do it with Twitter. I had commented on there that I
was not able to get it to work. Found out it was something stupid on
my part.


On Oct 26, 1:48 pm, Wouter wouterg...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am working on a new project with TripIt integration. Tripit has an
 api and has Oauth authentication.
 I have tested much with oauth-signpost but I am not able to receive an
 access token.

 Does someone has a good example for oauth (signpost) that works good
 with Android?

 Thank you,

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[android-developers] Re: App name/icon problems on Hero after reboot

2009-10-29 Thread RichardC

Where is the Android bug reporting site? 


On Oct 29, 5:40 pm, Greg Donald gdon...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 9:18 AM, gdonald gdon...@gmail.com wrote:
  Other apps on my phone are having the same problem now.  Google Sky is
  now broken after this morning's update for example.

 After more app upgrades and reboots/testing today I've found the
 following apps are all broken the same way as my own app:

 Coin Flip
 Guitar Tuner Action
 GPS Status
 Where (doesn't crash but doesn't work)

 App icons are all changed and the apps crash or don't work at all.

 A friend's Hero has a broken Google Voice app now, but mine seems ok.

 Anyone have any work arounds?

 Where is the Android bug reporting site?

 Greg Donaldhttp://destiney.com/
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[android-developers] is there a way to get the carrier

2009-10-29 Thread sdphil

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[android-developers] Re: App name/icon problems on Hero after reboot

2009-10-29 Thread Mark Murphy

I apologize for not responding to one of your earlier posts:

 Mine has: 1.29.651.1 CL69164 release-keys

Since I haven't seen this problem to date on my test Hero, running an
older firmware, I'm suspecting they broke something in that newer

I have a second test Hero now and will do a bit more experimenting on this
later today or tomorrow.

I can say that I have not seen this problem at all on my main phone (a
stock G1 with 1.6), and I have definitely rebooted that one in recent

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
Android App Developer Books: http://commonsware.com/books.html

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[android-developers] Re: App name/icon problems on Hero after reboot

2009-10-29 Thread TreKing

I've only had one user report my app's label showing up as #ff
and they are also using a Hero.
I have not seen any of these problems on my own G1 or the emulator.

On Oct 29, 9:32 am, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 What phones are people seeing this on?  Just the HTC Hero, or is this also
 happening on stock Android?

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:18 AM, gdonald gdon...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Oct 28, 6:51 pm, Arron La arron...@gmail.com wrote:
   My application started having this problem after I updated the
   launcher activity with a different root package. Here's the sequence:

   1) Install application on the phone with [com.package] as the path to
   my launcher activity.
   2) Changed the path to be [com.package2] and updated the
   3) Now some Hero phones are encountering the the bug you have
   described above with the icon.  Somehow the old package path is being
   cached and you will get an exception when rebooting the phone

  My path has been the same since I started building my app.

  Other apps on my phone are having the same problem now.  Google Sky is
  now broken after this morning's update for example.

  Reinstall fixes the broken apps, and then a reboot breaks them again.

  Anyone know of a workaround yet?

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.
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[android-developers] Pending intent receiverPermission

2009-10-29 Thread Loki117

Morning all,

I've started using an AlarmManager for some tasks i'm doing and while
setting up the pendingIntent to be broadcast I noticed there is no
receiverPermission option. Can anyone tell me is it possible to set
the receiver permission on a pendingIntent?

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[android-developers] Re: Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml

2009-10-29 Thread Xavier Ducrohet

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 9:23 PM, orange80 jpsw...@gmail.com wrote:

 We already know about that... our problem is that the force http
 workaround DOES NOT work for us either.

which, frankly, is mind boggling.
Can you give me the exact output of the status window in the SDK
Manager when you try to update from the repository?

Also, can you tell me which JDK you are using, OS config, etc..


Xavier Ducrohet
Android SDK Tech Lead
Google Inc.

Please do not send me questions directly. Thanks!

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[android-developers] Re: App name/icon problems on Hero after reboot

2009-10-29 Thread Greg Donald

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 1:03 PM, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've only had one user report my app's label showing up as #ff
 and they are also using a Hero.

Yes, I've seen that too, it's unpredictable what the app icon's new
(broken) title will be.  Occasionally it's something like
com.example.foo, other times it's a color like you noted.

Greg Donald

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[android-developers] Re: Problem with Wi-Fi connectivity with Android 1.6

2009-10-29 Thread skyhigh

Thanks Mark, that fixed the problem.  When I powered the phone off and
then back on it started working properly.

The API that I am calling to check the active network is
ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo().  Please see the code
sample I posted earlier on this thread for how I am using this API.

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[android-developers] Layout animation, clipping to parent

2009-10-29 Thread RalphLeon

So, if you have a layout animation attached to a gallery with the
views coming from _outside_ of the parent (a translation animation):
how do we get the views to not be clipped to the gallery?

At first guess:


seems like it should work, but the animations are still clipped to the
bottom of the gallery!

My current work around is to setClipPadding(false) then add 100px of
padding. Finally use a relative layout with negative margins to put
things in the correct position. This _seems_ to work, though smells of

Any thoughts?

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[android-developers] Re: App name/icon problems on Hero after reboot

2009-10-29 Thread Dianne Hackborn
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 10:52 AM, RichardC

 Where is the Android bug reporting site? 

If this is only happening on Hero, it needs to be reported to HTC, not as a
generic platform bug.

Has anyone tried installing an alternate home app and seeing if it still
happens there?  I wonder if this is something in their custom home app.

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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